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package com.xpn.xwiki.criteria.impl;

import org.joda.time.DateTime;
import org.joda.time.MutableDateTime;
import org.joda.time.format.DateTimeFormat;
import org.joda.time.format.DateTimeFormatter;

 * Helper factory class for creating Period objects in velocity.
public class PeriodFactory {
     * The minimum date considered when retrieving all-time statistics.
    private static final DateTime MIN_DATE = new DateTime(1000, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0);

     * The maximum date considered when retrieving all-time statistics.
    private static final DateTime MAX_DATE = new DateTime(9999, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59, 999);

     * The period of time between {@link #MIN_DATE} and {@link #MAX_DATE}.
    public static final Period ALL_TIME = createPeriod(MIN_DATE.getMillis(), MAX_DATE.getMillis());

    private static final DateTimeFormatter formatter = DateTimeFormat.forPattern("yyyyMMdd");

    public PeriodFactory() {

     * @see Period#Period(long, long)
    public static Period createPeriod(long start, long end) {
        return new Period(start, end);

     * Creates a new custom period. The start and end dates must have the following format: "yyyyMMdd" .
     * @param start The start date
     * @param end The end date
     * @return A new Period instance
     * @see java.text.SimpleDateFormat
    public static Period createPeriod(String start, String end) {
        return createPeriod(formatter.parseMillis(start), formatter.parseMillis(end));

     * Creates a new Period instance that matches exactly the day that includes the specified time stamp.
     * @param timestamp The milliseconds from 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z
     * @return A new Period instance
    public static Period createDayPeriod(long timestamp) {
        MutableDateTime mdt = new MutableDateTime(timestamp);
        return createPeriod(toDayStart(mdt).getMillis(), toDayEnd(mdt).getMillis());

     * Creates a new Period instance that matches exactly the day that includes the specified date.
     * @param date The string representation of a date uniquely identifying a day. Use the "yyyyMMdd" format.
     * @return The corresponding Period object
     * @see java.text.SimpleDateFormat
    public static Period createDayPeriod(String date) {
        return createDayPeriod(formatter.parseMillis(date));

     * Creates a new Period instance that matches exactly the hour that includes the specified time stamp.
     * @param timestamp The milliseconds from 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z
     * @return A new Period instance
    public static Period createHourPeriod(long timestamp) {
        MutableDateTime mdt = new MutableDateTime(timestamp);
        return createPeriod(toHourStart(mdt).getMillis(), toHourEnd(mdt).getMillis());

     * Creates a new Period instance that matches exactly the hour that includes the specified date.
     * @param date The string representation of a date uniquely identifying a day. Use the "yyyyMMdd" format.
     * @return The corresponding Period object
     * @see java.text.SimpleDateFormat
    public static Period createHourPeriod(String date) {
        return createHourPeriod(formatter.parseMillis(date));

     * Creates a new Period instance that matches all the instants between N hours before the instantiation and the
     * instantiation.
     * @param numberOfHours number of hours to substract from current date
     * @return The corresponding period object
    public static Period createSinceHoursPeriod(int numberOfHours) {
        DateTime dt = new DateTime();
        return createPeriod(dt.minusHours(numberOfHours).getMillis(), dt.getMillis());

     * Creates a new Period instance that matches all the instants between N days before the instantiation and the
     * instantiation.
     * @param numberOfDays number of days to substract from current date
     * @return The corresponding period object
    public static Period createSinceDaysPeriod(int numberOfDays) {
        DateTime dt = new DateTime();
        return createPeriod(dt.minusDays(numberOfDays).getMillis(), dt.getMillis());

     * Creates a new Period instance that matches all the instants between N weeks before the instantiation and the
     * instantiation.
     * @param numberOfWeeks number of weeks to substract from current date
     * @return The corresponding period object
    public static Period createSinceWeeksPeriod(int numberOfWeeks) {
        DateTime dt = new DateTime();
        return createPeriod(dt.minusWeeks(numberOfWeeks).getMillis(), dt.getMillis());

     * Creates a new Period instance that matches all the instants between N months before the instantiation and the
     * instantiation.
     * @param numberOfMonths number of months to substract from current date
     * @return The corresponding period object
    public static Period createSinceMonthsPeriod(int numberOfMonths) {
        DateTime dt = new DateTime();
        return createPeriod(dt.minusMonths(numberOfMonths).getMillis(), dt.getMillis());

     * Creates a new Period instance that matches all the instants between N years before the instantiation and the
     * instantiation.
     * @param numberOfYears number of years to substract from current date
     * @return The corresponding period object
    public static Period createSinceYearsPeriod(int numberOfYears) {
        DateTime dt = new DateTime();
        return createPeriod(dt.minusYears(numberOfYears).getMillis(), dt.getMillis());

     * @return The period of time matching the current day
    public static Period getCurrentDay() {
        return createDayPeriod(new DateTime().getMillis());

     * Creates a new Period instance that matches exactly the week that includes the specified time stamp.
     * @param timestamp The milliseconds from 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z
     * @return A new Period instance
    public static Period createWeekPeriod(long timestamp) {
        MutableDateTime mdt = new MutableDateTime(timestamp);
        return createPeriod(toWeekStart(mdt).getMillis(), toWeekEnd(mdt).getMillis());

     * Creates a new Period instance that matches exactly the week that includes the specified date.
     * @param date The string representation of a date uniquely identifying a week. Use the "yyyyMMdd" format.
     * @return The corresponding Period object
     * @see java.text.SimpleDateFormat
    public static Period createWeekPeriod(String date) {
        return createWeekPeriod(formatter.parseMillis(date));

     * @return The period of time matching the current week
    public static Period getCurrentWeek() {
        return createWeekPeriod(new DateTime().getMillis());

     * Creates a new Period instance that matches exactly the month that includes the specified time stamp.
     * @param timestamp The milliseconds from 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z
     * @return A new Period instance
    public static Period createMonthPeriod(long timestamp) {
        MutableDateTime mdt = new MutableDateTime(timestamp);
        return createPeriod(toMonthStart(mdt).getMillis(), toMonthEnd(mdt).getMillis());

     * Creates a new Period instance that matches exactly the month that includes the specified date.
     * @param date The string representation of a date uniquely identifying a month. Use the "yyyyMMdd" format.
     * @return The corresponding Period object
     * @see java.text.SimpleDateFormat
    public static Period createMonthPeriod(String date) {
        return createMonthPeriod(formatter.parseMillis(date));

     * @return The period of time matching the current month
    public static Period getCurrentMonth() {
        return createMonthPeriod(new DateTime().getMillis());

     * Creates a new Period instance that matches exactly the year that includes the specified time stamp.
     * @param timestamp The milliseconds from 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z
     * @return A new Period instance
    public static Period createYearPeriod(long timestamp) {
        MutableDateTime mdt = new MutableDateTime(timestamp);
        return createPeriod(toYearStart(mdt).getMillis(), toYearEnd(mdt).getMillis());

     * Creates a new Period instance that matches exactly the year that includes the specified date.
     * @param date The string representation of a date uniquely identifying a year. Use the "yyyyMMdd" format.
     * @return The corresponding Period object
     * @see java.text.SimpleDateFormat
    public static Period createYearPeriod(String date) {
        return createYearPeriod(formatter.parseMillis(date));

     * Creates a new Period instance that starts at the minimum value allowed by Date and ends at the maximum value
     * allowed by Date.
     * @return The corresponding Period object
    public static Period createMaximumPeriod() {
        return createPeriod(Long.MIN_VALUE, Long.MAX_VALUE);

     * @return The period of time matching the current year
    public static Period getCurrentYear() {
        return createYearPeriod(new DateTime().getMillis());

    private static MutableDateTime toHourStart(MutableDateTime mdt) {
        return mdt;

    private static MutableDateTime toHourEnd(MutableDateTime mdt) {
        return toHourStart(mdt);

    private static MutableDateTime toDayStart(MutableDateTime mdt) {
        return mdt;

    private static MutableDateTime toDayEnd(MutableDateTime mdt) {
        return toDayStart(mdt);

    private static MutableDateTime toWeekStart(MutableDateTime mdt) {
        return toDayStart(mdt);

    private static MutableDateTime toWeekEnd(MutableDateTime mdt) {
        return toDayEnd(mdt);

    private static MutableDateTime toMonthStart(MutableDateTime mdt) {
        return toDayStart(mdt);

    private static MutableDateTime toMonthEnd(MutableDateTime mdt) {
        return toDayEnd(mdt);

    private static MutableDateTime toYearStart(MutableDateTime mdt) {
        return toDayStart(mdt);

    private static MutableDateTime toYearEnd(MutableDateTime mdt) {
        return toDayEnd(mdt);

     * Helper method for accessing {@link #ALL_TIME} static field in velocity
    public static Period getALL_TIME() {
        return ALL_TIME;