Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (C) 2010-2011 yvolk (Yuri Volkov), * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.xorcode.andtweet; import static android.content.Context.MODE_PRIVATE; import android.content.SharedPreferences; import android.util.Log; import; import; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import java.util.Vector; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.xorcode.andtweet.util.MyLog; import com.xorcode.andtweet.util.SharedPreferencesUtil; import org.json.JSONObject; /** * The object holds Twitter User's specific information including connection * TODO: Implement different data (tweets and their counters...) for different * Users. * * @author Yuri Volkov */ public class TwitterUser { private static final String TAG = TwitterUser.class.getSimpleName(); /** * Prefix of the user's Preferences file */ public static final String FILE_PREFIX = "user_"; /** * This is same name that is used in Twitter login */ private String mUsername = ""; /** * Is this object temporal? * true - in a case this user was not _ever_ authenticated */ private boolean mIsTemporal = true; /** * Was this user authenticated last time _current_ credentials were verified? * CredentialsVerified.NEVER - after changes of "credentials": password/OAuth... */ private CredentialsVerified mCredentialsVerified = CredentialsVerified.NEVER; private String mPrefsFileName = ""; /** * Is this user authenticated with OAuth? */ private boolean mOAuth = true; /** * This is defined by tweet server * Starting from 2010-09 allows OAuth only */ private boolean mCanChangeOAuth = false; private Connection mConnection = null; /** * NEVER - means that User was never successfully authenticated with current credentials, * this is why we reset to state to NEVER every time credentials were changed. */ public enum CredentialsVerified { NEVER, FAILED, SUCCEEDED; /* * Methods to persist in SharedPreferences */ private static final String KEY = "credentials_verified"; public static CredentialsVerified load(SharedPreferences sp) { int ind = sp.getInt(KEY, NEVER.ordinal()); CredentialsVerified cv = CredentialsVerified.values()[ind]; return cv; } public void save(SharedPreferences sp) { synchronized (sp) { SharedPreferences.Editor editor = sp.edit(); put(editor); editor.commit(); } } public void put(SharedPreferences.Editor editor) { editor.putInt(KEY, ordinal()); } } public boolean getCredentialsPresent() { return getConnection().getCredentialsPresent(getSharedPreferences()); } public CredentialsVerified getCredentialsVerified() { return mCredentialsVerified; } public void setCredentialsVerified(CredentialsVerified cv) { mCredentialsVerified = cv;; } public void saveAuthInformation(String token, String secret) { if (isOAuth()) { ConnectionOAuth conn = ((ConnectionOAuth) getConnection()); conn.saveAuthInformation(getSharedPreferences(), token, secret); } else { Log.e(TAG, "saveAuthInformation is for OAuth only!"); } } /** * Forget everything in order to reread from the sources if it will be needed */ public static void forget() { mTu = null; } /** * Get current user instance * * @param Context * @return TwitterUser */ public static TwitterUser getTwitterUser() { return getTwitterUser(null, false); } /** * Get user instance based on supplied twitter_username. Globally stored User * preferences are being set for the user, * including oauth, password. * New User is being created if user with such twitter_username * didn't exist. * * @param Context * @return TwitterUser */ public static TwitterUser getAddEditTwitterUser(String username) { return getTwitterUser(username, true); } /** * Get (stored) user instance by explicitly provided username. This user * becomes current user (Global SharedPreferences are being updated). * * @param Context * @param username in Twitter * @return TwitterUser */ public static TwitterUser getTwitterUser(String username) { return getTwitterUser(username, false); } /** * Array of TwitterUser objects */ private static Vector<TwitterUser> mTu = null; /** * Get list of all Users, including temporary (never authenticated) user * for the purpose of using these "accounts" elsewhere. Value of * {@link #getCredentialsVerified()} is the main differentiator. * * @param context * @return Array of users */ public static TwitterUser[] list() { if (mTu == null) { Log.e(TAG, "Was not initialized"); return null; } else { return mTu.toArray(new TwitterUser[mTu.size()]); } } /** * How many authenticated users are the list of accounts? * @return count */ public static int countOfAuthenticatedUsers() { int count = 0; int ind = -1; for (ind = 0; ind < mTu.size(); ind++) { if (!mTu.elementAt(ind).isTemporal()) { count += 1; break; } } return count; } /** * Initialize internal static memory * Initialize User's list if it wasn't initialized yet. * * @param context */ public static void initialize() { if (mTu == null) { mTu = new Vector<TwitterUser>(); // Currently we don't hold user's list anywhere // So let's search user's files prefsdir = new File(SharedPreferencesUtil.prefsDirectory(MyPreferences.getContext())); files[] = prefsdir.listFiles(); if (files != null) { for (int ind = 0; ind < files.length; ind++) { if (files[ind].getName().startsWith(FILE_PREFIX)) { String username = files[ind].getName().substring(FILE_PREFIX.length()); int indExtension = username.indexOf("."); if (indExtension >= 0) { username = username.substring(0, indExtension); } TwitterUser tu = new TwitterUser(username); mTu.add(tu); } } } MyLog.v(TAG, "User's list initialized, " + mTu.size() + " users"); } else { MyLog.v(TAG, "Already initialized, " + mTu.size() + " users"); } } /** * @param username * @return Name without path and extension */ public static String prefsFileNameForUser(String username) { username = fixUsername(username); String fileName = FILE_PREFIX + username; return fileName; } /** * Factory of TwitterUser-s * * @param Context * @param username in Twitter * @param copyGlobal globally stored User preferences are used, including: * Username, OAuth, password. New User will be created if didn't * exist yet. * @return TwitterUser - existed or newly created */ private static TwitterUser getTwitterUser(String username, boolean copyGlobal) { // Find TwitterUser object for this user boolean found = false; int ind = -1; int indTemp = -1; TwitterUser tu = null; username = fixUsername(username); if (copyGlobal || (username.length() == 0)) { SharedPreferences dsp = MyPreferences.getDefaultSharedPreferences(); username = fixUsername(dsp.getString(MyPreferences.KEY_TWITTER_USERNAME, "")); } for (ind = 0; ind < mTu.size(); ind++) { if (mTu.elementAt(ind).getUsername().compareTo(username) == 0) { found = true; break; } if (mTu.elementAt(ind).isTemporal()) { indTemp = ind; } } if (!found && indTemp >= 0) { // Let's don't keep more than one Temporary (never authenticated) // users. So delete previous User who wasn't ever authenticated. String tempUser = mTu.elementAt(indTemp).getUsername(); delete(tempUser); } if (found) { tu = mTu.elementAt(ind); // AndTweetService.v(TAG, "User '" + tu.getUsername() + "' was found"); } else { tu = new TwitterUser(username); MyLog.v(TAG, "New user '" + tu.getUsername() + "' was created"); mTu.add(tu); } if (copyGlobal) { tu.copyGlobal(); } return tu; } /** * Delete everything about the user * * @return Was the User deleted? */ public static boolean delete(String username) { boolean isDeleted = false; username = fixUsername(username); if (mTu == null) { Log.e(TAG, "delete: Was not initialized."); } else { // Delete the User's object from the list int ind = -1; boolean found = false; for (ind = 0; ind < mTu.size(); ind++) { if (mTu.elementAt(ind).getUsername().compareTo(username) == 0) { found = true; break; } } if (found) { TwitterUser tu = mTu.get(ind); tu.deleteData(); // And delete the object from the list mTu.removeElementAt(ind); isDeleted = true; } } return isDeleted; } private static String fixUsername(String username) { if (username == null) { username = ""; } username = username.trim(); if (!isUsernameValid(username)) { username = ""; } return username; } /** * @param context * @param username */ private TwitterUser(String username) { username = fixUsername(username); // Try to find saved User data mPrefsFileName = prefsFileNameForUser(username); boolean isNewUser = !SharedPreferencesUtil.exists(MyPreferences.getContext(), mPrefsFileName); setUsername(username, isNewUser); if (!isNewUser) { // Load stored data for the User SharedPreferences sp = getSharedPreferences(); mIsTemporal = !sp.getBoolean(MyPreferences.KEY_IS_NOT_TEMPORAL, false); if (mIsTemporal) { } mCredentialsVerified = CredentialsVerified.load(sp); mOAuth = sp.getBoolean(MyPreferences.KEY_OAUTH, true); } } /** * @return the mUsername */ public String getUsername() { return mUsername; } /** * @return SharedPreferences of this User */ public SharedPreferences getSharedPreferences() { SharedPreferences sp = null; if (mPrefsFileName.length() > 0) { try { sp = MyPreferences.getSharedPreferences(mPrefsFileName, MODE_PRIVATE); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); Log.e(TAG, "Cound't get preferences '" + mPrefsFileName + "'"); sp = null; } } return sp; } /** * Set Username for the User who was first time authenticated * Remember that the User was ever authenticated * * @param username - new Username to set. */ private boolean setUsernameAuthenticated(String username) { username = fixUsername(username); String newPrefsFileName = prefsFileNameForUser(username); boolean ok = false; if (isTemporal()) { // Do we really need to change it? ok = (mPrefsFileName.compareTo(newPrefsFileName) == 0); if (!ok) { mConnection = null; ok = SharedPreferencesUtil.rename(MyPreferences.getContext(), mPrefsFileName, newPrefsFileName); if (ok) { mPrefsFileName = newPrefsFileName; } if (ok) { // Now we know the name of this User! setUsername(username, true); } } if (ok) { mIsTemporal = false; getSharedPreferences().edit().putBoolean(MyPreferences.KEY_IS_NOT_TEMPORAL, true).commit(); } } return ok; } /** * Sets Username for this object only, doesn't change "Current user" of the Application * @param username * @param isNewUser true if we are creating new user */ private void setUsername(String username, boolean isNewUser) { username = fixUsername(username); if (username.compareTo(mUsername) != 0) { mConnection = null; mUsername = username; if (isNewUser) { getSharedPreferences().edit().putString(MyPreferences.KEY_TWITTER_USERNAME, mUsername).commit(); // TODO: global method: getSharedPreferences().edit() .putLong(MyPreferences.KEY_PREFERENCES_CHANGE_TIME, java.lang.System.currentTimeMillis()) .commit(); } } } /** * Is this object - temporal * (i.e. the Account that was never authenticated with any credentials) * * @return */ public boolean isTemporal() { return mIsTemporal; } /** * Copy global (DefaultShared) preferences to this User's properties */ private void copyGlobal() { SharedPreferences dsp = MyPreferences.getDefaultSharedPreferences(); // Retrieve new values before changes so they won't be overridden boolean oauth = dsp.getBoolean(MyPreferences.KEY_OAUTH, true); String password = dsp.getString(MyPreferences.KEY_TWITTER_PASSWORD, ""); // Make changes setOAuth(oauth); setPassword(password); } private static boolean isUsernameValid(String username) { boolean ok = false; if (username != null && (username.length() > 0)) { ok = Pattern.matches("[a-zA-Z_0-9\\.\\-\\(\\)]+", username); if (!ok && MyLog.isLoggable(TAG, Log.INFO)) { Log.i(TAG, "The Username is not valid: \"" + username + "\""); } } return ok; } /** * Delete all User's data * * @param for temporal only * @return */ private boolean deleteData() { boolean isDeleted = false; if (!isTemporal()) { // TODO: Delete databases for this User } if (mPrefsFileName.length() > 0) { // Old preferences file may be deleted, if it exists... isDeleted = SharedPreferencesUtil.delete(MyPreferences.getContext(), mPrefsFileName); } return isDeleted; } /** * @param context * @return instance of Connection subtype for the User */ public Connection getConnection() { if (mConnection == null) { mConnection = Connection.getConnection(getSharedPreferences(), mOAuth); } return mConnection; } /** * Clear Authentication information * * @param context */ public void clearAuthInformation() { setCredentialsVerified(CredentialsVerified.NEVER); this.getConnection().clearAuthInformation(getSharedPreferences()); } /** * @return the mOAuth */ public boolean isOAuth() { return mOAuth; } /** * @param oAuth to set */ private void setOAuth(boolean oauth) { if (mOAuth != oauth) { setCredentialsVerified(CredentialsVerified.NEVER); // So the Connection object may be reinitialized mConnection = null; mOAuth = oauth; getSharedPreferences().edit().putBoolean(MyPreferences.KEY_OAUTH, oauth).commit(); // Propagate the changes to the global properties MyPreferences.getDefaultSharedPreferences().edit().putBoolean(MyPreferences.KEY_OAUTH, mOAuth).commit(); } } /** * Password was moved to the connection object because it is needed there * * @param password */ private void setPassword(String password) { if (password.compareTo(getConnection().getPassword()) != 0) { setCredentialsVerified(CredentialsVerified.NEVER); getConnection().setPassword(getSharedPreferences(), password); // Propagate the changes to the global properties MyPreferences.getDefaultSharedPreferences().edit() .putString(MyPreferences.KEY_TWITTER_PASSWORD, getConnection().getPassword()).commit(); } } public String getPassword() { return getConnection().getPassword(); } /** * Verify the user's credentials. Returns true if authentication was * successful * * @see CredentialsVerified * @param reVerify Verify even if it was verified already * @return boolean * @throws ConnectionException * @throws ConnectionUnavailableException * @throws ConnectionAuthenticationException * @throws SocketTimeoutException * @throws ConnectionCredentialsOfOtherUserException */ public boolean verifyCredentials(boolean reVerify) throws ConnectionException, ConnectionUnavailableException, ConnectionAuthenticationException, SocketTimeoutException, ConnectionCredentialsOfOtherUserException { boolean ok = false; if (!reVerify) { if (getCredentialsVerified() == CredentialsVerified.SUCCEEDED) { ok = true; } } if (!ok) { JSONObject jso = null; try { jso = getConnection().verifyCredentials(); ok = (jso != null); } finally { String newName = null; boolean credentialsOfOtherUser = false; boolean errorSettingUsername = false; if (ok) { if (jso.optInt("id") < 1) { ok = false; } } if (ok) { newName = Connection.getScreenName(jso); ok = isUsernameValid(newName); } if (ok) { if (getUsername().length() > 0 && getUsername().compareTo(newName) != 0) { // Credentials belong to other User ?? ok = false; credentialsOfOtherUser = true; } } if (ok) { setCredentialsVerified(CredentialsVerified.SUCCEEDED); } if (ok && isTemporal()) { // Now we know the name of this User! ok = setUsernameAuthenticated(newName); if (!ok) { errorSettingUsername = true; } } if (!ok) { clearAuthInformation(); setCredentialsVerified(CredentialsVerified.FAILED); } if (credentialsOfOtherUser) { Log.e(TAG, MyPreferences.getContext().getText(R.string.error_credentials_of_other_user) + ": " + newName); throw (new ConnectionCredentialsOfOtherUserException(newName)); } if (errorSettingUsername) { String msg = MyPreferences.getContext().getText(R.string.error_set_username) + newName; Log.e(TAG, msg); throw (new ConnectionAuthenticationException(msg)); } } } return ok; } /** * Set current User to 'this' object. * - update global (default) SharedPreferences */ public synchronized void setCurrentUser() { // Update global SharedPreferences SharedPreferences sp = MyPreferences.getDefaultSharedPreferences(); String usernameOld = sp.getString(MyPreferences.KEY_TWITTER_USERNAME, ""); String usernameNew = getUsername(); SharedPreferences.Editor ed = sp.edit(); if (usernameNew.compareTo(usernameOld) != 0) { MyLog.v(TAG, "Changing current user from '" + usernameOld + "' " + "to '" + usernameNew + "'"); // This preference is being set by PreferenceActivity etc. //ed.putString(PreferencesActivity.KEY_TWITTER_USERNAME_NEW, getUsername()); // This preference is being set by this code only ed.putString(MyPreferences.KEY_TWITTER_USERNAME, getUsername()); } ed.putString(MyPreferences.KEY_TWITTER_PASSWORD, getConnection().getPassword()); ed.putBoolean(MyPreferences.KEY_OAUTH, isOAuth()); getCredentialsVerified().put(ed); if (getCredentialsVerified() != CredentialsVerified.SUCCEEDED) { // Don't turn off Automatic updates // ed.putBoolean(PreferencesActivity.KEY_AUTOMATIC_UPDATES, false); } ed.commit(); } /** * This is defined by tweet server * Starting from 2010-09 allows OAuth only */ public boolean canChangeOAuth() { return mCanChangeOAuth; } }