Java tutorial
/* QuiXProc: efficient evaluation of XProc Pipelines. Copyright (C) 2011-2012 Innovimax 2008-2012 Mark Logic Corporation. Portions Copyright 2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ package; import innovimax.quixproc.codex.util.PipedDocument; import innovimax.quixproc.codex.util.StepContext; import innovimax.quixproc.codex.util.shared.ChannelReader; import innovimax.quixproc.util.shared.ChannelInit; import innovimax.quixproc.util.shared.ChannelPosition; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import net.sf.saxon.s9api.QName; import net.sf.saxon.s9api.SaxonApiException; import net.sf.saxon.s9api.XdmNode; import org.json.JSONTokener; import com.xmlcalabash.core.XProcConstants; import com.xmlcalabash.core.XProcException; import com.xmlcalabash.core.XProcRuntime; import com.xmlcalabash.model.Step; import com.xmlcalabash.util.Base64; import com.xmlcalabash.util.HttpUtils; import com.xmlcalabash.util.JSONtoXML; import com.xmlcalabash.util.TreeWriter; // Innovimax: new import // Innovimax: new import // Innovimax: new import // Innovimax: new import // Innovimax: new import /** * * @author ndw */ public class ReadableData implements ReadablePipe { protected String contentType = null; public static final QName _contentType = new QName("", "content-type"); public static final QName c_contentType = new QName("c", XProcConstants.NS_XPROC_STEP, "content-type"); public static final QName _encoding = new QName("", "encoding"); public static final QName c_encoding = new QName("c", XProcConstants.NS_XPROC_STEP, "encoding"); private QName wrapper = null; private String uri = null; private String serverContentType = null; private XProcRuntime runtime = null; private DocumentSequence documents = null; private Step reader = null; /** Creates a new instance of ReadableDocument */ public ReadableData(XProcRuntime runtime, QName wrapper, String uri, String contentType) { this.runtime = runtime; this.uri = uri; this.wrapper = wrapper; this.contentType = contentType; } public void canReadSequence(boolean sequence) { // nop; always false } public boolean readSequence() { return false; } // ======================================================================= protected URI getDataUri(String uri) { try { return new URI(uri); } catch (URISyntaxException use) { throw new XProcException(use); } } protected InputStream getStream(URI uri) { try { URL url = uri.toURL(); URLConnection connection = url.openConnection(); serverContentType = connection.getContentType(); return connection.getInputStream(); } catch (IOException ioe) { throw new XProcException(XProcConstants.dynamicError(29), ioe); } } protected String getContentType() { return serverContentType; } // ======================================================================= private boolean isText(String contentType, String charset) { return ("application/xml".equals(contentType) || contentType.endsWith("+xml") || contentType.startsWith("text/") || "utf-8".equals(charset)); } private String parseContentType(String contentType) { if (contentType == null) { return null; } int pos = contentType.indexOf(";"); if (pos > 0) { String type = contentType.substring(0, pos).trim(); return type; } else { return contentType; } } private String parseCharset(String contentType) { String charset = HttpUtils.getCharset(contentType); if (charset != null) { return charset.toLowerCase(); } return null; } //************************************************************************* //************************************************************************* //************************************************************************* // INNOVIMAX IMPLEMENTATION //************************************************************************* //************************************************************************* //************************************************************************* private XdmNode doc = null; // Innovimax: new property private ChannelPosition c_pos = new ChannelPosition(); // Innovimax: new property private ChannelInit c_init = new ChannelInit(); // Innovimax: new property private ChannelReader c_reader = new ChannelReader(); // Innovimax: new property // Innovimax: new function public void initialize(StepContext stepContext) { if (!c_init.done(stepContext.curChannel)) { readData(stepContext); } } // Innovimax: new function public void resetReader(StepContext stepContext) { c_pos.reset(stepContext.curChannel); c_init.reset(stepContext.curChannel); documents.reset(stepContext.curChannel); } // Innovimax: new function public void setReader(StepContext stepContext, Step step) { c_reader.put(stepContext.curChannel, step); } // Innovimax: new function public Step getReader(StepContext stepContext) { return c_reader.get(stepContext.curChannel); } // Innovimax: new function public boolean closed(StepContext stepContext) { initialize(stepContext); return documents.closed(stepContext.curChannel); } // Innovimax: new function public boolean moreDocuments(StepContext stepContext) { initialize(stepContext); return !closed(stepContext) || c_pos.get(stepContext.curChannel) < documents.size(stepContext.curChannel); } // Innovimax: new function public int documentCount(StepContext stepContext) { initialize(stepContext); return documents.size(stepContext.curChannel); } // Innovimax: new function public DocumentSequence documents(StepContext stepContext) { initialize(stepContext); return documents; } // Innovimax: new function public XdmNode read(StepContext stepContext) throws SaxonApiException { PipedDocument doc = readAsStream(stepContext); if (doc != null) { return doc.getNode(); } return null; } // Innovimax: new function public PipedDocument readAsStream(StepContext stepContext) { runtime.getTracer().debug(null, stepContext, -1, this, null, " DATA > TRY READING..."); initialize(stepContext); PipedDocument doc = null; if (moreDocuments(stepContext)) { doc = documents.get(stepContext.curChannel, c_pos.get(stepContext.curChannel)); c_pos.increment(stepContext.curChannel); runtime.getTracer().debug(null, stepContext, -1, this, doc, " DATA > READ "); } else { runtime.getTracer().debug(null, stepContext, -1, this, null, " DATA > NO MORE DOCUMENT"); } if (reader != null) { runtime.finest(null, reader.getNode(), reader.getName() + " read '" + (doc == null ? "null" : doc.getBaseURI()) + "' from " + this); } return doc; } // Innovimax: new function public String sequenceInfos() { return documents.toString(); } // Innovimax: new function private void readData(StepContext stepContext) { runtime.getTracer().debug(null, stepContext, -1, this, null, " DATA > LOADING..."); if (documents == null) { documents = new DocumentSequence(runtime); } c_init.close(stepContext.curChannel); if (uri == null) { documents.addChannel(stepContext.curChannel); runtime.getTracer().debug(null, stepContext, -1, this, null, " DATA > NOTHING"); } else { if (doc == null) { String userContentType = parseContentType(contentType); String userCharset = parseCharset(contentType); URI dataURI = getDataUri(uri); TreeWriter tree = new TreeWriter(runtime); tree.startDocument(dataURI); InputStream stream; try { stream = getStream(dataURI); String serverContentType = getContentType(); if ("content/unknown".equals(serverContentType) && contentType != null) { // pretend... serverContentType = contentType; } String serverBaseContentType = parseContentType(serverContentType); String serverCharset = parseCharset(serverContentType); if (serverCharset != null) { // HACK! Make the content type here consistent with the content type returned // from the http-request tests, just to make the test suite results more // consistent. serverContentType = serverBaseContentType + "; charset=\"" + serverCharset + "\""; } // If the user specified a charset and the server did not and it's a file: URI, // assume the user knows best. // FIXME: provide some way to override this!!! String charset = serverCharset; if ("file".equals(dataURI.getScheme()) && serverCharset == null && serverBaseContentType.equals(userContentType)) { charset = userCharset; } if (runtime.transparentJSON() && HttpUtils.jsonContentType(contentType)) { if (charset == null) { // FIXME: Is this right? I think it is... charset = "UTF-8"; } InputStreamReader reader = new InputStreamReader(stream, charset); JSONTokener jt = new JSONTokener(reader); XdmNode jsonDoc = JSONtoXML.convert(runtime.getProcessor(), jt, runtime.jsonFlavor()); tree.addSubtree(jsonDoc); } else { tree.addStartElement(wrapper); if (XProcConstants.c_data.equals(wrapper)) { if ("content/unknown".equals(serverContentType)) { tree.addAttribute(_contentType, "application/octet-stream"); } else { tree.addAttribute(_contentType, serverContentType); } if (!isText(serverContentType, charset)) { tree.addAttribute(_encoding, "base64"); } } else { if ("content/unknown".equals(serverContentType)) { tree.addAttribute(c_contentType, "application/octet-stream"); } else { tree.addAttribute(c_contentType, serverContentType); } if (!isText(serverContentType, charset)) { tree.addAttribute(c_encoding, "base64"); } } tree.startContent(); if (isText(serverContentType, charset)) { BufferedReader bufread; if (charset == null) { // FIXME: Is this right? I think it is... charset = "UTF-8"; } BufferedReader bufreader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(stream, charset)); int maxlen = 4096 * 3; char[] chars = new char[maxlen]; int read =, 0, maxlen); while (read >= 0) { if (read > 0) { String data = new String(chars, 0, read); tree.addText(data); } read =, 0, maxlen); } bufreader.close(); } else { // Fill the buffer each time so that we get an even number of base64 lines int maxlen = 4096 * 3; byte[] bytes = new byte[maxlen]; int pos = 0; int readlen = maxlen; boolean done = false; while (!done) { int read =, pos, readlen); if (read >= 0) { pos += read; readlen -= read; } else { done = true; } if ((readlen == 0) || done) { String base64 = Base64.encodeBytes(bytes, 0, pos); tree.addText(base64 + "\n"); pos = 0; readlen = maxlen; } } stream.close(); } tree.addEndElement(); } } catch (IOException ioe) { throw new XProcException(XProcConstants.dynamicError(29), ioe); } tree.endDocument(); doc = tree.getResult(); } documents.newPipedDocument(stepContext.curChannel, doc); runtime.getTracer().debug(null, stepContext, -1, this, null, " DATA > LOADED"); } // close documents documents.close(stepContext.curChannel); } //************************************************************************* //************************************************************************* //************************************************************************* // INNOVIMAX DEPRECATION //************************************************************************* //************************************************************************* //************************************************************************* /* private Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(this.getClass().getName()); private int pos = 0; public void resetReader() { pos = 0; } public void setReader(Step step) { reader = step; } public boolean moreDocuments() { DocumentSequence docs = ensureDocuments(); return pos < docs.size(); } public boolean closed() { return true; } public int documentCount() { DocumentSequence docs = ensureDocuments(); return docs.size(); } public DocumentSequence documents() { return ensureDocuments(); } public XdmNode read() throws SaxonApiException { DocumentSequence docs = ensureDocuments(); XdmNode doc = docs.get(pos++); if (reader != null) { runtime.finest(null, reader.getNode(), reader.getName() + " read '" + (doc == null ? "null" : doc.getBaseURI()) + "' from " + this); } return doc; } private DocumentSequence ensureDocuments() { if (documents != null) { return documents; } documents = new DocumentSequence(runtime); if (uri == null) { return documents; } String userContentType = parseContentType(contentType); String userCharset = parseCharset(contentType); URI dataURI = getDataUri(uri); TreeWriter tree = new TreeWriter(runtime); tree.startDocument(dataURI); InputStream stream; try { stream = getStream(dataURI); String serverContentType = getContentType(); if ("content/unknown".equals(serverContentType) && contentType != null) { // pretend... serverContentType = contentType; } String serverBaseContentType = parseContentType(serverContentType); String serverCharset = parseCharset(serverContentType); if (serverCharset != null) { // HACK! Make the content type here consistent with the content type returned // from the http-request tests, just to make the test suite results more // consistent. serverContentType = serverBaseContentType + "; charset=\"" + serverCharset + "\""; } // If the user specified a charset and the server did not and it's a file: URI, // assume the user knows best. // FIXME: provide some way to override this!!! String charset = serverCharset; if ("file".equals(dataURI.getScheme()) && serverCharset == null && serverBaseContentType.equals(userContentType)) { charset = userCharset; } if (runtime.transparentJSON() && HttpUtils.jsonContentType(contentType)) { if (charset == null) { // FIXME: Is this right? I think it is... charset = "UTF-8"; } InputStreamReader reader = new InputStreamReader(stream, charset); JSONTokener jt = new JSONTokener(reader); XdmNode jsonDoc = JSONtoXML.convert(runtime.getProcessor(), jt, runtime.jsonFlavor()); tree.addSubtree(jsonDoc); } else { tree.addStartElement(wrapper); if (XProcConstants.c_data.equals(wrapper)) { if ("content/unknown".equals(serverContentType)) { tree.addAttribute(_contentType, "application/octet-stream"); } else { tree.addAttribute(_contentType, serverContentType); } if (!isText(serverContentType, charset)) { tree.addAttribute(_encoding, "base64"); } } else { if ("content/unknown".equals(serverContentType)) { tree.addAttribute(c_contentType, "application/octet-stream"); } else { tree.addAttribute(c_contentType, serverContentType); } if (!isText(serverContentType, charset)) { tree.addAttribute(c_encoding, "base64"); } } tree.startContent(); if (isText(serverContentType, charset)) { BufferedReader bufread; if (charset == null) { // FIXME: Is this right? I think it is... charset = "UTF-8"; } BufferedReader bufreader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(stream, charset)); int maxlen = 4096 * 3; char[] chars = new char[maxlen]; int read =, 0, maxlen); while (read >= 0) { if (read > 0) { String data = new String(chars, 0, read); tree.addText(data); } read =, 0, maxlen); } bufreader.close(); } else { // Fill the buffer each time so that we get an even number of base64 lines int maxlen = 4096 * 3; byte[] bytes = new byte[maxlen]; int pos = 0; int readlen = maxlen; boolean done = false; while (!done) { int read =, pos, readlen); if (read >= 0) { pos += read; readlen -= read; } else { done = true; } if ((readlen == 0) || done) { String base64 = Base64.encodeBytes(bytes, 0, pos); tree.addText(base64 + "\n"); pos = 0; readlen = maxlen; } } stream.close(); } tree.addEndElement(); } } catch (IOException ioe) { throw new XProcException(XProcConstants.dynamicError(29), ioe); } tree.endDocument(); documents.add(tree.getResult()); return documents; } */ }