Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


// Copyright (c) 2003-2013, LogMeIn, Inc. All rights reserved.
// This is part of Xively4J library, it is under the BSD 3-Clause license.
package com.xively.client.http.util;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;

import org.apache.log4j.Logger;

import com.xively.client.http.util.exception.ParseFromObjectException;
import com.xively.client.http.util.exception.ParseToObjectException;
import com.xively.client.model.ApiKey;
import com.xively.client.model.DomainObject;
import com.xively.client.model.Datapoint;
import com.xively.client.model.Datastream;
import com.xively.client.model.Feed;
import com.xively.client.model.Trigger;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.DeserializationFeature;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.SerializationFeature;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.type.CollectionType;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.type.TypeFactory;

 * Helper class for parsing to and from json for API calls
 * @author s0pau
public class ParserUtil {
    private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(ParserUtil.class);

    private static ObjectMapper objectMapper;

    // TODO use annotations to metaprogram the parsing behaviour instead
    enum ParseArg {
        feed(Feed.class, null, false, null, false, "id"), datastream(Datastream.class, null, true, "datastreams",
                true, "id"), datapoint(Datapoint.class, null, false, "datapoints", true, "at"), trigger(
                        Trigger.class, null, false, null, false,
                        "id"), apikey(ApiKey.class, "key", false, "key", false, "api_key");

        private Class objClass;
        private String updateRoot;
        private boolean isUpdateHasId;
        private String createRoot;
        private boolean isCreateHasId;
        private String idName;

        ParseArg(Class objClass, String updateRoot, boolean isUpdateHasId, String createRoot, boolean isCreateHasId,
                String idName) {
            this.objClass = objClass;
            this.updateRoot = updateRoot;
            this.isUpdateHasId = isUpdateHasId;
            this.createRoot = createRoot;
            this.isCreateHasId = isCreateHasId;
            this.idName = idName;

        public Class getObjClass() {
            return objClass;

        public String getUpdateRoot() {
            return updateRoot;

        public boolean isUpdateHasId() {
            return isUpdateHasId;

        public String getCreateRoot() {
            return createRoot;

        public boolean isCreateHasId() {
            return isCreateHasId;

        public String getIdName() {
            return idName;

        public static ParseArg valueOf(DomainObject obj) {
            for (ParseArg arg : ParseArg.values()) {
                if (obj.getClass() == arg.objClass) {
                    return arg;

            return null;

        public static ParseArg valueOf(Class objClass) {
            for (ParseArg arg : ParseArg.values()) {
                if (objClass == arg.objClass) {
                    return arg;

            return null;

     * Get the list of model objects and create json as expected by the API.
     * @param isUpdate
     *            parse object to body suitable for updates if true; for
     *            creates, otherwise
     * @param models
     *            models to be parsed to body
     * @return json string suitable for Xively API consumption
     * @throws ParseToObjectException
     *             if unable to completely parse from model to json or if models
     *             is empty or null
    public static <T extends DomainObject> String toJson(boolean isUpdate, T... models) {
        log.debug("Parsing models to json");

        if (models == null || models.length == 0) {
            throw new ParseToObjectException("No model to parse to object");

        if (models.length > 1 && (models[0] instanceof Feed) && (models[0] instanceof Trigger)) {
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException(String.format(
                    "Bulk operation is not currently supported for %s", models[0].getClass().getSimpleName()));

        ParseArg arg = ParseArg.valueOf(models[0]);

        // TODO strip nodes that has a null key?
        String json = null;

        try {
            // ADD ROOT
            // Setting SerializationConfig.Feature.WRAP_ROOT_VALUE at mapper
            // did not read annotated label properly, use withRootName
            if (isUpdate && arg.updateRoot != null) {
                json = getObjectMapper().writer().withRootName(arg.updateRoot).writeValueAsString(models);
            } else if (!isUpdate && arg.createRoot != null) {
                json = getObjectMapper().writer().withRootName(arg.createRoot).writeValueAsString(models);
            } else {
                T model = models[0];
                json = getObjectMapper().writeValueAsString(model);

            // ApiKey needs to be wrapped in a root node without the array
            // container, hack the standards!
            if (arg.objClass == ApiKey.class) {
                int start = json.indexOf("\"key\":[") + 6;
                int end = json.lastIndexOf("}") - 1;
                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(json);
                sb.setCharAt(start, ' ');
                sb.setCharAt(end, ' ');
                json = sb.toString();
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new ParseFromObjectException("Cannot parse model to object", e);

        log.debug(String.format("Parsed json from models: %s", json));
        return json;

    public static <T extends DomainObject> Collection<T> toConnectedObjects(String body, Class elementType) {
        log.debug(String.format("Parsing string to objects: %s", body));

        Collection<T> objs;
        CollectionType collectionType = TypeFactory.defaultInstance().constructCollectionType(ArrayList.class,

        try {
            JsonNode node = getObjectMapper().reader().readTree(body);
            JsonNode total = node.get("totalResults");
            if (total != null) {
                JsonNode results = node.get("results");
                objs = getObjectMapper().readValue(results.toString(), collectionType);
                log.debug(String.format("Parsed string to %s objects", total));
            } else {
                objs = getObjectMapper().readValue(body, collectionType);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new ParseToObjectException(String.format("Unable to parse [%s] to %s.", body, elementType), e);

        return objs;

    public static <T extends DomainObject> T toConnectedObject(String body, Class elementType) {
        log.debug(String.format("Parsing string to object: %s", body));

        T obj;

        if (ApiKey.class.equals(elementType)) {
            // ApiKey comes wrapped in a root node without the array container,
            // hackily remove the hack so it can be parsed by standard parsers
            int start = body.indexOf("\"key\":") + 6;
            int end = body.lastIndexOf("}");
            body = body.substring(start, end);

        try {
            obj = (T) getObjectMapper().readValue(body, elementType);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new ParseToObjectException(String.format("Unable to parse [%s] to %s.", body, elementType), e);

        return obj;

    public static ObjectMapper getObjectMapper() {
        if (objectMapper == null) {
            ObjectMapper retval = new ObjectMapper();
            retval.configure(DeserializationFeature.ACCEPT_SINGLE_VALUE_AS_ARRAY, true);
            retval.configure(DeserializationFeature.FAIL_ON_UNKNOWN_PROPERTIES, false);
            retval.configure(DeserializationFeature.EAGER_DESERIALIZER_FETCH, false);
            retval.configure(SerializationFeature.EAGER_SERIALIZER_FETCH, false);
            objectMapper = retval;
        return objectMapper;