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 * Copyright 2011 - 2015 Xeiam LLC.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package com.xeiam.yank;

import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Properties;

import org.apache.commons.dbutils.BasicRowProcessor;
import org.apache.commons.dbutils.QueryRunner;
import org.apache.commons.dbutils.ResultSetHandler;
import org.apache.commons.dbutils.handlers.ArrayListHandler;
import org.apache.commons.dbutils.handlers.BeanHandler;
import org.apache.commons.dbutils.handlers.BeanListHandler;
import org.apache.commons.dbutils.handlers.ColumnListHandler;
import org.apache.commons.dbutils.handlers.ScalarHandler;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import com.xeiam.yank.exceptions.SQLStatementNotFoundException;
import com.xeiam.yank.handlers.InsertedIDResultSetHandler;
import com.xeiam.yank.processors.YankBeanProcessor;
import com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariDataSource;

 * A wrapper for DBUtils' QueryRunner's methods: update, query, and batch. Connections are retrieved from the connection pool in DBConnectionManager.
 * @author timmolter
public final class Yank {

    private static final YankPoolManager YANK_POOL_MANAGER = YankPoolManager.INSTANCE;

    /** slf4J logger wrapper */
    private static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Yank.class);

    private static final String BEAN_EXCEPTION_MESSAGE = "Error converting row to bean!! Make sure you have a default no-args constructor!";
    private static final String QUERY_EXCEPTION_MESSAGE = "Error in SQL query!!!";

     * Prevent class instantiation with private constructor
    private Yank() {


    // ////// INSERT //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

     * Executes a given INSERT SQL prepared statement matching the sqlKey String in a properties file loaded via Yank.addSQLStatements(...). Returns the
     * auto-increment id of the inserted row.
     * @param sqlKey The SQL Key found in a properties file corresponding to the desired SQL statement value
     * @param params The replacement parameters
     * @return the auto-increment id of the inserted row, or null if no id is available
     * @throws SQLStatementNotFoundException if an SQL statement could not be found for the given sqlKey String
    public static Long insertSQLKey(String sqlKey, Object[] params) {

        String sql = YANK_POOL_MANAGER.getMergedSqlProperties().getProperty(sqlKey);
        if (sql == null || sql.equalsIgnoreCase("")) {
            throw new SQLStatementNotFoundException();
        } else {
            return insert(sql, params);

     * Executes a given INSERT SQL prepared statement. Returns the auto-increment id of the inserted row.
     * @param sql The query to execute
     * @param params The replacement parameters
     * @return the auto-increment id of the inserted row, or null if no id is available
    public static Long insert(String sql, Object[] params) {

        Long returnLong = null;

        try {
            ResultSetHandler<Long> rsh = new InsertedIDResultSetHandler();
            returnLong = new QueryRunner(YANK_POOL_MANAGER.getDataSource()).insert(sql, rsh, params);
        } catch (SQLException e) {

        return returnLong == null ? 0 : returnLong;

    // ////// INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, or UPSERT //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

     * Executes the given INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, REPLACE or UPSERT SQL statement matching the sqlKey String in a properties file loaded via
     * Yank.addSQLStatements(...). Returns the number of rows affected.
     * @param sqlKey The SQL Key found in a properties file corresponding to the desired SQL statement value
     * @param params The replacement parameters
     * @return The number of rows affected
     * @throws SQLStatementNotFoundException if an SQL statement could not be found for the given sqlKey String
    public static int executeSQLKey(String sqlKey, Object[] params) {

        String sql = YANK_POOL_MANAGER.getMergedSqlProperties().getProperty(sqlKey);
        if (sql == null || sql.equalsIgnoreCase("")) {
            throw new SQLStatementNotFoundException();
        } else {
            return execute(sql, params);

     * Executes the given INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, REPLACE or UPSERT SQL prepared statement. Returns the number of rows affected.
     * @param sql The query to execute
     * @param params The replacement parameters
     * @return The number of rows affected
    public static int execute(String sql, Object[] params) {

        int returnInt = 0;

        try {

            returnInt = new QueryRunner(YANK_POOL_MANAGER.getDataSource()).update(sql, params);

        } catch (SQLException e) {

        return returnInt;

    // ////// Single Scalar QUERY //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

     * Return just one scalar given a SQL Key using an SQL statement matching the sqlKey String in a properties file loaded via
     * Yank.addSQLStatements(...). If more than one row match the query, only the first row is returned.
     * @param sqlKey The SQL Key found in a properties file corresponding to the desired SQL statement value
     * @param scalarType The Class of the desired return scalar matching the table
     * @param params The replacement parameters
     * @return The Object
     * @throws SQLStatementNotFoundException if an SQL statement could not be found for the given sqlKey String
    public static <T> T queryScalarSQLKey(String sqlKey, Class<T> scalarType, Object[] params) {

        String sql = YANK_POOL_MANAGER.getMergedSqlProperties().getProperty(sqlKey);
        if (sql == null || sql.equalsIgnoreCase("")) {
            throw new SQLStatementNotFoundException();
        } else {
            return queryScalar(sql, scalarType, params);


     * Return just one scalar given a an SQL statement
     * @param scalarType The Class of the desired return scalar matching the table
     * @param params The replacement parameters
     * @return The scalar Object
     * @throws SQLStatementNotFoundException if an SQL statement could not be found for the given sqlKey String
    public static <T> T queryScalar(String sql, Class<T> scalarType, Object[] params) {

        T returnObject = null;

        try {

            ScalarHandler<T> resultSetHandler = new ScalarHandler<T>();

            returnObject = new QueryRunner(YANK_POOL_MANAGER.getDataSource()).query(sql, resultSetHandler, params);

        } catch (SQLException e) {

        return returnObject;

    // ////// Single Object QUERY //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

     * Return just one Bean given a SQL Key using an SQL statement matching the sqlKey String in a properties file loaded via
     * Yank.addSQLStatements(...). If more than one row match the query, only the first row is returned.
     * @param sqlKey The SQL Key found in a properties file corresponding to the desired SQL statement value
     * @param params The replacement parameters
     * @param beanType The Class of the desired return Object matching the table
     * @return The Object
     * @throws SQLStatementNotFoundException if an SQL statement could not be found for the given sqlKey String
    public static <T> T queryBeanSQLKey(String sqlKey, Class<T> beanType, Object[] params) {

        String sql = YANK_POOL_MANAGER.getMergedSqlProperties().getProperty(sqlKey);
        if (sql == null || sql.equalsIgnoreCase("")) {
            throw new SQLStatementNotFoundException();
        } else {
            return queryBean(sql, beanType, params);


     * Return just one Bean given an SQL statement. If more than one row match the query, only the first row is returned.
     * @param sql The SQL statement
     * @param params The replacement parameters
     * @param beanType The Class of the desired return Object matching the table
     * @return The Object
    public static <T> T queryBean(String sql, Class<T> beanType, Object[] params) {

        T returnObject = null;

        try {

            BeanHandler<T> resultSetHandler = new BeanHandler<T>(beanType,
                    new BasicRowProcessor(new YankBeanProcessor<T>(beanType)));

            returnObject = new QueryRunner(YANK_POOL_MANAGER.getDataSource()).query(sql, resultSetHandler, params);

        } catch (SQLException e) {

        return returnObject;

    // ////// Object List QUERY //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

     * Return a List of Beans given a SQL Key using an SQL statement matching the sqlKey String in a properties file loaded via
     * Yank.addSQLStatements(...).
     * @param sqlKey The SQL Key found in a properties file corresponding to the desired SQL statement value
     * @param beanType The Class of the desired return Objects matching the table
     * @param params The replacement parameters
     * @return The List of Objects
     * @throws SQLStatementNotFoundException if an SQL statement could not be found for the given sqlKey String
    public static <T> List<T> queryBeanListSQLKey(String sqlKey, Class<T> beanType, Object[] params) {

        String sql = YANK_POOL_MANAGER.getMergedSqlProperties().getProperty(sqlKey);
        if (sql == null || sql.equalsIgnoreCase("")) {
            throw new SQLStatementNotFoundException();
        } else {
            return queryBeanList(sql, beanType, params);

     * Return a List of Beans given an SQL statement
     * @param sql The SQL statement
     * @param beanType The Class of the desired return Objects matching the table
     * @param params The replacement parameters
     * @return The List of Objects
    public static <T> List<T> queryBeanList(String sql, Class<T> beanType, Object[] params) {

        List<T> returnList = null;

        try {

            BeanListHandler<T> resultSetHandler = new BeanListHandler<T>(beanType,
                    new BasicRowProcessor(new YankBeanProcessor<T>(beanType)));

            returnList = new QueryRunner(YANK_POOL_MANAGER.getDataSource()).query(sql, resultSetHandler, params);

        } catch (SQLException e) {
        return returnList;

    // ////// Column List QUERY //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

     * Return a List of Objects from a single table column given a SQL Key using an SQL statement matching the sqlKey String in a properties file loaded
     * via Yank.addSQLStatements(...).
     * @param sqlKey The SQL Key found in a properties file corresponding to the desired SQL statement value
     * @param params The replacement parameters
     * @param columnType The Class of the desired return Objects matching the table
     * @return The Column as a List
     * @throws SQLStatementNotFoundException if an SQL statement could not be found for the given sqlKey String
    public static <T> List<T> queryColumnSQLKey(String sqlKey, String columnName, Class<T> columnType,
            Object[] params) {

        String sql = YANK_POOL_MANAGER.getMergedSqlProperties().getProperty(sqlKey);
        if (sql == null || sql.equalsIgnoreCase("")) {
            throw new SQLStatementNotFoundException();
        } else {
            return queryColumn(sql, columnName, columnType, params);

     * Return a List of Objects from a single table column given an SQL statement
     * @param <T>
     * @param sql The SQL statement
     * @param params The replacement parameters
     * @param columnType The Class of the desired return Objects matching the table
     * @return The Column as a List
    public static <T> List<T> queryColumn(String sql, String columnName, Class<T> columnType, Object[] params) {

        List<T> returnList = null;

        try {

            ColumnListHandler<T> resultSetHandler = new ColumnListHandler<T>(columnName);

            returnList = new QueryRunner(YANK_POOL_MANAGER.getDataSource()).query(sql, resultSetHandler, params);

        } catch (SQLException e) {

        return returnList;

    // ////// OBJECT[] LIST QUERY //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

     * Return a List of generic Object[]s given a SQL Key using an SQL statement matching the sqlKey String in a properties file loaded via
     * Yank.addSQLStatements(...).
     * @param sqlKey The SQL Key found in a properties file corresponding to the desired SQL statement value
     * @param params The replacement parameters
     * @return The List of generic Object[]s
     * @throws SQLStatementNotFoundException if an SQL statement could not be found for the given sqlKey String
    public static List<Object[]> queryObjectArraysSQLKey(String sqlKey, Object[] params) {

        String sql = YANK_POOL_MANAGER.getMergedSqlProperties().getProperty(sqlKey);
        if (sql == null || sql.equalsIgnoreCase("")) {
            throw new SQLStatementNotFoundException();
        } else {
            return queryObjectArrays(sql, params);

     * Return a List of generic Object[]s given an SQL statement
     * @param sql The SQL statement
     * @param params The replacement parameters
     * @return The List of generic Object[]s
    public static List<Object[]> queryObjectArrays(String sql, Object[] params) {

        List<Object[]> returnList = null;

        try {

            ArrayListHandler resultSetHandler = new ArrayListHandler();
            returnList = new QueryRunner(YANK_POOL_MANAGER.getDataSource()).query(sql, resultSetHandler, params);

        } catch (SQLException e) {

        return returnList;

    // ////// BATCH //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

     * Batch executes the given INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, REPLACE or UPSERT SQL statement matching the sqlKey String in a properties file loaded via
     * Yank.addSQLStatements(...).
     * @param sqlKey The SQL Key found in a properties file corresponding to the desired SQL statement value
     * @param params An array of query replacement parameters. Each row in this array is one set of batch replacement values
     * @return The number of rows affected or each individual execution
     * @throws SQLStatementNotFoundException if an SQL statement could not be found for the given sqlKey String
    public static int[] executeBatchSQLKey(String sqlKey, Object[][] params) {

        String sql = YANK_POOL_MANAGER.getMergedSqlProperties().getProperty(sqlKey);
        if (sql == null || sql.equalsIgnoreCase("")) {
            throw new SQLStatementNotFoundException();
        } else {
            return executeBatch(sql, params);

     * Batch executes the given INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, REPLACE or UPSERT SQL statement
     * @param sql The SQL statement
     * @param params An array of query replacement parameters. Each row in this array is one set of batch replacement values
     * @return The number of rows affected or each individual execution
    public static int[] executeBatch(String sql, Object[][] params) {

        int[] returnIntArray = null;

        try {

            returnIntArray = new QueryRunner(YANK_POOL_MANAGER.getDataSource()).batch(sql, params);

        } catch (SQLException e) {

        return returnIntArray;

     * Handles exceptions and logs them
     * @param e the SQLException
    private static void handleSQLException(SQLException e) {

        if (e.getMessage().startsWith("Cannot create")) {
            logger.error(BEAN_EXCEPTION_MESSAGE, e);
        } else {
            logger.error(QUERY_EXCEPTION_MESSAGE, e);

     * Add properties for a DataSource (connection pool). Yank uses a Hikari DataSource (connection pool) under the hood, so you have to provide the
     * minimal essential properties and the optional properties as defined here:
     * @param dataSourceProperties
    public static void setupDataSource(Properties dataSourceProperties) {


     * Add SQL statements in a properties file. Adding more will merge Properties.
     * @param sqlProperties
    public static void addSQLStatements(Properties sqlProperties) {


     * Closes all open connection pools
    public static synchronized void releaseDataSource() {


     * Exposes access to the configured DataSource
     * @return a configured (pooled) HikariDataSource.
    public static HikariDataSource getDataSource() {

        return YANK_POOL_MANAGER.getDataSource();