Java tutorial
/** * Class to model the physical properties of air. * * Copyright (C) 2014, Edward Kort, Antoine Lefebvre, Burton Patkau. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package com.wwidesigner.util; import org.apache.commons.math3.complex.Complex; import com.wwidesigner.util.Constants.TemperatureType; /** * @author Edward Kort, Burton Patkau * * References: * * P.T. Tsilingiris, "Thermophysical and transport properties of humid air * at temperature range between 0 and 100 C", * Energy Conversion and Management 49 (2008) p.1098-1110. * * A. Picard, R.S. Davis, M. Glaser and K. Fujii, * "Revised formula for the density of moist air (CIPM-2007)", * Metrologia 45 (2008) p.149-155. * * F.J. McQuillan, J.R. Culham, M.M. Yovanovich, * "Properties of Dry Air at One Atmosphere", UW/MHTL 8406 G-01, * Microelectronics Heat Transfer Lab, University of Waterloo, June 1984. */ public class PhysicalParameters { // Input properties of the air. private double mTemperature; // Temperature, in Celsius private double mPressure; // Air pressure, in kPa private double m_xv; // Molar fraction of water vapour, in mol/mol private double m_xCO2; // Molar fraction of CO2, in mol/mol private double mHumidity; // Relative humidity, as % of saturation humidity // Calculated properties of moist air. private double mRho; // Air density, in kg/m^3 private double mEta; // Dynamic viscosity, in kg/(m.s) private double mSpecificHeat; // Isobaric specific heat, in J/(kg.K) private double mGamma; // Ratio of specific heats, cp/cv, dimensionless private double mKappa; // Thermal conductivity, in W/(m.K) private double mPrandtl; // Prandtl number, dimensionless private double mSpeedOfSound; // c, in m/s // Multiplier for calculating adjustment to complex wave number. // k = 2*pi*f/c * ( 1 + epsilon - 1j * epsilon ) // where epsilon = mEpsilonConstant / (a*sqrt(f)) private double mEpsilonConstant; // Alternatively, // k = 2*pi*f/v - j*alpha // where alpha = mAlphaConstant * sqrt(waveNumber) / a // and 2*pi*f/v ~= 2*pi*f/c + alpha private double mAlphaConstant; // Wave number, k, at 1 Hz: 2*pi/c, in radians per metre. private double mWaveNumber1; private static final double R = 8.314472; // Universal gas constant J/mol K. private static final double Ma0 = 28.960745; // Standard molar mass of CO2-free dry air, kg/kmol. private static final double Mco2 = 44.0100; // Standard molar mass of CO2. private static final double Mo2 = 31.9988; // Standard molar mass of O2. private static final double Mv = 18.01527; // Molar mass of water vapour, kg/kmol. public PhysicalParameters() { this(72.0, TemperatureType.F); } public PhysicalParameters(double temperature, TemperatureType tempType) { this(temperature, tempType, 101.325, 45.0, 0.000390); } /** Initialize physical parameters of air from specified properties. * @param temperature - temperature, in degrees F or C * @param tempType - temperature units, Fahrenheit or Celsius * @param pressure - pressure, in kPa * @param relHumidity - relative humidity, in percent of saturation humidity * @param xCO2 - molar fraction of CO2 in air, in mol/mol */ public PhysicalParameters(double temperature, TemperatureType tempType, double pressure, double relHumidity, double xCO2) { double celsius; if (tempType == TemperatureType.F) { celsius = (temperature + 40.) * 5. / 9. - 40.; } else { celsius = temperature; } setProperties(celsius, pressure, relHumidity, xCO2); } /** Set the physical parameters of the air in the instrument, * from specified properties. * @param temperature - air temperature, in Celsius * @param pressure - air pressure, in kPa * @param relHumidity - relative humidity, in percent of saturation humidity * @param xCO2 - molar fraction of CO2, in mol/mol */ public void setProperties(double temperature, double pressure, double relHumidity, double xCO2) { mTemperature = temperature; mPressure = pressure; mHumidity = relHumidity; m_xCO2 = xCO2; double kelvin = 273.15 + mTemperature; double pascal = 1000.0 * pressure; // Enhancement factor, from CIPM 2007. double enhancement = 1.00062 + 3.14e-5 * pressure + 5.6e-7 * mTemperature * mTemperature; // Saturated vapour pressure, in kPa, from CIPM-2007. double Psv = 0.001 * Math .exp(1.2378847e-5 * kelvin * kelvin - 1.9121316e-2 * kelvin + 33.93711047 - 6.3431645e3 / kelvin); // Molar fraction of water vapour, n_v/n_total, in mol/mol, using CIPM-2007. m_xv = 0.01 * relHumidity * enhancement * Psv / pressure; // Compressibility factor, from CIPM-2007, double compressibility = (1.0 - pascal / kelvin * (1.58123e-6 - 2.9331e-8 * mTemperature + 1.1043e-10 * mTemperature * mTemperature + (5.707e-6 - 2.051e-8 * mTemperature) * m_xv + (1.9898e-4 - 2.376e-6 * mTemperature) * m_xv * m_xv) + (pascal / kelvin) * (pascal / kelvin) * (1.83e-11 - 0.765e-8 * m_xv * m_xv)); // Standard molar mass of dry air, in kg/kmol. double Ma = Ma0 + (Mco2 - Mo2) * xCO2; // Standard molar mass of moist air, in kg/kmol. double M = (1.0 - m_xv) * Ma + m_xv * Mv; // Specific gas constant of humid air, in J/(kg*K). double Ra = R / (0.001 * M); // Specific humidity, or mass fraction of water vapour, in kg(water)/kg(total). double qv = m_xv * Mv / M; // Mass fraction of CO2, in kg(CO2)/kg(total). double qco2 = xCO2 * Mco2 / M; mRho = pressure * 1e3 / (compressibility * Ra * kelvin); // Dynamic viscosity, in kg/(m.s) or Pa.s. // Dynamic viscosity of dry air, using Sutherland's formula, // from McQuillan, et al., 1984 (Reid, 1966). double etaAir = 1.4592e-6 * Math.pow(kelvin, 1.5) / (kelvin + 109.10); // Dynamic viscosity of water vapour in air, // linear regression line from Tsilingiris, 2007, corrected for magnitude. double etaVapour = 8.058131868e-6 + mTemperature * 4.000549451e-8; double etaRatio = Math.sqrt(etaAir / etaVapour); double humidityRatio = m_xv / (1.0 - m_xv); double phiAV = 0.5 * Math.pow(1.0 + etaRatio * Math.pow(Mv / Ma, 0.25), 2.0) / Math.sqrt(2.0 * (1.0 + (Ma / Mv))); double phiVA = 0.5 * Math.pow(1.0 + Math.pow(Ma / Mv, 0.25) / etaRatio, 2.0) / Math.sqrt(2.0 * (1.0 + (Mv / Ma))); mEta = etaAir / (1.0 + phiAV * humidityRatio) + humidityRatio * etaVapour / (humidityRatio + phiVA); // Isobaric specific heat, cp, in J/(kg.K). // Isobaric specific heat of air and water vapour, from Tsilingiris, 2007, // with specific heat of air reduced by 2 J/kg.K to get gamma correct. double cpAir = 1032.0 + kelvin * (-0.284887 + kelvin * (0.7816818e-3 + kelvin * (-0.4970786e-6 + kelvin * 0.1077024e-9))); double cpVapour = 1869.10989 + mTemperature * (-0.2578421578 + mTemperature * 1.941058941e-2); // Isobaric specific heat of CO2, curve fit on available data. double cpCO2 = 817.02 + mTemperature * (1.0562 - mTemperature * 6.67e-4); mSpecificHeat = cpAir * (1 - qv - qco2) + cpVapour * qv + cpCO2 * qco2; // Ratio of specific heats cp/cv. mGamma = mSpecificHeat / (mSpecificHeat - Ra); // Thermal conductivity, in W/(m.K). // Thermal conductivity of dry air, using Sutherland's formula, from McQuillan, et al., 1984. double kappaAir = 2.3340e-3 * Math.pow(kelvin, 1.5) / (kelvin + 164.54); // Thermal conductivity of water vapour, from Tsirilingis, 2007. double kappaVapour = 0.01761758242 + mTemperature * (5.558941059e-5 + mTemperature * 1.663336663e-7); mKappa = kappaAir / (1.0 + phiAV * humidityRatio) + humidityRatio * kappaVapour / (humidityRatio + phiVA); // Prandtl number mPrandtl = mEta * mSpecificHeat / mKappa; mSpeedOfSound = Math.sqrt(mGamma * compressibility * Ra * kelvin); mEpsilonConstant = 1.0 / (2.0 * Math.sqrt(Math.PI)) * Math.sqrt(mEta / mRho) * (1.0 + (mGamma - 1.0) / Math.sqrt(mPrandtl)); mAlphaConstant = Math.sqrt(mEta / (2.0 * mRho * mSpeedOfSound)) * (1.0 + (mGamma - 1.0) / Math.sqrt(mPrandtl)); mWaveNumber1 = 2.0 * Math.PI / mSpeedOfSound; } // setProperties /** * Compute the actual air pressure, in kPa, at specified elevation, * from the barometric formula. * @param barometricPressure - pressure shown on barometer, adjusted to sea-level * @param elevation - elevation in meters * @return absolute air pressure, in kPa */ static public double pressureAt(double barometricPressure, double elevation) { // Concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere. double xCO2 = 0.000390; // Standard molar mass of air, in kg/kmol. double Ma = Ma0 + (Mco2 - Mo2) * xCO2; // Gravitational acceleration, in m/s^2 double g = 9.80665; return barometricPressure * Math.exp(-g * Ma * 0.001 * elevation / (R * 288.15)); } /** * Compute the standard air pressure, in kPa, at specified elevation. * @param elevation - elevation in meters * @return standard air pressure, in kPa */ static public double pressureAt(double elevation) { return pressureAt(101.325, elevation); } /* Calculate speed of sound using Owen Cramer's polynomial approximation, * "The variation of the specific heat ratio and the speed of sound in air * with temperature, pressure, humidity, and CO2 concentration," * JASA, 93 (5), 1993. * This code assumes pressure of 101.0 kPa, and specific CO2 concentration. */ @SuppressWarnings("unused") private double calculateSpeedOfSound(double ambientTemp, double relativeHumidity) { double T; double f; double Psv; double Xw; double c; double Xc; double speed; double p = 101000; double[] a = new double[] { 331.5024, 0.603055, -0.000528, 51.471935, 0.1495874, -0.000782, -1.82e-7, 3.73e-8, -2.93e-10, -85.20931, -0.228525, 5.91e-5, -2.835149, -2.15e-13, 29.179762, 0.000486 }; T = ambientTemp + 273.15; f = 1.00062 + 0.0000000314 * p + 0.00000056 * ambientTemp * ambientTemp; Psv = Math.exp(0.000012811805 * T * T - 0.019509874 * T + 34.04926034 - 6353.6311 / T); Xw = relativeHumidity * f * Psv / p; c = 331.45 - a[0] - p * a[6] - a[13] * p * p; c = Math.sqrt(a[9] * a[9] + 4 * a[14] * c); Xc = ((-1) * a[9] - c) / (2 * a[14]); speed = a[0] + a[1] * ambientTemp + a[2] * ambientTemp * ambientTemp + (a[3] + a[4] * ambientTemp + a[5] * ambientTemp * ambientTemp) * Xw + (a[6] + a[7] * ambientTemp + a[8] * ambientTemp * ambientTemp) * p + (a[9] + a[10] * ambientTemp + a[11] * ambientTemp * ambientTemp) * Xc + a[12] * Xw * Xw + a[13] * p * p + a[14] * Xc * Xc + a[15] * Xw * p * Xc; return speed; } /** * Calculate the wave impedance, in kg/(m^4.s), of a bore of nominal radius r. */ public double calcZ0(double radius) { return mRho * mSpeedOfSound / (Math.PI * radius * radius); // Wave impedance of a bore, nominal radius r. } public String toString() { StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); buf.append("Physical Parameters :\n"); buf.append("Temperature = " + mTemperature + "\n"); buf.append("Pressure = " + mPressure + "\n"); buf.append("c = " + mSpeedOfSound + "\n"); buf.append("rho = " + mRho + "\n"); buf.append("Specific Heat = " + mSpecificHeat + "\n"); buf.append("eta = " + mEta + "\n"); buf.append("gamma = " + mGamma + "\n"); buf.append("kappa = " + mKappa + "\n"); buf.append("nu**2 = " + mPrandtl + "\n"); return buf.toString(); } public void printProperties() { System.out.print("Properties of air at "); System.out.printf("%6.2f C, %8.3f kPa, %3.0f%% humidity, %3.0f ppm CO2:\n", mTemperature, mPressure, mHumidity, m_xCO2 * 1.0e6); System.out.printf("Speed of sound is %8.3f m/s.\n", mSpeedOfSound); System.out.printf("Density is %7.4f kg/m^3.\n", mRho); System.out.printf("Epsilon factor is %9.3e.\n", mEpsilonConstant); } /** * @return temperature, in Celsius */ public double getTemperature() { return mTemperature; } /** * @return air pressure, in kPa */ public double getPressure() { return mPressure; } /** * @return molar fraction of CO2 in air, in mol/mol */ public double get_xCO2() { return m_xCO2; } /** * @return molar fraction of water vapour in air, in mol/mol */ public double get_xv() { return m_xv; } /** * @return the speed of sound, in m/s. */ public double getSpeedOfSound() { return mSpeedOfSound; } /** * Convert frequency to wave number. * @param freq : frequency in Hz. * @return wave number in radians/meter. */ public double calcWaveNumber(double freq) { return freq * mWaveNumber1; } /** * Convert wave number to frequency. * @param waveNumber : wave number in radians/meter * @return frequency in Hz. */ public double calcFrequency(double waveNumber) { return waveNumber / mWaveNumber1; } /** * Compute epsilon, the adjustment factor for losses in a tube. * @param waveNumber : non-lossy wave number, in radians/meter * @param radius : tube radius, in m * @return dimensionless adjustment for calculating complex wave number */ public double getEpsilon(double waveNumber, double radius) { return mAlphaConstant / (radius * Math.sqrt(waveNumber)); } /** * Compute epsilon, the adjustment factor for losses in a tube. * @param frequency : frequency, in Hz * @param radius : tube radius, in m * @return dimensionless adjustment for calculating complex wave number */ public double getEpsilonFromF(double frequency, double radius) { return mEpsilonConstant / (radius * Math.sqrt(frequency)); } /** * Compute the complex wave vector, allowing for losses. * @param waveNumber : non-lossy wave number, in radians/meter * @param radius : tube radius, in m * @return omega/v - j * alpha */ public Complex getComplexWaveNumber(double waveNumber, double radius) { double alpha = (1 / radius) * Math.sqrt(waveNumber) * mAlphaConstant; return Complex.I.multiply(waveNumber).add(Complex.valueOf(1, 1).multiply(alpha)); } public double getAlphaConstant() { return mAlphaConstant; } /** * @return specific heat at constant pressure, in J/(kg.K) */ public double getSpecificHeat() { return mSpecificHeat; } /** * @return specific heat at constant pressure, in J/(kg.K) */ public double getC_p() { return mSpecificHeat; } /** * @return the dimensionless specific heat ratio, cp/cv */ public double getSpecificHeatRatio() { return mGamma; } /** * @return the dimensionless specific heat ratio, cp/cv */ public double getGamma() { return mGamma; } /** * @return the dynamic viscosity, in Kg/(m.s) or Pa.s */ public double getDynamicViscosity() { return mEta; } /** * @return the dynamic viscosity, in Kg/(m.s) or Pa.s */ public double getEta() { return mEta; } /** * @return the air density, in kg/m^3 */ public double getDensity() { return mRho; } /** * @return the air density, in kg/m^3 */ public double getRho() { return mRho; } /** * @return Thermal conductivity, in W/(m.K) */ public double getThermalConductivity() { return mKappa; } /** * @return Thermal conductivity, in W/(m.K) */ public double getKappa() { return mKappa; } }