Source code

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 * Copyright  (c) 2015-2016, WSO2.Telco Inc. ( All Rights Reserved.
 *  WSO2.Telco Inc. licences this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package com.wso2telco.dep.reportingservice.southbound;

import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.sql.Date;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;


import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.jaxen.JaxenException;
import org.json.JSONObject;
import org.mozilla.javascript.NativeArray;
import org.mozilla.javascript.NativeObject;
import org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.api.APIManagementException;
import org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.api.model.API;
import org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.api.model.APIKey;
import org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.api.model.Application;
import org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.api.model.SubscribedAPI;
import org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.api.model.Subscriber;
import org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.impl.APIConstants;
import org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.impl.APIManagerConfiguration;
import org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.impl.APIManagerFactory;
import org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.impl.dao.ApiMgtDAO;
import org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.impl.dto.APIInfoDTO;
import org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.usage.client.exception.APIMgtUsageQueryServiceClientException;
import org.wso2.carbon.identity.base.IdentityException;
import org.wso2.carbon.registry.core.Registry;
import org.wso2.carbon.registry.core.Resource;
import org.wso2.carbon.registry.core.exceptions.RegistryException;

import com.wso2telco.core.dbutils.exception.BusinessException;
import com.wso2telco.dep.reportingservice.APIRequestDTO;
import com.wso2telco.dep.reportingservice.APIResponseDTO;
import com.wso2telco.dep.reportingservice.ApiTxCard;
import com.wso2telco.dep.reportingservice.BillingSubscription;
import com.wso2telco.dep.reportingservice.HostObjectConstants;
import com.wso2telco.dep.reportingservice.PaymentRequestDTO;
import com.wso2telco.dep.reportingservice.Tax;
import com.wso2telco.dep.reportingservice.dao.Approval;
import com.wso2telco.dep.reportingservice.dao.BillingDAO;
import com.wso2telco.dep.reportingservice.dao.OperatorDAO;
import com.wso2telco.dep.reportingservice.dao.TaxDAO;
import com.wso2telco.dep.reportingservice.dao.TxCardDAO;
import com.wso2telco.dep.reportingservice.exception.ReportingServiceError;
import com.wso2telco.dep.reportingservice.internal.HostObjectComponent;
import com.wso2telco.dep.reportingservice.util.CategoryEntity;
import com.wso2telco.dep.reportingservice.util.ChargeRate;
import com.wso2telco.dep.reportingservice.util.CommissionPercentagesDTO;
import com.wso2telco.dep.reportingservice.util.OperatorDetailsEntity;
import com.wso2telco.dep.reportingservice.util.RateCommission;
import com.wso2telco.dep.reportingservice.util.RateKey;
import com.wso2telco.dep.reportingservice.util.RateType;
import com.wso2telco.dep.reportingservice.util.SubCategory;
import com.wso2telco.dep.reportingservice.util.SurchargeEntity;
import com.wso2telco.dep.reportingservice.util.UsageTiers;

// TODO: Auto-generated Javadoc
 * The Class SbHostObjectUtils.
public class SbHostObjectUtils {

    /** The Constant log. */
    private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(SbHostObjectUtils.class);

    /** The Constant ALL_SUBSCRIBERS_KEYWORD. */
    private static final String ALL_SUBSCRIBERS_KEYWORD = "__ALL__";

    /** The Constant ALL_APPLICATIONS_KEYWORD. */
    private static final String ALL_APPLICATIONS_KEYWORD = "__ALL__";

    /** The Constant CAT_DEFAULT. */
    private static final String CAT_DEFAULT = "__default__";

    /** The Constant DISPLAY_DEFAULT. */
    private static final String DISPLAY_DEFAULT = "Default";

     * Check data publishing enabled.
     * @return true, if successful
    public static boolean checkDataPublishingEnabled() {

        APIManagerConfiguration configuration = HostObjectComponent.getAPIManagerConfiguration();
        String enabledStr = configuration.getFirstProperty(APIConstants.API_USAGE_ENABLED);
        return enabledStr != null && Boolean.parseBoolean(enabledStr);

     * Gets the billing subscriptions for user.
     * @param username the username
     * @param year the year
     * @param month the month
     * @return the billing subscriptions for user
     * @throws APIManagementException the API management exception
     * @throws APIMgtUsageQueryServiceClientException the API mgt usage query service client exception
     * @throws BusinessException 
    public static Map<Application, Set<BillingSubscription>> getBillingSubscriptionsForUser(String username,
            String year, String month) throws Exception {
        Subscriber subscriber = new Subscriber(username);
        ApiMgtDAO apiMgtDAO = ApiMgtDAO.getInstance();
        // Adding null as param
        Set<SubscribedAPI> apis = apiMgtDAO.getSubscribedAPIs(subscriber, null);
        Map<Application, Set<BillingSubscription>> billingDetails = null;
        if (apis != null) {
            billingDetails = new HashMap<Application, Set<BillingSubscription>>();
  "::: Subscribed APIs not null :::");
            for (SubscribedAPI api : apis) {
      "::: Subscribed API : " + api.getApplication().getName() + " , " + api.getTier().getName()
                        + " , " + api.getApiId());
                if (!isSubscriptionValidForMonth(api, year, month)) {
                if (billingDetails.containsKey(api.getApplication())) {
                    billingDetails.get(api.getApplication()).add(new BillingSubscription(api));
                } else {
                    Set<BillingSubscription> set = new HashSet<BillingSubscription>();
                    set.add(new BillingSubscription(api));
                    billingDetails.put(api.getApplication(), set);
        } else {
  "::: Subscribed APIS null");

        return billingDetails;

     * Checks if is subscription valid for month.
     * @param subAPI the sub api
     * @param year the year
     * @param month the month
     * @return true, if is subscription valid for month
     * @throws APIManagementException the API management exception
     * @throws APIMgtUsageQueryServiceClientException the API mgt usage query service client exception
     * @throws BusinessException 
    private static boolean isSubscriptionValidForMonth(SubscribedAPI subAPI, String year, String month)
            throws BusinessException {
        BillingDAO billingDAO = new BillingDAO();
        java.util.Date createdTime;
        try {
            createdTime = billingDAO.getSubscriptionCreatedTime(subAPI.getApplication().getId(), subAPI.getApiId());
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new BusinessException(ReportingServiceError.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR);
        Date reportDate = Date.valueOf(year + "-" + month + "-01");
        Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();

        // compare created time with 1st day of next month
        calendar.add(Calendar.MONTH, 1);
        calendar.set(Calendar.DATE, calendar.getActualMinimum(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH));
        if (createdTime != null) {
            return createdTime.before(calendar.getTime());
        } else {
            return false;


     * Gets the billing subscriptions for user app.
     * @param username the username
     * @param application the application
     * @param txnapi the txnapi
     * @return the billing subscriptions for user app
     * @throws APIManagementException the API management exception
    public static SubscribedAPI getBillingSubscriptionsForUserApp(String username, String application,
            String txnapi) throws APIManagementException {
        Subscriber subscriber = new Subscriber(username);
        SubscribedAPI retSub = null;
        ApiMgtDAO apiMgtDAO = ApiMgtDAO.getInstance();
        Set<SubscribedAPI> apis = apiMgtDAO.getSubscribedAPIs(subscriber, application);
        if (apis != null) {

  "::: Subscribed APIs not null :::");
            for (SubscribedAPI api : apis) {
      "::: Subscribed API : " + api.getApplication().getName() + " , " + api.getTier().getName()
                        + " , " + api.getApiId());
                if (api.getApiId().getApiName().equalsIgnoreCase(txnapi)) {
                    retSub = api;
        } else {
  "::: Subscribed APIS null");

        return retSub;

     * Gets the app key.
     * @param app the app
     * @param keyType the key type
     * @return the app key
    public static APIKey getAppKey(Application app, String keyType) {
        List<APIKey> apiKeys = app.getKeys();
        return getKeyOfType(apiKeys, keyType);

     * Gets the key of type.
     * @param apiKeys the api keys
     * @param keyType the key type
     * @return the key of type
    public static APIKey getKeyOfType(List<APIKey> apiKeys, String keyType) {
        for (APIKey key : apiKeys) {
            if (keyType.equals(key.getType())) {
                return key;
        return null;

     * Apply charging plan.
     * @param billingSubs the billing subs
     * @param rateCard the rate card
     * @param year the year
     * @param month the month
     * @throws Exception 
    public static void applyChargingPlan(Map<Application, Set<BillingSubscription>> billingSubs,
            Map<RateKey, ChargeRate> rateCard, String year, String month) throws Exception {

        Set<Map.Entry<Application, Set<BillingSubscription>>> entries = billingSubs.entrySet();
        BillingDAO billingDAO = new BillingDAO();
        for (Map.Entry<Application, Set<BillingSubscription>> entry : entries) {
            Set<BillingSubscription> subscriptions = entry.getValue();
            for (BillingSubscription subscription : subscriptions) {

                String appName = subscription.getApplication().getName();

                String subscriber = subscription.getSubscriber().getName();
                String apiName = subscription.getApiId().getApiName();
                if (month != null && month.length() == 1) {
                    month = "0" + month;

                log.debug("Applying charging plan for API - " + apiName);

                populateOperatorDetailsOfSubscription(subscription, rateCard);
                calculateChargeForSubscription(subscription, rateCard);


     * Bill component.
     * @param rate the rate
     * @param rateCard the rate card
     * @param operatorSubscription the operator subscription
     * @param subsYear the subs year
     * @param subsMonth the subs month
     * @param application the application
     * @param ApiName the api name
     * @param apiVersion the api version
     * @param categoryEntry the category entry
     * @param appId the app id
     * @param apiId the api id
     * @param subsId the subs id
     * @throws Exception 
    private static void billComponent(ChargeRate rate, Map<RateKey, ChargeRate> rateCard,
            BillingSubscription.OperatorSubscription operatorSubscription, String subsYear, String subsMonth,
            Application application, String ApiName, String apiVersion,
            Map.Entry<CategoryCharge, BilledCharge> categoryEntry, int appId, int apiId, String subsId)
            throws Exception {

        String billCategory = categoryEntry.getKey().getCategory();
        String billSubCategory = categoryEntry.getKey().getSubcategory();
        BigDecimal billRate = rate.getValue();
        Object SubsRate = null;

        switch (rate.getType()) {

        case CONSTANT:
            // apply charge for category

            SubsRate = getRateSubcategory(rate, billCategory, billSubCategory);
            if (SubsRate != null) {
                billRate = new BigDecimal((String) SubsRate);
            applyTaxForBlockCharging(categoryEntry, rate, subsYear, subsMonth);

        case QUOTA:

            Map<String, String> rateAttributes = (Map<String, String>) rate.getRateAttributes();

            SubsRate = getRateSubcategory(rate, billCategory, billSubCategory);

            if (SubsRate != null) {
                rateAttributes = (Map<String, String>) SubsRate;

            if (rateAttributes == null
                    || !rateAttributes.containsKey(HostObjectConstants.RATE_ATTRIBUTE_MAX_COUNT.toString())
                    || !rateAttributes.containsKey(HostObjectConstants.RATE_ATTRIBUTE_EXCESS_RATE.toString())
                    || !rateAttributes.containsKey(HostObjectConstants.RATE_ATTRIBUTE_DEFAULT_RATE.toString())) {
                throw new APIManagementException(
                        "Attributes required for QUOTA charging are not specified in rate-card.xml");

            int maxCount = Integer
            BigDecimal excessRate = new BigDecimal(
            BigDecimal defaultRate = new BigDecimal(

            if (categoryEntry.getValue().getCount() > maxCount) {
                int excess = categoryEntry.getValue().getCount() - maxCount;
                BigDecimal charge = excessRate.multiply(BigDecimal.valueOf(excess)).add(defaultRate);
            } else {
            applyTaxForBlockCharging(categoryEntry, rate, subsYear, subsMonth);

        case MULTITIER:
            int totalRequestCount = categoryEntry.getValue().getCount();

            BigDecimal price = BigDecimal.ZERO;
            int tierCount = 0;
            List<UsageTiers> usageTier = rate.getUsageTiers();
            SubsRate = getRateSubcategory(rate, billCategory, billSubCategory);
            if (SubsRate != null) {
                usageTier = (List<UsageTiers>) SubsRate;

            calculateTiersCharges(usageTier, rateCard, totalRequestCount, tierCount, operatorSubscription, subsYear,
                    subsMonth, application, ApiName, apiVersion, categoryEntry, appId, apiId, subsId);

        case PERCENTAGE:
            APIKey prodKey = getAppKey(application, APIConstants.API_KEY_TYPE_PRODUCTION);
            if (prodKey != null) {
                String consumerKey = prodKey.getConsumerKey();
                String api_version = ApiName + ":v" + apiVersion;
                BillingDAO billingDAO = new BillingDAO();
                Set<PaymentRequestDTO> paymentRequestSet = billingDAO.getPaymentAmounts(Short.parseShort(subsYear),
                        Short.parseShort(subsMonth), consumerKey, api_version, operatorSubscription.getOperator(),
                        operatorSubscription.getOperationId(), categoryEntry.getKey().getCategory(),
                applyChargesForPaymentApi(operatorSubscription, paymentRequestSet, categoryEntry, appId, apiId,

        case SUBSCRIPTION:
            // Update the Handler to count the subscribers operator wise
            int noOfSubscribers = categoryEntry.getValue().getCount();
            if (SubsRate != null) {
                billRate = new BigDecimal((String) SubsRate);
            categoryEntry.getValue().setPrice(billRate.multiply(new BigDecimal(noOfSubscribers)));
            applyTaxForBlockCharging(categoryEntry, rate, subsYear, subsMonth);

        case PER_REQUEST:
            applyChargesWithTax(subsYear, subsMonth, application, ApiName, apiVersion, operatorSubscription,
                    categoryEntry, rate);



     * Gets the rate subcategory.
     * @param rate the rate
     * @param billCategory the bill category
     * @param billSubCategory the bill sub category
     * @return the rate subcategory
     * @throws APIManagementException the API management exception
    private static Object getRateSubcategory(ChargeRate rate, String billCategory, String billSubCategory)
            throws APIManagementException {

        Object categoryRate = null;
        String subcategory = CAT_DEFAULT;
        if ((billSubCategory != null) && (!billSubCategory.isEmpty())) {
            subcategory = billSubCategory;

        if (!rate.getCategoryBasedVal()) {
            return categoryRate;

        if ((billCategory != null) && (!billCategory.isEmpty())) {

            if (!rate.getCategories().containsKey(billCategory)) {
                throw new APIManagementException(
                        "Attributes required for charging are not specified in rate-card.xml");
            Map<String, Object> subcategorymap = (Map<String, Object>) rate.getCategories().get(billCategory);
            if (!subcategorymap.containsKey(subcategory)) {
                throw new APIManagementException(
                        "Attributes required for charging are not specified in rate-card.xml");
            categoryRate = subcategorymap.get(subcategory);

        return categoryRate;

     * Calculate charge for subscription.
     * @param subscription the subscription
     * @param rateCard the rate card
     * @throws Exception 
    private static void calculateChargeForSubscription(BillingSubscription subscription,
            Map<RateKey, ChargeRate> rateCard) throws Exception {

        for (BillingSubscription.OperatorSubscription operatorSubscription : subscription
                .getOperatorSubscriptionList()) {
            ChargeRate rate = operatorSubscription.getRate();
            if (rate == null) {
            Map<CategoryCharge, BilledCharge> map = operatorSubscription.getCategoryCharges();

            // check if category via charging available
            if ((map == null) || (map.isEmpty())) {

                if (rate.getType().equals(RateType.CONSTANT)) {
                    map = new HashMap<CategoryCharge, BilledCharge>();
                    map.put(new CategoryCharge(operatorSubscription.getOperationId(), "", ""), new BilledCharge(0));
                } else {
                    // no data to bill

            for (Map.Entry<CategoryCharge, BilledCharge> entry : map.entrySet()) {
                billComponent(rate, rateCard, operatorSubscription, subscription.getYear(), subscription.getMonth(),
                        subscription.getApplication(), subscription.getApiId().getApiName(),
                        subscription.getApiId().getVersion(), entry, subscription.getApplication().getId(),
                        subscription.getApiIdInt(), subscription.getSubscriber().getName());

                // Accoumilate totals


     * Apply charges for payment api.
     * @param opSubscription the op subscription
     * @param paymentRequestSet the payment request set
     * @param categoryEntry the category entry
     * @param appId the app id
     * @param apiId the api id
     * @param subId the sub id
     * @throws Exception 
    private static void applyChargesForPaymentApi(BillingSubscription.OperatorSubscription opSubscription,
            Set<PaymentRequestDTO> paymentRequestSet, Map.Entry<CategoryCharge, BilledCharge> categoryEntry,
            int appId, int apiId, String subId) throws Exception {

        ChargeRate rate = opSubscription.getRate();
        String billCategory = categoryEntry.getKey().getCategory();
        String billSubCategory = categoryEntry.getKey().getSubcategory();
        BigDecimal billRate = rate.getValue();

        boolean CategoryBased = rate.getCategoryBasedVal();
        BillingDAO billingDAO = new BillingDAO();
        TaxDAO taxDAO = new TaxDAO();
        List<Tax> taxList = taxDAO.getTaxesForTaxList(rate.getTaxList());
        Map<String, CommissionPercentagesDTO> commisionMap = null;

        if (!CategoryBased) {
            commisionMap = billingDAO.getCommissionPercentages(subId, appId);

        BigDecimal totalspcom = BigDecimal.ZERO;
        BigDecimal totalCharge = BigDecimal.ZERO;
        BigDecimal totaladscom = BigDecimal.ZERO;
        BigDecimal totalopcom = BigDecimal.ZERO;
        BigDecimal totalTax = BigDecimal.ZERO;

        // get this flag from rate card

        for (PaymentRequestDTO paymentRequest : paymentRequestSet) {
            totalCharge = totalCharge.add(paymentRequest.getAmount());
            BigDecimal spcom = BigDecimal.ZERO;
            BigDecimal adscom = BigDecimal.ZERO;
            BigDecimal opcom = BigDecimal.ZERO;

            String category = paymentRequest.getCategory();
            String subcategory = paymentRequest.getSubcategory();
            String merchant = paymentRequest.getMerchant();

            BigDecimal adscomPercnt = rate.getCommission().getAdsCommission().divide(new BigDecimal(100));
            BigDecimal spcomPercnt = rate.getCommission().getSpCommission().divide(new BigDecimal(100));
            BigDecimal opcomPercnt = rate.getCommission().getOpcoCommission().divide(new BigDecimal(100));

            if (CategoryBased) {
                Object SubsRate = getRateSubcategory(rate, billCategory, billSubCategory);
                if (SubsRate != null) {
                    RateCommission commisionRates = (RateCommission) SubsRate;
                    adscomPercnt = commisionRates.getAdsCommission().divide(new BigDecimal(100));
                    spcomPercnt = commisionRates.getSpCommission().divide(new BigDecimal(100));
                    opcomPercnt = commisionRates.getOpcoCommission().divide(new BigDecimal(100));

            } else {
                if (commisionMap.containsKey(merchant)) {
                    adscomPercnt = commisionMap.get(merchant).getAdsCommission().divide(new BigDecimal(100));
                    spcomPercnt = commisionMap.get(merchant).getSpCommission().divide(new BigDecimal(100));
                    opcomPercnt = commisionMap.get(merchant).getOpcoCommission().divide(new BigDecimal(100));
                } else {
                    throw new APIManagementException(
                            "Payment Categoreis required for MERCHANT based charging are not specified in rate-card.xml");

            spcom = paymentRequest.getAmount().multiply(spcomPercnt);
            totalspcom = totalspcom.add(spcom);

            opcom = paymentRequest.getAmount().multiply(opcomPercnt);
            totalopcom = totalopcom.add(opcom);

            adscom = paymentRequest.getAmount().multiply(adscomPercnt);
            totaladscom = totaladscom.add(adscom);

            Date date = new Date(paymentRequest.getDate().getTime());
            BigDecimal totalReqTax = BigDecimal.ZERO;
            for (Tax tax : taxList) {
                // check if the date of payment request falls between this tax
                // validity period
                if (!date.before(tax.getEffective_from()) && !date.after(tax.getEffective_to())) {
                    totalReqTax = totalReqTax.add(tax.getValue().multiply(paymentRequest.getAmount()));
            totalTax = totalTax.add(totalReqTax);

            if (!CategoryBased) {
                if (opSubscription.getMerchantCharges().containsKey(merchant)) {
                } else {
                    BilledCharge billedCharge = new BilledCharge(0);
                    opSubscription.getMerchantCharges().put(merchant, billedCharge);

        // Get the percentage from the rate value

        // apply category wise charge percentage


     * Apply payment charges by category.
     * @param opSubscription the op subscription
     * @param categoryCharge the category charge
     * @param paymentRequestSet the payment request set
     * @throws Exception 
    private static void applyPaymentChargesByCategory(BillingSubscription.OperatorSubscription opSubscription,
            CategoryCharge categoryCharge, Set<PaymentRequestDTO> paymentRequestSet) throws Exception {

        ChargeRate rate = opSubscription.getRate();
        TaxDAO taxDAO = new TaxDAO();
        List<Tax> taxList = taxDAO.getTaxesForTaxList(rate.getTaxList());
        BigDecimal totalCharge = BigDecimal.ZERO;
        BigDecimal totalPrice = BigDecimal.ZERO;
        BigDecimal totalTax = BigDecimal.ZERO;

        for (PaymentRequestDTO paymentRequest : paymentRequestSet) {
            totalCharge = totalCharge.add(paymentRequest.getAmount());
            BigDecimal price = BigDecimal.ZERO;

            CategoryEntity rateCategories = new CategoryEntity();

            if (rateCategories == null) {
                throw new APIManagementException(
                        "Payment Categoreis required for QUOTA charging are not specified in rate-card.xml");
            BigDecimal catpercent = rate.getValue().divide(new BigDecimal(100));

            Date date = new Date(paymentRequest.getDate().getTime());
            for (Tax tax : taxList) {
                // check if the date of payment request falls between this tax
                // validity period
                if (!date.before(tax.getEffective_from()) && !date.after(tax.getEffective_to())) {
                    // totalTax += taxFraction x paymentAmount
                    totalTax = totalTax.add(tax.getValue().multiply(price));

        // Get the percentage from the rate value

        // apply category wise charge percentage

     * Apply charges with tax.
     * @param apiYear the api year
     * @param apiMonth the api month
     * @param application the application
     * @param apiName the api name
     * @param apiVersion the api version
     * @param operatorSub the operator sub
     * @param CatEntry the cat entry
     * @param rate the rate
     * @throws Exception 
    private static void applyChargesWithTax(String apiYear, String apiMonth, Application application,
            String apiName, String apiVersion, BillingSubscription.OperatorSubscription operatorSub,
            Map.Entry<CategoryCharge, BilledCharge> CatEntry, ChargeRate rate) throws Exception {
        String month = apiMonth;
        String year = apiYear;
        boolean isSurcharge = false;

        if (application == null) {
            throw new APIManagementException("no key generated for this api");
        APIKey prodKey = getAppKey(application, APIConstants.API_KEY_TYPE_PRODUCTION);

        Set<APIRequestDTO> requestTimes = new HashSet<APIRequestDTO>();
        if (prodKey != null) {
            String api_version = apiName + ":v" + apiVersion;

            TaxDAO taxDAO = new TaxDAO();
            requestTimes = taxDAO.getAPIRequestTimesForSubscription(Short.parseShort(year), Short.parseShort(month),
                    apiName, api_version, prodKey.getConsumerKey(), operatorSub.getOperator(),
                    operatorSub.getOperationId(), CatEntry.getKey().getCategory(),


        String billCategory = CatEntry.getKey().getCategory();
        String billSubCategory = CatEntry.getKey().getSubcategory();
        BigDecimal billRate = rate.getValue();
        BigDecimal OpscomPercnt = null;

        Object SubsRate = getRateSubcategory(rate, billCategory, billSubCategory);
        if (SubsRate != null) {
            billRate = new BigDecimal((String) SubsRate);

        // Surcharge value
        if (rate.getSurchargeEntity() != null) {
            billRate = new BigDecimal(rate.getSurchargeEntity().getSurchargeElementValue());
            OpscomPercnt = new BigDecimal(rate.getSurchargeEntity().getSurchargeElementOpco())
                    .divide(new BigDecimal(100));
            isSurcharge = true;

        TaxDAO taxDAO = new TaxDAO();
        List<Tax> taxList = taxDAO.getTaxesForTaxList(rate.getTaxList());
        BigDecimal totalCharge = BigDecimal.ZERO;
        BigDecimal totalTax = BigDecimal.ZERO;
        BigDecimal totalOpcom = BigDecimal.ZERO;
        BigDecimal totalAdscom = BigDecimal.ZERO;

        int reqCount = 0;
        for (APIRequestDTO req : requestTimes) {

            if (reqCount >= CatEntry.getValue().getCount()) {

            BigDecimal charge = billRate.multiply(new BigDecimal(req.getRequestCount()));
            if (isSurcharge) {
                BigDecimal opcoCommision = billRate.multiply(OpscomPercnt);
                totalOpcom = totalOpcom.add(opcoCommision);
                totalAdscom = totalAdscom.add(charge.subtract(opcoCommision));
            } else {
                totalCharge = totalCharge.add(charge);

            Date date = req.getDate();
            for (Tax tax : taxList) {

                // check if the date of payment request falls between this tax
                // validity period
                if (!date.before(tax.getEffective_from()) && !date.after(tax.getEffective_to())) {
                    totalTax = totalTax.add(tax.getValue().multiply(charge));



     * Apply tax for block charging.
     * @param CatEntry the cat entry
     * @param rate the rate
     * @param year the year
     * @param month the month
     * @throws Exception 
    private static void applyTaxForBlockCharging(Map.Entry<CategoryCharge, BilledCharge> CatEntry, ChargeRate rate,
            String year, String month) throws Exception {

        TaxDAO taxDAO = new TaxDAO();
        List<Tax> taxList = taxDAO.getTaxesForTaxList(rate.getTaxList());
        CategoryCharge categorycharge = CatEntry.getKey();
        BilledCharge billed = CatEntry.getValue();

        BigDecimal totalTax = BigDecimal.ZERO;
        Date billingDate = Date.valueOf(year + "-" + month + "-01"); // start of
        // the
        // month

        for (Tax tax : taxList) {
            // select the taxes applicable at the billing date
            if (!billingDate.before(tax.getEffective_from()) && !billingDate.after(tax.getEffective_to())) {
                totalTax = totalTax.add(tax.getValue().multiply(billed.getPrice()));


     * Charge subscriber for month.
     * @param subscriber the subscriber
     * @param year the year
     * @param month the month
     * @param rateCard the rate card
     * @return the map
     * @throws Exception 
    public static Map<Application, Set<BillingSubscription>> chargeSubscriberForMonth(String subscriber,
            String year, String month, Map<RateKey, ChargeRate> rateCard) throws Exception {
        Map<Application, Set<BillingSubscription>> billingSubs = getBillingSubscriptionsForUser(subscriber, year,
        // inside charge plan application.
        applyChargingPlan(billingSubs, rateCard, year, month);

        return billingSubs;

     * Populate operator details of subscription.
     * @param subscription the subscription
     * @param rateCard the rate card
     * @throws Exception 
    private static void populateOperatorDetailsOfSubscription(BillingSubscription subscription,
            Map<RateKey, ChargeRate> rateCard) throws Exception {
        int appId = subscription.getApplication().getId();
        int apiId = subscription.getApiIdInt();
        List<BillingSubscription.OperatorSubscription> opSubscriptionList = new ArrayList<BillingSubscription.OperatorSubscription>();
        BillingDAO billingDAO = new BillingDAO();
        List<OperatorDetailsEntity> operatorMap = billingDAO.getOperatorDetailsOfSubscription(appId, apiId);
        log.debug("Operator Map for the subscription appplicationId : " + appId + " apiId : " + apiId + " : "
                + operatorMap.toString());
        for (OperatorDetailsEntity operatorDetail : operatorMap) {

            String operator = operatorDetail.getOperatorName();
            String rateName = operatorDetail.getRateName();
            int operationId = operatorDetail.getOperationId();
            log.debug("appId:" + appId + ",apiId:" + apiId + ",operator:" + operator + ",rateName:" + rateName
                    + ",operation:" + operationId);

            BillingSubscription.OperatorSubscription opSub = new BillingSubscription.OperatorSubscription(operator);
            ChargeRate rate = rateCard.get(new RateKey(operator, subscription.getApiId().getApiName(), rateName,
            if (rate == null) {
                throw new APIManagementException("Couldn't generate report. Rate assignment is faulty.");

     * Populate category vise api counts.
     * @param subscription the subscription
     * @throws Exception 
     * @throws  
    private static void populateCategoryViseAPICounts(BillingSubscription subscription) throws Exception {

        Application application = subscription.getApplication();
        if (application == null) {
            throw new APIManagementException("No key generated for this api");
        APIKey prodKey = getAppKey(application, APIConstants.API_KEY_TYPE_PRODUCTION);

        Map<CategoryCharge, BilledCharge> categoryCharges = null;
        for (BillingSubscription.OperatorSubscription operatorSubscription : subscription
                .getOperatorSubscriptionList()) {
            BillingDAO billingDAO = new BillingDAO();
            if (prodKey != null) {
                categoryCharges = billingDAO.getAPICountsForSubscription(prodKey.getConsumerKey(),
                        Short.parseShort(subscription.getYear()), Short.parseShort(subscription.getMonth()),
                        subscription.getApiId().getApiName(), subscription.getApiId().getVersion(),
                        operatorSubscription.getOperator(), operatorSubscription.getOperationId());

            if (categoryCharges != null) {

     * Gets the response times for subscriber.
     * @param username the username
     * @return the response times for subscriber
     * @throws Exception 
    public static Map<String, String> getResponseTimesForSubscriber(String username) throws Exception {
        log.debug("Starting getResponseTimesForSubscriber funtion with name username " + username);
        Subscriber subscriber = new Subscriber(username);
        Map<String, String> responseTimes = new HashMap<String, String>();
        ApiMgtDAO apiMgtDAO = ApiMgtDAO.getInstance();
        // Adding null for param
        Set<SubscribedAPI> apis = apiMgtDAO.getSubscribedAPIs(subscriber, null);
        log.debug("apis count, " + apis.size());
        String api_version = null;
        BillingDAO billingDAO = new BillingDAO();
        for (SubscribedAPI api : apis) {
            log.debug("api_name " + api.getApiId().getApiName());
            log.debug("api_version " + api.getApiId().getVersion());
            api_version = api.getApiId().getApiName() + ":v" + api.getApiId().getVersion();
            log.debug("api_version " + api_version);
            String ResponseTimeForAPI = billingDAO.getResponseTimeForAPI(api_version);
            log.debug("ResponseTimeForAPI: " + ResponseTimeForAPI);
            if (ResponseTimeForAPI != null) {
                log.debug("ResponseTimeForAPI was updated ");
                responseTimes.put(api_version, billingDAO.getResponseTimeForAPI(api_version));

        return responseTimes;

     * Gets the all response times.
     * @param opName the op name
     * @param username the username
     * @param application the application
     * @param appId the app id
     * @param fromDate the from date
     * @param toDate the to date
     * @return the all response times
     * @throws Exception 
    public static Map<String, List<APIResponseDTO>> getAllResponseTimes(String opName, String username,
            String application, String appId, String fromDate, String toDate) throws Exception {
        log.debug("Starting getAllResponseTimes function with username " + username + " for app " + application
                + " from " + fromDate + " to " + toDate);
        Map<String, List<APIResponseDTO>> responseTimes = new HashMap<String, List<APIResponseDTO>>();
        ApiMgtDAO apiMgtDAO = ApiMgtDAO.getInstance();
        BillingDAO billingDAO = new BillingDAO();
        if (username.equals(ALL_SUBSCRIBERS_KEYWORD)) {
            List<API> allAPIs = APIManagerFactory.getInstance().getAPIConsumer().getAllAPIs();
            for (API api : allAPIs) {
                String nameVersion = api.getId().getApiName() + ":v" + api.getId().getVersion();
                List<APIResponseDTO> responseDTOs = billingDAO.getAllResponseTimesForAPI(opName, appId, nameVersion,
                        fromDate, toDate);
                responseTimes.put(nameVersion, responseDTOs);
        } else if (application.equals(ALL_APPLICATIONS_KEYWORD)) {
            Subscriber subscriber = new Subscriber(username);
            // Adding null for param
            Set<SubscribedAPI> subscribedAPIs = apiMgtDAO.getSubscribedAPIs(subscriber, null);
            for (SubscribedAPI api : subscribedAPIs) {
                String nameVersion = api.getApiId().getApiName() + ":v" + api.getApiId().getVersion();
                List<APIResponseDTO> responseDTOs = billingDAO.getAllResponseTimesForAPI(opName, appId, nameVersion,
                        fromDate, toDate);
                responseTimes.put(nameVersion, responseDTOs);
        } else {
            Subscriber subscriber = new Subscriber(username);
            Set<SubscribedAPI> subscribedAPIs = apiMgtDAO.getSubscribedAPIs(subscriber, application);
            for (SubscribedAPI api : subscribedAPIs) {
                String nameVersion = api.getApiId().getApiName() + ":v" + api.getApiId().getVersion();
                List<APIResponseDTO> responseDTOs = billingDAO.getAllResponseTimesForAPI(opName, appId, nameVersion,
                        fromDate, toDate);
                responseTimes.put(nameVersion, responseDTOs);

        return responseTimes;

     * Gets the report location.
     * @param subscriber the subscriber
     * @param period the period
     * @return the report location
     * @throws IOException Signals that an I/O exception has occurred.
    public static FileWriter getReportLocation(String subscriber, String period) throws IOException {
        String year = null;
        String month = null;
        if (period != null) {
            String[] periodArray = period.split("-");
            year = periodArray[0];
            month = periodArray[1];
        String carbonHome = System.getProperty("carbon.home");
        String fileName = subscriber + "-" + period + ".csv";
        File reports = new File(carbonHome + "/reports/");

        if (!reports.exists()) {
            reports = new File(reports.getAbsoluteFile() + "/" + fileName);
        } else {
            reports = new File(reports.getAbsoluteFile() + "/" + fileName);
            if (!reports.exists()) {
        return new FileWriter(reports.getAbsolutePath());

     * Gets the custom api traffic report location.
     * @param fromDate the from date
     * @param toDate the to date
     * @param subscriberName the subscriber name
     * @param operator the operator
     * @param api the api
     * @return the custom api traffic report location
     * @throws IOException Signals that an I/O exception has occurred.
    public static FileWriter getCustomApiTrafficReportLocation(String fromDate, String toDate,
            String subscriberName, String operator, String api) throws IOException {

        String carbonHome = System.getProperty("carbon.home");
        String fileName = fromDate + "-" + toDate + "-" + subscriberName + "-" + operator + "-" + api + "-"
                + ".csv";
        File reports = new File(carbonHome + "/reports/");

        if (!reports.exists()) {
            reports = new File(reports.getAbsoluteFile() + "/" + fileName);
        } else {
            reports = new File(reports.getAbsoluteFile() + "/" + fileName);
            if (!reports.exists()) {
        return new FileWriter(reports.getAbsolutePath());

     * Gets the CSV file.
     * @param subscriber the subscriber
     * @param period the period
     * @return the CSV file
     * @throws IOException Signals that an I/O exception has occurred.
    private static File getCSVFile(String subscriber, String period) throws IOException {

        String carbonHome = System.getProperty("carbon.home");
        String fileName = subscriber + "-" + period + ".csv";
        File reports = new File(carbonHome + "/reports/");

        if (!reports.exists()) {
            reports = new File(reports.getAbsoluteFile() + "/" + fileName);
        } else {
            reports = new File(reports.getAbsoluteFile() + "/" + fileName);
            if (!reports.exists()) {
        return reports;

     * Gets the custom csv file.
     * @param fromDate the from date
     * @param toDate the to date
     * @param subscriberName the subscriber name
     * @param operator the operator
     * @param api the api
     * @return the custom csv file
     * @throws IOException Signals that an I/O exception has occurred.
    private static File getCustomCSVFile(String fromDate, String toDate, String subscriberName, String operator,
            String api) throws IOException {

        String carbonHome = System.getProperty("carbon.home");
        String fileName = fromDate + "-" + toDate + "-" + subscriberName + "-" + operator + "-" + api + "-"
                + ".csv";
        File reports = new File(carbonHome + "/reports/");

        if (!reports.exists()) {
            reports = new File(reports.getAbsoluteFile() + "/" + fileName);
        } else {
            reports = new File(reports.getAbsoluteFile() + "/" + fileName);
            if (!reports.exists()) {
        return reports;

     * Generate costper apisummary.
     * @param isPersistReport the is persist report
     * @param subscriberName the subscriber name
     * @param period the period
     * @param opcode the opcode
     * @param application the application
     * @return the native array
     * @throws IOException Signals that an I/O exception has occurred.
     * @throws SQLException the SQL exception
     * @throws APIMgtUsageQueryServiceClientException the API mgt usage query service client exception
     * @throws APIManagementException the API management exception
    public static NativeArray generateCostperApisummary(boolean isPersistReport, String subscriberName,
            String period, String opcode, String application)
            throws IOException, SQLException, APIMgtUsageQueryServiceClientException, APIManagementException {
        String year = null;
        String month = null;
        if (period != null) {
            String[] periodArray = period.split("-");
            year = periodArray[0];
            month = periodArray[1];

        return null;

     * Generate customr care data report.
     * @param isPersistReport the is persist report
     * @param fromDate the from date
     * @param toDate the to date
     * @param msisdn the msisdn
     * @param subscriberName the subscriber name
     * @param operator the operator
     * @param app the app
     * @param api the api
     * @param stLimit the st limit
     * @param endLimit the end limit
     * @param timeOffset the time offset
     * @return the native array
     * @throws Exception 
    public static NativeArray generateCustomrCareDataReport(boolean isPersistReport, String fromDate, String toDate,
            String msisdn, String subscriberName, String operator, String app, String api, String stLimit,
            String endLimit, String timeOffset) throws Exception {

        NativeArray nativeArray = new NativeArray(0);
        List<String[]> user_data_all = SbHostObjectUtils.getFilteredCustomerCareReport(fromDate, toDate, msisdn,
                subscriberName, operator, app, api, stLimit, endLimit, timeOffset);

        int i = 0;

        for (String[] user_data : user_data_all) {
            NativeObject userDataObj = new NativeObject();
            userDataObj.put("date", userDataObj, user_data[0]);
            userDataObj.put("jsonBody", userDataObj, user_data[1]);
            userDataObj.put("api", userDataObj, user_data[2]);
            nativeArray.put(i, nativeArray, userDataObj);
        return nativeArray;

     * Generate customr care data record count.
     * @param isPersistReport the is persist report
     * @param fromDate the from date
     * @param toDate the to date
     * @param msisdn the msisdn
     * @param subscriberName the subscriber name
     * @param operator the operator
     * @param app the app
     * @param api the api
     * @return the string
     * @throws Exception 
    public static String generateCustomrCareDataRecordCount(boolean isPersistReport, String fromDate, String toDate,
            String msisdn, String subscriberName, String operator, String app, String api) throws Exception {
        BillingDAO billingDAO = new BillingDAO();
        String user_data_count = billingDAO.getCustomerCareReportDataCount(fromDate, toDate, msisdn, subscriberName,
                operator, app, api);

        return user_data_count;

     * Generate custom traffic report.
     * @param isPersistReport the is persist report
     * @param fromDate the from date
     * @param toDate the to date
     * @param subscriberName the subscriber name
     * @param operator the operator
     * @param api the api
     * @param timeOffset the time offset
     * @param resType the res type
     * @return the native array
     * @throws Exception 
    public static NativeArray generateCustomTrafficReport(boolean isPersistReport, String fromDate, String toDate,
            String subscriberName, String operator, String api, boolean isError, int applicationId,
            String timeOffset, String resType) throws Exception {

        // This is to test
        int operationType = Integer.valueOf(api);

        FileWriter fileWriter = getCustomApiTrafficReportLocation(fromDate, toDate, subscriberName, operator,
        NativeArray nativeArray = new NativeArray(0);
        TxCardDAO currentDao = null;

        try {
            ApiTxCard card = new ApiTxCard();
            HashMap<Integer, Object> txCardTemp = card.getTxCardTemp();
            currentDao = (TxCardDAO) txCardTemp.get(new Integer(operationType));

        } catch (Exception e) {
            System.out.println("Reading TxCard :: " + e);
            System.out.println("::: Default parameters assigned to overcome the error :::");

        if (currentDao != null && isPersistReport) {

            // Loop for Header parameters
            List<String> headerList = currentDao.getHeaderList();
            String titleStr = "";
            String[] headerArray = new String[headerList.size()];
            for (int i = 0; i < headerList.size(); i++) {
                titleStr = titleStr + "%s,";
                headerArray[i] = headerList.get(i);
            titleStr = titleStr + "%n";
            fileWriter.write(String.format(titleStr, headerArray));
            BillingDAO billingDAO = new BillingDAO();
            // Loop for Data parameters
            ResultSet rs = billingDAO.getTxLogData(fromDate, toDate, subscriberName, operator, operationType,

            List<TxCardDAO.DataList> dataList = currentDao.getDataList();
            String[] dataArray = new String[dataList.size()];
            while ( {
                for (int d = 0; d < dataList.size(); d++) {
                    TxCardDAO.DataList tempDL = dataList.get(d);
                    if (tempDL.getManipulationType().equals("FIELD")) {
                        // DB field manipulation
                        dataArray[d] = rs.getString(tempDL.getManipulationField());
                        nativeArray.put(d, nativeArray, rs.getString(tempDL.getManipulationField()));
                    } else if (tempDL.getManipulationType().equals("TIME")) {
                        // DB field manipulation
                        log.debug("Time offset - " + timeOffset);
                        String timeInDb = rs.getString(tempDL.getManipulationField());
                        log.debug("Time in Db - " + timeInDb);
                        String convertedTime = billingDAO.convertToLocalTime(timeOffset, timeInDb);
                        log.debug("convertedTime - " + convertedTime);
                        dataArray[d] = convertedTime;
                        nativeArray.put(d, nativeArray, convertedTime);
                    } else if (tempDL.getManipulationType().equals("CONST")) {
                        // Append constant value
                        dataArray[d] = tempDL.getManipulationRegEx();
                        nativeArray.put(d, nativeArray, tempDL.getManipulationRegEx());
                    } else if (tempDL.getManipulationType().equals("JSON")) {
                        // JSON manipulation
                        String regEx = tempDL.getManipulationRegEx();
                        String dataValue = "";
                        if (regEx != null) {
                            String[] jsonPath = regEx.split("/");
                            try {
                                JSONObject homeJson = new JSONObject(rs.getString(tempDL.getManipulationField()));
                                JSONObject swapJson = null;
                                for (int elemId = 0; elemId < jsonPath.length; elemId++) {
                                    if (elemId == 0) {
                                        swapJson = (JSONObject) homeJson.get(jsonPath[elemId]);
                                    } else if (elemId == jsonPath.length - 1) {
                                        dataValue = swapJson.getString(jsonPath[elemId]);
                                    } else {
                                        swapJson = (JSONObject) swapJson.get(jsonPath[elemId]);
                            } catch (Exception e) {
                                System.out.println("Reading JSON for TxLog :: " + e);
                        dataArray[d] = dataValue;
                        nativeArray.put(d, nativeArray, dataValue);
                    } else {
                        // If non of the above
                        dataArray[d] = "";
                        nativeArray.put(d, nativeArray, "");

                fileWriter.write(String.format(titleStr, dataArray));


        return nativeArray;


     * Generate reportof subscriber.
     * @param isPersistReport the is persist report
     * @param subscriberName the subscriber name
     * @param period the period
     * @param rateCard the rate card
     * @param operatorName the operator name
     * @return the native array
     * @throws Exception 
    public static NativeArray generateReportofSubscriber(boolean isPersistReport, String subscriberName,
            String period, Map<RateKey, ChargeRate> rateCard, String operatorName) throws Exception {

        String year = null;
        String month = null;
        if (period != null) {
            String[] periodArray = period.split("-");
            year = periodArray[0];
            month = periodArray[1];
        FileWriter fileWriter = null;

        if (isPersistReport) {
            fileWriter = getReportLocation(subscriberName, period);

            fileWriter.write(String.format("%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s,%s,%s,%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s %n",
                    "Subscriber", "Application", "API", "Version", "Operator", "Operation", "Plan", "Currency",
                    "Merchant", "Category", "SubCategory", "Tier", "Count", "Operator Charges", "Usage Charge",
                    "Tax", "Credit", "Grand Total"));

        NativeArray subscribers = new NativeArray(0);

        if (subscriberName.equals(ALL_SUBSCRIBERS_KEYWORD)) {
            List<String> subscriberNames = SbHostObjectUtils.getAllSubscribers();

            for (String sub : subscriberNames) {
                Map<Application, Set<BillingSubscription>> billingSubs = SbHostObjectUtils
                        .chargeSubscriberForMonth(sub, year, month, rateCard);

                NativeObject subscriber = new NativeObject();
                subscriber.put("subscriber", subscriber, sub);
                NativeArray applications = new NativeArray(0);

                if (isPersistReport && fileWriter != null) {
                            String.format("%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s,%s,%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s %n",
                                    sub, "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""));

                // declare variable for the report
                double totalAmount = 0.0;
                double ataxAmout = 0.0;
                double acreditAmount = 0.0;
                double acOpAmount = 0.0;
                double grandTotal = 0.0;

                for (Map.Entry<Application, Set<BillingSubscription>> billingEntries : billingSubs.entrySet()) {

                    NativeObject application = new NativeObject();
                    String applicationName = "";

                    NativeArray subscriptionAPIs = new NativeArray(0);

                    int a = 0;
                    for (BillingSubscription billingSubscription : billingEntries.getValue()) {

                        NativeObject subscriptionAPI = new NativeObject();
                        subscriptionAPI.put("subscriptionapi", subscriptionAPI,
                        subscriptionAPI.put("subscriptionapiversion", subscriptionAPI,

                        applicationName = billingEntries.getKey().getName();

                        if (a == 0 && isPersistReport && fileWriter != null) {
                                    "%s, %s, %s,%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s,%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s %n", "",
                                    applicationName, "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""));

                        if (isPersistReport && fileWriter != null) {
                                    "%s, %s, %s, %s, %s,%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s,%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s %n", "", "",
                                    billingSubscription.getApiId().getVersion(), "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "",
                                    "", "", "", ""));
                        BillingDAO billingDAO = new BillingDAO();
                        NativeArray subscriptionOperators = new NativeArray(0);
                        for (BillingSubscription.OperatorSubscription operatorSub : billingSubscription
                                .getOperatorSubscriptionList()) {
                            if ((subscriberName.equalsIgnoreCase("__All__"))
                                    || (operatorSub.getOperator().equalsIgnoreCase(subscriberName))) {

                                NativeObject subscriptionOperator = new NativeObject();
                                subscriptionOperator.put("operator", subscriptionOperator,
                                subscriptionOperator.put("ratename", subscriptionOperator,
                                subscriptionOperator.put("count", subscriptionOperator, operatorSub.getCount());
                                subscriptionOperator.put("price", subscriptionOperator, operatorSub.getPrice());
                                subscriptionOperator.put("tax", subscriptionOperator, operatorSub.getTaxValue());
                                subscriptionOperator.put("credit", subscriptionOperator, operatorSub.getAdscom());
                                subscriptionOperator.put("operationid", subscriptionOperator,
                                subscriptionOperator.put("currency", subscriptionOperator,
                                subscriptionOperator.put("opcom", subscriptionOperator, operatorSub.getOpcom());

                                subscriptionOperators.put(subscriptionOperators.size(), subscriptionOperators,

                                if (isPersistReport && fileWriter != null) {
                                    String currencyStr = operatorSub.getRate().getCurrency() + " ";
                                            "%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s,%s,%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s %n",
                                            "", "", "", "", operatorSub.getOperator(),
                                            operatorSub.getRate().getName(), currencyStr, "", "", "", "",
                                            operatorSub.getCount(), operatorSub.getOpcom(), operatorSub.getPrice(),
                                            operatorSub.getTaxValue(), operatorSub.getAdscom()));

                                    // print merchant wise breakdown
                                    Map<String, BilledCharge> mtmap = operatorSub.getMerchantCharges();
                                    if (mtmap.size() > 0) {

                                        for (Map.Entry<String, BilledCharge> entry : mtmap.entrySet()) {
                                                    "%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s,%s,%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s %n",
                                                    "", "", "", "", "", "", "", currencyStr,
                                                    nvlDefault(entry.getKey()), "", "", "",
                                                    entry.getValue().getCount(), entry.getValue().getOpcom(),
                                                    entry.getValue().getPrice(), entry.getValue().getTax(),
                                    } else {
                                        // print category, subcategory breakdown
                                        Map<CategoryCharge, BilledCharge> ctmap = operatorSub.getCategoryCharges();
                                        for (Map.Entry<CategoryCharge, BilledCharge> entry : ctmap.entrySet()) {
                                                    "%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s,%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s %n",
                                                    "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "",
                                                    nvlDefault(entry.getKey().getSubcategory()), "",
                                                    entry.getValue().getCount(), entry.getValue().getOpcom(),
                                                    entry.getValue().getPrice(), entry.getValue().getTax(),

                                            // tier wise breakdown
                                            Map<String, BilledCharge> timap = entry.getValue().getTierCharges();
                                            for (Map.Entry<String, BilledCharge> tientry : timap.entrySet()) {
                                                        "%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s,%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s %n",
                                                        "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "",
                                                        tientry.getKey(), tientry.getValue().getCount(),
                                                        tientry.getValue().getPrice(), tientry.getValue().getTax(),


                                totalAmount = totalAmount + operatorSub.getPrice().doubleValue();
                                ataxAmout = ataxAmout + operatorSub.getTaxValue().doubleValue();
                                acreditAmount = acreditAmount + operatorSub.getAdscom().doubleValue();
                                acOpAmount = acOpAmount + operatorSub.getOpcom().doubleValue();
                                grandTotal = totalAmount + ataxAmout;
                            } else {
                        subscriptionAPI.put("operators", subscriptionAPI, subscriptionOperators);

                        subscriptionAPIs.put(subscriptionAPIs.size(), subscriptionAPIs, subscriptionAPI);



                    application.put("applicationname", application, applicationName);
                    application.put("subscriptions", application, subscriptionAPIs);
                    applications.put(applications.size(), applications, application);


                if (isPersistReport && fileWriter != null) {
                            String.format("%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s,%s, %s,%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s %n",
                                    "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "Total Amount", acOpAmount,
                                    totalAmount, ataxAmout, acreditAmount, grandTotal));

                if (applications.size() > 0) {
                    subscriber.put("applications", subscriber, applications);
                    subscribers.put(subscribers.size(), subscribers, subscriber);

        } else {

            NativeObject subscriber = new NativeObject();
            subscriber.put("subscriber", subscriber, subscriberName);
            NativeArray applications = new NativeArray(0);
            BillingDAO billingDAO = new BillingDAO();
            Map<Application, Set<BillingSubscription>> billingSubs = SbHostObjectUtils
                    .chargeSubscriberForMonth(subscriberName, year, month, rateCard);
            if (isPersistReport) {
                        .write(String.format("%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s,%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s %n",
                                subscriberName, "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""));

            if (operatorName != null) {
            } else {

            for (Map.Entry<Application, Set<BillingSubscription>> billingEntries : billingSubs.entrySet()) {

                NativeObject application = new NativeObject();
                String applicationName = "";

                NativeArray subscriptionAPIs = new NativeArray(0);

                if (isPersistReport && fileWriter != null) {
                            String.format("%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s,%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s %n",
                                    "", billingEntries.getKey().getName(), "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "",
                                    "", "", "", "", ""));

                for (BillingSubscription billingSubscription : billingEntries.getValue()) {
                    if (isPersistReport && fileWriter != null) {
                                "%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s,%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s %n", "", "",
                                billingSubscription.getApiId().getVersion(), "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "",
                                "", "", ""));

                    NativeObject subscriptionAPI = new NativeObject();
                    subscriptionAPI.put("subscriptionapi", subscriptionAPI,
                    subscriptionAPI.put("subscriptionapiversion", subscriptionAPI,

                    applicationName = billingEntries.getKey().getName();

                    NativeArray subscriptionOperators = new NativeArray(0);
                    for (BillingSubscription.OperatorSubscription operatorSub : billingSubscription
                            .getOperatorSubscriptionList()) {

                        log.debug("operatorSub:" + operatorSub.toString());
                        if ((operatorName.equalsIgnoreCase("__All__"))
                                || (operatorSub.getOperator().equalsIgnoreCase(operatorName))) {

                            NativeObject subscriptionOperator = new NativeObject();
                            subscriptionOperator.put("operator", subscriptionOperator, operatorSub.getOperator());
                            subscriptionOperator.put("ratename", subscriptionOperator,
                            subscriptionOperator.put("count", subscriptionOperator, operatorSub.getCount());
                            subscriptionOperator.put("price", subscriptionOperator, operatorSub.getPrice());
                            subscriptionOperator.put("tax", subscriptionOperator, operatorSub.getTaxValue());
                            subscriptionOperator.put("operationid", subscriptionOperator,
                            subscriptionOperator.put("credit", subscriptionOperator, operatorSub.getAdscom());
                            subscriptionOperator.put("opcom", subscriptionOperator, operatorSub.getOpcom());
                            subscriptionOperator.put("currency", subscriptionOperator,

                            subscriptionOperators.put(subscriptionOperators.size(), subscriptionOperators,

                            if (isPersistReport && fileWriter != null) {
                                String currencyStr = operatorSub.getRate().getCurrency() + " ";
                                        "%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s,%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s %n", "",
                                        "", "", "", operatorSub.getOperator(),
                                        operatorSub.getRate().getName(), currencyStr, "", "", "", "",
                                        operatorSub.getCount(), operatorSub.getOpcom(), operatorSub.getPrice(),
                                        operatorSub.getTaxValue(), operatorSub.getAdscom()));

                                // print merchant wise breakdown
                                Map<String, BilledCharge> mtmap = operatorSub.getMerchantCharges();
                                if (mtmap.size() > 0) {
                                    for (Map.Entry<String, BilledCharge> entry : mtmap.entrySet()) {
                                                "%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s,%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s %n",
                                                "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", nvlDefault(entry.getKey()), "", "",
                                                "", entry.getValue().getCount(), entry.getValue().getOpcom(),
                                                entry.getValue().getPrice(), entry.getValue().getTax(),
                                } else {
                                    // print category, subcategory breakdown
                                    Map<CategoryCharge, BilledCharge> ctmap = operatorSub.getCategoryCharges();
                                    for (Map.Entry<CategoryCharge, BilledCharge> entry : ctmap.entrySet()) {
                                                "%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s,%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s %n",
                                                "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "",
                                                nvlDefault(entry.getKey().getSubcategory()), "",
                                                entry.getValue().getCount(), entry.getValue().getOpcom(),
                                                entry.getValue().getPrice(), entry.getValue().getTax(),

                                        // tier wise breakdown
                                        Map<String, BilledCharge> timap = entry.getValue().getTierCharges();
                                        for (Map.Entry<String, BilledCharge> tientry : timap.entrySet()) {
                                                    "%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s,%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s %n",
                                                    "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", tientry.getKey(),
                                                    tientry.getValue().getCount(), tientry.getValue().getOpcom(),
                                                    tientry.getValue().getPrice(), tientry.getValue().getTax(),


                        } else {
                    subscriptionAPI.put("operators", subscriptionAPI, subscriptionOperators);

                    subscriptionAPIs.put(subscriptionAPIs.size(), subscriptionAPIs, subscriptionAPI);

                application.put("applicationname", application, applicationName);
                application.put("subscriptions", application, subscriptionAPIs);

                applications.put(applications.size(), applications, application);


            subscriber.put("applications", subscriber, applications);
            subscribers.put(subscribers.size(), subscribers, subscriber);


        if (fileWriter != null) {

        return subscribers;

     * Checks if is user admin user.
     * @param username the username
     * @return true, if is user admin user
    public static boolean isUserAdminUser(String username) {
        String adminUserName = HostObjectComponent.getRealmService().getBootstrapRealmConfiguration()
                .getAdminUserName();"::: AdminUser Name ::: " + adminUserName);
        return adminUserName.equals(username);

     * Gets the all subscribers.
     * @return the all subscribers
     * @throws Exception 
    public static List<String> getAllSubscribers() throws Exception {
        BillingDAO billingDAO = new BillingDAO();
        List<String> subscriptions = billingDAO.getAllSubscriptions();
        Collections.sort(subscriptions, String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER);
        return subscriptions;

     * Gets the operation types.
     * @return the operation types
     * @throws Exception 
    public static List<String[]> getOperationTypes() throws Exception {
        BillingDAO billingDAO = new BillingDAO();
        List<String[]> txTypes = billingDAO.getAllOperationTypes();
        return txTypes;

     * Gets the all operators.
     * @return the all operators
     * @throws SQLException the SQL exception
     * @throws APIMgtUsageQueryServiceClientException the API mgt usage query service client exception
    public static List<String> getAllOperators() throws SQLException, APIMgtUsageQueryServiceClientException {
        List<String> operators = OperatorDAO.getAllOperators();
        return operators;

     * Gets the operatorbreakdown.
     * @param applicationid the applicationid
     * @param year the year
     * @param month the month
     * @param subscriber the subscriber
     * @param api the api
     * @return the operatorbreakdown
     * @throws Exception 
    public static Map<String, Integer> getOperatorbreakdown(String applicationid, String year, String month,
            String subscriber, String api) throws Exception {
        BillingDAO billingDAO = new BillingDAO();
        String consumerkey = "%";
        if (applicationid != null) {

            consumerkey = billingDAO.getApplicationconsumer(Integer.parseInt(applicationid),

        Map<String, Integer> usageCounts = billingDAO.getAPICountsForApplicationOpco(consumerkey, year, month,
                subscriber, api);

        return usageCounts;


     * Gets the application name by id.
     * @param applicationid the applicationid
     * @return the application name by id
     * @throws SQLException the SQL exception
     * @throws APIMgtUsageQueryServiceClientException the API mgt usage query service client exception
     * @throws APIManagementException the API management exception
    public static String getApplicationNameById(String applicationid) throws BusinessException {
        BillingDAO billingDAO = new BillingDAO();
        String appName = null;
        try {
            appName = billingDAO.getApplicationName(Integer.parseInt(applicationid),
        } catch (Exception e) {
            log.error("", e);

        return appName;


     * Gets the total api traffic for pie chart.
     * @param fromDate the from date
     * @param toDate the to date
     * @param subscriber the subscriber
     * @param operator the operator
     * @param applicationId the application id
     * @return the total api traffic for pie chart
     * @throws Exception 
    public static List<String[]> getTotalAPITrafficForPieChart(String fromDate, String toDate, String subscriber,
            String operator, int applicationId) throws Exception {
        BillingDAO billingDAO = new BillingDAO();
        List<String[]> api_request = billingDAO.getTotalAPITrafficForPieChart(fromDate, toDate, subscriber,
                operator, applicationId);
        return api_request;

     * Gets the total api traffic for histogram.
     * @param fromDate the from date
     * @param toDate the to date
     * @param subscriber the subscriber
     * @param operator the operator
     * @param applicationId the application id
     * @param api the api
     * @return the total api traffic for histogram
     * @throws Exception 
    public static List<String[]> getTotalAPITrafficForHistogram(String fromDate, String toDate, String subscriber,
            String operator, int applicationId, String api) throws Exception {
        BillingDAO billingDAO = new BillingDAO();
        List<String[]> api_request = billingDAO.getTotalAPITrafficForHistogram(fromDate, toDate, subscriber,
                operator, applicationId, api);
        return api_request;

     * Gets the operator wise api traffic for pie chart.
     * @param fromDate the from date
     * @param toDate the to date
     * @param subscriber the subscriber
     * @param api the api
     * @param applicationId the application id
     * @return the operator wise api traffic for pie chart
     * @throws Exception 
    public static List<String[]> getOperatorWiseAPITrafficForPieChart(String fromDate, String toDate,
            String subscriber, String api, int applicationId) throws Exception {
        BillingDAO billingDAO = new BillingDAO();
        List<String[]> api_request = billingDAO.getOperatorWiseAPITrafficForPieChart(fromDate, toDate, subscriber,
                api, applicationId);
        return api_request;

     * Gets the approval history.
     * @param fromDate the from date
     * @param toDate the to date
     * @param subscriber the subscriber
     * @param api the api
     * @param applicationId the application id
     * @param operator the operator
     * @return the approval history
     * @throws Exception 
    public static List<String[]> getApprovalHistory(String fromDate, String toDate, String subscriber, String api,
            int applicationId, String operator, int offset, int count) throws Exception {
        BillingDAO billingDAO = new BillingDAO();
        List<String[]> api_request = billingDAO.getApprovalHistory(fromDate, toDate, subscriber, api, applicationId,
                operator, offset, count);
        return api_request;

     * Gets the approval history app.
     * @param applicationId the application id
     * @param operator the operator
     * @return the approval history app
     * @throws Exception 
    public static List<Approval> getApprovalHistoryApp(int applicationId, String operator) throws Exception {
        BillingDAO billingDAO = new BillingDAO();
        List<Approval> api_request = billingDAO.getApprovalHistoryApp(applicationId, operator);
        return api_request;

     * Gets the all ap is.
     * @param fromDate the from date
     * @param toDate the to date
     * @param subscriber the subscriber
     * @param operator the operator
     * @param applicationId the application id
     * @param api the api
     * @return the all ap is
     * @throws Exception 
    public static List<String[]> getAllAPIs(String fromDate, String toDate, String subscriber, String operator,
            int applicationId, String api) throws Exception {
        BillingDAO billingDAO = new BillingDAO();
        List<String[]> apis = billingDAO.getAllAPIs(fromDate, toDate, subscriber, operator, applicationId, api);
        return apis;

     * Gets the all error response codes.
     * @param fromDate the from date
     * @param toDate the to date
     * @param subscriber the subscriber
     * @param operator the operator
     * @param applicationId the application id
     * @param api the api
     * @return the all error response codes
     * @throws Exception 
    public static List<String[]> getAllErrorResponseCodes(String fromDate, String toDate, String subscriber,
            String operator, int applicationId, String api) throws Exception {
        BillingDAO billingDAO = new BillingDAO();
        List<String[]> resCodes = billingDAO.getAllErrorResponseCodes(fromDate, toDate, subscriber, operator,
                applicationId, api);
        return resCodes;

     * Gets the subscribers by operator.
     * @param operatorName the operator name
     * @return the subscribers by operator
     * @throws SQLException the SQL exception
     * @throws APIMgtUsageQueryServiceClientException the API mgt usage query service client exception
     * @throws APIManagementException the API management exception
    public static List<String> getSubscribersByOperator(String operatorName)
            throws SQLException, APIMgtUsageQueryServiceClientException, APIManagementException {
        List<Integer> applicationIds = OperatorDAO.getApplicationsByOperator(operatorName);
        List<String> subscribers = new ArrayList<String>();
        List<String> tempSubscribers = new ArrayList<String>();
        for (Integer applicationId : applicationIds) {
            ApiMgtDAO apiMgtDAO = ApiMgtDAO.getInstance();
            try {
                Application application = apiMgtDAO.getApplicationById(applicationId);
                int tempSubscriberId = application.getSubscriber().getId();
                String tempSubscriberName = apiMgtDAO.getSubscriber(tempSubscriberId).getName();
            } catch (NullPointerException ne) {
        return subscribers;

     * Gets the applications by subscriber.
     * @param subscriberName the subscriber name
     * @return the applications by subscriber
     * @throws SQLException the SQL exception
     * @throws APIMgtUsageQueryServiceClientException the API mgt usage query service client exception
     * @throws APIManagementException the API management exception
    public static List<String[]> getApplicationsBySubscriber(String subscriberName)
            throws SQLException, APIMgtUsageQueryServiceClientException, APIManagementException {
        List<String[]> applicationsList = new ArrayList<String[]>();
        ApiMgtDAO apiMgtDAO = ApiMgtDAO.getInstance();
        // Adding null for param
        Application[] applications = apiMgtDAO.getApplications(new Subscriber(subscriberName), null);
        for (Application application : applications) {
            String[] tempApplicationDetails = { Integer.toString(application.getId()), application.getName() };
        return applicationsList;

     * Gets the operators by subscriber.
     * @param subscriberName the subscriber name
     * @return the operators by subscriber
     * @throws SQLException the SQL exception
     * @throws APIMgtUsageQueryServiceClientException the API mgt usage query service client exception
     * @throws APIManagementException the API management exception
    public static List<String> getOperatorsBySubscriber(String subscriberName)
            throws SQLException, APIMgtUsageQueryServiceClientException, APIManagementException {
        List<String> operatorList = new ArrayList<String>();
        List<String> tempOperatorList = new ArrayList<String>();
        ApiMgtDAO apiMgtDAO = ApiMgtDAO.getInstance();
        // Adding null for param
        Application[] applications = apiMgtDAO.getApplications(new Subscriber(subscriberName), null);
        if (applications != null && applications.length > 0) {
            for (Application application : applications) {
                int tempApplicationId = application.getId();
                List<String> tempOperatorNames = new ArrayList<String>();
                tempOperatorNames = OperatorDAO.getOperatorNamesByApplication(tempApplicationId);
                for (String operator : tempOperatorNames) {
                    String tempOperator = operator;
        } else {
  "Application list for the provided subscriber is null or empty.");
        return operatorList;

     * Removes the duplicate with order.
     * @param arlList the arl list
     * @return the list
    public static List<String> removeDuplicateWithOrder(List<String> arlList) {
        Set set = new HashSet();
        List newList = new ArrayList();
        for (Iterator iter = arlList.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
            Object element =;
            if (set.add(element)) {
        return arlList;

     * Gets the AP is by subscriber.
     * @param subscriberName the subscriber name
     * @return the AP is by subscriber
     * @throws SQLException the SQL exception
     * @throws APIMgtUsageQueryServiceClientException the API mgt usage query service client exception
     * @throws APIManagementException the API management exception
     * @throws IdentityException the identity exception
    public static List<String> getAPIsBySubscriber(String subscriberName)
            throws SQLException, APIMgtUsageQueryServiceClientException, APIManagementException, IdentityException {
        List<String> apiList = new ArrayList<String>();
        List<String> tempAPIList = new ArrayList<String>();
        ApiMgtDAO apiMgtDAO = ApiMgtDAO.getInstance();
        APIInfoDTO[] subscribedAPIsOfUser = apiMgtDAO.getSubscribedAPIsOfUser(subscriberName);
        for (APIInfoDTO aPIInfoDTO : subscribedAPIsOfUser) {

        return apiList;

     * Gets the API wise traffic for report.
     * @param fromDate the from date
     * @param toDate the to date
     * @param subscriber the subscriber
     * @param operator the operator
     * @param api the api
     * @return the API wise traffic for report
     * @throws Exception 
    public static List<String[]> getAPIWiseTrafficForReport(String fromDate, String toDate, String subscriber,
            String operator, String api, boolean isError, int applicationId) throws Exception {
        BillingDAO billingDAO = new BillingDAO();
        List<String[]> api_request_data = billingDAO.getAPIWiseTrafficForReport(fromDate, toDate, subscriber,
                operator, api, isError, applicationId);
        return api_request_data;

     * Gets the filtered customer care report.
     * @param fromDate the from date
     * @param toDate the to date
     * @param msisdn the msisdn
     * @param subscriber the subscriber
     * @param operator the operator
     * @param app the app
     * @param api the api
     * @param stLimit the st limit
     * @param endLimit the end limit
     * @param timeOffset the time offset
     * @return the filtered customer care report
     * @throws Exception 
    public static List<String[]> getFilteredCustomerCareReport(String fromDate, String toDate, String msisdn,
            String subscriber, String operator, String app, String api, String stLimit, String endLimit,
            String timeOffset) throws Exception {
        BillingDAO billingDAO = new BillingDAO();
        List<String[]> api_request_data = billingDAO.getCustomerCareReportData(fromDate, toDate, msisdn, subscriber,
                operator, app, api, stLimit, endLimit, timeOffset);
        return api_request_data;

     * Gets the API wise traffic for report charging.
     * @param fromDate the from date
     * @param toDate the to date
     * @param subscriber the subscriber
     * @param operator the operator
     * @param api the api
     * @return the API wise traffic for report charging
     * @throws Exception 
    public static List<String[]> getAPIWiseTrafficForReportCharging(String fromDate, String toDate,
            String subscriber, String operator, String api, boolean isError) throws Exception {
        BillingDAO billingDAO = new BillingDAO();
        List<String[]> charging_request_data = billingDAO.getAPIWiseTrafficForReportCharging(fromDate, toDate,
                subscriber, operator, api, isError);
        return charging_request_data;

     * Gets the report.
     * @param suscriber the suscriber
     * @param period the period
     * @return the report
    public static String getReport(String suscriber, String period) {
        String fileContent = "";
        BufferedReader bufferedReader = null;
        try {
            File file = getCSVFile(suscriber, period);
            bufferedReader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(file));

            StringBuilder fileAppender = new StringBuilder();

            int c = -1;

            while ((c = != -1) {
                char ch = (char) c;

            fileContent = fileAppender.toString();

        } catch (IOException e) {
            log.error("report file reading error : " + e.getMessage());
        } finally {
            try {
            } catch (IOException e) {
                log.error("Buuffered Reader closing error : " + e.getMessage());
        return fileContent;

     * Gets the custom report.
     * @param fromDate the from date
     * @param toDate the to date
     * @param subscriberName the subscriber name
     * @param operator the operator
     * @param api the api
     * @return the custom report
    public static String getCustomReport(String fromDate, String toDate, String subscriberName, String operator,
            String api) {
        String fileContent = "";
        BufferedReader bufferedReader = null;
        try {
            File file = getCustomCSVFile(fromDate, toDate, subscriberName, operator, api);
            bufferedReader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(file));

            StringBuilder fileAppender = new StringBuilder();

            int c = -1;

            while ((c = != -1) {
                char ch = (char) c;
            fileContent = fileAppender.toString();

        } catch (IOException e) {
            log.error("report file reading error : " + e.getMessage());
        } finally {
            try {
            } catch (IOException e) {
                log.error("Buuffered Reader closing error : " + e.getMessage());
        return fileContent;

     * Gets the error response codes for pie chart.
     * @param fromDate the from date
     * @param toDate the to date
     * @param subscriber the subscriber
     * @param operator the operator
     * @param applicationId the application id
     * @param api the api
     * @return the error response codes for pie chart
     * @throws Exception 
    public static List<String[]> getErrorResponseCodesForPieChart(String fromDate, String toDate, String subscriber,
            String operator, int applicationId, String api) throws Exception {
        BillingDAO billingDAO = new BillingDAO();
        List<String[]> api_request = billingDAO.getErrorResponseCodesForPieChart(fromDate, toDate, subscriber,
                operator, applicationId, api);
        return api_request;

     * Gets the error response codes for histogram.
     * @param fromDate the from date
     * @param toDate the to date
     * @param subscriber the subscriber
     * @param operator the operator
     * @param applicationId the application id
     * @param api the api
     * @return the error response codes for histogram
     * @throws Exception 
    public static List<String[]> getErrorResponseCodesForHistogram(String fromDate, String toDate,
            String subscriber, String operator, int applicationId, String api) throws Exception {
        BillingDAO billingDAO = new BillingDAO();
        List<String[]> api_response_codes = billingDAO.getErrorResponseCodesForHistogram(fromDate, toDate,
                subscriber, operator, applicationId, api);
        return api_response_codes;

     * Gets the rate card.
     * @return the rate card
     * @throws APIManagementException the API management exception
    public static Map<RateKey, ChargeRate> getRateCard() throws APIManagementException {
        Map<RateKey, ChargeRate> ratecard = new HashMap<RateKey, ChargeRate>();
        try {
            Registry registry = HostObjectComponent.getRegistryService().getGovernanceSystemRegistry();
            if (registry.resourceExists(HostObjectConstants.SB_RATE_CARD_LOCATION)) {
                Resource resource = registry.get(HostObjectConstants.SB_RATE_CARD_LOCATION);

                String content = new String((byte[]) resource.getContent());
                OMElement element = AXIOMUtil.stringToOM(content);

                OMElement opsElement = element.getFirstChildWithName(HostObjectConstants.OPERATORS_ELEMENT);
                Iterator operators = opsElement.getChildrenWithName(HostObjectConstants.OPERATOR_ELEMENT);

                while (operators.hasNext()) {
                    OMElement operator = (OMElement);
                    String operatorName = operator.getAttributeValue(HostObjectConstants.NAME_ATTRIBUTE);

                    Iterator apis = operator.getChildrenWithName(HostObjectConstants.API_ELEMENT);
                    while (apis.hasNext()) {
                        OMElement api = (OMElement);
                        String apiName = api.getAttributeValue(HostObjectConstants.NAME_ATTRIBUTE);

                        Iterator operations = api.getChildrenWithName(HostObjectConstants.OPERATION_ELEMENT);
                        while (operations.hasNext()) {
                            OMElement operation = (OMElement);
                            String operationName = operation.getAttributeValue(HostObjectConstants.NAME_ATTRIBUTE);

                            Iterator rates = operation.getChildrenWithName(HostObjectConstants.RATE_ELEMENT);
                            while (rates.hasNext()) {
                                OMElement rate = (OMElement);
                                OMElement name = rate.getFirstChildWithName(HostObjectConstants.RATE_NAME_ELEMENT);
                                OMElement currency = rate
                                OMElement value = rate
                                OMElement type = rate.getFirstChildWithName(HostObjectConstants.RATE_TYPE_ELEMENT);

                                ChargeRate chargeRate = new ChargeRate(name.getText());// <Name>
                                chargeRate.setCurrency(currency.getText());// <Currency>
                                chargeRate.setValue(new BigDecimal(value.getText()));// <Value>
                                chargeRate.setType(RateType.getEnum(type.getText()));// <Type>
                                String isDefault = null;
                                if (rate.getAttribute(HostObjectConstants.RATE_DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTE) != null) {
                                    isDefault = rate.getAttributeValue(HostObjectConstants.RATE_DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTE);
                                chargeRate.setDefault(Boolean.parseBoolean(isDefault));// default
                                // attr

                                // Set default values from rate operation level

                                OMElement rootAttr = rate
                                if (rootAttr != null) {
                                    Map<String, String> attributesMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
                                    for (Iterator childElements = rootAttr.getChildElements(); childElements
                                            .hasNext();) {
                                        OMElement attrElem = (OMElement);
                                        String attrName = attrElem.getLocalName();
                                        String attrValue = attrElem.getText();
                                        attributesMap.put(attrName, attrValue);

                                OMElement categoryBased = rate
                                OMElement surchargeElement = rate
                                if (surchargeElement != null) {
                                    SurchargeEntity surchargeEntity = new SurchargeEntity();
                                    String surchargeElementValue = surchargeElement
                                    String surchargeElementAds = surchargeElement
                                    String surchargeElementOpco = surchargeElement
                                    chargeRate.setSurchargeEntity(surchargeEntity);// <Surcharge>

                                boolean categoryBasedVal = false;
                                if (categoryBased != null) {
                                    categoryBasedVal = Boolean.valueOf(categoryBased.getText());
                                chargeRate.setCategoryBasedVal(categoryBasedVal);// <CategorBase>
                                OMElement commission = rate
                                if (commission != null) {
                                    OMElement spPercentageElem = commission
                                    RateCommission cc = new RateCommission();
                                    Double spPercentage = 0.0;
                                    if (spPercentageElem != null) {
                                        spPercentage = Double.valueOf(spPercentageElem.getText());
                                        cc.setSpCommission(new BigDecimal(spPercentage));
                                    OMElement adsPercentageElem = commission
                                    Double adsPercentage = 0.0;
                                    if (adsPercentageElem != null) {
                                        adsPercentage = Double.valueOf(adsPercentageElem.getText());
                                        cc.setAdsCommission(new BigDecimal(adsPercentage));
                                    OMElement opcoPercentageElem = commission
                                    Double opcoPercentage = 0.0;
                                    if (opcoPercentageElem != null) {
                                        opcoPercentage = Double.valueOf(opcoPercentageElem.getText());
                                        cc.setOpcoCommission(new BigDecimal(opcoPercentage));
                                    chargeRate.setCommission(cc);// <Commission>

                                OMElement usageTiers = rate
                                if (usageTiers != null) {
                                    Iterator tiers = usageTiers
                                    List<UsageTiers> tierEntities = new ArrayList<UsageTiers>();
                                    while (tiers.hasNext()) {
                                        OMElement tier = (OMElement);
                                        UsageTiers usageTiersEntity = new UsageTiers();
                                        String tierRate = tier
                                        String tierName = tier

                                        OMElement minElement = tier
                                        OMElement maxElement = tier
                                        String tierMinValue = minElement
                                        String tierMaxValue = maxElement

                                Map<String, Object> categoryEntityMap = new HashMap<String, Object>();
                                Iterator categoryIter = rate
                                while (categoryIter.hasNext()) {
                                    OMElement category = (OMElement);

                                    if (category != null) {
                                        List<CategoryEntity> categoryEntityList = new ArrayList<CategoryEntity>();

                                        String categoryName = category
                                        String categoryRate = category
                                        Map<String, Object> subCategoryEntityMap = new HashMap<String, Object>();

                                        subCategoryEntityMap.put("__default__", categoryRate);
                                        categoryEntityMap.put(categoryName, subCategoryEntityMap);

                                        OMElement attributes = category
                                        if (attributes != null) {
                                            Map<String, String> attributesMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
                                            for (Iterator childElements = attributes
                                                    .getChildElements(); childElements.hasNext();) {
                                                OMElement attrElem = (OMElement);
                                                String attrName = attrElem.getLocalName();
                                                String attrValue = attrElem.getText();
                                                attributesMap.put(attrName, attrValue);
                                            subCategoryEntityMap.put("__default__", attributesMap);
                                            categoryEntityMap.put(categoryName, subCategoryEntityMap);
                                        // CATEGORY USAGE TIERS
                                        OMElement categoryUsageTiers = category.getFirstChildWithName(
                                        if (categoryUsageTiers != null) {
                                            Iterator tiers = categoryUsageTiers.getChildrenWithName(
                                            List<UsageTiers> tierEntities = new ArrayList<UsageTiers>();
                                            while (tiers.hasNext()) {
                                                OMElement tier = (OMElement);
                                                UsageTiers usageTiersEntity = new UsageTiers();
                                                String tierRate = tier
                                                String tierName = tier

                                                OMElement minElement = tier
                                                OMElement maxElement = tier
                                                String tierMinValue = minElement
                                                String tierMaxValue = maxElement
                                            subCategoryEntityMap.put("__default__", tierEntities);
                                            categoryEntityMap.put(categoryName, subCategoryEntityMap);
                                        OMElement categoryCommission = category
                                        RateCommission cc = new RateCommission();
                                        if (categoryCommission != null) {
                                            OMElement spPercentageElem = categoryCommission
                                            Double spPercentage = 0.0;
                                            if (spPercentageElem != null) {
                                                spPercentage = Double.valueOf(spPercentageElem.getText());
                                                cc.setSpCommission(new BigDecimal(spPercentage));
                                            OMElement adsPercentageElem = categoryCommission
                                            Double adsPercentage = 0.0;
                                            if (adsPercentageElem != null) {
                                                adsPercentage = Double.valueOf(adsPercentageElem.getText());
                                                cc.setAdsCommission(new BigDecimal(adsPercentage));
                                            OMElement opcoPercentageElem = categoryCommission.getFirstChildWithName(
                                            Double opcoPercentage = 0.0;
                                            if (opcoPercentageElem != null) {
                                                opcoPercentage = Double.valueOf(opcoPercentageElem.getText());
                                                cc.setOpcoCommission(new BigDecimal(opcoPercentage));

                                            subCategoryEntityMap.put("__default__", cc);
                                            categoryEntityMap.put(categoryName, subCategoryEntityMap);

                                        // ========================SUB
                                        // CATEGORY====================================
                                        Iterator subCategories = category
                                        List<SubCategory> subCategoriesMapList = new ArrayList<SubCategory>();
                                        while (subCategories.hasNext()) {
                                            OMElement subCategory = (OMElement);
                                            String subCategoryname = subCategory
                                            String subCategoryrate = subCategory

                                            subCategoryEntityMap.put(subCategoryname, subCategoryrate);
                                            categoryEntityMap.put(categoryName, subCategoryEntityMap);

                                            Map<String, String> subCategoriesMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
                                            OMElement subAttributes = subCategory.getFirstChildWithName(
                                            if (subAttributes != null) {
                                                for (Iterator childElements = subAttributes
                                                        .getChildElements(); childElements.hasNext();) {
                                                    OMElement attrElem = (OMElement);
                                                    String attrName = attrElem.getLocalName();
                                                    String attrValue = attrElem.getText();
                                                    subCategoriesMap.put(attrName, attrValue);
                                                subCategoryEntityMap.put(subCategoryname, subCategoriesMap);
                                                categoryEntityMap.put(categoryName, subCategoryEntityMap);

                                            OMElement subCategoryUsageTiers = subCategory.getFirstChildWithName(
                                            if (subCategoryUsageTiers != null) {
                                                Iterator tiers = subCategoryUsageTiers.getChildrenWithName(
                                                List<UsageTiers> tierEntities = new ArrayList<UsageTiers>();
                                                while (tiers.hasNext()) {
                                                    OMElement tier = (OMElement);
                                                    UsageTiers usageTiersEntity = new UsageTiers();
                                                    String tierRate = tier.getAttributeValue(
                                                    String tierName = tier.getAttributeValue(

                                                    OMElement minElement = tier.getFirstChildWithName(
                                                    OMElement maxElement = tier.getFirstChildWithName(
                                                    String tierMinValue = minElement.getAttributeValue(
                                                    String tierMaxValue = maxElement.getAttributeValue(
                                                subCategoryEntityMap.put(subCategoryname, tierEntities);
                                                categoryEntityMap.put(categoryName, subCategoryEntityMap);
                                            OMElement subCategoryCommission = subCategory
                                            RateCommission subCC = new RateCommission();
                                            if (subCategoryCommission != null) {
                                                OMElement spPercentageElem = subCategoryCommission
                                                Double spPercentage = 0.0;
                                                if (spPercentageElem != null) {
                                                    spPercentage = Double.valueOf(spPercentageElem.getText());
                                                    subCC.setSpCommission(new BigDecimal(spPercentage));
                                                OMElement adsPercentageElem = subCategoryCommission
                                                Double adsPercentage = 0.0;
                                                if (adsPercentageElem != null) {
                                                    adsPercentage = Double.valueOf(adsPercentageElem.getText());
                                                    subCC.setAdsCommission(new BigDecimal(adsPercentage));
                                                OMElement opcoPercentageElem = subCategoryCommission
                                                Double opcoPercentage = 0.0;
                                                if (opcoPercentageElem != null) {
                                                    opcoPercentage = Double.valueOf(opcoPercentageElem.getText());
                                                    subCC.setOpcoCommission(new BigDecimal(opcoPercentage));

                                                subCategoryEntityMap.put(subCategoryname, subCC);
                                                categoryEntityMap.put(categoryName, subCategoryEntityMap);
                                        // ========================SUB
                                        // CATEGORY====================================


                                OMElement taxes = rate
                                if (taxes != null) {
                                    Iterator tax = taxes.getChildrenWithName(HostObjectConstants.RATE_TAX_ELEMENT);
                                    List<String> taxList = new ArrayList<String>();
                                    while (tax.hasNext()) {
                                        OMElement taxElement = (OMElement);
                                RateKey rateKey = new RateKey(operatorName, apiName, name.getText(), operationName);
                                ratecard.put(rateKey, chargeRate);

        } catch (RegistryException e) {
            String msg = "Error while retrieving rate card from registry";
            log.error(msg, e);
            throw new APIManagementException(msg, e);
        } catch (XMLStreamException e) {
            String msg = "Malformed XML found in the rate card resource";
            log.error(msg, e);
            throw new APIManagementException(msg, e);
        return ratecard;

     * Gets the rates for operator api.
     * @param operatorName the operator name
     * @param apiName the api name
     * @return the rates for operator api
     * @throws APIManagementException the API management exception
    public static List<ChargeRate> getRatesForOperatorApi(String operatorName, String apiName)
            throws APIManagementException {
        List<ChargeRate> rateList = new ArrayList<ChargeRate>();
        try {
            Registry registry = HostObjectComponent.getRegistryService().getGovernanceSystemRegistry();
            if (registry.resourceExists(HostObjectConstants.SB_RATE_CARD_LOCATION)) {
                Resource resource = registry.get(HostObjectConstants.SB_RATE_CARD_LOCATION);
                String content = new String((byte[]) resource.getContent());
                OMElement element = AXIOMUtil.stringToOM(content);
                OMElement opsElement = element.getFirstChildWithName(HostObjectConstants.OPERATORS_ELEMENT);

                String xpath = "//" + HostObjectConstants.OPERATORS_ELEMENT + "/"
                        + HostObjectConstants.OPERATOR_ELEMENT.getLocalPart() + "[@"
                        + HostObjectConstants.NAME_ATTRIBUTE.getLocalPart() + "='" + operatorName + "']/"
                        + HostObjectConstants.API_ELEMENT.getLocalPart() + "[@"
                        + HostObjectConstants.NAME_ATTRIBUTE.getLocalPart() + "='" + apiName + "']/"
                        + HostObjectConstants.RATE_ELEMENT.getLocalPart();

                AXIOMXPath axiomxPath = new AXIOMXPath(xpath);
                List rateNodes = axiomxPath.selectNodes(opsElement);

                for (Object rateNode : rateNodes) {
                    OMElement rate = (OMElement) rateNode;
                    OMElement name = rate.getFirstChildWithName(HostObjectConstants.RATE_NAME_ELEMENT);
                    OMElement currency = rate.getFirstChildWithName(HostObjectConstants.RATE_CURRENCY_ELEMENT);
                    OMElement value = rate.getFirstChildWithName(HostObjectConstants.RATE_VALUE_ELEMENT);
                    OMElement type = rate.getFirstChildWithName(HostObjectConstants.RATE_TYPE_ELEMENT);
                    ChargeRate chargeRate = new ChargeRate(name.getText());
                    chargeRate.setValue(new BigDecimal(value.getText()));

                    String isDefault = null;
                    if (rate.getAttribute(HostObjectConstants.RATE_DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTE) != null) {
                        isDefault = rate.getAttributeValue(HostObjectConstants.RATE_DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTE);

                    OMElement attributes = rate.getFirstChildWithName(HostObjectConstants.RATE_ATTRIBUTES_ELEMENT);
                    if (attributes != null) {
                        Map<String, String> attributesMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
                        for (Iterator childElements = attributes.getChildElements(); childElements.hasNext();) {
                            OMElement attrElem = (OMElement);
                            String attrName = attrElem.getLocalName();
                            String attrValue = attrElem.getText();
                            attributesMap.put(attrName, attrValue);

                    OMElement categories = rate.getFirstChildWithName(HostObjectConstants.RATE_CATEGORY_ELEMENT);
                    String categoryName = categories.getAttributeValue(HostObjectConstants.NAME_ATTRIBUTE);
                    String categoryRate = categories.getAttributeValue(HostObjectConstants.TIER_RATE_ELEMENT);

                    CategoryEntity categoryEntity = new CategoryEntity();
                    if (categories != null) {
                        Map<String, BigDecimal> categoriesMap = new HashMap<String, BigDecimal>();
                        for (Iterator childElements = categories.getChildElements(); childElements.hasNext();) {
                            OMElement subCatElem = (OMElement);
                            String subCategoryName = subCatElem
                            BigDecimal subCategoryRate = BigDecimal.valueOf(Integer
                            categoriesMap.put(subCategoryName, subCategoryRate);

                    OMElement taxesElement = rate.getFirstChildWithName(HostObjectConstants.RATE_TAXES_ELEMENT);
                    if (taxesElement != null) {
                        List<String> taxList = new ArrayList<String>();
                        for (Iterator taxes = taxesElement
                                .getChildrenWithName(HostObjectConstants.RATE_TAX_ELEMENT); taxes.hasNext();) {
                            OMElement taxElem = (OMElement);

        } catch (RegistryException e) {
            String msg = "Error while retrieving rate card from registry";
            log.error(msg, e);
            throw new APIManagementException(msg, e);
        } catch (XMLStreamException e) {
            String msg = "Malformed XML found in the rate card resource";
            log.error(msg, e);
            throw new APIManagementException(msg, e);
        } catch (JaxenException e) {
            String msg = "Malformed XML found in the rate card resource";
            log.error(msg, e);
            throw new APIManagementException(msg, e);
        return rateList;

     * Gets the total api traffic for line chart.
     * @param fromDate the from date
     * @param toDate the to date
     * @param subscriber the subscriber
     * @param operator the operator
     * @param applicationId the application id
     * @param api the api
     * @return the total api traffic for line chart
     * @throws Exception 
    public static List<String[]> getTotalAPITrafficForLineChart(String fromDate, String toDate, String subscriber,
            String operator, int applicationId, String api) throws Exception {
        BillingDAO billingDAO = new BillingDAO();
        List<String[]> api_request = billingDAO.getTotalAPITrafficForLineChart(fromDate, toDate, subscriber,
                operator, applicationId, api);
        return api_request;

     * Gets the total api response time for line chart.
     * @param fromDate the from date
     * @param toDate the to date
     * @param subscriber the subscriber
     * @param operator the operator
     * @param timeRange the time range
     * @return the total api response time for line chart
     * @throws Exception 
    public static List<APIResponseDTO> getTotalAPIResponseTimeForLineChart(String fromDate, String toDate,
            String subscriber, String operator, String timeRange) throws Exception {
        BillingDAO billingDAO = new BillingDAO();
        List<APIResponseDTO> apiResponse = billingDAO.getAllResponseTimesForAllAPIs(operator, subscriber, fromDate,
                toDate, timeRange);
        return apiResponse;

     * Gets the all response times by date.
     * @param opName the op name
     * @param username the username
     * @param fromDate the from date
     * @param toDate the to date
     * @return the all response times by date
     * @throws Exception 
    public static Map<String, List<APIResponseDTO>> getAllResponseTimesByDate(String opName, String username,
            String fromDate, String toDate) throws Exception {

        Map<String, List<APIResponseDTO>> responseTimes = new HashMap<String, List<APIResponseDTO>>();
        List<API> allAPIs = APIManagerFactory.getInstance().getAPIConsumer().getAllAPIs();
        BillingDAO billingDAO = new BillingDAO();
        for (API api : allAPIs) {
            String apiName = api.getId().getApiName();
            List<APIResponseDTO> responseDTOs = billingDAO.getAllResponseTimesForAPIbyDate(opName, username,
                    fromDate, toDate, apiName);
            responseTimes.put(apiName, responseDTOs);
        return responseTimes;

     * Gets the time consumption for all ap is.
     * @param opName the op name
     * @param username the username
     * @param fromDate the from date
     * @param toDate the to date
     * @return the time consumption for all ap is
     * @throws Exception 
    public static Map<String, String[]> getTimeConsumptionForAllAPIs(String opName, String username,
            String fromDate, String toDate) throws Exception {

        Map<String, String[]> responseTimes = new HashMap<String, String[]>();
        List<API> allAPIs = APIManagerFactory.getInstance().getAPIConsumer().getAllAPIs();
        BillingDAO billingDAO = new BillingDAO();
        for (API api : allAPIs) {
            String apiName = api.getId().getApiName();
            String[] responseData = billingDAO.getTimeConsumptionByAPI(opName, username, fromDate, toDate, apiName);
            responseTimes.put(apiName, responseData);
        return responseTimes;

     * Gets the rate card north bound.
     * @return the rate card north bound
     * @throws APIManagementException the API management exception
    public static Map<RateKey, ChargeRate> getRateCardNorthBound() throws APIManagementException {
        return null;

     * Calculate tiers charges.
     * @param selectedUsageTier the selected usage tier
     * @param rateCard the rate card
     * @param totalRequestCount the total request count
     * @param tierCount the tier count
     * @param operatorSubscription the operator subscription
     * @param subsYear the subs year
     * @param subsMonth the subs month
     * @param application the application
     * @param ApiName the api name
     * @param apiVersion the api version
     * @param categoryEntry the category entry
     * @param appId the app id
     * @param apiId the api id
     * @param subsId the subs id
     * @throws Exception 
    private static void calculateTiersCharges(List<UsageTiers> selectedUsageTier, Map<RateKey, ChargeRate> rateCard,
            int totalRequestCount, int tierCount, BillingSubscription.OperatorSubscription operatorSubscription,
            String subsYear, String subsMonth, Application application, String ApiName, String apiVersion,
            Map.Entry<CategoryCharge, BilledCharge> categoryEntry, int appId, int apiId, String subsId)
            throws Exception {

        BigDecimal totCharge = new BigDecimal(0);
        int operationId = operatorSubscription.getOperationId();
        int min, max = 0;

        int chargedCount = 0;
        BilledCharge CategoryCharge = categoryEntry.getValue();

        for (UsageTiers usageTiers : selectedUsageTier) {

            min = Integer.parseInt(usageTiers.getMin());
            max = Integer.parseInt(usageTiers.getMax());
            String tierName = usageTiers.getTierName();
            String rateId = usageTiers.getRateId();
            BilledCharge tempBilledCharge = null;
            String logTier = tierName + ":" + rateId;

            if (chargedCount >= totalRequestCount) {
            if (min <= totalRequestCount && totalRequestCount <= max) {
                tempBilledCharge = new BilledCharge(totalRequestCount - chargedCount);
            } else if (totalRequestCount > max) {
                tempBilledCharge = new BilledCharge(max - chargedCount);

            ChargeRate subRate = rateCard.get(
                    new RateKey(operatorSubscription.getOperator(), ApiName, rateId, String.valueOf(operationId)));
            if (subRate == null) {
                throw new APIManagementException(
                        "Attributes required for Charging are not specified in rate-card.xml");
            billComponent(subRate, rateCard, operatorSubscription, subsYear, subsMonth, application, ApiName,
                    apiVersion, categoryEntry, appId, apiId, subsId);
            chargedCount = chargedCount + categoryEntry.getValue().getCount();

            // accumilate chages

            // accumilate multitier chargers

            if (CategoryCharge.getTierCharges().containsKey(logTier)) {

            } else {
                BilledCharge billedCharge = new BilledCharge(categoryEntry.getValue().getCount());
                CategoryCharge.getTierCharges().put(logTier, billedCharge);



     * Nvl default.
     * @param val the val
     * @return the string
    private static String nvlDefault(String val) {
        return (val == null || val.isEmpty()) ? DISPLAY_DEFAULT : val;