Java tutorial
/* * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.wrmsr.wava.basic; import; import; import; import com.wrmsr.wava.analyze.ControlFlowGraph; import com.wrmsr.wava.analyze.ValueTypeAnalysis; import com.wrmsr.wava.core.node.Block; import com.wrmsr.wava.core.node.Break; import com.wrmsr.wava.core.node.BreakTable; import com.wrmsr.wava.core.node.If; import com.wrmsr.wava.core.node.Label; import com.wrmsr.wava.core.node.Loop; import com.wrmsr.wava.core.node.Node; import com.wrmsr.wava.core.node.Nop; import com.wrmsr.wava.core.node.Return; import com.wrmsr.wava.core.node.Switch; import com.wrmsr.wava.core.node.Unreachable; import com.wrmsr.wava.core.node.visitor.Visitor; import com.wrmsr.wava.core.type.Name; import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.ImmutablePair; import javax.annotation.CheckReturnValue; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.OptionalInt; import java.util.Set; import; import static; import static; import static; import static com.wrmsr.wava.util.RecursiveConsumer.acceptRecursive; import static com.wrmsr.wava.util.collect.MoreCollectors.toHashMultimap; import static com.wrmsr.wava.util.collect.MoreCollectors.toImmutableList; import static java.util.Collections.unmodifiableMap; import static java.util.Objects.requireNonNull; public final class Basics { public static final Name ENTRY_NAME = Name.of("$ENTRY$"); public static final Name UNREACHABLE_NAME = Name.of("$UNREACHABLE$"); public static final Name EXIT_NAME = Name.of("$EXIT$"); public static final Set<Name> TERMINAL_NAMES = ImmutableSet.of(UNREACHABLE_NAME, EXIT_NAME); private Basics() { } public static Map<Name, Basic> buildBasics(ControlFlowGraph cfg, ValueTypeAnalysis vta, Map<Node, Name> nodeNames, Map<Node, Integer> nodeIndices) { Map<Name, Basic> map = new LinkedHashMap<>(); acceptRecursive((rec, node) -> { Name name; if (node == ControlFlowGraph.ENTRY) { name = ENTRY_NAME; } else { name = requireNonNull(nodeNames.get(node)); checkState(!map.containsKey(name)); checkState(!vta.get(node).isUsed()); } map.put(name, node.accept(new Visitor<Void, Basic>() { private BreakTable newFlowBreakTable(Node node) { return newBreakTable(nodeNames.get(getOnlyElement(cfg.getOutput(node)).getOutput())); } private BreakTable newBreakTable(Name target) { return new BreakTable(ImmutableList.of(), target, new Nop()); } private Basic newBasic(List<Node> body, BreakTable breakTable) { return new Basic(name, body, breakTable, OptionalInt.of(nodeIndices.get(node))); } @Override protected Basic visitNode(Node node, Void context) { return newBasic(ImmutableList.of(node), newFlowBreakTable(node)); } @Override public Basic visitBlock(Block node, Void context) { return newBasic(ImmutableList.of(), newFlowBreakTable(node)); } @Override public Basic visitBreak(Break node, Void context) { checkState(node.getValue() instanceof Nop); return newBasic(ImmutableList.of(), newBreakTable(node.getTarget())); } @Override public Basic visitBreakTable(BreakTable node, Void context) { return newBasic(ImmutableList.of(), node); } @Override public Basic visitIf(If node, Void context) { return newBasic(ImmutableList.of(), new BreakTable(ImmutableList.of(nodeNames.get(node.getIfFalse())), nodeNames.get(node.getIfTrue()), node.getCondition())); } @Override public Basic visitLoop(Loop node, Void context) { return new Basic(name, ImmutableList.of(), newFlowBreakTable(node), OptionalInt.of(nodeIndices.get(node))); } @Override public Basic visitNop(Nop node, Void context) { if (node == ControlFlowGraph.ENTRY) { return new Basic(ENTRY_NAME, ImmutableList.of(), newFlowBreakTable(node), OptionalInt.of(0)); } else { return visitNode(node, context); } } @Override public Basic visitReturn(Return node, Void context) { return newBasic(ImmutableList.of(node), newBreakTable(EXIT_NAME)); } @Override public Basic visitSwitch(Switch node, Void context) { throw new IllegalStateException(); } @Override public Basic visitUnreachable(Unreachable node, Void context) { return newBasic(ImmutableList.of(node), newBreakTable(UNREACHABLE_NAME)); } }, null)); cfg.getOutput(node).stream().map(ControlFlowGraph.Edge::getOutput) .filter(n -> !map.containsKey(nodeNames.get(n))).forEach(rec); }, ControlFlowGraph.ENTRY); return unmodifiableMap(map); } public static BreakTable renameTarget(BreakTable breakTable, Name from, Name to) { return new BreakTable( breakTable.getTargets().stream().map(n -> n.equals(from) ? to : n).collect(toImmutableList()), breakTable.getDefaultTarget().equals(from) ? to : breakTable.getDefaultTarget(), breakTable.getCondition()); } public static Basic renameTarget(Basic basic, Name from, Name to) { return new Basic(basic.getName(), basic.getBody(), renameTarget(basic.getBreakTable(), from, to), basic.getIndex()); } public static Optional<Name> getUnconditionalTarget(BreakTable breakTable) { if (breakTable.getCondition() instanceof Nop) { checkState(breakTable.getTargets().isEmpty()); return Optional.of(breakTable.getDefaultTarget()); } else { checkState(!breakTable.getTargets().isEmpty()); return Optional.empty(); } } public static OptionalInt minBasicIndex(Basic... basics) { return Stream.of(basics).map(Basic::getIndex).filter(OptionalInt::isPresent).mapToInt(OptionalInt::getAsInt) .min(); } @SuppressWarnings("OptionalGetWithoutIsPresent") public static Basic mergeBasics(Basic first, Basic second) { requireNonNull(first); requireNonNull(second); checkArgument(first != second); checkArgument(!first.getName().equals(second.getName())); checkArgument(getUnconditionalTarget(first.getBreakTable()).get().equals(second.getName())); return new Basic(first.getName(), ImmutableList.<Node>builder().addAll(first.getBody()).addAll(second.getBody()).build(), second.getBreakTable(), minBasicIndex(first, second)); } public static SetMultimap<Name, Name> getBasicInputs(Stream<Basic> basics) { return basics.flatMap(b -> b.getAllTargets().stream().map(t -> ImmutablePair.of(t, b.getName()))) .collect(toHashMultimap()); } public static Basic cleanBasic(Basic basic) { return new Basic(basic.getName(), basic.getBody().stream().map(n -> n.accept(new Visitor<Void, Node>() { @Override protected Node visitNode(Node node, Void context) { return node; } @Override public Node visitBlock(Block node, Void context) { return null; } @Override public Node visitBreak(Break node, Void context) { return null; } @Override public Node visitBreakTable(BreakTable node, Void context) { return null; } @Override public Node visitIf(If node, Void context) { return null; } @Override public Node visitLabel(Label node, Void context) { return null; } @Override public Node visitLoop(Loop node, Void context) { return null; } @Override public Node visitNop(Nop node, Void context) { return null; } @Override public Node visitSwitch(Switch node, Void context) { throw new IllegalStateException(); } @Override public Node visitUnreachable(Unreachable node, Void context) { return null; } }, null)).filter(n -> n != null).collect(toImmutableList()), basic.getBreakTable(), basic.getIndex()); } public static Optional<Node> simplifyBreakTable(BreakTable breakTable) { if (breakTable.getTargets().isEmpty()) { if (breakTable.getDefaultTarget().equals(UNREACHABLE_NAME)) { return Optional.empty(); } else { return Optional.of(new Break(breakTable.getDefaultTarget(), new Nop())); } } else { checkState(!breakTable.getDefaultTarget().equals(UNREACHABLE_NAME)); checkState(!breakTable.getTargets().stream().anyMatch(UNREACHABLE_NAME::equals)); return Optional.of(breakTable); } } @FunctionalInterface public interface BasicTransform { BasicSet apply(BasicSet basics, Basic basic); } @CheckReturnValue public static BasicSet transformBasics(BasicTransform op, BasicSet basics) { for (Name name : basics) { if (basics.contains(name)) { basics = requireNonNull(op.apply(basics, basics.get(name))); } } return basics; } @FunctionalInterface public interface StreamBasicTransform { Stream<BasicSet> apply(BasicSet basics, Basic basic); } @CheckReturnValue public static BasicSet transformBasics(StreamBasicTransform op, BasicSet basics) { for (Name name : basics) { if (basics.contains(name)) { basics = Stream.concat(op.apply(basics, basics.get(name)), Stream.of(basics)).findFirst().get(); } } return basics; } }