Java tutorial
/* * (C) Copyright 2015-2016 the original author or authors. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * * Contributors: * () */ package com.wq.wqchat.client.connect; import; import com.wq.wqchat.api.Constants; import com.wq.wqchat.api.connection.Connection; import com.wq.wqchat.api.event.ConnectionCloseEvent; import com.wq.wqchat.api.protocol.Command; import com.wq.wqchat.api.protocol.Packet; import com.wq.wqchat.api.spi.common.CacheManager; import com.wq.wqchat.api.spi.common.CacheManagerFactory; import com.wq.wqchat.common.CacheKeys; import com.wq.wqchat.common.message.*; import; import; import com.wq.wqchat.netty.connection.NettyConnection; import; import; import; import; import; import io.netty.util.*; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; public final class ConnClientChannelHandler extends ChannelInboundHandlerAdapter { private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ConnClientChannelHandler.class); private static final Timer HASHED_WHEEL_TIMER = new HashedWheelTimer( new NamedPoolThreadFactory(ThreadNames.T_CONN_TIMER)); public static final AttributeKey<ClientConfig> CONFIG_KEY = AttributeKey.newInstance("clientConfig"); public static final TestStatistics STATISTICS = new TestStatistics(); private static CacheManager cacheManager = CacheManagerFactory.create(); private final Connection connection = new NettyConnection(); private ClientConfig clientConfig; private boolean perfTest; private int hbTimeoutTimes; public ConnClientChannelHandler() { perfTest = true; } public ConnClientChannelHandler(ClientConfig clientConfig) { this.clientConfig = clientConfig; } public Connection getConnection() { return connection; } @Override public void channelRead(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, Object msg) throws Exception { connection.updateLastReadTime(); if (msg instanceof Packet) { Packet packet = (Packet) msg; Command command = Command.toCMD(packet.cmd); if (command == Command.HANDSHAKE) { int connectedNum = STATISTICS.connectedNum.incrementAndGet(); connection.getSessionContext() .changeCipher(new AesCipher(clientConfig.getClientKey(), clientConfig.getIv())); HandshakeOkMessage message = new HandshakeOkMessage(packet, connection); message.decodeBody(); byte[] sessionKey = CipherBox.I.mixKey(clientConfig.getClientKey(), message.serverKey); connection.getSessionContext().changeCipher(new AesCipher(sessionKey, clientConfig.getIv())); connection.getSessionContext().setHeartbeat(message.heartbeat); startHeartBeat(message.heartbeat - 1000);"handshake success, clientConfig={}, connectedNum={}", clientConfig, connectedNum); bindUser(clientConfig); if (!perfTest) { saveToRedisForFastConnection(clientConfig, message.sessionId, message.expireTime, sessionKey); } } else if (command == Command.FAST_CONNECT) { int connectedNum = STATISTICS.connectedNum.incrementAndGet(); String cipherStr = clientConfig.getCipher(); String[] cs = cipherStr.split(","); byte[] key = AesCipher.toArray(cs[0]); byte[] iv = AesCipher.toArray(cs[1]); connection.getSessionContext().changeCipher(new AesCipher(key, iv)); FastConnectOkMessage message = new FastConnectOkMessage(packet, connection); message.decodeBody(); connection.getSessionContext().setHeartbeat(message.heartbeat); startHeartBeat(message.heartbeat - 1000); bindUser(clientConfig);"fast connect success, clientConfig={}, connectedNum={}", clientConfig, connectedNum); } else if (command == Command.KICK) { KickUserMessage message = new KickUserMessage(packet, connection); LOGGER.error("receive kick user msg userId={}, deviceId={}, message={},", clientConfig.getUserId(), clientConfig.getDeviceId(), message); ctx.close(); } else if (command == Command.ERROR) { ErrorMessage message = new ErrorMessage(packet, connection); message.decodeBody(); LOGGER.error("receive an error packet=" + message); } else if (command == Command.PUSH) { int receivePushNum = STATISTICS.receivePushNum.incrementAndGet(); PushMessage message = new PushMessage(packet, connection); message.decodeBody();"receive push message, content={}, receivePushNum={}", new String(message.content, Constants.UTF_8), receivePushNum); if (message.needAck()) { AckMessage.from(message).sendRaw();"send ack success for sessionId={}", message.getSessionId()); } } else if (command == Command.HEARTBEAT) {"receive heartbeat pong..."); } else if (command == Command.OK) { OkMessage message = new OkMessage(packet, connection); message.decodeBody(); int bindUserNum = STATISTICS.bindUserNum.get(); if (message.cmd == Command.BIND.cmd) { bindUserNum = STATISTICS.bindUserNum.incrementAndGet(); }"receive {}, bindUserNum={}", message, bindUserNum); } else if (command == Command.HTTP_PROXY) { HttpResponseMessage message = new HttpResponseMessage(packet, connection); message.decodeBody();"receive http response, message={}, body={}", message, message.body == null ? null : new String(message.body, Constants.UTF_8)); } } LOGGER.debug("receive package={}, chanel={}", msg,; } @Override public void exceptionCaught(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, Throwable cause) throws Exception { connection.close(); LOGGER.error("caught an ex, channel={}",, cause); } @Override public void channelActive(ChannelHandlerContext ctx) throws Exception { int clientNum = STATISTICS.clientNum.incrementAndGet();"client connect channel={}, clientNum={}",, clientNum); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (clientConfig != null) break; clientConfig =; if (clientConfig == null) TimeUnit.SECONDS.sleep(1); } if (clientConfig == null) { throw new NullPointerException("client config is null, channel=" +; } connection.init(, true); if (perfTest) { handshake(); } else { tryFastConnect(); } } @Override public void channelInactive(ChannelHandlerContext ctx) throws Exception { int clientNum = STATISTICS.clientNum.decrementAndGet(); connection.close(); ConnectionCloseEvent(connection));"client disconnect channel={}, clientNum={}", connection, clientNum); } private void tryFastConnect() { Map<String, String> sessionTickets = getFastConnectionInfo(clientConfig.getDeviceId()); if (sessionTickets == null) { handshake(); return; } String sessionId = sessionTickets.get("sessionId"); if (sessionId == null) { handshake(); return; } String expireTime = sessionTickets.get("expireTime"); if (expireTime != null) { long exp = Long.parseLong(expireTime); if (exp < System.currentTimeMillis()) { handshake(); return; } } final String cipher = sessionTickets.get("cipherStr"); FastConnectMessage message = new FastConnectMessage(connection); message.deviceId = clientConfig.getDeviceId(); message.sessionId = sessionId; message.sendRaw(channelFuture -> { if (channelFuture.isSuccess()) { clientConfig.setCipher(cipher); } else { handshake(); } }); LOGGER.debug("send fast connect message={}", message); } private void bindUser(ClientConfig client) { BindUserMessage message = new BindUserMessage(connection); message.userId = client.getUserId(); message.tags = "test"; message.send(); connection.getSessionContext().setUserId(client.getUserId()); LOGGER.debug("send bind user message={}", message); } private void saveToRedisForFastConnection(ClientConfig client, String sessionId, Long expireTime, byte[] sessionKey) { Map<String, String> map = Maps.newHashMap(); map.put("sessionId", sessionId); map.put("expireTime", expireTime + ""); map.put("cipherStr", connection.getSessionContext().cipher.toString()); String key = CacheKeys.getDeviceIdKey(client.getDeviceId()); cacheManager.set(key, map, 60 * 5); //5 } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private Map<String, String> getFastConnectionInfo(String deviceId) { String key = CacheKeys.getDeviceIdKey(deviceId); return cacheManager.get(key, Map.class); } private void handshake() { HandshakeMessage message = new HandshakeMessage(connection); message.clientKey = clientConfig.getClientKey(); message.iv = clientConfig.getIv(); message.clientVersion = clientConfig.getClientVersion(); message.deviceId = clientConfig.getDeviceId(); message.osName = clientConfig.getOsName(); message.osVersion = clientConfig.getOsVersion(); message.timestamp = System.currentTimeMillis(); message.send(); LOGGER.debug("send handshake message={}", message); } private void startHeartBeat(final int heartbeat) throws Exception { HASHED_WHEEL_TIMER.newTimeout(new TimerTask() { @Override public void run(Timeout timeout) throws Exception { if (connection.isConnected() && healthCheck()) { HASHED_WHEEL_TIMER.newTimeout(this, heartbeat, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); } } }, heartbeat, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); } private boolean healthCheck() { if (connection.isReadTimeout()) { hbTimeoutTimes++; LOGGER.warn("heartbeat timeout times={}, client={}", hbTimeoutTimes, connection); } else { hbTimeoutTimes = 0; } if (hbTimeoutTimes >= 2) { LOGGER.warn("heartbeat timeout times={} over limit={}, client={}", hbTimeoutTimes, 2, connection); hbTimeoutTimes = 0; connection.close(); return false; } if (connection.isWriteTimeout()) {"send heartbeat ping..."); connection.send(Packet.HB_PACKET); } return true; } }