Java tutorial
/** * * Copyright (c) 1995-2012 Wonders Information Co.,Ltd. * 1518 Lianhang Rd,Shanghai 201112.P.R.C. * All Rights Reserved. * * This software is the confidential and proprietary information of Wonders Group. * (Social Security Department). You shall not disclose such * Confidential Information and shall use it only in accordance with * the terms of the license agreement you entered into with Wonders Group. * * Distributable under GNU LGPL license by */ package com.wonders.bud.freshmommy.web.openapi.controller; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMethod; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.ResponseBody; import com.wonders.bud.framework.common.util.EncryptUtil; import com.wonders.bud.framework.common.util.JsonUtils; import com.wonders.bud.framework.common.util.RestMsg; import com.wonders.bud.framework.common.util.TokenTransform; import com.wonders.bud.freshmommy.service.asq.model.po.AsqHistoryPO; import com.wonders.bud.freshmommy.service.asq.model.po.AsqQuestionPO; import com.wonders.bud.freshmommy.service.asq.model.po.AsqResultPO; import com.wonders.bud.freshmommy.service.asq.model.po.AsqScorePO; import com.wonders.bud.freshmommy.service.asq.model.po.QuestionPO; import com.wonders.bud.freshmommy.service.asq.model.po.ScorePO; import com.wonders.bud.freshmommy.service.asq.service.AsqQuestionService; import com.wonders.bud.freshmommy.service.asq.service.AsqResultService; import com.wonders.bud.freshmommy.service.asq.service.AsqScoreService; import com.wonders.bud.freshmommy.service.asq.service.QuestionService; import com.wonders.bud.freshmommy.service.asq.service.ScoreService; import com.wonders.bud.freshmommy.web.openapi.vo.AnwersScoreVO; import com.wonders.bud.freshmommy.web.openapi.vo.ApiResultVO; import com.wonders.bud.freshmommy.web.openapi.vo.AsqAnswersVO; import com.wonders.bud.freshmommy.web.openapi.vo.AsqInfoVO; import com.wonders.bud.freshmommy.web.openapi.vo.AsqParamsVO; import com.wonders.bud.freshmommy.web.openapi.vo.asq.AsqHistoryVO; import com.wonders.bud.freshmommy.web.utils.Constant; /** * <p> * Title: freshmommy_[]_[]_[] * </p> * <p> * Description: --API * </p> * * @author HYH * @version $Revision$ 2015114 * @author (lastest modification by $Author$) * @since 20100901 */ @Controller @RequestMapping("app/asq") public class AsqController { protected Logger log = Logger.getLogger(AsqController.class); @Autowired private QuestionService questionService; @Autowired private AsqScoreService asqScoreService; @Autowired private ScoreService scoreService; @Autowired private AsqQuestionService asqQuestionService; @Autowired private AsqResultService asqResultService; public static void main(String[] args) { AsqParamsVO asqParams = new AsqParamsVO(); asqParams.setMonth(2); asqParams.setToken("x3q8UfddcQJeE/XMPmtAEQ=="); asqParams.setbId(1); asqParams.setType(new Integer[] { 1, 2 }); List<AsqAnswersVO> listAsq = new ArrayList<AsqAnswersVO>(); for (int j = 0; j < 5; j++) { for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { AsqAnswersVO vo = new AsqAnswersVO(); vo.setType(j + 1); vo.setNumber(i + 1); vo.setItemNum((int) (Math.random() * 10) % 3); listAsq.add(vo); } } try { System.out.println(JsonUtils.getJsonData(asqParams)); System.out.println(EncryptUtil.encode(JsonUtils.getJsonData(asqParams))); System.out.println( EncryptUtil.encode("{\"type\":[1,2],\"month\":2,\"token\":\"x3q8UfddcQJeE/XMPmtAEQ==\"}")); System.out.println(JsonUtils.getJsonData(listAsq)); System.out.println(EncryptUtil.encode(JsonUtils.getJsonData(listAsq))); System.out.println("{\"type\":[1,2],\"month\":2,\"token\":\"x3q8UfddcQJeE/XMPmtAEQ==\"}"); } catch (Exception e) { } } /** * <p> * Description: * </p> * * @param request * @return RestMsg<Object> */ @RequestMapping(value = "/subjects", method = RequestMethod.POST) @ResponseBody public RestMsg<List<AsqInfoVO>> AsqSubject(HttpServletRequest request) { RestMsg<List<AsqInfoVO>> restMsg = new RestMsg<List<AsqInfoVO>>(); String params = request.getParameter("params");// ? try { params = EncryptUtil.decode(params); AsqParamsVO asqParams = JsonUtils.jsonStringToBean(params, AsqParamsVO.class); // ??? String token = asqParams.getToken(); if (!TokenTransform.authorization(token)) { return restMsg.loginMsg(); } int month = asqParams.getMonth(); if (month == 0) { restMsg.errorMsg("?,?"); } List<AsqInfoVO> data = new ArrayList<AsqInfoVO>(); List<QuestionPO> list = questionService.getQuestionsByMonth(month); if (list != null && list.size() > 0) { for (QuestionPO po : list) { AsqInfoVO vo = new AsqInfoVO(); vo.setSid(po.getQid()); vo.setExt(po.getqExt()); vo.setNumber(po.getqOrder()); vo.setSubject(po.getqInfo()); vo.setType(po.getqType()); vo.setImage(po.getqImage()); data.add(vo); } } restMsg.successMsg(); restMsg.setResult(data); } catch (Exception e) { log.error(e.getMessage()); restMsg.errorMsg("?"); } return restMsg; } /** * <p> * Description:ASQ??? * </p> * Created by [Administrator] [2015116] Midified by [] [] * * @param request * @return */ @RequestMapping(value = "/scores", method = RequestMethod.POST) @ResponseBody public RestMsg<List<AnwersScoreVO>> babyScore(HttpServletRequest request) { RestMsg<List<AnwersScoreVO>> restMsg = new RestMsg<List<AnwersScoreVO>>(); String params = request.getParameter("params");// ? String answers = request.getParameter("answers");// ?? try { params = EncryptUtil.decode(params); AsqParamsVO asqParams = JsonUtils.jsonStringToBean(params, AsqParamsVO.class); // ??? String token = asqParams.getToken(); if (!TokenTransform.authorization(token)) { return restMsg.loginMsg(); } int month = asqParams.getMonth(); int bId = asqParams.getbId(); if (month == 0 || month < 2 || month > 37) { restMsg.errorMsg("?,?"); } if (bId == 0) { restMsg.errorMsg("?,????"); } List<AnwersScoreVO> data = new ArrayList<AnwersScoreVO>(); List<AsqScorePO> asqScores = null; if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(answers)) { answers = EncryptUtil.decode(answers); List<AsqAnswersVO> listAsq = JsonUtils.jsonStringToList(answers, AsqAnswersVO.class); if (answers != null && listAsq != null && listAsq.size() > 0) { for (AsqAnswersVO asq : listAsq) { String qid = ""; if (month < 10) { qid = "0"; } int type = asq.getType(); int number = asq.getNumber(); int itemNum = asq.getItemNum(); if (type < 1 || type > 5) { return restMsg.errorMsg(""); } if (number < 1 || number > 6) { return restMsg.errorMsg("?"); } if (itemNum < 0 || itemNum > 2) { return restMsg.errorMsg(""); } qid = qid + month + "_" + type + "_" + number; AsqQuestionPO po = asqQuestionService.getScore(bId, qid); int score = itemNum * 5;// if (po != null) {// ? po.setScore(score); asqQuestionService.update(po); } else { po = new AsqQuestionPO(); po.setBid(bId); po.setScore(score); po.setStatus(Constant.ASQ_FINISHED); po.setQid(qid);; } } asqScores = asqScoreService.countMonthScore(bId, month); } } else { asqScores = asqScoreService.getMonthScore(bId, month); } if (asqScores != null && asqScores.size() > 0) { for (AsqScorePO asq : asqScores) { ScorePO spo = scoreService.getById(asq.getSid()); if (spo != null) { AnwersScoreVO vo = new AnwersScoreVO(); vo.setTop(spo.getsMax()); vo.setButtom(spo.getsMin()); vo.setType(spo.getqType()); vo.setTitle(Constant.qTypeMap.get(spo.getqType())); vo.setScore(asq.getSource()); data.add(vo); } } } restMsg.successMsg(); restMsg.setResult(data); } catch (Exception e) { log.error(e.getMessage()); restMsg.errorMsg("??"); } return restMsg; } /** * <p> * Description:?? * </p> * * @param request * @return RestMsg<Object> */ @RequestMapping(value = "/history", method = RequestMethod.POST) @ResponseBody public RestMsg<List<AsqHistoryVO>> Asqhistory(HttpServletRequest request) { RestMsg<List<AsqHistoryVO>> restMsg = new RestMsg<List<AsqHistoryVO>>(); String params = request.getParameter("params");// ? try { params = EncryptUtil.decode(params); AsqParamsVO asqParams = JsonUtils.jsonStringToBean(params, AsqParamsVO.class); // ??? String token = asqParams.getToken(); if (!TokenTransform.authorization(token)) { return restMsg.loginMsg(); } int bId = asqParams.getbId(); if (bId == 0) { restMsg.errorMsg("?,????"); } List<AsqHistoryPO> poList = asqScoreService.getAsqHistory(bId); List<AsqHistoryVO> result = new ArrayList<AsqHistoryVO>(); if (poList != null && poList.size() > 0) { for (AsqHistoryPO po : poList) { AsqHistoryVO vo = new AsqHistoryVO(); vo.setDate(po.getLogDate()); vo.setMonth(po.getMonth()); result.add(vo); } } restMsg.successMsg(); restMsg.setResult(result); } catch (Exception e) { log.error(e.getMessage()); restMsg.errorMsg("???"); } return restMsg; } /** * <p> * Description:?? * </p> * * @param request * @return RestMsg<Object> */ @RequestMapping(value = "/results", method = RequestMethod.POST) @ResponseBody public RestMsg<List<ApiResultVO>> AsqResults(HttpServletRequest request) { RestMsg<List<ApiResultVO>> restMsg = new RestMsg<List<ApiResultVO>>(); String params = request.getParameter("params");// ? try { params = EncryptUtil.decode(params); AsqParamsVO asqParams = JsonUtils.jsonStringToBean(params, AsqParamsVO.class); // ??? String token = asqParams.getToken(); if (!TokenTransform.authorization(token)) { return restMsg.loginMsg(); } int month = asqParams.getMonth(); if (month == 0) { restMsg.errorMsg("??"); } Integer[] types = asqParams.getType(); if (types == null || types.length == 0) { restMsg.errorMsg("?"); } List<ApiResultVO> result = new ArrayList<ApiResultVO>(); for (int type : types) { ApiResultVO vo = new ApiResultVO(); String prefix = ""; if (month < 10) { prefix = "0" + month; } else { prefix = "" + month; } AsqResultPO po = asqResultService.getById(type + "_" + prefix); if (po != null) { vo.setDesc(po.getrDesc()); vo.setMonth(month); vo.setType(type); result.add(vo); } } restMsg.successMsg(); restMsg.setResult(result); } catch (Exception e) { log.error(e.getMessage()); restMsg.errorMsg("???"); } return restMsg; } }