Java tutorial
/* * Copyright [2015] [wisemapping] * * Licensed under WiseMapping Public License, Version 1.0 (the "License"). * It is basically the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License") plus the * "powered by wisemapping" text requirement on every single page; * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the license at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import javax.servlet.ServletContext; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException; import org.apache.batik.transcoder.TranscoderException; import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Hex; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Qualifier; import org.springframework.http.HttpStatus; import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller; import org.springframework.validation.BeanPropertyBindingResult; import org.springframework.validation.BindingResult; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.PathVariable; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestBody; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMethod; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestParam; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.ResponseBody; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.ResponseStatus; import org.springframework.web.client.RestTemplate; import org.springframework.web.servlet.ModelAndView; import com.concept.json.fetch.MindMapVO; import com.concept.json.fetch.ResponseVO; import com.concept.json.fetch.UserVO; import com.mangofactory.swagger.annotations.ApiIgnore; import com.wisemapping.exceptions.ImportUnexpectedException; import com.wisemapping.exceptions.LabelCouldNotFoundException; import com.wisemapping.exceptions.MapCouldNotFoundException; import com.wisemapping.exceptions.MultipleSessionsOpenException; import com.wisemapping.exceptions.SessionExpiredException; import com.wisemapping.exceptions.WiseMappingException; import com.wisemapping.exporter.ExportException; import com.wisemapping.exporter.ExportFormat; import com.wisemapping.exporter.ExportProperties; import com.wisemapping.exporter.ExporterFactory; import com.wisemapping.importer.ImportFormat; import com.wisemapping.importer.Importer; import com.wisemapping.importer.ImporterException; import com.wisemapping.importer.ImporterFactory; import com.wisemapping.model.Collaboration; import com.wisemapping.model.CollaborationProperties; import com.wisemapping.model.CollaborationRole; import com.wisemapping.model.Constants; import com.wisemapping.model.Label; import com.wisemapping.model.MindMapHistory; import com.wisemapping.model.Mindmap; import com.wisemapping.model.Projects; import com.wisemapping.model.User; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.wisemapping.service.CollaborationException; import com.wisemapping.service.LabelService; import com.wisemapping.service.LockInfo; import com.wisemapping.service.LockManager; import com.wisemapping.service.MindmapService; import com.wisemapping.service.UserService; import com.wisemapping.validator.MapInfoValidator; import com.wordnik.swagger.annotations.Api; import com.wordnik.swagger.annotations.ApiParam; @Api(value = "mindmap", description = "User Mindmap Objects.") @Controller public class MindmapController extends BaseController { public static final String LATEST_HISTORY_REVISION = "latest"; @Qualifier("mindmapService") @Autowired private MindmapService mindmapService; @Qualifier("labelService") @Autowired private LabelService labelService; @Autowired @Qualifier("userService") private UserService userService; final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger("com.wisemapping"); private Integer idUserUpdateConcept; private Integer idProjectUpdateConcept; @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET, value = "/maps/{id}", produces = { "application/json", "application/xml", "text/html" }) @ResponseBody public RestMindmap retrieve(@PathVariable int id) throws WiseMappingException { final User user = Utils.getUser(); final Mindmap mindMap = findMindmapById(id); return new RestMindmap(mindMap, user); } @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET, value = "/maps/{id}", produces = { "application/wisemapping+xml" }, params = { "download=wxml" }) @ResponseBody public ModelAndView retrieveAsWise(@PathVariable int id) throws WiseMappingException { final Mindmap mindMap = findMindmapById(id); final Map<String, Object> values = new HashMap<String, Object>(); final User user = Utils.getUser(); values.put("mindmap", new RestMindmap(mindMap, user)); values.put("filename", mindMap.getTitle()); return new ModelAndView("transformViewWise", values); } @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET, value = "/maps/{id}", produces = { "application/freemind" }, params = { "download=mm", "version" }) @ResponseBody public ModelAndView retrieveDocumentAsFreemind(@PathVariable int id, @RequestParam(value = "version") String version) throws IOException, MapCouldNotFoundException { final Mindmap mindMap = findMindmapById(id); final Map<String, Object> values = new HashMap<String, Object>(); values.put("content", mindMap.getXmlStr()); values.put("filename", mindMap.getTitle()); values.put("version", version); return new ModelAndView("transformViewFreemind", values); } @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET, value = "/maps/{id}", produces = { "text/plain" }, params = { "download=txt" }) @ResponseBody public ModelAndView retrieveDocumentAsText(@PathVariable int id) throws IOException, MapCouldNotFoundException { final Mindmap mindMap = findMindmapById(id); final Map<String, Object> values = new HashMap<String, Object>(); values.put("content", mindMap.getXmlStr()); values.put("filename", mindMap.getTitle()); return new ModelAndView("transformViewTxt", values); } @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET, value = "/maps/{id}", produces = { "application/vnd.mindjet.mindmanager" }, params = { "download=mmap" }) @ResponseBody public ModelAndView retrieveDocumentAsMindJet(@PathVariable int id) throws IOException, MapCouldNotFoundException { final Mindmap mindMap = findMindmapById(id); final Map<String, Object> values = new HashMap<String, Object>(); values.put("content", mindMap.getXmlStr()); values.put("filename", mindMap.getTitle()); return new ModelAndView("transformViewMMap", values); } @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET, value = "/maps/{id}", produces = { "application/" }, params = { "download=xls" }) @ResponseBody public ModelAndView retrieveDocumentAsExcel(@PathVariable int id) throws IOException, MapCouldNotFoundException { final Mindmap mindMap = findMindmapById(id); final Map<String, Object> values = new HashMap<String, Object>(); values.put("content", mindMap.getXmlStr()); values.put("filename", mindMap.getTitle()); return new ModelAndView("transformViewXls", values); } @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET, value = "/maps/{id}", produces = { "application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text" }, params = { "download=odt" }) @ResponseBody public ModelAndView retrieveDocumentAsOdt(@PathVariable int id) throws IOException, MapCouldNotFoundException { final Mindmap mindMap = findMindmapById(id); final Map<String, Object> values = new HashMap<String, Object>(); values.put("content", mindMap.getXmlStr()); values.put("filename", mindMap.getTitle()); return new ModelAndView("transformViewOdt", values); } @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET, value = "/maps/", produces = { "application/json", "application/xml" }) public RestMindmapList retrieveList(@RequestParam(required = false) String q) throws IOException { final User user = Utils.getUser(); final MindmapFilter filter = MindmapFilter.parse(q); final List<Collaboration> collaborations = mindmapService.findCollaborations(user); final List<Mindmap> mindmaps = new ArrayList<Mindmap>(); for (Collaboration collaboration : collaborations) { final Mindmap mindmap = collaboration.getMindMap(); if (filter.accept(mindmap, user)) { try { /* * Projects project = * mindmapService.findProjectById(Integer. * parseInt(mindmap.getIdProject())); * mindmap.setProjectTitle(project.getTitle()); */ List<Projects> allProjects = mindmapService.getAllProjects(); for (Projects project : allProjects) { if (project.getId() == Integer.parseInt(mindmap.getIdProject())) { mindmap.setProjectTitle(project.getTitle()); } } } catch (Exception ex) { mindmap.setProjectTitle(mindmap.getIdProject()); } mindmaps.add(mindmap); } } return new RestMindmapList(mindmaps, user); } @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET, value = "/maps/{id}/history", produces = { "application/json", "application/xml" }) public RestMindmapHistoryList retrieveHistory(@PathVariable int id) throws IOException { final List<MindMapHistory> histories = mindmapService.findMindmapHistory(id); final RestMindmapHistoryList result = new RestMindmapHistoryList(); for (MindMapHistory history : histories) { result.addHistory(new RestMindmapHistory(history)); } return result; } @RequestMapping(value = "/maps/{id}/history/{hid}", method = RequestMethod.POST) @ResponseStatus(value = HttpStatus.NO_CONTENT) public void updateRevertMindmap(@PathVariable int id, @PathVariable String hid) throws WiseMappingException, IOException { final Mindmap mindmap = findMindmapById(id); final User user = Utils.getUser(); if (LATEST_HISTORY_REVISION.equals(hid)) { // Revert to the latest stored version ... List<MindMapHistory> mindmapHistory = mindmapService.findMindmapHistory(id); if (mindmapHistory.size() > 0) { final MindMapHistory mindMapHistory = mindmapHistory.get(0); mindmap.setZippedXml(mindMapHistory.getZippedXml()); saveMindmapDocument(true, mindmap, user); } } else { mindmapService.revertChange(mindmap, Integer.parseInt(hid)); } } @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.PUT, value = "/maps/{id}/document", consumes = { "application/xml", "application/json" }, produces = { "application/json", "application/xml" }) @ResponseBody public Long updateDocument(@RequestBody RestMindmap restMindmap, @PathVariable int id, @RequestParam(required = false) boolean minor, @RequestParam(required = false) boolean saveConcept, @RequestParam(required = false) int idUserConcept, @RequestParam(required = false) Long timestamp, @RequestParam(required = false) Long session, HttpServletRequest request) throws WiseMappingException, IOException { // logger.debug("saveConcept " + saveConcept); final Mindmap mindmap = findMindmapById(id); final User user = Utils.getUser(); // Validate arguments ... final String properties = restMindmap.getProperties(); if (properties == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Map properties can not be null"); } // Could the map be updated ? if (session != null) { verifyLock(mindmap, user, session, timestamp); } // Update collaboration properties ... final CollaborationProperties collaborationProperties = mindmap.findCollaborationProperties(user); collaborationProperties.setMindmapProperties(properties); // Validate content ... String xml = restMindmap.getXml(); if (xml == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Map xml can not be null"); } mindmap.setXmlStr(xml); mindmap.setThumbnail(binary2hexadecimal(request, restMindmap.getMySvg())); mindmap.setTitle(restMindmap.getTitle()); // Update map ... if (saveConcept) { mindmap.setIdUserConcept(idUserConcept); if (this.idProjectUpdateConcept != null) { mindmap.setIdProjectConcept(idProjectUpdateConcept); } saveMindMap(request, mindmap); } else { saveMindmapDocument(minor, mindmap, user); } // Update edition timeout ... final LockManager lockManager = mindmapService.getLockManager(); long result = -1; if (session != null) { final LockInfo lockInfo = lockManager.updateExpirationTimeout(mindmap, user); result = lockInfo.getTimestamp(); } return result; } private void saveMindMap(HttpServletRequest request, final Mindmap mindmap) throws UnsupportedEncodingException, IOException { RestTemplate restTemplate = new RestTemplate(); MindMapVO mindMapVO = generateMindMapVO(request, mindmap); UserVO userVO = new UserVO(); userVO.setId(mindmap.getIdUserConcept()); mindMapVO.setUserCo(userVO); Map<String, String> vars = new HashMap<String, String>(); logger.debug("requestVO ->" + mindMapVO); restTemplate.postForObject(mindmapService.getUrlSave(), mindMapVO, ResponseVO.class, vars); // logger.debug("postForObject ->" + postForObject); } private MindMapVO generateMindMapVO(HttpServletRequest request, final Mindmap mindmap) throws UnsupportedEncodingException, IOException { MindMapVO mindMapVO = new MindMapVO(); mindMapVO.setId(mindmap.getId()); mindMapVO.setPid(mindmap.getIdProjectConcept()); mindMapVO.setTitle(mindmap.getTitle()); mindMapVO.setContent(mindmap.getXmlStr()); mindMapVO.setContentThumbnail(new String(mindmap.getThumbnail())); mindMapVO.setCreatedDate(mindmap.getCreationTime().getTimeInMillis()); mindMapVO.setIsPublic(mindmap.isPublic() ? 1 : 0); return mindMapVO; } private byte[] binary2hexadecimal(HttpServletRequest request, final String mySvg) throws IOException, UnsupportedEncodingException { final ServletContext servletContext = request.getSession().getServletContext(); ByteArrayOutputStream outputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); try { final ExporterFactory factory = new ExporterFactory(servletContext); ExportFormat exportFormat = ExportFormat.fromContentType("image/png"); final ExportProperties exportProperties = ExportProperties.create(exportFormat); final ExportProperties.ImageProperties imageProperties = (ExportProperties.ImageProperties) exportProperties; imageProperties.setSize(ExportProperties.ImageProperties.Size.MEDIUM); factory.export(exportProperties, null, outputStream, mySvg); //FileUtils.writeByteArrayToFile(new File("c:/Users/A549232/Desktop/img.jpg"), outputStream.toByteArray()); } catch (ParserConfigurationException e) { new WiseMappingException(e.getMessage()); } catch (ExportException e) { new WiseMappingException(e.getMessage()); } catch (TranscoderException e) { new WiseMappingException(e.getMessage()); } return Hex.encodeHexString(outputStream.toByteArray()).getBytes(); } @ApiIgnore @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET, value = { "/maps/{id}/document/xml", "/maps/{id}/document/xml-pub" }, consumes = { "text/plain" }, produces = { "application/xml" }) @ResponseBody public byte[] retrieveDocument(@PathVariable int id, @NotNull HttpServletResponse response, HttpServletRequest request) throws WiseMappingException, IOException { // I should not return byte, but there is some encoding issue here. // Further research needed. response.setCharacterEncoding("UTF-8"); final Mindmap mindmap = findMindmapById(id); MindMapVO mindMapVO = fecthMindMap(id, (long) mindmap.getIdUserConcept()); String xmlStr = mindMapVO.getContent(); return xmlStr.getBytes("UTF-8"); } @ApiIgnore @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET, value = { "/maps/{id}/{idUser}/document/concept/xml", "/maps/{id}/{idUser}/document/concept/xml-pub" }, consumes = { "text/plain" }, produces = { "application/xml" }) @ResponseBody public byte[] retrieveDocumentConcept(@PathVariable int id, @PathVariable long idUser, @NotNull HttpServletResponse response, HttpServletRequest request) throws WiseMappingException, IOException { // I should not return byte, but there is some encoding issue here. // Further research needed. response.setCharacterEncoding("UTF-8"); MindMapVO mindMapVO = fecthMindMap(id, idUser); String xmlStr = mindMapVO.getContent(); return xmlStr.getBytes("UTF-8"); } private MindMapVO fecthMindMap(int idMindmap, final Long concetpUserId) { RestTemplate restTemplate = new RestTemplate(); Map<String, String> vars = new HashMap<String, String>(); vars.put("id", Integer.toString(idMindmap)); vars.put("uid", Long.toString(concetpUserId)); // 69?uid=3 // String myUrl = mindmapService.getUrlFetch() + userId; String myUrl = mindmapService.getUrlFetch(); ResponseVO responseVO = restTemplate.getForObject(myUrl, ResponseVO.class, vars); logger.debug(responseVO); logger.debug(responseVO.getReturnobject().getContent()); // String xmlStr = mindmap.getXmlStr(); MindMapVO mindMapVO = responseVO.getReturnobject(); return mindMapVO; } @ApiIgnore @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.PUT, value = { "/maps/{id}/document/xml" }, consumes = { "text/plain" }) @ResponseBody public void updateDocument(@PathVariable int id, @RequestBody String xmlDoc) throws WiseMappingException, IOException { final Mindmap mindmap = findMindmapById(id); final User user = Utils.getUser(); if (xmlDoc != null && !xmlDoc.isEmpty()) { mindmap.setXmlStr(xmlDoc); } mindmap.setXmlStr(xmlDoc); saveMindmapDocument(false, mindmap, user); } @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET, value = { "/maps/{id}/{hid}/document/xml" }, consumes = { "text/plain" }, produces = { "application/xml" }) @ResponseBody public byte[] retrieveDocument(@PathVariable int id, @PathVariable int hid, @NotNull HttpServletResponse response) throws WiseMappingException, IOException { // I should not return byte, but there is some encoding issue here. // Further research needed. response.setCharacterEncoding("UTF-8"); final MindMapHistory mindmapHistory = mindmapService.findMindmapHistory(id, hid); return mindmapHistory.getUnzipXml(); } private void verifyLock(@NotNull Mindmap mindmap, @NotNull User user, long session, long timestamp) throws WiseMappingException { // The lock was lost, reclaim as the ownership of it. final LockManager lockManager = mindmapService.getLockManager(); final boolean lockLost = lockManager.isLocked(mindmap); if (!lockLost) { lockManager.lock(mindmap, user, session); } final LockInfo lockInfo = lockManager.getLockInfo(mindmap); if (lockInfo.getUser().identityEquality(user)) { final boolean outdated = mindmap.getLastModificationTime().getTimeInMillis() > timestamp; if (lockInfo.getSession() == session) { // Timestamp might not be returned to the client. This try to // cover this case, ignoring the client timestamp check. final User lastEditor = mindmap.getLastEditor(); boolean editedBySameUser = lastEditor == null || user.identityEquality(lastEditor); if (outdated && !editedBySameUser) { throw new SessionExpiredException("Map has been updated by " + (lastEditor.getEmail()) + ",Timestamp:" + timestamp + "," + mindmap.getLastModificationTime().getTimeInMillis() + ", User:" + lastEditor.getId() + ":" + user.getId() + ",Mail:'" + lastEditor.getEmail() + "':'" + user.getEmail(), lastEditor); } } else if (outdated) { throw new MultipleSessionsOpenException("Sessions:" + session + ":" + lockInfo.getSession() + ",Timestamp: " + timestamp + ": " + lockInfo.getTimestamp() + ",User:"); } } else { throw new SessionExpiredException("Different Users.", lockInfo.getUser()); } } /** * The intention of this method is the update of several properties at once * ... */ @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.PUT, value = "/maps/{id}", consumes = { "application/xml", "application/json" }, produces = { "application/json", "application/xml" }) @ResponseStatus(value = HttpStatus.NO_CONTENT) public void updateProperties(@RequestBody RestMindmap restMindmap, @PathVariable int id, @RequestParam(required = false) boolean minor) throws IOException, WiseMappingException { final Mindmap mindmap = findMindmapById(id); final User user = Utils.getUser(); final String xml = restMindmap.getXml(); if (xml != null && !xml.isEmpty()) { mindmap.setXmlStr(xml); } // Update title ... final String title = restMindmap.getTitle(); if (title != null && !title.equals(mindmap.getTitle())) { if (mindmapService.getMindmapByTitle(title, user) != null) { throw buildValidationException("title", "You already have a map with this title"); } mindmap.setTitle(title); } // Update description ... final String description = restMindmap.getDescription(); if (description != null) { mindmap.setDescription(description); } final String tags = restMindmap.getTags(); if (tags != null) { mindmap.setTags(tags); } // Update document properties ... final String properties = restMindmap.getProperties(); if (properties != null) { final CollaborationProperties collaborationProperties = mindmap.findCollaborationProperties(user); collaborationProperties.setMindmapProperties(properties); } // Update map ... saveMindmapDocument(minor, mindmap, user); } @NotNull private Mindmap findMindmapById(int id) throws MapCouldNotFoundException { Mindmap result = mindmapService.findMindmapById(id); if (result == null) { throw new MapCouldNotFoundException("Map could not be found. Id:" + id); } return result; } @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.PUT, value = "/maps/{id}/title", consumes = { "text/plain" }, produces = { "application/json", "application/xml" }) @ResponseStatus(value = HttpStatus.NO_CONTENT) public void updateTitle(@RequestBody String title, @PathVariable int id) throws WiseMappingException { final Mindmap mindMap = findMindmapById(id); final User user = Utils.getUser(); // Is there a map with the same name ? if (mindmapService.getMindmapByTitle(title, user) != null) { throw buildValidationException("title", "You already have a mindmap with this title"); } // Update map ... final Mindmap mindmap = findMindmapById(id); mindmap.setTitle(title); mindmapService.updateMindmap(mindMap, !true); } @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.PUT, value = "/maps/{id}/collabs", consumes = { "application/json", "application/xml" }, produces = { "application/json", "application/xml" }) @ResponseStatus(value = HttpStatus.NO_CONTENT) public void updateCollabs(@PathVariable int id, @NotNull @RequestBody RestCollaborationList restCollabs) throws CollaborationException, MapCouldNotFoundException { final Mindmap mindMap = findMindmapById(id); // Only owner can change collaborators... final User user = Utils.getUser(); if (!mindMap.hasPermissions(user, CollaborationRole.OWNER)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("No enough permissions"); } // Compare one by one if some of the elements has been changed .... final Set<Collaboration> collabsToRemove = new HashSet<Collaboration>(mindMap.getCollaborations()); for (RestCollaboration restCollab : restCollabs.getCollaborations()) { final Collaboration collaboration = mindMap.findCollaboration(restCollab.getEmail()); // Validate role format ... String roleStr = restCollab.getRole(); if (roleStr == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(roleStr + " is not a valid role"); } // Remove from the list of pendings to remove ... if (collaboration != null) { collabsToRemove.remove(collaboration); } // Is owner ? final CollaborationRole role = CollaborationRole.valueOf(roleStr.toUpperCase()); if (role != CollaborationRole.OWNER) { mindmapService.addCollaboration(mindMap, restCollab.getEmail(), role, restCollabs.getMessage()); } } // Remove all collaborations that no applies anymore .. for (final Collaboration collaboration : collabsToRemove) { mindmapService.removeCollaboration(mindMap, collaboration); } } @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET, value = "/maps/{id}/collabs", produces = { "application/json", "application/xml" }) public RestCollaborationList retrieveList(@PathVariable int id) throws MapCouldNotFoundException { final Mindmap mindMap = findMindmapById(id); final Set<Collaboration> collaborations = mindMap.getCollaborations(); final List<RestCollaboration> collabs = new ArrayList<RestCollaboration>(); for (Collaboration collaboration : collaborations) { collabs.add(new RestCollaboration(collaboration)); } final RestCollaborationList result = new RestCollaborationList(); result.setCollaborations(collabs); return result; } @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.PUT, value = "/maps/{id}/description", consumes = { "text/plain" }, produces = { "application/json", "application/xml" }) @ResponseStatus(value = HttpStatus.NO_CONTENT) public void updateDescription(@RequestBody String description, @PathVariable int id) throws WiseMappingException { final Mindmap mindMap = findMindmapById(id); // final User user = Utils.getUser(); // Update map ... final Mindmap mindmap = findMindmapById(id); mindmap.setDescription(description); mindmapService.updateMindmap(mindMap, !true); } @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.PUT, value = "/maps/{id}/publish", consumes = { "text/plain" }, produces = { "application/json", "application/xml" }) @ResponseStatus(value = HttpStatus.NO_CONTENT) public void updatePublishState(@RequestBody String value, @PathVariable int id) throws WiseMappingException { final Mindmap mindMap = findMindmapById(id); final User user = Utils.getUser(); if (!mindMap.hasPermissions(user, CollaborationRole.OWNER)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("No enough to execute this operation"); } // Update map status ... mindMap.setPublic(Boolean.parseBoolean(value)); mindmapService.updateMindmap(mindMap, !true); } @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.DELETE, value = "/maps/{id}") @ResponseStatus(value = HttpStatus.NO_CONTENT) public void deleteMapById(@PathVariable int id) throws IOException, WiseMappingException { final User user = Utils.getUser(); final Mindmap mindmap = findMindmapById(id); mindmapService.removeMindmap(mindmap, user); } @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.PUT, value = "/maps/{id}/starred", consumes = { "text/plain" }, produces = { "application/json", "application/xml" }) @ResponseStatus(value = HttpStatus.NO_CONTENT) public void updateStarredState( @RequestBody @ApiParam(defaultValue = "false", allowableValues = "true,false") String value, @PathVariable int id) throws WiseMappingException { final Mindmap mindmap = findMindmapById(id); final User user = Utils.getUser(); // Update map status ... final boolean starred = Boolean.parseBoolean(value); final Collaboration collaboration = mindmap.findCollaboration(user); if (collaboration == null) { throw new WiseMappingException("No enough permissions."); } collaboration.getCollaborationProperties().setStarred(starred); mindmapService.updateCollaboration(user, collaboration); } @ApiIgnore @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.PUT, value = "/maps/{id}/lock", consumes = { "text/plain" }, produces = { "application/json", "application/xml" }) @ResponseStatus(value = HttpStatus.NO_CONTENT) public void updateMapLock(@RequestBody String value, @PathVariable int id) throws IOException, WiseMappingException { final User user = Utils.getUser(); final LockManager lockManager = mindmapService.getLockManager(); final Mindmap mindmap = findMindmapById(id); final boolean lock = Boolean.parseBoolean(value); if (!lock) { lockManager.unlock(mindmap, user); } else { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("REST lock must be implemented."); } } @ApiIgnore @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.DELETE, value = "/maps/batch") @ResponseStatus(value = HttpStatus.NO_CONTENT) public void batchDelete(@RequestParam(required = true) String ids) throws IOException, WiseMappingException { final User user = Utils.getUser(); final String[] mapsIds = ids.split(","); for (final String mapId : mapsIds) { final Mindmap mindmap = findMindmapById(Integer.parseInt(mapId)); mindmapService.removeMindmap(mindmap, user); } } @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.POST, value = "/maps", consumes = { "application/xml", "application/json", "application/wisemapping+xml" }) @ResponseStatus(value = HttpStatus.CREATED) public void createMap(@RequestBody RestMindmap restMindmap, @NotNull HttpServletResponse response, @RequestParam(required = false) String title, @RequestParam(required = false) String description, HttpServletRequest request) throws IOException, WiseMappingException { // Overwrite title and description if they where specified by parameter. if (title != null && !title.isEmpty()) { restMindmap.setTitle(title); } if (description != null && !description.isEmpty()) { restMindmap.setDescription(description); } // Validate ... final BindingResult result = new BeanPropertyBindingResult(restMindmap, ""); new MapInfoValidator(mindmapService).validate(restMindmap.getDelegated(), result); if (result.hasErrors()) { throw new ValidationException(result); } // If the user has not specified the xml content, add one ... final Mindmap delegated = restMindmap.getDelegated(); String xml = restMindmap.getXml(); if (xml == null || xml.isEmpty()) { xml = Mindmap.getDefaultMindmapXml(restMindmap.getTitle()); } delegated.setXmlStr(xml); delegated.setThumbnail(this.binary2hexadecimal(request, "")); // Add new mindmap ... final User user = Utils.getUser(); mindmapService.addMindmap(delegated, user); saveMindMap(request, delegated); // Return the new created map ... response.setHeader("Location", "/service/maps/" + delegated.getId()); response.setHeader("ResourceId", Integer.toString(delegated.getId())); } @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.POST, value = "/maps", consumes = { "application/freemind" }) @ResponseStatus(value = HttpStatus.CREATED) public void createMapFromFreemind(@RequestBody byte[] freemindXml, @RequestParam(required = true) String title, @RequestParam(required = false) String description, @NotNull HttpServletResponse response, HttpServletRequest request) throws IOException, WiseMappingException { // Convert map ... final Mindmap mindMap; try { final Importer importer = ImporterFactory.getInstance().getImporter(ImportFormat.FREEMIND); final ByteArrayInputStream stream = new ByteArrayInputStream(freemindXml); mindMap = importer.importMap(title, "", stream); } catch (ImporterException e) { // @Todo: This should be an illegal argument exception. Review the // all the other cases. throw buildValidationException("xml", "The selected file does not seems to be a valid Freemind or WiseMapping file. Contact support in case the problem persists."); } catch (Throwable e) { throw new ImportUnexpectedException(e, freemindXml); } // Save new map ... createMap(new RestMindmap(mindMap, null), response, title, description, request); } @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.POST, value = "/maps/{id}", consumes = { "application/xml", "application/json" }, produces = { "application/xml", "application/json", "text/plain" }) @ResponseStatus(value = HttpStatus.CREATED) public void createDuplicate(@RequestBody RestMindmapInfo restMindmap, @PathVariable int id, @NotNull HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException, WiseMappingException { // Validate ... final BindingResult result = new BeanPropertyBindingResult(restMindmap, ""); new MapInfoValidator(mindmapService).validate(restMindmap.getDelegated(), result); if (result.hasErrors()) { throw new ValidationException(result); } // Some basic validations ... final User user = Utils.getUser(); // Create a shallowCopy of the map ... final Mindmap mindMap = findMindmapById(id); final Mindmap clonedMap = mindMap.shallowClone(); clonedMap.setTitle(restMindmap.getTitle()); clonedMap.setDescription(restMindmap.getDescription()); // Add new mindmap ... mindmapService.addMindmap(clonedMap, user); // Return the new created map ... response.setHeader("Location", "/service/maps/" + clonedMap.getId()); response.setHeader("ResourceId", Integer.toString(clonedMap.getId())); } private void saveMindmapDocument(boolean minor, @NotNull final Mindmap mindMap, @NotNull final User user) throws WiseMappingException { final Calendar now = Calendar.getInstance(); mindMap.setLastModificationTime(now); mindMap.setLastEditor(user); mindmapService.updateMindmap(mindMap, !minor); } private ValidationException buildValidationException(@NotNull String fieldName, @NotNull String message) throws WiseMappingException { final BindingResult result = new BeanPropertyBindingResult(new RestMindmap(), ""); result.rejectValue(fieldName, "error.not-specified", null, message); return new ValidationException(result); } @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.DELETE, value = "/labels/maps/{id}") @ResponseStatus(value = HttpStatus.NO_CONTENT) public void removeLabel(@RequestBody RestLabel restLabel, @PathVariable int id) throws WiseMappingException { final Mindmap mindmap = findMindmapById(id); final User currentUser = Utils.getUser(); final Label delegated = restLabel.getDelegated(); assert currentUser != null; delegated.setCreator(currentUser); mindmapService.removeLabel(mindmap, delegated); } @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.POST, value = "/labels/maps", consumes = { "application/xml", "application/json" }) @ResponseStatus(value = HttpStatus.OK) public void addLabel(@RequestBody RestLabel restLabel, @RequestParam(required = true) String ids) throws WiseMappingException { int labelId = restLabel.getId(); final User user = Utils.getUser(); final Label delegated = restLabel.getDelegated(); delegated.setCreator(user); final Label found = labelService.getLabelById(labelId, user); if (found == null) { throw new LabelCouldNotFoundException("Label could not be found. Id: " + labelId); } for (String id : ids.split(",")) { final int mindmapId = Integer.parseInt(id); final Mindmap mindmap = findMindmapById(mindmapId); final Label label = mindmap.findLabel(labelId); if (label == null) { mindmapService.linkLabel(mindmap, delegated); } } } @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET, value = "/maps/concept/create/{idUser}/{idProject}", produces = { "application/json", "application/xml" }) @ResponseBody public RestConcept conceptCreate(@PathVariable String idUser, @PathVariable String idProject, HttpServletRequest request) throws WiseMappingException { RestConcept restConceptCreate = new RestConcept(); Mindmap mindmap = new Mindmap(); mindmap.setTitle("Mindmap automaticaly generated " + new Date()); mindmap.setDescription("Mindmap automaticaly generated " + new Date()); mindmap.setIdProject(String.valueOf(Constants.ID_PROJECT_CONCEPT)); mindmap.setXmlStr(""); mindmap.setThumbnail("".getBytes()); User user = Utils.getUser(); user.setId(Constants.ID_USER_CONCEPT); try { /* save in wisemapping database. */ // saveMindMap(request, mindmap, user, ""); mindmap.setIdUserConcept(Integer.valueOf(idUser)); mindmap.setIdProjectConcept(Integer.valueOf(idProject)); mindmapService.addMindmap(mindmap, user); restConceptCreate.setMindMapId(mindmap.getId()); restConceptCreate.setResult(Constants.CONCEPT_RESULT_OK); saveMindMap(request, mindmap); } catch (Exception e) { restConceptCreate.setResult(Constants.CONCEPT_RESULT_ERROR); restConceptCreate.setErrorDesc(e.getMessage()); logger.debug(e); e.printStackTrace(); } return restConceptCreate; } @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET, value = "/maps/concept/update/{idUser}/{idProject}/{idMindmap}", produces = { "application/json", "application/xml" }) public @ResponseBody RestConcept conceptUpdate(@PathVariable String idUser, @PathVariable String idProject, @PathVariable String idMindmap, HttpServletRequest request) throws WiseMappingException { RestConcept restConcept = new RestConcept(); this.idUserUpdateConcept = Integer.valueOf(idUser); this.idProjectUpdateConcept = Integer.valueOf(idProject); try { Mindmap mindmap = this.findMindmapById(Integer.parseInt(idMindmap)); MindMapVO mindMapVO = this.generateMindMapVO(request, mindmap); restConcept.setMindMapVO(mindMapVO); restConcept.setResult(Constants.CONCEPT_RESULT_OK); } catch (Exception e) { restConcept.setResult(Constants.CONCEPT_RESULT_ERROR); restConcept.setErrorDesc(e.getMessage()); } return restConcept; } }