Java tutorial
package com.wildex999.schematicbuilder.schematic; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.commons.lang3.mutable.MutableInt; import com.wildex999.schematicbuilder.ModSchematicBuilder; import com.wildex999.schematicbuilder.config.ConfigurationManager; import com.wildex999.schematicbuilder.config.IConfigListener; import com.wildex999.schematicbuilder.exceptions.ExceptionInvalid; import com.wildex999.schematicbuilder.exceptions.ExceptionLoad; import com.wildex999.schematicbuilder.exceptions.ExceptionSave; import com.wildex999.utils.ModLog; import cpw.mods.fml.common.registry.FMLControlledNamespacedRegistry; import cpw.mods.fml.common.registry.GameData; import net.minecraft.block.Block; import net.minecraft.init.Blocks; import net.minecraft.nbt.CompressedStreamTools; import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound; //Schematic Loading/Saving heavily based on // //Which uses The MIT License (MIT) //Copyright (c) 2014 Jadran "Lunatrius" Kotnik // //Modification and addition done by Kai Roar Stjern ( wildex999 ) public class SchematicLoader { public static final String NBT_NAME = "SchematicName"; public static final String NBT_AUTHOR = "SchematicAuthor"; public static final String NBT_MATERIALS = "Materials"; public static final String NBT_SCHEMATIC_CLASSIC = "Classic"; public static final String NBT_SCHEMATIC_ALPHA = "Alpha"; public static final String NBT_SCHEMATICBUILDER_VERSION = "SchematicBuilderVersion"; public static final int SchematicBuilderVersion = 1; public static final String NBT_BLOCKS = "Blocks"; public static final String NBT_DATA = "Data"; public static final String NBT_EXTENDED_METADATA = "ExtendedMetadata"; public static final String NBT_WIDTH = "Width"; public static final String NBT_HEIGHT = "Height"; public static final String NBT_LENGTH = "Length"; public static final String NBT_ADD_BLOCKS = "AddBlocks"; public static final String NBT_ADD_BLOCKS_SCHEMATICA = "Add"; public static final String NBT_MAPPING_SCHEMATICA = "SchematicaMapping"; public static final String NBT_TILE_ENTITIES = "TileEntities"; public static final String NBT_ENTITIES = "Entities"; public static final short maxBlockId = 4095; public static boolean writeCompressed = true; private static final FMLControlledNamespacedRegistry<Block> BlockRegistry = GameData.getBlockRegistry(); public static Schematic loadSchematic(File file, HashMap<Short, MutableInt> blockCount) throws IOException, ExceptionLoad { NBTTagCompound tagCompound = readTagCompoundFromFile(file); return loadSchematic(tagCompound, blockCount); } public static Schematic loadSchematicMeta(File file) throws IOException, ExceptionLoad { NBTTagCompound tagCompound = readTagCompoundFromFile(file); return loadSchematicMeta(tagCompound); } public static void saveSchematic(File file, Schematic schematic) throws IOException, ExceptionSave { NBTTagCompound tag = saveSchematic(schematic); writeTagCompoundToFile(file, tag); } public static NBTTagCompound readTagCompoundFromFile(File file) throws IOException { try { return CompressedStreamTools.readCompressed(new FileInputStream(file)); } catch (Exception e) { ModLog.logger.debug("Failed to read as compressed NBT, attempting to read as non-compressed..."); return; } } public static void writeTagCompoundToFile(File file, NBTTagCompound tag) throws IOException { if (writeCompressed) CompressedStreamTools.writeCompressed(tag, new FileOutputStream(file)); else CompressedStreamTools.write(tag, file); } public static Schematic loadSchematicMeta(NBTTagCompound tagCompound) throws ExceptionLoad { //Verify that it's a supported format final String format = tagCompound.getString(NBT_MATERIALS); if (!format.equals(NBT_SCHEMATIC_ALPHA)) throw new ExceptionLoad("Unsupported Schematic format: " + format); String schematicName = tagCompound.getString(NBT_NAME); String schematicAuthor = tagCompound.getString(NBT_AUTHOR); int width = tagCompound.getShort(NBT_WIDTH); int height = tagCompound.getShort(NBT_HEIGHT); int length = tagCompound.getShort(NBT_LENGTH); if (width == 0 || height == 0 || length == 0) throw new ExceptionInvalid("Width, height or length is not set!"); //Create Schematic from data Schematic schematic = new Schematic(width, height, length); = schematicName; = schematicAuthor; return schematic; } //If blockCount is provided, blocks will be counted and written to this list by block name public static Schematic loadSchematic(NBTTagCompound tagCompound, HashMap<Short, MutableInt> blockCount) throws ExceptionLoad { boolean extraData = false; Schematic schematic = loadSchematicMeta(tagCompound); int width = schematic.getWidth(); int height = schematic.getHeight(); int length = schematic.getLength(); byte blocks[] = tagCompound.getByteArray(NBT_BLOCKS); byte metaData[] = tagCompound.getByteArray(NBT_DATA); if (blocks.length < (width * height * length)) throw new ExceptionInvalid("Not enough blocks provided to cover the defined size! Got " + blocks.length + " blocks, with size: " + (width * height * length) + "." + " Width: " + width + " Height: " + height + " Length: " + length); byte extraBlocks[] = null; byte extraBlocksNibble[] = null; if (tagCompound.hasKey(NBT_ADD_BLOCKS)) { extraData = true; extraBlocksNibble = tagCompound.getByteArray(NBT_ADD_BLOCKS); if (extraBlocksNibble.length * 2 < (width * height * length)) throw new ExceptionInvalid("Not enough extra Block data provided to cover the defined size! Got " + extraBlocksNibble.length * 2 + " blocks, with size: " + (width * height * length) + "." + " Width: " + width + " Height: " + height + " Length: " + length); //This one has been packed, so we have to spread it to 2 bytes, with 4 bits per byte extraBlocks = new byte[extraBlocksNibble.length * 2]; for (int i = 0; i < extraBlocksNibble.length; i++) { extraBlocks[i * 2] = (byte) ((extraBlocksNibble[i] >> 4) & 0xF); extraBlocks[i * 2 + 1] = (byte) (extraBlocksNibble[i] & 0xF); } } else if (tagCompound.hasKey(NBT_ADD_BLOCKS_SCHEMATICA)) { extraData = true; //This one is already in the format of 4 bits per byte(But uses more space when stored) extraBlocks = tagCompound.getByteArray(NBT_ADD_BLOCKS_SCHEMATICA); } //Read Mapping for name to id if included HashMap<Integer, String> nameMap = new HashMap<Integer, String>(); if (tagCompound.hasKey(NBT_MAPPING_SCHEMATICA)) { NBTTagCompound mapping = tagCompound.getCompoundTag(NBT_MAPPING_SCHEMATICA); Set<String> names = mapping.func_150296_c(); if (ModSchematicBuilder.debug)"Loading name mapping: "); for (String name : names) { int schematicBlockId = mapping.getInteger(name); int serverBlockId = BlockRegistry.getId(name); if (ModSchematicBuilder.debug)"Name Map(Schematic -> Server): " + name + ": " + schematicBlockId + " -> " + serverBlockId); schematic.addSchematicMap((short) schematicBlockId, (byte) 0, name, (short) serverBlockId, (byte) 0); nameMap.put(schematicBlockId, name); } } //TODO: Read TileEntities //TODO: Read Entities //Air counting MutableInt airCount = null; if (blockCount != null) { airCount = blockCount.get(0); if (airCount == null) { airCount = new MutableInt(0); blockCount.put((short) 0, airCount); } } //Store blocks for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) { for (int z = 0; z < length; z++) { int index = x + (y * length + z) * width; int blockID = blocks[index] & 0xFF; if (extraData) blockID = blockID | ((extraBlocks[index] & 0xFF) << 8); byte meta = (byte) (metaData[index] & 0xF); //Create a mapping for this BlockID & meta if it does not exist SchematicMap map = schematic.getSchematicMap((short) blockID, meta, false); if (map == null) { //Try to get Base block id and copy that map = schematic.getSchematicMap((short) blockID, meta, true); if (map == null) { Block block = BlockRegistry.getRaw(blockID); //Raw will return null if not found(Instead of default) short serverBlockId; String blockName = null; if (block != null) { serverBlockId = (short) blockID; blockName = BlockRegistry.getNameForObject(block); } else serverBlockId = -1; map = schematic.addSchematicMap((short) blockID, meta, nameMap.size() > 0 ? nameMap.get(blockID) : blockName, serverBlockId, meta); } else map = schematic.addSchematicMap((short) blockID, meta, map.schematicBlockName, map.blockId, meta); } schematic.setBlock(x, y, z, (short) blockID, meta); if (blockCount != null) { if (blockID == 0) { //Skip lookup for air airCount.increment(); continue; } if (blockID < 0 || blockID >= SchematicLoader.maxBlockId) throw new ExceptionInvalid("Invalid block ID: " + blockID + ", is above max Block ID: " + SchematicLoader.maxBlockId + ". Schematic might be invalid!"); short blockIndex = (short) ((blockID << 4) | meta); MutableInt count = blockCount.get(blockIndex); if (count != null) count.increment(); else blockCount.put(blockIndex, new MutableInt(1)); } } } } return schematic; } //Save Schematic to NBT. Returns null on failure. public static NBTTagCompound saveSchematic(Schematic schematic) throws ExceptionSave { if (schematic == null) throw new ExceptionSave("Null schematic provided!"); NBTTagCompound nbt = new NBTTagCompound(); nbt.setString(NBT_MATERIALS, NBT_SCHEMATIC_ALPHA); nbt.setInteger(NBT_SCHEMATICBUILDER_VERSION, SchematicBuilderVersion); nbt.setString(NBT_NAME,; if (schematic.getWidth() > Short.MAX_VALUE || schematic.getHeight() > Short.MAX_VALUE || schematic.getLength() > Short.MAX_VALUE) throw new ExceptionSave("SchematicBuilder failed to save Schematic due to size limits exceeded(" + Short.MAX_VALUE + "): " + "Width: " + schematic.getWidth() + " Height: " + schematic.getHeight() + " Length: " + schematic.getLength()); nbt.setShort(NBT_WIDTH, (short) schematic.getWidth()); nbt.setShort(NBT_HEIGHT, (short) schematic.getHeight()); nbt.setShort(NBT_LENGTH, (short) schematic.getLength()); //Packed means that there are two blocks per byte byte blocks[] = new byte[schematic.getWidth() * schematic.getHeight() * schematic.getLength()]; //8 bit byte meta[] = new byte[(schematic.getWidth() * schematic.getHeight() * schematic.getLength())]; //8 bit(Not packed yet, TODO) byte extra[] = new byte[(schematic.getWidth() * schematic.getHeight() * schematic.getLength()) / 2]; //4 bit packed String mapping[] = new String[maxBlockId + 1]; //One name per id boolean gotExtraData = false; SchematicBlock airBlock = new SchematicBlock(schematic.blockIdAir, (byte) 0); for (int x = 0; x < schematic.getWidth(); x++) { for (int y = 0; y < schematic.getHeight(); y++) { for (int z = 0; z < schematic.getLength(); z++) { int index = x + (y * schematic.getLength() + z) * schematic.getWidth(); int part = 1 - (index & 1); //We want the first part to be shifted left SchematicBlock sBlock = schematic.getBlock(x, y, z); if (sBlock == null) sBlock = airBlock; int blockId = sBlock.getSchematicBlockId(); blocks[index] = (byte) (blockId & 0xFF); if (blockId > 255) { gotExtraData = true; extra[index / 2] |= (byte) ((blockId >> 8) << (part * 4)); } //meta[index/2] |= sBlock.metaData << (part*4); meta[index] = sBlock.getSchematicMeta(); //Currently uses a full byte instead of compressing down to 4 bits if (mapping[blockId] == null) { SchematicMap map = schematic.getSchematicMap(sBlock.getSchematicBlockId(), sBlock.getSchematicMeta(), true); if (map == null || map.schematicBlockName == null) mapping[blockId] = ""; else mapping[blockId] = map.schematicBlockName; } } } } nbt.setByteArray(NBT_BLOCKS, blocks); nbt.setByteArray(NBT_DATA, meta); if (gotExtraData) nbt.setByteArray(NBT_ADD_BLOCKS, extra); //Write Block name/id mapping NBTTagCompound mappingTag = new NBTTagCompound(); for (short blockId = 0; blockId <= maxBlockId; blockId++) { if (mapping[blockId] == null || mapping[blockId].isEmpty()) continue; mappingTag.setShort(mapping[blockId], blockId); } nbt.setTag(NBT_MAPPING_SCHEMATICA, mappingTag); //TODO: Write TileEntities //TODO: Write Entities return nbt; } }