Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2016-2017 the original author or authors. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.wiiyaya.framework.common.utils; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; /** * <p>{@link org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils}</p> * * <p>??</p> * * <p></p> * * @author wiiyaya * */ public class NumberFormatUtils { private static final String OTHER_ONE = "\u4e59"; private static final String OTHER_TWO = "\u5169"; private static final String TEN_LC = "\u5341"; private static final String TEN_UC = "\u62fe"; private static final String[] NUM_CN_LC = { "\u25cb", "\u4e00", "\u4e8c", "\u4e09", "\u56db", "\u4e94", "\u516d", "\u4e03", "\u516b", "\u4e5d", TEN_LC }; private static final String[] DIGIT_CN_L_LC = { "", TEN_LC, "\u767e", "\u5343" }; private static final String[] DIGIT_CN_H_LC = { "", "\u4e07", "\u4ebf" }; private static final String[] NUM_CN_UC = { "\u96f6", "\u58f9", "\u8cb3", "\u53c1", "\u8086", "\u4f0d", "\u9678", "\u67d2", "\u634c", "\u7396", TEN_UC }; private static final String[] DIGIT_CN_L_UC = { "", TEN_UC, "\u4f70", "\u4edf" }; private static final String[] DIGIT_CN_H_UC = { "", "\u842c", "\u5104" }; private static final String[] DIGIT_CN_M_UC = { "\u89d2", "\u5206" }; private static final String CN_YUAN = "\u5713"; private static final char C_ZERO = '0'; private static final int CN_NUM_GRP_LEN = 4; private static final int CN_NUM_GRP_COUNT = 3; /** * ? * @param num * @return */ public static String formatCnYear(String num) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < num.length(); i = i + 1) { sb.append(NUM_CN_LC[num.charAt(i) - C_ZERO]); } return sb.toString(); } /** * ??? * @param num ? * @return ? */ public static String formatCnMoney(BigDecimal num) { if (num == null) { return StringUtils.EMPTY; } String[] numArray = StringUtils.defaultString(num).split("\\."); StringBuilder money = new StringBuilder(formatCnWithUnit(numArray[0], false, true)); money.append(CN_YUAN); if (numArray.length > 1) { String decim = numArray[1]; for (int i = 0; i < DIGIT_CN_M_UC.length && i < decim.length(); i = i + 1) { int d = decim.charAt(i) - C_ZERO; money.append(NUM_CN_UC[d]); money.append(DIGIT_CN_M_UC[i]); } } return money.toString(); } /** * ? * @param numS * @return */ public static String formatCnNum(String numS) { return formatCnWithUnit(numS, false, false); } /** * ? * @param num * @return */ public static String formatCnNum(Integer num) { String numS = StringUtils.defaultString(num); return formatCnWithUnit(numS, false, false); } /** * ? * @param num * @return */ public static String formatCnCount(Integer num) { String numS = StringUtils.defaultString(num); return formatCnWithUnit(numS, true, false); } private static String formatCnWithUnit(String numS, boolean other, boolean money) { String[] numCn = NUM_CN_LC; String[] digitCnLow = DIGIT_CN_L_LC; String[] digitCnHigh = DIGIT_CN_H_LC; if (money) { numCn = NUM_CN_UC; digitCnLow = DIGIT_CN_L_UC; digitCnHigh = DIGIT_CN_H_UC; } int remaind = numS.length() % CN_NUM_GRP_LEN; int padLength = 0; if (remaind > 0) { padLength = numS.length() + CN_NUM_GRP_LEN - remaind; } String numSlpad = new StringBuilder(StringUtils.leftPad(numS, padLength, C_ZERO)).reverse().toString(); Pattern p = Pattern.compile("\\d{4}"); Matcher m = p.matcher(numSlpad); List<String> numList = new ArrayList<String>(); while (m.find()) { numList.add(; } if (numList.size() > digitCnHigh.length) { return "not support"; } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); boolean lastZero = false; for (int grountCount = numList.size() - 1; grountCount >= 0; grountCount = grountCount - 1) { String group = numList.get(grountCount); if (Integer.parseInt(group) == 0) { if (sb.length() == 0 || !sb.substring(sb.length() - 1).equals(numCn[0])) { sb.append(numCn[0]); } lastZero = true; } else { for (int i = CN_NUM_GRP_COUNT; i >= 0; i = i - 1) { int d = group.charAt(i) - C_ZERO; if (!lastZero || d != 0) { sb.append(numCn[d]); } if (d != 0) { sb.append(digitCnLow[i]); lastZero = false; } else { lastZero = true; } } if (numList.size() == 1) { removeFstZero(sb, numCn); removeLstZero(sb, numCn); removeFstOne(sb, numCn, digitCnLow); } else if (grountCount == numList.size() - 1) { removeFstZero(sb, numCn); removeFstOne(sb, numCn, digitCnLow); } else if (grountCount == 0) { removeLstZero(sb, numCn); } if (sb.length() > 1 && sb.substring(sb.length() - 1).equals(numCn[0])) { sb.insert(sb.length() - 1, digitCnHigh[grountCount]); } else { sb.append(digitCnHigh[grountCount]); } } } if (numList.size() > 1) { removeLstZero(sb, numCn); } else if (sb.length() == 1 && other) { if (sb.toString().equals(numCn[1])) { return OTHER_ONE; } else if (sb.toString().equals(numCn[2])) { return OTHER_TWO; } } return sb.toString(); } private static void removeFstOne(StringBuilder sb, String[] numCn, String[] digitCnLow) { if (sb.length() > 1 && sb.substring(0, 2).equals(numCn[1] + digitCnLow[1])) { sb.deleteCharAt(0); } } private static void removeLstZero(StringBuilder sb, String[] numCn) { if (sb.length() > 1 && sb.substring(sb.length() - 1).equals(numCn[0])) { sb.deleteCharAt(sb.length() - 1); removeLstZero(sb, numCn); } } private static void removeFstZero(StringBuilder sb, String[] numCn) { if (sb.length() > 1 && sb.substring(0, 1).equals(numCn[0])) { sb.deleteCharAt(0); removeFstZero(sb, numCn); } } }