Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2014 Gurtam * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.wialon.item; import com.wialon.core.EventProvider; import com.wialon.core.Session; import com.wialon.item.prop.ItemProperties; import com.wialon.item.prop.ItemPropertiesData; import com.wialon.remote.RemoteHttpClient; import com.wialon.remote.handlers.ResponseHandler; import com.wialon.messages.Message; import; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; public abstract class Item extends EventProvider { //Base private String nm; private Long id; private Long uacl; private Long dataFlags; //Billing private Long crt; private Long bact; private Integer mu; //Custom properties private Map<String, String> prp; private Map<String, UpdateItemProperty> updateItemPropertyFunctions; protected ItemType itemType; private ItemProperties customFieldsPlugin; private Map<String, String> flds; private ItemProperties adminFieldsPlugin; private Map<String, String> aflds; public ItemProperties getCustomFieldsPlugin() { return customFieldsPlugin == null ? customFieldsPlugin = new ItemProperties(flds, "flds", this, events.updateCustomField, "item/update_custom_field") : customFieldsPlugin; } public ItemProperties getAdminFieldsPlugin() { return adminFieldsPlugin == null ? adminFieldsPlugin = new ItemProperties(aflds, "aflds", this, events.updateAdminField, "item/update_admin_field") : adminFieldsPlugin; } public interface UpdateItemProperty { public void updateItemProperty(JsonElement data); } /** * Register item property handler of given name * @param propName Property name * @param function function */ public void registerItemPropertyHandler(String propName, UpdateItemProperty function) { if (updateItemPropertyFunctions == null) updateItemPropertyFunctions = new HashMap<String, UpdateItemProperty>(); if (!updateItemPropertyFunctions.containsKey(propName)) updateItemPropertyFunctions.put(propName, function); } /** * Get item type * @return Item type */ public ItemType getItemType() { return itemType; } /** * Get item name * @return Item name */ public String getName() { return nm; } /** * Get item measure units * @return Item name */ public Integer getMeasureUnits() { return mu; } /** * Get item id * @return Item id */ public Long getId() { return id; } /** * This item billing account ID * @return Item account id */ public Long getAccountId() { return bact; } /** * This item user-creator ID * @return Item creator id */ public Long getCreatorId() { return crt; } /** * Current item data flags, e.g. which properties are actual * @return Item data flags */ public Long getDataFlags() { return dataFlags; } /** * Current user access level to this item * @return User access level */ public Long getUserAccess() { return uacl; } /** * Get custom property * @param propName property name * @param defaultVal default value if property not defined * @return public property value */ public String getCustomProperty(String propName, String defaultVal) { String propertyValue = defaultVal; if (prp != null && prp.get(propName) != null) propertyValue = prp.get(propName); return propertyValue; } /** * Set custom property * @param propName property name * @param propValue property value */ private boolean setCustomProperty(String propName, String propValue) { if (prp != null) { String oldValue = prp.get(propName); if (oldValue == null) oldValue = ""; if (!propValue.equals("")) prp.put(propName, propValue); else if (!oldValue.equals("")) prp.remove(propName); if (!propValue.equals(oldValue)) fireEvent(events.changeCustomProperty, propName, oldValue, propValue); return true; } else return false; } private void setName(String name) { if (this.nm == null || !this.nm.equals(name)) { String oldName = this.nm == null ? null : new String(nm); nm = name; fireEvent(events.changeName, this, oldName, name); } } private void setMeasureUnits(Integer measureUnits) { if ( == null || ! { Integer oldMeasureUnits = == null ? null : new Integer(measureUnits); mu = measureUnits; fireEvent(events.changeMeasureUnits, this, oldMeasureUnits, measureUnits); } } private void setUserAccess(Long userAccessLevel) { if (this.uacl == null || !this.uacl.equals(userAccessLevel)) { Long oldAcl = this.uacl == null ? null : new Long(uacl); this.uacl = userAccessLevel; fireEvent(events.changeUserAccess, this, oldAcl, userAccessLevel); } } private void setCreatorId(Long creatorId) { this.crt = creatorId; } private void setAccountId(Long accountId) { this.bact = accountId; } private void setCustomProperties(Map<String, String> properties) { this.prp = properties; } public void setDataFlags(Long dataFlags) { if (this.dataFlags == null || !this.dataFlags.equals(dataFlags)) { Long oldFlags = this.dataFlags == null ? null : new Long(this.dataFlags); this.dataFlags = dataFlags; fireEvent(events.changeDataFlags, this, oldFlags, dataFlags); } } /** * Handle new message from server for this item. * @param message Message data */ public void handleMessage(Message message) { fireEvent(events.messageRegistered, this, null, message); } /** * Update custom property, require ACL bit Item.accessFlag.editOther over item * @param propName property name * @param propValue value property * @param callback callback that will receive information about property update */ public void updateCustomProperty(String propName, String propValue, ResponseHandler callback) { JsonObject params = new JsonObject(); params.addProperty("itemId", getId()); params.addProperty("name", propName); params.addProperty("value", propValue); RemoteHttpClient.getInstance().remoteCall("item/update_custom_property", params, new ResponseHandler(callback) { @Override public void onSuccess(String response) { onUpdateCustomProperty(response, getCallback()); } }); } /** * Update measure units used in item * @param type {Number} units of measure type, see wialon.item.measureUnitsType for possible types * @param flags {Number} set or convert all item settings, see wialon.item.measureUnitsFlag for possible flags * @param callback {Function?null} callback that will receive information about convertation: callback(code), zero code is success */ public void updateMeasureUnits(int type, int flags, ResponseHandler callback) { RemoteHttpClient.getInstance().remoteCall("item/update_measure_units", "{\"itemId\":" + getId() + ",\"type\":" + type + ",\"flags\":" + flags + "}", getOnUpdatePropertiesCallback(callback)); } /** * Update item name, require ACL bit Item.accessFlag.editName over item * @param name new name value * @param callback callback that will receive information about update */ public void updateName(String name, ResponseHandler callback) { JsonObject params = new JsonObject(); params.addProperty("itemId", getId()); params.addProperty("name", name); RemoteHttpClient.getInstance().remoteCall("item/update_name", params, getOnUpdatePropertiesCallback(callback)); } /** * Add item log record * @param action type of action (for unit described in Unit.logMessageAction) * @param newValue log record action new value (can be empty) * @param oldValue log record action old value (can be empty) * @param callback callback that get result of server operation */ public void addLogRecord(String action, String newValue, String oldValue, ResponseHandler callback) { JsonObject params = new JsonObject(); params.addProperty("itemId", getId()); params.addProperty("action", action); params.addProperty("newValue", (newValue == null ? "" : newValue)); params.addProperty("oldValue", (oldValue == null ? "" : oldValue)); RemoteHttpClient.getInstance().remoteCall("item/add_log_record", params, callback); } /** * Handle result of update custom property * @param result property new name/value pair in form {n: "", v: ""} * @param callback user-defined callback */ private void onUpdateCustomProperty(String result, ResponseHandler callback) { if (result != null) { JsonElement resultJson = Session.getInstance().getJsonParser().parse(result); if (resultJson != null && resultJson.isJsonObject()) { JsonObject resultObject = ((JsonObject) resultJson); // success setCustomProperty(resultObject.get("n").getAsString(), resultObject.get("v").getAsString()); // pass result to callback if available callback.onSuccess(result); return; } } callback.onFailure(6, null); } /** * Handle result of some remote properties update method * @param result properties data in form {pname1: pvalue1, pname2: pvalue2} * @param callback user-defined callback */ protected void onUpdateProperties(String result, ResponseHandler callback) { if (result != null) { Session.getInstance().updateItem(this, Session.getInstance().getJsonParser().parse(result).getAsJsonObject()); callback.onSuccess(result); return; } callback.onFailure(6, null); } //Should to be public for item properties implementation with delegation public void fireItemPropertyEvent(Enum event, Object oldData, Object newData) { fireEvent(event, this, oldData, newData); } protected ResponseHandler getOnUpdatePropertiesCallback(ResponseHandler callback) { return new ResponseHandler(callback) { @Override public void onSuccess(String response) { onUpdateProperties(response, getCallback()); } }; } public boolean updateItemData(String key, JsonElement data) { if (key.equals("nm") && data.getAsString() != null) { setName(data.getAsString()); } else if (key.equals("uacl") && data.getAsNumber() != null) { setUserAccess(data.getAsNumber().longValue()); } else if (key.equals("prp") && data.isJsonObject()) { setCustomProperties(Session.getInstance().getGson().fromJson(data, Map.class)); } else if (key.equals("prpu") && data.isJsonObject()) { for (Map.Entry<String, JsonElement> entry : ((JsonObject) data).entrySet()) setCustomProperty(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue().getAsString()); } else if (key.equals("crt") && data.getAsNumber() != null) { setCreatorId(data.getAsNumber().longValue()); } else if (key.equals("bact") && data.getAsNumber() != null) { setAccountId(data.getAsNumber().longValue()); } else if (key.equals("mu") && data.getAsNumber() != null) { setMeasureUnits(data.getAsNumber().intValue()); } else if (updateItemPropertyFunctions != null && updateItemPropertyFunctions.containsKey(key)) { updateItemPropertyFunctions.get(key).updateItemProperty(data); } else { return false; } return true; } public static enum ItemType { /** unit */ avl_unit(Unit.class), /** user */ user(User.class), /** resource */ avl_resource(Resource.class), /** unit_group */ avl_unit_group(UnitGroup.class), /** hardware type */ avl_hw(null), /** retranslator */ avl_retranslator(null), /** route */ avl_route(null); private Class mItemClass; private ItemType(Class itemClass) { this.mItemClass = itemClass; } public Class getItemClass() { return this.mItemClass; } public static ItemType getItemTypeByClass(Class itemClass) { for (ItemType itemType : values()) { if (itemClass.equals(itemType.getItemClass())) return itemType; } return null; } } /** Data flags constants */ public static enum dataFlag { /** Base item information, should always be set */ base(0x00000001), /** Item custom properties */ customProps(0x00000002), /** Item billing/construction properties */ billingProps(0x00000004), /** Custom fields plugin */ customFields(0x00000008), /** Item image */ image(0x00000010), /** Item messages */ messages(0x00000020), /** Item GUID */ guid(0x00000040), /** Admin fields plugin */ adminFields(0x00000080); /** Flag value */ private long value; private dataFlag(long value) { this.value = value; } public long getValue() { return value; } } /** ACL flags constants */ public static enum accessFlag { /** User has at least view access to given item */ view(0x1), /** User can view detailed item properties */ viewProperties(0x2), /** User can update ACL settings for item or user */ setAcl(0x4), /** User can delete item */ deleteItem(0x8), /** User can change item name */ editName(0x10), /** view custom fields */ viewCFields(0x20), /** create, edit and delete custom fields */ editCFields(0x40), /** edit other item settings, not mentioned with own mask */ editOther(0x80), /** edit item image */ editImage(0x100), /** execute reports over item, incl. raw messages access */ execReports(0x200), /** edit ACL-propagated items, e.g. edit units in units group */ editSubItems(0x400), /** view, add and delete item log records */ manageLog(0x800), /** view admin fields */ viewAFields(0x1000), /** create, edit and delete admin fields */ editAFields(0x2000); /** Flag value */ private long value; private accessFlag(long value) { this.value = value; } public long getValue() { return value; } } /** Log message action constants */ public static enum logMessageAction { /** Common actions for all items */ /** Custom log message from user */ itemCustomMessage("custom_msg"), /** Item name updated */ itemUpdatedName("update_name"), /** Updated user access to item */ itemUpdatedUserAccess("update_access"), /** Item deleted */ itemDeleted("delete_item"); private String value; private logMessageAction(String value) { this.value = value; } public String getValue() { return value; } } /** Events */ public static enum events { /** name property has changed */ changeName, /** dataFlags property has changed */ changeDataFlags, /** userAccess property has changed */ changeUserAccess, /** custom property value property has changed, custom property data represented com {n: name, v: value} hash */ changeCustomProperty, /** item has been deleted<br/> * {@see com.wialon.core.EventHandler#onEvent(java.lang.Enum event, java.lang.Object object, java.lang.Object oldData, java.lang.Object newData)} with:<br/> * {@code event - } {@see}<br/> * {@code object - } {@see Item} {@code item}<br/> * {@code oldData - }{@see Long} {@code itemID}<br/> * {@code newData - null} * */ updateCustomField, updateAdminField, itemDeleted, /** messages registry */ messageRegistered, /** item measure units has changed*/ changeMeasureUnits } /** Measure units flags constants */ public static enum measureUnitsFlag { /** Change measure of units type */ setMeasureUnits(0x00), /** Convert measure of units type */ convertMeasureUnits(0x01); private int value; private measureUnitsFlag(int value) { this.value = value; } public int getValue() { return value; } } /** Measure units types constants */ public static enum measureUnitsType { /** System SI - km, lt, etc. */ si(0x00), /** United States - mi, gal, etc */ us(0x01); private int value; private measureUnitsType(int value) { this.value = value; } public int getValue() { return value; } } }