Java tutorial
package com.weblyzard.lib.string.nilsimsa; import java.util.*; import org.apache.commons.codec.DecoderException; import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Hex; import org.apache.commons.lang3.ArrayUtils; /** * Computes the Nilsimsa hash for the given string. * @author Albert Weichselbraun <> * <> * * This class is a translation of the Python implementation by Michael Itz * to the Java language <>. * * Original C nilsimsa-0.2.4 implementation by cmeclax: * <> * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; version 3 dated June, 2007. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, * MA 02110-1301, USA. * */ public class Nilsimsa { private int count = 0; // num characters seen private int[] acc = new int[256]; // accumulators for computing the digest private int[] lastch = new int[4]; // the last four seen characters // pre-defined transformation arrays private static final byte[] TRAN = Nilsimsa ._getByteArray("02D69E6FF91D04ABD022161FD873A1AC" + "3B7062961E6E8F399D05144AA6BEAE0E" + "CFB99C9AC76813E12DA4EB518D646B50" + "23800341ECBB71CC7A867F98F2365EEE" + "8ECE4FB832B65F59DC1B314C7BF06301" + "6CBA07E81277493CDA46FE2F791C9B30" + "E300067E2E0F383321ADA554CAA729FC" + "5A47697DC595B5F40B90A3816D255535" + "F575740A26BF195C1AC6FF995D84AA66" + "3EAF78B32043C1ED24EAE63F18F3A042" + "57085360C3C0834082D709BD442A67A8" + "93E0C2569FD9DD8515B48A27289276DE" + "EFF8B2B7C93D45944B110D65D5348B91" + "0CFA87E97C5BB14DE5D4CB10A21789BC" + "DBB0E2978852F748D3612C3A2BD18CFB" + "F1CDE46AE7A9FDC437C8D2F6DF58724E"); // pre-defined array for the computation of the bitwise difference // between two nilsimsa strings. private static final byte[] POPC = Nilsimsa ._getByteArray("00010102010202030102020302030304" + "01020203020303040203030403040405" + "01020203020303040203030403040405" + "02030304030404050304040504050506" + "01020203020303040203030403040405" + "02030304030404050304040504050506" + "02030304030404050304040504050506" + "03040405040505060405050605060607" + "01020203020303040203030403040405" + "02030304030404050304040504050506" + "02030304030404050304040504050506" + "03040405040505060405050605060607" + "02030304030404050304040504050506" + "03040405040505060405050605060607" + "03040405040505060405050605060607" + "04050506050606070506060706070708"); public Nilsimsa() { reset(); } /** * Updates the Nilsimsa digest using the given String * @param s: the String data to consider in the update */ public void update(String s) { for (int ch : s.toCharArray()) { count++; // incr accumulators for triplets if (lastch[1] > -1) { acc[_tran3(ch, lastch[0], lastch[1], 0)]++; } if (lastch[2] > -1) { acc[_tran3(ch, lastch[0], lastch[2], 1)]++; acc[_tran3(ch, lastch[1], lastch[2], 2)]++; } if (lastch[3] > -1) { acc[_tran3(ch, lastch[0], lastch[3], 3)]++; acc[_tran3(ch, lastch[1], lastch[3], 4)]++; acc[_tran3(ch, lastch[2], lastch[3], 5)]++; acc[_tran3(lastch[3], lastch[0], ch, 6)]++; acc[_tran3(lastch[3], lastch[2], ch, 7)]++; } // adjust lastch for (int i = 3; i > 0; i--) { lastch[i] = lastch[i - 1]; } lastch[0] = ch; } } /** * resets the Hash computation */ private void reset() { count = 0; Arrays.fill(acc, (byte) 0); Arrays.fill(lastch, -1); } /* * Converts the given hexString to a byte array. * @param hexString: the hexString to convert * @return the corresponding byte array */ private static byte[] _getByteArray(String hexString) { try { return Hex.decodeHex(hexString.toCharArray()); } catch (DecoderException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } /** * Accumulator for a transition n between the chars a, b, c */ private int _tran3(int a, int b, int c, int n) { int i = (c) ^ TRAN[n]; return (((TRAN[(a + n) & 255] ^ TRAN[b & 0xff] * (n + n + 1)) + TRAN[i & 0xff]) & 255); } /** * @return the digest for the current Nilsimsa object. */ public byte[] digest() { int total = 0; int threshold; byte[] digest = new byte[32]; Arrays.fill(digest, (byte) 0); if (count == 3) { total = 1; } else if (count == 4) { total = 4; } else if (count > 4) { total = 8 * count - 28; } threshold = total / 256; for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) { if (acc[i] > threshold) { digest[i >> 3] += 1 << (i & 7); } } ArrayUtils.reverse(digest); return digest; } /** * @return a String representation of the current state of * the Nilsimsa object. */ public String hexdigest() { return Hex.encodeHexString(digest()); } /** * Compute the Nilsimsa digest for the given String. * @param s: the String to hash * @return the Nilsimsa digest. */ public byte[] digest(String s) { reset(); update(s); return digest(); } /** * Compute the Nilsimsa hexDigest for the given String. * @param s: the String to hash * @return the Nilsimsa hexdigest. */ public String hexdigest(String s) { return Hex.encodeHexString(digest(s)); } /** * Compares a Nilsimsa object to the current one and * return the number of bits that differ. * @param cmp: the comparison object * @return the number of bits the strings differ. */ public int compare(Nilsimsa cmp) { byte bits = 0; int j; byte[] n1 = digest(); byte[] n2 = cmp.digest(); for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++) { j = 255 & n1[i] ^ n2[i]; bits += POPC[j]; } return 128 - bits; } }