Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2007-2009 WaveMaker Software, Inc. * * This file is part of the WaveMaker Server Runtime. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import; import; import; import java.sql.Blob; import java.sql.Clob; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import; import org.hibernate.lob.BlobImpl; import org.hibernate.lob.ClobImpl; import org.springframework.web.multipart.MultipartFile; import com.wavemaker.common.WMRuntimeException; import com.wavemaker.json.JSONObject; import com.wavemaker.json.JSONSerializationTest.CycleA; import com.wavemaker.json.JSONSerializationTest.CycleB; import com.wavemaker.runtime.RuntimeAccess; import com.wavemaker.runtime.server.DownloadResponse; import com.wavemaker.runtime.server.InternalRuntime; import com.wavemaker.runtime.server.JSONParameterTypeField; import com.wavemaker.runtime.server.ParamName; import com.wavemaker.runtime.server.testspring.BeanClass; import com.wavemaker.runtime.server.testspring.ComplexScopedBean; import com.wavemaker.runtime.service.RuntimeService; import com.wavemaker.runtime.service.TypedServiceReturn; import com.wavemaker.runtime.service.annotations.HideFromClient; import com.wavemaker.runtime.service.reflect.ReflectServiceWire; import com.wavemaker.runtime.service.response.ErrorResponse; import com.wavemaker.runtime.service.response.LiveDataServiceResponse; import com.wavemaker.runtime.service.response.SuccessResponse; import; /** * @author Matt Small */ public class ComplexReturnBean { // methods public static ComplexReturnBean getInstance() { ComplexReturnBean ret = new ComplexReturnBean(); ret.setBc(new BeanClass()); ret.setS("hi"); ret.setI(12); ret.setIw(Integer.valueOf(13)); return ret; } public static ComplexReturnBean[] getInstances() { ComplexReturnBean[] ret = new ComplexReturnBean[2]; ret[0] = getInstance(); ret[1] = getInstance(); return ret; } public static Object[] getBadInstances() { Object[] ret = new Object[2]; ret[0] = getInstance(); ret[1] = "hi"; return ret; } public static Object getInstanceWithArrays() { ComplexReturnBean ret = new ComplexReturnBean(); ret.setS("hi"); ret.setI(12); ret.setIw(13); ret.setBclist(new BeanClass[] { new BeanClass(), new BeanClass() }); ret.setIlist(new Integer[] { Integer.valueOf(12), Integer.valueOf(13) }); return ret; } public static ComplexScopedBean getComplexScopedBean() { ComplexScopedBean ret = new ComplexScopedBean(); BeanClass bc = new BeanClass(); bc.setName("bc"); ret.setBc(bc); bc = new BeanClass(); bc.setName("bc2"); ret.setBc2(bc); ret.setStr("foo"); return ret; } public static String getArrayArgument(String[] strs, int a) { String ret = "" + a; for (String str : strs) { ret += "," + str; } return ret; } public static String[] getArray(String[] input) { return input; } public static HasArray getComplexArray(int[] input) { HasArray ret = new HasArray(); ret.setArray(input); return ret; } public static List<String> getList(List<String> input) { return input; } public static String mav8_2_updateQuery(QueryInfo qi) { return qi.getName() + ", " + qi.getInputs().length; } public static Integer integerButReallyNull() { return null; } public static String stringStringArray(String a, String b, String[] foo) { String ret = a + b; for (String s : foo) { ret += s; } return ret; } public static void noTranslationObject(Object o) { if (!(o instanceof JSONObject)) { throw new WMRuntimeException("o of wrong type: " + o + ", " + o.getClass()); } } public static void singleParameterType(@JSONParameterTypeField(typeParameter = 1) Object o, String type) { if (!(o instanceof BeanClass)) { throw new WMRuntimeException( "Failed to convert; got instance " + o + ", " + o.getClass() + ", type: " + type); } } public static void manyParameterTypes(@JSONParameterTypeField(typeParameter = 1) Object o, String type, @JSONParameterTypeField(typeParameter = 1) Object o2, @JSONParameterTypeField(typeParameter = 1) Object o3, String type2) { if (!(o instanceof BeanClass)) { throw new WMRuntimeException( "Failed to convert o; got instance " + o + ", " + o.getClass() + ", type: " + type); } else if (!(o2 instanceof BeanClass)) { throw new WMRuntimeException( "Failed to convert o2; got instance " + o2 + ", " + o.getClass() + ", type: " + type); } else if (!(o3 instanceof BeanClass)) { throw new WMRuntimeException( "Failed to convert o3; got instance " + o3 + ", " + o.getClass() + ", type: " + type2); } } public static List<String> getStringList(List<String> arg) { List<String> ret = new ArrayList<String>(); for (String foo : arg) { ret.add(foo + "a"); } return ret; } // MAV-683 public static List<List<String>> getNestedStringList(List<List<String>> arg) { List<List<String>> ret = new ArrayList<List<String>>(); for (List<String> l : arg) { List<String> t = new ArrayList<String>(); for (String s : l) { t.add(s); } ret.add(t); } return ret; } // MAV-683 public static HasArray getNestedBeanStringList(HasArray arg) { HasArray haRet = new HasArray(); haRet.setListListString(arg.getListListString()); return haRet; } public static void throwAGRuntimeException() { throw new WMRuntimeException("the runtime exception"); } public static CycleA getCycle() { CycleA ret = new CycleA(); CycleB b = new CycleB(); ret.setAString("a"); ret.setCycleB(b); b.setBString("b"); b.setCycleA(ret); return ret; } // MAV-538 public static String takesLong(Long foo) { return "takesLong: " + foo; } public static String takesLCInt(int foo) { return "takesLCInt: " + foo; } // MAV-589 public static void doTwiceWrappedException() { throw new WMRuntimeException(new WMRuntimeException(new FooException(new Exception("foo")))); } public static String testUpload(@ParamName(name = "param1") String param1, @ParamName(name = "param2") MultipartFile param2) throws IOException { return param1 + new String(param2.getBytes()); } public static void testUploadNoRet(@ParamName(name = "param1") String param1, @ParamName(name = "param2") MultipartFile param2) throws IOException { // do nothing } public static DownloadResponse testDownload(@ParamName(name = "param1") String param1) { return new DownloadResponse(IOUtils.toInputStream(param1), "text/foo", "abc.txt"); } public static void testDownloadNoReturn(@ParamName(name = "param1") String param1) { // do nothing } // MAV-855 public static String getExtendedCharsString() { return EXTENDED_CHARS_TEST_STR; } public static final String EXTENDED_CHARS_TEST_STR = "??????? cole e?cole e?cole"; // MAV-879 public static String checkSetterList(HasArray hasArray, BeanClass bc) { InternalRuntime ir = InternalRuntime.getInstance(); List<List<String>> modifiedAttrs = ir.getDeserializedProperties(); if (2 != modifiedAttrs.size()) { throw new WMRuntimeException("" + modifiedAttrs.size()); } if (1 != modifiedAttrs.get(0).size()) { throw new WMRuntimeException("" + modifiedAttrs.get(0).size()); } if (1 != modifiedAttrs.get(1).size()) { throw new WMRuntimeException("" + modifiedAttrs.get(1).size()); } if (!"array".equals(modifiedAttrs.get(0).get(0))) { throw new WMRuntimeException(modifiedAttrs.get(0).get(0)); } if (!"name".equals(modifiedAttrs.get(1).get(0))) { throw new WMRuntimeException(modifiedAttrs.get(1).get(0)); } return "879"; } public static String takesProperties(Properties p) { return "p: " + p; } // MAV-669 public static File receiveFile(String filePath) { return new File(filePath); } public static String sendFile(File file) { return file.getAbsolutePath(); } public static ConcreteSuccessResponse getConcreteSuccessResponse() { ConcreteSuccessResponse ret = new ConcreteSuccessResponse(); ret.setResult("bar"); return ret; } public static ConcreteFailureResponse getConcreteFailureResponse() { ConcreteFailureResponse ret = new ConcreteFailureResponse(); ret.setError("bar"); return ret; } // MAV-1204 @HideFromClient public static String cantCall() { return "error"; } // MAV-1792 public static List<java.sql.Date> getJavaSqlDateList() { List<java.sql.Date> ret = new ArrayList<java.sql.Date>(); ret.add(new java.sql.Date(1)); ret.add(new java.sql.Date(2)); return ret; } // MAV-1792 public static Map<String, java.sql.Date> getJavaSqlDateMap() { Map<String, java.sql.Date> ret = new HashMap<String, java.sql.Date>(); ret.put("foo", new java.sql.Date(1)); ret.put("bar", new java.sql.Date(2)); return ret; } /** * The DataService query responses return a List of Object[]; this is what Hibernate returns. So, we need to test * that. */ // MAV-2060 public static Object getDatesInUntypedResponse() { List<Object> ret = new ArrayList<Object>(); Object[] ret2 = new Object[] { new java.sql.Date(1), 2d, 3d }; ret.add(ret2); return ret; } // MAV-2149 public static LOBs getLOBs() { LOBs ret = new LOBs(); ret.setClob(new ClobImpl("abcde")); ret.setBlob(new BlobImpl(new byte[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 })); return ret; } public static String sendLOBs(LOBs lobs) { try { return IOUtils.toString(lobs.getClob().getCharacterStream()) + ":" + Arrays.toString(IOUtils.toByteArray(lobs.getBlob().getBinaryStream())); } catch (IOException e) { throw new WMRuntimeException(e); } catch (SQLException e) { throw new WMRuntimeException(e); } } // MAV-2060 public static Object getDateUntypedResponse() { return new java.sql.Date(1); } // MAV-2229 public static DownloadResponse getLiveDataValue() throws Exception { ReflectServiceWire sw = (ReflectServiceWire) RuntimeAccess.getInstance().getServiceWire("runtimeService"); RuntimeService s = (RuntimeService) sw.getServiceBean(); Object o ="complexRuntimeServiceBean", "java.lang.Integer", null, null, null); if (!(o instanceof TypedServiceReturn) || !(((TypedServiceReturn) o).getReturnValue() instanceof LiveDataServiceResponse)) { throw new Exception("bad o value: " + o + " (" + o.getClass() + ")"); } else { LiveDataServiceResponse ldsr = (LiveDataServiceResponse) ((TypedServiceReturn) o).getReturnValue(); if (!(ldsr.getResult() instanceof ComplexRuntimeServiceBean)) { throw new Exception("bad o value: " + ldsr.getResult() + " (" + ldsr.getResult().getClass() + ")"); } ComplexRuntimeServiceBean crsb = (ComplexRuntimeServiceBean) ldsr.getResult(); ByteArrayInputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(("return: " + crsb.getI()).getBytes()); DownloadResponse ret = new DownloadResponse(); ret.setContents(bais); return ret; } } // MAV-2241 @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") public String takesUntypedMap(Map foo) { if (!(foo instanceof JSONObject)) { return "fail: " + foo + ", " + foo.getClass(); } else if (!foo.get("a").equals("b")) { return "fail: " + foo + ", " + foo.getClass(); } else { return "pass"; } } // MAV-2244 public String takesUntypedObject(Object foo) { if (!(foo instanceof JSONObject)) { return "fail: " + foo + ", " + foo.getClass(); } else if (!((JSONObject) foo).get("a").equals("b")) { return "fail: " + foo + ", " + foo.getClass(); } else { return "pass"; } } // MAV-2275 public String takesStringArray(String[] foo) { String ret = ""; for (String f : foo) { ret += f; } return ret; } // MAV-823 public StringBuffer stringBuffer(StringBuffer buf) { return new StringBuffer("got " + buf.toString()); } // private beans, accessors public static class FooException extends Exception { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private final Exception wrapped; public FooException(Exception e) { this.wrapped = e; } @Override public String getMessage() { return "wrapped: " + this.wrapped.getMessage(); } @Override public Exception getCause() { return this.wrapped; } } public static class HasArray { private int[] array; private List<List<String>> listListString; public int[] getArray() { return this.array; } public void setArray(int[] array) { this.array = array; } @Override public String toString() { return "HasArray(" + this.array + ")"; } public List<List<String>> getListListString() { return this.listListString; } public void setListListString(List<List<String>> listListString) { this.listListString = listListString; } } private BeanClass bc; private String s; private Integer iw; private int i; private BeanClass[] bclist; private Integer[] ilist; public BeanClass getBc() { return this.bc; } public void setBc(BeanClass bc) { this.bc = bc; } public String getS() { return this.s; } public void setS(String s) { this.s = s; } public Integer getIw() { return this.iw; } public void setIw(Integer iw) { this.iw = iw; } public int getI() { return this.i; } public void setI(int i) { this.i = i; } public BeanClass[] getBclist() { return this.bclist; } public void setBclist(BeanClass[] bclist) { this.bclist = bclist; } public Integer[] getIlist() { return this.ilist; } public void setIlist(Integer[] ilist) { this.ilist = ilist; } public static class ConcreteSuccessResponse implements SuccessResponse { private Object result; @Override public Object getResult() { return this.result; } public void setResult(Object result) { this.result = result; } public String getRandomKey() { return "randomValue"; } } public static class ConcreteFailureResponse implements ErrorResponse { private String error; @Override public String getError() { return this.error; } public void setError(String error) { this.error = error; } public String getOtherMessage() { return "otherMessage"; } } public static class LOBs { private Clob clob; private Blob blob; public Clob getClob() { return this.clob; } public void setClob(Clob clob) { this.clob = clob; } public Blob getBlob() { return this.blob; } public void setBlob(Blob blob) { this.blob = blob; } } }