Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2012-2013 CloudJee, Inc. All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.wavemaker.json; import; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.Array; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.lang.reflect.Type; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import java.util.Stack; import java.util.TreeSet; import com.wavemaker.json.type.reflect.ObjectReflectTypeDefinition; import org.apache.commons.beanutils.PropertyUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang.NullArgumentException; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import com.wavemaker.common.MessageResource; import com.wavemaker.common.WMRuntimeException; import com.wavemaker.common.util.EntryComparator; import com.wavemaker.common.util.Tuple; import com.wavemaker.json.type.FieldDefinition; import com.wavemaker.json.type.GenericFieldDefinition; import com.wavemaker.json.type.MapTypeDefinition; import com.wavemaker.json.type.ObjectTypeDefinition; import com.wavemaker.json.type.PrimitiveTypeDefinition; import com.wavemaker.json.type.TypeState; import com.wavemaker.json.type.converters.WriteObjectConverter; import com.wavemaker.json.type.reflect.ReflectTypeUtils; /** * @author Matt Small */ public final class JSONMarshaller { protected static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(JSONMarshaller.class); private static final boolean DEFAULT_PRETTY_PRINT = false; private static final boolean DEFAULT_SORT = false; /** * Marshal the given Object into a JSON-formatted character stream (written out onto the writer parameter). This * method will not attempt to sort the output. * * @param obj The Object to marshal; this must be an JavaBean-style Object, a Collection, or an array. * @return The JSON-formatted String representation of obj. */ public static String marshal(Object obj) throws IOException { return marshal(obj, new JSONState(), DEFAULT_SORT); } /** * Marshal the given Object into a JSON-formatted character stream (written out onto the writer parameter). This * method will not attempt to sort the output. * * @param obj The Object to marshal; this must be an JavaBean-style Object, a Collection, or an array. * @param jsonState Any configuration. * @return The JSON-formatted String representation of obj. */ public static String marshal(Object obj, JSONState jsonState) throws IOException { return marshal(obj, jsonState, DEFAULT_SORT); } /** * Marshal the given Object into a JSON-formatted character stream (written out onto the writer parameter). * * @param obj The Object to marshal; this must be an JavaBean-style Object, a Collection, or an array. * @param jsonState Any configuration. * @param sort True if the output should be sorted (only bean properties will be sorted, currently). * @return The JSON-formatted String representation of obj. */ public static String marshal(Object obj, JSONState jsonState, boolean sort) throws IOException { return marshal(obj, jsonState, sort, DEFAULT_PRETTY_PRINT); } /** * Marshal the given Object into a JSON-formatted character stream (written out onto the writer parameter). * * @param obj The Object to marshal; this must be an JavaBean-style Object, a Collection, or an array. * @param jsonState Any configuration. * @param sort True if the output should be sorted (only bean properties will be sorted, currently). * @return The JSON-formatted String representation of obj. */ public static String marshal(Object obj, JSONState jsonState, boolean sort, boolean prettyPrint) throws IOException { StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); marshal(sw, obj, jsonState, sort, prettyPrint); String ret = sw.toString(); sw.close(); return ret; } /** * Marshal the given Object into a JSON-formatted character stream (written out onto the writer parameter). * * @param obj The Object to marshal; this must be an JavaBean-style Object, a Collection, or an array. * @param jsonState Any configuration. * @param sort True if the output should be sorted (only bean properties will be sorted, currently). * @return The JSON-formatted String representation of obj. */ public static String marshal(Object obj, JSONState jsonState, FieldDefinition fieldDefinition, boolean sort) throws IOException { StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); marshal(sw, obj, jsonState, fieldDefinition, sort, DEFAULT_PRETTY_PRINT); String ret = sw.toString(); sw.close(); return ret; } /** * Marshal the given Object into a JSON-formatted character stream (written out onto the writer parameter). * * @param writer The Writer to write the JSON-formatted representation of obj to. * @param obj The Object to marshal; this must be an JavaBean-style Object, a Collection, or an array. */ public static void marshal(Writer writer, Object obj) throws IOException { marshal(writer, obj, new JSONState(), DEFAULT_SORT); } /** * Marshal the given Object into a JSON-formatted character stream (written out onto the writer parameter). * * @param writer The Writer to write the JSON-formatted representation of obj to. * @param obj The Object to marshal; this must be an JavaBean-style Object, a Collection, or an array. * @param jsonState Any configuration. * @param sort True if the output should be sorted (only bean properties will be sorted, currently). */ public static void marshal(Writer writer, Object obj, JSONState jsonState, boolean sort) throws IOException { marshal(writer, obj, jsonState, sort, DEFAULT_PRETTY_PRINT); } /** * Marshal the given Object into a JSON-formatted character stream (written out onto the writer parameter). This * will infer the root object type from the type of the obj parameter. * * @param writer The Writer to write the JSON-formatted representation of obj to. * @param obj The Object to marshal; this must be an JavaBean-style Object, a Collection, or an array. * @param jsonState Any configuration. * @param sort True if the output should be sorted (only bean properties will be sorted, currently). * @param prettyPrint True if the output should be formatted. */ public static void marshal(Writer writer, Object obj, JSONState jsonState, boolean sort, boolean prettyPrint) throws IOException { TypeState typeState = jsonState.getTypeState(); FieldDefinition fieldDefinition; if (obj == null) { fieldDefinition = ReflectTypeUtils.getFieldDefinition((Type) null, typeState, false, null); } else { fieldDefinition = ReflectTypeUtils.getFieldDefinition(obj.getClass(), typeState, false, null); } marshal(writer, obj, jsonState, fieldDefinition, sort, prettyPrint); } /** * Marshal the given Object into a JSON-formatted character stream (written out onto the writer parameter). * * @param writer The Writer to write the JSON-formatted representation of obj to. * @param obj The Object to marshal; this must be an JavaBean-style Object, a Collection, or an array. * @param jsonState Any configuration. * @param sort True if the output should be sorted (only bean properties will be sorted, currently). * @param prettyPrint True if the output should be formatted. */ public static void marshal(Writer writer, Object obj, JSONState jsonState, FieldDefinition rootFieldDefinition, boolean sort, boolean prettyPrint) throws IOException { TypeState typeState = jsonState.getTypeState(); doMarshal(writer, obj, obj, jsonState, sort, true, new Stack<Object>(), new Stack<String>(), rootFieldDefinition, 0, typeState, prettyPrint, 0, Logger.getLogger(JSONMarshaller.class)); } /** * doMarshal() returns some status Objects. * * CYCLE_DETECTED_OBJECT will be returned if a cycle was detected at a lower level, and this level needs to be not * written. * * fieldDefinition should never be null; its enclosed typeDefinition may very well be null. */ protected static Object doMarshal(Writer writer, Object obj, Object root, JSONState js, boolean sort, boolean topLevel, Stack<Object> touchedObjects, Stack<String> propertyNames, FieldDefinition fieldDefinition, int arrayLevel, TypeState typeState, boolean prettyPrint, int level, Logger logger) throws IOException { if (fieldDefinition == null) { throw new NullArgumentException("fieldDefinition"); } touchedObjects.push(obj); try { if (obj != null && fieldDefinition.getTypeDefinition() == null) { fieldDefinition = ReflectTypeUtils.getFieldDefinition(obj.getClass(), typeState, false, null); arrayLevel = 0; } // do value conversion if (js.getValueTransformer() != null) { Tuple.Three<Object, FieldDefinition, Integer> tuple = js.getValueTransformer().transformToJSON(obj, fieldDefinition, arrayLevel, root, getPropertyName(propertyNames, js), js.getTypeState()); if (tuple != null) { obj = tuple.v1; fieldDefinition = tuple.v2; arrayLevel = tuple.v3; } } if (arrayLevel == fieldDefinition.getDimensions() && fieldDefinition.getTypeDefinition() != null && fieldDefinition.getTypeDefinition() instanceof WriteObjectConverter) { ((WriteObjectConverter) fieldDefinition.getTypeDefinition()).writeObject(obj, root, getPropertyName(propertyNames, js), writer); } else if (obj == null) { writer.write("null"); // handle arrays & Collections } else if (arrayLevel < fieldDefinition.getDimensions() || obj.getClass().isArray()) { writer.write("["); boolean firstElement = true; if (obj instanceof Collection) { for (Object elem : (Collection<?>) obj) { if (!firstElement) { writer.write(","); if (prettyPrint) { writer.write(" "); } } doMarshal(writer, elem, root, js, sort, false, touchedObjects, propertyNames, fieldDefinition, arrayLevel + 1, typeState, prettyPrint, level, logger); if (firstElement) { firstElement = false; } } } else if (obj.getClass().isArray()) { int length = Array.getLength(obj); Object elem; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { elem = Array.get(obj, i); if (!firstElement) { writer.write(","); if (prettyPrint) { writer.write(" "); } } doMarshal(writer, elem, root, js, sort, false, touchedObjects, propertyNames, fieldDefinition, arrayLevel + 1, typeState, prettyPrint, level, logger); if (firstElement) { firstElement = false; } } } else { throw new WMRuntimeException(MessageResource.JSON_UNKNOWN_COLL_OR_ARRAY, obj, obj.getClass()); } writer.write("]"); // check for primitives } else if (fieldDefinition.getTypeDefinition() != null && fieldDefinition.getTypeDefinition() instanceof PrimitiveTypeDefinition) { ((PrimitiveTypeDefinition) fieldDefinition.getTypeDefinition()).toJson(writer, obj); // handle maps & objects } else { handleObject(obj, root, js, writer, touchedObjects, propertyNames, sort, fieldDefinition, arrayLevel, typeState, prettyPrint, level, logger); } return null; } finally { touchedObjects.pop(); } } /** * Recursively write out maps and objects. * * @param writer * @throws IOException */ private static void handleObject(Object obj, Object root, JSONState js, Writer writer, Stack<Object> touchedObjects, Stack<String> propertyNames, boolean sort, FieldDefinition fieldDefinition, int arrayLevel, TypeState typeState, boolean prettyPrint, int level, Logger logger) throws IOException { if (fieldDefinition == null) { throw new NullArgumentException("fieldDefinition"); } writer.write('{'); boolean firstProperty = true; if (obj instanceof Map || fieldDefinition.getTypeDefinition() instanceof MapTypeDefinition) { Set<Entry<?, ?>> entries = null; if (sort) { Set<Entry<?, ?>> entriesTemp = new TreeSet<Entry<?, ?>>(new EntryComparator()); entriesTemp.addAll(((Map<?, ?>) obj).entrySet()); entries = entriesTemp; } for (Entry<?, ?> entry : entries == null ? ((Map<?, ?>) obj).entrySet() : entries) { String key = (String) entry.getKey(); if (fieldDefinition.getTypeDefinition() != null && fieldDefinition.getTypeDefinition() instanceof MapTypeDefinition) { fieldDefinition = ((MapTypeDefinition) fieldDefinition.getTypeDefinition()) .getValueFieldDefinition(); } else { fieldDefinition = new GenericFieldDefinition(); } firstProperty = handleObjectInternal(obj, root, key, entry.getValue(), firstProperty, js, writer, touchedObjects, propertyNames, sort, fieldDefinition, arrayLevel, typeState, prettyPrint, level + 1, logger); } } else if (fieldDefinition.getTypeDefinition() instanceof ObjectTypeDefinition) { ObjectReflectTypeDefinition otd = (ObjectReflectTypeDefinition) fieldDefinition.getTypeDefinition(); if (otd.getKlass().isAssignableFrom(obj.getClass())) { for (Entry<String, FieldDefinition> entry : otd.getFields().entrySet()) { String name = entry.getKey(); fieldDefinition = entry.getValue(); Object value; try { value = PropertyUtils.getProperty(obj, name); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { throw new WMRuntimeException(MessageResource.ERROR_GETTING_PROPERTY, e, name, obj, obj.getClass().getName()); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { throw new WMRuntimeException(MessageResource.ERROR_GETTING_PROPERTY, e, name, obj, obj.getClass().getName()); } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { throw new WMRuntimeException(MessageResource.ERROR_GETTING_PROPERTY, e, name, obj, obj.getClass().getName()); } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { logger.warn(MessageResource.JSON_NO_GETTER_IN_TYPE.getMessage(name, obj, obj.getClass().getName())); continue; } firstProperty = handleObjectInternal(obj, root, name, value, firstProperty, js, writer, touchedObjects, propertyNames, sort, fieldDefinition, 0, typeState, prettyPrint, level + 1, logger); } } } else { throw new WMRuntimeException(MessageResource.JSON_BAD_HANDLE_TYPE, fieldDefinition.getTypeDefinition()); } if (prettyPrint) { writer.write("\n"); writeIndents(writer, level); } writer.write('}'); } private static boolean handleObjectInternal(Object object, Object root, String key, Object value, boolean firstProperty, JSONState js, Writer writer, Stack<Object> touchedObjects, Stack<String> propertyNames, boolean sort, FieldDefinition fieldDefinition, int arrayLevel, TypeState typeState, boolean prettyPrint, int level, Logger logger) throws IOException { if (fieldDefinition == null) { throw new NullArgumentException("fieldDefinition"); } propertyNames.push(key); String propertyName = getPropertyName(propertyNames, js); try { if (js.getExcludes().contains(propertyName)) { return firstProperty; } if (js.getPropertyFilter() != null) { if (js.getPropertyFilter().filter(object, key, value)) { return firstProperty; } } // cycle if (isCycle(value, touchedObjects, propertyName, js)) { if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) {, js.getCycleHandler())); } if (js.getCycleHandler().equals(JSONState.CycleHandler.FAIL)) { throw new WMRuntimeException(MessageResource.JSON_CYCLE_FOUND, value, js.getCycleHandler()); } else if (js.getCycleHandler().equals(JSONState.CycleHandler.NULL)) { value = null; } else if (js.getCycleHandler().equals(JSONState.CycleHandler.NO_PROPERTY)) { return firstProperty; } else { throw new WMRuntimeException(MessageResource.JSON_BAD_CYCLE_HANDLER, js.getCycleHandler()); } } if (!firstProperty) { writer.write(','); } if (prettyPrint) { writer.write("\n"); writeIndents(writer, level); } if (js.isUnquoteKeys()) { writer.write(key + ":"); } else { writer.write("\"" + key + "\":"); } if (prettyPrint) { writer.write(" "); } doMarshal(writer, value, root, js, sort, false, touchedObjects, propertyNames, fieldDefinition, arrayLevel, typeState, prettyPrint, level, logger); if (firstProperty) { firstProperty = false; } return firstProperty; } finally { propertyNames.pop(); } } private static void writeIndents(Writer writer, int level) throws IOException { for (int i = 0; i < level; i++) { writer.write('\t'); } } private static String getPropertyName(Stack<String> propertyNames, JSONState js) { return StringUtils.join(propertyNames.subList(js.getTrimStackLevel(), propertyNames.size()), AlternateJSONTransformer.PROP_SEP); } private static boolean isCycle(Object obj, Stack<Object> touchedObjects, String propertyName, JSONState js) { boolean cycle = -1 !=; if (cycle && js.getRequiredProperties() != null && js.getRequiredProperties().contains(propertyName)) { cycle = false; } return cycle; } }