Java tutorial
/* * * Copyright 2016 Walmart Technology * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ package; import; import; import; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.Set; import java.util.UUID; import; import; import; import; import akka.cluster.Cluster; import akka.cluster.client.ClusterClientReceptionist; import akka.event.Logging; import akka.event.LoggingAdapter; import akka.persistence.UntypedPersistentActor; import; import scala.collection.JavaConversions; import scala.concurrent.duration.Deadline; import scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration; public class Master extends UntypedPersistentActor { public static final Object CleanupTick = new Object() { @Override public String toString() { return "CleanupTick"; } }; private final ActorRef reportExecutor; private final FiniteDuration workTimeout; private final LoggingAdapter log = Logging.getLogger(getContext().system(), this); private final Cancellable cleanupTask; private final AgentConfig agentConfig; private HashMap<String, WorkerState> workers = new HashMap<>(); private Set<String> fileTracker = new HashSet<>(); private JobState jobDatabase = new JobState(); private Map<String, UploadFile> fileDtabase = new HashMap<>(); private Set<String> cancelRequests = new HashSet<>(); public Master(FiniteDuration workTimeout, AgentConfig agentConfig) { this.workTimeout = workTimeout; this.agentConfig = agentConfig; this.reportExecutor = getContext() .watch(getContext().actorOf(Props.create(ReportExecutor.class, agentConfig), "report")); ClusterClientReceptionist.get(getContext().system()).registerService(getSelf()); this.cleanupTask = getContext().system().scheduler().schedule(workTimeout.div(2), workTimeout.div(2), getSelf(), CleanupTick, getContext().dispatcher(), getSelf()); } public static Props props(FiniteDuration workTimeout, AgentConfig agentConfig) { return Props.create(Master.class, workTimeout, agentConfig); } @Override public void postStop() { cleanupTask.cancel(); } private void notifyWorkers() { if (jobDatabase.hasJob()) { // could pick a few random instead of all for (WorkerState state : workers.values()) { if (state.status.isIdle()) state.ref.tell(MasterWorkerProtocol.WorkIsReady.getInstance(), getSelf()); } } } @Override public void onReceiveRecover(Object arg0) throws Exception { if (arg0 instanceof JobDomainEvent) { jobDatabase = jobDatabase.updated((JobDomainEvent) arg0);"Replayed {}", arg0.getClass().getSimpleName()); } else if (arg0 instanceof UploadFile) { //UploadFile request = (UploadFile)arg0; //fileDtabase.put(request.trackingId, request);"Replayed {}", arg0.getClass().getSimpleName()); } } @Override public String persistenceId() { for (String role : JavaConversions.asJavaIterable((Cluster.get(getContext().system()).selfRoles()))) { if (role.startsWith("backend-")) { return role + "-master"; } } return "master"; } @Override public void onReceiveCommand(Object cmd) throws Exception { if (cmd instanceof MasterWorkerProtocol.RegisterWorker) { onRegisterWorker((MasterWorkerProtocol.RegisterWorker) cmd); } else if (cmd instanceof MasterWorkerProtocol.WorkerRequestsFile) { onWorkerRequestsFile((MasterWorkerProtocol.WorkerRequestsFile) cmd); } else if (cmd instanceof MasterWorkerProtocol.WorkerRequestsWork) { onWorkerRequestsWork(cmd); } else if (cmd instanceof Worker.FileUploadComplete) { onFileUploadComplete((Worker.FileUploadComplete) cmd); } else if (cmd instanceof MasterWorkerProtocol.WorkInProgress) { onWorkInProgress((MasterWorkerProtocol.WorkInProgress) cmd); } else if (cmd instanceof MasterWorkerProtocol.WorkIsDone) { onWorkIsDone((MasterWorkerProtocol.WorkIsDone) cmd); } else if (cmd instanceof MasterWorkerProtocol.WorkFailed) { onWorkFailed((MasterWorkerProtocol.WorkFailed) cmd); } else if (cmd instanceof UploadInfo) { onUploadInfo(cmd); } else if (cmd instanceof ServerInfo) { onServerInfo(cmd); } else if (cmd instanceof TrackingInfo) { onTrackingInfo(cmd); } else if (cmd instanceof Report) { onReport(cmd); } else if (cmd instanceof UploadFile) { onUploadFile(cmd); } else if (cmd instanceof Job) { onJob((Job) cmd); } else if (cmd == CleanupTick) { onCleanupTick(); } else { unhandled(cmd); } } private void onCleanupTick() { Iterator<Map.Entry<String, WorkerState>> iterator = workers.entrySet().iterator(); Set<String> tobeRemoved = new HashSet<>(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { Map.Entry<String, WorkerState> entry =; String workerId = entry.getKey(); WorkerState state = entry.getValue(); if (state.status.isBusy()) { if (state.status.getDeadLine().isOverdue()) {"Work timed out: {}", state.status.getWorkId()); tobeRemoved.add(workerId); } } persist(new JobState.JobTimedOut(state.status.getWorkId()), event -> { // remove from in progress to pending jobDatabase = jobDatabase.updated(event); notifyWorkers(); }); } for (String workerId : tobeRemoved) { workers.remove(workerId); } } private void onJob(Job cmd) { final String workId = cmd.jobId; // idempotent if (jobDatabase.isAccepted(workId)) { getSender().tell(new Ack(workId), getSelf()); } else {"Accepted work: {}", workId); persist(new JobState.JobAccepted(cmd), event -> { // Ack back to original sender getSender().tell(new Ack(event.job.jobId), getSelf()); jobDatabase = jobDatabase.updated(event); notifyWorkers(); }); } } private void onUploadFile(Object cmd) {"Accepted upload file request: {}", cmd); UploadFile request = (UploadFile) cmd; persist(request, event -> { getSender().tell(new Ack(request.trackingId), getSelf()); fileDtabase.put(request.trackingId, request); }); } private void onReport(Object cmd) {"Accepted tracking info request: {}", cmd); List<Worker.Result> result = jobDatabase.getCompletedResults(((Report) cmd).trackingId); reportExecutor.forward(new GenerateReport((Report) cmd, result), getContext()); } private void onTrackingInfo(Object cmd) { TrackingInfo trackingInfo = (TrackingInfo) cmd;"Accepted tracking info request: {}", cmd); TrackingResult result = jobDatabase.getTrackingInfo(trackingInfo.trackingId);"Complete tracking info request: {}", result); if (trackingInfo.cancel) { cancelRequests.add(trackingInfo.trackingId); } result.setCancelled(cancelRequests.contains(trackingInfo.trackingId)); getSender().tell(result, getSelf()); } private void onServerInfo(Object cmd) {"Accepted Server info request: {}", cmd); getSender().tell(new ServerInfo(workers), getSelf()); } private void onUploadInfo(Object cmd) {"Accepted Upload info request: {}", cmd); UploadInfo info = (UploadInfo) cmd; info.setHosts( -> p.contains(info.trackingId)).map(p -> p.split("_")[1]) .collect(Collectors.toList())); getSender().tell(info, getSelf()); } private void onWorkFailed(MasterWorkerProtocol.WorkFailed cmd) { final String workId = cmd.workId; final String workerId = cmd.workerId;"Work {} failed by worker {}", workId, workerId); if (jobDatabase.isInProgress(workId)) { changeWorkerToIdle(workerId, workId); persist(new JobState.JobFailed(workId, cmd.result), event -> { jobDatabase = jobDatabase.updated(event); notifyWorkers(); }); } } private void onWorkIsDone(MasterWorkerProtocol.WorkIsDone cmd) { MasterWorkerProtocol.WorkIsDone workDone = cmd; final String workerId = workDone.workerId; final String workId = workDone.workId; if (jobDatabase.isDone(workId)) { getSender().tell(new Ack(workId), getSelf()); } else if (!jobDatabase.isInProgress(workId)) {"Work {} not in progress, reported as done by worker {}", workId, workerId); } else {"Work {} is done by worker {}", workId, workerId); changeWorkerToIdle(workerId, workId); persist(new JobState.JobCompleted(workId, cmd.result), event -> { jobDatabase = jobDatabase.updated(event); getSender().tell(new Ack(event.workId), getSelf()); }); } } private void onWorkInProgress(MasterWorkerProtocol.WorkInProgress cmd) { final String workerId = cmd.workerId; final String workId = cmd.workId; final WorkerState state = workers.get(workerId); if (jobDatabase.isInProgress(workId)) { if (state != null && state.status.isBusy()) { workers.put(workerId, state.copyWithStatus(new Busy(state.status.getWorkId(), workTimeout.fromNow()))); } } else {"Work {} not in progress, reported as in progress by worker {}", workId, workerId); } } private void onFileUploadComplete(Worker.FileUploadComplete cmd) { Worker.FileUploadComplete result = cmd; fileTracker.add(result.result.trackingId + "_" +; } private void onWorkerRequestsWork(Object cmd) {"Worker requested work: {}", cmd); if (jobDatabase.hasJob()) { MasterWorkerProtocol.WorkerRequestsWork msg = ((MasterWorkerProtocol.WorkerRequestsWork) cmd); final String workerId = msg.workerId; final WorkerState state = workers.get(workerId); if (state != null && state.status.isIdle()) { final Job job = jobDatabase.nextJob(); boolean jobWorkerRoleMatched = msg.role.equalsIgnoreCase(job.roleId); if (jobWorkerRoleMatched) { persist(new JobState.JobStarted(job.jobId), event -> { jobDatabase = jobDatabase.updated(event);"Giving worker {} some taskEvent {}", workerId, event.workId); workers.put(workerId, state.copyWithStatus(new Busy(event.workId, workTimeout.fromNow()))); getSender().tell(job, getSelf()); }); } else { persist(new JobState.JobPostponed(job.jobId), event -> { jobDatabase = jobDatabase.updated(event);"Postponing work: {}", workerId); }); } } } } private void onWorkerRequestsFile(MasterWorkerProtocol.WorkerRequestsFile cmd) throws IOException { MasterWorkerProtocol.WorkerRequestsFile msg = cmd; Set<String> trackingIds = fileDtabase.keySet(); Optional<String> unsentFile = -> p.concat("_").concat( .filter(p -> !fileTracker.contains(p)).findFirst(); if (unsentFile.isPresent()) { String tId = unsentFile.get().split("_")[0]; UploadFile uploadFile = fileDtabase.get(tId); if (uploadFile.type.equalsIgnoreCase("lib")) { String soonToBeRemotePath = agentConfig.getMasterUrl(uploadFile.path); getSender().tell(new FileJob(null, uploadFile, soonToBeRemotePath), getSelf()); } else { String content = FileUtils.readFileToString(new File(uploadFile.path)); getSender().tell(new FileJob(content, uploadFile, null), getSelf()); } } } private void onRegisterWorker(MasterWorkerProtocol.RegisterWorker cmd) { String workerId = cmd.workerId; if (workers.containsKey(workerId)) { workers.put(workerId, workers.get(workerId).copyWithRef(getSender())); } else {"Worker registered: {}", workerId); workers.put(workerId, new WorkerState(getSender(), Idle.instance)); if (jobDatabase.hasJob()) { getSender().tell(MasterWorkerProtocol.WorkIsReady.getInstance(), getSelf()); } } } private void changeWorkerToIdle(String workerId, String workId) { if (workers.get(workerId).status.isBusy()) { workers.put(workerId, workers.get(workerId).copyWithStatus(new Idle())); } } public static abstract class WorkerStatus { protected abstract boolean isIdle(); private boolean isBusy() { return !isIdle(); } protected abstract String getWorkId(); protected abstract Deadline getDeadLine(); } private static final class Idle extends WorkerStatus { private static final Idle instance = new Idle(); public static Idle getInstance() { return instance; } @Override protected boolean isIdle() { return true; } @Override protected String getWorkId() { throw new IllegalAccessError(); } @Override protected Deadline getDeadLine() { throw new IllegalAccessError(); } @Override public String toString() { return "Idle"; } } private static final class Busy extends WorkerStatus { private final String workId; private final Deadline deadline; private Busy(String workId, Deadline deadline) { this.workId = workId; this.deadline = deadline; } @Override protected boolean isIdle() { return false; } @Override protected String getWorkId() { return workId; } @Override protected Deadline getDeadLine() { return deadline; } @Override public String toString() { return "Busy{" + "work=" + workId + ", deadline=" + deadline + '}'; } } public static final class WorkerState { public final ActorRef ref; public final WorkerStatus status; private WorkerState(ActorRef ref, WorkerStatus status) { this.ref = ref; this.status = status; } private WorkerState copyWithRef(ActorRef ref) { return new WorkerState(ref, this.status); } private WorkerState copyWithStatus(WorkerStatus status) { return new WorkerState(this.ref, status); } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) return true; if (o == null || !getClass().equals(o.getClass())) return false; WorkerState that = (WorkerState) o; return ref.equals(that.ref) && status.equals(that.status); } @Override public int hashCode() { int result = ref.hashCode(); result = 31 * result + status.hashCode(); return result; } @Override public String toString() { return "WorkerState{" + "ref=" + ref + ", status=" + status + '}'; } } public static final class Job implements Serializable { public final Object taskEvent;//task public final String jobId; public final String roleId; public final String trackingId; public String abortUrl; public Job(String roleId, Object job, String trackingId, String abortUrl) { this.jobId = UUID.randomUUID().toString(); this.roleId = roleId; this.taskEvent = job; this.trackingId = trackingId; this.abortUrl = abortUrl; } @Override public String toString() { return "Job{" + "taskEvent=" + taskEvent + ", jobId='" + jobId + '\'' + ", roleId='" + roleId + '\'' + ", trackingId='" + trackingId + '\'' + '}'; } } public static final class FileJob implements Serializable { public final String content;//task public final String remotePath;//task public final String jobId; public final UploadFile uploadFileRequest; public FileJob(String content, UploadFile uploadFileRequest, String remotePath) { this.jobId = UUID.randomUUID().toString(); this.uploadFileRequest = uploadFileRequest; this.content = content; this.remotePath = remotePath; } @Override public String toString() { return "FileJob{" + "content='" + content + '\'' + ", remotePath='" + remotePath + '\'' + ", jobId='" + jobId + '\'' + ", uploadFileRequest=" + uploadFileRequest + '}'; } } public static final class UploadFile implements Serializable { public final String trackingId; public final String path, name, role, type; public UploadFile(String trackingId, String path, String name, String role, String type) { this.trackingId = trackingId; this.path = path; = name; this.role = role; this.type = type; } public String getFileName() { if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("conf") || type.equalsIgnoreCase("lib")) return type + "/" + name; return "user-files/" + type + "/" + name; } @Override public String toString() { return "UploadFile{" + "trackingId='" + trackingId + '\'' + ", path='" + path + '\'' + ", name='" + name + '\'' + ", role='" + role + '\'' + ", type='" + type + '\'' + '}'; } } public static final class Report implements Serializable { public final String trackingId; public final TaskEvent taskEvent; public Report(String trackingId, TaskEvent taskEvent) { this.trackingId = trackingId; this.taskEvent = taskEvent; } @Override public String toString() { return "Report{" + "trackingId='" + trackingId + '\'' + '}'; } public String getHtml() { return "/resources/" + trackingId + "/index.html"; } } public static final class GenerateReport implements Serializable { public final Report reportJob; public final List<Worker.Result> results; public GenerateReport(Report repotJob, List<Worker.Result> results) { this.reportJob = repotJob; this.results = results; } @Override public String toString() { return "GenerateReport{" + "reportJob=" + reportJob + ", results=" + results + '}'; } } public static final class TrackingInfo implements Serializable { public final String trackingId; public final boolean cancel; public TrackingInfo(String trackingId) { this.trackingId = trackingId; this.cancel = false; } public TrackingInfo(String trackingId, boolean cancel) { this.trackingId = trackingId; this.cancel = cancel; } @Override public String toString() { return "TrackingInfo{" + "trackingId='" + trackingId + '\'' + ", cancel=" + cancel + '}'; } } public static final class UploadInfo implements Serializable { public final String trackingId; public List<String> hosts; public UploadInfo(String trackingId) { this.trackingId = trackingId; } public void setHosts(List<String> hosts) { this.hosts = hosts; } @Override public String toString() { return "UploadInfo{" + "trackingId='" + trackingId + '\'' + ", hosts=" + hosts + '}'; } } public static final class ServerInfo implements Serializable { private ImmutableMap<String, WorkerState> workers; public ServerInfo() { } public ServerInfo(HashMap<String, WorkerState> workers) { this.workers = ImmutableMap.copyOf(workers); } public ImmutableMap<String, WorkerState> getWorkers() { return workers == null ? ImmutableMap.of() : workers; } @Override public String toString() { return "ServerInfo{" + "workers=" + getWorkers() + '}'; } } public static final class Ack implements Serializable { final String workId; public Ack(String workId) { this.workId = workId; } public String getWorkId() { return workId; } @Override public String toString() { return "Ack{" + "jobId='" + workId + '\'' + '}'; } } }