Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2010---2014 (wuweixing)<> * * This file is part of Wabacus * * Wabacus is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package com.wabacus.system.fileupload; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import org.apache.commons.fileupload.FileItem; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import com.wabacus.config.resource.dataimport.configbean.AbsDataImportConfigBean; import com.wabacus.system.assistant.DataImportAssistant; import com.wabacus.system.assistant.FilePathAssistant; import com.wabacus.system.dataimport.DataImportItem; import com.wabacus.system.dataimport.queue.UploadFilesQueue; import com.wabacus.system.dataimport.thread.FileUpDataImportThread; import com.wabacus.system.intercept.AbsFileUploadInterceptor; import com.wabacus.util.Tools; public abstract class AbsFileUpload { private final static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(AbsFileUpload.class); protected HttpServletRequest request; protected String contentType; protected Map<String, String> mFormFieldValues; protected AbsFileUploadInterceptor interceptorObj; public AbsFileUpload(HttpServletRequest request) { this.request = request; this.contentType = request.getHeader("Content-type"); } public Map<String, String> getMFormFieldValues() { return mFormFieldValues; } public void setMFormFieldValues(Map<String, String> formFieldValues) { mFormFieldValues = formFieldValues; } public AbsFileUploadInterceptor getInterceptorObj() { return interceptorObj; } protected String getRequestString(String paramname, String defaultvalue) { String paramvalue = null; if (contentType != null && contentType.startsWith("multipart/")) { paramvalue = (String) request.getAttribute(paramname); if (paramvalue == null || paramvalue.trim().equals("")) paramvalue = defaultvalue; else paramvalue = paramvalue.trim(); } else { paramvalue = Tools.getRequestValue(request, paramname, defaultvalue); } return paramvalue; } protected static String getFileNameFromAbsolutePath(String filepath) { String filename = filepath; if (File.separator.equals("/")) { filepath = Tools.replaceAll(filepath, "\\", "/"); int idxsep = filepath.lastIndexOf("/"); if (idxsep >= 0) filename = filepath.substring(idxsep + 1); } else { filepath = Tools.replaceAll(filepath, "/", "\\"); int idxsep = filepath.lastIndexOf("\\"); if (idxsep >= 0) filename = filepath.substring(idxsep + 1); } return filename.trim(); } protected String showDataImportFileUpload(List<String> lstDataImportFileNames) { if (lstDataImportFileNames == null || lstDataImportFileNames.size() == 0) return ""; StringBuffer resultBuf = new StringBuffer(); resultBuf.append( "<table border=0 cellspacing=1 cellpadding=2 style=\"margin:0px\" width=\"98%\" ID=\"Table1\" align=\"center\">"); resultBuf.append("<tr class=filetitle><td style='font-size:13px;'>?</td></tr>"); StringBuffer fileNameBuf = new StringBuffer(); int idx = 0; for (String filenameTmp : lstDataImportFileNames) { fileNameBuf.append(filenameTmp).append("; "); resultBuf.append( "<tr><td style='font-size:13px;'><input type=\"file\" contentEditable=\"false\" name=\"uploadfile" + (idx++) + "\"></td></tr>"); } if (fileNameBuf.length() > 2 && fileNameBuf.charAt(fileNameBuf.length() - 2) == ';') { fileNameBuf.deleteCharAt(fileNameBuf.length() - 2); } resultBuf.append("<tr class=filetitle><td style='font-size:13px;'>[??" + fileNameBuf.toString().trim() + "]</td></tr>"); resultBuf.append( "<tr><td style='font-size:13px;'><input type=\"submit\" class=\"cls-button\" name=\"submit\" value=\"\">"); resultBuf.append("</td></tr></table>"); return resultBuf.toString(); } protected String uploadDataImportFiles(List lstFieldItems, List<AbsDataImportConfigBean> lstDiBeans, boolean isAsyn, PrintWriter out) { if (lstDiBeans == null || lstDiBeans.size() == 0) { return "?????"; } String filepath = lstDiBeans.get(0).getFilepath();//???? File f = new File(FilePathAssistant.getInstance().standardFilePath(filepath)); if (!f.exists() || !f.isDirectory()) { return "?" + lstDiBeans.get(0).getReskey() + "?filepath??"; } Iterator itFieldItems = lstFieldItems.iterator(); FileItem itemTmp; Map<String, FileItem> mUploadFiles = new HashMap<String, FileItem>(); // List<String> lstAllFileNameAndPatterns=new ArrayList<String>();//????filename List<String> lstFileNams = new ArrayList<String>(); String filepathTmp; while (itFieldItems.hasNext()) { itemTmp = (FileItem); if (itemTmp.isFormField()) continue; filepathTmp = itemTmp.getName(); if ((filepathTmp == null || filepathTmp.equals(""))) continue; String filename = getFileNameFromAbsolutePath(filepathTmp); if (filename.equals("")) { return "??"; } if (lstFileNams.contains(filename)) { return "" + filename + "???"; } lstFileNams.add(filename); boolean shouldUpload = true; if (interceptorObj != null) { shouldUpload = interceptorObj.beforeFileUpload(request, itemTmp, mFormFieldValues, out); } if (shouldUpload) { mUploadFiles.put(filename, itemTmp); } } if (mUploadFiles.size() == 0) { return "???"; } Map<List<DataImportItem>, Map<File, FileItem>> uploadFiles = new HashMap<List<DataImportItem>, Map<File, FileItem>>(); String errorinfo = generateUploadFilesAndImportItems(lstDiBeans, mUploadFiles, uploadFiles, filepath);//???? if (errorinfo != null && !errorinfo.trim().equals("")) return errorinfo; if (isAsyn) { UploadFilesQueue.getInstance().addUploadFile(uploadFiles); return null; } else { Entry<List<DataImportItem>, Map<File, FileItem>> entry = uploadFiles.entrySet().iterator().next(); return FileUpDataImportThread.getInstance().doDataImport(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } } private String generateUploadFilesAndImportItems(List<AbsDataImportConfigBean> lstDiBeans, Map<String, FileItem> mUploadFiles, Map<List<DataImportItem>, Map<File, FileItem>> mResults, String filepath) { List<DataImportItem> lstDataImportItems = new ArrayList<DataImportItem>(); Map<File, FileItem> mUploadFileItems = new HashMap<File, FileItem>();//? mResults.put(lstDataImportItems, mUploadFileItems); List<String> lstTmpFile = new ArrayList<String>(); File fTmp; Map<String, File> mFileTmp = new HashMap<String, File>(); String[] strArrTmp; for (AbsDataImportConfigBean dibeanTmp : lstDiBeans) { lstTmpFile.clear(); for (String filenameTmp : mUploadFiles.keySet()) { strArrTmp = DataImportAssistant.getInstance().getRealFileNameAndImportType(filenameTmp); if (dibeanTmp.isMatch(strArrTmp[0])) { String file = FilePathAssistant.getInstance() .standardFilePath(filepath + File.separator + filenameTmp); fTmp = mFileTmp.get(file); if (fTmp == null) { fTmp = new File(file); mFileTmp.put(file, fTmp); mUploadFileItems.put(fTmp, mUploadFiles.get(filenameTmp)); } DataImportItem diitem = new DataImportItem(dibeanTmp, fTmp); diitem.setRequest(request); diitem.setSession(request.getSession()); diitem.setDynimportype(strArrTmp[1]); lstDataImportItems.add(diitem); lstTmpFile.add(filenameTmp); } } if (lstTmpFile.size() == 0) { log.warn("?" + dibeanTmp.getReskey() + "??"); } else if (lstTmpFile.size() > 1) { log.warn("??" + dibeanTmp.getReskey() + "???" + lstTmpFile + "?"); return "?" + dibeanTmp.getFilename() + "??"; } } if (lstDataImportItems.size() == 0) { return "?"; } return null; } protected String getSaveFileName(String name, String newfilename) { if (Tools.isEmpty(newfilename)) return name; String suffix = null; int idx = name.lastIndexOf("."); if (idx > 0) suffix = name.substring(idx); suffix = suffix == null ? "" : suffix.trim(); name = newfilename; if (name.startsWith("{") && name.endsWith("}")) { name = name.substring(1, name.length() - 1).trim(); if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("date")) { name = Tools.getStrDatetime("yyyy-MM-dd", new Date()); } else if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("time")) { name = Tools.getStrDatetime("HH:mm:ss", new Date()); } else if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("timestamp")) { name = String.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis()); } else { name = newfilename; } } return name + suffix; } protected String displayFileUpload(int uploadcount, String allowtypes, String disallowtypes) { StringBuilder resultBuf = new StringBuilder(); resultBuf.append( "<table border=0 cellspacing=1 cellpadding=2 style=\"margin:0px\" width=\"98%\" ID=\"Table1\" align=\"center\">"); resultBuf.append("<tr class=filetitle><td style='font-size:13px;'></td></tr>"); for (int i = 0; i < uploadcount; i++) {//???? resultBuf.append( "<tr><td style='font-size:13px;'><input type=\"file\" contentEditable=\"false\" name=\"uploadfile" + i + "\"></td></tr>"); } resultBuf.append(getAllowedFileSuffixPrompt(allowtypes, disallowtypes)); resultBuf.append( "<tr><td style='font-size:13px;'><input type=\"submit\" class=\"cls-button\" name=\"submit\" value=\"\">"); return resultBuf.toString(); } private String getAllowedFileSuffixPrompt(String allowtypes, String disallowtypes) { StringBuilder resultBuf = new StringBuilder(); if (!Tools.isEmpty(allowtypes) || !Tools.isEmpty(disallowtypes)) { resultBuf.append("<tr class=filetitle><td style='font-size:13px;'>["); if (!Tools.isEmpty(allowtypes)) resultBuf.append(stardardFileSuffixString(allowtypes)); if (!Tools.isEmpty(disallowtypes)) { resultBuf.append(" disallowed<font color='red'>" + stardardFileSuffixString(disallowtypes) + "</font>"); } resultBuf.append("]</td></tr>"); } return resultBuf.toString(); } protected String stardardFileSuffixString(String filesuffixes) { if (filesuffixes == null || filesuffixes.trim().equals("")) return ""; List<String> lstSuffixes = Tools.parseStringToList(filesuffixes.trim(), ";", false); StringBuilder suffixBuf = new StringBuilder(); for (String typeTmp : lstSuffixes) { if (typeTmp == null || typeTmp.trim().equals("") || typeTmp.trim().equals(".")) continue; typeTmp = typeTmp.trim(); if (typeTmp.startsWith(".")) { typeTmp = typeTmp.substring(1).trim(); } suffixBuf.append(typeTmp.toLowerCase()).append(";"); } return suffixBuf.toString(); } protected List<String> getFileSuffixList(String filesuffixes) { if (filesuffixes == null || filesuffixes.trim().equals("")) return null; filesuffixes = filesuffixes.trim(); List<String> lstResults = new ArrayList<String>(); List<String> lstTemp = Tools.parseStringToList(filesuffixes, ";", false); for (String filetype : lstTemp) { if (filetype == null || filetype.trim().equals("")) continue; filetype = filetype.trim(); if (filetype.startsWith(".")) { filetype = filetype.substring(1).trim(); if (filetype.equals("")) continue; } lstResults.add(filetype.toLowerCase().trim()); } return lstResults; } protected void getRealUploadFileName(List<String> lstDestFileNames, String originalFilename) { String destfilename = mFormFieldValues.get(AbsFileUploadInterceptor.FILENAME_KEY); if (Tools.isEmpty(destfilename)) destfilename = originalFilename; if (lstDestFileNames.contains(destfilename)) { int idx = destfilename.lastIndexOf("."); String nameTmp = idx > 0 ? destfilename.substring(0, idx) : destfilename; String suffix = idx > 0 ? destfilename.substring(idx) : ""; idx = 1; while (true) { if (!lstDestFileNames.contains(nameTmp + "(" + (++idx) + ")" + suffix)) break; } destfilename = nameTmp + "(" + idx + ")" + suffix; mFormFieldValues.put(AbsFileUploadInterceptor.FILENAME_KEY, destfilename); } lstDestFileNames.add(destfilename); } protected String doUploadFileAction(FileItem item, Map<String, String> mFormFieldValues, String orginalFilename, String configAllowTypes, List<String> lstConfigAllowTypes, String configDisallowTypes, List<String> lstConfigDisallowTypes) { String strmaxsize = mFormFieldValues.get(AbsFileUploadInterceptor.MAXSIZE_KEY); if (strmaxsize != null && !strmaxsize.trim().equals("")) { long lmaxsize = Long.parseLong(strmaxsize.trim()); if (lmaxsize > 0 && lmaxsize < item.getSize()) return ""; } if (!isInvalidUploadFileType(orginalFilename, configAllowTypes, lstConfigAllowTypes, configDisallowTypes, lstConfigDisallowTypes)) { return "??"; } String savepathTmp = mFormFieldValues.get(AbsFileUploadInterceptor.SAVEPATH_KEY); String destfilenameTmp = mFormFieldValues.get(AbsFileUploadInterceptor.FILENAME_KEY); if (!Tools.isEmpty(savepathTmp) && !Tools.isEmpty(destfilenameTmp)) { try { savepathTmp = FilePathAssistant.getInstance().standardFilePath(savepathTmp + File.separator); FilePathAssistant.getInstance().checkAndCreateDirIfNotExist(savepathTmp); item.write(new File(savepathTmp + destfilenameTmp)); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("" + orginalFilename + "" + savepathTmp + "", e); return "" + orginalFilename + "" + savepathTmp + ""; } } return null; } private boolean isInvalidUploadFileType(String orginalFilename, String configAllowTypes, List<String> lstConfigAllowTypes, String configDisallowTypes, List<String> lstConfigDisallowTypes) { String suffix = ""; int idxdot = orginalFilename.lastIndexOf(".");//?orginalFilename?destfilename??????? if (idxdot > 0 && idxdot != orginalFilename.length() - 1) suffix = orginalFilename.substring(idxdot + 1).toLowerCase().trim(); String allowTypesTmp = mFormFieldValues.get(AbsFileUploadInterceptor.ALLOWTYPES_KEY); if (!Tools.isEmpty(allowTypesTmp)) { List<String> lstAllowTypesTmp = allowTypesTmp.equalsIgnoreCase(configAllowTypes) ? lstConfigAllowTypes : getFileSuffixList(allowTypesTmp); if (!Tools.isEmpty(lstAllowTypesTmp) && !lstAllowTypesTmp.contains(suffix)) return false; } String disallowTypesTmp = mFormFieldValues.get(AbsFileUploadInterceptor.DISALLOWTYPES_KEY); if (!Tools.isEmpty(disallowTypesTmp)) { List<String> lstDisallowTypesTmp = disallowTypesTmp.equalsIgnoreCase(configDisallowTypes) ? lstConfigDisallowTypes : getFileSuffixList(disallowTypesTmp); if (!Tools.isEmpty(lstDisallowTypesTmp) && lstDisallowTypesTmp.contains(suffix)) return false; } return true; } public abstract void showUploadForm(PrintWriter out); public abstract String doFileUpload(List lstFieldItems, PrintWriter out); public abstract void promptSuccess(PrintWriter out, boolean isArtDialog); }