Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2010---2014 (wuweixing)<> * * This file is part of Wabacus * * Wabacus is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package com.wabacus.system.assistant; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import; import; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.Statement; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import javax.servlet.RequestDispatcher; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import com.wabacus.config.Config; import com.wabacus.config.ConfigLoadManager; import; import com.wabacus.exception.WabacusConfigLoadingException; import com.wabacus.exception.WabacusRuntimeException; import com.wabacus.system.ReportRequest; import com.wabacus.system.component.AbsComponentType; import com.wabacus.util.Consts_Private; import com.wabacus.util.RegexTools; import com.wabacus.util.Tools; public class WabacusAssistant { private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(WabacusAssistant.class); private final static WabacusAssistant instance = new WabacusAssistant(); protected WabacusAssistant() { } public static WabacusAssistant getInstance() { return instance; } public String addDefaultPopupParams(String popupparams, String initsize, String defaultWidth, String defaultHeight, String defaultHandler) { popupparams = popupparams == null ? "" : popupparams.trim(); if (popupparams.startsWith("{") && popupparams.endsWith("}")) popupparams = popupparams.substring(1, popupparams.length() - 1).trim(); if (defaultWidth != null && !defaultWidth.trim().equals("") && popupparams.toLowerCase().indexOf("width:") < 0) { if (!popupparams.equals("")) popupparams += ","; popupparams += "width:" + defaultWidth; } if (defaultHeight != null && !defaultHeight.trim().equals("") && popupparams.toLowerCase().indexOf("height:") < 0) { if (!popupparams.equals("")) popupparams += ","; popupparams += "height:" + defaultHeight; } if (initsize != null && initsize.toLowerCase().trim().equals("max")) { if (!popupparams.equals("")) popupparams += ","; popupparams += "initsize:'max'"; } else if (initsize != null && initsize.toLowerCase().trim().equals("min")) { if (!popupparams.equals("")) popupparams += ","; popupparams += "initsize:'min'"; } if (defaultHandler != null && !defaultHandler.trim().equals("") && popupparams.toLowerCase().indexOf("handler:") < 0) { if (!popupparams.equals("")) popupparams += ","; popupparams += "handler:" + defaultHandler; } if (!popupparams.trim().equals("")) popupparams = "{" + popupparams + "}"; return popupparams; } public List<Map<String, String>> parseStringToList(String sourcestring) { if (sourcestring == null || sourcestring.trim().equals("")) return null; List<String> lstTemp = null; if (!sourcestring.startsWith("[") || !sourcestring.endsWith("]")) { lstTemp = new ArrayList<String>(); lstTemp.add(sourcestring); } else { sourcestring = sourcestring.substring(1, sourcestring.length() - 1); lstTemp = Tools.parseStringToList(sourcestring, "][", false); } List<Map<String, String>> lstResult = new ArrayList<Map<String, String>>(); String temp; for (int i = 0; i < lstTemp.size(); i++) { temp = lstTemp.get(i); if (temp == null || temp.trim().equals("")) continue; Map<String, String> mParams = new HashMap<String, String>(); List<String> lstParams = Tools.parseStringToList(temp, ";;", false); for (int k = 0; k < lstParams.size(); k++) { temp = lstParams.get(k); int idx = temp.indexOf("="); if (idx <= 0) { throw new WabacusRuntimeException( sourcestring + "?????=?"); } mParams.put(temp.substring(0, idx).trim(), temp.substring(idx + 1).trim()); } lstResult.add(mParams); } return lstResult; } public String replaceSystemPlaceHolder(String content) { if (content == null) return null; content = Tools.replaceAll(content, "%WEBROOT%", Config.webroot); return content; } public String parseConfigPathToRealPath(String configpath, String webroot_abspath) { if (configpath == null || configpath.trim().equals("")) return ""; configpath = configpath.trim(); if (Tools.isDefineKey("classpath", configpath)) {//classpath configpath = Tools.getRealKeyByDefine("classpath", configpath); while (configpath.startsWith("/")) {//???ClassLoader?Class?/ configpath = configpath.substring(1); } while (configpath.endsWith("/")) { configpath = configpath.substring(0, configpath.length() - 1); } configpath = "classpath{" + configpath + "}"; } else if (Tools.isDefineKey("relative", configpath)) { configpath = Tools.getRealKeyByDefine("relative", configpath); configpath = FilePathAssistant.getInstance() .standardFilePath(webroot_abspath + "\\" + configpath + "\\"); } else { if (Tools.isDefineKey("absolute", configpath)) configpath = Tools.getRealKeyByDefine("absolute", configpath); configpath = FilePathAssistant.getInstance().standardFilePath(configpath + "\\"); } return configpath; } public String getRealFilePath(String rootpath, String fileRelativePath) { String abspath = null; if (Tools.isDefineKey("classpath", rootpath)) { String homepath = Tools.getRealKeyByDefine("classpath", rootpath); if (homepath.equals("")) { abspath = fileRelativePath; } else { while (fileRelativePath.startsWith("/")) fileRelativePath = fileRelativePath.substring(1).trim(); abspath = homepath + "/" + fileRelativePath; } abspath = Tools.replaceAll(abspath, "//", "/"); while (abspath.startsWith("/")) abspath = abspath.substring(1);//???ClassLoader?Class?/ } else { abspath = rootpath + "\\" + fileRelativePath; abspath = FilePathAssistant.getInstance().standardFilePath(abspath); } return abspath; } public File getFileObjByPathInClasspath(String rootpath, String relativepath) { while (rootpath.startsWith("/")) { rootpath = rootpath.substring(1); } try { rootpath = ConfigLoadManager.currentDynClassLoader.getResource(rootpath).getPath(); rootpath = URLDecoder.decode(rootpath, "UTF-8"); } catch (Exception e) { throw new WabacusConfigLoadingException("classpath?" + rootpath, e); } if (rootpath.toLowerCase().startsWith("jar:") || rootpath.indexOf(".jar!/") > 0) { throw new WabacusConfigLoadingException( rootpath + "jarjarFile"); } if (!rootpath.endsWith("/")) rootpath = rootpath + "/"; // while(rootpath.startsWith("/")) rootpath=rootpath.trim(); while (relativepath.startsWith("/")) relativepath = relativepath.substring(1); rootpath = rootpath + relativepath; return new File(rootpath); } public String replaceAllImgPathInExportDataFile(HttpServletRequest request, String displayvalue) { String serverName = request.getServerName(); String serverPort = String.valueOf(request.getServerPort()); return replaceAllImgPathInExportDataFile("http://" + serverName + ":" + serverPort, displayvalue); } public String replaceAllImgPathInExportDataFile(String host, String displayvalue) { if (displayvalue == null) return displayvalue; List<Map<String, Object>> lstImgObjs = RegexTools.getMatchObjectArray(displayvalue, "<img[^>]*>", false); if (lstImgObjs != null && lstImgObjs.size() > 0) { String valueTmp; int startidxTmp; int endidxTmp; Map<String, Object> mTmp = null; for (int i = lstImgObjs.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {//??????<img/>startidxendidx? mTmp = lstImgObjs.get(i); valueTmp = (String) mTmp.get("value"); startidxTmp = (Integer) mTmp.get("startindex"); endidxTmp = (Integer) mTmp.get("endindex"); if (valueTmp == null) continue; valueTmp = replaceImgSrc(valueTmp, host); if (valueTmp == null || valueTmp.trim().equals("")) continue; displayvalue = displayvalue.substring(0, startidxTmp) + valueTmp + displayvalue.substring(endidxTmp); } } // lstImgObjs=RegexTools.getMatchObjectArray(displayvalue,"<img[^>]*>",false); return displayvalue; } private String replaceImgSrc(String imgstr, String host) { imgstr = imgstr.trim(); int idxSrc = imgstr.toLowerCase().indexOf(" src"); StringBuffer resultBuf = new StringBuffer(); while (idxSrc > 0) { resultBuf.append(imgstr.substring(0, idxSrc + 4)); imgstr = imgstr.substring(idxSrc + 4).trim(); if (!imgstr.startsWith("=")) { idxSrc = imgstr.toLowerCase().indexOf(" src"); continue; } resultBuf.append("="); imgstr = imgstr.substring(1).trim(); if (imgstr.equals("")) return null; String tmp; char c = imgstr.charAt(0); if (c == '\\') {//=??\???'"\????\"\' if (imgstr.length() == 1) { return null; } else if (imgstr.charAt(1) == '\'') { imgstr = imgstr.substring(2); resultBuf.append("\\\'"); tmp = "\\\'"; } else if (imgstr.charAt(1) == '"') { imgstr = imgstr.substring(2); resultBuf.append("\\\""); tmp = "\\\""; } else { tmp = " "; } } else if (c == '\'') { imgstr = imgstr.substring(1); resultBuf.append("\'"); tmp = "\'"; } else if (c == '"') { imgstr = imgstr.substring(1); resultBuf.append("\""); tmp = "\""; } else { tmp = " "; } if (tmp.equals(" ")) { int idx = imgstr.indexOf(" "); if (idx == 0) return null; if (idx < 0) { idx = imgstr.length() - 1; } String src = imgstr.substring(0, idx).trim(); if (src.equals("")) return null; if (src.toLowerCase().startsWith("http://")) return null;//?http://xxx/?? if (!src.startsWith("/")) return null;//?http://xxx src = host + src; resultBuf.append(src).append(imgstr.substring(idx)); } else { int idx = imgstr.indexOf(tmp); if (idx <= 0) return null; String src = imgstr.substring(0, idx).trim(); if (src.equals("")) return null; if (src.toLowerCase().startsWith("http://")) return null; if (!src.startsWith("/")) return null; src = host + src; resultBuf.append(src).append(imgstr.substring(idx)); } return resultBuf.toString(); } return null; } public String getComponentIdByGuid(String cguid) { if (cguid == null || cguid.trim().equals("")) return null; int idx = cguid.lastIndexOf(Consts_Private.GUID_SEPERATOR); if (idx <= 0) { return null; } String cid = cguid.substring(idx + Consts_Private.GUID_SEPERATOR.length()).trim(); if (cid.equals("")) { return null; } return cid; } public String getReportGuidByInputboxId(String inputboxid) { if (Tools.isEmpty(inputboxid)) return null; inputboxid = inputboxid.trim(); int idx = inputboxid.indexOf(Consts_Private.GUID_SEPERATOR); String pageid = inputboxid.substring(0, idx); inputboxid = inputboxid.substring(idx + Consts_Private.GUID_SEPERATOR.length()); idx = inputboxid.indexOf("_wxcol_"); if (idx <= 0) idx = inputboxid.indexOf("_wxcondition_"); if (idx <= 0) return null; String reportid = inputboxid.substring(0, idx); return pageid + Consts_Private.GUID_SEPERATOR + reportid; } public String parseDynPartsInConfigValue(String configvalue, Map<String, String> mDynParts, String[] dynTypenamesArr) { if (dynTypenamesArr == null || dynTypenamesArr.length == 0) return configvalue; String typenameTmp, strStart, strDynValue, strEnd, placeHolderTmp; for (int i = 0; i < dynTypenamesArr.length; i++) { int placeholderIdxTmp = 0; typenameTmp = dynTypenamesArr[i]; int idx = configvalue.indexOf(typenameTmp + "{"); while (idx >= 0) { strStart = configvalue.substring(0, idx).trim(); strEnd = configvalue.substring(idx); idx = strEnd.indexOf("}"); if (idx < 0) break; strDynValue = strEnd.substring(0, idx + 1);//?}????type{...} strEnd = strEnd.substring(idx + 1).trim(); placeHolderTmp = "[PLACE_HOLDER_" + typenameTmp + "_" + placeholderIdxTmp + "]"; mDynParts.put(placeHolderTmp, strDynValue); configvalue = strStart + placeHolderTmp + strEnd; idx = configvalue.indexOf(typenameTmp + "{"); placeholderIdxTmp++; } } return configvalue; } public boolean isGetRequestContextValue(String paramname) { if (paramname == null || paramname.trim().equals("")) return false; if (Tools.isDefineKey("url", paramname)) return true; if (Tools.isDefineKey("request", paramname)) return true; if (Tools.isDefineKey("rrequest", paramname)) return true; if (Tools.isDefineKey("session", paramname)) return true; return false; } public String getRequestContextStringValue(ReportRequest rrequest, String key, String defaultvalue) { Object obj = getRequestContextValue(rrequest, key); if (obj == null || obj.toString().trim().equals("")) return defaultvalue; return obj.toString().trim(); } public String getRequestContextStringValue(HttpServletRequest request, String key, String defaultvalue) { Object obj = getRequestContextValue(request, key); if (obj == null || obj.toString().trim().equals("")) return defaultvalue; return obj.toString().trim(); } public Object getRequestContextValue(ReportRequest rrequest, String key) { if (key == null || key.trim().equals("")) return null; if (Tools.isDefineKey("url", key)) return getValueFromUrl(rrequest.getRequest(), key); if (Tools.isDefineKey("rrequest", key)) return getValueFromReportRequest(rrequest, key); if (Tools.isDefineKey("request", key)) return getValueFromRequest(rrequest.getRequest(), key); if (Tools.isDefineKey("session", key)) return getValueFromSession(rrequest.getRequest().getSession(), key); return null; } public Object getRequestContextValue(HttpServletRequest request, String key) { if (key == null || key.trim().equals("")) return null; if (Tools.isDefineKey("url", key)) return getValueFromUrl(request, key);//url? if (Tools.isDefineKey("request", key)) return getValueFromRequest(request, key); if (Tools.isDefineKey("session", key)) return getValueFromSession(request.getSession(), key); return null; } private String getValueFromUrl(HttpServletRequest request, String paramname) { if (request == null) return null; paramname = Tools.getRealKeyByDefine("url", paramname); if (paramname == null || paramname.trim().equals("")) return null; String value = request.getParameter(paramname); if (value == null || value.trim().equals("")) return null; return value.trim(); } private Object getValueFromReportRequest(ReportRequest rrequest, String key) { if (rrequest == null) return null; String realkey = Tools.getRealKeyByDefine("rrequest", key); if (realkey == null || realkey.trim().equals("")) return null; int idx = realkey.lastIndexOf("."); if (idx > 0) { String pojokey = realkey.substring(0, idx).trim(); String propname = realkey.substring(idx + 1).trim(); if (pojokey.equals("") || propname.equals("")) return null; return getPojoPropertyValue(rrequest.getAttribute(pojokey), propname); } else { return rrequest.getAttribute(realkey); } } public Object getValueFromRequest(HttpServletRequest request, String key) { if (request == null) return null; String realkey = Tools.getRealKeyByDefine("request", key); if (realkey == null || realkey.trim().equals("")) return null; int idx = realkey.lastIndexOf("."); if (idx > 0) { String pojokey = realkey.substring(0, idx).trim(); String propname = realkey.substring(idx + 1).trim(); if (pojokey.equals("") || propname.equals("")) return null; return getPojoPropertyValue(request.getAttribute(pojokey), propname); } else { return request.getAttribute(realkey); } } public Object getValueFromSession(HttpSession session, String key) { if (session == null) return null; String realkey = Tools.getRealKeyByDefine("session", key); if (realkey == null || realkey.trim().equals("")) return null; int idx = realkey.lastIndexOf("."); if (idx > 0) { String pojokey = realkey.substring(0, idx).trim(); String propname = realkey.substring(idx + 1).trim(); if (pojokey.equals("") || propname.equals("")) return null; return getPojoPropertyValue(session.getAttribute(pojokey), propname); } else { return session.getAttribute(realkey); } } private Object getPojoPropertyValue(Object pojoObj, String propname) { if (pojoObj == null || propname == null || propname.trim().equals("")) return null; try { Method m = pojoObj.getClass().getMethod( "get" + propname.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + propname.substring(1), new Class[] {}); return m.invoke(pojoObj, new Object[] {}); } catch (Exception e) { throw new WabacusRuntimeException( "" + pojoObj.getClass().getName() + "????" + propname + "", e); } } public String encodeAttachFilename(HttpServletRequest request, String title) { if (title == null) title = ""; title = Tools.replaceAll(title, " ", ""); title = title.replaceAll("<.*?\\>", "").trim(); try { if (Config.encode.equalsIgnoreCase("utf-8")) { if (request.getHeader("User-Agent").toLowerCase().indexOf("firefox") > 0) { title = new String(title.getBytes("UTF-8"), "iso-8859-1"); } else { title = URLEncoder.encode(title, "UTF-8"); } } else { title = new String(title.getBytes(Config.encode), "iso-8859-1"); } } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return title; } public Object[] parseStringWithDynPart(PageBean pbean, String value) { if (value == null || value.equals("")) return new Object[] { null, null }; Map<String, String> mDynParts = new HashMap<String, String>(); value = parseStringWithCertainDynPart(value, "$", mDynParts); if (mDynParts.size() > 0) { String valueTmp; for (Entry<String, String> entryTmp : mDynParts.entrySet()) { valueTmp = Config.getInstance().getResourceString(null, pbean, entryTmp.getValue(), false); if (valueTmp == null) valueTmp = entryTmp.getValue(); value = Tools.replaceAll(value, entryTmp.getKey(), valueTmp); } } return parseStringWithDynPart(value); } public Object[] parseStringWithDynPart(String value) { if (value == null || value.equals("")) return new Object[] { null, null }; Map<String, String> mDynParts = new HashMap<String, String>(); value = parseStringWithCertainDynPart(value, "url", mDynParts); value = parseStringWithCertainDynPart(value, "rrequest", mDynParts); value = parseStringWithCertainDynPart(value, "request", mDynParts); value = parseStringWithCertainDynPart(value, "session", mDynParts); if (mDynParts.size() == 0) mDynParts = null; return new Object[] { value, mDynParts }; } private String parseStringWithCertainDynPart(String value, String partname, Map<String, String> mDynParts) { if (value == null || value.trim().equals("")) return value; int index = value.indexOf(partname + "{"); int placeholderindex = 0; String placeholderTmp; while (index >= 0) { String valueTmp = value.substring(index); int index2 = valueTmp.indexOf("}"); if (index2 < 0) break; placeholderTmp = "PLACE_HOLDER_" + partname.toUpperCase() + "_" + placeholderindex; mDynParts.put(placeholderTmp, valueTmp.substring(0, index2 + 1));//?partname{...} if (Tools.getRealKeyByDefine(partname, mDynParts.get(placeholderTmp)).trim().equals("")) { throw new WabacusConfigLoadingException( "?" + value + "" + partname + "{}"); } value = value.substring(0, index) + placeholderTmp + valueTmp.substring(index2 + 1); index = value.indexOf(partname + "{"); placeholderindex++; } return value; } public String getStringValueWithDynPart(ReportRequest rrequest, String value, Map<String, String> mDynParts, String defaultvalue) { if (mDynParts != null && mDynParts.size() > 0) { for (Entry<String, String> entryTmp : mDynParts.entrySet()) { value = Tools.replaceAll(value, entryTmp.getKey(), rrequest == null ? entryTmp.getValue() : getRequestContextStringValue(rrequest, entryTmp.getValue(), "")); } } value = rrequest == null ? value : rrequest.getI18NStringValue(value); if (value == null || value.equals("")) value = defaultvalue; return value; } public String getStringValueWithDynPart(HttpServletRequest request, String value, Map<String, String> mDynParts, String defaultvalue) { if (mDynParts != null && mDynParts.size() > 0) { for (Entry<String, String> entryTmp : mDynParts.entrySet()) { value = Tools.replaceAll(value, entryTmp.getKey(), request == null ? entryTmp.getValue() : getRequestContextStringValue(request, entryTmp.getValue(), "")); } } if (value == null || value.equals("")) value = defaultvalue; return value; } public Object[] parseStylepropertyWithDynPart(String styleproperty) { Object[] objArr = parseStringWithDynPart(styleproperty); if (objArr[1] == null || ((Map<String, String>) objArr[1]).size() == 0) return new Object[] { objArr[0], null }; styleproperty = (String) objArr[0]; if (styleproperty == null) styleproperty = ""; List<String> lstDynParts = new ArrayList<String>(); for (String keyTmp : ((Map<String, String>) objArr[1]).keySet()) { styleproperty = Tools.replaceAll(styleproperty, keyTmp, " "); lstDynParts.add(((Map<String, String>) objArr[1]).get(keyTmp)); } return new Object[] { styleproperty.trim(), lstDynParts }; } public String getStylepropertyWithDynPart(ReportRequest rrequest, String styleproperty, List<String> lstDynStylepropertyParts, String defaultvalue) { if (styleproperty == null) styleproperty = ""; if (lstDynStylepropertyParts != null && lstDynStylepropertyParts.size() > 0) { for (String dynValTmp : lstDynStylepropertyParts) {//??value?? if (rrequest == null) { styleproperty += " " + dynValTmp; } else { styleproperty = Tools.mergeHtmlTagPropertyString(styleproperty, getRequestContextStringValue(rrequest, dynValTmp, ""), 1); } } } return styleproperty.trim().equals("") ? defaultvalue : styleproperty.trim(); } public String parseAndGetRealValue(HttpServletRequest request, String originValue, String defaultvalue) { Object[] objArr = parseStringWithDynPart(originValue); return getStringValueWithDynPart(request, (String) objArr[0], (Map<String, String>) objArr[1], defaultvalue); } public String parseAndGetRealValue(ReportRequest rrequest, String originValue, String defaultvalue) { Object[] objArr = parseStringWithDynPart(originValue); return getStringValueWithDynPart(rrequest, (String) objArr[0], (Map<String, String>) objArr[1], defaultvalue); } public String getSpacingDisplayString(int spacenum) { if (spacenum <= 0) return ""; return "<span style=\"margin-left:" + spacenum + "px;\"></span>"; } private static List<String> lstSupportHtmlSizeUnits = new ArrayList<String>(); static { lstSupportHtmlSizeUnits.add("%"); lstSupportHtmlSizeUnits.add("em"); lstSupportHtmlSizeUnits.add("ex"); lstSupportHtmlSizeUnits.add("px"); lstSupportHtmlSizeUnits.add("pixel"); lstSupportHtmlSizeUnits.add("in"); lstSupportHtmlSizeUnits.add("cm"); lstSupportHtmlSizeUnits.add("mm"); lstSupportHtmlSizeUnits.add("pt"); lstSupportHtmlSizeUnits.add("pc"); } public String[] parseHtmlElementSizeValueAndType(String htmlsize) { if (htmlsize == null || htmlsize.trim().equals("")) return null; htmlsize = htmlsize.toLowerCase().trim(); String sizevalue; String sizetype = ""; StringBuffer tmpBuf = new StringBuffer(); int i = 0, len = htmlsize.length(); for (; i < len; i++) { if (htmlsize.charAt(i) >= '0' && htmlsize.charAt(i) <= '9') { tmpBuf.append(htmlsize.charAt(i)); } else { break; } } sizevalue = tmpBuf.toString(); if (sizevalue.equals("")) return null; int isizevalue = 0; try { isizevalue = Integer.parseInt(sizevalue); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { log.debug(e); return null; } if (isizevalue < 0) return null; if (i < len) sizetype = htmlsize.substring(i, len).trim();//??? if (!sizetype.equals("") && !lstSupportHtmlSizeUnits.contains(sizetype.toLowerCase())) { log.warn("?html?" + htmlsize + "?" + isizevalue); sizetype = ""; } return new String[] { String.valueOf(isizevalue), sizetype }; } public String readFileContentByPath(String filepath) { if (filepath == null || filepath.trim().equals("")) return ""; filepath = filepath.trim(); BufferedReader bis = null; try { bis = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(readFile(filepath), Config.encode)); StringBuffer contentBuf = new StringBuffer(); String str = bis.readLine(); while (str != null) { contentBuf.append(str); str = bis.readLine(); } return contentBuf.toString(); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { throw new WabacusConfigLoadingException("" + filepath, e); } catch (IOException ioe) { throw new WabacusConfigLoadingException("?" + filepath + "", ioe); } finally { if (bis != null) { try { bis.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } } public InputStream readFile(String filepath) throws IOException { if (filepath == null || filepath.trim().equals("")) return null; filepath = filepath.trim(); InputStream istream = null; if (Tools.isDefineKey("classpath", filepath)) { filepath = Tools.getRealKeyByDefine("classpath", filepath).trim(); while (filepath.startsWith("/")) { filepath = filepath.substring(1); } istream = ConfigLoadManager.currentDynClassLoader.getResourceAsStream(filepath); } else if (Tools.isDefineKey("relative", filepath)) { filepath = Tools.getRealKeyByDefine("relative", filepath).trim(); filepath = Config.webroot_abspath + "\\" + filepath; filepath = FilePathAssistant.getInstance().standardFilePath(filepath); istream = new FileInputStream(filepath); } else { if (Tools.isDefineKey("absolute", filepath)) { filepath = Tools.getRealKeyByDefine("absolute", filepath).trim(); } istream = new FileInputStream(filepath); } return istream; } public void includeDynTpl(ReportRequest rrequest, AbsComponentType comObj, String dyntplpath) { if (dyntplpath == null || dyntplpath.trim().equals("") || dyntplpath.trim().equals(Consts_Private.REPORT_TEMPLATE_NONE)) { return; } if (rrequest.isExportToLocalFile()) { throw new WabacusRuntimeException("????" + comObj.getConfigBean().getPath() + "????"); } rrequest.getRequest().setAttribute("WX_COMPONENT_OBJ", comObj); try { RequestDispatcher rd = rrequest.getRequest().getRequestDispatcher(dyntplpath.trim()); rd.include(rrequest.getRequest(), rrequest.getWResponse().getResponse()); } catch (Exception e) { throw new WabacusRuntimeException( "?" + dyntplpath + "" + comObj.getConfigBean().getPath() + "", e); } } public void release(Connection conn, Statement stmt) { try { if (stmt != null) { stmt.close(); stmt = null; } } catch (Exception e) { log.error("?Statement", e); } try { if (conn != null) { conn.close(); conn = null; } } catch (Exception e) { log.error("?", e); } } }