Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2010---2014 (wuweixing)<> * * This file is part of Wabacus * * Wabacus is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package com.wabacus.system.assistant; import; import; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import com.wabacus.config.Config; import com.wabacus.config.ConfigLoadAssistant; import com.wabacus.config.component.ComponentConfigLoadManager; import com.wabacus.config.component.IComponentConfigBean; import; import; import; import com.wabacus.config.component.container.AbsContainerConfigBean; import com.wabacus.config.dataexport.DataExportLocalStroageBean; import com.wabacus.config.other.JavascriptFileBean; import com.wabacus.config.resource.dataimport.configbean.AbsDataImportConfigBean; import com.wabacus.exception.WabacusConfigLoadingException; import com.wabacus.exception.WabacusRuntimeException; import com.wabacus.system.CacheDataBean; import com.wabacus.system.ReportRequest; import com.wabacus.system.buttons.AbsButtonType; import com.wabacus.system.buttons.AddButton; import com.wabacus.system.buttons.BackButton; import com.wabacus.system.buttons.CancelButton; import com.wabacus.system.buttons.DataExportButton; import com.wabacus.system.buttons.DataImportButton; import com.wabacus.system.buttons.DeleteButton; import com.wabacus.system.buttons.ResetButton; import com.wabacus.system.buttons.SaveButton; import com.wabacus.system.buttons.SearchButton; import com.wabacus.system.buttons.UpdateButton; import com.wabacus.system.component.AbsComponentType; import; import; import; import; import; import com.wabacus.system.component.container.AbsContainerType; import com.wabacus.util.Consts; import com.wabacus.util.Consts_Private; import com.wabacus.util.Tools; public class TagAssistant { private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(TagAssistant.class); private final static TagAssistant instance = new TagAssistant(); protected TagAssistant() { } public static TagAssistant getInstance() { return instance; } public String showTopSpace(String spaceheight) { StringBuffer resultBuf = new StringBuffer(); if (spaceheight != null && !spaceheight.trim().equals("")) { resultBuf.append( "<table cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" border=\"0\" style=\"MARGIN:0;width:100%;\">"); resultBuf.append("<tr><td height=\"" + spaceheight + "\"> </td></tr></table>"); } return resultBuf.toString(); } public String showConditionBox(ReportRequest rrequest, ConditionBean cbean, String iteratorindex, String dynstyleproperty) { StringBuilder resultBuf = new StringBuilder(); ReportBean rbean = cbean.getReportBean(); if (iteratorindex != null && !iteratorindex.trim().equals("")) {//<wx:searchbox/>iteratorindex int iiteratorindex = Integer.parseInt(iteratorindex.trim()); if (cbean.getIterator() <= 1 && iiteratorindex >= 0) { throw new WabacusRuntimeException("" + rbean.getPath() + "?" + cbean.getName() + "iterator" + cbean.getIterator() + "?iteratorindex0??"); } else if (cbean.getIterator() > 1 && iiteratorindex < 0) { throw new WabacusRuntimeException("" + rbean.getPath() + "?" + cbean.getName() + "iterator" + cbean.getIterator() + "??iteratorindex?iterator?" + cbean.getIterator()); } resultBuf.append(cbean.getDisplayString(rrequest, dynstyleproperty, iiteratorindex)); } else { if (cbean.getIterator() > 1) { String conDisplayTmp; for (int i = 0; i < cbean.getIterator(); i++) { conDisplayTmp = cbean.getDisplayString(rrequest, dynstyleproperty, i); if (conDisplayTmp == null || conDisplayTmp.trim().equals("")) continue; resultBuf.append(WabacusAssistant.getInstance().getSpacingDisplayString(cbean.getLeft())); resultBuf.append(conDisplayTmp); resultBuf.append(WabacusAssistant.getInstance().getSpacingDisplayString(cbean.getRight())); } } else { resultBuf.append(cbean.getDisplayString(rrequest, dynstyleproperty, -1)); } } return resultBuf.toString(); } public String getTitleDisplayValue(AbsReportType reportTypeObj, String type, String top) { ReportBean rbean = reportTypeObj.getReportBean(); ReportRequest rrequest = reportTypeObj.getReportRequest(); if (type == null || type.trim().equals("")) { String titlestr = reportTypeObj.showTitle(); if (titlestr == null || titlestr.trim().equals("")) return ""; StringBuffer resultBuf = new StringBuffer(); resultBuf.append(TagAssistant.getInstance().showTopSpace(top)); resultBuf.append(titlestr); return resultBuf.toString(); } else if (type.equals("title")) {//? return Tools.htmlEncode(rbean.getTitle(rrequest)); } else if (type.equals("subtitle")) { return Tools.htmlEncode(rbean.getSubtitle(rrequest)); } else { throw new WabacusRuntimeException("" + rbean.getPath() + "???<wx:title/>type" + type + "????title?subtitle"); } } public String getReportDataPartDisplayValue(AbsReportType reportTypeObj, Map<String, String> attributes) { boolean isShowlabel = true, isShowdata = true; String top = null, styleproperty = null; int irowidx = -2; ColBean cbean = null; if (attributes != null) { top = attributes.get("top"); String col = attributes.get("col"); if (col != null && !col.trim().equals("")) { cbean = reportTypeObj.getReportBean().getDbean().getColBeanByColProperty(col); if (cbean == null) throw new WabacusRuntimeException("" + reportTypeObj.getReportBean().getPath() + "?property(column)" + col + "<col/>"); } String showlabel = attributes.get("showlabel"); String showdata = attributes.get("showdata"); showlabel = showlabel == null || showlabel.trim().equals("") ? "true" : showlabel.toLowerCase().trim(); showdata = showdata == null || showdata.trim().equals("") ? "true" : showdata.toLowerCase().trim(); if (!showlabel.equals("true") && !showlabel.equals("false")) { throw new WabacusRuntimeException("showlabel??truefalse"); } if (!showdata.equals("true") && !showdata.equals("false")) { throw new WabacusRuntimeException("showdata??truefalse"); } isShowlabel = Boolean.parseBoolean(showlabel); isShowdata = Boolean.parseBoolean(showdata); String rowidx = attributes.get("rowidx"); rowidx = rowidx == null ? "" : rowidx.trim(); if (!rowidx.equals("")) { try { irowidx = Integer.parseInt(rowidx); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new WabacusRuntimeException("" + reportTypeObj.getReportBean().getPath() + "<wx:data/>rowidx" + rowidx + "?", e); } } styleproperty = attributes.get("styleproperty"); } if (cbean == null) { StringBuilder resultBuf = new StringBuilder(); resultBuf.append(showTopSpace(top)); if (isShowlabel && isShowdata) { reportTypeObj.showReportData(resultBuf); } else { if (reportTypeObj instanceof AbsDetailReportType) { throw new WabacusRuntimeException("" + reportTypeObj.getReportBean().getPath() + "?<wx:data/>??showdatashowlabel?false"); } AbsListReportType listReportObj = (AbsListReportType) reportTypeObj; if (isShowlabel) {//? listReportObj.showReportData(false, resultBuf); } else { listReportObj.showReportData(true, resultBuf); } } return resultBuf.toString(); } if (reportTypeObj instanceof AbsListReportType) { if (irowidx < -1) return ((AbsListReportType) reportTypeObj).showColData(cbean, -2); return ((AbsListReportType) reportTypeObj).showColData(cbean, irowidx); } else if (reportTypeObj instanceof AbsDetailReportType) { if (isShowdata) { return ((AbsDetailReportType) reportTypeObj).showColData(cbean, true, styleproperty); } else if (isShowlabel) { return ((AbsDetailReportType) reportTypeObj).showColData(cbean, false, null); } else { throw new WabacusRuntimeException( "?showdatashowlabeltrue"); } } else { throw new WabacusRuntimeException("" + reportTypeObj.getReportBean().getPath() + "" + reportTypeObj.getReportBean().getType() + "????"); } } public String getButtonDisplayValue(AbsComponentType componentObj, Map<String, String> attributes) { IComponentConfigBean ccbean = componentObj.getConfigBean(); ReportRequest rrequest = componentObj.getReportRequest(); String type = attributes.get("type"); String name = attributes.get("name"); String label = attributes.get("label"); type = type == null ? "" : type.trim().toLowerCase(); name = name == null ? "" : name.trim(); if (!name.equals("") && !type.equals("")) { log.warn("<wx:button/>" + ccbean.getPath() + "?nametype?name"); } else if (name.equals("") && type.equals("")) { throw new WabacusRuntimeException("<wx:button/>" + ccbean.getPath() + "typename?"); } if (name != null && !name.equals("")) {//<button/>name? if (ccbean.getButtonsBean() == null) return ""; AbsButtonType buttonObj = ccbean.getButtonsBean().getButtonByName(name); if (buttonObj == null) { throw new WabacusRuntimeException( "" + ccbean.getPath() + "?name" + name + "<button/>"); } return showButton(ccbean, rrequest, buttonObj, label); } if (Consts.lstDataExportTypes.contains(type)) { String componentids = attributes.get("componentids"); if (componentids == null || componentids.trim().equals("")) componentids = ccbean.getId(); if (componentids.equals(ccbean.getId())) {//??? List<AbsButtonType> lstDataExportButtons = null; if (ccbean.getButtonsBean() != null) lstDataExportButtons = ccbean.getButtonsBean().getLstDataExportTypeButtons(type); if (lstDataExportButtons != null && lstDataExportButtons.size() > 0) { return ComponentAssistant.getInstance().showButton(ccbean, lstDataExportButtons.get(0), rrequest, null, label); } } AbsButtonType buttonObj = Config.getInstance().getResourceButton(rrequest, ccbean.getPageBean(), Consts.M_DATAEXPORT_DEFAULTBUTTONS.get(type), DataExportButton.class); return ((DataExportButton) buttonObj).showButtonTag(rrequest, type, componentids, label, createDataExportStroageBean(attributes)); } else if (Consts.M_PRINT_DEFAULTBUTTONS.containsKey(type)) { List<AbsButtonType> lstPrintButtons = null; if (componentObj.getConfigBean().getButtonsBean() != null) lstPrintButtons = componentObj.getConfigBean().getButtonsBean().getLstPrintTypeButtons(type); if (lstPrintButtons == null || lstPrintButtons.size() == 0) return ""; return lstPrintButtons.get(0).showButton(rrequest, null); } else if (type.equals(Consts_Private.FORWARDWITHBACK_BUTTON)) { String pageurl = attributes.get("pageurl"); if (pageurl == null || pageurl.trim().equals("")) { throw new WabacusRuntimeException("" + ccbean.getPath() + "?pageurl?"); } String beforecallback = attributes.get("beforecallback"); beforecallback = beforecallback == null || beforecallback.trim().equals("") ? null : beforecallback.trim(); if (!rrequest.checkPermission(ccbean.getPageBean().getId(), Consts.BUTTON_PART, "type{" + Consts_Private.FORWARDWITHBACK_BUTTON + "}", Consts.PERMISSION_TYPE_DISPLAY)) return "";//?? if (label == null || label.trim().equals("")) label = "<input type='button' class='cls-button' value=''>"; if (rrequest.checkPermission(ccbean.getPageBean().getId(), Consts.BUTTON_PART, "type{" + Consts_Private.FORWARDWITHBACK_BUTTON + "}", Consts.PERMISSION_TYPE_DISABLED)) return label; return "<a href=\"#\" onclick=\"try{" + rrequest.forwardPageWithBack(pageurl, beforecallback) + "}catch(e){logErrorsAsJsFileLoad(e);}\">" + label + "</a>"; } else if (type.equals(Consts_Private.BACK_BUTTON)) { BackButton buttonObj = null; if (ccbean.getButtonsBean() != null) buttonObj = (BackButton) ccbean.getButtonsBean().getcertainTypeButton(BackButton.class); if (buttonObj == null) { buttonObj = (BackButton) Config.getInstance().getResourceButton(rrequest, ccbean, Consts.BACK_BUTTON_DEFAULT, BackButton.class); } return showButton(ccbean, rrequest, buttonObj, label); } if (ccbean.getButtonsBean() == null) return ""; if (!(componentObj instanceof AbsReportType)) { throw new WabacusRuntimeException("" + ccbean.getPath() + "??" + type + ""); } AbsReportType reportTypeObj = (AbsReportType) componentObj; ReportBean rbean = (ReportBean) ccbean; AbsButtonType buttonObj = null; if (type.equals(Consts_Private.SEARCH_BUTTON)) { buttonObj = rbean.getButtonsBean().getcertainTypeButton(SearchButton.class); } else if (type.equals(Consts_Private.SAVE_BUTTON)) {//? if (!(reportTypeObj instanceof IEditableReportType)) { throw new WabacusRuntimeException( "" + rbean.getPath() + "????"); } buttonObj = (SaveButton) rbean.getButtonsBean().getcertainTypeButton(SaveButton.class); String savebinding = attributes.get("savebinding"); if (savebinding != null && !savebinding.trim().equals("")) { List<ReportBean> lstDynBindedReportBeans = ComponentConfigLoadManager.getLstBindedReportBeans(rbean, Tools.parseStringToList(savebinding, ";", false), "savebinding", false); if (lstDynBindedReportBeans != null && lstDynBindedReportBeans.size() > 0) { rrequest.setAttribute(rbean.getId() + "_DYN_BINDED_REPORTS", lstDynBindedReportBeans); } } } else if (type.equals(Consts_Private.ADD_BUTTON)) { if (!(reportTypeObj instanceof IEditableReportType)) { throw new WabacusRuntimeException( "" + rbean.getPath() + "???"); } buttonObj = rbean.getButtonsBean().getcertainTypeButton(AddButton.class); } else if (type.equals(Consts_Private.DELETE_BUTTON)) { if (!(reportTypeObj instanceof IEditableReportType)) { throw new WabacusRuntimeException( "" + rbean.getPath() + "???"); } buttonObj = rbean.getButtonsBean().getcertainTypeButton(DeleteButton.class); String deletebinding = attributes.get("deletebinding"); if (deletebinding != null && !deletebinding.trim().equals("")) { List<ReportBean> lstDynBindedReportBeans = ComponentConfigLoadManager.getLstBindedReportBeans(rbean, Tools.parseStringToList(deletebinding, ";", false), "deletebinding", false); if (lstDynBindedReportBeans != null && lstDynBindedReportBeans.size() > 0) { rrequest.setAttribute(rbean.getId() + "_DYN_BINDED_REPORTS", lstDynBindedReportBeans); } } } else if (type.equals(Consts_Private.MODIFY_BUTTON)) {// if (!(reportTypeObj instanceof IEditableReportType)) { throw new WabacusRuntimeException( "" + rbean.getPath() + "???"); } if (!(reportTypeObj instanceof EditableDetailReportType)) { throw new WabacusRuntimeException( "" + rbean.getPath() + "??"); } buttonObj = rbean.getButtonsBean().getcertainTypeButton(UpdateButton.class); } else if (type.equals(Consts_Private.RESET_BUTTON)) { if (!(reportTypeObj instanceof IEditableReportType)) { throw new WabacusRuntimeException( "" + rbean.getPath() + "????"); } if (!(reportTypeObj instanceof EditableDetailReportType)) { throw new WabacusRuntimeException( "" + rbean.getPath() + "???"); } buttonObj = rbean.getButtonsBean().getcertainTypeButton(ResetButton.class); } else if (type.equals(Consts_Private.CANCEL_BUTTON)) { if (!(reportTypeObj instanceof IEditableReportType)) { throw new WabacusRuntimeException( "" + rbean.getPath() + "????"); } if (!(reportTypeObj instanceof EditableDetailReportType)) { throw new WabacusRuntimeException( "" + rbean.getPath() + "???"); } buttonObj = rbean.getButtonsBean().getcertainTypeButton(CancelButton.class); } else if (type.equals(Consts.IMPORT_DATA)) { buttonObj = rbean.getButtonsBean().getcertainTypeButton(DataImportButton.class); } else { throw new WabacusRuntimeException( "" + rbean.getPath() + "" + type); } if (buttonObj == null) return ""; return showButton(rbean, rrequest, buttonObj, label); } public String getButtonDisplayValueForContainer(AbsContainerType containerTypeObj, Map<String, String> attributes) { AbsContainerConfigBean ccbean = containerTypeObj.getContainerConfigBean(); ReportRequest rrequest = containerTypeObj.getReportRequest(); String type = attributes.get("type"); String name = attributes.get("name"); String label = attributes.get("label"); type = type == null ? "" : type.trim().toLowerCase(); name = name == null ? "" : name.trim(); if (!name.equals("") && !type.equals("")) { log.warn("<wx:button/>" + ccbean.getPath() + "?nametype?name"); } else if (name.equals("") && type.equals("")) { throw new WabacusRuntimeException("<wx:button/>" + ccbean.getPath() + "typename?"); } if (name != null && !name.equals("")) {//<button/>name? if (ccbean.getButtonsBean() == null) return ""; AbsButtonType buttonObj = ccbean.getButtonsBean().getButtonByName(name); if (buttonObj == null) { throw new WabacusRuntimeException("?name" + name + "<button/>"); } return showButton(ccbean, rrequest, buttonObj, label); } if (Consts.lstDataExportTypes.contains(type)) { String componentids = attributes.get("componentids"); if (componentids == null || componentids.trim().equals("")) {//?ID List<AbsButtonType> lstDataExportButtons = null; if (ccbean.getButtonsBean() != null) lstDataExportButtons = ccbean.getButtonsBean().getLstDataExportTypeButtons(type); if (lstDataExportButtons != null && lstDataExportButtons.size() > 0) { return ComponentAssistant.getInstance().showButton(ccbean, lstDataExportButtons.get(0), rrequest, null, label); } throw new WabacusRuntimeException("" + ccbean.getPath() + "?" + type + "??reportid?"); } else { AbsButtonType buttonObj = Config.getInstance().getResourceButton(rrequest, ccbean.getPageBean(), Consts.M_DATAEXPORT_DEFAULTBUTTONS.get(type), DataExportButton.class); return ((DataExportButton) buttonObj).showButtonTag(rrequest, type, componentids, label, createDataExportStroageBean(attributes)); } } else if (type.equals(Consts_Private.FORWARDWITHBACK_BUTTON)) { String pageurl = attributes.get("pageurl"); if (pageurl == null || pageurl.trim().equals("")) { throw new WabacusRuntimeException("" + ccbean.getPath() + "?pageurl?"); } String beforecallback = attributes.get("beforecallback"); beforecallback = beforecallback == null || beforecallback.trim().equals("") ? null : beforecallback.trim(); if (!rrequest.checkPermission(ccbean.getPageBean().getId(), Consts.BUTTON_PART, "type{" + Consts_Private.FORWARDWITHBACK_BUTTON + "}", Consts.PERMISSION_TYPE_DISPLAY)) return ""; if (label == null || label.trim().equals("")) label = "<input type='button' class='cls-button' value=''>"; if (rrequest.checkPermission(ccbean.getPageBean().getId(), Consts.BUTTON_PART, "type{" + Consts_Private.FORWARDWITHBACK_BUTTON + "}", Consts.PERMISSION_TYPE_DISABLED)) return label;//?? return "<a href=\"#\" onclick=\"try{" + rrequest.forwardPageWithBack(pageurl, beforecallback) + "}catch(e){logErrorsAsJsFileLoad(e);}\">" + label + "</a>"; } else if (type.equals(Consts_Private.BACK_BUTTON)) { BackButton buttonObj = null; if (ccbean.getButtonsBean() != null) buttonObj = (BackButton) ccbean.getButtonsBean().getcertainTypeButton(BackButton.class); if (buttonObj == null) { buttonObj = (BackButton) Config.getInstance().getResourceButton(rrequest, ccbean, Consts.BACK_BUTTON_DEFAULT, BackButton.class); } return showButton(ccbean, rrequest, buttonObj, label); } else { throw new WabacusRuntimeException("" + ccbean.getPath() + "??" + type); } } private DataExportLocalStroageBean createDataExportStroageBean(Map<String, String> mAttributes) { if (mAttributes == null || mAttributes.size() == 0) return null; String localstroage = mAttributes.get("localstroage"); if (!"true".equalsIgnoreCase(localstroage)) return null; String directorydateformat = mAttributes.get("directorydateformat"); String download = mAttributes.get("download"); String autodelete = mAttributes.get("autodelete"); String zip = mAttributes.get("zip"); DataExportLocalStroageBean bean = new DataExportLocalStroageBean(); bean.setDownload(!"false".equalsIgnoreCase(download)); bean.setAutodelete(!"false".equalsIgnoreCase(autodelete)); bean.setZip("true".equalsIgnoreCase(zip)); bean.setDirectorydateformat(directorydateformat); bean.doPostLoad(); return bean; } private String showButton(IComponentConfigBean ccbean, ReportRequest rrequest, AbsButtonType buttonObj, String label) { if (label == null || label.trim().equals("")) {//<wx:button/>? return ComponentAssistant.getInstance().showButton(ccbean, buttonObj, rrequest, null); } else { return ComponentAssistant.getInstance().showButton(ccbean, buttonObj, rrequest, null, label); } } public String getNavigateDisplayInfo(AbsReportType reportTypeObj, String type, String minlength, String initcount, String maxcount, String top, String label) { if (!reportTypeObj.shouldDisplayNavigateBox()) return ""; ReportBean rbean = reportTypeObj.getReportBean(); ReportRequest rrequest = reportTypeObj.getReportRequest(); CacheDataBean cdb = rrequest.getCdb(rbean.getId()); label = label == null ? "" : label.trim(); if (Tools.isDefineKey("$", label)) { label = Config.getInstance().getResourceString(rrequest, rbean.getPageBean(), label, false); } if (Tools.isDefineKey("i18n", label)) {//?? label = rrequest.getI18NStringValue(label); } int pagecount = cdb.getPagecount(); int pageno = cdb.getFinalPageno(); if (type == null || type.trim().equals("")) { if (!rrequest.checkPermission(rbean.getId(), Consts.NAVIGATE_PART, null, Consts.PERMISSION_TYPE_DISPLAY)) return ""; String navigatestr = reportTypeObj.showNavigateBox(); if (navigatestr == null || navigatestr.trim().equals("")) return ""; StringBuffer resultBuf = new StringBuffer(); resultBuf.append(TagAssistant.getInstance().showTopSpace(top)); resultBuf.append(navigatestr); return resultBuf.toString(); } else if (type.equals(Consts_Private.NAVIGATE_FIRST)) { if (!rrequest.checkPermission(rbean.getId(), Consts.NAVIGATE_PART, Consts_Private.NAVIGATE_FIRST, Consts.PERMISSION_TYPE_DISPLAY)) return ""; if (rrequest.getShowtype() == Consts.DISPLAY_ON_PRINT) return ""; if (label.equals("")) label = "<span class=\"cls-navigate-link\"><input type=\"button\" class=\"cls-navigate-firstbutton\"/></span>"; if (pageno == 1 || rrequest.checkPermission(rbean.getId(), Consts.NAVIGATE_PART, Consts_Private.NAVIGATE_FIRST, Consts.PERMISSION_TYPE_DISABLED)) { return label; } return ReportAssistant.getInstance().getNavigatePagenoWithEvent(rrequest, rbean, 1, label); } else if (type.equals(Consts_Private.NAVIGATE_PREVIOUS)) { if (!rrequest.checkPermission(rbean.getId(), Consts.NAVIGATE_PART, Consts_Private.NAVIGATE_PREVIOUS, Consts.PERMISSION_TYPE_DISPLAY)) return ""; if (rrequest.getShowtype() == Consts.DISPLAY_ON_PRINT) return ""; if (label.equals("")) label = "<span class=\"cls-navigate-link\"><input type=\"button\" class=\"cls-navigate-previousbutton\"/></span>"; if (pageno <= 1 || rrequest.checkPermission(rbean.getId(), Consts.NAVIGATE_PART, Consts_Private.NAVIGATE_PREVIOUS, Consts.PERMISSION_TYPE_DISABLED)) { return label; } else { return ReportAssistant.getInstance().getNavigatePagenoWithEvent(rrequest, rbean, pageno - 1, label); } } else if (type.equals(Consts_Private.NAVIGATE_NEXT)) { if (!rrequest.checkPermission(rbean.getId(), Consts.NAVIGATE_PART, Consts_Private.NAVIGATE_NEXT, Consts.PERMISSION_TYPE_DISPLAY)) return ""; if (rrequest.getShowtype() == Consts.DISPLAY_ON_PRINT) return ""; if (label.equals("")) label = "<span class=\"cls-navigate-link\"><input type=\"button\" class=\"cls-navigate-nextbutton\"/></span>"; if (pageno == pagecount || rrequest.checkPermission(rbean.getId(), Consts.NAVIGATE_PART, Consts_Private.NAVIGATE_NEXT, Consts.PERMISSION_TYPE_DISABLED)) { return label; } else { return ReportAssistant.getInstance().getNavigatePagenoWithEvent(rrequest, rbean, pageno + 1, label); } } else if (type.equals(Consts_Private.NAVIGATE_LAST)) { if (!rrequest.checkPermission(rbean.getId(), Consts.NAVIGATE_PART, Consts_Private.NAVIGATE_LAST, Consts.PERMISSION_TYPE_DISPLAY)) return ""; if (rrequest.getShowtype() == Consts.DISPLAY_ON_PRINT) return ""; if (label.equals("")) label = "<span class=\"cls-navigate-link\"><input type=\"button\" class=\"cls-navigate-lastbutton\"/></span>"; if (pagecount == pageno || rrequest.checkPermission(rbean.getId(), Consts.NAVIGATE_PART, Consts_Private.NAVIGATE_LAST, Consts.PERMISSION_TYPE_DISABLED)) { return label; } return ReportAssistant.getInstance().getNavigatePagenoWithEvent(rrequest, rbean, pagecount, label); } else if (type.equals(Consts_Private.NAVIGATE_SEQUENCE)) { if (rrequest.getShowtype() == Consts.DISPLAY_ON_PRINT) return ""; if (!rrequest.checkPermission(rbean.getId(), Consts.NAVIGATE_PART, Consts_Private.NAVIGATE_SEQUENCE, Consts.PERMISSION_TYPE_DISPLAY)) return ""; return showNavigateSequence(reportTypeObj, label, minlength, initcount, maxcount); } else if (type.equals(Consts_Private.NAVIGATE_PAGENO)) { if (!rrequest.checkPermission(rbean.getId(), Consts.NAVIGATE_PART, Consts_Private.NAVIGATE_PAGENO, Consts.PERMISSION_TYPE_DISPLAY)) return ""; if (label.equals("") || label.equalsIgnoreCase("text") || rrequest.getShowtype() == Consts.DISPLAY_ON_PRINT) { return String.valueOf(pageno); } else if (label.equalsIgnoreCase("textbox")) { return ReportAssistant.getInstance().getNavigateTextBox(rrequest, rbean); } else if (label.equalsIgnoreCase("selectbox")) { return ReportAssistant.getInstance().getNavigateSelectBox(rrequest, rbean); } else { throw new WabacusRuntimeException( "" + rbean.getPath() + "?<wx:navigate/>type" + Consts_Private.NAVIGATE_PAGENO + "" + label + ""); } } else if (type.equals(Consts_Private.NAVIGATE_PAGESIZE)) { if (!rrequest.checkPermission(rbean.getId(), Consts.NAVIGATE_PART, Consts_Private.NAVIGATE_PAGESIZE, Consts.PERMISSION_TYPE_DISPLAY)) return ""; if (rrequest.getShowtype() == Consts.DISPLAY_ON_PRINT) { if (cdb.getPrintPagesize() <= 0) return "1"; return String.valueOf(cdb.getPrintPagesize()); } if (rbean.getLstPagesize().size() < 2) { return String.valueOf(cdb.getPagesize()); } else { return ReportAssistant.getInstance().getNavigateSelectBoxForPagesizeConvert(rrequest, rbean); } } else if (type.equals(Consts_Private.NAVIGATE_PAGECOUNT)) { if (!rrequest.checkPermission(rbean.getId(), Consts.NAVIGATE_PART, Consts_Private.NAVIGATE_PAGECOUNT, Consts.PERMISSION_TYPE_DISPLAY)) return ""; if (rrequest.getShowtype() == Consts.DISPLAY_ON_PRINT) { if (cdb.getPrintPagesize() <= 0) return "1"; return String.valueOf(cdb.getPrintPagecount()); } return String.valueOf(cdb.getPagecount()); } else if (type.equals(Consts_Private.NAVIGATE_RECORDCOUNT)) { if (!rrequest.checkPermission(rbean.getId(), Consts.NAVIGATE_PART, Consts_Private.NAVIGATE_RECORDCOUNT, Consts.PERMISSION_TYPE_DISPLAY)) return ""; if (rrequest.getShowtype() == Consts.DISPLAY_ON_PRINT) { if (reportTypeObj.getLstReportData() == null) return "0"; return String.valueOf(reportTypeObj.getLstReportData().size()); } return String.valueOf(cdb.getRecordcount()); } else { throw new WabacusRuntimeException("" + rbean.getPath() + "?<wx:navigate/>type" + type + ""); } } private String showNavigateSequence(AbsReportType reportTypeObj, String label, String minlength, String initcount, String maxcount) { ReportBean rbean = reportTypeObj.getReportBean(); ReportRequest rrequest = reportTypeObj.getReportRequest(); CacheDataBean cdb = rrequest.getCdb(rbean.getId()); int iminlength = 1; if (minlength != null && !minlength.trim().equals("")) { try { iminlength = Integer.parseInt(minlength.trim()); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { log.warn("" + rbean.getPath() + "?<wx:navigate/>minlength" + minlength + "??", e); iminlength = 1; } if (iminlength < 1) { log.warn("" + rbean.getPath() + "?<wx:navigate/>minlength" + minlength + "?1"); iminlength = 1; } } int i_initcount = 5; if (initcount != null && !initcount.trim().equals("")) { try { i_initcount = Integer.parseInt(initcount.trim()); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { log.warn("" + rbean.getPath() + "?<wx:navigate/>initcount" + initcount + "??", e); i_initcount = 5; } if (i_initcount < 1) { log.warn("" + rbean.getPath() + "?<wx:navigate/>initcount" + initcount + "?1"); i_initcount = 5; } } int i_maxcount = i_initcount; if (maxcount != null && !maxcount.trim().equals("")) { try { i_maxcount = Integer.parseInt(maxcount.trim()); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { log.warn("" + rbean.getPath() + "?<wx:navigate/>maxcount" + maxcount + "??", e); i_maxcount = i_initcount; } if (i_maxcount < i_initcount) { log.warn("" + rbean.getPath() + "?<wx:navigate/>maxcount" + maxcount + "?initcount"); i_maxcount = i_initcount; } } if (label == null || label.indexOf("%PAGENO%") < 0) { label = "%PAGENO%"; } int pageno = cdb.getFinalPageno(); int[] pagenosArr = null; if (i_initcount == i_maxcount) { pagenosArr = getDisplayPagenos(rrequest, cdb, i_initcount);//?? } else { if (pageno <= i_maxcount / 2 + 1) { pagenosArr = new int[2]; pagenosArr[0] = 1; pagenosArr[1] = i_initcount + pageno - 1; int pagecount = cdb.getPagecount(); if (pagenosArr[1] > pagecount) pagenosArr[1] = pagecount; } else { pagenosArr = getDisplayPagenos(rrequest, cdb, i_maxcount); } } StringBuffer resultBuf = new StringBuffer(); String pagelabeltmp = "<span class=\"cls-navigate-link\">"; String labelTmp; for (int i = pagenosArr[0]; i <= pagenosArr[1]; i++) { labelTmp = String.valueOf(i); if (iminlength > labelTmp.length()) { int deltalen = iminlength - labelTmp.length(); for (int j = 0; j < deltalen; j++) { labelTmp = "0" + labelTmp; } } if (i == pageno || rrequest.getShowtype() == Consts.DISPLAY_ON_PRINT) { resultBuf.append(pagelabeltmp + labelTmp + "</span>"); } else { labelTmp = Tools.replaceAll(label, "%PAGENO%", labelTmp); labelTmp = pagelabeltmp + labelTmp + "</span>"; if (rrequest.checkPermission(rbean.getId(), Consts.NAVIGATE_PART, Consts_Private.NAVIGATE_SEQUENCE, Consts.PERMISSION_TYPE_DISABLED)) { resultBuf.append(labelTmp); } else { resultBuf.append( ReportAssistant.getInstance().getNavigatePagenoWithEvent(rrequest, rbean, i, labelTmp)); } } } return resultBuf.toString(); } private int[] getDisplayPagenos(ReportRequest rrequest, CacheDataBean cdb, int count) { int pagecount = cdb.getPagecount(); int pageno = cdb.getFinalPageno(); int startidx = 0; int endidx = 0; if (pagecount <= count) { startidx = 1; endidx = pagecount; } else if (pageno < count / 2 + 1) { startidx = 1; endidx = count; } else if (count % 2 == 1) { startidx = pageno - count / 2; endidx = pageno + count / 2; } else { startidx = pageno - count / 2; endidx = pageno + count / 2 - 1; } if (endidx > pagecount) { endidx = pagecount; startidx = pagecount - (count - 1);//?count?? } return new int[] { startidx, endidx }; } public String getDataImportDisplayValue(String ref, String asyn, String popupparams, String initsize, String label, String interceptor, HttpServletRequest request) { if (ref == null || ref.trim().equals("")) { throw new WabacusRuntimeException("<wx:dataimport/>ref"); } StringBuffer refBuf = new StringBuffer(); List<String> lst = Tools.parseStringToList(ref, ";", false); for (String strTmp : lst) { if (strTmp.equals("")) continue; // throw new JspException("<dataimport/>ref??"); //jsp${expression}????ref?key Object obj = Config.getInstance().getResources().get(null, strTmp, true); if (!(obj instanceof AbsDataImportConfigBean)) { throw new WabacusConfigLoadingException("<dataimport/>ref?" + strTmp + "????"); } refBuf.append(strTmp).append(";"); } if (refBuf.length() == 0) { throw new WabacusRuntimeException("<wx:dataimport/>ref"); } if (refBuf.charAt(refBuf.length() - 1) == ';') { refBuf.deleteCharAt(refBuf.length() - 1); } popupparams = WabacusAssistant.getInstance().addDefaultPopupParams(popupparams, initsize, "300", "160", null); String token = "?"; if (Config.showreport_url.indexOf("?") > 0) token = "&"; String url = Config.showreport_url + token + "DATAIMPORT_REF=" + refBuf.toString() + "&ACTIONTYPE=ShowUploadFilePage&FILEUPLOADTYPE=" + Consts_Private.FILEUPLOADTYPE_DATAIMPORTTAG; if (interceptor != null && !interceptor.trim().equals("")) { url = url + "&INTERCEPTOR=" + interceptor; } if (asyn != null && !asyn.trim().equals("")) { url = url + "&ASYN=" + asyn; } String clickevent = "wx_winpage('" + url + "'," + popupparams + ")"; StringBuffer labelBuf = new StringBuffer(); if (label != null && !label.trim().equals("")) { labelBuf.append("<a onmouseover=\"'pointer';\" onclick=\"" + clickevent + "\">"); labelBuf.append(label); labelBuf.append("</a>"); } else { label = Config.getInstance().getResources().getString(null, Consts.DATAIMPORT_LABEL, true).trim(); labelBuf.append("<input type=\"button\" class=\"cls-button2\" onClick=\"" + clickevent + "\""); labelBuf.append(" value=\"" + label + "\">"); } StringBuffer resultBuf = new StringBuffer(); resultBuf.append(addPopupIncludeJsCss(request)); resultBuf.append(labelBuf.toString()); return resultBuf.toString(); } public String getFileUploadDisplayValue(String maxsize, String allowtypes, String disallowtypes, String uploadcount, String newfilename, String savepath, String rooturl, String popupparams, String initsize, String interceptor, String label, String beforepopup, HttpServletRequest request) { popupparams = WabacusAssistant.getInstance().addDefaultPopupParams(popupparams, initsize, "300", "160", null); if (savepath == null || savepath.trim().equals("")) { throw new WabacusRuntimeException("?"); } int iuploadcount = 1; if (uploadcount != null && !uploadcount.trim().equals("")) { iuploadcount = Integer.parseInt(uploadcount); } if (iuploadcount <= 0) { throw new WabacusRuntimeException( "?0"); } if (beforepopup == null || beforepopup.trim().equals("")) beforepopup = "null"; String token = "?"; if (Config.showreport_url.indexOf("?") > 0) token = "&"; String url = Config.showreport_url + token + "ACTIONTYPE=ShowUploadFilePage&FILEUPLOADTYPE=" + Consts_Private.FILEUPLOADTYPE_FILETAG; url += "&SAVEPATH=" + urlEncode(savepath) + "&UPLOADCOUNT=" + iuploadcount; if (!Tools.isEmpty(rooturl)) url += "&ROOTURL=" + urlEncode(rooturl); if (!Tools.isEmpty(newfilename)) url += "&NEWFILENAME=" + urlEncode(newfilename); if (!Tools.isEmpty(maxsize)) url += "&MAXSIZE=" + maxsize; if (!Tools.isEmpty(allowtypes)) url += "&ALLOWTYPES=" + urlEncode(allowtypes); if (!Tools.isEmpty(disallowtypes)) url += "&DISALLOWTYPES=" + urlEncode(disallowtypes); if (!Tools.isEmpty(interceptor)) url += "&INTERCEPTOR=" + interceptor; String clickevent = "wx_winpage('" + url + "'," + popupparams + "," + beforepopup + ");"; StringBuilder resultBuf = new StringBuilder(); if (!Tools.isEmpty(label)) { resultBuf.append("<a onmouseover=\"'pointer';\" onclick=\"" + clickevent + "\">"); resultBuf.append(label); resultBuf.append("</a>"); } else { label = Config.getInstance().getResources().getString(null, Consts.FILEUPLOAD_LABEL, true).trim(); resultBuf.append("<input type=\"button\" class=\"cls-button2\" onClick=\"" + clickevent + "\""); resultBuf.append(" onFocus=\";\" value=\"" + label + "\">"); } if (request != null) resultBuf.append(addPopupIncludeJsCss(request)); return resultBuf.toString(); } private String urlEncode(String urlparam) { if (urlparam == null || urlparam.trim().equals("")) return urlparam; try { return URLEncoder.encode(urlparam, "utf-8"); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return urlparam; } } private String addPopupIncludeJsCss(HttpServletRequest request) { StringBuilder resultBuf = new StringBuilder(); String includejscss = (String) request.getAttribute("wx_has_includejscss"); if (includejscss == null) {//??js/css List<String> lstTmp = ConfigLoadAssistant.getInstance().getLstPopupComponentCss(); for (String cssTmp : lstTmp) { resultBuf.append("<LINK rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"").append(cssTmp) .append("\"/>"); } String systemcssfile = Config.webroot + "/webresources/skin/" + Config.getInstance().getSkin(request, "") + "/wabacus_system.css"; systemcssfile = Tools.replaceAll(systemcssfile, "//", "/"); resultBuf.append("<LINK rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"").append(systemcssfile) .append("\"/>"); resultBuf.append("<script language=\"javascript\" src=\"") .append(Tools.replaceAll(Config.webroot + "/webresources/script/wabacus_api.js", "//", "/")) .append("\"></script>"); resultBuf.append("<script language=\"javascript\" src=\"") .append(Tools.replaceAll(Config.webroot + "/webresources/script/wabacus_util.js", "//", "/")) .append("\"></script>"); resultBuf.append("<script language=\"javascript\" src=\"") .append(Tools.replaceAll(Config.webroot + "/webresources/script/wabacus_tools.js", "//", "/")) .append("\"></script>"); resultBuf.append("<script language=\"javascript\" src=\"") .append(Tools.replaceAll(Config.webroot + "/wxtmpfiles/js/generate_system.js", "//", "/")) .append("\"></script>"); List<JavascriptFileBean> lstJsTmp = ConfigLoadAssistant.getInstance().getLstPopupComponentJs(); for (JavascriptFileBean jsBeanTmp : lstJsTmp) { resultBuf.append("<script language=\"javascript\" src=\"").append(jsBeanTmp.getJsfileurl()) .append("\"></script>"); } request.setAttribute("wx_has_includejscss", "true"); } return resultBuf.toString(); } public String getHeaderFooterDisplayValue(AbsComponentType componentTypeObj, String top, boolean type) { String displaystr = null; if (type) { displaystr = componentTypeObj.showHeader(); } else { displaystr = componentTypeObj.showFooter(); } if (displaystr == null || displaystr.trim().equals("")) return ""; StringBuffer resultBuf = new StringBuffer(); resultBuf.append(TagAssistant.getInstance().showTopSpace(top)); resultBuf.append(displaystr); return resultBuf.toString(); } }