Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2010---2014 (wuweixing)<> * * This file is part of Wabacus * * Wabacus is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package com.wabacus.config; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.dom4j.Element; import com.wabacus.config.component.IComponentConfigBean; import; import com.wabacus.config.other.JavascriptFileBean; import com.wabacus.config.xml.XmlElementBean; import com.wabacus.exception.WabacusConfigLoadingException; import com.wabacus.system.datatype.IDataType; import com.wabacus.util.Tools; public class ConfigLoadAssistant { private final static ConfigLoadAssistant instance = new ConfigLoadAssistant(); private ConfigLoadAssistant() { } public static ConfigLoadAssistant getInstance() { return instance; } public Map<String, String> assembleAllAttributes(List<XmlElementBean> lstElementBeans, String[] attributeNamesArr) { Map<String, String> mResults = lstElementBeans.get(0).getMPropertiesClone(); if (mResults == null) mResults = new HashMap<String, String>(); XmlElementBean eleDisBeanTmp; for (int i = 1; i < lstElementBeans.size(); i++) { eleDisBeanTmp = lstElementBeans.get(i); for (int j = 0; j < attributeNamesArr.length; j++) { if (mResults.get(attributeNamesArr[j]) != null) continue; if (eleDisBeanTmp.attributeValue(attributeNamesArr[j]) == null) continue; mResults.put(attributeNamesArr[j], eleDisBeanTmp.attributeValue(attributeNamesArr[j])); } } return mResults; } public List<XmlElementBean> getRefElements(String refs, String nodename, List<String> lstReferedKeys, IComponentConfigBean ccbean) { List<XmlElementBean> lstEleBeans = new ArrayList<XmlElementBean>(); if (refs == null || refs.trim().equals("")) return lstEleBeans; Object resObjTmp; XmlElementBean eleReferredTmp; if (lstReferedKeys == null) lstReferedKeys = new ArrayList<String>(); List<String> lstRefs = Tools.parseStringToList(refs, "|", false); for (String refTmp : lstRefs) { refTmp = refTmp.trim(); if (refTmp.equals("")) continue; if (!Tools.isDefineKey("$", refTmp)) { throw new WabacusConfigLoadingException("" + ccbean.getPath() + "" + nodename + "" + refs + "??${key}?"); } if (lstReferedKeys.contains(Tools.getRealKeyByDefine("$", refTmp))) { throw new WabacusConfigLoadingException("" + ccbean.getPath() + "" + nodename + "" + refTmp + "??"); } lstReferedKeys.add(Tools.getRealKeyByDefine("$", refTmp)); resObjTmp = Config.getInstance().getResourceObject(null, ccbean.getPageBean(), refTmp, true); if (!(resObjTmp instanceof XmlElementBean)) { throw new WabacusConfigLoadingException("" + ccbean.getPath() + "" + nodename + "" + refTmp + "??XmlElementRes"); } eleReferredTmp = (XmlElementBean) resObjTmp; if (!eleReferredTmp.getName().equals(nodename)) { throw new WabacusConfigLoadingException("" + ccbean.getPath() + "" + nodename + "" + refTmp + "??" + nodename); } lstEleBeans.add(eleReferredTmp); lstEleBeans .addAll(getRefElements(eleReferredTmp.attributeValue("ref"), nodename, lstReferedKeys, ccbean));//????? } return lstEleBeans; } public List<Class> convertStringToClassList(String strClasses) { if (strClasses == null || strClasses.trim().equals("")) { return null; } List<Class> lstClasses = new ArrayList<Class>(); List<String> lstTemp = Tools.parseStringToList(strClasses, ";", false); for (String strclassTmp : lstTemp) { if (strclassTmp == null || strclassTmp.trim().equals("")) continue; lstClasses.add(ConfigLoadManager.currentDynClassLoader.loadClassByCurrentLoader(strclassTmp.trim())); } if (lstClasses.size() == 0) lstClasses = null; return lstClasses; } public static List<String> lstInvalidIdCharacters = new ArrayList<String>(); static { lstInvalidIdCharacters.add("_"); lstInvalidIdCharacters.add("|"); lstInvalidIdCharacters.add("("); lstInvalidIdCharacters.add(")"); lstInvalidIdCharacters.add("*"); lstInvalidIdCharacters.add("."); lstInvalidIdCharacters.add("%"); lstInvalidIdCharacters.add("#"); lstInvalidIdCharacters.add("&"); lstInvalidIdCharacters.add("-"); } public static IDataType loadDataType(XmlElementBean eleBean) { String datatype = eleBean.attributeValue("datatype"); String extrainfo = null; if (datatype != null && !datatype.trim().equals("")) { datatype = datatype.trim(); int idxleft = datatype.indexOf("{"); int idxright = datatype.indexOf("}"); if (idxleft > 0 && idxright == datatype.length() - 1) { extrainfo = datatype.substring(idxleft + 1, idxright).trim(); datatype = datatype.substring(0, idxleft).trim(); } } IDataType typeObj = Config.getInstance().getDataTypeByName(datatype); return typeObj.setUserConfigString(extrainfo); } public FormatBean loadFormatConfig(XmlElementBean eleFormatBean) { if (eleFormatBean == null) return null; FormatBean fbean = new FormatBean(null); fbean.setLstImports(loadImportsConfig(eleFormatBean)); XmlElementBean eleFormatValueBean = eleFormatBean.getChildElementByName("value"); if (eleFormatValueBean == null) return null; String format = eleFormatValueBean.getContent(); format = format == null ? "" : format.trim(); if (format.equals("")) return null; fbean.setFormatContent(format); return fbean; } public List<String> loadImportsConfig(XmlElementBean eleBean) { XmlElementBean eleImportsBean = eleBean.getChildElementByName("imports"); if (eleImportsBean == null) return null; List<XmlElementBean> lstImportBeans = eleImportsBean.getLstChildElementsByName("import"); if (lstImportBeans == null || lstImportBeans.size() == 0) return null; String importTmp; List<String> lstImports = new ArrayList<String>(); for (XmlElementBean eleImportBeanTmp : lstImportBeans) { importTmp = eleImportBeanTmp.getContent(); if (importTmp == null || importTmp.trim().equals("")) continue; importTmp = importTmp.trim(); if (importTmp.endsWith(".*")) { importTmp = importTmp.substring(0, importTmp.length() - 2).trim(); } else { int idx = importTmp.lastIndexOf("."); if (idx <= 0) { throw new WabacusConfigLoadingException("<import>" + importTmp + "</import>?JAVA?"); } importTmp = importTmp.substring(0, idx).trim(); } if (importTmp.equals("") || lstImports.contains(importTmp)) continue;//???????? lstImports.add(importTmp); } return lstImports; } public List<String> loadImportsConfig(Element element) { Element eleImports = element.element("imports"); List<String> lstImportPackages = new ArrayList<String>(); if (eleImports != null) { List lstImports = eleImports.elements("import"); if (lstImports != null && lstImports.size() > 0) { Iterator itImports = lstImports.iterator(); while (itImports.hasNext()) { Element eleImport = (Element); if (eleImport != null) { String valueTemp = eleImport.getTextTrim(); if (valueTemp == null || valueTemp.trim().equals("")) continue; if (valueTemp.lastIndexOf(".*") == valueTemp.length() - 2) { valueTemp = valueTemp.substring(0, valueTemp.length() - 2).trim(); } if (valueTemp.equals("") || lstImportPackages.contains(valueTemp)) continue; lstImportPackages.add(valueTemp); } } } } return lstImportPackages; } public List<JavascriptFileBean> getLstPopupComponentJs() { List<JavascriptFileBean> lstResults = new ArrayList<JavascriptFileBean>(); String promptDialogType = Config.getInstance().getSystemConfigValue("prompt-dialog-type", "artdialog"); if (promptDialogType.toLowerCase().equals("ymprompt")) { String jsTmp = Config.webroot + "/webresources/component/ymPrompt/ymPrompt.js"; jsTmp = Tools.replaceAll(jsTmp, "\\", "/"); jsTmp = Tools.replaceAll(jsTmp, "//", "/"); lstResults.add(new JavascriptFileBean(jsTmp.trim(), 0)); } else { String jsTmp = Config.webroot + "/webresources/component/artDialog/artDialog.js"; jsTmp = Tools.replaceAll(jsTmp, "\\", "/"); jsTmp = Tools.replaceAll(jsTmp, "//", "/"); lstResults.add(new JavascriptFileBean(jsTmp.trim(), 0)); jsTmp = Config.webroot + "/webresources/component/artDialog/plugins/iframeTools.js"; jsTmp = Tools.replaceAll(jsTmp, "\\", "/"); jsTmp = Tools.replaceAll(jsTmp, "//", "/"); lstResults.add(new JavascriptFileBean(jsTmp.trim(), 0)); } return lstResults; } public List<String> getLstPopupComponentCss() { List<String> lstResults = new ArrayList<String>(); String promptDialogType = Config.getInstance().getSystemConfigValue("prompt-dialog-type", "artdialog"); if (promptDialogType.toLowerCase().equals("ymprompt")) { String cssTmp = Config.webroot + "/webresources/skin/" + + "/ymPrompt/ymPrompt.css"; cssTmp = Tools.replaceAll(cssTmp, "\\", "/"); cssTmp = Tools.replaceAll(cssTmp, "//", "/"); lstResults.add(cssTmp); } else { String cssTmp = Config.webroot + "/webresources/skin/" + + "/artDialog/artDialog.css"; cssTmp = Tools.replaceAll(cssTmp, "\\", "/"); cssTmp = Tools.replaceAll(cssTmp, "//", "/"); lstResults.add(cssTmp); } return lstResults; } }