Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2014-2015 VMware, Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed * under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, without warranties or * conditions of any kind, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ package com.vmware.xenon.common; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.lang.reflect.ParameterizedType; import java.lang.reflect.Type; import; import; import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.nio.charset.CharacterCodingException; import java.nio.charset.Charset; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.nio.file.Paths; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.EnumSet; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.UUID; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentSkipListMap; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong; import java.util.function.Supplier; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import; import com.esotericsoftware.kryo.Kryo; import com.esotericsoftware.kryo.KryoException; import; import; import; import; import com.vmware.xenon.common.Service.Action; import com.vmware.xenon.common.Service.ServiceOption; import com.vmware.xenon.common.ServiceDocumentDescription.PropertyDescription; import com.vmware.xenon.common.ServiceDocumentDescription.PropertyIndexingOption; import com.vmware.xenon.common.ServiceDocumentDescription.PropertyUsageOption; import com.vmware.xenon.common.ServiceDocumentDescription.TypeName; import com.vmware.xenon.common.ServiceHost.ServiceHostState; import com.vmware.xenon.common.SystemHostInfo.OsFamily; import com.vmware.xenon.common.logging.StackAwareLogRecord; import com.vmware.xenon.common.serialization.JsonMapper; import com.vmware.xenon.common.serialization.KryoSerializers; import; /** * Runtime utility functions */ public class Utils { private static final String CHARSET_UTF_8 = "UTF-8"; public static final String PROPERTY_NAME_PREFIX = "xenon."; public static final String CHARSET = CHARSET_UTF_8; public static final String UI_DIRECTORY_NAME = "ui"; private static final char[] HEX_CHARS = "0123456789abcdef".toCharArray(); /** * Number of IO threads is used for the HTTP selector event processing. Most of the * work is done in the context of the service host executor so we just use a couple of threads. * Performance work indicates any more threads do not help, rather, they hurt throughput */ public static final int DEFAULT_IO_THREAD_COUNT = Math.min(2, Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors()); /** * Number of threads used for the service host executor and shared across service instances. * We add to the total count since the executor will also be used to process I/O selector * events, which will consume threads. Using much more than the number of processors hurts * operation processing throughput. */ public static final int DEFAULT_THREAD_COUNT = Math.max(4, Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors()); /** * {@link #isReachableByPing} launches a separate ping process to ascertain whether a given IP * address is reachable within a specified timeout. This constant extends the timeout for that * check to account for the start-up overhead of that process. */ private static final long PING_LAUNCH_TOLERANCE_MS = 50; private static final JsonMapper JSON = new JsonMapper(); private static final ConcurrentMap<Class<?>, JsonMapper> CUSTOM_JSON = new ConcurrentSkipListMap<>( Comparator.comparing(Class::hashCode)); private static final ConcurrentMap<String, String> KINDS = new ConcurrentSkipListMap<>(); private static final StringBuilderThreadLocal builderPerThread = new StringBuilderThreadLocal(); private static JsonMapper getJsonMapperFor(Type type) { if (type instanceof Class) { return getJsonMapperFor((Class<?>) type); } else if (type instanceof ParameterizedType) { Type rawType = ((ParameterizedType) type).getRawType(); return getJsonMapperFor(rawType); } else { return JSON; } } private static JsonMapper getJsonMapperFor(Object instance) { if (instance == null) { return JSON; } return getJsonMapperFor(instance.getClass()); } private static JsonMapper getJsonMapperFor(Class<?> type) { if (type.isArray() && type != byte[].class) { type = type.getComponentType(); } return CUSTOM_JSON.getOrDefault(type, JSON); } /** * Registers a specialized {@link JsonMapper} that should be used when serializing instances of * the specified class. This is useful when the class in question contains members that might * require special handling e.g. custom type adapters. * * @param clazz * Identifies the class to which the custom serialization should occur. Will not be * applicable for sub-classes or instances of this class embedded as a members in * other (non-registered) types. * * @param mapper * A {@link JsonMapper} for serializing/de-serializing service documents to/from * JSON. */ public static void registerCustomJsonMapper(Class<?> clazz, JsonMapper mapper) { CUSTOM_JSON.putIfAbsent(clazz, mapper); } /** * Registers a thread local variable that supplies {@link Kryo} instances used to serialize * documents or objects. The KRYO instance supplied must be identical across all nodes in * a node group and behave exactly the same way regardless of service start order. * * This method must be called before any service host is created inside the process, to avoid * non deterministic behavior, where some serialization actions use the build in instances, * while others use the user supplied ones * @param kryoThreadLocal Thread local variable that supplies the KRYO instance * @param isDocumentSerializer True if instance should by used for * {@link Utils#toDocumentBytes(Object, byte[], int)} and * {@link Utils#fromDocumentBytes(byte[], int, int)} */ public static void registerCustomKryoSerializer(ThreadLocal<Kryo> kryoThreadLocal, boolean isDocumentSerializer) { KryoSerializers.register(kryoThreadLocal, isDocumentSerializer); } public static <T> T clone(T t) { return KryoSerializers.clone(t); } public static <T> T cloneObject(T t) { return KryoSerializers.cloneObject(t); } public static String computeSignature(ServiceDocument s, ServiceDocumentDescription description) { if (description == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("description is required"); } byte[] buffer = getBuffer(description.serializedStateSizeLimit); int position = 0; for (PropertyDescription pd : description.propertyDescriptions.values()) { if (pd.indexingOptions != null) { if (pd.indexingOptions.contains(PropertyIndexingOption.EXCLUDE_FROM_SIGNATURE)) { continue; } } Object fieldValue = ReflectionUtils.getPropertyValue(pd, s); if (pd.typeName == TypeName.COLLECTION || pd.typeName == TypeName.MAP || pd.typeName == TypeName.PODO) { String content = Utils.toJson(fieldValue); position = Utils.toBytes(content, buffer, position); } else if (fieldValue != null) { position = Utils.toBytes(fieldValue, buffer, position); } } return computeHash(buffer, 0, position); } /** * See {@link KryoSerializers#getBuffer(int)} */ public static byte[] getBuffer(int capacity) { return KryoSerializers.getBuffer(capacity); } /** * See {@link KryoSerializers#serializeObject(Object, byte[], int)} */ public static int toBytes(Object o, byte[] buffer, int position) { return KryoSerializers.serializeObject(o, buffer, position); } /** * See {@link KryoSerializers#serializeDocument(ServiceDocument, byte[], int)} */ public static int toDocumentBytes(Object o, byte[] buffer, int position) { return KryoSerializers.serializeAsDocument(o, buffer, position); } /** * See {@link KryoSerializers#serializeDocument(ServiceDocument, byte[], int)} */ public static int toBytes(ServiceDocument o, byte[] buffer, int position) { return KryoSerializers.serializeDocument(o, buffer, position); } /** * See {@link KryoSerializers#deserializeObject(byte[], int, int)} */ public static Object fromBytes(byte[] bytes) { return KryoSerializers.deserializeObject(bytes, 0, bytes.length); } /** * See {@link KryoSerializers#deserializeObject(byte[], int, int)} */ public static Object fromBytes(byte[] bytes, int position, int length) { return KryoSerializers.deserializeObject(bytes, position, length); } /** * See {@link KryoSerializers#deserializeDocument(byte[], int, int)} */ public static Object fromDocumentBytes(byte[] bytes, int position, int length) { return KryoSerializers.deserializeDocument(bytes, position, length); } public static void performMaintenance() { } public static String computeHash(String content) { byte[] source = content.getBytes(Charset.forName(CHARSET_UTF_8)); return computeHash(source, 0, source.length); } private static String computeHash(byte[] content, int offset, int length) { return Integer.toHexString(MurmurHash3.murmurhash3_x86_32(content, offset, length, 0)); } public static String toJson(Object body) { if (body instanceof String) { return (String) body; } StringBuilder content = getBuilder(); JsonMapper mapper = getJsonMapperFor(body); mapper.toJson(body, content); return content.toString(); } public static String toJsonHtml(Object body) { if (body instanceof String) { return (String) body; } StringBuilder content = getBuilder(); JsonMapper mapper = getJsonMapperFor(body); mapper.toJsonHtml(body, content); return content.toString(); } /** * Outputs a JSON representation of the given object using useHTMLFormatting to create pretty-printed, * HTML-friendly JSON or compact JSON. If hideSensitiveFields is set the JSON will not include fields * with the annotation {@link PropertyUsageOption#SENSITIVE}. * If hideSensitiveFields is set and the Object is a string with JSON, sensitive fields cannot be discovered will * throw an Exception. */ public static String toJson(boolean hideSensitiveFields, boolean useHtmlFormatting, Object body) throws IllegalArgumentException { if (body instanceof String) { if (hideSensitiveFields) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Body is already a string, sensitive fields cannot be discovered"); } return (String) body; } StringBuilder content = getBuilder(); JsonMapper mapper = getJsonMapperFor(body); mapper.toJson(hideSensitiveFields, useHtmlFormatting, body, content); return content.toString(); } public static <T> T fromJson(String json, Class<T> clazz) { return getJsonMapperFor(clazz).fromJson(json, clazz); } public static <T> T fromJson(Object json, Class<T> clazz) { return getJsonMapperFor(clazz).fromJson(json, clazz); } public static <T> T fromJson(Object json, Type type) { return getJsonMapperFor(type).fromJson(json, type); } public static <T> T getJsonMapValue(Object json, String key, Class<T> valueClazz) { Map<String, JsonElement> runtimeMap = Utils.fromJson(json, new TypeToken<Map<String, JsonElement>>() { }.getType()); return Utils.fromJson(runtimeMap.get(key), valueClazz); } public static <T> T getJsonMapValue(Object json, String key, Type valueType) { Map<String, JsonElement> runtimeMap = Utils.fromJson(json, new TypeToken<Map<String, JsonElement>>() { }.getType()); return Utils.fromJson(runtimeMap.get(key), valueType); } public static String toString(Throwable t) { StringWriter writer = new StringWriter(); try (PrintWriter printer = new PrintWriter(writer)) { t.printStackTrace(printer); } return writer.toString(); } public static String toString(Map<?, Throwable> exceptions) { StringWriter writer = new StringWriter(); try (PrintWriter printer = new PrintWriter(writer)) { for (Throwable t : exceptions.values()) { t.printStackTrace(printer); } } return writer.toString(); } public static String getCurrentFileDirectory() { try { return new File(".").getCanonicalPath(); } catch (IOException e) { Logger.getAnonymousLogger().warning(Utils.toString(e)); return null; } } public static void log(Class<?> type, String classOrUri, Level level, String fmt, Object... args) { Logger lg = Logger.getLogger(type.getName()); log(lg, 3, classOrUri, level, () -> String.format(fmt, args)); } public static void log(Class<?> type, String classOrUri, Level level, Supplier<String> messageSupplier) { Logger lg = Logger.getLogger(type.getName()); log(lg, 3, classOrUri, level, messageSupplier); } public static void log(Logger lg, Integer nestingLevel, String classOrUri, Level level, String fmt, Object... args) { log(lg, nestingLevel, classOrUri, level, () -> String.format(fmt, args)); } public static void log(Logger lg, Integer nestingLevel, String classOrUri, Level level, Supplier<String> messageSupplier) { if (nestingLevel == null) { nestingLevel = 2; } if (!lg.isLoggable(level)) { return; } String message = messageSupplier.get(); StackAwareLogRecord lr = new StackAwareLogRecord(level, message); Exception e = new Exception(); StackTraceElement[] stacks = e.getStackTrace(); if (stacks.length > nestingLevel) { StackTraceElement stack = stacks[nestingLevel]; lr.setStackElement(stack); lr.setSourceMethodName(stack.getMethodName()); } lr.setSourceClassName(classOrUri); lr.setLoggerName(lg.getName()); lg.log(lr); } public static void logWarning(String fmt, Object... args) { Logger.getAnonymousLogger().warning(String.format(fmt, args)); } private static AtomicLong PREVIOUS_TIME_VALUE = new AtomicLong(); private static long TIME_COMPARISON_EPSILON_MICROS = initializeTimeEpsilon(); public static final String PROPERTY_NAME_TIME_COMPARISON = "timeComparisonEpsilonMicros"; private static long initializeTimeEpsilon() { Long l = Long.getLong(Utils.PROPERTY_NAME_PREFIX + PROPERTY_NAME_TIME_COMPARISON, ServiceHostState.DEFAULT_OPERATION_TIMEOUT_MICROS); return l; } /** * Return wall clock time, in microseconds since Unix Epoch (1/1/1970 UTC midnight). This * functions guarantees time always moves forward, but it does not guarantee it does so in fixed * intervals. * * @return */ public static long getNowMicrosUtc() { long now = System.currentTimeMillis() * 1000; long time = PREVIOUS_TIME_VALUE.getAndIncrement(); // Only set time if current time is greater than our stored time. if (now > time) { // This CAS can fail; getAndIncrement() ensures no value is returned twice. PREVIOUS_TIME_VALUE.compareAndSet(time + 1, now); return PREVIOUS_TIME_VALUE.getAndIncrement(); } return time; } public static String toDocumentKind(Class<?> type) { String name = type.getCanonicalName(); String kind = name.replace(".", ":"); return kind; } /** * Registers mapping between a type and document kind string the runtime * will use for all services with that state type */ public static String registerKind(Class<?> type, String kind) { return KINDS.put(type.getCanonicalName(), kind); } /** * Builds a kind string from a type. It uses a cache to lookup the type to kind * mapping. The mapping can be overridden with {@code Utils#registerKind(Class, String)} */ public static String buildKind(Class<?> type) { String kind = KINDS.computeIfAbsent(type.getCanonicalName(), (name) -> { return toDocumentKind(type); }); return kind; } public static ServiceErrorResponse toServiceErrorResponse(Throwable e) { return ServiceErrorResponse.create(e, Operation.STATUS_CODE_BAD_REQUEST); } public static String toServiceErrorResponseJson(Throwable e) { return Utils.toJson(toServiceErrorResponse(e)); } public static ServiceErrorResponse toValidationErrorResponse(Throwable t) { ServiceErrorResponse rsp = new ServiceErrorResponse(); rsp.message = t.getLocalizedMessage(); return rsp; } public static boolean isValidationError(Throwable e) { return e instanceof IllegalArgumentException; } public static String toHexString(byte[] data) { // char[] sb = new char[data.length * 2]; for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { int v = data[i] & 0xFF; sb[2 * i] = HEX_CHARS[v >>> 4]; sb[2 * i + 1] = HEX_CHARS[v & 0x0F]; } return new String(sb); } /** * Compute path to static resources for service. * * For example: the class "" is converted to * "com/vmware/xenon/services/common/ExampleService". * * @param klass Service class * @return String */ public static String buildServicePath(Class<? extends Service> klass) { return klass.getName().replace('.', '/'); } /** * Compute URI prefix for static resources of a service. * * @param klass Service class * @return String */ public static String buildUiResourceUriPrefixPath(Class<? extends Service> klass) { return UriUtils.buildUriPath(ServiceUriPaths.UI_RESOURCES, buildServicePath(klass)); } /** * Compute URI prefix for static resources of a service. * * @param service Service * @return String */ public static String buildUiResourceUriPrefixPath(Service service) { return buildUiResourceUriPrefixPath(service.getClass()); } /** * Compute URI prefix for static resources of a service with custom UI resource path. * * @param service * @return String */ public static String buildCustomUiResourceUriPrefixPath(Service service) { return UriUtils.buildUriPath(ServiceUriPaths.UI_RESOURCES, service.getDocumentTemplate().documentDescription.userInterfaceResourcePath); } public static Object setJsonProperty(Object body, String fieldName, String fieldValue) { JsonObject jo; if (body instanceof JsonObject) { jo = (JsonObject) body; } else { jo = new JsonParser().parse((String) body).getAsJsonObject(); } jo.remove(fieldName); if (fieldValue != null) { jo.addProperty(fieldName, fieldValue); } return jo; } public static String validateServiceOption(EnumSet<ServiceOption> options, ServiceOption option) { EnumSet<ServiceOption> reqs = null; EnumSet<ServiceOption> antiReqs = null; switch (option) { case CONCURRENT_UPDATE_HANDLING: antiReqs = EnumSet.of(ServiceOption.OWNER_SELECTION, ServiceOption.STRICT_UPDATE_CHECKING); break; case OWNER_SELECTION: reqs = EnumSet.of(ServiceOption.REPLICATION); antiReqs = EnumSet.of(ServiceOption.CONCURRENT_UPDATE_HANDLING); break; case STRICT_UPDATE_CHECKING: antiReqs = EnumSet.of(ServiceOption.CONCURRENT_UPDATE_HANDLING); break; case URI_NAMESPACE_OWNER: antiReqs = EnumSet.of(ServiceOption.PERSISTENCE, ServiceOption.REPLICATION); break; case PERIODIC_MAINTENANCE: antiReqs = EnumSet.of(ServiceOption.ON_DEMAND_LOAD); break; case PERSISTENCE: break; case REPLICATION: break; case DOCUMENT_OWNER: break; case IDEMPOTENT_POST: break; case FACTORY: break; case FACTORY_ITEM: break; case HTML_USER_INTERFACE: break; case INSTRUMENTATION: break; case LIFO_QUEUE: break; case NONE: break; case UTILITY: break; case ON_DEMAND_LOAD: if (!options.contains(ServiceOption.FACTORY)) { reqs = EnumSet.of(ServiceOption.PERSISTENCE); } antiReqs = EnumSet.of(ServiceOption.PERIODIC_MAINTENANCE); break; case TRANSACTION_PENDING: break; default: break; } if (!options.contains(option)) { return null; } if (reqs == null && antiReqs == null) { return null; } if (reqs != null) { EnumSet<ServiceOption> missingReqs = EnumSet.noneOf(ServiceOption.class); for (ServiceOption r : reqs) { if (!options.contains(r)) { missingReqs.add(r); } } if (!missingReqs.isEmpty()) { String error = String.format("%s missing required options: %s", option, missingReqs); return error; } } EnumSet<ServiceOption> conflictReqs = EnumSet.noneOf(ServiceOption.class); for (ServiceOption r : antiReqs) { if (options.contains(r)) { conflictReqs.add(r); } } if (!conflictReqs.isEmpty()) { String error = String.format("%s conflicts with options: %s", option, conflictReqs); return error; } return null; } /** * Infrastructure use only */ static boolean validateServiceOptions(ServiceHost host, Service service, Operation post) { for (ServiceOption o : service.getOptions()) { String error = Utils.validateServiceOption(service.getOptions(), o); if (error != null) { host.log(Level.WARNING, error); IllegalArgumentException(error)); return false; } } if (service.getMaintenanceIntervalMicros() > 0 && service.getMaintenanceIntervalMicros() < host.getMaintenanceIntervalMicros()) { host.log(Level.WARNING, "Service maint. interval %d is less than host interval %d, reducing host interval", service.getMaintenanceIntervalMicros(), host.getMaintenanceIntervalMicros()); host.setMaintenanceIntervalMicros(service.getMaintenanceIntervalMicros()); } return true; } public static String getOsName(SystemHostInfo systemInfo) { return; } public static OsFamily determineOsFamily(String osName) { osName = osName == null ? "" : osName.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH); if (osName.contains("mac")) { return OsFamily.MACOS; } else if (osName.contains("win")) { return OsFamily.WINDOWS; } else if (osName.contains("nux")) { return OsFamily.LINUX; } else { return OsFamily.OTHER; } } /** * An alternative to {@link InetAddress#isReachable(int)} which accounts for the Windows * implementation of that method NOT using ICMP. This method invokes the "ping" command * installed in all Windows implementations since Windows XP. For other operating systems it * will fall back on the default implementation of the original method. */ public static boolean isReachable(SystemHostInfo systemInfo, InetAddress addr, long timeoutMs) throws IOException { if (systemInfo.osFamily == OsFamily.WINDOWS) { // windows -> delegate to "ping" return isReachableByPing(systemInfo, addr, timeoutMs); } // non-windows -> fallback on default impl return addr.isReachable((int) timeoutMs); } public static boolean isReachableByPing(SystemHostInfo systemInfo, InetAddress addr, long timeoutMs) throws IOException { try { Process process = new ProcessBuilder("ping", "-n", "1", "-w", Long.toString(timeoutMs), getNormalizedHostAddress(systemInfo, addr)).start(); boolean completed = process.waitFor(PING_LAUNCH_TOLERANCE_MS + timeoutMs, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); return completed && process.exitValue() == 0; } catch (InterruptedException e) { Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); return false; } } /** * An alternative to {@link InetAddress#getHostAddress()} that formats particular types of IP * address in more universal formats. * * Specifically, Java formats link-local IPv6 addresses in Linux-friendly manner: * {@code <address>%<interface_name>} e.g. {@code fe80:0:0:0:5971:14f6:c8ac:9e8f%eth0}. However, * Windows requires a different format for such addresses: {@code <address>%<numeric_scope_id>} * e.g. {@code fe80:0:0:0:5971:14f6:c8ac:9e8f%34}. This method {@link #determineOsFamily detects if * the OS on the host} and will adjust the host address accordingly. * * Otherwise, this will delegate to the original method. */ public static String getNormalizedHostAddress(SystemHostInfo systemInfo, InetAddress addr) { String addrStr = addr.getHostAddress(); // does it require special treatment? if (systemInfo.osFamily == OsFamily.WINDOWS && addr instanceof Inet6Address && addr.isLinkLocalAddress()) { // Inet6Address appends the intf name, rather than numeric id -> remedying Inet6Address ip6Addr = (Inet6Address) addr; int pct = addrStr.lastIndexOf('%'); if (pct > -1) { addrStr = addrStr.substring(0, pct) + '%' + ip6Addr.getScopeId(); } } return addrStr; } /** * Infrastructure use. Serializes linked state associated with source operation * and sets the result as the body of the target operation */ public static void encodeAndTransferLinkedStateToBody(Operation source, Operation target, boolean useBinary) { if (useBinary && source.getAction() != Action.POST) { try { byte[] encodedBody = Utils.encodeBody(source, source.getLinkedState(), Operation.MEDIA_TYPE_APPLICATION_KRYO_OCTET_STREAM); source.linkSerializedState(encodedBody); } catch (Throwable e2) { Utils.logWarning("Failure binary serializing, will fallback to JSON: %s", Utils.toString(e2)); } } if (!source.hasLinkedSerializedState()) { target.setContentType(Operation.MEDIA_TYPE_APPLICATION_JSON); target.setBodyNoCloning(Utils.toJson(source.getLinkedState())); } else { target.setContentType(Operation.MEDIA_TYPE_APPLICATION_KRYO_OCTET_STREAM); target.setBodyNoCloning(source.getLinkedSerializedState()); } } public static byte[] encodeBody(Operation op) throws Throwable { return encodeBody(op, op.getBodyRaw(), op.getContentType()); } public static byte[] encodeBody(Operation op, Object body, String contentType) throws Throwable { byte[] data = null; if (body == null) { op.setContentLength(0); return null; } if (body instanceof String) { data = ((String) body).getBytes(Utils.CHARSET); op.setContentLength(data.length); } else if (body instanceof byte[]) { data = (byte[]) body; if (contentType == null) { op.setContentType(Operation.MEDIA_TYPE_APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM); } if (op.getContentLength() == 0 || op.getContentLength() > data.length) { op.setContentLength(data.length); } } else if (Operation.MEDIA_TYPE_APPLICATION_KRYO_OCTET_STREAM.equals(contentType)) { int limit = ServiceClient.MAX_BINARY_SERIALIZED_BODY_LIMIT; if (op.getContentLength() < 512) { op.setContentLength(512); } while (op.getContentLength() <= limit) { try { data = new byte[(int) op.getContentLength()]; int count = Utils.toDocumentBytes(body, data, 0); op.setContentLength(count); break; } catch (KryoException e) { op.setContentLength(op.getContentLength() * 2); } } } if (data == null) { String encodedBody; if (op.getAction() == Action.GET) { encodedBody = Utils.toJsonHtml(body); } else { encodedBody = Utils.toJson(body); if (contentType == null) { op.setContentType(Operation.MEDIA_TYPE_APPLICATION_JSON); } } data = encodedBody.getBytes(Utils.CHARSET); op.setContentLength(data.length); } return data; } public static void decodeBody(Operation op, ByteBuffer buffer) { boolean isRequest = false; String contentEncodingHeader = op.getResponseHeader(Operation.CONTENT_ENCODING_HEADER); if (contentEncodingHeader == null) { contentEncodingHeader = op.getRequestHeader(Operation.CONTENT_ENCODING_HEADER); isRequest = true; } boolean compressed = false; if (contentEncodingHeader != null) { compressed = Operation.CONTENT_ENCODING_GZIP.equals(contentEncodingHeader); } decodeBody(op, buffer, isRequest, compressed); } public static void decodeBody(Operation op, ByteBuffer buffer, boolean isRequest, boolean compressed) { if (op.getContentLength() == 0) { op.setContentType(Operation.MEDIA_TYPE_APPLICATION_JSON).complete(); return; } try { if (compressed) { buffer = decompressGZip(buffer); if (isRequest) { op.getRequestHeaders().remove(Operation.CONTENT_ENCODING_HEADER); } else { op.getResponseHeaders().remove(Operation.CONTENT_ENCODING_HEADER); } } String contentType = op.getContentType(); Object body = decodeIfText(buffer, contentType); if (body != null) { op.setBodyNoCloning(body).complete(); return; } // unrecognized or binary body, use the raw bytes byte[] data = new byte[(int) op.getContentLength()]; buffer.get(data); if (Operation.MEDIA_TYPE_APPLICATION_KRYO_OCTET_STREAM.equals(contentType)) { body = Utils.fromDocumentBytes(data, 0, data.length); if (op.isFromReplication()) { // optimization to avoid having to serialize state again, during indexing op.linkSerializedState(data); } } else { body = data; } op.setBodyNoCloning(body).complete(); } catch (Throwable e) {; } } public static String decodeIfText(ByteBuffer buffer, String contentType) throws CharacterCodingException { String body = null; if (contentType == null) { return null; } if (isContentTypeText(contentType)) { body = Charset.forName(Utils.CHARSET).newDecoder().decode(buffer).toString(); } else if (contentType.contains(Operation.MEDIA_TYPE_APPLICATION_X_WWW_FORM_ENCODED)) { body = Charset.forName(Utils.CHARSET).newDecoder().decode(buffer).toString(); try { body = URLDecoder.decode(body, Utils.CHARSET); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } return body; } private static ByteBuffer decompressGZip(ByteBuffer bb) throws Exception { GZIPInputStream zis = new GZIPInputStream(new ByteBufferInputStream(bb)); ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); try { byte[] buffer = Utils.getBuffer(1024); int len; while ((len = > 0) { out.write(buffer, 0, len); } } finally { zis.close(); out.close(); } return ByteBuffer.wrap(out.toByteArray()); } private static boolean isContentTypeText(String contentType) { return Operation.MEDIA_TYPE_APPLICATION_JSON.equals(contentType) || contentType.contains(Operation.MEDIA_TYPE_APPLICATION_JSON) || contentType.contains("text") || contentType.contains("css") || contentType.contains("script") || contentType.contains("html") || contentType.contains("xml") || contentType.contains("yaml") || contentType.contains("yml"); } /** * Compute ui resource path for this service. * <p> * If service has defined the custom path on ServiceDocumentDescription * userInterfaceResourcePath field that will be used else default UI path * will be calculated using service path Eg. for ExampleService * default path will be ui/com/vmware/xenon/services/common/ExampleService * * @param s service class for which UI path has to be extracted * @return UI resource path object */ public static Path getServiceUiResourcePath(Service s) { ServiceDocument sd = s.getDocumentTemplate(); ServiceDocumentDescription sdd = sd.documentDescription; if (sdd != null && sdd.userInterfaceResourcePath != null) { String resourcePath = sdd.userInterfaceResourcePath; if (!resourcePath.isEmpty()) { return Paths.get(resourcePath); } else { log(Utils.class, Utils.class.getSimpleName(), Level.SEVERE, "UserInterface resource path field empty for service document %s", s.getClass().getSimpleName()); } } else { String servicePath = buildServicePath(s.getClass()); return Paths.get(UI_DIRECTORY_NAME, servicePath); } return null; } /** * Atomically returns a map element for the specifying key. A new instance of value is created if it is * missing. This may be efficiently used for creating map of maps/sets. * <p/> * This method is thread-safe. * * @param map Map to take value from. * @param key Key to use. * @param ctor Value constructor. This constructor may be invoked multiple times for the same value, but * only one value is returned. * @param <K> Map key type. * @param <V> Map value type. * @return new or existing element value. */ public static <K, V> V atomicGetOrCreate(ConcurrentMap<K, V> map, K key, Callable<V> ctor) { V value = map.get(key); if (value == null) { try { value =; } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException("Element constructor should now throw an exception", e); } V existing = map.putIfAbsent(key, value); if (existing != null) { return existing; } } return value; } /** * Merges {@code patch} object into the {@code source} object by replacing or updating all {@code source} * fields with non-null {@code patch} fields. Only fields with specified merge policy are merged. * * @param desc Service document description. * @param source Source object. * @param patch Patch object. * @param <T> Object type. * @return {@code true} in case there was at least one update. For objects that are not collections * or maps, updates of fields to same values are not considered as updates. New elements are always * added to collections/maps. Elements may replace existing entries based on the collection type * @see ServiceDocumentDescription.PropertyUsageOption */ public static <T extends ServiceDocument> boolean mergeWithState(ServiceDocumentDescription desc, T source, T patch) { Class<? extends ServiceDocument> clazz = source.getClass(); if (!patch.getClass().equals(clazz)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Source object and patch object types mismatch"); } boolean modified = false; for (PropertyDescription prop : desc.propertyDescriptions.values()) { if (prop.usageOptions != null && prop.usageOptions.contains(PropertyUsageOption.AUTO_MERGE_IF_NOT_NULL)) { Object o = ReflectionUtils.getPropertyValue(prop, patch); if (o != null) { if ((prop.typeName == TypeName.COLLECTION && !o.getClass().isArray()) || prop.typeName == TypeName.MAP) { modified |= ReflectionUtils.setOrUpdatePropertyValue(prop, source, o); } else { if (!o.equals(ReflectionUtils.getPropertyValue(prop, source))) { ReflectionUtils.setPropertyValue(prop, source, o); modified = true; } } } } } return modified; } /** * Update the state of collections that are part of the service state * @param currentState The current state * @param op Operation with the patch request * @return * @throws IllegalAccessException * @throws NoSuchFieldException */ public static <T extends ServiceDocument> boolean mergeWithState(T currentState, Operation op) throws NoSuchFieldException, IllegalAccessException { ServiceStateCollectionUpdateRequest requestBody = op.getBody(ServiceStateCollectionUpdateRequest.class); if (ServiceStateCollectionUpdateRequest.KIND.equals(requestBody.kind)) { Utils.updateCollections(currentState, requestBody); return true; } return false; } /** * Contains flags describing the result of a state merging operation through the * {@link Utils#mergeWithStateAdvanced} method. */ public static enum MergeResult { SPECIAL_MERGE, // whether the patch body represented a special update request // (if not set, the patch body is assumed to be a service state) STATE_CHANGED // whether the current state was changed as a result of the merge } /** * Merges the given patch body into the provided current service state. It first checks for * patch bodies representing special update requests (such as * {@link ServiceStateCollectionUpdateRequest} or others in the future) and if not, assumes * the patch body is a new service state and merges it into the current state according to * the provided {@link ServiceDocumentDescription} (see * {@link Utils#mergeWithState(ServiceDocumentDescription, ServiceDocument, ServiceDocument)}). * * @param desc Metadata about the service document state * @param currentState The current service state * @param type Service state type * @param op Operation with the patch request * @return an EnumSet with information whether the operation represented an update request and * whether the merge changed the current state * @throws IllegalAccessException * @throws NoSuchFieldException */ public static <T extends ServiceDocument> EnumSet<MergeResult> mergeWithStateAdvanced( ServiceDocumentDescription desc, T currentState, Class<T> type, Operation op) throws NoSuchFieldException, IllegalAccessException { EnumSet<MergeResult> result = EnumSet.noneOf(MergeResult.class); // first check for a ServiceStateCollectionUpdateRequest patch body ServiceStateCollectionUpdateRequest requestBody = op.getBody(ServiceStateCollectionUpdateRequest.class); if (ServiceStateCollectionUpdateRequest.KIND.equals(requestBody.kind)) { result.add(MergeResult.SPECIAL_MERGE); if (Utils.updateCollections(currentState, requestBody)) { result.add(MergeResult.STATE_CHANGED); } } else { // if not a special update request patch body, assume it is a new service state T patchState = op.getBody(type); if (Utils.mergeWithState(desc, currentState, patchState)) { result.add(MergeResult.STATE_CHANGED); } } return result; } /** * Validates {@code state} object by checking for null value fields. * * @param desc Service document description. * @param state Source object. * @param <T> Object type. * @see ServiceDocumentDescription.PropertyUsageOption */ public static <T extends ServiceDocument> void validateState(ServiceDocumentDescription desc, T state) { for (PropertyDescription prop : desc.propertyDescriptions.values()) { if (prop.usageOptions != null && prop.usageOptions.contains(PropertyUsageOption.REQUIRED)) { Object o = ReflectionUtils.getPropertyValue(prop, state); if (o == null) { if (prop.usageOptions.contains(PropertyUsageOption.ID)) { ReflectionUtils.setPropertyValue(prop, state, UUID.randomUUID().toString()); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException(prop.accessor.getName() + " is required."); } } } } } /** * Resets comparison value from default or global property */ public static void resetTimeComparisonEpsilonMicros() { TIME_COMPARISON_EPSILON_MICROS = initializeTimeEpsilon(); } /** * Sets the time interval, in microseconds, for replicated document time comparisons. */ public static void setTimeComparisonEpsilonMicros(long micros) { TIME_COMPARISON_EPSILON_MICROS = micros; } /** * Gets the time comparison interval, or epsilon. * See {@link #setTimeComparisonEpsilonMicros} * @return */ public static long getTimeComparisonEpsilonMicros() { return TIME_COMPARISON_EPSILON_MICROS; } /** * Compares a time value with current time. Both time values are in micros since epoch. * Since we can not assume the time came from the same node, we use the concept of a * time epsilon: any two time values within epsilon are considered too close to * globally order in respect to each other and this method will return true. */ public static boolean isWithinTimeComparisonEpsilon(long timeMicros) { long now = Utils.getNowMicrosUtc(); return Math.abs(timeMicros - now) < TIME_COMPARISON_EPSILON_MICROS; } public static StringBuilder getBuilder() { return builderPerThread.get(); } /** * add/remove elements from specified collections; If both are specified elements are removed * before new elements added * * @param currentState currentState of the service * @param patchBody request of processing collections * @return {@code true} if the currentState has changed as a result of the call * @throws NoSuchFieldException * @throws IllegalAccessException */ public static <T extends ServiceDocument> boolean updateCollections(T currentState, ServiceStateCollectionUpdateRequest patchBody) throws NoSuchFieldException, IllegalAccessException { boolean hasChanged = false; if (patchBody.itemsToRemove != null) { for (Entry<String, Collection<Object>> collectionItem : patchBody.itemsToRemove.entrySet()) { hasChanged |= processCollection(collectionItem.getValue(), collectionItem.getKey(), currentState, CollectionOperation.REMOVE); } } if (patchBody.itemsToAdd != null) { for (Entry<String, Collection<Object>> collectionItem : patchBody.itemsToAdd.entrySet()) { hasChanged |= processCollection(collectionItem.getValue(), collectionItem.getKey(), currentState, CollectionOperation.ADD); } } return hasChanged; } private static enum CollectionOperation { ADD, REMOVE } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private static <T extends ServiceDocument> boolean processCollection(Collection<Object> inputCollection, String collectionName, T currentState, CollectionOperation operation) throws NoSuchFieldException, IllegalAccessException { boolean hasChanged = false; if (inputCollection != null && !inputCollection.isEmpty()) { Class<? extends ServiceDocument> clazz = currentState.getClass(); Field field = clazz.getField(collectionName); if (field != null && Collection.class.isAssignableFrom(field.getType())) { @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") Collection collObj = (Collection) field.get(currentState); switch (operation) { case ADD: if (collObj == null) { field.set(currentState, inputCollection); hasChanged = true; } else { hasChanged = collObj.addAll(inputCollection); } break; case REMOVE: if (collObj != null) { hasChanged = collObj.removeAll(inputCollection); } break; default: break; } } } return hasChanged; } }