Java tutorial
/*************************************************************************** * Copyright (c) 2013 VMware, Inc. All Rights Reserved. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. ***************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************** * Copyright (c) 2012 VMware, Inc. All Rights Reserved. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. ***************************************************************************/ package com.vmware.vhadoop.adaptor.hadoop; import static com.vmware.vhadoop.adaptor.hadoop.HadoopErrorCodes.ERROR_COMMAND_NOT_FOUND; import static com.vmware.vhadoop.adaptor.hadoop.HadoopErrorCodes.ERROR_CATCHALL; import static com.vmware.vhadoop.adaptor.hadoop.HadoopErrorCodes.ERROR_FEWER_TTS; import static com.vmware.vhadoop.adaptor.hadoop.HadoopErrorCodes.ERROR_EXCESS_TTS; import static com.vmware.vhadoop.adaptor.hadoop.HadoopErrorCodes.SUCCESS; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeSet; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import com.vmware.vhadoop.adaptor.hadoop.HadoopConnection.HadoopConnectionProperties; import com.vmware.vhadoop.adaptor.hadoop.HadoopConnection.HadoopCredentials; import com.vmware.vhadoop.adaptor.hadoop.HadoopErrorCodes.ParamTypes; import com.vmware.vhadoop.external.HadoopActions; import com.vmware.vhadoop.external.HadoopCluster; import com.vmware.vhadoop.util.CompoundStatus; import; /** * Class which represents the real implementation of HadoopActions * The class should be able to deal with multiple clusters and should have a HadoopConnection instance for each one. * The specifics of SSH and SCP are all handled in the HadoopConnection * */ public class HadoopAdaptor implements HadoopActions { private static final Logger _log = Logger.getLogger(HadoopAdaptor.class.getName()); private Map<String, HadoopConnection> _connections; private HadoopErrorCodes _errorCodes; private HadoopCredentials _credentials; private JTConfig _jtConfig; private HadoopConnectionProperties _connectionProperties; /* TODO: Provide setter? If not, make local */ private Map<ParamTypes, String> _errorParamValues; /* TODO: Will need one per connection/cluster */ /* TODO: I think it's ok that these are all constants for now. Easy to externalize in future though */ public static final int DEFAULT_SSH_PORT = 22; public static final String DEFAULT_SCP_READ_PERMS = "644"; public static final String DEFAULT_SCP_EXECUTE_PERMS = "755"; public static final String DECOM_LIST_FILE_NAME = "dlist.txt"; public static final String DECOM_SCRIPT_FILE_NAME = ""; public static final String RECOM_LIST_FILE_NAME = "rlist.txt"; public static final String RECOM_SCRIPT_FILE_NAME = ""; public static final String CHECK_SCRIPT_FILE_NAME = ""; /* TODO: Option to change the default values? */ public static final String DEFAULT_SCRIPT_SRC_PATH = "src/main/resources/"; public static final String DEFAULT_SCRIPT_DEST_PATH = "/tmp/"; public static final int MAX_CHECK_RETRY_ITERATIONS = 15; public HadoopAdaptor(HadoopCredentials credentials, JTConfig jtConfig) { _connectionProperties = getDefaultConnectionProperties(); _credentials = credentials; _jtConfig = jtConfig; _errorCodes = new HadoopErrorCodes(); _errorParamValues = new HashMap<ParamTypes, String>(); _connections = new HashMap<String, HadoopConnection>(); } private void setErrorParamValue(ParamTypes paramType, String paramValue) { _errorParamValues.put(paramType, paramValue); } private HadoopConnectionProperties getDefaultConnectionProperties() { return new HadoopConnectionProperties() { public int getSshPort() { return DEFAULT_SSH_PORT; } public String getScpReadPerms() { return DEFAULT_SCP_READ_PERMS; } public String getScpExecutePerms() { return DEFAULT_SCP_EXECUTE_PERMS; } }; } private HadoopConnection getConnectionForCluster(HadoopCluster cluster) { HadoopConnection result = _connections.get(cluster.getClusterName()); if (result == null) { /* TODO: SshUtils could be a single shared thread-safe object or non threadsafe object per connection */ result = new HadoopConnection(cluster, _connectionProperties, new NonThreadSafeSshUtils()); result.setHadoopCredentials(_credentials); result.setHadoopExcludeTTPath(_jtConfig.getExcludeTTPath()); result.setHadoopHomePath(_jtConfig.getHadoopHomePath()); _connections.put(cluster.getClusterName(), result); } setErrorParamValue(ParamTypes.HADOOP_HOME, result.getHadoopHome()); setErrorParamValue(ParamTypes.JOBTRACKER, result.getJobTrackerName()); setErrorParamValue(ParamTypes.EXCLUDE_FILE, result.getExcludeFilePath()); return result; } private boolean isValidTTList(String[] tts) { if (tts.length == 0) { _log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Error: Length of the TT list is 0!"); return false; } _log.log(Level.INFO, "TTs length: " + tts.length); Set<String> temp = new TreeSet<String>(); for (String tt : tts) { if (tt == null) { _log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Error: Null TT name found while de/recommisioning"); return false; } if (tt.length() == 0) { _log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Error: Empty TT name found while de/recommisioning"); return false; } if (!temp.add(tt)) { _log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Error: TT list contains duplicates!"); return false; } } return true; } private String createVMList(String[] tts) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (String tt : tts) { sb.append(tt).append('\n'); } return sb.toString(); } private void setErrorParamsForCommand(String command, String drScript, String drList) { setErrorParamValue(ParamTypes.COMMAND, command); setErrorParamValue(ParamTypes.DRSCRIPT, drScript); setErrorParamValue(ParamTypes.DRLIST, drList); } private byte[] loadLocalScript(String fileName) { InputStream is = HadoopAdaptor.class.getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(fileName); if (is == null) { _log.log(Level.SEVERE, "File " + fileName + " does not exist!"); return null; } byte[] result = null; try { result = IOUtils.toByteArray(is); } catch (IOException e) { _log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Unexpected error while converting file " + fileName + " to byte array", e); } return result; } /* private byte[] loadLocalScript(String fullLocalPath) { File file = new File(fullLocalPath); if (!file.exists()) { _log.log(Level.SEVERE, "File "+fullLocalPath+" does not exist!"); return null; } try { FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(file); BufferedInputStream bis = new BufferedInputStream(fis); byte[] result = new byte[(int)file.length()];; bis.close(); fis.close(); return result; } catch (IOException e) { _log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Unexpected error reading file "+fullLocalPath, e); } return null; } */ private int executeScriptWithCopyRetryOnFailure(HadoopConnection connection, String scriptFileName, String[] scriptArgs, OutputStream out) { int rc = -1; for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { rc = connection.executeScript(scriptFileName, DEFAULT_SCRIPT_DEST_PATH, scriptArgs, out); if (i == 0 && (rc == ERROR_COMMAND_NOT_FOUND || rc == ERROR_CATCHALL)) { _log.log(Level.INFO, scriptFileName + " not found..."); //Changed this to accommodate using jar file... //String fullLocalPath = HadoopAdaptor.class.getClassLoader().getResource(scriptFileName).getPath(); //byte[] scriptData = loadLocalScript(DEFAULT_SCRIPT_SRC_PATH + scriptFileName); //byte[] scriptData = loadLocalScript(fullLocalPath); byte[] scriptData = loadLocalScript(scriptFileName); if ((scriptData != null) && (connection.copyDataToJobTracker(scriptData, DEFAULT_SCRIPT_DEST_PATH, scriptFileName, true) == 0)) { continue; } } break; } return rc; } private CompoundStatus decomRecomTTs(String opDesc, String[] tts, HadoopCluster cluster, String scriptFileName, String listFileName) { CompoundStatus status = new CompoundStatus("decomRecomTTs"); if (!isValidTTList(tts)) { String errorMsg = opDesc + " failed due to bad TT list"; _log.log(Level.SEVERE, opDesc + " failed due to bad TT list"); status.registerTaskFailed(false, errorMsg); return status; } String scriptRemoteFilePath = DEFAULT_SCRIPT_DEST_PATH + scriptFileName; String listRemoteFilePath = DEFAULT_SCRIPT_DEST_PATH + listFileName; HadoopConnection connection = getConnectionForCluster(cluster); setErrorParamsForCommand(opDesc.toLowerCase(), scriptRemoteFilePath, listRemoteFilePath); OutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); String operationList = createVMList(tts); int rc = connection.copyDataToJobTracker(operationList.getBytes(), DEFAULT_SCRIPT_DEST_PATH, listFileName, false); if (rc == 0) { rc = executeScriptWithCopyRetryOnFailure(connection, scriptFileName, new String[] { listRemoteFilePath, connection.getExcludeFilePath(), connection.getHadoopHome() }, out); } status.addStatus(_errorCodes.interpretErrorCode(_log, rc, _errorParamValues)); return status; } @Override public CompoundStatus decommissionTTs(String[] tts, HadoopCluster cluster) { return decomRecomTTs("Decommission", tts, cluster, DECOM_SCRIPT_FILE_NAME, DECOM_LIST_FILE_NAME); } @Override public CompoundStatus recommissionTTs(String[] tts, HadoopCluster cluster) { return decomRecomTTs("Recommission", tts, cluster, RECOM_SCRIPT_FILE_NAME, RECOM_LIST_FILE_NAME); } @Override public CompoundStatus checkTargetTTsSuccess(String opType, String[] affectedTTs, int totalTargetEnabled, HadoopCluster cluster) { CompoundStatus status = new CompoundStatus("checkTargetTTsSuccess"); String scriptFileName = CHECK_SCRIPT_FILE_NAME; String scriptRemoteFilePath = DEFAULT_SCRIPT_DEST_PATH + scriptFileName; String listRemoteFilePath = null; String opDesc = "checkTargetTTsSuccess"; _log.log(Level.INFO, "AffectedTTs:"); for (String tt : affectedTTs) { _log.log(Level.INFO, tt); } HadoopConnection connection = getConnectionForCluster(cluster); setErrorParamsForCommand(opDesc, scriptRemoteFilePath, listRemoteFilePath); int rc = -1; int iterations = 0; do { if (iterations > 0) { _log.log(Level.INFO, "Target TTs not yet achieved...checking again - " + iterations); } OutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); rc = executeScriptWithCopyRetryOnFailure(connection, scriptFileName, new String[] { "" + totalTargetEnabled, connection.getHadoopHome() }, out); try { out.flush(); } catch (IOException e) { String errorMsg = "Unexpected exception in SSH OutputStream "; _log.log(Level.WARNING, errorMsg, e); status.registerTaskFailed(false, errorMsg + e.getMessage()); } //_log.log(Level.INFO, "Output from SSH script execution:\n"+out.toString()); /* Convert to String array and "nullify" last element (which happens to be "@@@..." or empty line) */ String[] allActiveTTs = out.toString().split("\n"); allActiveTTs[allActiveTTs.length - 1] = null; if (checkOpSuccess(opType, affectedTTs, allActiveTTs)) { _log.log(Level.INFO, "All selected TTs correctly %sed", opType.toLowerCase()); rc = SUCCESS; break; } //TODO: out.close()? } while ((rc == ERROR_FEWER_TTS || rc == ERROR_EXCESS_TTS) && (++iterations <= MAX_CHECK_RETRY_ITERATIONS)); status.addStatus(_errorCodes.interpretErrorCode(_log, rc, _errorParamValues)); return status; } private boolean checkOpSuccess(String opType, String[] affectedTTs, String[] allActiveTTs) { Set<String> setTTs = new TreeSet<String>(); _log.log(Level.INFO, "ActiveTTs:"); for (String tt : allActiveTTs) { if (tt != null) { setTTs.add(tt); //add if unique... _log.log(Level.INFO, tt); } } for (String tt : affectedTTs) { if (setTTs.contains(tt) && opType == "Decommission") { return false; } else if (!setTTs.contains(tt) && opType == "Recommission") { return false; } } return true; } }