Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2015 VMware, Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed * under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, without warranties or * conditions of any kind, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ package com.vmware.photon.controller.swagger.resources; import com.vmware.photon.controller.swagger.api.SwaggerApiListing; import com.vmware.photon.controller.swagger.api.SwaggerModel; import com.vmware.photon.controller.swagger.api.SwaggerModelProperty; import com.vmware.photon.controller.swagger.api.SwaggerOperation; import com.vmware.photon.controller.swagger.api.SwaggerParameter; import com.vmware.photon.controller.swagger.api.SwaggerResourceListing; import com.vmware.photon.controller.swagger.api.SwaggerResourceListingPath; import com.vmware.photon.controller.swagger.api.SwaggerResourceListings; import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty; import; import com.wordnik.swagger.annotations.Api; import com.wordnik.swagger.annotations.ApiModelProperty; import com.wordnik.swagger.annotations.ApiOperation; import com.wordnik.swagger.annotations.ApiParam; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.glassfish.jersey.server.model.Resource; import org.glassfish.jersey.server.model.ResourceMethod; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.lang.annotation.Annotation; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.lang.reflect.ParameterizedType; import java.lang.reflect.Type; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; // TODO(lisbakke): Make the paths configurable. // TODO(lisbakke): Cache the json listings. // TODO(lisbakke): Support @Produces and @Consumes /** * This class is responsible for serving swagger-compliant JSON. It responds to requests at /api-docs with a listing * of all resources that are documented. /api-docs/path/to/resource will output the docs for the given resource. This * class parses swagger annotations and turns them into their json equivalent for swagger-ui to consume. */ @Path(SwaggerJsonListing.SWAGGER_PATH) @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) @Consumes(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) public class SwaggerJsonListing { public static final String DEFAULT_API_VERSION = "1.0"; public static final String SWAGGER_PATH = "/api-docs"; public static final String QUERY_TYPE = "query"; public static final String PATH_PARAM = "path"; public static final String MATRIX_PARAM = "matrix"; public static final String HEADER_PARAM = "header"; public static final String FORM_PARAM = "form"; public static final String COOKIE = "cookie"; public static final String SWAGGER_VERSION = "1.2"; private static final String REFERENCE_TYPE = "$ref"; private static final List<String> COLLECTION_TYPES = Arrays.asList("List", "Array"); private static final List<String> PRIMITIVE_TYPES = Arrays.asList("byte", "boolean", "int", "long", "float", "double", "string", "date", "void", "Byte", "Boolean", "Integer", "Long", "Float", "Double", "String", "Date", "Void"); private static final Object resourceListingsLock = new Object(); private static Map<String, SwaggerResourceListing> resourceListingCacheMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); private static SwaggerResourceListings resourceListings = null; private final String apiVersion; private final String swaggerVersion; private List<Class<?>> resources; /** * The constructor for the swagger json listing. It allows swagger to know what resources to document, * which swagger-ui version is being used, and what the api version is of the api being documented. * * @param resources A list of resource classes that are to be documented. Sub resources will be scanned * automatically. * @param swaggerVersion The version of swagger-ui that this should output json for. * @param apiVersion The api version of the api being documented. */ public SwaggerJsonListing(List<Class<?>> resources, String swaggerVersion, String apiVersion) { this.resources = resources; this.apiVersion = apiVersion; this.swaggerVersion = swaggerVersion; } public SwaggerJsonListing() { this.swaggerVersion = SWAGGER_VERSION; this.apiVersion = DEFAULT_API_VERSION; } public static void clearCaches() { resourceListingCacheMap.clear(); synchronized (resourceListingsLock) { resourceListings = null; } } /** * This outputs the json that contains a list of all resources that are documented, * and the paths for getting their documentation. * * @return SwaggerResourceListings The API representation for the master list of documented resources. */ @GET public SwaggerResourceListings getSwaggerResourceListings() { synchronized (resourceListingsLock) { if (resourceListings != null) { return resourceListings; } } SwaggerResourceListings listings = new SwaggerResourceListings(); listings.setBasePath(""); listings.setApiVersion(this.apiVersion); listings.setSwaggerVersion(this.swaggerVersion); List<SwaggerResourceListingPath> apis = new ArrayList<>(); Set<String> apiValues = new HashSet<>(); for (Class<?> resource : resources) { if (resource.isAnnotationPresent(Api.class)) { SwaggerResourceListingPath swaggerResourcePath = new SwaggerResourceListingPath(); Api api = resource.getAnnotation(Api.class); if (!apiValues.contains(api.value())) { swaggerResourcePath .setPath(UriBuilder.fromPath(SWAGGER_PATH).path(api.value()).build().toString()); apis.add(swaggerResourcePath); apiValues.add(api.value()); } } } listings.setApis(apis); synchronized (resourceListingsLock) { resourceListings = listings; } return listings; } /** * This is for getting the documentation for a specific resource and all of its subresources. An example request * that this handles would be /api-docs/v1/projects. This function would then look for a registered resource with * the path /v1/projects and it would generate documentation for it. * * @param resourcepath The path parameter that represents the path of the resource to document. For example, * /v1/projects. * @return SwaggerResourceListing The API representation for the swagger documentation of a single resource class. * @throws ClassNotFoundException */ @GET @Path("/{resourcepath:.*}") public SwaggerResourceListing getSwaggerResourceListing(@PathParam("resourcepath") String resourcepath) throws ClassNotFoundException { if (!resourcepath.startsWith("/")) { resourcepath = "/" + resourcepath; } if (resourceListingCacheMap.containsKey(resourcepath)) { return resourceListingCacheMap.get(resourcepath); } Map<Resource, Class<?>> resourcesMap = new HashMap<>(); // Find the resource with the path equal to resourcepath. for (Class<?> resource : resources) { Path path = resource.getAnnotation(Path.class); if (path != null) { if (path.value().startsWith(resourcepath)) { resourcesMap.put(Resource.from(resource), resource); } } } if (resourcesMap.isEmpty()) { return null; } // Start filling out the API representation. SwaggerResourceListing listing = new SwaggerResourceListing(); HashMap<String, SwaggerModel> models = new LinkedHashMap<>(); List<SwaggerApiListing> allApiListings = new ArrayList<>(); for (Resource resource : resourcesMap.keySet()) { // This does the bulk of the work. It will be called recursively for subresources. List<SwaggerApiListing> apiListings = getApiListings(models, resource, UriBuilder.fromPath("/"), new ArrayList<>(), resourcesMap); allApiListings.addAll(apiListings); } listing.setApis(allApiListings); listing.setModels(models); listing.setBasePath(""); listing.setApiVersion(this.apiVersion); listing.setSwaggerVersion(this.swaggerVersion); listing.setResourcePath(resourcepath); resourceListingCacheMap.put(resourcepath, listing); return listing; } /** * Parses annotations and turns them into API representations. It goes through a resource class that is annotated * with @Api and will generate docs for all HTTP endpoints, the parameters they take, the values they return, * and create JSON models of every non-primitive type that is encountered so that swagger-ui can accurately display * the information for parameter and return types. It also will recursively call itself when it finds return values * in methods that are subresources. * * @param models A hashmap of the class name to a SwaggerModel api representation. This is passed all around so * that anytime a new type is encountered it can be documented. * @param resource The resource class we are documenting methods, parameters, return types for. * @param uriBuilder This uriBuilder is passed around so that subresources can keep track of the uri path of parent * resources. * @param parentParams The parameters that a parent resource takes, which a subresource would need to document. * @return */ private List<SwaggerApiListing> getApiListings(HashMap<String, SwaggerModel> models, Resource resource, UriBuilder uriBuilder, List<SwaggerParameter> parentParams, Map<Resource, Class<?>> resourcesMap) { Class<?> resourceClass = resourcesMap.get(resource); List<SwaggerApiListing> apiListings = new ArrayList<>(); if (resourceClass.isAnnotationPresent(Path.class)) { Path methodPath = resourceClass.getAnnotation(Path.class); uriBuilder.path(methodPath.value()); } if (resourceClass.isAnnotationPresent(Api.class)) { List<ResourceMethod> resourceMethods = new ArrayList<>(resource.getResourceMethods()); for (Resource childResource : resource.getChildResources()) { resourceMethods.addAll(childResource.getAllMethods()); } for (ResourceMethod method : resourceMethods) { apiListings = concatListings(apiListings, getMethodData(models, method, uriBuilder.clone(), parentParams, resourcesMap)); } } return apiListings; } /** * Concatenates two lists of SwaggerApiListing. It is not just a normal concat. The 'path' property must be looked * at. If two SwaggerApiListing have the same path, then they should be merged into one listing and have their * operations merged. This could happen in the case where there are multiple HTTP operations for one path. * * @param listingsA The first list. * @param listingsB The second list. * @return A merged list. */ private List<SwaggerApiListing> concatListings(List<SwaggerApiListing> listingsA, List<SwaggerApiListing> listingsB) { List<SwaggerApiListing> finalList = new ArrayList<>(); listingsA.addAll(listingsB); for (SwaggerApiListing listingA : listingsA) { boolean added = false; for (SwaggerApiListing finalListing : finalList) { if (listingA.getPath().equals(finalListing.getPath())) { added = true; finalListing.getOperations().addAll(listingA.getOperations()); break; } } if (!added) { finalList.add(listingA); } } return finalList; } /** * Looks at a method's annotations (return type, parameters, path, etc.) and adds them to the API representations. * If a return type is a subresource this method will recurse back to getApiListings to have it parsed. * * @param models The hashmap of models that are being documented so that they can be referenced by swagger-ui. * @param method The method to document. * @param uriBuilder A uribuilder that helps this resource determine its true http path. * @param parentParams The parameters of parent resources, so that they can be documented by subresources. * @return A list of SwaggerApiListing. */ private List<SwaggerApiListing> getMethodData(HashMap<String, SwaggerModel> models, ResourceMethod method, UriBuilder uriBuilder, List<SwaggerParameter> parentParams, Map<Resource, Class<?>> resourcesMap) { Method definitionMethod = method.getInvocable().getDefinitionMethod(); Class<?> returnType = definitionMethod.getReturnType(); boolean returnTypeIsSubResource = false; Resource returnResource = null; // If the return type isn't primitive, it could be a subresource type. if (!PRIMITIVE_TYPES.contains(returnType.getSimpleName())) { returnResource = Resource.from(returnType); returnTypeIsSubResource = returnResource != null && resourcesMap.containsKey(returnResource) && resourcesMap.get(returnResource).isAnnotationPresent(Api.class); } Path methodPath = definitionMethod.getAnnotation(Path.class); if (methodPath != null) { uriBuilder.path(methodPath.value()); } if (returnTypeIsSubResource) { // If the return type is a subresource, recurse back to getApiListings. return getApiListings(models, returnResource, uriBuilder.clone(), getOperation(models, method, parentParams).getParameters(), resourcesMap); } else { // Generate the docs for this endpoint. SwaggerOperation operation = getOperation(models, method, parentParams); addModel(models, returnType); List<SwaggerOperation> operations = new ArrayList<>(); operations.add(operation); SwaggerApiListing listing = new SwaggerApiListing(); listing.setPath(uriBuilder.toTemplate()); listing.setOperations(operations); List<SwaggerApiListing> apiListings = new ArrayList<>(); apiListings.add(listing); return apiListings; } } /** * Gets all of the operation data for a method, such as http method, documentation, parameters, response class, etc. * * @param models The hashmap of models that are being documented so that they can be referenced by swagger-ui. * @param method The method to document. * @param parentParams The parameters of parent resources, so that they can be documented by subresources. * @return A SwaggerOperation API representation. */ private SwaggerOperation getOperation(HashMap<String, SwaggerModel> models, ResourceMethod method, List<SwaggerParameter> parentParams) { Method definitionMethod = method.getInvocable().getDefinitionMethod(); SwaggerOperation operation = new SwaggerOperation(); // If there is no @ApiOperation on a method we still document it because it's possible that the return class of // this method is a resource class with @Api and @ApiOperation on methods. ApiOperation apiOperation = definitionMethod.getAnnotation(ApiOperation.class); if (apiOperation != null) { operation.setSummary(apiOperation.value()); operation.setNotes(apiOperation.notes()); Class<?> responseClass = apiOperation.response().equals(Void.class) ? definitionMethod.getReturnType() : apiOperation.response(); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(apiOperation.responseContainer())) { operation.setResponseClass(addListModel(models, responseClass, apiOperation.responseContainer())); } else { operation.setResponseClass( getTypeName(models, responseClass, definitionMethod.getGenericReturnType())); } addModel(models, responseClass); } operation.setHttpMethod(parseHttpOperation(definitionMethod)); operation.setNickname(definitionMethod.getName()); // In this block we get all of the parameters to the method and convert them to SwaggerParameter types. We // introspect the generic types. List<SwaggerParameter> swaggerParameters = new ArrayList<>(); Class[] parameterTypes = definitionMethod.getParameterTypes(); Type[] genericParameterTypes = definitionMethod.getGenericParameterTypes(); Annotation[][] parameterAnnotations = definitionMethod.getParameterAnnotations(); for (int i = 0; i < parameterTypes.length; i++) { Class parameter = parameterTypes[i]; Type genericParameterType = genericParameterTypes[i]; if (genericParameterType instanceof Class && "".equals(((Class) genericParameterType).getName())) { continue; } SwaggerParameter swaggerParameter = parameterToSwaggerParameter(models, parameter, genericParameterType, parameterAnnotations[i]); swaggerParameters.add(swaggerParameter); // Add this parameter to the list of model documentation. addModel(models, parameter); } swaggerParameters.addAll(parentParams); operation.setParameters(swaggerParameters); return operation; } /** * Given a parameter to a method, this method will introspect it and convert it into a SwaggerParameter API * representation. * * @param models The hashmap of models that are being documented so that they can be referenced by swagger-ui. * @param parameter The parameter to introspect. * @param genericParameterType The generics information for this parameter. * @param parameterAnnotation The annotations for the parameter. * @return A SwaggerParameter. */ private SwaggerParameter parameterToSwaggerParameter(HashMap<String, SwaggerModel> models, Class parameter, Type genericParameterType, Annotation[] parameterAnnotation) { SwaggerParameter swaggerParameter = new SwaggerParameter(); swaggerParameter.setDataType(getTypeName(models, parameter, genericParameterType)); // TODO(lisbakke): Make this prettier. for (Annotation paramAnnotation : parameterAnnotation) { if (paramAnnotation instanceof QueryParam) { swaggerParameter.setParamType(QUERY_TYPE); swaggerParameter.setName(((QueryParam) paramAnnotation).value()); } else if (paramAnnotation instanceof PathParam) { swaggerParameter.setParamType(PATH_PARAM); swaggerParameter.setName(((PathParam) paramAnnotation).value()); swaggerParameter.setRequired(true); } else if (paramAnnotation instanceof MatrixParam) { swaggerParameter.setParamType(MATRIX_PARAM); swaggerParameter.setName(((MatrixParam) paramAnnotation).value()); } else if (paramAnnotation instanceof HeaderParam) { swaggerParameter.setParamType(HEADER_PARAM); swaggerParameter.setName(((HeaderParam) paramAnnotation).value()); } else if (paramAnnotation instanceof FormParam) { swaggerParameter.setParamType(FORM_PARAM); swaggerParameter.setName(((FormParam) paramAnnotation).value()); } else if (paramAnnotation instanceof CookieParam) { swaggerParameter.setParamType(COOKIE); swaggerParameter.setName(((CookieParam) paramAnnotation).value()); } else if (paramAnnotation instanceof ApiParam) { swaggerParameter.setRequired(((ApiParam) paramAnnotation).required()); swaggerParameter.setDescription(((ApiParam) paramAnnotation).value()); swaggerParameter.setDefaultValue(((ApiParam) paramAnnotation).defaultValue()); String allowableValues = ((ApiParam) paramAnnotation).allowableValues(); if (allowableValues != null && !allowableValues.isEmpty()) { swaggerParameter.setAllowableValues(parseAllowableValues(allowableValues)); } } } return swaggerParameter; } /** * Given a class and the generic type for the class, this method will return a string that swagger-ui understands. * For instance, if the type is String it will just return String. But if the type is HashMap<String, * String> then this will return HashMap[String, String]. * * @param models The hashmap of models that are being documented so that they can be referenced by swagger-ui. * @param mainClass The class to get the type of. * @param genericType The generic type information for the class. * @return The string version of this class. */ private String getTypeName(HashMap<String, SwaggerModel> models, Class mainClass, Type genericType) { String returnTypeString = mainClass.getSimpleName(); if (genericType instanceof ParameterizedType) { List<Type> genericTypes = Arrays.asList(((ParameterizedType) genericType).getActualTypeArguments()); if (genericTypes.size() > 0) { List<String> namedTypes = new ArrayList<>(); for (Type type : genericTypes) { addModel(models, (Class) type); namedTypes.add(((Class) type).getSimpleName()); } returnTypeString += "[" + Joiner.on(",").join(namedTypes) + "]"; } } return returnTypeString; } /** * Converts a List class to a SwaggerModel API representation and adds it to the models HashMap. * List<T> cannot be reflected and it's impossible to create class of List<model> at runtime for "type erasure" * reason. * We are generating a SwaggerModel specifically for List with most fields hardcoded. * * @param models The hashmap of models that are being documented so that they can be referenced by swagger-ui. * @param model The model to add to the models hashmap. * @param modelName The name of model. * @return The name of ListModel in the form of modelName<model> */ private String addListModel(HashMap<String, SwaggerModel> models, Class<?> model, String modelName) { SwaggerModel swaggerModel = new SwaggerModel(); swaggerModel.setId(modelName); swaggerModel.setName(modelName); SwaggerModelProperty modelProperty = new SwaggerModelProperty(); modelProperty.setType("List"); modelProperty.setRequired(true); HashMap<String, String> items = new HashMap<>(); items.put(REFERENCE_TYPE, model.getSimpleName()); modelProperty.setItems(items); HashMap<String, SwaggerModelProperty> modelProperties = new HashMap(); modelProperties.put("items", modelProperty); swaggerModel.setProperties(modelProperties); String listModelName = String.format("%s<%s>", modelName, model.getSimpleName()); models.put(listModelName, swaggerModel); return listModelName; } /** * Converts a class to a SwaggerModel API representation and adds it to the models HashMap. Any property of the * class that is a @JsonProperty will be documented. @ApiModelProperty annotations are documented * and addModel will be called recursively with any properties which reference other classes that should be * documented as well. For instance, if Class1 has a property that is List[Class2], * then addModel will be called with Class2. * * @param models The hashmap of models that are being documented so that they can be referenced by swagger-ui. * @param model The model to add to the models hashmap. */ private void addModel(HashMap<String, SwaggerModel> models, Class<?> model) { String modelName = model.getSimpleName(); if (!models.containsKey(modelName)) { // TODO(lisbakke): Add @ApiModel description into our output once swagger-ui supports adding documentation for // an ApiModel. SwaggerModel swaggerModel = new SwaggerModel(); swaggerModel.setId(modelName); swaggerModel.setName(modelName); HashMap<String, SwaggerModelProperty> modelProperties = new HashMap<>(); Class<?> curClass = model; List<Field> declaredFields = new ArrayList<>(); // Get the properties from the class and its superclasses. while (curClass != null) { declaredFields.addAll(Arrays.asList(curClass.getDeclaredFields())); curClass = curClass.getSuperclass(); } int numProperties = 0; // For each property, get it's data and possibly recurse to addModel. for (Field property : declaredFields) { if (property.getAnnotation(JsonProperty.class) != null) { SwaggerModelProperty modelProperty = new SwaggerModelProperty(); String type = property.getType().getSimpleName(); modelProperty = handleCollectionType(property, models, modelProperty); modelProperty.setType(type); ApiModelProperty apiModelProperty = property.getAnnotation(ApiModelProperty.class); if (apiModelProperty != null) { modelProperty.setDescription(apiModelProperty.value()); modelProperty.setRequired(apiModelProperty.required()); String allowableValues = apiModelProperty.allowableValues(); if (allowableValues != null && !allowableValues.isEmpty()) { modelProperty .setAllowableValues(parseAllowableValues(apiModelProperty.allowableValues())); } } modelProperties.put(property.getName(), modelProperty); // Make sure this property of this class will also have a model built for it. addModel(models, property.getType()); numProperties++; } } if (numProperties > 0) { swaggerModel.setProperties(modelProperties); models.put(modelName, swaggerModel); } } } /** * @param allowableValues The allowable values string to be parsed. * @return A HashMap which a SwaggerModelProperty's allowableValues should be set to. * @ApiParam and @ApiModelProperty have an attribute 'allowableValues'. This string can be one of two things -- a * list of possible parameters, or a range. A list would look like allowableValues="val1,val2, * val3" and a range would look like allowableValues="range[0,199]". This function parses these strings and * converts them to the JSON that swagger-ui understands. */ private HashMap<String, Object> parseAllowableValues(String allowableValues) { HashMap<String, Object> parsedAllowableValues = new HashMap<>(); if (allowableValues.startsWith("range[")) { String[] ranges = allowableValues.substring(6, allowableValues.length() - 1).split(","); if (ranges.length == 2) { // Swagger ui range values are broken. parsedAllowableValues.put("valueType", "RANGE"); parsedAllowableValues.put("max", ranges[0]); parsedAllowableValues.put("min", ranges[1]); } } else { String[] values = allowableValues.split(","); parsedAllowableValues.put("valueType", "LIST"); parsedAllowableValues.put("values", values); } return parsedAllowableValues; } /** * Converts a model property to a SwaggerModelProperty in the event that it is a collection type. * * @param property The model property to convert. * @param models The hashmap of models that are being documented so that they can be referenced by swagger-ui. * @param modelProperty The SwaggerModelProperty to convert this property into. * @return The converted SwaggerModelProperty. */ private SwaggerModelProperty handleCollectionType(Field property, HashMap<String, SwaggerModel> models, SwaggerModelProperty modelProperty) { String type = property.getType().getSimpleName(); if (COLLECTION_TYPES.contains(type)) { ParameterizedType parameterizedType = (ParameterizedType) property.getGenericType(); Type[] genericTypes = parameterizedType.getActualTypeArguments(); if (genericTypes.length > 0) { // Swagger UI doesn't support the fact that a Parameter could be a collection/generic that // references two classes, such as HashMap<Class1, Class2>. If it did, then we wouldn't limit this method to // just COLLECTION_TYPES. Class genericClass = (Class) genericTypes[0]; addModel(models, genericClass); HashMap<String, String> items = new HashMap<>(); if (PRIMITIVE_TYPES.contains(genericClass.getSimpleName())) { items.put("type", genericClass.getSimpleName()); } else { items.put(REFERENCE_TYPE, genericClass.getSimpleName()); } modelProperty.setItems(items); } } return modelProperty; } /** * Looks at a method and determines the HTTP operation that it accepts. * * @param method The method to introspect. * @return A string name of the HTTP operation. */ private String parseHttpOperation(Method method) { if (method.getAnnotation(GET.class) != null) { return "GET"; } else if (method.getAnnotation(DELETE.class) != null) { return "DELETE"; } else if (method.getAnnotation(POST.class) != null) { return "POST"; } else if (method.getAnnotation(PUT.class) != null) { return "PUT"; } else if (method.getAnnotation(HEAD.class) != null) { return "HEAD"; } else if (method.getAnnotation(OPTIONS.class) != null) { return "OPTIONS"; } return null; } }