Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2015 VMware, Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed * under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, without warranties or * conditions of any kind, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ package com.vmware.photon.controller.deployer.dcp.task; import com.vmware.photon.controller.cloudstore.dcp.entity.HostService; import com.vmware.photon.controller.common.xenon.ControlFlags; import com.vmware.photon.controller.common.xenon.InitializationUtils; import com.vmware.photon.controller.common.xenon.PatchUtils; import com.vmware.photon.controller.common.xenon.ServiceUtils; import com.vmware.photon.controller.common.xenon.TaskUtils; import com.vmware.photon.controller.common.xenon.ValidationUtils; import com.vmware.photon.controller.common.xenon.validation.DefaultInteger; import com.vmware.photon.controller.common.xenon.validation.DefaultTaskState; import com.vmware.photon.controller.common.xenon.validation.Immutable; import com.vmware.photon.controller.common.xenon.validation.NotNull; import com.vmware.photon.controller.deployer.dcp.util.HostUtils; import com.vmware.photon.controller.deployer.deployengine.HttpFileServiceClient; import com.vmware.xenon.common.Operation; import com.vmware.xenon.common.ServiceDocument; import com.vmware.xenon.common.StatefulService; import com.vmware.xenon.common.TaskState; import com.vmware.xenon.common.Utils; import; import; import; import; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; /** * This class implements a DCP micro-service which performs the task of uploading one or more VIB images to a host. */ public class UploadVibTaskService extends StatefulService { /** * This value defines the document state associated with a {@link UploadVibTaskService} task. */ public static class State extends ServiceDocument { /** * This value represents the state of the current task. */ @DefaultTaskState(value = TaskState.TaskStage.CREATED) public TaskState taskState; /** * This value represents the control flags for the current task. */ @DefaultInteger(value = 0) @Immutable public Integer controlFlags; /** * This value represents the document link of the DeploymentService in whose context the task is being performed. */ @NotNull @Immutable public String deploymentServiceLink; /** * This value represents the document link of the {@link HostService} on which to upload the VIB. */ @NotNull @Immutable public String hostServiceLink; /** * This value represents the set of VIBs which have been uploaded. */ public Map<String, String> vibPaths; } public UploadVibTaskService() { super(State.class); super.toggleOption(ServiceOption.OWNER_SELECTION, true); super.toggleOption(ServiceOption.PERSISTENCE, true); super.toggleOption(ServiceOption.REPLICATION, true); } @Override public void handleStart(Operation operation) { ServiceUtils.logTrace(this, "Handling start operation"); State startState = operation.getBody(State.class); InitializationUtils.initialize(startState); validateState(startState); // // Do not automatically transition to STARTED state. The task scheduler service will transition tasks to the // STARTED state as executor slots become available. // if (startState.documentExpirationTimeMicros <= 0) { startState.documentExpirationTimeMicros = ServiceUtils .computeExpirationTime(ServiceUtils.DEFAULT_DOC_EXPIRATION_TIME_MICROS); } operation.setBody(startState).complete(); try { if (ControlFlags.isOperationProcessingDisabled(startState.controlFlags)) { ServiceUtils.logInfo(this, "Skipping start operation processing (disabled)"); } else if (startState.taskState.stage == TaskState.TaskStage.STARTED) { TaskUtils.sendSelfPatch(this, buildPatch(startState.taskState.stage, null)); } } catch (Throwable t) { failTask(t); } } @Override public void handlePatch(Operation operation) { ServiceUtils.logTrace(this, "Handling patch operation"); State currentState = this.getState(operation); State patchState = operation.getBody(State.class); validatePatchState(currentState, patchState); PatchUtils.patchState(currentState, patchState); validateState(currentState); operation.complete(); try { if (ControlFlags.isOperationProcessingDisabled(currentState.controlFlags)) { ServiceUtils.logInfo(this, "Skipping patch operation processing (disabled)"); } else if (currentState.taskState.stage == TaskState.TaskStage.STARTED) { processStartedStage(currentState); } } catch (Throwable t) { failTask(t); } } private void validateState(State currentState) { ValidationUtils.validateState(currentState); ValidationUtils.validateTaskStage(currentState.taskState); } private void validatePatchState(State currentState, State patchState) { ValidationUtils.validatePatch(currentState, patchState); ValidationUtils.validateTaskStage(patchState.taskState); ValidationUtils.validateTaskStageProgression(currentState.taskState, patchState.taskState); } private void processStartedStage(State currentState) { HostUtils.getCloudStoreHelper(this).createGet(currentState.hostServiceLink).setCompletion((op, ex) -> { if (ex != null) { failTask(ex); return; } try { processUploadVib(currentState, op.getBody(HostService.State.class)); } catch (Throwable t) { failTask(t); } }).sendWith(this); } private void processUploadVib(State currentState, HostService.State hostState) { File sourceDirectory = new File(HostUtils.getDeployerContext(this).getVibDirectory()); if (!sourceDirectory.exists()) { throw new IllegalStateException( "VIB directory " + sourceDirectory.getAbsolutePath() + " does not exist"); } else if (!sourceDirectory.isDirectory()) { throw new IllegalStateException( "VIB directory " + sourceDirectory.getAbsolutePath() + " is not a directory"); } File[] sourceFiles = sourceDirectory.listFiles((file) -> file.getName().toUpperCase().endsWith(".VIB")); if (sourceFiles.length == 0) { throw new IllegalStateException("No VIB files were found in " + sourceDirectory.getAbsolutePath()); } for (File sourceFile : sourceFiles) { // // If this file has already been uploaded, then skip to the next file. // if (currentState.vibPaths != null && currentState.vibPaths.containsKey(sourceFile.getName())) { continue; } HttpFileServiceClient httpFileServiceClient = HostUtils.getHttpFileServiceClientFactory(this) .create(hostState.hostAddress, hostState.userName, hostState.password); String uploadPath = "/tmp/photon-controller-vibs/" + ServiceUtils.getIDFromDocumentSelfLink(currentState.deploymentServiceLink) + "/" + sourceFile.getName(); ListenableFutureTask<Integer> task = ListenableFutureTask .create(httpFileServiceClient.uploadFile(sourceFile.getAbsolutePath(), uploadPath, false)); HostUtils.getListeningExecutorService(this).submit(task); Futures.addCallback(task, new FutureCallback<Integer>() { @Override public void onSuccess(@Nullable Integer result) { try { if (result != HttpsURLConnection.HTTP_OK && result != HttpsURLConnection.HTTP_CREATED) { throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected HTTP result " + result + " when uploading " + sourceFile.getAbsolutePath()); } Map<String, String> vibPaths = new HashMap<>(sourceFiles.length); if (currentState.vibPaths != null) { vibPaths.putAll(currentState.vibPaths); } vibPaths.put(sourceFile.getName(), uploadPath); State patchState = buildPatch(currentState.taskState.stage, null); patchState.vibPaths = vibPaths; TaskUtils.sendSelfPatch(UploadVibTaskService.this, patchState); } catch (Throwable t) { failTask(t); } } @Override public void onFailure(Throwable throwable) { failTask(throwable); } }); return; } sendStageProgressPatch(TaskState.TaskStage.FINISHED); } private void sendStageProgressPatch(TaskState.TaskStage taskStage) { ServiceUtils.logTrace(this, "Sending self-patch to stage %s", taskStage); TaskUtils.sendSelfPatch(this, buildPatch(taskStage, null)); } private void failTask(Throwable failure) { ServiceUtils.logSevere(this, failure); TaskUtils.sendSelfPatch(this, buildPatch(TaskState.TaskStage.FAILED, failure)); } // // N.B. This routine is required for services which are started by the task scheduler service. // public static State buildStartPatch() { return buildPatch(TaskState.TaskStage.STARTED, null); } @VisibleForTesting protected static State buildPatch(TaskState.TaskStage taskStage, @Nullable Throwable failure) { State patchState = new State(); patchState.taskState = new TaskState(); patchState.taskState.stage = taskStage; if (failure != null) { patchState.taskState.failure = Utils.toServiceErrorResponse(failure); } return patchState; } }