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 * Copyright 2015 VMware, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
 * use this file except in compliance with the License.  You may obtain a copy of
 * the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed
 * under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, without warranties or
 * conditions of any kind, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED.  See the License for the
 * specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

package com.vmware.photon.controller.common.xenon;

import com.vmware.photon.controller.common.xenon.exceptions.XenonRuntimeException;
import com.vmware.xenon.common.Operation;
import com.vmware.xenon.common.Service;
import com.vmware.xenon.common.ServiceDocument;
import com.vmware.xenon.common.TaskState;
import com.vmware.xenon.common.UriUtils;
import com.vmware.xenon.common.Utils;

import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import static;
import static;

import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;

 * Class implements utility methods for QueryTask objects.
public class QueryTaskUtils {

     * The name of the field in the service state that stores the parent link.
    protected static final String PARENT_LINK_FIELD_NAME = "parentLink";
     * The format string for the name of the field in the service state that
     * stores the execution stage.
    protected static final String STAGE_FIELD_NAME_FORMAT = "%s.stage";
    private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(QueryTaskUtils.class);

     * This method builds a query specification which will return service instances
     * of type childClass which have the parentLink field set to the passed in value.
     * @param selfLink
     * @param childClass
     * @return
    public static QueryTask.QuerySpecification buildChildServiceQuerySpec(final String selfLink,
            final Class childClass) {
        return buildChildServiceQuerySpec(selfLink, childClass, new QueryTask.Query[0]);

     * This method builds a query specification which will return service instances
     * of type childClass which have the parentLink field set to the passed in value.
     * @param selfLink
     * @param childClass
     * @param additionalClauses
     * @return
    public static QueryTask.QuerySpecification buildChildServiceQuerySpec(final String selfLink,
            final Class childClass, final QueryTask.Query... additionalClauses) {
        checkArgument(childClass != null, "childClass cannot be null");
        checkArgument(additionalClauses != null, "additionalClauses cannot be null");

        QueryTask.Query parentLinkClause = new QueryTask.Query().setTermPropertyName(PARENT_LINK_FIELD_NAME)

        QueryTask.QuerySpecification spec = buildQuerySpec(childClass, additionalClauses);

        return spec;

     * Builds a query specification which will query for service instances of type childClass
     * which have the parentLink field set to the param value and the stage execution field
     * one of the values passed using stages param.
     * @param selfLink
     * @param childClass
     * @return
    public static QueryTask.QuerySpecification buildChildServiceTaskStatusQuerySpec(final String selfLink,
            final Class childClass, final TaskState.TaskStage... stages) {
        checkArgument(stages != null && stages.length >= 1, "stages.length must be >= 1");

        QueryTask.Query parentLinkClause = new QueryTask.Query().setTermPropertyName(PARENT_LINK_FIELD_NAME)

        QueryTask.QuerySpecification spec = buildTaskStatusQuerySpec(childClass, stages);

        return spec;

     * Builds a query specification which will query for service instances of type taskClass
     * with the stage field one of the values passed in as a parameter.
     * @return
    public static QueryTask.QuerySpecification buildTaskStatusQuerySpec(final Class taskClass,
            final TaskState.TaskStage... stages) {
        checkArgument(stages != null && stages.length >= 1, "stages.length must be >= 1");

        String fieldName = findStageFieldName(taskClass);
        if (null == fieldName) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                    String.format("%s does not have a member of type %s", taskClass, TaskState.class));

        QueryTask.Query stageQuery = buildTaskStateQuery(String.format(STAGE_FIELD_NAME_FORMAT, fieldName), stages);
        return buildQuerySpec(taskClass, stageQuery);

     * This method gets the document links from an operation whose body is a {@link NodeGroupBroadcastResponse} generated
     * by a broadcast query operation.
     * @param queryResult Supplies a completed query operation.
     * @return A set of document links in unsorted order.
    public static Set<String> getBroadcastQueryDocumentLinks(Operation queryResult) {
        NodeGroupBroadcastResponse queryResponse = queryResult.getBody(NodeGroupBroadcastResponse.class);
        return getBroadcastQueryDocumentLinks(queryResponse);

     * This method gets the document links from a {@link NodeGroupBroadcastResponse} generated by a broadcast query
     * operation by merging the document links in the various responses into a single result set.
     * @param response Supplies a {@link NodeGroupBroadcastResponse}.
     * @return A set of document links in unsorted order.
    public static Set<String> getBroadcastQueryDocumentLinks(NodeGroupBroadcastResponse response) {

        if (!response.failures.isEmpty()) {
            throw new XenonRuntimeException(
                    "Failures detected in query task response: " + Utils.toJson(false, true, response));

        Set<String> documentLinks = new HashSet<>();
        for (Map.Entry<URI, String> entry : response.jsonResponses.entrySet()) {
            QueryTask queryTask = Utils.fromJson(entry.getValue(), QueryTask.class);
            if (null != queryTask.results) {
                for (String documentLink : queryTask.results.documentLinks) {

        return documentLinks;

     * This method gets the documents from an operation whose body is a {@link NodeGroupBroadcastResponse} generated by a
     * broadcast query operation. It will choose a document if and only if it was sent by the host that owns it.
     * @param queryResult
     * @return
    public static <T extends ServiceDocument> List<T> getBroadcastQueryDocuments(Class<T> documentType,
            Operation queryResult) {
        NodeGroupBroadcastResponse queryResponse = queryResult.getBody(NodeGroupBroadcastResponse.class);
        return getBroadcastQueryDocuments(documentType, queryResponse);

     * This method gets the documents from a {@link NodeGroupBroadcastResponse} generated by a broadcast query operation
     * by merging the documents in the various responses into a single result set. It will choose a document if and only
     * if it was sent by the host that owns it.
     * @param response
     * @return
    public static <T extends ServiceDocument> List<T> getBroadcastQueryDocuments(Class<T> documentType,
            NodeGroupBroadcastResponse response) {

        if (!response.failures.isEmpty()) {
            throw new XenonRuntimeException(
                    "Failures detected in query task response: " + Utils.toJson(false, true, response));

        List<T> documents = new ArrayList<>();
        for (Map.Entry<URI, String> entry : response.jsonResponses.entrySet()) {
            QueryTask queryTask = Utils.fromJson(entry.getValue(), QueryTask.class);
            if (null != queryTask.results && queryTask.results.documents != null) {
                for (Object value : queryTask.results.documents.values()) {
                    T document = Utils.fromJson(value, documentType);
                    if (queryTask.documentOwner.equals(document.documentOwner)) {

        return documents;

     * Get the URI of the service document from the query response.
     * <p>
     * This is to be used for "indirect" Xenon calls. A call is returned as
     * being accepted, and subsequent calls need to be issued to check
     * if the service is finished.
     * @param queryResult
     * @return
    public static <T extends ServiceDocument> URI getServiceDocumentUri(Operation queryResult) {
        URI uri = queryResult.getUri();
        QueryTask task = queryResult.getBody(QueryTask.class);

        return UriUtils.buildUri(uri.getScheme(), uri.getHost(), uri.getPort(), task.documentSelfLink, null);

     * Extract the status of the task from the query result.
     * @param queryResult
     * @return
    public static TaskState.TaskStage getServiceState(Operation queryResult) {
        QueryTask task = queryResult.getBody(QueryTask.class);
        return task.taskInfo.stage;

     * Builds a QueryTask.QuerySpecification which will query for documents of type T.
     * Any other filter clauses are optional.
     * This allows for a query that returns all documents of type T.
     * This also expands the content of the resulting documents.
     * @param documentType
     * @param terms
     * @return
    public static QueryTask.QuerySpecification buildQuerySpec(Class documentType,
            ImmutableMap<String, String> terms) {
        checkNotNull(documentType, "Cannot build query spec for unspecified documentType");
        QueryTask.QuerySpecification spec = new QueryTask.QuerySpecification();
        QueryTask.Query documentKindClause = new QueryTask.Query()

        if (terms == null || terms.isEmpty()) {
            // since there are no other clauses
            // skip adding boolean clauses
            // to workaround the Xenon requirement to have at least 2
            // boolean clauses for a valid query
            spec.query = documentKindClause;
        } else {
            for (String key : terms.keySet()) {
                QueryTask.Query clause = new QueryTask.Query().setTermPropertyName(key)

        return spec;

     * Builds a QueryTask.QuerySpecification instance using the passed in arguments.
     * @param childClass
     * @param additionalClauses
     * @return
    private static QueryTask.QuerySpecification buildQuerySpec(final Class childClass,
            final QueryTask.Query... additionalClauses) {
        QueryTask.Query kindClause = new QueryTask.Query().setTermPropertyName(ServiceDocument.FIELD_NAME_KIND)

        QueryTask.QuerySpecification spec = new QueryTask.QuerySpecification();

        for (QueryTask.Query clause : additionalClauses) {

        return spec;

     * Builds a QueryTask.Query instance using the passed in parameters.
     * @param propertyName
     * @param stages
     * @return
    private static QueryTask.Query buildTaskStateQuery(String propertyName, TaskState.TaskStage... stages) {
        if (stages.length == 1) {
            // we want to match only one TaskStage value
            return new QueryTask.Query().setTermPropertyName(propertyName).setTermMatchValue(stages[0].toString());

        // we want to match one of multiple TaskStage values
        QueryTask.Query query = new QueryTask.Query();
        for (TaskState.TaskStage stage : stages) {
            QueryTask.Query stageQuery = new QueryTask.Query().setTermPropertyName(propertyName)
            stageQuery.occurance = QueryTask.Query.Occurance.SHOULD_OCCUR;


        return query;

     * Finds the name of the field of type {@link com.vmware.xenon.common.TaskState} in
     * the class passed as a parameter.
     * @param childClass
     * @return
    private static String findStageFieldName(final Class childClass) {
        for (Field field : childClass.getFields()) {
            if (TaskState.class.isAssignableFrom(field.getType())) {
                return field.getName();

        return null;

     * Dumps the results of a query for logging purposes.
     * @param service
     * @param documentLinks
    public static void logQueryResults(Service service, Collection<String> documentLinks) {
        String summary = "Query from service " + service.getSelfLink() + " returned "
                + Integer.toString(documentLinks.size()) + " results";
        for (String documentLink : documentLinks) {
            summary += System.lineSeparator() + "  - " + documentLink;
        ServiceUtils.logInfo(service, summary);