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 * Copyright 2015 VMware, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
 * use this file except in compliance with the License.  You may obtain a copy of
 * the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed
 * under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, without warranties or
 * conditions of any kind, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED.  See the License for the
 * specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

package com.vmware.photon.controller.cloudstore.dcp.monitors;

import com.vmware.dcp.common.Operation;
import com.vmware.dcp.common.ServiceDocument;
import com.vmware.photon.controller.common.dcp.DcpRestClient;
import com.vmware.photon.controller.common.dcp.exceptions.BadRequestException;
import com.vmware.photon.controller.common.dcp.exceptions.DocumentNotFoundException;

import org.apache.commons.lang3.time.StopWatch;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException;

 * The CloudStoreCache implements a client side cache. Essentially, it is a local view of factory
 * service children resources . On add, edit and delete events the CloudStoreCache will propagate
 * the event to either onAdd, onUpdate or onRemove methods. Classes that extend this class should
 * implement the onAdd, onUpdate and onRemove methods to implement more specialized monitors, for
 * example CloudStoreMonitor.
 * Classes extending CloudStoreCache should not update the cache, in other words they should
 * only ready from currentData and not modify it.

public abstract class CloudStoreCache {
    private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(CloudStoreCache.class);
    protected final Gson gson = new Gson();
    private final DcpRestClient dcpRestClient;
    protected final Map<String, Map<String, CachedDocument>> currentData;
    protected final Map<String, Class> pathTypes;

    public CloudStoreCache(DcpRestClient dcpRestClient, LinkedHashMap<String, Class> paths) {
        this.dcpRestClient = dcpRestClient;

        // The cache will multiple paths according to their order in paths
        // CloudStoreCache will update its cache according to the order of
        // paths supplied. The reason we need to impose order on retrieving
        // the data is because, some resources reference other documents which
        // need to be retrieved prior to triggering the event.

        this.currentData = new LinkedHashMap();

        this.pathTypes = new HashMap();
        for (String typeName : paths.keySet()) {
            this.pathTypes.put(typeName, paths.get(typeName));

         * Since the CloudStoreCache can cache multiple paths at the same
         * time, a prefix mapping is needed to map a prefix with all its
         * suffixes (i.e. its children). For example, if the paths variable is
         * {A,B}, and A has a1 and a2 as children, and B has b1 as a child, then
         * the prefix map would like like this:
         *    A -> map1
         *    B -> map2
         *    where map1 is :
         *    a1 -> a1 Document
         *    a2 -> a2 Document
         *    and map2 is:
         *    b1 -> b1 Document
        for (String prefixPath : paths.keySet()) {
            this.currentData.put(prefixPath, new HashMap());

    private String expand(String url) {
        return url + "?expand";

    private String getResourceId(String uri) {
        String[] segments = uri.split("/");
        return segments[segments.length - 1];

    private long getVersion(Object obj) {
        JsonObject json = gson.fromJson((String) obj, JsonObject.class);
        return json.get("documentVersion").getAsLong();

     * Given an expand query response and a path, this method will update the cache's
     * view for that particular path. As a side effect of the update, certain events will
     * be triggered when resources are added, removed and modified.
     * @param queryResponse     The response from expanding the factory service path
     * @param path              A path to the factory service
    private void processQuery(ExpandQueryResponse queryResponse, String path) {
        Map<String, CachedDocument> pathResources = currentData.get(path);
        Set<String> newPaths = new HashSet();
        for (String fullPath : queryResponse.documents.keySet()) {

        Class documentType = pathTypes.get(path);

        Set<String> purgePaths = new HashSet(pathResources.keySet());

        for (String uri : queryResponse.documents.keySet()) {
            String id = getResourceId(uri);

            String newJson = (String) queryResponse.documents.get(uri);
            Operation op = new Operation();
            ServiceDocument document = (ServiceDocument) op.getBody(documentType);
            CachedDocument newDocument = new CachedDocument(document, getVersion(newJson));

            CachedDocument currentDocument = pathResources.get(id);
            if (currentDocument == null) {
                // First time seeing this path, add it to the current view and
                // emit a notification
                pathResources.put(id, newDocument);
                onAdd(path, id, newDocument.getDocument());
            } else {
                if (currentDocument.getVersion() < newDocument.getVersion()) {
                    // There is a newer version of this path, update
                    // the current view
                    pathResources.put(id, newDocument);
                    onUpdate(path, id, newDocument.getDocument());
                } else if (currentDocument.getVersion() > newDocument.getVersion()) {
                    logger.error("Ignoring event, resource {}/{} version decreased from {} to {}", path, id,
                            currentDocument.getVersion(), newDocument.getVersion());

        // Only keep the paths that are in the intersection of
        // current paths and newly seen paths

        for (String oldId : purgePaths) {
            // can delete an existing path from currentData, if we are querying
            // inconsistent replicas between queries
            CachedDocument document = pathResources.get(oldId);
            onRemove(path, oldId, document.document);

     * This method will refresh the cache, as a result some events
     * might be triggered.
    public void refresh() {

        for (String prefixPath : currentData.keySet()) {
            try {
                StopWatch timer = new StopWatch();
                Operation op = dcpRestClient.getAndWait(expand(prefixPath));
                long retrievalTime = timer.getTime() / 1000;
                ExpandQueryResponse resp = op.getBody(ExpandQueryResponse.class);
      "Took {} seconds to get {}, query time {} us", retrievalTime, prefixPath,
                // Assumes that the expanded query response will return
                // a set of resource ids there should be no duplicate ids
                processQuery(resp, prefixPath);
            } catch (BadRequestException | DocumentNotFoundException | InterruptedException | TimeoutException e) {
                logger.error("Encountered an error while executing the expand query for {}", prefixPath, e);
                // Since the retrieval order matters, we shouldn't continue in the case of an
                // error occurring. Latter queries can have resources referencing prior queries
                // (i.e. Host documents referencing Datastore documents).

    * This method is called when a child node is created under a path.
    protected abstract void onAdd(String path, String id, ServiceDocument document);

     * This method is called when a child node is updated.
    protected abstract void onUpdate(String path, String id, ServiceDocument document);

     * This method is called when a child node is deleted.
    protected abstract void onRemove(String path, String id, ServiceDocument document);

     * Body type that is returned by a response query.
    public class ExpandQueryResponse {
        public Map<String, Object> documents;
        public long queryTimeMicros;

     * CloudStoreCache's internal representation of versioned documents.
    public class CachedDocument {
        private long version;
        private ServiceDocument document;

        public CachedDocument(ServiceDocument document, long version) {
            this.version = version;
            this.document = document;

        public long getVersion() {
            return this.version;

        public ServiceDocument getDocument() {
            return this.document;