Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2012-2015 VMware, Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy * of the License at * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, without * warranties or conditions of any kind, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package com.vmware.identity.samlservice; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Date; import java.util.GregorianCalendar; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.UUID; import javax.servlet.http.Cookie; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; import org.apache.commons.lang.Validate; import org.opensaml.saml2.core.AuthnRequest; import org.opensaml.saml2.core.IDPEntry; import org.opensaml.saml2.core.Issuer; import org.opensaml.saml2.core.Response; import; import; import org.opensaml.xml.util.Base64; import org.springframework.context.MessageSource; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import com.vmware.identity.diagnostics.DiagnosticsLoggerFactory; import com.vmware.identity.diagnostics.IDiagnosticsLogger; import com.vmware.identity.idm.AuthnPolicy; import com.vmware.identity.idm.IDMReferralException; import com.vmware.identity.idm.IDPConfig; import com.vmware.identity.idm.PrincipalId; import com.vmware.identity.saml.DefaultSamlAuthorityFactory; import com.vmware.identity.saml.SamlTokenSpec; import com.vmware.identity.saml.SamlTokenSpec.AuthenticationData.AuthnMethod; import com.vmware.identity.saml.SamlTokenSpec.Confirmation; import com.vmware.identity.saml.SignatureAlgorithm; import com.vmware.identity.saml.SystemException; import com.vmware.identity.saml.TokenAuthority; import com.vmware.identity.samlservice.SamlValidator.ValidationResult; import com.vmware.identity.samlservice.impl.AuthnRequestStateCookieWrapper; import com.vmware.identity.samlservice.impl.AuthnRequestStateKerbAuthenticationFilter.KerbAuthnType; import com.vmware.identity.samlservice.impl.AuthnRequestStateRsaAmAuthenticationFilter; import com.vmware.identity.samlservice.impl.AuthnRequestStateValidator; import com.vmware.identity.session.Session; import com.vmware.identity.session.SessionManager; import com.vmware.identity.util.TimePeriod; /** * Object that encapsulates a lifetime of SAML AuthnRequest * */ public class AuthnRequestState { private static final IDiagnosticsLogger log = DiagnosticsLoggerFactory.getLogger(AuthnRequestState.class); private final DefaultIdmAccessorFactory factory; private DefaultSamlAuthorityFactory samlAuthFactory; private final IdmAccessor idmAccessor; private final SamlValidator<AuthnRequestState> validator; private final RequestCache requestCache; private final HttpServletRequest request; private final HttpServletResponse response; private final SessionManager sessionManager; private Locale locale; private MessageSource messageSource; private AuthnRequest authnRequest; private final String samlRequest; private String signedMessage; private final String relayState; private final String sigAlg; private final String signature; private ProcessingState processingState; private ValidationResult validationResult; private String wwwAuthenticate; private KerbAuthnType kerbAuthnType; private PrincipalId principalId; private String identityFormat; private String issuerValue; private String sessionId; private String correlationId; private AuthnMethod authnMethod; private Date startTime; private boolean isRenewable; private boolean isDelegable; private boolean isExistingRequest; private Integer proxyCount; //could be null: means not set private boolean isProxying; private Boolean needLoginView; private Boolean needChooseIDPView; private List<IDPEntry> idpList; private List<String> idpSelectionList; //list of entityId of idps for chooseIDPView private IDPConfig extIDPToUse; //external IDP used if isProxying is true private Boolean isIDPSelectionEnabled; private AuthnTypesSupported authnTypesSupported; //Authentication methods allowed. It is combination of //tenant policy and RequestedAuthnContext with a SAMLRequest. private String acsUrl; // assertion consumer service URL to be used in // constructing response /** * Accessor for processing state * * @return */ public ProcessingState getProcessingState() { return this.processingState; } /** * Accessor for authn request * * @return */ public AuthnRequest getAuthnRequest() throws IllegalStateException { if (this.processingState == ProcessingState.UNKNOWN) { throw new IllegalStateException("Object state is unknown"); } return this.authnRequest; } /** * Accessor for saml request * * @return */ public String getSamlRequest() throws IllegalStateException { if (this.processingState == ProcessingState.UNKNOWN) { throw new IllegalStateException("Object state is unknown"); } return this.samlRequest; } /** * Accessor for relay state * * @return */ public String getRelayState() throws IllegalStateException { if (this.processingState == ProcessingState.UNKNOWN) { throw new IllegalStateException("Object state is unknown"); } return this.relayState; } /** * Accessor for signature algorithm * * @return */ public String getSignatureAlgorithm() throws IllegalStateException { if (this.processingState == ProcessingState.UNKNOWN) { throw new IllegalStateException("Object state is unknown"); } return this.sigAlg; } /** * Accessor for signature * * @return */ public String getSignature() throws IllegalStateException { if (this.processingState == ProcessingState.UNKNOWN) { throw new IllegalStateException("Object state is unknown"); } return this.signature; } /** * Accessor for request * * @return */ public HttpServletRequest getRequest() { return this.request; } /** * Accessor for session manager * * @return */ public SessionManager getSessionManager() { return this.sessionManager; } /** * Accessor for validation result * * @return */ public ValidationResult getValidationResult() { return this.validationResult; } /** * Setter for validation result * * @param vr */ public void setValidationResult(ValidationResult vr) { this.validationResult = vr; } /** * Accessor for Idm Accessor * * @return */ public IdmAccessor getIdmAccessor() { return this.idmAccessor; } public String getTenantIDPCookie() { return Shared.getCookieValue(request.getCookies(), Shared.getTenantIDPCookieName(idmAccessor.getTenant()), null); } public String getTenantIDPSelectHeader() { return this.request.getHeader(Shared.IDP_SELECTION_HEADER); } public List<String> getIDPSelectionEntityIdList() { Validate.noNullElements(idpSelectionList); return idpSelectionList; } public List<String> getIDPSelectionDisplayNameList(List<String> entityIdList) { Validate.noNullElements(entityIdList); // use idp alias as display name on choose idp web page List<String> displayNameList = new ArrayList<>(); for (String entityId : entityIdList) { String displayName = idmAccessor.getIDPAlias(idmAccessor.getTenant(), entityId); if (displayName != null && !displayName.isEmpty()) { displayNameList.add(displayName); } else { displayNameList.add(entityId); } } return displayNameList; } public void setIDPEntityIdList(List<String> idpSelectionList) { Validate.noNullElements(idpSelectionList); this.idpSelectionList = idpSelectionList; } /** * Accessor for signed message * * @return */ public String getSignedMessage() throws IllegalStateException { if (this.processingState == ProcessingState.UNKNOWN) { throw new IllegalStateException("Object state is unknown"); } return this.signedMessage; } public AuthnRequestState(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, SessionManager sessionManager, String tenant) { Validate.notNull(request); Validate.notNull(response); Validate.notNull(sessionManager); this.processingState = ProcessingState.UNKNOWN; this.request = request; this.response = response; this.sessionManager = sessionManager; //TODO - check for correlation id in the headers PR1561606 this.correlationId = UUID.randomUUID().toString(); this.factory = new DefaultIdmAccessorFactory(this.correlationId); Validate.notNull(this.factory); this.idmAccessor = this.factory.getIdmAccessor(); this.validator = new AuthnRequestStateValidator(); RequestCacheFactory requestFactory = new DefaultRequestCacheFactory(); this.requestCache = requestFactory.getRequestCache(); this.relayState = request.getParameter(Shared.RELAY_STATE_PARAMETER); this.signature = request.getParameter(Shared.SIGNATURE_PARAMETER); this.sigAlg = request.getParameter(Shared.SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM_PARAMETER); this.samlRequest = request.getParameter(Shared.SAML_REQUEST_PARAMETER); //initialize authnTypesSupported based only on tenant policy. AuthnPolicy authnPolicy = this.idmAccessor.getAuthnPolicy(tenant); this.authnTypesSupported = new AuthnTypesSupported(authnPolicy.IsPasswordAuthEnabled(), authnPolicy.IsWindowsAuthEnabled(), authnPolicy.IsTLSClientCertAuthnEnabled(), authnPolicy.IsRsaSecureIDAuthnEnabled()); Validate.notNull(this.samlRequest); // construct message that was supposed to be signed if (this.signature != null && this.sigAlg != null) { try { this.signedMessage = Shared.SAML_REQUEST_PARAMETER + "=" + URLEncoder.encode(this.samlRequest, "UTF-8"); if (this.relayState != null) { this.signedMessage = this.signedMessage + "&" + Shared.RELAY_STATE_PARAMETER + "=" + URLEncoder.encode(this.relayState, "UTF-8"); // print out decoded relay state. Note that we do not need // to // store decoded value. byte[] relayStateBytes = Base64.decode(this.relayState); log.debug("Relay state specified was " + new String(relayStateBytes)); } this.signedMessage = this.signedMessage + "&" + Shared.SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM_PARAMETER + "=" + URLEncoder.encode(this.sigAlg, "UTF-8"); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { log.error("Could not reconstruct signed message, exception: ", e); this.signedMessage = null; } } this.processingState = ProcessingState.INITIALIZED; } public void parseRequestForTenant(String tenant, AuthenticationFilter<AuthnRequestState> authenticator) throws IllegalStateException { log.debug("parseRequestForTenant, tenant " + tenant); Validate.notNull(this.idmAccessor); Validate.notNull(this.request); if (!(authenticator instanceof AuthnRequestStateRsaAmAuthenticationFilter || (authenticator instanceof AuthnRequestStateCookieWrapper && ((AuthnRequestStateCookieWrapper) authenticator) .getAuthenticator() instanceof AuthnRequestStateRsaAmAuthenticationFilter))) { // check for replays and resent request if (this.requestCache.shouldDenyRequest(this.samlRequest)) {"Replay attack detected - DENYING authentication request"); this.validationResult = new ValidationResult(HttpServletResponse.SC_FORBIDDEN, "Forbidden", "Replay"); throw new IllegalStateException("Forbidden"); } else { this.setIsExistingRequest(this.requestCache.isExistingRequest(this.samlRequest)); this.requestCache.storeRequest(this.samlRequest); } } // relying party unknown at this point, specify null SamlService service = this.createSamlServiceForTenant(tenant, null); try { this.idmAccessor.setTenant(tenant); authenticator.preAuthenticate(this); } catch (SamlServiceException e) { log.error("Caught Saml Service Exception from preAuthenticate ", e); if (this.validationResult == null) { this.validationResult = new ValidationResult(HttpServletResponse.SC_FORBIDDEN, "Forbidden", null); } throw new IllegalStateException(e); } // decode request try { this.authnRequest = service.decodeSamlAuthnRequest(this.request); } catch (MessageDecodingException e) { // fail the validation with specific error code and rethrow this.validationResult = new ValidationResult(HttpServletResponse.SC_BAD_REQUEST, "BadRequest", null); log.error("Unable to decode message ", e); throw new IllegalStateException(e); } catch (SecurityException e) { // fail the validation with specific error code and rethrow this.validationResult = new ValidationResult(HttpServletResponse.SC_BAD_REQUEST, "BadRequest", null); log.error("Unable to validate the authentication request ", e); throw new IllegalStateException(e); } // if signature was specified along with signing algorithm, verify // signature Issuer issuer = this.authnRequest.getIssuer(); if (issuer == null || issuer.getValue() == null || this.idmAccessor.getRelyingPartyByUrl(issuer.getValue()) == null) { service = null; } else { this.setIssuerValue(issuer.getValue()); service = this.createSamlServiceForTenant(tenant, this.getIssuerValue()); } if (service == null) { // return 400 to the caller and throw log.error("Could not recognize issuer."); this.validationResult = new ValidationResult(HttpServletResponse.SC_BAD_REQUEST, "BadRequest", "Issuer"); throw new IllegalStateException("Issuer not recognized"); } if (this.sigAlg != null && this.signature != null) { try { service.verifySignature(this.signedMessage, this.signature); } catch (IllegalStateException e) { // fail the validation with specific error code and rethrow log.error("Could not validate the signature against message.", e); this.validationResult = new ValidationResult(OasisNames.RESPONDER, OasisNames.REQUEST_DENIED); throw new IllegalStateException(e); } } this.setSamlAuthFactory(new DefaultSamlAuthorityFactory(SignatureAlgorithm.RSA_SHA256, authenticator.getPrincipalAttributeExtractorFactory(Shared.IDM_HOSTNAME), authenticator.getConfigExtractorFactory(Shared.IDM_HOSTNAME))); // TODO // use // actual // tenant // settings this.validationResult = this.validator.validate(this); if (this.validationResult.isValid()) { // mark as parsed and retrieve cookie this.processingState = ProcessingState.PARSED; } } /** * Perform authentication if needed and prepare a Document with a saml token * in it. Should not throw, but will set ValidationResult on exception. - * 401 UNAUTHORIZED if more auth data is needed - Response:Responder, * Internal processing error for unexpected exceptions - ... * * @param tenant * @return */ public Document authenticate(String tenant, AuthenticationFilter<AuthnRequestState> authenticator) { Document retval = null; log.debug("authenticate, tenant " + tenant); Validate.notNull(this.idmAccessor); Validate.notNull(this.authnRequest); Validate.notNull(authenticator); // authentication call try { this.idmAccessor.setTenant(tenant); authenticator.authenticate(this); } catch (SamlServiceException e) { // more auth data is required log.error("Caught Saml Service Exception from authenticate " + e.toString()); if (this.getValidationResult() == null || this.getValidationResult().isValid()) { this.validationResult = new ValidationResult(HttpServletResponse.SC_UNAUTHORIZED, "Unauthorized", null); } return null; } catch (Exception e) { // unexpected processing error log.error("Caught Exception from authenticate " + e.toString()); if (this.getValidationResult() == null || this.getValidationResult().isValid()) { this.validationResult = new ValidationResult(OasisNames.RESPONDER); } return null; } if (this.getPrincipalId() == null || this.getIdentityFormat() == null || this.getSessionId() == null) { // assume that user could not be authenticated and validation result // was set by other code return null; } // get our token authority try { if (!this.isProxying) { this.idmAccessor.setTenant(tenant); retval = createToken(); } } catch (SamlServiceException e) { log.error("Caught Saml Service Exception in creating token." + e); this.validationResult = new ValidationResult(OasisNames.RESPONDER); } catch (com.vmware.identity.saml.SystemException e) { log.error("Caught SystemException in creating token. ", e); if (e.getCause() instanceof IDMReferralException) { this.validationResult = new ValidationResult(HttpServletResponse.SC_NOT_IMPLEMENTED, "LdapReferralNotSupported", null); } else { this.validationResult = new ValidationResult(OasisNames.RESPONDER); } } return retval; } public Document createToken() throws SamlServiceException { Validate.notNull(this.idmAccessor); Validate.notNull(this.authnRequest); Validate.notNull(this.authnRequest.getIssuer()); String relyingParty = this.authnRequest.getIssuer().getValue(); String tenant = this.idmAccessor.getTenant(); TokenAuthority authority = this.createTokenAuthorityForTenant(tenant); SamlTokenSpec tokenSpec = this.createTokenSpec(this.getIssuerValue(), this.getPrincipalId(), this.getIdentityFormat(), this.getAuthnMethod(), this.getSessionManager().get(this.getSessionId()), this.authnRequest.getID(), this.getAcsUrl(), relyingParty); Document retval = null; try { retval = authority.issueToken(tokenSpec).getDocument(); } catch (SystemException e) { log.error("Caught SystemException in TokenAuthority.issueToken. ", e); throw e; } // call SSO Health Statistic to increment generated token count. this.idmAccessor.incrementGeneratedTokens(tenant); return retval; } // create saml token spec data (with default settings for now) private SamlTokenSpec createTokenSpec(String relyingPartyUrl, PrincipalId principalId, String identityFormat, AuthnMethod authnMethod, Session session, String inResponseTo, String recipient, String audience) { log.debug("create token spec for principal " + principalId); log.debug("relying party url " + relyingPartyUrl + ", identityFormat " + identityFormat); log.debug("authn method " + authnMethod + " session " + session); log.debug("inResponseTo " + inResponseTo + " recipient " + recipient); log.debug("audience " + audience); Calendar calendar = new GregorianCalendar(); Date startTime = this.getStartTime(); // use startTime from request if (startTime == null) { // if request didn't set start time, use default value // default value is hardcoded for the following reason: // if clock tolerance setting for the tenant is really high (e.g. 10 minutes), // and we set notBefore to current time minus half clock tolerance (5 minutes) // then we can end up with notOnOrAfter setting in the past // (since token lifetime is restricted to 5 minutes by saml authority in some cases) int toleranceSec = Shared.NOTBEFORE_ADJUSTMENT_SECONDS; calendar.add(Calendar.SECOND, -(toleranceSec / 2)); startTime = calendar.getTime(); } calendar = new GregorianCalendar(); Date authnTime = calendar.getTime(); calendar = new GregorianCalendar(); calendar.add(Calendar.MINUTE, Shared.TOKEN_LIFETIME_MINUTES); Date endTime = calendar.getTime(); TimePeriod lifespan = new TimePeriod(startTime, endTime); Confirmation confirmation = new Confirmation(inResponseTo, recipient); Collection<String> attributeList = Shared.buildTokenAttributeList(identityFormat); // ensure participant session here String participantSessionId = null; try { session.getLock().lock(); participantSessionId = session.ensureSessionParticipant(relyingPartyUrl); this.getSessionManager().update(session); } catch (Exception e) { participantSessionId = null; } finally { session.getLock().unlock(); } if (participantSessionId == null) { log.debug("WARNING: unable to create an SSO session"); } SamlTokenSpec.Builder builder = new SamlTokenSpec.Builder(lifespan, confirmation, new SamlTokenSpec.AuthenticationData(principalId, authnTime, authnMethod, identityFormat, participantSessionId, session.getExpireDate()), attributeList); builder.addAudience(audience); if (this.isRenewable()) { // add renew spec SamlTokenSpec.RenewSpec renewSpec = new SamlTokenSpec.RenewSpec(true); builder.setRenewSpec(renewSpec); } if (this.isDelegable()) { // add delegation spec SamlTokenSpec.DelegationSpec delegationSpec = new SamlTokenSpec.DelegationSpec(null, true); builder.setDelegationSpec(delegationSpec); } SamlTokenSpec spec = builder.createSpec(); return spec; } // create saml token authority object private TokenAuthority createTokenAuthorityForTenant(String tenant) throws SamlServiceException { log.debug("create token authority for tenant " + tenant); return this.getSamlAuthFactory().createTokenAuthority(tenant); } public void addResponseHeaders(HttpServletResponse response) { if (this.wwwAuthenticate != null) { // add WWW-Authenticate header if (this.kerbAuthnType == KerbAuthnType.CIP) { response.addHeader(Shared.RESPONSE_AUTH_HEADER, this.wwwAuthenticate); } else { response.addHeader(Shared.IWA_AUTH_RESPONSE_HEADER, this.wwwAuthenticate); } } if (this.getSessionId() != null) { // set session cookie String tenantSessionCookieName = Shared.getTenantSessionCookieName(this.getIdmAccessor().getTenant()); Shared.addSessionCookie(tenantSessionCookieName, this.getSessionId(), response); } } public void addTenantIDPCookie(String cookieValue, HttpServletResponse response) { String tenantIDPCookieName = Shared.getTenantIDPCookieName(this.getIdmAccessor().getTenant()); Shared.addSessionCookie(tenantIDPCookieName, cookieValue, response); } // create SamlService object private SamlService createSamlServiceForTenant(String tenant, String relyingParty) { this.idmAccessor.setTenant(tenant); CertPath certPath = this.idmAccessor.getCertificatesForRelyingParty(relyingParty); SignatureAlgorithm checkAlgorithm; if (this.sigAlg == null) { checkAlgorithm = null; } else { checkAlgorithm = SignatureAlgorithm.getSignatureAlgorithmForURI(this.sigAlg); if (checkAlgorithm == null) { this.validationResult = new ValidationResult(HttpServletResponse.SC_BAD_REQUEST, "BadRequest", null); throw new IllegalStateException("authn request has invalid signature algorithm"); } } SamlServiceFactory factory = new DefaultSamlServiceFactory(); return factory.createSamlService(null, null, /* will not use this service to sign messages */ checkAlgorithm, this.idmAccessor.getIdpEntityId(), certPath); } public String getWwwAuthenticate() { return this.wwwAuthenticate; } public void setWwwAuthenticate(String wwwAuthenticate) { this.wwwAuthenticate = wwwAuthenticate; } public KerbAuthnType getKerbAuthnType() { return this.kerbAuthnType; } public void setKerbAuthnType(KerbAuthnType kerbAuthnType) { this.kerbAuthnType = kerbAuthnType; } /** * @return the identityFormat */ public String getIdentityFormat() { return this.identityFormat; } /** * @param identityFormat * the identityFormat to set */ public void setIdentityFormat(String identityFormat) { this.identityFormat = identityFormat; } /** * @return the issuerValue */ private String getIssuerValue() { return this.issuerValue; } /** * @param issuerValue * the issuerValue to set */ private void setIssuerValue(String issuerValue) { this.issuerValue = issuerValue; } /** * @return the sessionId */ public String getSessionId() { return this.sessionId; } /** * @param sessionId * the sessionId to set */ public void setSessionId(String sessionId) { this.sessionId = sessionId; } /** * @return the authnMethod */ public AuthnMethod getAuthnMethod() { return this.authnMethod; } /** * @param authnMethod * the authnMethod to set */ public void setAuthnMethod(AuthnMethod authnMethod) { this.authnMethod = authnMethod; } /** * @return the principalId */ public PrincipalId getPrincipalId() { return this.principalId; } /** * @param principalId * the principalId to set */ public void setPrincipalId(PrincipalId principalId) { this.principalId = principalId; } /** * @return the startTime */ public Date getStartTime() { return this.startTime; } /** * @param startTime the startTime to set */ public void setStartTime(Date startTime) { this.startTime = startTime; } /** * @return the isRenewable */ public boolean isRenewable() { return this.isRenewable; } /** * @param isRenewable the isRenewable to set */ public void setRenewable(boolean isRenewable) { this.isRenewable = isRenewable; } /** * @return the isDelegable */ public boolean isDelegable() { return this.isDelegable; } /** * @param isDelegable the isDelegable to set */ public void setDelegable(boolean isDelegable) { this.isDelegable = isDelegable; } /** * @return the isExistRequest */ public boolean isExistingRequest() { return this.isExistingRequest; } /** * @param isExistRequest the isExistRequest to set */ public void setIsExistingRequest(boolean isExistingRequest) { this.isExistingRequest = isExistingRequest; } /** * @return proxyCount null, 0 or possitive int value */ public Integer getProxyCount() { return proxyCount; } /** * @param proxyCount null, 0 or possitive int value */ public void setProxyCount(Integer proxyCount) { this.proxyCount = proxyCount; } public boolean isProxying() { return isProxying; } public void setProxying(boolean isProxying) { this.isProxying = isProxying; } public boolean isIDPSelectionEnabled(String tenantName) { if (this.isIDPSelectionEnabled == null) { this.isIDPSelectionEnabled = this.idmAccessor.getTenantIDPSelectionFlag(tenantName); } return this.isIDPSelectionEnabled; } public List<IDPEntry> getIdpList() { return idpList; } /** * @param idpList null, or a list of allowed IDPs */ public void setIdpList(List<IDPEntry> idpList) { this.idpList = idpList; } /* * @param ProviderID/EntityID */ public IDPConfig getExtIDPToUse() { return extIDPToUse; } public void setExtIDPToUse(IDPConfig idpConfig) { this.extIDPToUse = idpConfig; } public Boolean isLoginViewRequired() { return needLoginView; } public void setNeedLoginView(boolean needLoginView) { this.needLoginView = new Boolean(needLoginView); } public Boolean isChooseIDPViewRequired() { return needChooseIDPView; } public void setNeedChooseIDPView(boolean needChooseIDPView) { this.needChooseIDPView = new Boolean(needChooseIDPView); } /** * @return the response */ public HttpServletResponse getResponse() { return response; } /** * Processing state for AuthnRequest */ public static enum ProcessingState { /** * Unknown / not initialized */ UNKNOWN, /** * initialized, not parsed */ INITIALIZED, /** * parsed */ PARSED } public void setLocal(Locale locale) { this.locale = locale; } /** * @return the messageSource */ public MessageSource getMessageSource() { return messageSource; } /** * @param messageSource the messageSource to set */ public void setMessageSource(MessageSource messageSource) { this.messageSource = messageSource; } /** * @return the locale */ public Locale getLocale() { return locale; } /** * @param locale the locale to set */ public void setLocale(Locale locale) { this.locale = locale; } /** * @return the samlAuthFactory */ public DefaultSamlAuthorityFactory getSamlAuthFactory() { return samlAuthFactory; } /** * @param samlAuthFactory the samlAuthFactory to set */ public void setSamlAuthFactory(DefaultSamlAuthorityFactory samlAuthFactory) { this.samlAuthFactory = samlAuthFactory; } public AuthnTypesSupported getAuthTypesSupportecd() { return authnTypesSupported; } public void setAuthnTypesSupported(AuthnTypesSupported authTypesSupportecd) { this.authnTypesSupported = authTypesSupportecd; } /** * @return the acsUrl */ public String getAcsUrl() { return acsUrl; } /** * @param acsUrl the acsUrl to set */ public void setAcsUrl(String acsUrl) { this.acsUrl = acsUrl; } /** * @param externalIDPsessionIndex optional, need with external authentication only. * @param externalIdpId optional, need with external authentication only. * @throws SamlServiceException */ public void createSession(String externalIDPsessionIndex, String externalIdpId) throws SamlServiceException { Session currentSession = this.sessionManager.createSession(this.principalId, this.authnMethod, externalIDPsessionIndex, externalIdpId); this.setSessionId(currentSession.getId()); } }