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 *  Copyright (c) 2012-2015 VMware, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
 *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
 *  use this file except in compliance with the License.  You may obtain a copy
 *  of the License at
 *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, without
 *  warranties or conditions of any kind, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED.  See the
 *  License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
 *  under the License.

package com.vmware.identity.idm.server.provider.localos;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;


import org.apache.commons.lang.Validate;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;

import com.vmware.identity.idm.Attribute;
import com.vmware.identity.idm.AttributeValuePair;
import com.vmware.identity.idm.DomainType;
import com.vmware.identity.idm.Group;
import com.vmware.identity.idm.GroupDetail;
import com.vmware.identity.idm.IDMException;
import com.vmware.identity.idm.IIdentityStoreData;
import com.vmware.identity.idm.IdentityStoreType;
import com.vmware.identity.idm.PasswordExpiredException;
import com.vmware.identity.idm.PersonDetail;
import com.vmware.identity.idm.PersonUser;
import com.vmware.identity.idm.PrincipalId;
import com.vmware.identity.idm.SearchResult;
import com.vmware.identity.idm.SecurityDomain;
import com.vmware.identity.idm.UserAccountLockedException;
import com.vmware.identity.idm.ValidateUtil;
import com.vmware.identity.idm.server.IdentityManager;
import com.vmware.identity.idm.server.ServerUtils;
import com.vmware.identity.idm.server.provider.IIdentityProvider;
import com.vmware.identity.idm.server.provider.NoSuchGroupException;
import com.vmware.identity.idm.server.provider.NoSuchUserException;
import com.vmware.identity.idm.server.provider.PrincipalGroupLookupInfo;
import com.vmware.identity.interop.ossam.GroupInfo;
import com.vmware.identity.interop.ossam.IOsSamAdapter;
import com.vmware.identity.interop.ossam.OsSamAdapterFactory;
import com.vmware.identity.interop.ossam.OsSamConstants;
import com.vmware.identity.interop.ossam.OsSamGroupNotFoundException;
import com.vmware.identity.interop.ossam.OsSamUserNotFoundException;
import com.vmware.identity.interop.ossam.UserInfo;

public class LocalOsIdentityProvider implements IIdentityProvider {
    public static final String FIRST_NAME_ATTRIBUTE = "FirstName";
    public static final String LAST_NAME_ATTRIBUTE = "LastName";
    public static final String GROUPS_ATTRIBUTE = "GroupsName";
    public static final String SUBJECT_TYPE_ATTRIBUTE = "SubjectType";
    public static final String USER_PRINCIPAL_NAME_ATTRIBUTE = "UserPrincipalName";
    public static final String EMAIL_ATTRIBUTE = "Email";
    public static final char UPN_SEPARATOR = '@';

    private final IIdentityStoreData _store;

    private static final Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(LocalOsIdentityProvider.class);

    public LocalOsIdentityProvider(IIdentityStoreData store) {
        Validate.notNull(store, "store Must not be null.");
                "store.getExtendedIdentityStoreData() Must not be null.");

        Validate.notEmpty(store.getName(), "IIdentityStoreData MUST have a name.");
        Validate.isTrue(store.getDomainType() == DomainType.LOCAL_OS_DOMAIN,
                "IIdentityStoreData must represent a 'LOCAL_OS_DOMAIN'.");

                        .getProviderType() == IdentityStoreType.IDENTITY_STORE_TYPE_LOCAL_OS,
                "IIdentityStoreData must represent a store of " + "'IDENTITY_STORE_TYPE_LOCAL_OS' type.");

                "store.getExtendedIdentityStoreData().getAttributeMap() Must not be null.");

        this._store = store;

    public String getName() {
        return this._store.getName();

    public String getDomain() {
        return this._store.getName();

    public String getAlias() {
        return this._store.getExtendedIdentityStoreData().getAlias();

    public Set<String> getRegisteredUpnSuffixes() {
        return Collections.<String>emptySet();

    public PrincipalId authenticate(PrincipalId principal, String password) throws LoginException {
        ValidateUtil.validateNotNull(password, "password");

        principal = ServerUtils.normalizeAliasInPrincipal(principal, this.getDomain(), this.getAlias());

        IOsSamAdapter samAdapter = getSamAdapter();

        try {
            samAdapter.LogonUser(principal.getName(), password);

            return ServerUtils.getPrincipalId(null, principal.getName(), this.getDomainName());
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            throw new LoginException(ex.getMessage());

    public Collection<AttributeValuePair> getAttributes(PrincipalId principalId, Collection<Attribute> attributes)
            throws Exception {

        try {
            Collection<AttributeValuePair> attributeValues = Collections.emptyList();

            if ((attributes != null) && (attributes.size() > 0)) {
                Map<String, String> attributeMap = _store.getExtendedIdentityStoreData().getAttributeMap();

                IOsSamAdapter samAdapter = getSamAdapter();
                UserInfo userInfo = samAdapter.getLocalUserInfo(principalId.getName());
                if (userInfo == null) {
                    throw new NoSuchUserException(String.format("User '%s' was not found.", principalId.getName()));
                List<String> groupsList = null;

                attributeValues = new ArrayList<AttributeValuePair>(attributes.size() + 1);

                AttributeValuePair pairGroupSids = new AttributeValuePair();
                pairGroupSids.setAttrDefinition(new Attribute(IdentityManager.INTERNAL_ATTR_GROUP_OBJECTIDS));
                        LocalOsIdentityProvider.getObjectId(buildUserPrincipalId(this.getDomainName(), userInfo)));

                for (Attribute attribute : attributes) {
                    if (attribute != null) {
                        String matchedAttribute = attributeMap.get(attribute.getName());
                        if (matchedAttribute == null) {
                            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                                    String.format("Unknown attribute '%s'.", attribute.getName()));

                        AttributeValuePair avPair = new AttributeValuePair();



                        if (matchedAttribute.equals(FIRST_NAME_ATTRIBUTE)) {
                            avPair.getValues().add(GetFirstName(userInfo.getFullName(), principalId.getName()));
                        } else if (matchedAttribute.equals(LAST_NAME_ATTRIBUTE)) {
                        } else if (matchedAttribute.equals(GROUPS_ATTRIBUTE)) {
                            if (groupsList == null) {
                                groupsList = samAdapter.GetLocalUserGroups(principalId.getName(), true);
                                if (groupsList == null) {
                                    groupsList = new ArrayList<String>(0);

                            boolean hasAlias = !ServerUtils.isNullOrEmpty(this.getAlias());
                            for (String group : groupsList) {
                                // the expected format for the group names
                                // is <domain name>\<group name>
                                avPair.getValues().add(this.getDomainName() + "\\" + group);
                                // if the group has an alias include the aliased group in the list
                                if (hasAlias) {
                                    avPair.getValues().add(this.getAlias() + "\\" + group);
                                        .getObjectId(buildGroupPrincipalId(this.getDomainName(), group)));
                        } else if (matchedAttribute.equals(SUBJECT_TYPE_ATTRIBUTE)) {
                        } else if (matchedAttribute.equals(USER_PRINCIPAL_NAME_ATTRIBUTE)) {
                            // make sure we use user name exactly as it is stored
                            // in identity provider when constructing UPN
                            avPair.getValues().add(userInfo.getName() + "@" + this.getDomainName());
                        } else if (matchedAttribute.equals(EMAIL_ATTRIBUTE)) {
                        } else {
                            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                                    String.format("Unknown attribute mapping: attribute='%s', mapping to ='%s'.",
                                            attribute.getName(), matchedAttribute));

            return attributeValues;
        } catch (OsSamUserNotFoundException ex) {
            throw new NoSuchUserException(String.format("User '%s' was not found.", principalId.getName()));

    public PersonUser findUser(PrincipalId id) throws Exception {

        PersonUser user = null;

        try {
            IOsSamAdapter samAdapter = getSamAdapter();
            UserInfo userInfo = samAdapter.getLocalUserInfo(id.getName());

            if (userInfo != null) {
                user = LocalOsIdentityProvider.buildPersonUser(this.getDomainName(), userInfo, this.getAlias());
        } catch (OsSamUserNotFoundException ex) {
  "User " + id.getName() + " not found, returning null.");
            user = null;

        return user;

    public PersonUser findUserByObjectId(String userObjectId) throws Exception {
        // userObjectId should be in the format of userName@localOs
        PrincipalId id = null;
        try {
            id = LocalOsIdentityProvider.getPrincipalId(userObjectId);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            return null;

        return findUser(id);

    public Set<PersonUser> findUsers(String searchString, String domainName, int limit) throws Exception {
        return findUsersInternal(searchString, domainName, limit, false);

    public Set<PersonUser> findUsersByName(String searchString, String domainName, int limit) throws Exception {
        return findUsersInternal(searchString, domainName, limit, true);

    private Set<PersonUser> findUsersInternal(String searchString, String domainName, int limit,
            boolean bIsByNameOnly) throws Exception {
        Set<PersonUser> users = new HashSet<PersonUser>();

        if (searchString != null) {
            IOsSamAdapter samAdapter = getSamAdapter();
            List<UserInfo> usersList = samAdapter.getLocalUsers();

            if ((usersList != null) && (usersList.size() > 0)) {
                int i = 0;
                for (UserInfo userInfo : usersList) {
                    if (userInfo != null) {
                        if (LocalOsIdentityProvider.isMatch(userInfo, searchString, bIsByNameOnly)) {
                            if (i++ < limit || limit < 0) {
                                users.add(LocalOsIdentityProvider.buildPersonUser(this.getDomainName(), userInfo,
                            } else

        return users;

    public Set<PersonUser> findUsersInGroup(PrincipalId groupId, String searchString, int limit) throws Exception {
        return findUsersInGroupInternal(groupId, searchString, limit, false);

    public Set<PersonUser> findUsersByNameInGroup(PrincipalId groupId, String searchString, int limit)
            throws Exception {
        return findUsersInGroupInternal(groupId, searchString, limit, true);

    private Set<PersonUser> findUsersInGroupInternal(PrincipalId groupId, String searchString, int limit,
            boolean byNameOnly) throws Exception {

        try {
            Set<PersonUser> users = new HashSet<PersonUser>();

            if (searchString != null && limit != 0) {
                IOsSamAdapter samAdapter = getSamAdapter();
                List<String> usersList = samAdapter.GetUsersInGroup(groupId.getName());

                if ((usersList != null) && (usersList.size() > 0)) {
                    for (String userName : usersList) {
                        int numUsersToRet = 0;
                        UserInfo userInfo = null;
                        try {
                            userInfo = samAdapter.getLocalUserInfo(userName);
                        } catch (OsSamUserNotFoundException ex) {
                            userInfo = null;

                        if (userInfo != null) {
                            if (LocalOsIdentityProvider.isMatch(userInfo, searchString, byNameOnly)) {
                                if (limit <= 0 || numUsersToRet < limit) {
                                            userInfo, this.getAlias()));

            return users;
        } catch (OsSamGroupNotFoundException ex) {
            throw new NoSuchGroupException(String.format("Group '%s' does not exist.", groupId.getName()));

    public Set<PersonUser> findDisabledUsers(String searchString, int limit) throws Exception {
        Set<PersonUser> users = new HashSet<PersonUser>();

        if (searchString != null) {
            users = this.findUsers(searchString, this.getDomainName(), limit);

            Set<PersonUser> disabledUsers = new HashSet<PersonUser>();
            for (PersonUser user : users) {
                if (user.isDisabled()) {

            users = disabledUsers;

        return users;

    public Set<PersonUser> findLockedUsers(String searchString, int limit) throws Exception {
        Set<PersonUser> users = new HashSet<PersonUser>();

        if (searchString != null) {
            users = this.findUsers(searchString, this.getDomainName(), limit);

            Set<PersonUser> lockedUsers = new HashSet<PersonUser>();
            for (PersonUser user : users) {
                if (user.isLocked()) {

            users = lockedUsers;

        return users;

    public PrincipalGroupLookupInfo findDirectParentGroups(PrincipalId principalId) throws Exception {
        // per admin interface doc principal could be user or group ...
        try {
            return findGroupsForUser(principalId, false);
        } catch (NoSuchUserException ex) {
            // check if this is group....
            Group group = this.findGroup(principalId);
            if (group == null) {
                throw ex;
            } else {
                // local groups do not have nesting ...
                return new PrincipalGroupLookupInfo(Collections.<Group>emptySet(), group.getObjectId());

    public Group findGroup(PrincipalId groupId) throws Exception {

        Group group = null;

        try {
            IOsSamAdapter samAdapter = getSamAdapter();
            GroupInfo groupInfo = samAdapter.getLocalGroupInfo(groupId.getName());

            if (groupInfo != null) {
                group = LocalOsIdentityProvider.buildGroup(this.getDomainName(), groupInfo, this.getAlias());
        } catch (OsSamGroupNotFoundException ex) {
            group = null;

        return group;

    public Group findGroupByObjectId(String groupObjectId) throws Exception {
        // groupObjectId should be in the format of groupName@localOs
        PrincipalId id = null;
        try {
            id = LocalOsIdentityProvider.getPrincipalId(groupObjectId);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            return null;

        return findGroup(id);

    public Set<Group> findGroups(String searchString, String domainName, int limit) throws Exception {
        return findGroupsInternal(searchString, domainName, limit, false);

    public Set<Group> findGroupsByName(String searchString, String domainName, int limit) throws Exception {
        return findGroupsInternal(searchString, domainName, limit, true);

    private Set<Group> findGroupsInternal(String searchString, String domainName, int limit, boolean bIsByNameOnly)
            throws Exception {
        Set<Group> groups = new HashSet<Group>();

        if (searchString != null) {
            IOsSamAdapter samAdapter = getSamAdapter();
            List<GroupInfo> localGroups = samAdapter.getLocalGroups();
            if ((localGroups != null) && (localGroups.size() > 0)) {
                int i = 0;
                for (GroupInfo groupInfo : localGroups) {
                    if (groupInfo != null) {
                        if (LocalOsIdentityProvider.isMatch(groupInfo, searchString, bIsByNameOnly)) {
                            if (i++ < limit || limit < 0) {
                                groups.add(LocalOsIdentityProvider.buildGroup(this.getDomainName(), groupInfo,
                            } else

        return groups;

    public Set<Group> findGroupsInGroup(PrincipalId groupId, String searchString, int limit) throws Exception {
        return findGroupsInGroupInternal(groupId, searchString, limit, false);

    public Set<Group> findGroupsByNameInGroup(PrincipalId groupId, String searchString, int limit)
            throws Exception {
        return findGroupsInGroupInternal(groupId, searchString, limit, true);

    private Set<Group> findGroupsInGroupInternal(PrincipalId groupId, String searchString, int limit,
            boolean byNameOnly) throws Exception {

        try {
            Set<Group> groups = new HashSet<Group>();
            if (searchString != null && limit != 0) {
                // check that group exists
                IOsSamAdapter samAdapter = getSamAdapter();
                GroupInfo group = samAdapter.getLocalGroupInfo(groupId.getName());

                assert (group != null);

                // local group does not have local groups within it.
            return groups;
        } catch (OsSamGroupNotFoundException ex) {
            throw new NoSuchGroupException(String.format("Group '%s' was not found.", groupId.getName()));

    public SearchResult find(String searchString, String domainName, int limit) throws Exception {
        Set<PersonUser> users = this.findUsers(searchString, domainName, limit < 0 ? -1 : (limit / 2 + limit % 2));
        int limitGroup = limit < 0 ? -1 : (limit - ((users != null) ? users.size() : 0));
        Set<Group> groups = null;
        if (limitGroup != 0) {
            groups = this.findGroups(searchString, domainName, limitGroup);
        return new SearchResult(users, null /* service principals */, groups);

    public SearchResult findByName(String searchString, String domainName, int limit) throws Exception {
        Set<PersonUser> users = this.findUsersByName(searchString, domainName, limit / 2);
        Set<Group> groups = this.findGroupsByName(searchString, domainName, limit / 2 + limit % 2);

        return new SearchResult(users, null /* service principals */, groups);

    public boolean IsActive(PrincipalId id) throws Exception {
        UserInfo userInfo = retrieveUserInfo(id);
        return !LocalOsIdentityProvider.isDisabled(userInfo);

    public void checkUserAccountFlags(PrincipalId principalId) throws IDMException {

        UserInfo userInfo = null;
        try {
            userInfo = retrieveUserInfo(principalId);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new IDMException(e.getMessage(), e);

        if (LocalOsIdentityProvider.isLocked(userInfo)) {
            throw new UserAccountLockedException(String.format("User account locked: %s", principalId));
        } else if (LocalOsIdentityProvider.isPasswordExpired(userInfo)) {
            throw new PasswordExpiredException(String.format("User account expired: %s", principalId));

    public PrincipalGroupLookupInfo findNestedParentGroups(PrincipalId userId) throws Exception {
        return this.findGroupsForUser(userId, true);

    public Collection<SecurityDomain> getDomains() {
        Collection<SecurityDomain> domains = new HashSet<SecurityDomain>();
        domains.add(new SecurityDomain(this.getDomainName(), this.getAlias()));
        return domains;

    // privates

    private PrincipalGroupLookupInfo findGroupsForUser(PrincipalId userId, boolean nesting) throws Exception {

        Set<Group> groups = new HashSet<Group>();
        UserInfo userInfo = null;

        try {
            IOsSamAdapter samAdapter = getSamAdapter();
            userInfo = samAdapter.getLocalUserInfo(userId.getName());
            if (userInfo == null) {
                throw new NoSuchUserException(String.format("User '%s' was not found.", userId.getName()));
            List<String> groupsList = samAdapter.GetLocalUserGroups(userId.getName(), nesting);
            if ((groupsList != null) && (groupsList.size() > 0)) {
                GroupInfo groupInfo = null;
                String groupName = null;
                for (int i = 0; i < groupsList.size(); i++) {
                    groupName = groupsList.get(i);
                    if (!ServerUtils.isNullOrEmpty(groupName)) {
                        try {
                            groupInfo = samAdapter.getLocalGroupInfo(groupName);
                        } catch (OsSamGroupNotFoundException ex) {
                            groupInfo = null;

                        if (groupInfo != null) {
                            groups.add(LocalOsIdentityProvider.buildGroup(this.getDomainName(), groupInfo,
        } catch (OsSamUserNotFoundException ex) {
            throw new NoSuchUserException(String.format("User '%s' was not found.", userId.getName()));
        return new PrincipalGroupLookupInfo(groups,
                (userInfo != null)
                        ? LocalOsIdentityProvider.getObjectId(buildUserPrincipalId(this.getDomain(), userInfo))
                        : null);

    private UserInfo retrieveUserInfo(PrincipalId id) throws Exception {
        try {
            IOsSamAdapter samAdapter = getSamAdapter();
            UserInfo userInfo = samAdapter.getLocalUserInfo(id.getName());

            if (userInfo == null) {
                throw new NoSuchUserException(String.format("User '%s' was not found.", id.getName()));
            return userInfo;
        } catch (OsSamUserNotFoundException ex) {
            throw new NoSuchUserException(String.format("User '%s' was not found.", id.getName()));

    private String getDomainName() {
        return this._store.getName();

    private static IOsSamAdapter getSamAdapter() {
        return OsSamAdapterFactory.getInstance().getOsSamAdapter();

    private void validatePrincipal(PrincipalId principalId) {
        ValidateUtil.validateNotNull(principalId, "id");
        ValidateUtil.validateNotEmpty(principalId.getName(), "id.getName()");
        ValidateUtil.validateNotEmpty(principalId.getDomain(), "id.getDomain()");

        if (!this.getDomainName().equalsIgnoreCase(principalId.getDomain())
                && ((this.getAlias() == null) || !this.getAlias().equalsIgnoreCase(principalId.getDomain()))) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                    String.format("Unrecognized domain name '%s'.", principalId.getDomain()));

    private static boolean isMatch(GroupInfo groupInfo, String matchTo, boolean bIsNameOnly) {
        return (groupInfo != null) && (bIsNameOnly ? isMatch(groupInfo.getName(), matchTo)
                : (isMatch(groupInfo.getName(), matchTo) || isMatch(groupInfo.getComment(), matchTo)));

    private static boolean isMatch(UserInfo userInfo, String matchTo, boolean bIsNameOnly) {
        return (userInfo != null)
                && (bIsNameOnly ? (isMatch(userInfo.getName(), matchTo) || isMatch(userInfo.getFullName(), matchTo))
                        : (isMatch(userInfo.getName(), matchTo) || isMatch(userInfo.getFullName(), matchTo)
                                || isMatch(userInfo.getComment(), matchTo)));

    private static boolean isMatch(String matchWhat, String matchTo) {
        boolean isMatch = false;
        if ((matchWhat != null) && (matchWhat.length() > 0)) {
            if ((matchTo == null) || matchTo.isEmpty()) {
                isMatch = true;
            } else {
                isMatch = matchWhat.contains(matchTo);

        return isMatch;

    private static String GetFirstName(String fullName, String fallback) {
        String firstName = null;
        if (fullName != null) {
            // we need to figure out how do we want to split in reality
            fullName = fullName.trim();
            int index = fullName.indexOf(' ');

            if (index > 0) {
                firstName = fullName.substring(0, index);
            } else {
                firstName = fullName;
        if ((firstName == null) || (firstName.isEmpty())) {
            firstName = fallback;
        return firstName;

    private static String GetLastName(String fullName) {
        String lastName = null;
        if (fullName != null) {
            // we need to figure out how do we want to split in reality
            fullName = fullName.trim();
            int index = fullName.indexOf(' ');

            if (index > 0) {
                // because we trimmed the string, if we found the ' ' it will not be the last char
                // so index + 1 is OK.
                lastName = fullName.substring(index + 1);
                lastName = lastName.trim();
        return lastName;

    private static PrincipalId buildUserPrincipalId(String domain, UserInfo userInfo) {
        PrincipalId userId = new PrincipalId(userInfo.getName(), domain);
        return userId;

    private static PersonUser buildPersonUser(String domain, UserInfo userInfo, String alias) {
        PrincipalId userId = buildUserPrincipalId(domain, userInfo);
        return new PersonUser(userId, ServerUtils.getPrincipalAliasId(userId.getName(), alias),
                new PersonDetail.Builder().firstName(GetFirstName(userInfo.getFullName(), userInfo.getName()))
                isDisabled(userInfo), isLocked(userInfo));

    private static boolean isDisabled(UserInfo userInfo) {
        return ((userInfo.getFlags() & OsSamConstants.UF_ACCOUNT_DISABLE) == OsSamConstants.UF_ACCOUNT_DISABLE);

    private static boolean isLocked(UserInfo userInfo) {
        return ((userInfo.getFlags() & OsSamConstants.UF_LOCKOUT) == OsSamConstants.UF_LOCKOUT);

    private static boolean isPasswordExpired(UserInfo userInfo) {
        return ((userInfo.getFlags() & OsSamConstants.UF_PASSWORD_EXPIRED) == OsSamConstants.UF_PASSWORD_EXPIRED);

    private static PrincipalId buildGroupPrincipalId(String domain, GroupInfo groupInfo) {
        return buildGroupPrincipalId(domain, groupInfo.getName());

    private static PrincipalId buildGroupPrincipalId(String domain, String groupName) {
        PrincipalId groupId = new PrincipalId(groupName, domain);
        return groupId;

    private static Group buildGroup(String domain, GroupInfo groupInfo, String alias) {
        PrincipalId groupId = buildGroupPrincipalId(domain, groupInfo);
        return new Group(groupId, ServerUtils.getPrincipalAliasId(groupInfo.getName(), alias),
                LocalOsIdentityProvider.getObjectId(groupId), new GroupDetail(groupInfo.getComment()));

    private static String getObjectId(PrincipalId id) {
        ValidateUtil.validateNotNull(id, "LocalOs PrincipalId");
        return String.format("%s@%s", id.getName(), id.getDomain());

    private static PrincipalId getPrincipalId(String objectId) {
        ValidateUtil.validateNotEmpty(objectId, "LocalOs objectId");
        int idx = objectId.indexOf(UPN_SEPARATOR);

        if (idx <= 0) {
            throw new IllegalStateException(String.format("Invalid localOs objectId format for [%s]", objectId));
        } else {
            return new PrincipalId(objectId.substring(0, idx), objectId.substring(idx + 1));

    public PrincipalId findActiveUser(String attributeName, String attributeValue) throws Exception {
        throw new IDMException("findActiveUser() not supported in localos provider");

    public String getStoreUPNAttributeName() {