Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2012-2015 VMware, Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy * of the License at * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, without * warranties or conditions of any kind, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package com.vmware.identity.idm; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.commons.lang.Validate; import com.vmware.identity.diagnostics.DiagnosticsLoggerFactory; import com.vmware.identity.diagnostics.IDiagnosticsLogger; import com.vmware.identity.idm.client.CasIdmClient; /** * Create some demo data in IDM * */ public final class IdmDataCreator { private static final IDiagnosticsLogger logger = DiagnosticsLoggerFactory.getLogger(IdmDataCreator.class); private static final String CONFIG_FILE_DIRECTORY = "/tmp"; // used on Linux private static final String CONFIG_FILE_DIRECTORY_ENV_VAR = "TMP"; // used // on // Windows private static final String CONFIG_FILE = ""; private static boolean forceCleanup = false; // open input stream private static InputStream getInputStream(String filename) { InputStream retval = null; try { // get env var String envvar = System.getenv(CONFIG_FILE_DIRECTORY_ENV_VAR); String path; if (envvar != null) { // assume Windows path = envvar + "\\"; } else { // assume Linux path = CONFIG_FILE_DIRECTORY + "/"; } // try filesystem first String filePath = path + filename; File file = new File(filePath); if (file.exists()) { retval = new FileInputStream(filePath); } } catch (Exception e) { } if (retval == null) { // fallback to resource file retval = IdmDataCreator.class.getResourceAsStream("/" + filename); } return retval; } /** * Load IDM data * * @throws Exception */ public static void loadData() throws Exception { logger.debug("IdmDataCreator.loadData called"); InputStream is = getInputStream(CONFIG_FILE); Validate.notNull(is); try { ServerConfig.initialize(is); } finally { is.close(); } } // read key store data private static KeyPair readKeyStore(CredentialDescriptor cd) throws IOException { KeyPair kp = null; InputStream is = null; try { KeyStore ks = KeyStore.getInstance(KeyStore.getDefaultType()); char[] stsKeystorePassword = cd.getPassword().toCharArray(); is = getInputStream(cd.getFilename()); ks.load(is, stsKeystorePassword); kp = new KeyPair(); kp.setCertificateChain(Arrays.asList(ks.getCertificateChain(cd.getAlias()))); kp.setPrivateKey((PrivateKey) ks.getKey(cd.getAlias(), stsKeystorePassword)); } catch (Exception e) { logger.debug("Caught exception while reading keystore {}", e.toString()); } finally { if (is != null) { is.close(); } } return kp; } /** * Create data (ServerConfig loaded at this point) * * @param idmClient * @throws Exception */ public static void createData(CasIdmClient idmClient) throws Exception { logger.debug("IdmDataCreator.createData called"); Validate.notNull(idmClient); if (forceCleanup) { // delete tenants int i = 0; String tenantName = ServerConfig.getTenant(i); while (tenantName != null) { IdmDataRemover.addTenant(tenantName); i++; tenantName = ServerConfig.getTenant(i); } try { IdmDataRemover.removeData(idmClient); } catch (Exception e) { logger.debug("Caught exception while removing data {}", e.toString()); } forceCleanup = false; } // create tenants int i = 0; String tenantName = ServerConfig.getTenant(i); while (tenantName != null) { processTenant(idmClient, tenantName); i++; tenantName = ServerConfig.getTenant(i); } // process default tenant String defaultTenant = ServerConfig.getDefaultTenant(); idmClient.setDefaultTenant(defaultTenant); } // create tenant from configuration properties. We do not overwrite existing // tenants. private static void processTenant(CasIdmClient idmClient, String tenantName) throws Exception { // create tenant Tenant tenantToCreate = new Tenant(tenantName); tenantToCreate._issuerName = ServerConfig.getTenantEntityId(tenantName); IdmDataRemover.addTenant(tenantName); Tenant existingTenant = null; try { existingTenant = idmClient.getTenant(tenantName); assert (existingTenant != null); return; } catch (NoSuchTenantException ex) { idmClient.addTenant(tenantToCreate, ServerConfig.getTenantAdminUsername(), ServerConfig.getTenantAdminPassword().toCharArray()); } existingTenant = idmClient.getTenant(tenantName); assert (existingTenant != null); // add entity ID, clock tolerance, certificates and keys try { idmClient.setEntityID(tenantName, ServerConfig.getTenantEntityId(tenantName)); idmClient.setClockTolerance(tenantName, ServerConfig.getTenantClockTolerance(tenantName)); idmClient.setDelegationCount(tenantName, ServerConfig.getTenantDelegationCount(tenantName)); idmClient.setBrandName(tenantName, ServerConfig.getTenantBrandName(tenantName)); idmClient.setRenewCount(tenantName, ServerConfig.getTenantRenewCount(tenantName)); idmClient.setMaximumBearerTokenLifetime(tenantName, ServerConfig.getTenantMaximumBearerTokenLifetime(tenantName)); idmClient.setMaximumHoKTokenLifetime(tenantName, ServerConfig.getTenantMaximumHokTokenLifetime(tenantName)); KeyPair kp = readKeyStore(ServerConfig.getTenantCredentialDescriptor(tenantName)); idmClient.setTenantCredentials(tenantName, kp.getCertificateChain(), kp.getPrivateKey()); } catch (Exception e) { throw new IllegalStateException(e); } // create relying parties int i = 0; String rpName = ServerConfig.getRelyingParty(tenantName, i); while (rpName != null) { RelyingParty rp = processRelyingParty(idmClient, rpName); // add relying party info idmClient.addRelyingParty(tenantName, rp); i++; rpName = ServerConfig.getRelyingParty(tenantName, i); } // create identity stores int j = 0; String adProviderName = ServerConfig.getADProvider(tenantName, j); while (adProviderName != null) { IdentityStoreData adStore = processADProvider(idmClient, adProviderName); // add store info idmClient.addProvider(tenantName, adStore); j++; adProviderName = ServerConfig.getADProvider(tenantName, j); } } // create relying party from configuration properties private static RelyingParty processRelyingParty(CasIdmClient idmClient, String rpName) throws Exception { // create relying party RelyingParty rp = new RelyingParty(rpName); // add certificate and other parameters try { rp.setUrl(ServerConfig.getRelyingPartyUrl(rpName)); rp.setAuthnRequestsSigned(ServerConfig.getRelyingPartyAuthnRequestsSigned(rpName)); KeyPair kp = readKeyStore(ServerConfig.getRelyingPartyCredentialDescriptor(rpName)); List<Certificate> certificateChain = kp.getCertificateChain(); // TODO change the Relaying Party to get a chain not only leaf // certificate assert certificateChain != null && certificateChain.size() > 0; rp.setCertificate(certificateChain.get(0)); } catch (Exception e) { logger.debug("processRelyingParty: Caught exception {}", e.toString()); throw new IllegalStateException(e); } // add Assertion Consumer Services int i = 0; ArrayList<AssertionConsumerService> services = new ArrayList<AssertionConsumerService>(); String acsName = ServerConfig.getAssertionConsumerService(rpName, i); while (acsName != null) { AssertionConsumerService acs = processAssertionConsumerService(idmClient, acsName); // store service data services.add(acs); i++; acsName = ServerConfig.getAssertionConsumerService(rpName, i); } // commit Assertion Consumer Services rp.setAssertionConsumerServices(services); // get default assertion consumer service String defaultService = ServerConfig.getDefaultAssertionConsumerService(rpName); rp.setDefaultAssertionConsumerService(defaultService); // add Single Logout Services i = 0; ArrayList<ServiceEndpoint> sloServices = new ArrayList<ServiceEndpoint>(); String sloName = ServerConfig.getSingleLogoutService(rpName, i); while (sloName != null) { ServiceEndpoint slo = processSingleLogoutService(idmClient, sloName); // store service data sloServices.add(slo); i++; sloName = ServerConfig.getSingleLogoutService(rpName, i); } // commit Single Logout Services rp.setSingleLogoutServices(sloServices); return rp; } // create assertion consumer service from configuration properties private static AssertionConsumerService processAssertionConsumerService(CasIdmClient idmClient, String acsName) throws Exception { AssertionConsumerService assertSvc = new AssertionConsumerService(acsName); assertSvc.setBinding(ServerConfig.getServiceBinding(acsName)); assertSvc.setEndpoint(ServerConfig.getServiceEndpoint(acsName)); return assertSvc; } // create single logout service from configuration properties private static ServiceEndpoint processSingleLogoutService(CasIdmClient idmClient, String sloName) throws Exception { ServiceEndpoint sloSvc = new ServiceEndpoint(sloName); sloSvc.setBinding(ServerConfig.getServiceBinding(sloName)); sloSvc.setEndpoint(ServerConfig.getServiceEndpoint(sloName)); return sloSvc; } // create AD provider from configuration properties private static IdentityStoreData processADProvider(CasIdmClient idmClient, String adProviderName) throws Exception { final ArrayList<String> kdcList = new ArrayList<String>(); int i = 0; String kdc = ServerConfig.getKdc(adProviderName, i); while (kdc != null) { kdcList.add(kdc); i++; kdc = ServerConfig.getKdc(adProviderName, i); } final Map<String, String> attrMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); attrMap.put("", "givenName"); attrMap.put("", "sn"); attrMap.put("", "memberof"); attrMap.put("", "mail"); attrMap.put("", "subjectType"); attrMap.put("", "userPrincipalName"); IdentityStoreData adStore = IdentityStoreData.CreateExternalIdentityStoreData(adProviderName, null, // bugzilla#1173915 IdentityStoreType.IDENTITY_STORE_TYPE_LDAP_WITH_AD_MAPPING, AuthenticationType.PASSWORD, null, 0, ServerConfig.getADProviderUserName(adProviderName), ServerConfig.getADProviderUserPassword(adProviderName), ServerConfig.getADProviderSearchBaseDN(adProviderName), ServerConfig.getADProviderSearchBaseDN(adProviderName), kdcList, attrMap); return adStore; } /** * @return the forceCleanup */ public static boolean isForceCleanup() { return forceCleanup; } /** * @param forceCleanup * the forceCleanup to set */ public static void setForceCleanup(boolean forceCleanup) { IdmDataCreator.forceCleanup = forceCleanup; } }