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 * Copyright (c) 2012 VMware, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package com.vmware.bdd.utils;

import java.util.Iterator;

import org.apache.commons.configuration.ConfigurationException;
import org.apache.commons.configuration.PropertiesConfiguration;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;

import com.vmware.bdd.exception.BddException;

 * <code>Configuration</code> is a util class for accessing configurations of
 * serengeti. <br>
 * @since 0.1.0
 * @version 0.1.0
public class Configuration {
    private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(Configuration.class);
    private static org.apache.commons.configuration.Configuration _config = init();

    private static org.apache.commons.configuration.Configuration init() {
        org.apache.commons.configuration.Configuration config = null;
        String homeDir = System.getProperties().getProperty("serengeti.home.dir");
        String configFileName = null;
        if (homeDir != null && homeDir.length() > 0) {
            StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
            configFileName = builder.toString();
        } else {
            configFileName = "";
        try {
  "Reading properties file");
            config = new PropertiesConfiguration(configFileName);
        } catch (ConfigurationException ex) {
            // error out if the configuration file is not there
            String message = "Failed to load serengeti configuration file: " + configFileName;
            logger.fatal(message, ex);
            throw BddException.APP_INIT_ERROR(ex, message);
        return config;

    private static void logConfig(org.apache.commons.configuration.Configuration config) {
        Iterator<?> keys = config.getKeys();
        while (keys.hasNext()) {
            String key = (String);
            logger.debug("Config '" + key + "=" + config.getProperty(key) + "'");

     * Gets a property of type int. <br>
     * @param key
     *           The key of property.
     * @return The property value.
    public static int getInt(String key) {
        return _config.getInt(key);

     * Gets a property of type int. <br>
     * @param defaultValue
     *           The default value.
     * @param key
     *           The key of property.
     * @return The property value.
    public static int getInt(String key, int defaultValue) {
        return _config.getInt(key, defaultValue);

     * Gets a property of type bool. <br>
     * @param key
     *           The key of property.
     * @return The property value.
    public static Boolean getBoolean(String key) {
        return _config.getBoolean(key);

     * Gets a property of type bool. <br>
     * @param defaultValue
     *           The default value.
     * @param key
     *           The key of property.
     * @return The property value.
    public static Boolean getBoolean(String key, Boolean defaultValue) {
        return _config.getBoolean(key, defaultValue);

     * Gets a property of type string. <br>
     * @param key
     *           The key of property.
     * @return The property value.
    public static String getString(String key) {
        return _config.getString(key);

     * Gets a property of type string. <br>
     * @param defaultValue
     *           The default value.
     * @param key
     *           The key of property.
     * @return The property value.
    public static String getString(String key, String defaultValue) {
        return _config.getString(key, defaultValue);

     * Gets a whitespace trimmed non-empty string property.
     * @param key
     *           The key of property.
     * @return The property value or null.
    public static String getNonEmptyString(String key) {
        String s = getString(key, null);
        if (s == null) {
            return null;
        String s1 = s.trim();
        if (s1.isEmpty()) {
            return null;
        } else {
            return s1;

     * Gets a property of type double. <br>
     * @param key
     *           The key of property.
     * @return The property value.
    public static Double getDouble(String key) {
        return _config.getDouble(key);

     * Gets a property of type double. <br>
     * @param defaultValue
     *           The default value.
     * @param key
     *           The key of property.
     * @return The property value.
    public static Double getDouble(String key, Double defaultValue) {
        return _config.getDouble(key, defaultValue);

     * Gets a property of type Long. <br>
     * @param key
     *           The key of property.
     * @return The property value.
    public static long getLong(String key) {
        return _config.getLong(key);

     * Gets a property of type Long. <br>
     * @param key
     *           The key of property.
     * @param defaultValue
     *           The default value.
     * @return The property value.
    public static long getLong(String key, long defaultValue) {
        return _config.getLong(key, defaultValue);

     * Test if a key exists
     * @param key
     *           .
     * @return true if key exists.
    public static boolean containsKey(String key) {
        return _config.containsKey(key);