Java tutorial
/* *********************************************************************** * VMware ThinApp Factory * Copyright (c) 2009-2013 VMware, Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * ***********************************************************************/ package com.vmware.appfactory.feed.controller; import; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import javax.annotation.Nonnull; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.PathVariable; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestBody; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMethod; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestParam; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.ResponseBody; import; import com.vmware.appfactory.application.model.Application; import com.vmware.appfactory.common.AfText; import com.vmware.appfactory.common.base.AbstractApiController; import com.vmware.appfactory.common.exceptions.AfBadRequestException; import com.vmware.appfactory.common.exceptions.AfConflictException; import com.vmware.appfactory.common.exceptions.AfForbiddenException; import com.vmware.appfactory.common.exceptions.AfNotFoundException; import com.vmware.appfactory.common.exceptions.AfServerErrorException; import com.vmware.appfactory.common.exceptions.InvalidDataException; import com.vmware.appfactory.config.model.FeedAddRemoveEvent; import com.vmware.appfactory.datastore.exception.DsException; import com.vmware.appfactory.feed.dao.FeedDao; import com.vmware.appfactory.feed.dto.FeedRequest; import com.vmware.appfactory.feed.model.Feed; import com.vmware.appfactory.taskqueue.tasks.state.TaskState; import com.vmware.appfactory.taskqueue.tasks.state.tasks.AppFactoryTask; import com.vmware.thinapp.common.util.AfCalendar; import com.vmware.thinapp.common.workpool.exception.WpException; /** * This controller handles all the feed-related API calls to AppFactory. * All these API calls use JSON-formatted data where applicable. */ @Controller public class FeedApiController extends AbstractApiController { /** * Get a list of all the known feeds. * * * @param request - Servlet request. Set by spring. * @param response - Servlet response. Set by spring. * @param sort - Sort the data (defaults to false) * @return List of all feeds. * @throws IOException - if the etag headers could not be written * @throws AfServerErrorException */ @ResponseBody @Nullable @RequestMapping(value = "/feeds", method = RequestMethod.GET) public List<Feed> getAllFeeds(@Nonnull HttpServletRequest request, @Nonnull HttpServletResponse response, @RequestParam(required = false) boolean sort) throws AfServerErrorException, IOException { // the e-tag for this list must be based on BOTH the feeds table // and the applications table. This is because the Feed object contains // a count of ignored apps, and an app can be set to "ignored" without // touching the Feed object directly. if (checkModified(request, response, null, _daoFactory.getFeedDao(), _daoFactory.getApplicationDao())) { // shortcut exit - no further processing necessary return null; } try { final List<Feed> feeds = super.getFeedsList(); if (sort) { Collections.sort(feeds); for (Feed feed : feeds) { Collections.sort(feed.getApplications()); } } return feeds; } catch (Exception ex) { throw new AfServerErrorException(ex); } } /** * Get a single feed, including all its applications. * The path variable can either be a feed ID or a feed name. * @param idOrName Feed ID or name. * @param sort * @return The requested feed. * @throws AfNotFoundException */ @ResponseBody @RequestMapping(value = "/feeds/{idOrName}", method = RequestMethod.GET) public Feed getFeed(@PathVariable String idOrName, @RequestParam(required = false) boolean sort) throws AfNotFoundException { Feed feed = null; FeedDao feedDao = _daoFactory.getFeedDao(); try { /* First see if we were given an ID */ Long id = Long.valueOf(idOrName); feed = feedDao.find(id); } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { /* Ignore */ } if (feed == null) { /* Secondly, see if we were given a name */ feed = feedDao.findByName(idOrName); } if (feed == null) { throw new AfNotFoundException("Invalid feed ID or name " + idOrName); } if (sort) { Collections.sort(feed.getApplications()); } return feed; } /** * Delete a feed. * @param id * @throws AfNotFoundException * @throws AfForbiddenException */ @ResponseBody @RequestMapping(value = "/feeds/{id}", method = RequestMethod.DELETE) public void deleteFeed(@PathVariable Long id) throws AfNotFoundException, AfForbiddenException { FeedDao feedDao = _daoFactory.getFeedDao(); Feed feed = feedDao.find(id); if (feed == null) { throw new AfNotFoundException("Invalid feed ID " + id); } // Cleanup feed scans & abort any applications that are being captured. deleteFeedAndRelated(feed); publishEvent(new FeedAddRemoveEvent(feed)); } /** * Deletes a feed and all the other stuff that points back to it. * * This will delete related jobs and job batches. */ private void deleteFeedAndRelated(Feed feed) { // Abort the currently scanning task if any. Iterable<? extends TaskState> activeTasks = _scanningQueue.findActiveTasksForFeed(feed.getId()); if (!Iterables.isEmpty(activeTasks)) { Iterator i = activeTasks.iterator(); while (i.hasNext()) { TaskState s = (TaskState);"Aborting active feed task({}) with status: {}", s.getId(), s.getStatus()); // Abort running feed scan task. _scanningQueue.abortTask(s.getId()); } } // Abort any running conversions pertaining to this feed. deleteAppSourceRelated(feed); // Now we can safely delete the feed. _daoFactory.getFeedDao().delete(feed); } /** * Update a feed. * @param id * @param spec * @throws AfNotFoundException * @throws AfConflictException * @throws AfBadRequestException */ @ResponseBody @RequestMapping(value = "/feeds/{id}", method = RequestMethod.PUT) public void updateFeed(@PathVariable Long id, @RequestBody FeedRequest spec) throws AfNotFoundException, AfConflictException, AfBadRequestException, DsException, WpException { FeedDao feedDao = _daoFactory.getFeedDao(); Feed feed = feedDao.find(id); if (feed == null) { throw new AfNotFoundException("Invalid feed ID " + id); } try { /* Basic spec validation */ spec.validate(); } catch (InvalidDataException ex) { throw new AfBadRequestException(ex.getMessage()); } /* Make sure the name is not used by another feed */ Feed namedFeed = feedDao.findByName(; if (namedFeed != null && !namedFeed.getId().equals(id)) { throw new AfConflictException("Feed name already in use."); } /* Update the feed: basics */ feed.setName(; feed.setDescription(AfText.plainTextInstance(spec.description)); feed.setUrl(spec.realUrl); /* Update the feed: Options */ feed.setOkToScan(spec.okToScan); feed.setOkToConvert(spec.okToConvert); /* Update the feed: HTTP authentication. */ if (spec.authRequired) { feed.setUsername(spec.authUsername); feed.setPassword(spec.authPassword); } else { feed.setUsername(""); feed.setPassword(""); } /* Update the feed: applications to include/skip */ if (spec.appIncludes != null) { for (Long appId : spec.appIncludes.keySet()) { boolean include = spec.appIncludes.get(appId).booleanValue(); Application app = feed.findApplication(appId); if (app == null) { throw new AfBadRequestException("Invalid application " + appId + " for feed " + id); } // Reset the application's fail counter for apps that are made available. if (include && app.isSkipped()) { app.setFailCount(0); } app.setSkipped(!include); _daoFactory.getApplicationDao().update(app); } } /* Save the feed */ feedDao.update(feed); /* Force a rescan now */ scanFeedIfNotBusy(feed); } /** * Reset a feed. * This will set a feed back to the state it was in when it was first * created. This means any error is removed, and the previous scan and * convert times are set to "never". * * @param id Feed to reset * @throws AfNotFoundException */ @ResponseBody @RequestMapping(value = "/feeds/{id}/reset", method = RequestMethod.PUT) public void resetFeed(@PathVariable Long id) throws AfNotFoundException { FeedDao feedDao = _daoFactory.getFeedDao(); Feed feed = feedDao.find(id); if (feed == null) { throw new AfNotFoundException("Invalid feed ID " + id); } feed.setFailure(null); feed.setLastConversion(AfCalendar.NEVER); feed.setLastScan(AfCalendar.NEVER); feedDao.update(feed); } /** * Scan a feed. * This will initiate a scan of the given feed, unless there is already a * scan of this feed scheduled or running. This occurs even if the feed * is marked for "no scan". * * @param id Feed to reset * @throws AfNotFoundException * @throws AfConflictException */ @ResponseBody @RequestMapping(value = "/feeds/{id}/scan", method = RequestMethod.PUT) public void forceFeedScan(@PathVariable Long id) throws AfNotFoundException, AfConflictException, DsException, WpException { FeedDao feedDao = _daoFactory.getFeedDao(); final Feed feed = feedDao.find(id); if (feed == null) { throw new AfNotFoundException("Invalid feed ID " + id); } boolean queued = scanFeedIfNotBusy(feed); if (!queued) { throw new AfConflictException("FEED_TASK_EXISTS"); } } /** * Create a new feed. * @param spec * @throws AfBadRequestException * @throws AfConflictException */ @ResponseBody @RequestMapping(value = "/feeds", method = RequestMethod.POST) public void createFeed(@RequestBody FeedRequest spec) throws AfBadRequestException, AfConflictException, DsException, AfNotFoundException, WpException { FeedDao feedDao = _daoFactory.getFeedDao(); try { /* Basic spec validation */ spec.validate(); } catch (InvalidDataException ex) { throw new AfBadRequestException(ex); } /* Name must be unique */ if (feedDao.findByName( != null) { throw new AfConflictException("Feed name already in use."); } /* Create the feed */ Feed feed = new Feed(); feed.setName(; feed.setOkToScan(spec.okToScan); feed.setOkToConvert(spec.okToConvert); if (spec.authRequired) { feed.setUsername(spec.authUsername); feed.setPassword(spec.authPassword); } feed.setUrl(spec.realUrl); feedDao.create(feed); publishEvent(new FeedAddRemoveEvent(feed)); // scan the feed immediately; no need to wait for the background // thread to pick it up, as the background feed should really only // run occasionally if (spec.okToScan) { scanFeedIfNotBusy(feed); } } /** * If there are no scan or conversion tasks currently running or waiting for * the specified feed, then schedule a scan task now. Note: a successful * scan task triggers a convert task when complete. * * @param feed * @return True if a task was scheduled. */ private boolean scanFeedIfNotBusy(Feed feed) throws AfNotFoundException, WpException, DsException { /* Find tasks that already scan this feed */ Iterable<? extends TaskState> matches = _scanningQueue.findActiveTasksForFeed(feed.getId()); if (Iterables.isEmpty(matches)) { _log.debug("Adding forced scan task of " + feed); AppFactoryTask task = _taskFactory.newFeedScanTask(feed, _conversionsQueue); _scanningQueue.addTask(task); return true; } _log.debug("Ignore forced scan task of " + feed + ": tasks in queue"); return false; } }