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/* ***********************************************************************
 * VMware ThinApp Factory
 * Copyright (c) 2009-2013 VMware, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
 * ***********************************************************************/

package com.vmware.appfactory.config;

import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang.builder.ToStringBuilder;

 * Describes a configuration parameter used generally in AppFactory for
 * all kinds of settings. The actual configuration parameters available are
 * defined in AfConfigRegistry.
 * @see ConfigRegistry
@JsonSerialize(include = Inclusion.NON_NULL)
public class ConfigParam implements Comparable<ConfigParam> {
     * Every parameter has one of these data types.
    public static enum Type {
        /** Long integer */
        /** Short integer */
        /** String */
        /** Boolean */
        /** One of a set */

    private final String _group;

    private final String _key;

    private final String _translateKey;

    private final ConfigParam.Type _type;

    private final int _ordinal;

    private String _units = null;

    private ConfigParamOptions _options = null;

    private boolean _userEditable = true;

     * Define a new STRING parameter.
     * @param group Configuration group (for UI display).
     * @param ord Ordinal (for UI display).
     * @param key Unique key for this parameter.
     * @param userEditable
     * @return
    public static ConfigParam newStringInstance(String group, int ord, String key, boolean userEditable) {
        return new ConfigParam(group, ord, key, ConfigParam.Type.STRING, userEditable, null);

     * Define a new LONG parameter.
     * @param group Configuration group (for UI display).
     * @param ord Ordinal (for UI display).
     * @param key Unique key for this parameter.
     * @param userEditable
     * @param units
     * @return
    public static ConfigParam newLongInstance(String group, int ord, String key, boolean userEditable,
            String units) {
        return new ConfigParam(group, ord, key, ConfigParam.Type.LONG, userEditable, units);

     * Define a new INTEGER parameter.
     * @param group Configuration group (for UI display).
     * @param ord Ordinal (for UI display).
     * @param key Unique key for this parameter.
     * @param userEditable
     * @param units
     * @return
    public static ConfigParam newIntegerInstance(String group, int ord, String key, boolean userEditable,
            String units) {
        return new ConfigParam(group, ord, key, ConfigParam.Type.INTEGER, userEditable, units);

     * Define a new BOOLEAN parameter.
     * @param group Configuration group (for UI display).
     * @param ord Ordinal (for UI display).
     * @param key Unique key for this parameter.
     * @param userEditable
     * @return
    public static ConfigParam newBooleanInstance(String group, int ord, String key, boolean userEditable) {
        return newBooleanInstance(group, ord, key, userEditable, null);

     * Define a new BOOLEAN parameter.
     * @param group Configuration group (for UI display).
     * @param ord Ordinal (for UI display).
     * @param key Unique key for this parameter.
     * @param userEditable
     * @return
    public static ConfigParam newBooleanInstance(String group, int ord, String key, boolean userEditable,
            String units) {
        return new ConfigParam(group, ord, key, ConfigParam.Type.BOOLEAN, userEditable, units);

     * Define a new SINGLE_SELECT parameter.
     * @param group Configuration group (for UI display).
     * @param ord Ordinal (for UI display).
     * @param key Unique key for this parameter.
     * @param userEditable
     * @param options
     * @return
    public static ConfigParam newSelectInstance(String group, int ord, String key, boolean userEditable,
            ConfigParamOptions options) {
        ConfigParam param = new ConfigParam(group, ord, key, ConfigParam.Type.SINGLE_SELECT, userEditable, null);

        param._options = options;
        return param;

     * Create a new parameter instance.
     * @param group Configuration group (for UI display).
     * @param ord Ordinal (for UI display).
     * @param key Unique key for this parameter.
     * @param units
    private ConfigParam(String group, int ord, String key, ConfigParam.Type type, boolean userEditable,
            String units) {
        _group = group;
        _ordinal = ord;
        _key = key;
        _type = type;
        _units = units;
        _userEditable = userEditable;
        _translateKey = "T.CONFIG." + StringUtils.upperCase(key);

     * Get the UI group that this parameter belongs to.
     * @return
    public String getGroup() {
        return _group;

     * @return
    public String getKey() {
        return _key;

     * Get the translation key for the display name of this parameter.
     * @return
    public String getTranslationKey() {
        return _translateKey;

     * @return
    public ConfigParam.Type getType() {
        return _type;

     * Get units, if any.
     * @return The units, or null if none.
    public String getUnits() {
        return _units;

     * Get the _userEditable flag.
     * @return
    public boolean isUserEditable() {
        return _userEditable;

     * Sets the _editable flag.
     * @param userEditable
    public void setUserEditable(boolean userEditable) {
        this._userEditable = userEditable;

     * Get the set of options (for SINGLE_SELECT parameters).
     * @return
    public ConfigParamOptions getOptions() {
        return _options;

     * Set the set of options (for SINGLE_SELECT parameters).
     * @param options
    public void setOptions(ConfigParamOptions options) {
        _options = options;

     * Get the parameter's ordinal.
     * @return
    public int getOrdinal() {
        return _ordinal;

    public int compareTo(ConfigParam other) {
        return _ordinal - other._ordinal;

    public String toString() {
        return ToStringBuilder.reflectionToString(this);