Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2016 VMware, Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * This product is licensed to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). * You may not use this product except in compliance with the License. * * This product may include a number of subcomponents with separate copyright notices * and license terms. Your use of these subcomponents is subject to the terms and * conditions of the subcomponent's license, as noted in the LICENSE file. */ package com.vmware.admiral.compute.container.maintenance; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import; import; import; import; import com.vmware.xenon.common.Utils; /** * Calculate the container stats based on the json data coming from the Docker hosts. */ public class ContainerStatsEvaluator { private static final String CONTAINER_STOPPED_TIME = "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z"; /** * Parse the json stats value and return ContainerStats state with the calculated values from * the json field. * * @return ContainerStats with parsed and calculated stats value. */ public static ContainerStats calculateStatsValues(String statsJson) { ContainerStats state = new ContainerStats(); if (statsJson == null || statsJson.isEmpty()) { return state; } Map<String, JsonElement> stats = parseStats(statsJson); calculateCpuUsage(state, stats); setMemoryUsage(state, stats); setNetworkUsage(state, stats); setContainerStopped(state, stats); return state; } private static Map<String, JsonElement> parseStats(String statsJson) { Map<String, JsonElement> stats = null; try { stats = Utils.fromJson(statsJson, new TypeToken<Map<String, JsonElement>>() { }.getType()); } catch (Exception e) { Utils.logWarning("Error parsing container stats: [%s]. Error: %s", statsJson, Utils.toString(e)); } return stats; } private static void setNetworkUsage(ContainerStats state, Map<String, JsonElement> stats) { try { JsonElement jsonElement = stats.get("networks"); if (jsonElement == null) { return; } JsonObject networks = jsonElement.getAsJsonObject(); if (networks == null) { return; } Set<Entry<String, JsonElement>> entrySet = networks.entrySet(); if (entrySet == null) { return; } NetworkTraffic summedTraffic = -> { JsonObject network = entry.getValue().getAsJsonObject(); NetworkTraffic result = new NetworkTraffic(); if (network != null) { JsonElement netInValue = network.get("rx_bytes"); if (netInValue != null) { result.networkIn = netInValue.getAsLong(); } JsonElement netOutValue = network.get("tx_bytes"); if (netOutValue != null) { result.networkOut += netOutValue.getAsLong(); } } return result; }).reduce(new NetworkTraffic(), (t1, t2) -> { return new NetworkTraffic(t1.networkIn + t2.networkIn, t1.networkOut + t2.networkOut); }); state.networkIn = summedTraffic.networkIn; state.networkOut = summedTraffic.networkOut; } catch (Exception e) { Utils.logWarning("Error during container stats network usage parsing: %s", Utils.toString(e)); } } private static void setMemoryUsage(ContainerStats state, Map<String, JsonElement> stats) { try { JsonElement jsonElement = stats.get("memory_stats"); if (jsonElement == null) { return; } JsonObject memory_stats = jsonElement.getAsJsonObject(); JsonElement limitValue = memory_stats.get("limit"); if (limitValue != null) { state.memLimit = limitValue.getAsLong(); } JsonElement usage = memory_stats.get("usage"); if (usage != null) { state.memUsage = usage.getAsLong(); } } catch (Exception e) { Utils.logWarning("Error during container stats memory usage parsing: %s", Utils.toString(e)); } } // Calculate Docker container CPU percentage usage as implemented by the command line tool - // private static void calculateCpuUsage(ContainerStats state, Map<String, JsonElement> stats) { try { JsonElement cpu_stats_json = stats.get("cpu_stats"); if (cpu_stats_json == null || cpu_stats_json.isJsonNull()) { Utils.logWarning("cpu_stats is null."); return; } JsonObject cpu_stats = cpu_stats_json.getAsJsonObject(); JsonElement systemCpuUsageValue = cpu_stats.get("system_cpu_usage"); if (systemCpuUsageValue == null || systemCpuUsageValue.isJsonNull()) { Utils.logWarning("system_cpu_usage is null."); return; } long system_cpu_usage = systemCpuUsageValue.getAsLong(); JsonElement cpu_usage_json = cpu_stats.get("cpu_usage"); if (cpu_usage_json == null || cpu_usage_json.isJsonNull()) { Utils.logWarning("cpu_usage is null."); return; } JsonObject cpu_usage = cpu_usage_json.getAsJsonObject(); JsonElement totalUsageValue = cpu_usage.get("total_usage"); if (totalUsageValue == null || totalUsageValue.isJsonNull()) { Utils.logWarning("totalUsageValue is null."); return; } long total_usage = totalUsageValue.getAsLong(); JsonElement percpu_usage_json = cpu_usage.get("percpu_usage"); if (percpu_usage_json == null || percpu_usage_json.isJsonNull()) { Utils.logWarning("percpu_usage is null."); return; } JsonArray percpu_usage = percpu_usage_json.getAsJsonArray(); JsonElement precpu_stats_json = stats.get("precpu_stats"); if (precpu_stats_json == null || precpu_stats_json.isJsonNull()) { Utils.logWarning("precpu_stats is null."); return; } JsonObject precpu_stats = precpu_stats_json.getAsJsonObject(); JsonElement system_cpu_usage_json = precpu_stats.get("system_cpu_usage"); if (system_cpu_usage_json == null || system_cpu_usage_json.isJsonNull()) { Utils.logWarning("system_cpu_usage is null."); return; } long presystem_cpu_usage = system_cpu_usage_json.getAsLong(); JsonElement precpu_usage_json = precpu_stats.get("cpu_usage"); if (precpu_usage_json == null || precpu_usage_json.isJsonNull()) { Utils.logWarning("precpu_usage is null."); return; } JsonObject precpu_usage = precpu_usage_json.getAsJsonObject(); JsonElement pretotal_usage_json = precpu_usage.get("total_usage"); if (pretotal_usage_json == null || pretotal_usage_json.isJsonNull()) { Utils.logWarning("total_usage is null."); return; } long pretotal_usage = pretotal_usage_json.getAsLong(); long cpuDelta = total_usage - pretotal_usage; long systemDelta = system_cpu_usage - presystem_cpu_usage; if (systemDelta > 0 && cpuDelta > 0) { double cpuUsage = (((double) cpuDelta / systemDelta) * percpu_usage.size()) * 100.0; state.cpuUsage = Math.round(cpuUsage * 100d) / 100d; } } catch (Exception e) { Utils.logWarning("Error during container stats CPU usage calculations: %s", Utils.toString(e)); } } private static void setContainerStopped(ContainerStats state, Map<String, JsonElement> stats) { try { JsonElement read_json = stats.get("read"); if (read_json == null || read_json.isJsonNull()) { Utils.logWarning("read is null."); return; } String read = read_json.getAsString(); state.containerStopped = Boolean.FALSE; if (CONTAINER_STOPPED_TIME.equals(read)) { state.containerStopped = Boolean.TRUE; } } catch (Exception e) { Utils.logWarning("Error during container stats status calculations: %s", Utils.toString(e)); } } private static class NetworkTraffic { public long networkIn; public long networkOut; public NetworkTraffic() { this(0, 0); } public NetworkTraffic(long networkIn, long networkOut) { this.networkIn = networkIn; this.networkOut = networkOut; } } }