Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2015-2015 Vladimir Schneider <> * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * * This file is based on the IntelliJ SimplePlugin tutorial * */ package com.vladsch.idea.multimarkdown.editor; import com.intellij.codeHighlighting.BackgroundEditorHighlighter; import com.intellij.ide.structureView.StructureViewBuilder; import com.intellij.lang.Language; import com.intellij.openapi.Disposable; import com.intellij.openapi.application.Application; import com.intellij.openapi.application.ApplicationManager; import com.intellij.openapi.application.ModalityState; import com.intellij.openapi.command.CommandProcessor; import com.intellij.openapi.command.UndoConfirmationPolicy; import com.intellij.openapi.editor.CaretModel; import com.intellij.openapi.editor.Document; import com.intellij.openapi.editor.EditorFactory; import com.intellij.openapi.editor.event.DocumentAdapter; import com.intellij.openapi.editor.event.DocumentEvent; import com.intellij.openapi.editor.ex.DocumentEx; import com.intellij.openapi.editor.highlighter.EditorHighlighterFactory; import com.intellij.openapi.editor.impl.EditorImpl; import com.intellij.openapi.fileEditor.*; import com.intellij.openapi.fileTypes.FileType; import com.intellij.openapi.project.DumbService; import com.intellij.openapi.project.Project; import com.intellij.openapi.util.Disposer; import com.intellij.openapi.util.UserDataHolderBase; import com.intellij.openapi.vfs.VirtualFile; import com.vladsch.idea.multimarkdown.MultiMarkdownBundle; import com.vladsch.idea.multimarkdown.MultiMarkdownPlugin; import com.vladsch.idea.multimarkdown.MultiMarkdownProjectComponent; import com.vladsch.idea.multimarkdown.parser.MultiMarkdownLexParserManager; import com.vladsch.idea.multimarkdown.settings.MultiMarkdownGlobalSettings; import com.vladsch.idea.multimarkdown.settings.MultiMarkdownGlobalSettingsListener; import com.vladsch.idea.multimarkdown.util.GitHubLinkResolver; import com.vladsch.idea.multimarkdown.util.ReferenceChangeListener; import javafx.application.Platform; import javafx.beans.value.ChangeListener; import javafx.beans.value.ObservableValue; import javafx.concurrent.Worker; import javafx.embed.swing.JFXPanel; import javafx.scene.Scene; import javafx.scene.layout.AnchorPane; import javafx.scene.web.PopupFeatures; import javafx.scene.web.WebEngine; import javafx.scene.web.WebView; import javafx.util.Callback; import netscape.javascript.JSException; import netscape.javascript.JSObject; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NonNls; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable; import org.pegdown.LinkRenderer; import org.pegdown.PegDownProcessor; import org.pegdown.ToHtmlSerializer; import org.pegdown.ast.RootNode; import org.w3c.dom.Element; import org.w3c.dom.NodeList; import; import; import; import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener; import java.util.Timer; import java.util.TimerTask; import static com.vladsch.idea.multimarkdown.editor.MultiMarkdownPathResolver.isWikiDocument; import static org.apache.commons.lang.StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml; //import com.sun.javafx.scene.layout.region.CornerRadiiConverter; public class MultiMarkdownFxPreviewEditor extends UserDataHolderBase implements FileEditor, Disposable { protected static final org.apache.log4j.Logger logger = org.apache.log4j.Logger .getLogger(MultiMarkdownFxPreviewEditor.class); public static final String PREVIEW_EDITOR_NAME = MultiMarkdownBundle.message("multimarkdown.preview-tab-name"); public static final String TEXT_EDITOR_NAME = MultiMarkdownBundle.message("multimarkdown.html-tab-name"); protected static int instances = 0; /** * The {@link Component} used to render the HTML preview. */ protected final JPanel jEditorPane; protected WebView webView; protected WebEngine webEngine; protected JFXPanel jfxPanel; protected String scrollOffset = null; protected AnchorPane anchorPane; /** * The {@link Document} previewed in this editor. */ protected final Document document; protected final boolean isWikiDocument; //protected final EditorTextField myTextViewer; protected final EditorImpl myTextViewer; protected boolean isReleased = false; protected MultiMarkdownGlobalSettingsListener globalSettingsListener; protected ReferenceChangeListener projectFileListener; /** * The {@link PegDownProcessor} used for building the document AST. */ //private ThreadLocal<PegDownProcessor> processor = initProcessor(); private PegDownProcessor processor = null; protected boolean isActive = false; protected boolean isRawHtml = false; protected boolean isEditorTabVisible = true; protected Project project; protected LinkRenderer linkRendererNormal; protected LinkRenderer linkRendererModified; protected String pageScript = null; protected boolean needStyleSheetUpdate; protected boolean htmlWorkerRunning; protected String fireBugJS; private final VirtualFile containingFile; private GitHubLinkResolver resolver; public static boolean isShowModified() { return MultiMarkdownGlobalSettings.getInstance().showHtmlTextAsModified.getValue(); } public static int getParsingTimeout() { return MultiMarkdownGlobalSettings.getInstance().parsingTimeout.getValue(); } public static int getUpdateDelay() { return MultiMarkdownGlobalSettings.getInstance().updateDelay.getValue(); } public static boolean isTaskLists() { return MultiMarkdownGlobalSettings.getInstance().taskLists.getValue(); } public static boolean isDarkTheme() { return MultiMarkdownGlobalSettings.getInstance().isDarkUITheme(); } public static String getCustomCss() { return MultiMarkdownGlobalSettings.getInstance().customFxCss.getValue(); } public static boolean isShowHtmlText() { return MultiMarkdownGlobalSettings.getInstance().showHtmlText.getValue(); } /** * Indicates whether the HTML preview is obsolete and should regenerated from the Markdown {@link #document}. */ protected boolean previewIsObsolete = true; protected Timer updateDelayTimer; protected final int instance = ++instances; protected void updateEditorTabIsVisible() { if (isRawHtml) { isEditorTabVisible = isShowHtmlText(); getComponent().setVisible(isEditorTabVisible); } else { isEditorTabVisible = true; } } protected void checkNotifyUser() { //final Project project = this.project; //final MultiMarkdownGlobalSettings settings = MultiMarkdownGlobalSettings.getInstance(); // //settings.startSuspendNotifications(); //if (settings.isDarkUITheme() && (settings.iconBullets.getValue() || settings.iconTasks.getValue()) && true && !settings.wasShownDarkBug.getValue()) { // // notify the user that the Icons for Tasks and Bullets will be turned off due to a rendering bug // settings.wasShownDarkBug.setValue(true); // NotificationGroup issueNotificationGroup = new NotificationGroup(MultiMarkdownGlobalSettings.NOTIFICATION_GROUP_ISSUES, // NotificationDisplayType.BALLOON, true, null); // // Notification notification = issueNotificationGroup.createNotification("<strong>MultiMarkdown</strong> Plugin Notification", // "<p>An issue with rendering icons when the UI theme is <strong>Darcula</strong> prevents bullet "+ // "and task list items from using these options. " + // "These settings will be ignored while <strong>Darcula</strong> "+ // "theme is in effect and until the issue is fixed.</p>\n" + // "<p> </p>\n" + // "<p>Feel free leave the <em>Bullets with Icons</em> and <em>Tasks with Icons</em> options turned on. "+ // "They will take effect when they no longer adversely affect the display.</p>\n" + // "", // NotificationType.INFORMATION, null); // notification.setImportant(true); // Notifications.Bus.notify(notification, project); //} //settings.endSuspendNotifications(); } protected void updateLinkRenderer() { int options = 0; if (MultiMarkdownGlobalSettings.getInstance().githubWikiLinks.getValue()) options |= MultiMarkdownLinkRenderer.GITHUB_WIKI_LINK_FORMAT; linkRendererModified = new MultiMarkdownLinkRenderer(project, document, "absent", null, options | MultiMarkdownLinkRenderer.VALIDATE_LINKS); linkRendererNormal = new MultiMarkdownLinkRenderer(options); } /** * Build a new instance of {@link MultiMarkdownFxPreviewEditor}. * * @param project the {@link Project} containing the document * @param doc the {@link Document} previewed in this editor. */ public MultiMarkdownFxPreviewEditor(@NotNull final Project project, @NotNull Document doc, boolean isRawHtml) { this.isRawHtml = isRawHtml; this.document = doc; this.project = project; this.isWikiDocument = isWikiDocument(document); containingFile = FileDocumentManager.getInstance().getFile(document); resolver = containingFile == null ? null : new GitHubLinkResolver(containingFile, project); // Listen to the document modifications. this.document.addDocumentListener(new DocumentAdapter() { @Override public void documentChanged(DocumentEvent e) { delayedHtmlPreviewUpdate(false); } }); // Listen to settings changes MultiMarkdownGlobalSettings.getInstance() .addListener(globalSettingsListener = new MultiMarkdownGlobalSettingsListener() { public void handleSettingsChanged(@NotNull final MultiMarkdownGlobalSettings newSettings) { if (project.isDisposed()) return; processor = null; updateEditorTabIsVisible(); updateLinkRenderer(); delayedHtmlPreviewUpdate(true); checkNotifyUser(); } }); MultiMarkdownProjectComponent projectComponent = MultiMarkdownPlugin.getProjectComponent(project); if (projectComponent != null) { projectComponent.addListener(projectFileListener = new ReferenceChangeListener() { @Override public void referenceChanged(@Nullable String name) { if (project.isDisposed()) return; delayedHtmlPreviewUpdate(false); } }); } project.getMessageBus().connect(this).subscribe(DumbService.DUMB_MODE, new DumbService.DumbModeListener() { @Override public void enteredDumbMode() { } @Override public void exitDumbMode() { // need to re-evaluate class link accessibility if (project.isDisposed()) return; delayedHtmlPreviewUpdate(false); } }); updateLinkRenderer(); if (isRawHtml) { jEditorPane = null; jfxPanel = null; webView = null; webEngine = null; Language language = Language.findLanguageByID("HTML"); FileType fileType = language != null ? language.getAssociatedFileType() : null; Document myDocument = EditorFactory.getInstance().createDocument(""); myTextViewer = (EditorImpl) EditorFactory.getInstance().createViewer(myDocument, project); if (fileType != null) myTextViewer.setHighlighter( EditorHighlighterFactory.getInstance().createEditorHighlighter(project, fileType)); } else { // Setup the editor pane for rendering HTML. myTextViewer = null; jEditorPane = new JPanel(new BorderLayout(), false); jfxPanel = new JFXPanel(); // initializing javafx jEditorPane.add(jfxPanel, BorderLayout.CENTER); Platform.setImplicitExit(false); Platform.runLater(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { if (project.isDisposed()) return; webView = new WebView(); webEngine = webView.getEngine(); anchorPane = new AnchorPane(); AnchorPane.setTopAnchor(webView, 0.0); AnchorPane.setLeftAnchor(webView, 0.0); AnchorPane.setBottomAnchor(webView, 0.0); AnchorPane.setRightAnchor(webView, 0.0); anchorPane.getChildren().add(webView); jfxPanel.setScene(new Scene(anchorPane)); webEngine.setCreatePopupHandler(new Callback<PopupFeatures, WebEngine>() { @Override public WebEngine call(PopupFeatures config) { // return a web engine for the new browser window or null to block popups return null; } }); addStateChangeListener(); } }); } checkNotifyUser(); } protected void addStateChangeListener() { webEngine.getLoadWorker().stateProperty().addListener(new ChangeListener<Worker.State>() { @Override public void changed(ObservableValue<? extends Worker.State> observable, Worker.State oldState, Worker.State newState) { if (project.isDisposed()) return; workerStateChanged(observable, oldState, newState); } }); } protected void workerStateChanged(ObservableValue<? extends Worker.State> observable, Worker.State oldState, Worker.State newState) { //"[" + instance + "] " + "newState: " + newState + ", oldState: " + oldState); if (newState == Worker.State.SUCCEEDED) { // restore scroll if we had it JSObject jsobj = (JSObject) webEngine.executeScript("window"); jsobj.setMember("java", new JSBridge(this)); EventListener listener = new EventListener() { @Override public void handleEvent( evt) { evt.stopPropagation(); evt.preventDefault(); if (project.isDisposed()) return; Element link = (Element) evt.getCurrentTarget(); org.w3c.dom.Document doc = webEngine.getDocument(); final String href = link.getAttribute("href"); if (href.charAt(0) == '#') { if (href.length() != 1) { // tries to go to an anchor String hrefName = href.substring(1); // scroll it into view try { JSObject result = (JSObject) webEngine.executeScript("(function () {\n" + " var elemTop = 0;\n" + " var elems = '';\n" + " var elem = window.document.getElementById('" + hrefName + "');\n" + " if (!elem) {\n" + " var elemList = window.document.getElementsByTagName('a');\n" + " for (a in elemList) {\n" + " var aElem = elemList[a]\n" + " if (aElem.hasOwnProperty('name') && == '" + hrefName + "') {\n" + " elem = aElem;\n" + " break;\n" + " }\n" + " }\n" + " }\n" + " if (elem) {\n" + " while (elem && elem.tagName !== 'HTML') {\n" + " elems += ',' + elem.tagName + ':' + elem.offsetTop\n" + " if (elem.offsetTop) {\n" + " elemTop += elem.offsetTop;\n" + " break;\n" + " }\n" + " elem = elem.parentNode\n" + " }\n" + " }\n" + " return { elemTop: elemTop, elems: elems, found: !!elem };\n" + "})()" + ""); int elemTop = (Integer) result.getMember("elemTop"); boolean elemFound = (Boolean) result.getMember("found"); String parentList = (String) result.getMember("elems"); //logger.trace(parentList); if (elemFound) webEngine.executeScript("window.scroll(0, " + elemTop + ")"); } catch (JSException ex) { String error = ex.toString();"[" + instance + "] " + "JSException on script", ex); } } } else { MultiMarkdownPathResolver.launchExternalLink(project, href); } } }; NodeList nodeList; org.w3c.dom.Document doc = webEngine.getDocument(); if (doc != null) { ((EventTarget) doc.getDocumentElement()).addEventListener("contextmenu", new EventListener() { @Override public void handleEvent(Event evt) { evt.preventDefault(); } }, false); Element el = doc.getElementById("a"); nodeList = doc.getElementsByTagName("a"); for (int i = 0; i < nodeList.getLength(); i++) { ((EventTarget) nodeList.item(i)).addEventListener("click", listener, false); } // all images are mapped during conversion. Any relative ones are not resolved. //nodeList = doc.getElementsByTagName("img"); //for (int i = 0; i < nodeList.getLength(); i++) { // HTMLImageElementImpl imgNode = (HTMLImageElementImpl) nodeList.item(i); // String src = imgNode.getSrc(); // if (!src.startsWith("http://") && !src.startsWith("https://") && !src.startsWith("ftp://") && !src.startsWith("file://")) { // // relative to document, change it to absolute file:// // // this means it does not resolve, leave it // if (!project.isDisposed() && containingFile != null && resolver != null) { // ImageLinkRef linkRef = new ImageLinkRef(new FileRef(containingFile), src, null, null); // PathInfo resolvedTarget = resolver.resolve(linkRef, LinkResolver.ONLY_URI, null); // // assert resolvedTarget == null || resolvedTarget instanceof LinkRef && linkRef.isURI() : "Expected URI LinkRef, got " + linkRef; // if (resolvedTarget != null) { // imgNode.setSrc(resolvedTarget.getFilePath()); // } // } // } //} } if (pageScript != null && pageScript.length() > 0) { webEngine.executeScript(pageScript); } // enable debug if it is enabled in settings if (MultiMarkdownGlobalSettings.getInstance().enableFirebug.getValue()) { enableDebug(); } String scroll = scrollOffset; if (scroll != null) { try { //webEngine.executeScript("'test info')"); webEngine.executeScript( "" + "window.setTimeout(function () { " + "'before scroll');" + " " + scroll + ";\n" + "'after scroll');" + "}, 50);"); } catch (Exception e) {"[" + instance + "] " + "JSException on script", e); } } try { webEngine.executeScript("window.addEventListener('scroll', function() { " + ";" + " window.setTimeout(function () { " + "" + " }, 100);" + "})"); } catch (Exception e) {"[" + instance + "] " + "", e); } //if (needStyleSheetUpdate) { // setStyleSheet(); //} } if (newState == Worker.State.READY || newState == Worker.State.FAILED || newState == Worker.State.SUCCEEDED) { htmlWorkerRunning = false; } } // call backs from JavaScript will be handled by the bridge public static class JSBridge { final MultiMarkdownFxPreviewEditor editor; public JSBridge(MultiMarkdownFxPreviewEditor editor) { this.editor = editor; } public void log(String msg) { //"[" + editor.instance + "] " + msg); } public void repaint() { //"[" + editor.instance + "] " + "before repaint"); //jEditorPane.invalidate(); if (editor.project.isDisposed()) return; editor.jfxPanel.repaint(); //"[" + editor.instance + "] " + "after repaint"); } public void onScroll() { if (editor.project.isDisposed()) return; JSObject scrollPos = (JSObject) editor.webEngine .executeScript("({ x: window.pageXOffset, y: window.pageYOffset })"); //"[" + editor.instance + "] " + "window scrolled to " + scrollPos.getMember("x") + ", " + scrollPos.getMember("y")); editor.scrollOffset = "window.scroll(" + scrollPos.getMember("x") + ", " + scrollPos.getMember("y") + ")"; } } protected String makeHtmlPage(String html) { VirtualFile file = FileDocumentManager.getInstance().getFile(document); String result = "<head>\n" + ""; final MultiMarkdownGlobalSettings globalSettings = MultiMarkdownGlobalSettings.getInstance(); // load colors css if (!(globalSettings.useCustomCss(true) && globalSettings.includesColorsCss.getValue())) { result += "" + "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"" + globalSettings.getColorsCssExternalForm(true) + "\">\n" + ""; } // load layout css if (!(globalSettings.useCustomCss(true) && globalSettings.includesLayoutCss.getValue())) { result += "" + "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"" + globalSettings.getLayoutCssExternalForm(true) + "\">\n" + ""; } // load highlight & css if (globalSettings.useHighlightJs.getValue()) { if (!(globalSettings.useCustomCss(true) && globalSettings.includesHljsCss.getValue())) { result += "" + "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"" + globalSettings.getHljsCssExternalForm(true) + "\">\n" + ""; } } // load custom css if (globalSettings.useCustomCss(true)) { result += "" + "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"" + globalSettings.getCustomCssExternalForm(true) + "\">\n" + ""; } // load highlight js script if (globalSettings.useHighlightJs.getValue()) { result += "" + "<script src=\"" + globalSettings.getHighlighJsExternalForm(true) + "\"></script>\n" + ""; } result += "" + "<title>" + escapeHtml(file != null ? file.getName() : "<null>") + "</title>\n" + "</head>\n" + "<body>\n" + ""; String gitHubHref = MultiMarkdownPathResolver.getGitHubDocumentURL(project, document, !isWikiDocument); String gitHubClose = ""; if (isWikiDocument) { if (gitHubHref == null) { gitHubHref = ""; } else { gitHubHref = "<a href=\"" + gitHubHref + "\" name=\"wikipage\" id=\"wikipage\" class=\"anchor\"><span class=\"octicon octicon-link\"></span>"; gitHubClose = "</a>"; } result += "" + "<div class=\"wiki-container\">\n" + "<h1>" + gitHubHref + gitHubClose + escapeHtml(file != null ? file.getNameWithoutExtension().replace('-', ' ') : "<null>") + "</h1>\n" + "<article class=\"wiki-body\">\n" + ""; } else { if (gitHubHref == null) { gitHubHref = ""; } else { gitHubHref = "<a href=\"" + gitHubHref + "\" name=\"markdown-page\" id=\"markdown-page\" class=\"page-anchor\">"; gitHubClose = "</a>"; } result += "" + "<div class=\"container\">\n" + "<div id=\"readme\" class=\"boxed-group\">\n" + "<h3>\n" + " " + gitHubHref + "<span class=\"bookicon octicon-book\"></span>\n" + gitHubClose + " " + (file != null ? file.getName() : "<null>") + "\n" + "</h3>\n" + "<article class=\"markdown-body\">\n" + ""; } result += html; result += "\n</article>\n"; result += "</div>\n"; result += "</div>\n"; result += "" + "<script>hljs.initHighlightingOnLoad();</script>\n" + "</body>\n"; return result; } public void enableDebug() { try { webEngine.executeScript("if (!document.getElementById('FirebugLite')) {\n" + " E = document['createElement' + 'NS'] && document.documentElement.namespaceURI;\n" + " E = E ? document['createElement' + 'NS'](E, 'script') : document['createElement']('script');\n" + " E['setAttribute']('id', 'FirebugLite');\n" + " E['setAttribute']('src', '' + 'firebug-lite.js' + '#startOpened');\n" + //" E['setAttribute']('src', '" + fireBugJS + "');\n" + " E['setAttribute']('FirebugLite', '4');\n" + " (document['getElementsByTagName']('head')[0] || document['getElementsByTagName']('body')[0]).appendChild(E);\n" + " E = new Image;\n" + " E['setAttribute']('src', '' + '#startOpened');\n" + "}\n"); } catch (JSException ex) { String error = ex.toString();"[" + instance + "] " + "JSException on script", ex); } } protected void delayedHtmlPreviewUpdate(final boolean fullKit) { if (updateDelayTimer != null) { updateDelayTimer.cancel(); updateDelayTimer = null; } if (project.isDisposed()) return; if (!isEditorTabVisible) return; updateDelayTimer = new Timer(); updateDelayTimer.schedule(new TimerTask() { @Override public void run() { if (project.isDisposed()) return; ApplicationManager.getApplication().invokeLater(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { if (project.isDisposed()) return; previewIsObsolete = true; if (fullKit) { needStyleSheetUpdate = true; //processor.remove(); // make it re-initialize when accessed } updateHtmlContent(isActive || isMyTabSelected()); } }, ModalityState.any()); } }, getUpdateDelay()); } protected boolean isMyTabSelected() { FileEditorManager manager = FileEditorManager.getInstance(project); FileEditor[] editors = manager.getSelectedEditors(); for (FileEditor editor : editors) { if (editor == this) return true; } return false; } protected MultiMarkdownFxPreviewEditor findCounterpart() { // here we can find our HTML Text counterpart and update its HTML at the same time. but it is better to keep it separate for now VirtualFile file = FileDocumentManager.getInstance().getFile(document); if (file != null) { FileEditorManager manager = FileEditorManager.getInstance(project); FileEditor[] editors = manager.getEditors(file); for (FileEditor editor : editors) { if (editor != this && editor instanceof MultiMarkdownFxPreviewEditor) { return (MultiMarkdownFxPreviewEditor) editor; } } } return null; } //protected void setStyleSheet() { // if (isRawHtml) return; // // needStyleSheetUpdate = false; // webEngine.setUserStyleSheetLocation(MultiMarkdownGlobalSettings.getInstance().getCssExternalForm()); //} protected void updateRawHtmlText(final String htmlTxt) { final DocumentEx myDocument = myTextViewer.getDocument(); if (project.isDisposed()) return; ApplicationManager.getApplication().runWriteAction(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { if (project.isDisposed()) return; CommandProcessor.getInstance().executeCommand(project, new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { if (project.isDisposed()) return; myDocument.replaceString(0, myDocument.getTextLength(), htmlTxt); final CaretModel caretModel = myTextViewer.getCaretModel(); if (caretModel.getOffset() >= myDocument.getTextLength()) { caretModel.moveToOffset(myDocument.getTextLength()); } } }, null, null, UndoConfirmationPolicy.DEFAULT, myDocument); } }); } protected String markdownToHtml(boolean modified, RootNode rootNode) { if (rootNode == null) { return "<strong>Parser timed out</strong>"; } else { if (modified) { MultiMarkdownToHtmlSerializer htmlSerializer = new MultiMarkdownToHtmlSerializer(project, document, linkRendererModified); if (!isWikiDocument) { htmlSerializer.setFlag(MultiMarkdownToHtmlSerializer.NO_WIKI_LINKS); } return htmlSerializer.toHtml(rootNode).replace("<br/>", "<br/>\n"); } else { return new ToHtmlSerializer(linkRendererNormal).toHtml(rootNode).replace("<br/>", "<br/>\n"); } } } protected void updateHtmlContent(boolean force) { if (updateDelayTimer != null) { updateDelayTimer.cancel(); updateDelayTimer = null; } if (previewIsObsolete && isEditorTabVisible && (isActive || force)) { try { final RootNode rootNode = MultiMarkdownLexParserManager.parseMarkdownRoot( document.getCharsSequence(), MultiMarkdownGlobalSettings.getInstance().getExtensionsValue(), getParsingTimeout()); if (isRawHtml) { final String htmlTxt = isShowModified() ? makeHtmlPage(markdownToHtml(true, rootNode)) : markdownToHtml(false, rootNode); updateRawHtmlText(htmlTxt); } else { if (!htmlWorkerRunning) { htmlWorkerRunning = true; previewIsObsolete = false; final String html = makeHtmlPage(markdownToHtml(true, rootNode)); Platform.runLater(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { if (project.isDisposed()) return; // TODO: add option to enable/disable keeping scroll position on update Worker.State state = webEngine.getLoadWorker().getState(); //"[" + instance + "] " + "State on update " + state); Double pageZoom = MultiMarkdownGlobalSettings.getInstance().pageZoom.getValue(); if (webView.getZoom() != pageZoom) { //"[" + instance + "] " + "setZoom(" + pageZoom + ")"); webView.setZoom(pageZoom); } //"[" + instance + "] " + "loadContent"); webEngine.loadContent(html); } }); } else { // reschedule the update for later delayedHtmlPreviewUpdate(false); } } } catch (Exception e) {"[" + instance + "] " + "Failed processing Markdown document", e); } } } @NotNull public JComponent getComponent() { //return scrollPane != null ? scrollPane : myTextViewer.getComponent(); return jEditorPane != null ? jEditorPane : myTextViewer.getComponent(); } @Nullable public JComponent getPreferredFocusedComponent() { //return scrollPane != null ? scrollPane : myTextViewer.getComponent(); return jEditorPane != null ? jEditorPane : myTextViewer.getContentComponent(); } @NotNull @NonNls public String getName() { return isRawHtml ? TEXT_EDITOR_NAME : PREVIEW_EDITOR_NAME; } /** * Get the state of the editor. * <p/> * Just returns {@link FileEditorState#INSTANCE} as {@link MultiMarkdownFxPreviewEditor} is stateless. * * @param level the level. * @return {@link FileEditorState#INSTANCE} * @see #setState(FileEditorState) */ @NotNull public FileEditorState getState(@NotNull FileEditorStateLevel level) { return FileEditorState.INSTANCE; } /** * Set the state of the editor. * <p/> * Does not do anything as {@link MultiMarkdownFxPreviewEditor} is stateless. * * @param state the new state. * @see #getState(FileEditorStateLevel) */ public void setState(@NotNull FileEditorState state) { } /** * Indicates whether the document content is modified compared to its file. * * @return {@code false} as {@link MultiMarkdownFxPreviewEditor} is read-only. */ public boolean isModified() { return false; } /** * Indicates whether the editor is valid. * * @return {@code true} if {@link #document} content is readable. */ public boolean isValid() { return true; } /** * Invoked when the editor is selected. * <p/> * Update the HTML content if obsolete. */ public void selectNotify() { isActive = true; if (previewIsObsolete) { updateHtmlContent(false); } } /** * Invoked when the editor is deselected. * <p/> * Does nothing. */ public void deselectNotify() { isActive = false; } /** * Add specified listener. * <p/> * Does nothing. * * @param listener the listener. */ public void addPropertyChangeListener(@NotNull PropertyChangeListener listener) { } /** * Remove specified listener. * <p/> * Does nothing. * * @param listener the listener. */ public void removePropertyChangeListener(@NotNull PropertyChangeListener listener) { } /** * Get the background editor highlighter. * * @return {@code null} as {@link MultiMarkdownFxPreviewEditor} does not require highlighting. */ @Nullable public BackgroundEditorHighlighter getBackgroundHighlighter() { return null; } /** * Get the current location. * * @return {@code null} as {@link MultiMarkdownFxPreviewEditor} is not navigable. */ @Nullable public FileEditorLocation getCurrentLocation() { return null; } /** * Get the structure view builder. * * @return TODO {@code null} as parsing/PSI is not implemented. */ @Nullable public StructureViewBuilder getStructureViewBuilder() { return null; } /** * Dispose the editor. */ public void dispose() { if (!isReleased) { isReleased = true; if (updateDelayTimer != null) { updateDelayTimer.cancel(); updateDelayTimer = null; } if (jEditorPane != null) { jEditorPane.removeAll(); } if (globalSettingsListener != null) { MultiMarkdownGlobalSettings.getInstance().removeListener(globalSettingsListener); globalSettingsListener = null; } if (myTextViewer != null) { final Application application = ApplicationManager.getApplication(); final Runnable runnable = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { if (!myTextViewer.isDisposed()) { EditorFactory.getInstance().releaseEditor(myTextViewer); } } }; if (application.isUnitTestMode() || application.isDispatchThread()) {; } else { application.invokeLater(runnable); } } Disposer.dispose(this); } } }