Java tutorial
/* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package com.vizury.videocache.product; import com.vizury.videocache.core.CacheConnect; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.ListIterator; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Random; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import org.json.simple.JSONArray; import org.json.simple.parser.JSONParser; import org.json.simple.parser.ParseException; /** * * @author sankalpkulshrestha */ public class ProductDetail { private String namespace; private int segmentId; private int bannerClassId; private String productName; private String productId; private String cdnUrl; private String landingPageUrl; private String categoryId; private String subCategoryId; private String subSubCategoryId; private ProductDetail[] recommendedProduct; private boolean validProduct; public ProductDetail(int segmentId, int bannerClassId, String productId) { this.segmentId = segmentId; this.bannerClassId = bannerClassId; this.productId = productId; } private ProductDetail(String productId, String namespace) { this.productId = productId; this.namespace = namespace; } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); String newLine = System.getProperty("line.separator"); result.append(this.getClass().getName()); result.append(" Object {"); result.append(newLine); //determine fields declared in this class only (no fields of superclass) Field[] fields = this.getClass().getDeclaredFields(); //print field names paired with their values for (Field field : fields) { result.append(" "); try { result.append(field.getName()); result.append(": "); //requires access to private field: if (field.getName().equals("recommendedProduct")) { if (recommendedProduct != null) { for (ProductDetail p : recommendedProduct) { result.append(p.toString()); // System.out.println(p.getProductId()); // System.out.println(p.getProductName()); // System.out.println(p.getLandingPageUrl()); // System.out.println(p.getCdnUrl()); } } } else { result.append(field.get(this)); } } catch (IllegalAccessException ex) { System.out.println(ex); } result.append(newLine); } result.append("}"); return result.toString(); } /** * @return the segmentId */ public int getSegmentId() { return segmentId; } /** * @param segmentId the segmentId to set */ public void setSegmentId(int segmentId) { this.segmentId = segmentId; } /** * @return the productId */ public String getProductId() { return productId; } /** * @param productId the productId to set */ public void setProductId(String productId) { this.productId = productId; } /** * @return the bannerClassId */ public int getBannerClassId() { return bannerClassId; } /** * @param bannerClassId the bannerClassId to set */ public void setBannerClassId(int bannerClassId) { this.bannerClassId = bannerClassId; } /** * @return the cdnUrl */ public String getCdnUrl() { return cdnUrl; } /** * @param cdnUrl the cdnUrl to set */ public void setCdnUrl(String cdnUrl) { this.cdnUrl = cdnUrl; } /** * @return the landingPageUrl */ public String getLandingPageUrl() { return landingPageUrl; } /** * @param landingPageUrl the landingPageUrl to set */ public void setLandingPageUrl(String landingPageUrl) { this.landingPageUrl = landingPageUrl; } /** * @return the namespace */ public String getNamespace() { return namespace; } /** * @param namespace the namespace to set */ public void setNamespace(String namespace) { this.namespace = namespace; } /** * @return the productName */ public String getProductName() { return productName; } /** * @param productName the productName to set */ public void setProductName(String productName) { this.productName = productName; } /** * @return the categoryId */ public String getCategoryId() { return categoryId; } /** * @param categoryId the categoryId to set */ public void setCategoryId(String categoryId) { this.categoryId = categoryId; } /** * @return the subCategoryId */ public String getSubCategoryId() { return subCategoryId; } /** * @param subCategoryId the subCategoryId to set */ public void setSubCategoryId(String subCategoryId) { this.subCategoryId = subCategoryId; } /** * @return the subSubCategoryId */ public String getSubSubCategoryId() { return subSubCategoryId; } /** * @param subSubCategoryId the subSubCategoryId to set */ public void setSubSubCategoryId(String subSubCategoryId) { this.subSubCategoryId = subSubCategoryId; } public void getRecommendedProducts(CacheConnect cache, HashMap<String, String> subSubCategoryMap, HashMap<String, String> subCategoryMap, HashMap<String, String> categoryMap, HashMap<String, ProductDetail> recommendedProductDetail, int numberOfRecommendedProducts) { ProductDetail[] subSubCategoryProductList = getSubSubCategoryProductList(cache, subSubCategoryMap, recommendedProductDetail, numberOfRecommendedProducts); ProductDetail[] subCategoryProductList = null; ProductDetail[] categoryProductList = null; recommendedProduct = new ProductDetail[numberOfRecommendedProducts]; int subSubCategoryProductListLength = (subSubCategoryProductList != null) ? subSubCategoryProductList.length : 0; int subCategoryProductListLength = 0; int categoryProductListLength = 0; setValidProduct(true); if (subSubCategoryProductListLength < numberOfRecommendedProducts) { subCategoryProductList = getSubCategoryProductList(cache, subCategoryMap, recommendedProductDetail, numberOfRecommendedProducts - subSubCategoryProductListLength); subCategoryProductListLength = (subCategoryProductList != null) ? subCategoryProductList.length : 0; if (subCategoryProductListLength + subSubCategoryProductListLength < numberOfRecommendedProducts) { categoryProductList = getCategoryProductList(cache, categoryMap, recommendedProductDetail, numberOfRecommendedProducts - subSubCategoryProductListLength - subCategoryProductListLength); categoryProductListLength = (categoryProductList != null) ? categoryProductList.length : 0; if (categoryProductListLength + subCategoryProductListLength + subSubCategoryProductListLength < numberOfRecommendedProducts) { setValidProduct(false); } } } if (isValidProduct()) { int index = 0; int subIndex; if (subSubCategoryProductListLength != 0) { for (subIndex = 0; subIndex < subSubCategoryProductListLength; subIndex++) { recommendedProduct[index] = subSubCategoryProductList[subIndex]; index++; } } if (subCategoryProductListLength != 0) { for (subIndex = 0; subIndex < subCategoryProductListLength; subIndex++) { recommendedProduct[index] = subCategoryProductList[subIndex]; index++; } } if (categoryProductListLength != 0) { for (subIndex = 0; subIndex < categoryProductListLength; subIndex++) { recommendedProduct[index] = categoryProductList[subIndex]; index++; } } } } private ProductDetail[] getSubSubCategoryProductList(CacheConnect cache, HashMap<String, String> productMap, HashMap<String, ProductDetail> recommendedProductDetail, int numberOfRecommendedProducts) { if (subSubCategoryId != null) { String productList = productMap.get(namespace + "_4_" + subSubCategoryId); if (productList == null) { productList = cache.get(namespace + "_4_" + subSubCategoryId); if (productList == null) { productList = "-"; } productMap.put(namespace + "_4_" + subSubCategoryId, productList); } if (productList.equals("-")) { return null; } else { return getProductDataFromList(cache, productList, recommendedProductDetail, numberOfRecommendedProducts); } } else { return null; } } private ProductDetail[] getSubCategoryProductList(CacheConnect cache, HashMap<String, String> productMap, HashMap<String, ProductDetail> recommendedProductDetail, int numberOfRecommendedProducts) { if (subCategoryId != null) { String productList = productMap.get(namespace + "_3_" + subCategoryId); if (productList == null) { productList = cache.get(namespace + "_3_" + subCategoryId); if (productList == null) { productList = "-"; } productMap.put(namespace + "_3_" + subCategoryId, productList); } if (productList.equals("-")) { return null; } else { return getProductDataFromList(cache, productList, recommendedProductDetail, numberOfRecommendedProducts); } } else { return null; } } private ProductDetail[] getCategoryProductList(CacheConnect cache, HashMap<String, String> productMap, HashMap<String, ProductDetail> recommendedProductDetail, int numberOfRecommendedProducts) { if (categoryId != null) { String productList = productMap.get(namespace + "_2_" + categoryId); if (productList == null) { productList = cache.get(namespace + "_2_" + categoryId); if (productList == null || productList.length() == 0) { productList = "-"; } productMap.put(namespace + "_2_" + categoryId, productList); } if (productList.equals("-")) { return null; } else { return getProductDataFromList(cache, productList, recommendedProductDetail, numberOfRecommendedProducts); } } else { return null; } } public void jsonToProductDetail(String productData) { if (productData != null) { try { JSONParser jsonParser = new JSONParser(); JSONArray jsonArray = (JSONArray) jsonParser.parse(productData); Iterator iterator = jsonArray.iterator(); int index = 0; while (iterator.hasNext()) { switch (index) { case 0: setProductName((String); break; case 1: setLandingPageUrl((String); break; case 2: setCdnUrl((String); break; case 4: categoryId = ((String)" ", "+"); setCategoryId(categoryId.length() != 0 ? categoryId : null); break; case 9: subCategoryId = ((String)" ", "+"); setSubCategoryId(subCategoryId.length() != 0 ? subCategoryId : null); break; case 11: subSubCategoryId = ((String)" ", "+"); setSubSubCategoryId(subSubCategoryId.length() != 0 ? subSubCategoryId : null); break; default:; break; } index++; } } catch (ParseException ex) { Logger.getLogger(ProductDetail.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } } /** * @return the validProduct */ public boolean isValidProduct() { return validProduct; } /** * @param validProduct the validProduct to set */ public void setValidProduct(boolean validProduct) { this.validProduct = validProduct; } /** * @return the recommendedProduct */ public ProductDetail[] getRecommendedProduct() { return recommendedProduct; } /** * @param recommendedProduct the recommendedProduct to set */ public void setRecommendedProduct(ProductDetail[] recommendedProduct) { this.recommendedProduct = recommendedProduct; } private ProductDetail[] getProductDataFromList(CacheConnect cache, String productList, HashMap<String, ProductDetail> recommendedProductDetail, int numberOfRecommendedProducts) { String[] productIdArray = productList.replace("\"", "").split(","); List<ProductDetail> productDetailList = new ArrayList<>(); List<ProductDetail> requestProductDetailList = new ArrayList<>(); for (String pid : productIdArray) { if (!pid.equals(productId)) { if (!recommendedProductDetail.containsKey(namespace + "_1_" + pid)) { requestProductDetailList.add(new ProductDetail(pid, namespace)); } productDetailList.add(new ProductDetail(pid, namespace)); } } Map<String, Object> productDetailMap = cache.getBulk(requestProductDetailList, "_1_"); if (productDetailMap != null) { ListIterator iterator = productDetailList.listIterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { ProductDetail productDetail = (ProductDetail); if (productDetailMap.containsKey(namespace + "_1_" + productDetail.getProductId())) { productDetail.jsonToProductDetail( (String) productDetailMap.get(namespace + "_1_" + productDetail.getProductId())); recommendedProductDetail.put(namespace + "_1_" + productDetail.getProductId(), productDetail); } else { iterator.set(recommendedProductDetail.get(namespace + "_1_" + productDetail.getProductId())); } } } else { return null; } if (productDetailList.size() <= numberOfRecommendedProducts) { return productDetailList.toArray(new ProductDetail[productDetailList.size()]); } else { Random rand = new Random(); int randomIndex; int index; ProductDetail[] productDetail = new ProductDetail[numberOfRecommendedProducts]; for (index = 0; index < numberOfRecommendedProducts; index++) { randomIndex = rand.nextInt(productDetailList.size()); productDetail[index] = productDetailList.get(randomIndex); productDetailList.remove(randomIndex); } return productDetail; } } }