Source code

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Here is the source code for


 * < KURA, This application manages the daily activities of a Teacher and a Student of a School>
 * Copyright (C) 2012 Virtusa Corporation.
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.

package com.virtusa.akura.student.controller;

import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession;

import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.apache.velocity.exception.ResourceNotFoundException;
import org.springframework.beans.propertyeditors.CustomDateEditor;
import org.springframework.dao.DataIntegrityViolationException;
import org.springframework.mail.MailSendException;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller;
import org.springframework.ui.ModelMap;
import org.springframework.validation.BindingResult;
import org.springframework.web.bind.WebDataBinder;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.InitBinder;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.ModelAttribute;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMethod;

import com.virtusa.akura.api.dto.City;
import com.virtusa.akura.api.dto.CommonEmailBean;
import com.virtusa.akura.api.dto.Country;
import com.virtusa.akura.api.dto.Donation;
import com.virtusa.akura.api.dto.DonationType;
import com.virtusa.akura.api.dto.EmploymentStatus;
import com.virtusa.akura.api.dto.Parent;
import com.virtusa.akura.api.dto.ParentDonation;
import com.virtusa.akura.api.dto.ParentWrapper;
import com.virtusa.akura.api.dto.Religion;
import com.virtusa.akura.api.dto.Student;
import com.virtusa.akura.api.dto.StudentParent;
import com.virtusa.akura.api.dto.UserInfo;
import com.virtusa.akura.api.dto.WorkingSegment;
import com.virtusa.akura.api.exception.AkuraAppException;
import com.virtusa.akura.api.exception.AkuraConstant;
import com.virtusa.akura.api.exception.ErrorMsgLoader;
import com.virtusa.akura.common.AkuraWebConstant;
import com.virtusa.akura.common.service.CommonService;
import com.virtusa.akura.common.service.EmailService;
import com.virtusa.akura.staff.service.StaffService;
import com.virtusa.akura.student.StudentConstant;
import com.virtusa.akura.student.service.ParentService;
import com.virtusa.akura.student.service.StudentService;
import com.virtusa.akura.student.validator.StudentDonationValidator;
import com.virtusa.akura.student.validator.StudentParentValidator;
import com.virtusa.akura.util.PhoneNumberValidateUtil;
import com.virtusa.akura.util.PropertyReader;
import com.virtusa.akura.util.SortUtil;

 * This is a controller where controls all the parent data.
 * @author Virtusa Corporation
public class StudentParentController {

    /** symbol for mother . */
    private static final String MOTHER_STRING = "M";

    /** symbol for mother . */
    private static final char MOTHER_CHAR = 'M';

    /** symbol for guardian . */
    private static final String GUARDIAN_STRING = "G";

    /** symbol for guardian . */
    private static final char GUARDIAN_CHAR = 'G';

    /** symbol for father . */
    private static final String FATHER_STRING = "F";

    /** symbol for father . */
    private static final char FATHER_CHAR = 'F';

    /** Logger to log the exceptions. */
    private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(StudentParentController.class);

    /** Success message . */

    /** Error message . */

    /** Error message . */
    private static final String PAR_UI_PARENT_DETAIL_EXIST = "PAR.UI.PARENT_DETAIL_EXIST";

    /** Error message . */

    /** Error message . */

    /** Success message . */

    /** User mail send error message. */
    private static final String ERROER_SENDING_EMAIL_TO_USER = "PAR.UI.ERROR_SEND_TO_USER";

    /** error message for no User email address found. */
    private static final String NO_USER_EMAIL_ADDRESS_FOUND = "PAR.UI.NO_USER_EMAIL_ADRESS";

    /** admin mail send error message to user. */
    private static final String MESSAGE_ERROR_SEND_TO_ADMIN = "PAR.UI.ERROR_SEND_TO_ADMIN";

    /** user message for success of mail send to admin. */

    /** message to user for success of mail send to the user. */

    /** key value in property file(email template name). */
    private static final String EMAIL_TEMPLATE_NAME = "email.template.changeParentDetail";

    /** String attribute for holding DONATION_DESCRIPTION_ERROR_MSG. */

    /** String attribute for holding `REF.UI.PARENT.DONATION.EXISTS`. */

    /** String attribute for holding DONATION_DELETE_MSG. */
    private static final String DONATION_DELETE_MSG = "PAR.UI.DONATION.DELETE";

    /** model attribute of success message. */
    private static final String MESSAGE_SUCESS = "messageSuccess";

    /** model attribute of message. */
    private static final String MESSAGE = "message";

    /** model attribute of message. */
    private static final String DISPLAY_PANEL = "displayPanel";

    /** Email attribute name. */
    private static final String TYPE_F_OR_G = "typeForG";

    /** URL for parent detail modification request. */
    private static final String SAVE_PARENT_BY_PARENT_HTM = "saveParentByParent.htm";

    /** session attribute name for user. */
    private static final String USER = "user";

    /** property key value. */
    private static final String ADMIN_EMAIL = "";

    /** email property file name. */
    private static final String EMAIL = "email";

    /** model attribute Email sending errors. */
    private static final String ERROR_EMAIL = "errorEmail";

    /** model attribute for email status admin. */
    private static final String ADMIN_MAIL_STATUS = "adminMailStatus";

    /** model attribute for email status user. */
    private static final String USER_MAIL_STATUS = "userMailStatus";

    /** content message for user. */
    private static final String CONTENT_MESSAGE_FOR_USER = "parent.content_message_user";

    /** content message for admin. */
    private static final String CONTENT_MESSAGE_FOR_ADMIN = "parent.content_message_admin";

    /** greeting message part for user. */
    private static final String DEAR = "Dear ";

    /** greeting message for admin. */
    private static final String ADMIN_GREETING = "Dear Administrator";

    /** Email attribute name for content. */
    private static final String CONTENT = "content";

    /** Email attribute name for greeting. */
    private static final String GREETING = "greeting";

    /** Email attribute name for changes map for father or guardian. */
    private static final String CHANGES_FOR_G = "changesForG";

    /** Email attribute name admission no for student . */
    private static final String ADDMISION_NO = "addmisionNo";

    /** Email attribute name name of the student. */
    private static final String STUDENT_NAME = "studentName";

    /** Email attribute name for user name(parent account name). */
    private static final String USER_NAME = "userName";

    /** Email subject. */
    private static final String PARENT_DETAIL_MODIFICATION = "parent Detail modification";

    /** Represents the error message. */
    private String message;

    /** String attribute for holding DEFALUT_DATE_FORMAT. */
    private static final String DEFALUT_DATE_FORMAT = "yyyy-MM-dd";

    /** Label for email. */
    private static final String FATHER_LABEL = "Father";

    /** Label for email. */
    private static final String GUARDIAN_LABEL = "Guardian";

    /** String attribute for holding STUDENT_ID. */
    private static final String STUDENT_ID = "studentId";

    /** String attribute for holding WRAPPER_PARENT. */
    private static final String PARENT_WRAPPER = "parentWrapper";

    /** String attribute for holding DONATION_LIST. */
    private static final String DONATION_LIST = "donationList";

    /** String attribute for holding WORKING_SEGMENT_LIST. */
    private static final String WORKING_SEGMENT_LIST = "workingSegmentList";

    /** String attribute for holding RELIGION_LIST. */
    private static final String RELIGION_LIST = "religionList";

    /** String attribute for holding CITY_LIST. */
    private static final String CITY_LIST = "cityList";

    /** String attribute for holding DONATION_TYPE_LIST. */
    private static final String DONATION_TYPE_LIST = "donationTypeList";

    /** String attribute for holding DONATION_TYPE_LIST. */
    private static final String EMPLOYMENT_STATUS_LIST = "emplomentStatusList";

    /** String attribute for holding AVERAGE_FAITH_LIFE_RATING. */
    private static final String AVERAGE_FAITH_LIFE_RATING = "averageFaithLifeRating";

    /** String attribute for holding AVERAGE_ACADEMIC_LIFE_RATING. */
    private static final String AVERAGE_ACADEMIC_LIFE_RATING = "averageAcademicLifeRating";

    /** key to define the averageAttendanceRating. */
    private static final String AVERAGE_ATTENDANCE_RATING = "averageAttendanceRating";

    /** key to define the attendanceRating. */
    private static final String MODEL_ATT_ATTENDANCE_RATING = "attendanceRating";

    /** model attribute of student faithLife average value. */
    private static final String MODEL_ATT_STUDENT_FAITH_LIFE = "averageFaithLife";

    /** model attribute of student academic life average value. */
    private static final String MODEL_ATT_STUDENT_ACADEMIC_LIFE = "averageAcademicLife";

    /** String attribute for holding ADMIN_PARENT. */
    private static final String VIEW_PARENT = "student/parentInfo";

    /** String attribute for holding REDIRECT_ADMIN_PARENT. */
    private static final String REDIRECT_ADMIN_PARENT = "redirect:AdminParent.htm";

    /** String attribute for holding Request Mapping Value for SaveUpdateDonation. */
    private static final String REQ_MAP_VALUE_SAVE_UPDATE_DONATION = "/saveOrUpdateDonation.htm";

    /** String attribute for holding Request Mapping Value for DeleteDonation. */
    private static final String REQ_MAP_VALUE_DELETE_DONATION = "/deleteDonation.htm";

    /** String attribute for holding Request Mapping Value for SaveAdminParent. */
    private static final String REQ_MAP_VALUE_SAVE_ADMIN_PARENT = "/SaveAdminParent.htm";

    /** CommonService attribute for holding commonService. */
    private CommonService commonService;

    /** ParentService attribute for holding parentService. */
    private ParentService parentService;

    /** StudentService attribute for holding studentService. */
    private StudentService studentService;

    /** StaffService attribute for holding staffService. */
    private StaffService staffService;

    /** emailService attribute for holding EmailService. */
    private EmailService emailService;

    /** Represents an instance of the ParentValidator. */
    private StudentParentValidator parentValidator;

    /** Represents an instance of the DonationValidator. */
    private StudentDonationValidator donationValidator;

    /** A constant serves as a key for storing path to email properties file. */
    public static final String SYSTEM_CONFIG_PROPERTIES = "systemConfig";

    /** String attribute for holding Request Mapping Value for AdminParent. */
    private static final String REQ_MAP_VALUE_ADMIN_PARENT = "/AdminParent.htm";

    /** String attribute for holding SELECTED_RELATIONSHIP. */
    private static final String SELECTED_RELATIONSHIP = "selectedRelationship";

    /** the field name to check. */
    private static final String DONATION_DONATION_ID = "donation.donationId";

    /** The Constant COUNTRY_LIST. */
    private static final String PHONE_COUNTRY_LIST = "countryListPhone";

    /** The Constant SELECTED_CLASS. */
    private static final String SELECTED_COUNTRYCODE_RES = "selectedCountryCodeRes";

    /** The Constant SELECTED_CLASS. */
    private static final String SELECTED_COUNTRYCODE_MOB = "selectedCountryCodeMob";

    /** The Constant SELECTED_CLASS. */
    private static final String SELECTED_COUNTRYCODE_OFF = "selectedCountryCodeOffice";

    /** The Constant SELECTED_CLASS. */
    private static final String SELECTED_COUNTRYCODE_FAX = "selectedCountryCodeFax";

    /** key to hold message when record added. */

    /** The String of Model attribute. */
    private static final String MODEL_ATT_SELECTED_RES_COUNTRY = "selectedResCountry";

    /** The String of Model attribute. */
    private static final String MODEL_ATT_SELECTED_MOB_COUNTRY = "selectedMobCountry";

    /** The String of Model attribute. */
    private static final String MODEL_ATT_SELECTED_OFFICE_COUNTRY = "selectedOfficeCountry";

    /** The String of Model attribute. */
    private static final String MODEL_ATT_SELECTED_OFFICE_FAX_COUNTRY = "selectedOfficeFaxCountry";

     * set the emailService object.
     * @param emailServiceArg EmailService object to set
    public void setEmailService(EmailService emailServiceArg) {

        this.emailService = emailServiceArg;

     * getter method for error message.
     * @return message
    public String getMessage() {

        return message;

     * Setter method for error message.
     * @param messageTemp - Error message
    public void setMessage(String messageTemp) {

        this.message = messageTemp;

     * setter method from CommonService.
     * @param commonServiceVal - CommonService
    public void setCommonService(CommonService commonServiceVal) {

        this.commonService = commonServiceVal;

     * setter method from ParentService.
     * @param parentServiceVal - parentService
    public void setParentService(ParentService parentServiceVal) {

        this.parentService = parentServiceVal;

     * setter method from studentService.
     * @param studentServiceVal - studentService
    public void setStudentService(StudentService studentServiceVal) {

        this.studentService = studentServiceVal;

     * setter method from staffService.
     * @param staffServiceVal - staffService
    public void setStaffService(StaffService staffServiceVal) {

        this.staffService = staffServiceVal;

     * Sets an instance of ParentValidator.
     * @param parentValidatorVal - the instance of ParentValidator
    public void setParentValidator(StudentParentValidator parentValidatorVal) {

        this.parentValidator = parentValidatorVal;

     * Sets an instance of DonationValidator.
     * @param donationValidatorVal - the instance of DonationValidator
    public void setDonationValidator(StudentDonationValidator donationValidatorVal) {

        this.donationValidator = donationValidatorVal;

     * intiBinder method is to bind date class with the date format.
     * @param binder - data binder used to register the Date objects.
    public void initBinder(WebDataBinder binder) {

        SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(DEFALUT_DATE_FORMAT);
        binder.registerCustomEditor(Date.class, new CustomDateEditor(dateFormat, true));

     * Method is to return workingSegment list reference data.
     * @return WorkingSegmentList - A list that contains Working Segment data.
     * @throws AkuraAppException - The exception details that occurred when retrieving WorkingSegmentList.
    public List<WorkingSegment> populateWorkingSegmentList() throws AkuraAppException {

        return SortUtil.sortWorkingSegmentList(commonService.getWorkingSegmentList());

     * Method is to return religion list reference data.
     * @return ReligionList - A list that contains Religion reference data.
     * @throws AkuraAppException - The exception details that occurred when retrieving ReligionList.
    public List<Religion> populateReligionList() throws AkuraAppException {

        return SortUtil.sortReligionList(commonService.getReligionList());

     * Method is to return city list data.
     * @return CityList - A list that contains city reference data.
     * @throws AkuraAppException - The exception details that occurred when retrieving CityList.
    public List<City> populateCityList() throws AkuraAppException {

        return SortUtil.sortCityList(commonService.getCityList());

     * Method is to return donation type list data.
     * @return DonationTypeList - A list that contains donation type reference data.
     * @throws AkuraAppException - The exception details that occurred when retrieving DonationTypeList.
    public List<DonationType> populateDonationType() throws AkuraAppException {

        return commonService.viewAllDonationType();

     * Method is to return Employment Status list data.
     * @return EmploymentStatusList - A list that contains employment status reference data.
     * @throws AkuraAppException - The exception details that occurred when retrieving EmploymentStatusList.
    public List<EmploymentStatus> populateEmploymentStatusList() throws AkuraAppException {

        return SortUtil.sortEmploymentStatusList(commonService.findAllEmploymentStatus());

     * handle request for view the parent information.
     * @param parentWrapper command object
     * @param model to hold model attributes.
     * @param session session
     * @param request request
     * @return view name
     * @throws AkuraAppException when exception occurs
    @RequestMapping(value = REQ_MAP_VALUE_ADMIN_PARENT)
    public String showParentDetailAdminPanel(@ModelAttribute(PARENT_WRAPPER) ParentWrapper parentWrapper,
            ModelMap model, HttpSession session, HttpServletRequest request) throws AkuraAppException {

        Integer studentId = (Integer) session.getAttribute(STUDENT_ID);

        if (studentId != null) {

            // user requesting a relation F= father M= mother G=guardian
            String relationship = request.getParameter(SELECTED_RELATIONSHIP);

            if (relationship == null || relationship.isEmpty()) {

                // if user did not specify relation type, get available parent
                // info if any. first father then guardian or mother .
                List<StudentParent> listSP = parentService.getStudentParentListByStudentId(studentId);

                if (listSP != null && !listSP.isEmpty()) {

                    for (StudentParent studentParentObj : listSP) {

                        if (studentParentObj.getRelationship() == FATHER_CHAR) {

                        } else if (studentParentObj.getRelationship() == GUARDIAN_CHAR) {

                        } else if (studentParentObj.getRelationship() == MOTHER_CHAR) {
                } else {// no any parent info found , empty parent object
                    parentWrapper.setParent(new Parent());

            } else {// user requesting parent with specific relation
                char relation = relationship.charAt(0);

                List<StudentParent> list = parentService.getParentListBy(studentId, relation);
                if (list != null && !list.isEmpty()) {

                } else {// requested parent is empty;
                    parentWrapper.setParent(new Parent());
            setDonationListToModel(studentId, model);
        setupStudentRatingDetails(model, session);
        displayPhoneNumberDetails(parentWrapper.getParent(), model);
        return VIEW_PARENT;

     * set the donation list to model map.
     * @param studentId student id
     * @param model modelMap to set the list
     * @throws AkuraAppException when exception occurs
    private void setDonationListToModel(int studentId, ModelMap model) throws AkuraAppException {

        List<Donation> donationList = parentService.getDonationListByStudentId(studentId);
        model.addAttribute(DONATION_LIST, donationList);

     * Handle request for save or update the parent information.
     * @param parentWrapper command object
     * @param result validation results
     * @param model to hold model attributes.
     * @param session object
     * @param request object
     * @return view name
     * @throws AkuraAppException when exception occurs
    @RequestMapping(value = REQ_MAP_VALUE_SAVE_ADMIN_PARENT, method = RequestMethod.POST)
    public String saveParent(@ModelAttribute(PARENT_WRAPPER) final ParentWrapper parentWrapper,
            BindingResult result, ModelMap model, HttpSession session, HttpServletRequest request)
            throws AkuraAppException {

        Parent newParent = parentWrapper.getParent();
        Integer studentId = (Integer) session.getAttribute(STUDENT_ID);
        String selectedCountryCodeRes = request.getParameter(SELECTED_COUNTRYCODE_RES);
        String selectedCountryCodeMob = request.getParameter(SELECTED_COUNTRYCODE_MOB);
        String selectedCountryCodeOff = request.getParameter(SELECTED_COUNTRYCODE_OFF);
        String selectedCountryCodeFax = request.getParameter(SELECTED_COUNTRYCODE_FAX);
        // validation
        ErrorMsgLoader errorLoder = new ErrorMsgLoader();

        parentValidator.validate(parentWrapper, result);
        if (result.hasErrors()) {
            setDonationListToModel(studentId, model);
            setupStudentRatingDetails(model, session);
            resetCountryFlags(selectedCountryCodeRes, selectedCountryCodeMob, selectedCountryCodeOff,
                    selectedCountryCodeFax, model);
            return VIEW_PARENT;

        if (!isValidTeacherAsParent(parentWrapper.getParent())) {
            setDonationListToModel(studentId, model);
            setupStudentRatingDetails(model, session);

            message = errorLoder.getErrorMessage(REF_UI_PARENT_STAFFID_NOTEXIST);
            model.addAttribute(MESSAGE, message);
            displayPhoneNumberDetails(parentWrapper.getParent(), model);
            resetCountryFlags(selectedCountryCodeRes, selectedCountryCodeMob, selectedCountryCodeOff,
                    selectedCountryCodeFax, model);
            return VIEW_PARENT;
        if (!parentWrapper.getParent().getResidenceNo().isEmpty() && !selectedCountryCodeRes.isEmpty()) {
            if (parentWrapper.getParent().getResidenceNo() != null
                    && !selectedCountryCodeRes.equals(AkuraConstant.STRING_ZERO)
                    && PhoneNumberValidateUtil.isValidPhoneNumber(parentWrapper.getParent().getResidenceNo(),
                            selectedCountryCodeRes)) {
                displayResidencePhoneNumberDetails(parentWrapper.getParent(), selectedCountryCodeRes);
            } else {
                displayCountryFlagsWhenError(parentWrapper.getParent(), model, selectedCountryCodeRes,
                        selectedCountryCodeMob, selectedCountryCodeOff, selectedCountryCodeFax);
                return VIEW_PARENT;

        if (!parentWrapper.getParent().getMobileNo().isEmpty() && !selectedCountryCodeMob.isEmpty()) {
            if (parentWrapper.getParent().getMobileNo() != null
                    && !selectedCountryCodeMob.equals(AkuraConstant.STRING_ZERO) && PhoneNumberValidateUtil
                            .isValidPhoneNumber(parentWrapper.getParent().getMobileNo(), selectedCountryCodeMob)) {
                displayMobilePhoneNumberDetails(parentWrapper.getParent(), selectedCountryCodeMob);
            } else {
                displayCountryFlagsWhenError(parentWrapper.getParent(), model, selectedCountryCodeRes,
                        selectedCountryCodeMob, selectedCountryCodeOff, selectedCountryCodeFax);
                return VIEW_PARENT;

        if (!parentWrapper.getParent().getOfficeNo().isEmpty() && !selectedCountryCodeOff.isEmpty()) {
            if (parentWrapper.getParent().getOfficeNo() != null
                    && !selectedCountryCodeOff.equals(AkuraConstant.STRING_ZERO) && PhoneNumberValidateUtil
                            .isValidPhoneNumber(parentWrapper.getParent().getOfficeNo(), selectedCountryCodeOff)) {
                displayOfficePhoneNumberDetails(parentWrapper.getParent(), selectedCountryCodeOff);
            } else {
                displayCountryFlagsWhenError(parentWrapper.getParent(), model, selectedCountryCodeRes,
                        selectedCountryCodeMob, selectedCountryCodeOff, selectedCountryCodeFax);
                return VIEW_PARENT;

        if (!parentWrapper.getParent().getOfficeFaxNo().isEmpty() && !selectedCountryCodeFax.isEmpty()) {
            if (parentWrapper.getParent().getOfficeFaxNo() != null
                    && !selectedCountryCodeFax.equals(AkuraConstant.STRING_ZERO)
                    && PhoneNumberValidateUtil.isValidPhoneNumber(parentWrapper.getParent().getOfficeFaxNo(),
                            selectedCountryCodeFax)) {
                displayOfficeFaxNumberDetails(parentWrapper.getParent(), selectedCountryCodeOff);
            } else {
                displayCountryFlagsWhenError(parentWrapper.getParent(), model, selectedCountryCodeRes,
                        selectedCountryCodeMob, selectedCountryCodeOff, selectedCountryCodeFax);
                return VIEW_PARENT;
        // list must contain atMost one record
        List<StudentParent> list = parentService.getParentListBy(studentId,

        if (list == null || list.isEmpty()) {
            // no appropriate parent record found for this student
            saveOrGetNewSP(parentWrapper, studentId, model, null);

        } else {
            StudentParent oldStuParent = list.get(0);
            Parent oldParent = oldStuParent.getParent();

            if (oldParent.getNationalIdNo().equals(newParent.getNationalIdNo())) {
                // if no change in NIC no
                model.addAttribute(MESSAGE_SUCESS, errorLoder.getErrorMessage(PARENT_UPDATED_SUCCESS));
            } else {
                // NIC change act as new parent

                boolean isOldPUsedOhter = parentService.isUsedInOtherStudent(oldParent, studentId);
                Parent newParentExist = parentService.getParentByNIC(newParent.getNationalIdNo());

                if (newParentExist != null) {
                    // if new parent record already exist in DB
                    saveOrGetNewSP(parentWrapper, studentId, model, oldStuParent);
                } else if (isOldPUsedOhter) {
                    // old parent used by other student and new parent does not exist

                    StudentParent newStudetnParent = new StudentParent();
                    // save new student
                    newParent = parentService.addParent(newParent);

                    // remove and add new student parent record
                    model.addAttribute(MESSAGE_SUCESS, errorLoder.getErrorMessage(PARENT_UPDATED_SUCCESS));

                } else {
                    // if old parent not in used, and new par not exist it can update the same old
                    // parent record

                    model.addAttribute(MESSAGE_SUCESS, errorLoder.getErrorMessage(PARENT_UPDATED_SUCCESS));


        setDonationListToModel(studentId, model);
        setupStudentRatingDetails(model, session);
        displayPhoneNumberDetails(parentWrapper.getParent(), model);
        return VIEW_PARENT;

     * This method will save or get the existing valid(gender wise) parent and set as student's parent. And
     * existing StudentParent record will remove in DB if there is one.
     * @param parentWrapper wrapped parent object to save or get
     * @param studentId student_id
     * @param model model to set messages
     * @param existSPRecord to remove the existing StudentParent record before add new record.
     * @throws AkuraAppException if exception occurs.
    private void saveOrGetNewSP(final ParentWrapper parentWrapper, int studentId, final ModelMap model,
            StudentParent existSPRecord) throws AkuraAppException {

        Student student = studentService.findStudent(studentId);
        ErrorMsgLoader errorLoder = new ErrorMsgLoader();

        // DB may contain parent records without any studentParent relation.
        Parent existParent = parentService.getParentByNIC(parentWrapper.getParent().getNationalIdNo());

        if (existParent != null) {// there is a parent in DB on that NIC.

            // check exist parent is relate with this student
            boolean isParentUsedSame = parentService.isUsedInSameStudent(existParent, studentId);
            if (isParentUsedSame) {
                // parent use in same student
                model.addAttribute(MESSAGE, errorLoder.getErrorMessage(PAR_UI_PARENT_ALREADEY_USED));

            // if parent matches the gender ,put that parent as this student.
            // else give error message parent exist in other category.
            // but guardian can put any (m,f,g) category.

            List<Student> tempSList = null;
            if (parentWrapper.getRelationship().equals(FATHER_STRING)) {
                // check exist parent used as mother relation
                tempSList = parentService.getStudentListBy(existParent.getNationalIdNo(), MOTHER_CHAR);
            } else if (parentWrapper.getRelationship().equals(MOTHER_STRING)) {
                // check exist parent used as father relation
                tempSList = parentService.getStudentListBy(existParent.getNationalIdNo(), FATHER_CHAR);

            // if exist parent valid (as gender) to put.
            if (tempSList == null || tempSList.isEmpty()) {

                if (existSPRecord != null) {
                    // remove existing Student Parent record
                StudentParent studentParent = new StudentParent();
                model.addAttribute(MESSAGE, errorLoder.getErrorMessage(PAR_UI_PARENT_DETAIL_EXIST));

            } else {// exist parent used as other gender. Error message
                model.addAttribute(MESSAGE, errorLoder.getErrorMessage(PAR_UI_DEFFERENT_PARENT_ENTITY)
                        + tempSList.get(0).getAdmissionNo());

        } else {// no parent in DB ,save new StudentParent object

            if (existSPRecord != null) {
                // remove existing Student Parent record

            Parent newParent = parentWrapper.getParent();
            newParent = parentService.addParent(newParent);

            StudentParent studentParent = new StudentParent();
            model.addAttribute(MESSAGE_SUCESS, errorLoder.getErrorMessage(PAR_UI_NEW_RECORD_ADD_SUCCESS));


     * Checks the valid teacher if isTeacher is checked. else return true.
     * @param parent parent.
     * @return the validity.
     * @throws AkuraAppException AkuraAppException
    private boolean isValidTeacherAsParent(Parent parent) throws AkuraAppException {

        boolean pStaff = true;
        if (parent.isTeacher()) {
            if (parent.getTeacherRegNo() == null || parent.getTeacherRegNo().trim().isEmpty()) {
                pStaff = false;
            } else {
                pStaff = staffService.isValidRegistrationNo(parent.getTeacherRegNo());

        return pStaff;

     * Setups the faith life and academic details rating for student.
     * @param model the model.
     * @param session the session.
    private void setupStudentRatingDetails(ModelMap model, HttpSession session) {

        if (session.getAttribute(AVERAGE_FAITH_LIFE_RATING) != null) {
            double faithLifeAverage = (Double) session.getAttribute(AVERAGE_FAITH_LIFE_RATING);
            model.addAttribute(MODEL_ATT_STUDENT_FAITH_LIFE, (int) Math.round(faithLifeAverage));
        if (session.getAttribute(AVERAGE_ACADEMIC_LIFE_RATING) != null) {
            double academicLifeAverage = (Double) session.getAttribute(AVERAGE_ACADEMIC_LIFE_RATING);
            model.addAttribute(MODEL_ATT_STUDENT_ACADEMIC_LIFE, (int) Math.round(academicLifeAverage));
        if (session.getAttribute(AVERAGE_ATTENDANCE_RATING) != null) {
            double attendanceAverage = (Double) session.getAttribute(AVERAGE_ATTENDANCE_RATING);
            model.addAttribute(MODEL_ATT_ATTENDANCE_RATING, (int) Math.round(attendanceAverage));


     * Save or update the Donation object in Admin parent view.
     * @param parentWrapper - WrapperParent object.
     * @param model - a HashMap that contains information of the parent
     * @param request - an object of HttpServletRequest.
     * @param result - containing list of errors and wrapperParent instance to which data was bound
     * @param session - an object of HttpSession to hold the studentid.
     * @throws AkuraAppException - The exception details that occurred when submitting donation details.
     * @return name of the view which is redirected to.
    @RequestMapping(value = REQ_MAP_VALUE_SAVE_UPDATE_DONATION, method = RequestMethod.POST)
    public String saveDonation(@ModelAttribute(PARENT_WRAPPER) ParentWrapper parentWrapper, BindingResult result,
            ModelMap model, final HttpServletRequest request, HttpSession session) throws AkuraAppException {

        // The variable used to return the appropriate page.
        String returnPage = REDIRECT_ADMIN_PARENT;
        Integer studentId = (Integer) session.getAttribute(STUDENT_ID);

        donationValidator.validate(parentWrapper, result);
        if (result.hasErrors()) {
            model.addAttribute(DISPLAY_PANEL, Boolean.TRUE);
            returnPage = VIEW_PARENT; // "Admin/Parent_details";
        } else {
            // ParentDonation parentDonation = new ParentDonation();
            Donation donation = parentWrapper.getDonation();
            int donationTypeId = parentWrapper.getDonation().getDonationType().getDonationTypeId();
            DonationType donationType = commonService.findDonationType(donationTypeId);
            if (donationType != null) {
            if (session.getAttribute(STUDENT_ID) != null) {

                List<StudentParent> studentParentList = parentService.getStudentParentListByStudentId(studentId);
                if (studentParentList.isEmpty()) {
                    result.rejectValue(DONATION_DONATION_ID, DONATION_DESCRIPTION_ERROR_MSG);
                    returnPage = VIEW_PARENT;//
                } else {
                    Parent studentParent = studentParentList.get(0).getParent();

                    // check donation information is exists
                    boolean isExistisDonation = parentService.isExistsDonation(donation);

                    // save donation.
                    if (!isExistisDonation && (studentParent != null) && (donation.getDonationId() == 0)) {
                        ParentDonation parentDonation = new ParentDonation();
                        Donation saveDonation = parentService.addDonation(donation);

                    } else if (!isExistisDonation && donation != null && donation.getDonationId() != 0) {
                    } else if (isExistisDonation) {
                        message = new ErrorMsgLoader().getErrorMessage(DONATION_EXISTS_ERROR_MSG);
                        model.addAttribute(MESSAGE, message);
                        model.addAttribute(DISPLAY_PANEL, true);
                        returnPage = VIEW_PARENT;//
                    } else {
                        message = new ErrorMsgLoader().getErrorMessage(DONATION_DESCRIPTION_ERROR_MSG);
                        model.addAttribute(MESSAGE, message);
                        model.addAttribute(DISPLAY_PANEL, true);
                        returnPage = VIEW_PARENT;//

        setDonationListToModel(studentId, model);
        setupStudentRatingDetails(model, session);
        return returnPage;

     * Deletes the relevant Donation object.
     * @param parentWrapper - WrapperParent object.
     * @param model - a HashMap that contains information of the StaffCategory
     * @return - name of the view which is redirected to
     * @param request - an object of HttpServletRequest.
     * @throws AkuraAppException - The exception details that occurred when deleting a donation.
    @RequestMapping(value = REQ_MAP_VALUE_DELETE_DONATION, method = RequestMethod.POST)
    public final String deleteDonation(@ModelAttribute(PARENT_WRAPPER) ParentWrapper parentWrapper, ModelMap model,
            final HttpServletRequest request) throws AkuraAppException {

        try {
            Iterator<ParentDonation> it = parentService
            while (it.hasNext()) {
                ParentDonation parentDonation =;
            return REDIRECT_ADMIN_PARENT;

        } catch (AkuraAppException e) {
            LOG.error("ParentController - Exception occured while deleting a donation " + "-->" + e.toString());

            if (e.getCause() instanceof DataIntegrityViolationException) {
                message = new ErrorMsgLoader().getErrorMessage(DONATION_DELETE_MSG);
                List<Donation> donationList = parentService.getDonationListByStudentId(1);
                model.addAttribute(DONATION_LIST, donationList);
                model.addAttribute(MESSAGE, message);
                return VIEW_PARENT;
            } else {
                throw new AkuraAppException(AkuraWebConstant.HIBERNATE_INVALID_DEL_OPERATION, e);

     * Handle request for Parent Details change by parent.
     * @param parentWrapper model attribute
     * @param result error object
     * @param model model attribute map
     * @param request HttpServletRequest object
     * @param session HttpSession session object
     * @return String View name
     * @throws AkuraAppException when exception occurs
    @RequestMapping(value = SAVE_PARENT_BY_PARENT_HTM, method = RequestMethod.POST)
    public String editParentByParent(@ModelAttribute(PARENT_WRAPPER) ParentWrapper parentWrapper,
            BindingResult result, ModelMap model, final HttpServletRequest request, HttpSession session)
            throws AkuraAppException {

        int studentId = Integer.parseInt(session.getAttribute(STUDENT_ID).toString());

        parentValidator.validate(parentWrapper, result);
        if (result.hasErrors()) {
            setupStudentRatingDetails(model, session);
            setDonationListToModel(studentId, model);
            return VIEW_PARENT;

        // get the list of current parent list
        char relation = parentWrapper.getRelationship().charAt(0);
        // new parent info
        Parent requestParent = parentWrapper.getParent();

        List<StudentParent> currentParents = parentService.getParentListBy(studentId, relation);
        Parent oldParent = null;
        if (currentParents != null && !currentParents.isEmpty()) {
            oldParent = currentParents.get(0).getParent();
            // response page must not display new parent info should display old record
        } else {
            // response page should not display new parent info
            parentWrapper.setParent(new Parent());

        // changes for Father or Guardian
        Map<String, String> parentChages = new HashMap<String, String>();

        String parentType = ""; // Father/Mother/Guardian
        if (relation == FATHER_CHAR) {
            parentType = FATHER_LABEL; // father
        } else if (relation == MOTHER_CHAR) {
            parentType = "Mother";
        } else if (relation == GUARDIAN_CHAR) {
            parentType = GUARDIAN_LABEL;

        parentChages = setDiffToMap(requestParent, oldParent, parentChages);

        // send mails
        if (!parentChages.isEmpty()) {
            Student student = studentService.findStudent(studentId);
            UserInfo userInfo = (UserInfo) session.getAttribute(USER);
            sendEmails(userInfo, student, parentChages, model, parentType);
        } else {
            model.addAttribute(MESSAGE, "No changes found");

        setupStudentRatingDetails(model, session);
        setDonationListToModel(studentId, model);
        return VIEW_PARENT;

     * get difference as Map. key-field name, value-new value
     * @param newParent Object with new values
     * @param oldParent object with old values
     * @param chages changes will set to this map
     * @return Map difference
     * @throws AkuraAppException when exception occurs
    private Map<String, String> setDiffToMap(Parent newParent, Parent oldParent, Map<String, String> chages)
            throws AkuraAppException {

        if (newParent != null) {
            // if oldParent exist(not null) -> check difference
            // else add as new parent record,if new record is not empty
            if (newParent.getNationalIdNo() != null
                    && ((oldParent != null && !newParent.getNationalIdNo().equals(oldParent.getNationalIdNo()))
                            || oldParent == null)) {
                chages.put(StudentConstant.NIC, newParent.getNationalIdNo());
            if (newParent.getFullName() != null
                    && ((oldParent != null && !newParent.getFullName().equals(oldParent.getFullName()))
                            || oldParent == null)) {
                chages.put(StudentConstant.FULL_NAME, newParent.getFullName());
            if (newParent.getLastName() != null
                    && ((oldParent != null && !newParent.getLastName().equals(oldParent.getLastName()))
                            || (oldParent == null && !newParent.getLastName().trim().isEmpty()))) {
                chages.put(StudentConstant.LAST_NAME, newParent.getLastName());
            if (newParent.getNameWithInitials() != null && ((oldParent != null
                    && !newParent.getNameWithInitials().equals(oldParent.getNameWithInitials()))
                    || (oldParent == null && !newParent.getNameWithInitials().trim().isEmpty()))) {
                chages.put(StudentConstant.NAME_WITH_INITIALS, newParent.getNameWithInitials());
            if (newParent.getEmail() != null
                    && ((oldParent != null && !newParent.getEmail().equals(oldParent.getEmail()))
                            || (oldParent == null && !newParent.getEmail().isEmpty()))) {
                chages.put(StudentConstant.EMAIL_PERSONAL, newParent.getEmail());
            if (newParent.getMobileNo() != null
                    && ((oldParent != null && !newParent.getMobileNo().equals(oldParent.getMobileNo()))
                            || (oldParent == null && !newParent.getMobileNo().isEmpty()))) {

                chages.put(StudentConstant.PHONE_MOB, newParent.getMobileNo());
            if (newParent.getResidenceNo() != null
                    && ((oldParent != null && !newParent.getResidenceNo().equals(oldParent.getResidenceNo()))
                            || (oldParent == null && !newParent.getResidenceNo().isEmpty()))) {

                chages.put(StudentConstant.PHONE_RES, newParent.getResidenceNo());
            // past pupil and alumni no
            if (oldParent != null) {
                if (oldParent.isPastPupil() != newParent.isPastPupil()) {
                    if (newParent.isPastPupil()) { // pass pupil selected
                        String value = StudentConstant.YES;
                        if (!newParent.getAlumniId().trim().isEmpty()
                                && newParent.getAlumniId() != oldParent.getAlumniId()) {
                            value += StudentConstant.WITH_ALUMNI_NO + String.valueOf(newParent.getAlumniId());
                        chages.put(StudentConstant.IS_PAST_PUPIL, value);
                    } else { // pass pupil unselected
                        chages.put(StudentConstant.IS_PAST_PUPIL, StudentConstant.NO);
                } else if (newParent.getAlumniId() != null && !newParent.getAlumniId().trim().isEmpty()
                        && !newParent.getAlumniId().equals(oldParent.getAlumniId())) {
                    // only change alumni no
                    chages.put(StudentConstant.ALUMNI_NO, String.valueOf(newParent.getAlumniId()));
            } else if (newParent.isPastPupil()) {
                String value = StudentConstant.YES;
                if (!newParent.getAlumniId().trim().isEmpty()) {
                    value += StudentConstant.WITH_ALUMNI_NO + String.valueOf(newParent.getAlumniId());
                chages.put(StudentConstant.IS_PAST_PUPIL, value);
            // parent is teacher
            if ((oldParent != null && oldParent.isTeacher() != newParent.isTeacher())
                    || (oldParent == null && newParent.isTeacher())) {

                if (newParent.isTeacher()) { // pass pupil selected
                    chages.put(StudentConstant.IS_TEACHER, StudentConstant.YES);
                    // alumni no
                    if (!newParent.getTeacherRegNo().isEmpty() && ((oldParent != null
                            && !newParent.getTeacherRegNo().equals(oldParent.getTeacherRegNo()))
                            || oldParent == null)) {

                        chages.put(StudentConstant.TEACHER_REG_NO, newParent.getTeacherRegNo());
                } else {
                    chages.put(StudentConstant.IS_TEACHER, StudentConstant.NO);

            if (newParent.getAddress() != null
                    && ((oldParent != null && !newParent.getAddress().equals(oldParent.getAddress()))
                            || (oldParent == null && !newParent.getAddress().trim().isEmpty()))) {

                chages.put(StudentConstant.ADDRESS, newParent.getAddress());
            if (oldParent != null) {
                if (newParent.getCityId() != null && ((oldParent != null && oldParent.getCityId() != null
                        && newParent.getCityId().intValue() != oldParent.getCityId().intValue())
                        || oldParent.getCityId() == null)) {
                    // get city name by id
                    if (newParent.getCityId().intValue() > 0) {
                        City city = commonService.findCity(newParent.getCityId());
                        chages.put(StudentConstant.CITY, city.getDescription());
                    } else {
                        chages.put(StudentConstant.CITY, "");

            if (newParent.getTempAddress() != null
                    && ((oldParent != null && !newParent.getTempAddress().equals(oldParent.getTempAddress()))
                            || (oldParent == null && !newParent.getTempAddress().trim().isEmpty()))) {
                chages.put(StudentConstant.ADDRESS_TEMP, newParent.getTempAddress());
            if (oldParent != null) {
                if (newParent.getTempCityId() != null && ((oldParent != null && oldParent.getTempCityId() != null
                        && newParent.getTempCityId().intValue() != oldParent.getTempCityId().intValue())
                        || oldParent.getTempCityId() == null)) {
                    // get city name by id
                    if (newParent.getTempCityId().intValue() > 0) {
                        City city = commonService.findCity(newParent.getTempCityId());
                        chages.put(StudentConstant.CITY_TEMP, city.getDescription());
                    } else {
                        chages.put(StudentConstant.CITY_TEMP, "");

            if (oldParent != null) {
                if (newParent.getReligionId() != null && ((oldParent != null && oldParent.getReligionId() != null
                        && newParent.getReligionId().intValue() != oldParent.getReligionId().intValue())
                        || oldParent.getReligionId() == null)) {
                    // get religion name by id
                    if (newParent.getReligionId() > 0) {
                        Religion religion = commonService.findReligionById(newParent.getReligionId());
                        chages.put(StudentConstant.RELIGION, religion.getDescription());
                    } else {
                        chages.put(StudentConstant.RELIGION, "");
            helpOfficeDiff(newParent, oldParent, chages);
        return chages;

     * help method to get difference for office details.
     * @param newParent Object with new values
     * @param oldParent object with old values
     * @param chages returns difference map
     * @throws AkuraAppException when exception occurs
    private void helpOfficeDiff(Parent newParent, Parent oldParent, Map<String, String> chages)
            throws AkuraAppException {

        if (newParent.getWorkingSegmentId() != null
                && ((oldParent != null && ((oldParent.getWorkingSegmentId() != null
                        && newParent.getWorkingSegmentId().intValue() != oldParent.getWorkingSegmentId().intValue())
                        || oldParent.getWorkingSegmentId() == null)) || oldParent == null)) {
            if (newParent.getWorkingSegmentId() > 0) {
                WorkingSegment wokSeg = commonService.findWorkingSegmentById(newParent.getWorkingSegmentId());
                chages.put(StudentConstant.WORKING_SEGMENT, wokSeg.getDescription());
            } else {
                chages.put(StudentConstant.WORKING_SEGMENT, "");

        if (newParent.getEmploymentStatusId() != null
                && ((oldParent != null && ((oldParent.getEmploymentStatusId() != null && newParent
                        .getEmploymentStatusId().intValue() != oldParent.getEmploymentStatusId().intValue())
                        || oldParent.getEmploymentStatusId() == null)) || oldParent == null)) {
            if (newParent.getEmploymentStatusId() > 0) {
                EmploymentStatus empStatus = commonService
                chages.put(StudentConstant.EMPLOYMENT_STATUS, empStatus.getDescription());
            } else {
                chages.put(StudentConstant.EMPLOYMENT_STATUS, "");

        if (newParent.getDesignation() != null
                && ((oldParent != null && !newParent.getDesignation().equals(oldParent.getDesignation()))
                        || (oldParent == null && !newParent.getDesignation().trim().isEmpty()))) {

            chages.put(StudentConstant.DESIGNATION, newParent.getDesignation());
        if (newParent.getIncomeLevel() != null
                && ((oldParent != null && !newParent.getIncomeLevel().equals(oldParent.getIncomeLevel()))
                        || (oldParent == null && !newParent.getIncomeLevel().trim().isEmpty()))) {

            chages.put(StudentConstant.INCOME_LEVEL, newParent.getIncomeLevel());
        if (newParent.getOfficeName() != null
                && ((oldParent != null && !newParent.getOfficeName().equals(oldParent.getOfficeName()))
                        || (oldParent == null && !newParent.getOfficeName().trim().isEmpty()))) {
            chages.put(StudentConstant.OFFICE_NAME, newParent.getOfficeName());
        if (newParent.getOfficeAddress() != null
                && ((oldParent != null && !newParent.getOfficeAddress().equals(oldParent.getOfficeAddress()))
                        || (oldParent == null && !newParent.getOfficeAddress().trim().isEmpty()))) {
            chages.put(StudentConstant.ADDRESS_OFFICE, newParent.getOfficeAddress());
        if (newParent.getOfficeEmail() != null
                && ((oldParent != null && !newParent.getOfficeEmail().equals(oldParent.getOfficeEmail()))
                        || (oldParent == null && !newParent.getOfficeEmail().trim().isEmpty()))) {
            chages.put(StudentConstant.EMAIL_OFFICE, newParent.getOfficeName());
        if (newParent.getOfficeFaxNo() != null
                && ((oldParent != null && !newParent.getOfficeFaxNo().equals(oldParent.getOfficeFaxNo()))
                        || (oldParent == null && !newParent.getOfficeFaxNo().trim().isEmpty()))) {
            chages.put(StudentConstant.FAX_NO_OFFICE, newParent.getOfficeFaxNo());
        if (newParent.getOfficeNo() != null
                && ((oldParent != null && !newParent.getOfficeNo().equals(oldParent.getOfficeNo()))
                        || (oldParent == null && !newParent.getOfficeNo().trim().isEmpty()))) {
            chages.put(StudentConstant.PHONE_OFFICE, newParent.getOfficeFaxNo());
        if (oldParent != null) {
            if (newParent.getOfficeCityId() != null && ((oldParent != null && oldParent.getOfficeCityId() != null
                    && newParent.getOfficeCityId().intValue() != oldParent.getOfficeCityId().intValue())
                    || oldParent.getOfficeCityId() == null)) {
                // get city name by id
                if (newParent.getOfficeCityId().intValue() > 0) {
                    City city = commonService.findCity(newParent.getOfficeCityId());
                    chages.put(StudentConstant.CITY_OFFICE, city.getDescription());
                } else {
                    chages.put(StudentConstant.CITY_OFFICE, "");


     * email will send for given info to admin and user.
     * @param userInfo requesting user
     * @param student student info
     * @param parentChages father/guardian changes as map
     * @param model model map to set errors and messages
     * @param typeForG label for Father or Guardian
    private void sendEmails(UserInfo userInfo, Student student, Map<String, String> parentChages, ModelMap model,
            String typeForG) {

        String adminEmail = PropertyReader.getPropertyValue(EMAIL, ADMIN_EMAIL);
        ErrorMsgLoader errorLoder = new ErrorMsgLoader();

        Map<String, Object> mailData = new HashMap<String, Object>();
        mailData.put(USER_NAME, userInfo.getUsername());
        mailData.put(STUDENT_NAME, student.getFullName());
        mailData.put(ADDMISION_NO, student.getAdmissionNo());
        mailData.put(CHANGES_FOR_G, parentChages);
        mailData.put(TYPE_F_OR_G, typeForG);
        boolean successSend = false;
        try {// send to admin

            mailData.put(GREETING, ADMIN_GREETING);
            mailData.put(CONTENT, PropertyReader.getPropertyValue(EMAIL, CONTENT_MESSAGE_FOR_ADMIN));
            sendEmailTo(adminEmail, adminEmail, null, mailData);
            successSend = true;
            model.addAttribute(ADMIN_MAIL_STATUS, errorLoder.getErrorMessage(ADMIN_MAIL_SEND_STATUS_MESSAGE));

        } catch (AkuraAppException e) {
            model.addAttribute(ERROR_EMAIL, errorLoder.getErrorMessage(MESSAGE_ERROR_SEND_TO_ADMIN));
            LOG.error("exception sending Mail" + e.toString());
        } catch (MailSendException e) {
            model.addAttribute(ERROR_EMAIL, errorLoder.getErrorMessage(MESSAGE_ERROR_SEND_TO_ADMIN));
            LOG.error("exception sending Mail" + e.toString());
        // send email to user if admin email successfully send
        if (successSend) {
            try {

                Parent parentUser = parentService.getParentByNIC(userInfo.getUserLevelIdentifier());
                mailData.put(GREETING, DEAR + parentUser.getFullName());
                mailData.put(CONTENT, PropertyReader.getPropertyValue(EMAIL, CONTENT_MESSAGE_FOR_USER));
                String toaddress = parentUser.getEmail();
                if (!toaddress.isEmpty()) {
                    // cc addresses
                    List<StudentParent> studentParentList = parentService
                    List<String> ccAddressList = new ArrayList<String>();
                    for (StudentParent sp : studentParentList) {
                        if (!sp.getParent().getEmail().equals(toaddress)) {

                    sendEmailTo(adminEmail, toaddress, ccAddressList, mailData);
                    model.addAttribute(USER_MAIL_STATUS, errorLoder.getErrorMessage(USER_MAIL_SEND_STATUS_MESSAGE));
                } else {
                    model.addAttribute(ERROR_EMAIL, errorLoder.getErrorMessage(NO_USER_EMAIL_ADDRESS_FOUND));
            } catch (AkuraAppException e) {
                model.addAttribute(ERROR_EMAIL, errorLoder.getErrorMessage(ERROER_SENDING_EMAIL_TO_USER));
                LOG.error("exception sending Mail" + e.toString());
            } catch (MailSendException e) {
                model.addAttribute(ERROR_EMAIL, errorLoder.getErrorMessage(ERROER_SENDING_EMAIL_TO_USER));
                LOG.error("exception sending Mail" + e.toString());

     * send email to given details.
     * @param fromAddress email address from
     * @param toAddress email address to
     * @param mailData template data
     * @param ccAddressList cc address list if any
     * @throws AkuraAppException when exception occurs
    private void sendEmailTo(String fromAddress, String toAddress, List<String> ccAddressList,
            Map<String, Object> mailData) throws AkuraAppException {

        try {

            CommonEmailBean commonEmailBean = new CommonEmailBean();
            String templateName = PropertyReader.getPropertyValue(EMAIL, EMAIL_TEMPLATE_NAME);
            String strSubject = PARENT_DETAIL_MODIFICATION;
            Map<String, Object> mapObjectMap = new HashMap<String, Object>();
            mapObjectMap.put(MESSAGE, mailData);

            if (!fromAddress.isEmpty()) {
            if (ccAddressList != null) {


        } catch (ResourceNotFoundException e) {
            throw new AkuraAppException(AkuraConstant.EMAIL_ERROR, e);


     * Get list of available countries list for .
     * @return map of country id and short code.
     * @throws AkuraAppException - Throw detail exception when fails.
    public Map<String, Country> populatePhoneCountryList() throws AkuraAppException {

        Map<String, Country> phoneMap = new LinkedHashMap<String, Country>();
        List<Country> countryList = null;
        countryList = SortUtil.sortCountries((commonService.getCountryList()));
        for (Country country : countryList) {

            if (country.getCountryCode() != null) {
                        AkuraConstant.PLUS_SIGN + PhoneNumberValidateUtil.findCountryCode(country.getCountryCode()),

        return phoneMap;

     * display Residence PhoneNumber Details.
     * @param parent - Parent related data object
     * @param selectedCountryCodeRes - String for selected Residence phone country code  
     * @throws AkuraAppException - Throw detail exception when fails.
    private void displayResidencePhoneNumberDetails(Parent parent, String selectedCountryCodeRes)
            throws AkuraAppException {

        String resPhoneNumber = AkuraConstant.EMPTY_STRING;
        if (parent.getResidenceNo().startsWith(AkuraConstant.STRING_ZERO)) {

            resPhoneNumber = PhoneNumberValidateUtil.formatPhoneNumber(parent.getResidenceNo(),
                    selectedCountryCodeRes, AkuraConstant.PARAM_INDEX_ZERO);
        } else {
            resPhoneNumber = PhoneNumberValidateUtil.formatPhoneNumber(
                    AkuraConstant.STRING_ZERO + parent.getResidenceNo(), selectedCountryCodeRes,


     * View the staff phone number validation details.
     * @param parent - Parent related data object
     * @param model - {@link ModelMap}
     * @throws AkuraAppException - Throw detail exception when fails.
    private void displayPhoneNumberDetails(Parent parent, ModelMap model) throws AkuraAppException {

        if (parent.getResidenceNo() != null) {
            if (parent.getResidenceNo().contains(AkuraConstant.EMPTY_STRING_SPACE)) {
                String countryCode = parent.getResidenceNo().substring(0, parent.getResidenceNo().indexOf(' '))
                        .replace('+', ' ').trim();
                String resNumber = parent.getResidenceNo().substring(parent.getResidenceNo().indexOf(' '))
                        .replaceAll("\\s", "");
                        (resNumber.startsWith(AkuraConstant.STRING_ZERO)) ? resNumber.substring(1) : resNumber);
            } else {
                model.addAttribute(MODEL_ATT_SELECTED_RES_COUNTRY, 0);

        if (parent.getMobileNo() != null) {
            if (parent.getMobileNo().contains(AkuraConstant.EMPTY_STRING_SPACE)) {
                String countryCode = parent.getMobileNo().substring(0, parent.getMobileNo().indexOf(' '))
                        .replace('+', ' ').trim();
                String mobNumber = parent.getMobileNo().substring(parent.getMobileNo().indexOf(' '))
                        .replaceAll("\\s", "");
                        (mobNumber.startsWith(AkuraConstant.STRING_ZERO)) ? mobNumber.substring(1) : mobNumber);
            } else {
                model.addAttribute(MODEL_ATT_SELECTED_MOB_COUNTRY, 0);

        if (parent.getOfficeNo() != null) {
            if (parent.getOfficeNo().contains(AkuraConstant.EMPTY_STRING_SPACE)) {
                String countryCode = parent.getOfficeNo().substring(0, parent.getOfficeNo().indexOf(' '))
                        .replace('+', ' ').trim();
                String emgResNumber = parent.getOfficeNo().substring(parent.getOfficeNo().indexOf(' '))
                        .replaceAll("\\s", "");
                parent.setOfficeNo((emgResNumber.startsWith(AkuraConstant.STRING_ZERO)) ? emgResNumber.substring(1)
                        : emgResNumber);
            } else {
                model.addAttribute(MODEL_ATT_SELECTED_OFFICE_COUNTRY, 0);

        if (parent.getOfficeFaxNo() != null) {
            if (parent.getOfficeFaxNo().contains(AkuraConstant.EMPTY_STRING_SPACE)) {
                String countryCode = parent.getOfficeFaxNo().substring(0, parent.getOfficeFaxNo().indexOf(' '))
                        .replace('+', ' ').trim();
                String emgMobNumber = parent.getOfficeFaxNo().substring(parent.getOfficeFaxNo().indexOf(' '))
                        .replaceAll("\\s", "");
                        (emgMobNumber.startsWith(AkuraConstant.STRING_ZERO)) ? emgMobNumber.substring(1)
                                : emgMobNumber);
            } else {
                model.addAttribute(MODEL_ATT_SELECTED_OFFICE_FAX_COUNTRY, 0);

     * Reset the country flag combo boxes.
     * @param selectedCountryCodeRes - String for selected Residence phone country code  
     * @param selectedCountryCodeMob - String for selected Mobile phone country code  
     * @param selectedCountryCodeOff - String for selected office phone country code  
     * @param selectedCountryCodeFax - String for selected fax phone country code  
     * @param model - ModelMap
     * @throws AkuraAppException - Throw detail exception when fails.
    private void resetCountryFlags(String selectedCountryCodeRes, String selectedCountryCodeMob,
            String selectedCountryCodeOff, String selectedCountryCodeFax, ModelMap model) throws AkuraAppException {

                (selectedCountryCodeRes.isEmpty()) ? AkuraConstant.STRING_ZERO : selectedCountryCodeRes);
                (selectedCountryCodeMob.isEmpty()) ? AkuraConstant.STRING_ZERO : selectedCountryCodeMob);
                (selectedCountryCodeOff.isEmpty()) ? AkuraConstant.STRING_ZERO : selectedCountryCodeOff);
                (selectedCountryCodeFax.isEmpty()) ? AkuraConstant.STRING_ZERO : selectedCountryCodeFax);

     * display Mobile PhoneNumber Details.
     * @param parent - Parent related data object
     * @param selectedCountryCodeMob - String for selected Mobile phone country code
     * @throws AkuraAppException - Throw detail exception when fails.
    private void displayMobilePhoneNumberDetails(Parent parent, String selectedCountryCodeMob)
            throws AkuraAppException {

        String mobPhoneNumber = AkuraConstant.EMPTY_STRING;
        if (parent.getMobileNo().startsWith(AkuraConstant.STRING_ZERO)) {
            mobPhoneNumber = PhoneNumberValidateUtil.formatPhoneNumber(parent.getMobileNo(), selectedCountryCodeMob,
        } else {
            mobPhoneNumber = PhoneNumberValidateUtil.formatPhoneNumber(
                    AkuraConstant.STRING_ZERO + parent.getMobileNo(), selectedCountryCodeMob,


     * display Country Flags when error occurs.
     * @param parent - Parent related data object
     * @param model for display model error
     * @param selectedCountryCodeRes - String for selected Residence phone country code  
     * @param selectedCountryCodeMob - String for selected Mobile phone country code  
     * @param selectedCountryCodeOff - String for selected office phone country code  
     * @param selectedCountryCodeFax - String for selected fax phone country code  
     * @throws AkuraAppException - Throw detail exception when fails.
    private void displayCountryFlagsWhenError(Parent parent, ModelMap model, String selectedCountryCodeRes,
            String selectedCountryCodeMob, String selectedCountryCodeOff, String selectedCountryCodeFax)
            throws AkuraAppException {

        String errorMessage = new ErrorMsgLoader().getErrorMessage(MESSAGE_PHONE_NO_COUNTRY_MISMATCH);
        model.addAttribute(MESSAGE, errorMessage);
        displayPhoneNumberDetails(parent, model);
        resetCountryFlags(selectedCountryCodeRes, selectedCountryCodeMob, selectedCountryCodeOff,
                selectedCountryCodeFax, model);

     * display office PhoneNumber Details.
     * @param parent - Parent related data object
     * @param selectedCountryCodeOff - String for selected office phone country code  
     * @throws AkuraAppException - Throw detail exception when fails.
    private void displayOfficePhoneNumberDetails(Parent parent, String selectedCountryCodeOff)
            throws AkuraAppException {

        String offPhoneNumber = AkuraConstant.EMPTY_STRING;
        if (parent.getOfficeNo().startsWith(AkuraConstant.STRING_ZERO)) {
            offPhoneNumber = PhoneNumberValidateUtil.formatPhoneNumber(parent.getOfficeNo(), selectedCountryCodeOff,
        } else {
            offPhoneNumber = PhoneNumberValidateUtil.formatPhoneNumber(
                    AkuraConstant.STRING_ZERO + parent.getOfficeNo(), selectedCountryCodeOff,


     * display fax PhoneNumber Details.
     * @param parent - Parent related data object
     * @param selectedCountryCodeFax - String for selected fax phone country code  
     * @throws AkuraAppException - Throw detail exception when fails.
    private void displayOfficeFaxNumberDetails(Parent parent, String selectedCountryCodeFax)
            throws AkuraAppException {

        String faxPhoneNumber = AkuraConstant.EMPTY_STRING;
        if (parent.getOfficeFaxNo().startsWith(AkuraConstant.STRING_ZERO)) {
            faxPhoneNumber = PhoneNumberValidateUtil.formatPhoneNumber(parent.getOfficeFaxNo(),
                    selectedCountryCodeFax, AkuraConstant.PARAM_INDEX_ZERO);
        } else {
            faxPhoneNumber = PhoneNumberValidateUtil.formatPhoneNumber(
                    AkuraConstant.STRING_ZERO + parent.getOfficeFaxNo(), selectedCountryCodeFax,

