Java tutorial
/* * < KURA, This application manages the daily activities of a Teacher and a Student of a School> * * Copyright (C) 2012 Virtusa Corporation. * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. */ package com.virtusa.akura.student.controller; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.TreeMap; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import org.apache.commons.collections.list.TreeList; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller; import org.springframework.ui.ModelMap; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.ModelAttribute; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMethod; import org.springframework.web.servlet.ModelAndView; import com.virtusa.akura.api.dto.ClassGrade; import com.virtusa.akura.api.dto.Grade; import com.virtusa.akura.api.dto.GradeSubject; import com.virtusa.akura.api.dto.Student; import com.virtusa.akura.api.dto.StudentClassInfo; import com.virtusa.akura.api.dto.StudentSubTermMark; import com.virtusa.akura.api.dto.StudentTermMark; import com.virtusa.akura.api.dto.SubTerm; import com.virtusa.akura.api.dto.Term; import com.virtusa.akura.api.exception.AkuraAppException; import com.virtusa.akura.api.exception.AkuraException; import com.virtusa.akura.api.exception.ErrorMsgLoader; import com.virtusa.akura.common.service.CommonService; import com.virtusa.akura.student.service.StudentService; import com.virtusa.akura.util.DateUtil; import com.virtusa.akura.util.SortUtil; /** * This is a controller where controls manage student class details. * * @author Virtusa Corporation */ @Controller public class StudentClassController { /** SchoolService attribute for holding studentService. */ @Autowired private CommonService commonService; /** SchoolService attribute for holding studentService. */ @Autowired private StudentService studentService; /** constant fot holding `Empty`. */ private static final String EMPTY = "Empty"; /** model attribute of ClassGradeList object. */ private static final String MODEL_CLASS_GRADE_LIST = "ClassGradeList"; /** model attribute of GradeList object. */ private static final String MODEL_GRADE_LIST = "GradeList"; /** model attribute of GradeId object. */ private static final String MODEL_GRADE_ID = "GradeId"; /** model attribute of Grade object. */ private static final String MODEL_GRADE = "Grade"; /** model attribute of LastList object. */ private static final String MODEL_LAST_LIST = "LastList"; /** model attribute of message_success object. */ private static final String MODEL_MESSAGE_SUCCESS = "message_success"; /** attribute for holding error key REF.UI.STUDENT.SAMECLASS.ASSIGNED. */ private static final String REF_UI_STUDENT_SAMECLASS_ASSIGNED = "REF.UI.STUDENT.SAMECLASS.ASSIGNED"; /** constant for holding `NewStudents`. */ private static final String NEW_STUDENTS = "NewStudents"; /** constant for holding `_01`. */ private static final String UNDER_SCOPE = "-01"; /** Represents the model attribute key for the no students error message. */ private static final String ERROR_MESSAGE = "errorMessage"; /** Represents the key for the no new students error message. */ private static final String REF_UI_STUDENT_CLASS_STUDENT_NODATA = "REF.UI.STUDENT.CLASS.STUDENT.NODATA"; /** Represents the key for the no students error message. */ private static final String REF_UI_STUDENT_CLASS_NEW_STUDENT_NODATA = "REF.UI.STUDENT.CLASS.NEW.STUDENT.NODATA"; /** Represents the array that selected to the 'ToList'. */ private static final String SELECTED_ARRAY = "selectedArray"; /** Represents the array that selected to the 'FromList'. */ private static final String REMOVED_FROM_ARRAY = "removedFromArray"; /** Represents the array that selected toList. */ private static final String SELECTED_TO_LIST = "selectedToList"; /** Represents the attribute for new selected grade. */ private static final String NEW_SELECTED_GRADE = "NewSelectedGrade"; /** Represents the attribute for new selected year. */ private static final String SELECTED_NEW_YEAR = "selectedNewYear"; /** request attribute of `NewSelectedGrade` value. */ private static final String REQUEST_NEW_SELECTED_GRADE = NEW_SELECTED_GRADE; /** request attribute of `NewSelectedYear` value. */ private static final String REQUEST_NEW_SELECTED_YEAR = "NewSelectedYear"; /** request attribute of `ToList` value. */ private static final String REQUEST_TO_LIST = "ToList"; /** Represents the error message for assigning students into future year. */ private static final String STUDENT_FUTURE_ASSIGNMENT_ERROR = "STUDENT.FUTURE.ASSIGNMENT.ERROR"; /** * The mandatory field error code is to display when mandatory fields not filled, interpretable as message * key. */ public static final String MANDATORY_FIELD_ERROR_CODE = "REF.UI.MANDATORY.FIELD.REQUIRED"; /** The message code is to display when student(s) assigned for a new class successfully as message key. */ public static final String STUDENT_SUCCESSFULLY_ASSIGNED = "REF.UI.STUDENT.SUCCESSFULLY.ASSIGNED"; /** The message code is to display when student(s) assigned for a new class successfully as message key. */ public static final String STUDENT_SUBJECTS_ASSIGNED = "REF.UI.STUDENT.SUBJECTS.ASSIGNED"; /** The message code is to display when student(s) assigned for a new class successfully as message key. */ public static final String STUDENT_ALREADY_ASSIGNED = REF_UI_STUDENT_SAMECLASS_ASSIGNED; /** attribute for holding view page. */ private static final String VIEW_STUDENT_CLASS_PAGE = "student/studentClass"; /** attribute for holding action method. */ private static final String ACTION_FOR_STUDENT_CLASS = "/studentClass.htm"; /** attribute for holding action method. */ private static final String ACTION_FOR_RESET_PAGE = "/resetForm.htm"; /** attribute for holding action method. */ private static final String ACTION_FOR_SEARCH_STUDENT = "/searchStudentByGradeYear.htm"; /** attribute for holding action method. */ private static final String ACTION_FOR_SAVE_STUDENT_LIST = "/saveStudentList.htm"; /** attribute for holding message. */ private static final String MESSAGE = "message"; /** attribute for holding parameter name. */ private static final String PARAM_NAME_SELECTED_GRADE = "SelectedGrade"; /** attribute for holding parameter name. */ private static final String PARAM_NAME_SELECTED_YEAR = "SelectedYear"; /** attribute for holding parameter name. */ private static final String PARAM_NAME_FOR_NEW_STUDENTS = NEW_STUDENTS; /** Represents the key for the marking completion error. */ private static final String STUDENT_MARK_COMPLETION = "REF.UI.STUDENT.MARK.COMPLETION"; /** attribute for holding title key. */ private static final String FUTURE_STUDENT_CLASS_ALLOCATION_EXIST = "STUDENT.CLASS.ALLOCATION.EXIST"; /** attribute for holding title key. */ private static final String FUTURE_STUDENT_CLASS_ALLOCATION_NOT_EXIST = "STUDENT.CLASS.ALLOCATION.NOT.EXIST"; /** attribute for holding title key. */ private static final String CURRENT_STUDENT_CLASS_ALLOCATION_EXIST = "CURRENT.STUDENT.CLASS.ALLOCATION.EXIST"; /** attribute for holding title key. */ private static final String CURRENT_STUDENT_CLASS_ALLOCATION_NOT_EXIST = "CURRENT.STUDENT.CLASS.ALLOCATION.NOT.EXIST"; /** * CommonService to store a single service. * * @param commonServiceVal to set CommonService */ public void setCommonService(CommonService commonServiceVal) { this.commonService = commonServiceVal; } /** * studentServiceVal to store a single student service. * * @param studentServiceVal StudentService to set */ public void setStudentService(StudentService studentServiceVal) { this.studentService = studentServiceVal; } /** * handle GET requests for StudentClass view. * * @param request - HttpServletRequest * @return the name of the view. * @throws AkuraException throws when exception occurs. */ @RequestMapping(value = ACTION_FOR_STUDENT_CLASS, method = RequestMethod.GET) public String showGardeList(HttpServletRequest request) throws AkuraException { return VIEW_STUDENT_CLASS_PAGE; } /** * handle GET requests for StudentClass view. * * @param request - HttpServletRequest * @return the name of the view. * @throws AkuraException throws when exception occurs. */ @RequestMapping(value = ACTION_FOR_RESET_PAGE, method = RequestMethod.POST) public String resetForm(HttpServletRequest request) throws AkuraException { return VIEW_STUDENT_CLASS_PAGE; } /** * handle POST requests for StudentClass view with data. * * @param request - HttpServletRequest * @return the name of the view. * @throws AkuraException throws when exception occurs. */ @RequestMapping(value = ACTION_FOR_SEARCH_STUDENT, method = RequestMethod.POST) public ModelAndView searchStudentByGradeYear(HttpServletRequest request) throws AkuraException { String grade = request.getParameter(PARAM_NAME_SELECTED_GRADE); String year = request.getParameter(PARAM_NAME_SELECTED_YEAR); Map<String, Object> finalMap = new TreeMap<String, Object>(); ModelMap modelMap = new ModelMap(); Grade gradeObj = null; int intYear = 0; if (grade != null && !grade.equals("") && !grade.equals(PARAM_NAME_FOR_NEW_STUDENTS)) { int intGrade = Integer.parseInt(grade); gradeObj = commonService.findGradeById(intGrade); } if (year != null && !year.equals("")) { intYear = Integer.parseInt(year); if (intYear > 0) { modelMap.addAttribute(PARAM_NAME_SELECTED_YEAR, intYear); } } if (gradeObj != null) { modelMap.addAttribute(MODEL_GRADE_ID, gradeObj.getGradeId()); } if (grade.equals(PARAM_NAME_FOR_NEW_STUDENTS)) { modelMap.addAttribute(PARAM_NAME_FOR_NEW_STUDENTS, Boolean.TRUE); } // starts validations if (!grade.equals("") && !year.equals("")) { if (grade.equals(PARAM_NAME_FOR_NEW_STUDENTS)) { List<Object> studentList = studentService.getNewStudentForYear(intYear); finalMap.put(EMPTY, new TreeList(studentList)); // if the students list is empty set the error message. if (studentList.isEmpty()) { modelMap.addAttribute(ERROR_MESSAGE, new ErrorMsgLoader().getErrorMessage(REF_UI_STUDENT_CLASS_NEW_STUDENT_NODATA)); } } else { modelMap.addAttribute(MODEL_GRADE, gradeObj.getDescription()); finalMap = this.getStudentListWithCurrentAllocation(intYear, gradeObj); // if the students list is empty set the error message. if (finalMap.values().isEmpty()) { modelMap.addAttribute(ERROR_MESSAGE, new ErrorMsgLoader().getErrorMessage(REF_UI_STUDENT_CLASS_STUDENT_NODATA)); } } } else { // error message String message = new ErrorMsgLoader().getErrorMessage(MANDATORY_FIELD_ERROR_CODE); modelMap.addAttribute(MESSAGE, message); } modelMap.addAttribute(MODEL_LAST_LIST, finalMap); return new ModelAndView(VIEW_STUDENT_CLASS_PAGE, modelMap); } /** * handle POST requests for StudentClass view with data. * * @param request - HttpServletRequest * @return the name of the view. * @throws AkuraException throws when exception occurs. */ @RequestMapping(value = ACTION_FOR_SAVE_STUDENT_LIST, method = RequestMethod.POST) public ModelAndView saveStudentList(HttpServletRequest request) throws AkuraException { String[] toList = request.getParameterValues(REQUEST_TO_LIST); String grade = request.getParameter(PARAM_NAME_SELECTED_GRADE); String year = request.getParameter(PARAM_NAME_SELECTED_YEAR); String newYear = request.getParameter(REQUEST_NEW_SELECTED_YEAR); String newClassGrade = request.getParameter(REQUEST_NEW_SELECTED_GRADE); int selectedNewYear = 0; int clsGradeId = 0; if (newClassGrade != null && !"".equals(newClassGrade)) { clsGradeId = Integer.parseInt(newClassGrade); } if (newYear != null && !"".equals(newYear)) { selectedNewYear = generateSelectedYear(newYear); } request.getParameterMap(); ModelMap modelMap = new ModelMap(); // starts validations - all mandatory parameters should be not null if ((!"".equals(newYear)) && (!"".equals(newClassGrade)) && (toList != null) && (!"".equals(grade)) && (!"".equals(year))) { boolean fail = false; StringBuilder failStudents = new StringBuilder(); String newYearConverted = newYear + UNDER_SCOPE + UNDER_SCOPE; Date dateSelectedYear = DateUtil.getDateTypeYearValue(newYearConverted); // selected year int intNewYear = DateUtil.getYearFromDate(dateSelectedYear); ClassGrade classGradeNew = commonService.findClassGrade(clsGradeId); List<StudentClassInfo> studentClassNewList = new ArrayList<StudentClassInfo>(); // handling student in the list which not belongs to any class if (NEW_STUDENTS.equals(grade)) { for (String z : toList) { // iterating student id from the input list int studId = Integer.parseInt(z); // assigns the new students that the first date of school is less than or equal // to the new selected date. assignNewStudents(dateSelectedYear, classGradeNew, studentClassNewList, intNewYear, studId); } } else { for (String z : toList) { // iterating student id from the input list int studId = Integer.parseInt(z); List<StudentClassInfo> studentClassInfos = studentService.getStudentClassInfoByStudentId(studId, intNewYear); // as year, student id and class grade id is unique in db, only one or no record is coming if (studentClassInfos == null || studentClassInfos.isEmpty()) { // there is no item for new year selected. hence creating new one and add to list. StudentClassInfo sciObjNew = createNewClassInfo(dateSelectedYear, classGradeNew, studId); studentClassNewList.add(sciObjNew); } else { // taking the 1st item as there will be only one item StudentClassInfo item = studentClassInfos.get(0); // if it is same grade, no issues, no marks have been entered for the student for // different grade. lazy false if (item.getClassGrade().getGrade().getGradeId() == classGradeNew.getGrade().getGradeId() || item.getStudentTermMarks() == null || item.getStudentTermMarks().isEmpty()) { item.setClassGrade(classGradeNew); studentClassNewList.add(item); } else { if (failStudents.length() == 0) { failStudents.append(item.getStudent().getFullName()); } else { failStudents.append(","); failStudents.append(item.getStudent().getFullName()); } fail = true; } } } } if (!fail) { // checks the marking completion status. List<Boolean> markingStatus = studentService.isExistMarkingCompleted(clsGradeId, newYear); boolean status = checkMarkCompletionStatus(grade, newYear, clsGradeId, markingStatus); if (status) { // assigns into a class. assignToClass(request, clsGradeId, modelMap, intNewYear, studentClassNewList); } else { getErrorMessage(modelMap, STUDENT_MARK_COMPLETION, clsGradeId, request, intNewYear); } } else { String message = new ErrorMsgLoader().getErrorMessage(STUDENT_SUBJECTS_ASSIGNED); modelMap.addAttribute(MESSAGE, message + failStudents.toString()); populatedSelectedValues(modelMap, clsGradeId, request, intNewYear); } } else { getErrorMessage(modelMap, MANDATORY_FIELD_ERROR_CODE, clsGradeId, request, selectedNewYear); } if (!modelMap.containsValue(new ErrorMsgLoader().getErrorMessage(STUDENT_SUCCESSFULLY_ASSIGNED))) { Map<String, Object> finalMap = new TreeMap<String, Object>(); loadClassInfoPage(grade, year, modelMap, finalMap); } return new ModelAndView(VIEW_STUDENT_CLASS_PAGE, modelMap); } /** * Assigns the students into classes if the marking is not completed. * * @param request - the request scope related data. * @param clsGradeId - the relevant class grade key. * @param modelMap - a hash map contains the student class related data. * @param intNewYear - the selected year. * @param studentClassNewList - a list of students to be assigned to classes. * @throws AkuraAppException - The exception details that occurred when processing. */ private void assignToClass(HttpServletRequest request, int clsGradeId, ModelMap modelMap, int intNewYear, List<StudentClassInfo> studentClassNewList) throws AkuraAppException { if (!studentClassNewList.isEmpty()) { studentService.updateStudentClassInfoObjects(studentClassNewList); // Auto assign main subjects of grade. for (StudentClassInfo studentClassInfo : studentClassNewList) { List<GradeSubject> gradeSubjects = commonService .getGradeSubjectIdListByGrade(studentClassInfo.getClassGrade().getGrade().getGradeId()); List<Term> terms = commonService.getTermList(); Iterator<Term> termIterator = terms.iterator(); List<StudentTermMark> studentTermMarkList = new ArrayList<StudentTermMark>(); List<StudentSubTermMark> studentSubTermMarkList = new ArrayList<StudentSubTermMark>(); while (termIterator.hasNext()) { Term term = (Term); boolean isMarkComplete = studentService.isMarkingCompletedForTerm(clsGradeId, term.getTermId(), intNewYear); if (!isMarkComplete) { for (GradeSubject gradeSubject : gradeSubjects) { // Check student term mark exist boolean isExist = studentService.isStudentTermMarkExist( studentClassInfo.getStudentClassInfoId(), gradeSubject.getGradeSubjectId(), term.getTermId()); if (!isExist) { if (!gradeSubject.getIsOptionalSubject()) { // add term marks into the list. addTermMarksToList(studentClassInfo, studentTermMarkList, term, gradeSubject); } } } } } if (studentTermMarkList.size() > 0) { List<StudentTermMark> savedTermMarkList = studentService .saveOrUpdateStudentSubjectList(studentTermMarkList); List<SubTerm> subterms = commonService.getSubTermList(); Iterator<SubTerm> subTermIterator = subterms.iterator(); while (subTermIterator.hasNext()) { SubTerm subTerm = (SubTerm); for (StudentTermMark studentTermMark : savedTermMarkList) { if (subTerm.getTermId() == studentTermMark.getTermId()) { // add the student sub term marks into the list. addSubTermMarkToList(studentSubTermMarkList, subTerm, studentTermMark); } } } studentService.generateSubtermMarkRecords(studentSubTermMarkList); } } String message = new ErrorMsgLoader().getErrorMessage(STUDENT_SUCCESSFULLY_ASSIGNED); modelMap.addAttribute(MODEL_MESSAGE_SUCCESS, message); } else { getErrorMessage(modelMap, STUDENT_FUTURE_ASSIGNMENT_ERROR, clsGradeId, request, intNewYear); } } /** * Generates the selected year. * * @param newYear - the selected new year. * @return - the selected new year. * @throws AkuraAppException - The exception details that occurred when processing. */ private int generateSelectedYear(final String newYear) throws AkuraAppException { String newYearConverted = newYear + UNDER_SCOPE + UNDER_SCOPE; Date dateSelectedYear = DateUtil.getDateTypeYearValue(newYearConverted); // selected year return DateUtil.getYearFromDate(dateSelectedYear); } /** * Adds the student term marks of the relevant student into the term marks list. * * @param studentClassInfo - the related class information of the student. * @param studentTermMarkList - the list of the term marks of students for the relevant class grade. * @param term - the relevant term. * @param gradeSubject - the grade subject */ private void addTermMarksToList(StudentClassInfo studentClassInfo, List<StudentTermMark> studentTermMarkList, Term term, GradeSubject gradeSubject) { StudentTermMark studentTermMark = new StudentTermMark(); studentTermMark.setStudentClassInfoId(studentClassInfo.getStudentClassInfoId()); studentTermMark.setGradeSubjectId(gradeSubject.getGradeSubjectId()); studentTermMark.setTermId(term.getTermId()); studentTermMarkList.add(studentTermMark); } /** * Adds the student sub term marks into the sub term marks list. * * @param studentSubTermMarkList - a list of student sub term marks of the students for a relevant class * grade. * @param subTerm - the sub term * @param studentTermMark - sub term mark */ private void addSubTermMarkToList(List<StudentSubTermMark> studentSubTermMarkList, SubTerm subTerm, StudentTermMark studentTermMark) { StudentSubTermMark subtermMark = new StudentSubTermMark(); subtermMark.setStuTermMarkID(studentTermMark.getStudentTermMarkId()); subtermMark.setSubtermID(subTerm.getSubTermId()); studentSubTermMarkList.add(subtermMark); } /** * Generates the error messages for a relevant key. * * @param modelMap - the hash map contains the student class related data. * @param errorMessageKey - the key of the error messages. * @param request - the request scope objects * @param clsGradeId - the relevant class grade key. * @param newYear - the selected new year. */ private void getErrorMessage(ModelMap modelMap, String errorMessageKey, int clsGradeId, HttpServletRequest request, int newYear) { populatedSelectedValues(modelMap, clsGradeId, request, newYear); String message = new ErrorMsgLoader().getErrorMessage(errorMessageKey); modelMap.addAttribute(MESSAGE, message); } /** * Populates the model map with the selected values to display the panels. * * @param modelMap - the hash map contains the student class related data. * @param request - the request scope objects * @param clsGradeId - the relevant class grade key. * @param newYear - the selected new year. */ private void populatedSelectedValues(ModelMap modelMap, int clsGradeId, HttpServletRequest request, int newYear) { modelMap.addAttribute(SELECTED_NEW_YEAR, newYear); modelMap.addAttribute(NEW_SELECTED_GRADE, clsGradeId); String selectedList = (String) request.getParameter(SELECTED_ARRAY); if (!selectedList.isEmpty()) { modelMap.addAttribute(SELECTED_TO_LIST, selectedList); } modelMap.addAttribute(REMOVED_FROM_ARRAY, request.getParameter(REMOVED_FROM_ARRAY)); } /** * Assigns the new students into the selected year that is after or equals to the first date at the * school. * * @param dateSelectedYear - the selected assign year. * @param classGradeNew - the selected new class. * @param studentClassNewList - the list of the class assignment. * @param intNewYear - the new year. * @param studId - the key of the student. * @throws AkuraAppException - The exception details that occurred when processing. */ private void assignNewStudents(Date dateSelectedYear, ClassGrade classGradeNew, List<StudentClassInfo> studentClassNewList, int intNewYear, int studId) throws AkuraAppException { Date startedDate = studentService.getStudentStartedDate(studId); if (startedDate != null) { int firstDayAtSchool = DateUtil.getYearFromDate(startedDate); // if the first date at school is before the new selected year do not // assign to the particular class. if (firstDayAtSchool <= intNewYear) { StudentClassInfo sciObjNew = createNewClassInfo(dateSelectedYear, classGradeNew, studId); studentClassNewList.add(sciObjNew); } } } /** * Checks the marking completion status. * * @param grade - the relevant grade. * @param year - the year * @param clsGradeId - the relevant class grade key. * @param markingStatus - the list of the marking status. * @return - the status of the marking completion. * @throws AkuraAppException - The exception details that occurred when processing. */ private boolean checkMarkCompletionStatus(String grade, String year, int clsGradeId, List<Boolean> markingStatus) throws AkuraAppException { boolean isMarkingCompleted = false; boolean isMarkingNotCompletedForTerms = false; boolean isExistMaringStatus = markingStatus.isEmpty(); // if marking status records are there for the relevant class grade and the year, // then assign existing students into classes. if (!isExistMaringStatus) { int noOfTermsList = studentService.getNoOfTerms(); int markingStatusSize = markingStatus.size(); // checks weather there are at least one record that is not complete the // marking for the relevant class grade and the year. isMarkingNotCompletedForTerms = markingStatusSize < noOfTermsList || (markingStatusSize == noOfTermsList && markingStatus.contains(Boolean.FALSE)) ? true : false; // checks the marking status for the completed markings for a relevant class grade key, // year. isMarkingCompleted = studentService.isMarkingCompleted(clsGradeId, year, true); } // if marking not completed for all the terms and the not a new student or if the marking is // not completed at least one term for a new student, update the records. return (!isMarkingCompleted && !NEW_STUDENTS.equals(grade)) || (NEW_STUDENTS.equals(grade) && isMarkingNotCompletedForTerms) || (NEW_STUDENTS.equals(grade) && isExistMaringStatus); } /** * Loads the Class info page back after save. * * @param grade the grade. * @param year the year. * @param modelMap the model map. * @param finalMap the final map. * @throws AkuraAppException the AkuraAppException */ private void loadClassInfoPage(String grade, String year, ModelMap modelMap, Map<String, Object> finalMap) throws AkuraAppException { if (!"".equals(grade) && !"".equals(year)) { int intYear = Integer.parseInt(year); if (!grade.equals(PARAM_NAME_FOR_NEW_STUDENTS)) { // converts int intGrade = Integer.parseInt(grade); Grade gradeObj = commonService.findGradeById(intGrade); modelMap.addAttribute(MODEL_GRADE, gradeObj.getDescription()); modelMap.addAttribute(MODEL_GRADE_ID, gradeObj.getGradeId()); finalMap = this.getStudentList(intYear, gradeObj); } else { modelMap.addAttribute(PARAM_NAME_FOR_NEW_STUDENTS, Boolean.TRUE); List<Object> studentList = studentService.getNewStudentForYear(intYear); finalMap.put(EMPTY, new TreeList(studentList)); } modelMap.addAttribute(PARAM_NAME_SELECTED_YEAR, intYear); } modelMap.addAttribute(MODEL_LAST_LIST, finalMap); } /** * creates new ClassInfo Object. * * @param dateSelectedYear year. * @param classGradeNew the class grade. * @param studId the student id. * @return the Class info Object. * @throws AkuraAppException the AkuraAppException. */ private StudentClassInfo createNewClassInfo(Date dateSelectedYear, ClassGrade classGradeNew, int studId) throws AkuraAppException { StudentClassInfo sciObjNew = new StudentClassInfo(); Student student = studentService.findStudent(studId); sciObjNew.setClassGrade(classGradeNew); sciObjNew.setStudent(student); sciObjNew.setYear(dateSelectedYear); sciObjNew.setCheckMonitor(false); return sciObjNew; } /** * Method to retrieve the student list given by grade and current year. * * @param gradeObj Grade type object which a student belongs to * @param year integer type object which specify the current year * @return the map. * @throws AkuraAppException throws when exception occurs. */ private Map<String, Object> getStudentList(int year, Grade gradeObj) throws AkuraAppException { Map<String, Object> finalMap = new TreeMap<String, Object>(); // final map Iterator<ClassGrade> clsGrdList = commonService.getClassGradeListByGrade(gradeObj).iterator(); List<StudentClassInfo> stClaInfoList = studentService.getStudentSearchByGradeYear(gradeObj.getGradeId(), year); while (clsGrdList.hasNext()) { ClassGrade classGradeObj = (ClassGrade); List<StudentClassInfo> stList = new ArrayList<StudentClassInfo>(); for (StudentClassInfo studentClassInfo : stClaInfoList) { if (studentClassInfo.getClassGrade().getDescription().equals(classGradeObj.getDescription())) { stList.add(studentClassInfo); // int studentId=studentClassInfo.getStudent().getStudentId(); } } if (!stList.isEmpty()) { stList = SortUtil.sortStudentClassInfoList(stList); finalMap.put(classGradeObj.getDescription(), new TreeList(stList)); } } return finalMap; } /** * Method to retrieve the student list given by grade and current year. * * @param gradeObj Grade type object which a student belongs to * @param year integer type object which specify the current year * @return the map. * @throws AkuraAppException throws when exception occurs. */ private Map<String, Object> getStudentListWithCurrentAllocation(int year, Grade gradeObj) throws AkuraAppException { Map<String, Object> finalMap = new TreeMap<String, Object>(); // final map Iterator<ClassGrade> clsGrdList = commonService.getClassGradeListByGrade(gradeObj).iterator(); List<StudentClassInfo> stClaInfoList = studentService.getStudentSearchByGradeYear(gradeObj.getGradeId(), year); // get current year(yyyy) in string Date currentDate = new Date(); String strYr = DateUtil.getStringYear(currentDate); int intCurrentYr = Integer.parseInt(strYr); int allocationCheckYr; if (year < intCurrentYr) { allocationCheckYr = intCurrentYr; } else if (year == intCurrentYr) { allocationCheckYr = intCurrentYr + 1; } else { allocationCheckYr = intCurrentYr + 2; } while (clsGrdList.hasNext()) { ClassGrade classGradeObj = (ClassGrade); Map<StudentClassInfo, String> stMap = new LinkedHashMap<StudentClassInfo, String>(); for (StudentClassInfo studentClassInfo : stClaInfoList) { if (studentClassInfo.getClassGrade().getDescription().equals(classGradeObj.getDescription())) { int studentId = studentClassInfo.getStudent().getStudentId(); List<StudentClassInfo> stClassAllocationInfo = studentService .getStudentClassInfoByStudent(studentId, allocationCheckYr); String found = ""; if (year < intCurrentYr) { found = new ErrorMsgLoader().getErrorMessage(CURRENT_STUDENT_CLASS_ALLOCATION_NOT_EXIST); } if (year == intCurrentYr) { found = new ErrorMsgLoader().getErrorMessage(FUTURE_STUDENT_CLASS_ALLOCATION_NOT_EXIST); } if (!stClassAllocationInfo.isEmpty()) { if (year < intCurrentYr) { found = new ErrorMsgLoader().getErrorMessage(CURRENT_STUDENT_CLASS_ALLOCATION_EXIST); } if (year == intCurrentYr) { found = new ErrorMsgLoader().getErrorMessage(FUTURE_STUDENT_CLASS_ALLOCATION_EXIST); } } stMap.put(studentClassInfo, found); } } if (!stMap.isEmpty()) { finalMap.put(classGradeObj.getDescription(), stMap); } } return finalMap; } /** * Method to retrieve all the Grade data. * * @return List of Grade objects * @throws AkuraAppException throws when error occurs */ @ModelAttribute(MODEL_GRADE_LIST) public List<Grade> populateGradeListData() throws AkuraAppException { return SortUtil.sortGradeList(commonService.getGradeList());// make the list to sorted list } /** * Method to retrieve all the ClassGrade data. * * @return List of ClassGrade objects * @throws AkuraAppException throws when error occurs */ @ModelAttribute(MODEL_CLASS_GRADE_LIST) public List<ClassGrade> populateClassGradeListData() throws AkuraAppException { return SortUtil.sortClassGradeList(commonService.getClassGradeList());// make the list to sorted list } }