Java tutorial
/* * < KURA, This application manages the daily activities of a Teacher and a Student of a School> * * Copyright (C) 2012 Virtusa Corporation. * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. */ package com.virtusa.akura.common.controller; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.TreeMap; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import org.apache.commons.collections.ListUtils; import org.springframework.dao.DataIntegrityViolationException; import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller; import org.springframework.ui.ModelMap; import org.springframework.validation.BindingResult; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.ModelAttribute; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.ResponseBody; import com.virtusa.akura.api.dto.Exam; import com.virtusa.akura.api.dto.ExamSubject; import com.virtusa.akura.api.dto.Subject; import com.virtusa.akura.api.exception.AkuraAppException; import com.virtusa.akura.api.exception.AkuraConstant; import com.virtusa.akura.api.exception.ErrorMsgLoader; import com.virtusa.akura.common.AkuraWebConstant; import com.virtusa.akura.common.service.CommonService; import com.virtusa.akura.common.validator.ExamSubjectValidator; import com.virtusa.akura.util.SortUtil; import com.virtusa.akura.util.StaticDataUtil; /** * this class , assign subjects for a selected exam, and provide manage, save or update and delete * functionalities. * * @author Virtusa Corporation */ @Controller public class ExamSubjectController { /** Represents the parameter name of the edit. */ private static final String EDIT = "edit"; /** Represents the parameter name of the save. */ private static final String SAVE = "save"; /** Represents the parameter name of the exam subject. */ private static final String EXAM_SUBJECT = "examSubject"; /** Represents the error message for field when already exists. */ private static final String FIND_SUBJECTS_BY_EXAM_MAPPING = "findSubjectsByExam.htm"; /** Represents the error message for field exists. */ private static final String ERROR_MESSAGE_EXAM_SUBJECT_EXIST = "REF.UI.EXAMSUBJECT.EXIST"; /** Manages ExamSubject data. */ private static final String VIEW_POST_MANAGE_EXAM_SUBJECT = "redirect:manageExamSubject.htm"; /** Represents the hyphen. */ private static final String STRING_HIPHEN = "-"; /** Represents the true value for the add model attribute. */ private static final String TRUE = "true"; /** Represents the key for the add model attribute. */ private static final String ADD = "add"; /** Represents the mapping request for the add function. */ private static final String ADD_STATE = "/addState"; /** Represents the error message for field required. */ private static final String ERROR_MESSAGE_MANDATORY_FIELD_REQUIRED = "REF.UI.MANDATORY.FIELD.REQUIRED"; /** Represents the model attribute for holding error message. */ private static final String VAR_MESSAGE = "message"; /** Represents the path of the exam subject view. */ private static final String VIEW_GET_MANAGE_EXAM_SUBJECT = "reference/manageExamSubject"; /** Represents the model attribute of subject list size. */ private static final String MODEL_ATT_SUBJECT_LIST_SIZE = "subjectListSize"; /** Represents the model attribute of exam subject. */ private static final String MODEL_ATT_EXAM_SUBJECT = EXAM_SUBJECT; /** Represents the model attribute of exam list. */ private static final String MODEL_ATT_EXAM_LIST = "examList"; /** attribute for holding selectedValue. */ private static final String SELECTED_VALUE = "selectedValue"; /** Represents model attribute of exam subject. */ private static final String MODEL_ATT_EXAM_SUBJECTS = "examSubjects"; /** Represents the request mapping value for manage exam subject. */ private static final String REQ_MAP_MANAGE_EXAM_SUBJECT = "/manageExamSubject.htm"; /** Represents the request mapping value for manage exam subject. */ private static final String REQ_MAP_UPDATE_EXAM_SUBJECT = "/saveOrUpdateExamSubjects.htm"; /** Represents the request request mapping value for delete exam subject. */ private static final String REQ_MAP_DELETE_EXAM_SUBJECT = "/deleteExamSubject.htm"; /** Represents the Constant EMPTY. */ private static final String EMPTY = ""; /** Represents the Constant OPTIONAL_SUBJECTS. */ private static final String OPTIONAL_SUBJECTS = "optionalSubjects"; /** Represents the Constant COMMA. */ private static final String COMMA = ","; /** Represents the Constant ALL_SUBJECT_IDS. */ private static final String ALL_SUBJECT_IDS = "allSubjectIds"; /** Represents the request mapping for update of the exam subject. */ private static final String EDIT_EXAM_SUBJECTS_HTM = "editExamSubject.htm"; /** The Constant AVAILABLE_SUBJECTS_LIST. */ private static final String AVAILABLE_SUBJECTS_LIST = "availableSubjectsList"; /** The Constant SELECTED_SUBJECTS_LIST. */ private static final String SELECTED_SUBJECTS_LIST = "selectedSubjectsList"; /** The Constant SELECTED_DESCRIPTION. */ private static final String SELECTED_DESCRIPTION = "selectedDescription"; /** Represents the request attribute name for exam description. */ private static final String EXAM_DESCRIPTION = "examDescription"; /** error message for field delete. */ private static final String ERROR_MESSAGE_SUBJECT_EXAM_DELETE = "REF.UI.EXAMSUBJECT.DELETE"; /** Represents the error message for already exist. */ private static final String EXAM_SUBJECT_EXIST = "EXAM.SUBJECT.EXIST"; /** model attribute of selected object. */ private static final String MODEL_ATT_SELECTED_OBJECT = "selectedObj"; /** model attribute of selected Grade. */ private static final String MODEL_ATT_SELECTED_EXAM_ID = "selectedExamId"; /** The Constant ALL_SUBJECT_NAMES. */ private static final String ALL_SUBJECT_NAMES = "allSubjectNames"; /** The constant . */ private static final String OPTIONAL_SUDJECT_IDS = "optionalSudjectIds"; /** Represents an instance of the CommonService. */ private transient CommonService commonService; /** Represents an instance of the GradeSubjectValidator. */ private transient ExamSubjectValidator examSubjectValidator; /** * Setter method for the ExamSubjectValidator. * * @param objExamSubjectValidator - the instance of the ExamSubjectValidator. */ public final void setExamSubjectValidator(final ExamSubjectValidator objExamSubjectValidator) { examSubjectValidator = objExamSubjectValidator; } /** * Sets the common service. * * @param objCommonService - an instance of CommonService. */ public void setCommonService(final CommonService objCommonService) { this.commonService = objCommonService; } /** * Returns a list of Exams. * * @return examList - a list of exams. * @throws AkuraAppException - The exception details that occurred when processing. */ @ModelAttribute(MODEL_ATT_EXAM_LIST) public List<Exam> populateExamsList() throws AkuraAppException { return SortUtil.sortExamList(commonService.getExamList()); } /** * Returns a list of Subjects. * * @param model - a HashMap that contains information of the subject size * @param request - a request scope data * @return subjectList - a list of Subjects. * @throws AkuraAppException - The exception details that occurred when processing. */ @ResponseBody @RequestMapping(FIND_SUBJECTS_BY_EXAM_MAPPING) public String findSubjectsByExam(ModelMap model, final HttpServletRequest request) throws AkuraAppException { StringBuilder allClasses = null; String selectedValue = request.getParameter(SELECTED_VALUE); if (!AkuraWebConstant.STRING_ZERO.equals(selectedValue)) { final int examId = Integer.parseInt(selectedValue); Exam exam = commonService.findExamById(examId); List<?> subjectsListByExam = commonService.getSubjectListByExam(exam.getGradeId()); Iterator<?> iterator = subjectsListByExam.iterator(); int count = 0; int indexSubjectId = 1; boolean isFirst = true; allClasses = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder classes = new StringBuilder(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { Object[] object = (Object[]); classes.append((String) object[0]); classes.append(STRING_HIPHEN); classes.append((Integer) object[indexSubjectId]); isFirst = StaticDataUtil.appendValues(allClasses, isFirst, classes, AkuraWebConstant.STRING_COMMA); count++; } model.addAttribute(MODEL_ATT_SUBJECT_LIST_SIZE, count); } return allClasses != null ? allClasses.toString() : null; } /** * Returns a map of subjects for a relevant exam. * * @return examSubjects - a map with subject for the relevant exam. * @throws AkuraAppException - The exception details that occurred when processing. */ @ModelAttribute(MODEL_ATT_EXAM_SUBJECTS) public Map<String, List<?>> populateExamSubjectsList() throws AkuraAppException { List<ExamSubject> examSubjectList = commonService.getAllExamSubjectList(); List<Integer> idList = new ArrayList<Integer>(); Map<String, List<?>> examSubjects = new TreeMap<String, List<?>>(); for (ExamSubject examSubject : examSubjectList) { final String subjectDescription = examSubject.getExam().getDescription(); if (!idList.contains(examSubject.getExam().getExamId())) { List<?> subjectsList = commonService.findSubjectsByExam(subjectDescription); examSubjects.put( subjectDescription + AkuraWebConstant.STRING_COMMA + examSubject.getExamSubjectId(), subjectsList); idList.add(examSubject.getExam().getExamId()); } } return examSubjects; } /** * Initializes the reference data that is to be used on the view. * * @param model - a HashMap that contains information of the ExamSubject object * @return - name of the view which is redirected to * @throws AkuraAppException - The exception details that occurred when processing. */ @RequestMapping(REQ_MAP_MANAGE_EXAM_SUBJECT) public String manageExamSubject(ModelMap model) throws AkuraAppException { model.addAttribute(MODEL_ATT_EXAM_SUBJECT, new ExamSubject()); return VIEW_GET_MANAGE_EXAM_SUBJECT; } /** * Sets an attribute for the add function to display the panel. * * @param model - a HashMap that contains information of the ExamSubject object * @return - name of the view which is redirected to * @throws AkuraAppException - The exception details that occurred when processing. */ @RequestMapping(ADD_STATE) public String addState(ModelMap model) throws AkuraAppException { model.addAttribute(ADD, TRUE); model.addAttribute(MODEL_ATT_EXAM_SUBJECT, new ExamSubject()); return VIEW_GET_MANAGE_EXAM_SUBJECT; } /** * Updates a relevant object of exam subject. * * @param model - a hashMap contains the examSubject related data. * @param examSubject - the exam subject. * @param result - the error results. * @param request - an instance of HttpServletRequest. * @return - the view to be redirected. * @throws AkuraAppException - The exception details that occurred when processing. */ @RequestMapping(EDIT_EXAM_SUBJECTS_HTM) public String editExamSubject(final ModelMap model, @ModelAttribute(MODEL_ATT_EXAM_SUBJECT) final ExamSubject examSubject, final BindingResult result, HttpServletRequest request) throws AkuraAppException { String examDescription = request.getParameter(EXAM_DESCRIPTION); Exam exam = commonService.getExamByExamName(examDescription); List<ExamSubject> selectedSubjectsList = commonService.findSubjectsByExam(examDescription); List<Integer> selectedSubjectsIdList = new ArrayList<Integer>(); List<String> allClasses = new ArrayList<String>(); boolean isFirst = true; StringBuilder classes = new StringBuilder(); for (ExamSubject examSubj : selectedSubjectsList) { selectedSubjectsIdList.add(examSubj.getSubject().getSubjectId()); } List<?> subjectsListByExam = commonService.getSubjectListByExam(exam.getGradeId()); Iterator<?> iterator = subjectsListByExam.iterator(); int indexSubjectId = 1; while (iterator.hasNext()) { Object[] object = (Object[]); int subjectId = (Integer) object[indexSubjectId]; if (!selectedSubjectsIdList.contains(subjectId)) { classes.append((String) object[0]); classes.append(STRING_HIPHEN); classes.append(subjectId); if (isFirst) { allClasses.add(classes.toString()); // no comma isFirst = false; } else { allClasses.add(classes.toString()); } classes.delete(0, classes.length()); } } model.addAttribute(SELECTED_DESCRIPTION, examDescription); model.addAttribute(SELECTED_SUBJECTS_LIST, selectedSubjectsList); model.addAttribute(AVAILABLE_SUBJECTS_LIST, allClasses); return VIEW_GET_MANAGE_EXAM_SUBJECT; } /** * Saves or updates exam subjects. * * @param model - a hash map contains the properties of exam subject. * @param examSubject an instance of exam subject. * @param result - the result of the exam subject. * @param request - an instance of HttpServletRequest scope. * @return the - the view to be redirected. * @throws AkuraAppException - The exception details that occurred when processing. */ @RequestMapping(REQ_MAP_UPDATE_EXAM_SUBJECT) public String saveOrUpdateExamSubjects(final ModelMap model, @ModelAttribute(MODEL_ATT_EXAM_SUBJECT) final ExamSubject examSubject, BindingResult result, HttpServletRequest request) throws AkuraAppException { String resultView = VIEW_POST_MANAGE_EXAM_SUBJECT; examSubjectValidator.validate(examSubject, result); String examDescription = request.getParameter(EXAM_DESCRIPTION); ExamSubject selectedObj = null; if (result.hasErrors()) { if (examSubject.getExamSubjectId() != 0) { selectedObj = commonService.findExamSubject(examSubject.getExamSubjectId()); model.addAttribute(MODEL_ATT_SELECTED_OBJECT, selectedObj); } model.addAttribute(MODEL_ATT_SELECTED_EXAM_ID, examSubject.getExam().getExamId()); request.setAttribute(ALL_SUBJECT_IDS, (String[]) request.getParameter(ALL_SUBJECT_IDS).split(COMMA)); request.setAttribute(ALL_SUBJECT_NAMES, (String[]) request.getParameter(ALL_SUBJECT_NAMES).split(COMMA)); request.setAttribute(OPTIONAL_SUDJECT_IDS, (String[]) request.getParameter(OPTIONAL_SUDJECT_IDS).split(COMMA)); model.addAttribute(SELECTED_DESCRIPTION, examDescription); resultView = VIEW_GET_MANAGE_EXAM_SUBJECT; } else { String selectedSubjects = request.getParameter(ALL_SUBJECT_IDS); int examId = examSubject.getExam().getExamId(); if ((selectedSubjects == null || selectedSubjects.isEmpty()) && examId > 0) { String message = new ErrorMsgLoader().getErrorMessage(ERROR_MESSAGE_MANDATORY_FIELD_REQUIRED); model.addAttribute(VAR_MESSAGE, message); selectedObj = commonService.findExamSubject(examSubject.getExamSubjectId()); model.addAttribute(MODEL_ATT_SELECTED_OBJECT, selectedObj); model.addAttribute(SELECTED_DESCRIPTION, examDescription); model.addAttribute(MODEL_ATT_SELECTED_EXAM_ID, examSubject.getExam().getExamId()); request.setAttribute(ALL_SUBJECT_IDS, (String[]) request.getParameter(ALL_SUBJECT_IDS).split(COMMA)); request.setAttribute(ALL_SUBJECT_NAMES, (String[]) request.getParameter(ALL_SUBJECT_NAMES).split(COMMA)); request.setAttribute(OPTIONAL_SUDJECT_IDS, (String[]) request.getParameter(OPTIONAL_SUDJECT_IDS).split(COMMA)); resultView = VIEW_GET_MANAGE_EXAM_SUBJECT; } else { try { boolean isExist = false; String saveOrEdit = (String) request.getParameter(EXAM_SUBJECT); if (SAVE.equals(saveOrEdit)) { isExist = commonService.isAlreadyExistExamSubject(examId); } if (isExist) { String message = new ErrorMsgLoader().getErrorMessage(EXAM_SUBJECT_EXIST); model.addAttribute(VAR_MESSAGE, message); selectedObj = commonService.findExamSubject(examSubject.getExamSubjectId()); model.addAttribute(MODEL_ATT_SELECTED_OBJECT, selectedObj); model.addAttribute(MODEL_ATT_SELECTED_EXAM_ID, examSubject.getExam().getExamId()); request.setAttribute(ALL_SUBJECT_IDS, (String[]) request.getParameter(ALL_SUBJECT_IDS).split(COMMA)); request.setAttribute(ALL_SUBJECT_NAMES, (String[]) request.getParameter(ALL_SUBJECT_NAMES).split(COMMA)); request.setAttribute(OPTIONAL_SUDJECT_IDS, (String[]) request.getParameter(OPTIONAL_SUDJECT_IDS).split(COMMA)); resultView = VIEW_GET_MANAGE_EXAM_SUBJECT; isExist = false; } else { if (!isExist || EDIT.equals(saveOrEdit)) { Exam exam = commonService.findExamById(examSubject.getExam().getExamId()); examSubject.setExam(exam); String[] allSubjectIds = selectedSubjects.split(COMMA); String[] optionalSubjectIds = request.getParameterValues(OPTIONAL_SUBJECTS); if (AkuraConstant.EMPTY_STRING.equals(examDescription.trim())) { for (String strSubjectId : allSubjectIds) { handleSaveExamSubject(examSubject, optionalSubjectIds, strSubjectId, model, request); } } else { List<ExamSubject> selectedSubjectsList = commonService .findSubjectsByExam(examDescription); if (!selectedSubjectsList.isEmpty()) { // Already assign primary key of the subject for selected exam. String[] oldAllSubjectIds = new String[selectedSubjectsList.size()]; String[] oldOptionalSubjectIds = new String[selectedSubjectsList.size()]; int i = 0; for (ExamSubject oldGradeSubject : selectedSubjectsList) { oldAllSubjectIds[i] = oldGradeSubject.getSubject().getSubjectId() + String.valueOf(EMPTY); if (oldGradeSubject.getOptionalSubject()) { oldOptionalSubjectIds[i] = oldGradeSubject.getSubject().getSubjectId() + String.valueOf(EMPTY); } i++; } // Add additionally added exam subjects manageAddMoreExamSubjects(examSubject, allSubjectIds, optionalSubjectIds, oldAllSubjectIds, model, request); // Remove previously added exam subjects manageRemoveAddedExamSubjects(examDescription, allSubjectIds, oldAllSubjectIds); updateMainSubjectAsOptional(examDescription, optionalSubjectIds, oldOptionalSubjectIds); updateOptionalSubjectAsMain(examDescription, optionalSubjectIds, oldOptionalSubjectIds); } } } } } catch (AkuraAppException e) { if (e.getCause() instanceof DataIntegrityViolationException) { checkExistsExamSubject(model); selectedObj = commonService.findExamSubject(examSubject.getExamSubjectId()); model.addAttribute(MODEL_ATT_SELECTED_OBJECT, selectedObj); model.addAttribute(MODEL_ATT_SELECTED_EXAM_ID, examSubject.getExam().getExamId()); model.addAttribute(SELECTED_DESCRIPTION, examDescription); request.setAttribute(ALL_SUBJECT_IDS, (String[]) request.getParameter(ALL_SUBJECT_IDS).split(COMMA)); request.setAttribute(ALL_SUBJECT_NAMES, (String[]) request.getParameter(ALL_SUBJECT_NAMES).split(COMMA)); request.setAttribute(OPTIONAL_SUDJECT_IDS, (String[]) request.getParameter(OPTIONAL_SUDJECT_IDS).split(COMMA)); resultView = VIEW_GET_MANAGE_EXAM_SUBJECT; } else { throw e; } } } } return resultView; } /** * Updates original subject for a given exam subject. * * @param examDescription - the description of exam * @param optionalSubjectIds - a list containing the primary keys of original subjects for a given exam. * @param oldOptionalSubjectIds - the old list containing the primary keys of original subjects for a * given exam. * @throws AkuraAppException - The exception details that occurred when processing. */ private void updateOptionalSubjectAsMain(final String examDescription, final String[] optionalSubjectIds, final String[] oldOptionalSubjectIds) throws AkuraAppException { List<?> toBeRemoveOptionalSubjects = new ArrayList(); if (optionalSubjectIds != null) { toBeRemoveOptionalSubjects = ListUtils.subtract(Arrays.asList(oldOptionalSubjectIds), Arrays.asList(optionalSubjectIds)); } else if (oldOptionalSubjectIds != null) { toBeRemoveOptionalSubjects = Arrays.asList(oldOptionalSubjectIds); } if (!toBeRemoveOptionalSubjects.isEmpty()) { for (Object strSubjectId : toBeRemoveOptionalSubjects) { boolean isOptionalSubject = false; if (strSubjectId != null) { handleUpdateExamSubject(examDescription, strSubjectId, isOptionalSubject); } } } } /** * Updates optional subject for a given exam subject. * * @param examDescription - the description of exam * @param optionalSubjectIds - a list containing the primary keys of optional subjects for a given exam. * @param oldOptionalSubjectIds - the old list containing the primary keys of original subjects for a * given exam. * @throws AkuraAppException - The exception details that occurred when processing. */ private void updateMainSubjectAsOptional(String examDescription, String[] optionalSubjectIds, String[] oldOptionalSubjectIds) throws AkuraAppException { if (optionalSubjectIds != null) { List<?> toBeAddOptionalSubjects = ListUtils.subtract(Arrays.asList(optionalSubjectIds), Arrays.asList(oldOptionalSubjectIds)); if (!toBeAddOptionalSubjects.isEmpty()) { for (Object strSubjectId : toBeAddOptionalSubjects) { boolean isOptionalSubject = true; if (strSubjectId != null) { handleUpdateExamSubject(examDescription, strSubjectId, isOptionalSubject); } } } } } /** * Handle update exam subject. * * @param examDescription - the description of selected exam. * @param strSubjectId - the selected primary key of subject for exam. * @param isOptionalSubject - the subject optional status. * @throws AkuraAppException - The exception details that occurred when processing. */ private void handleUpdateExamSubject(final String examDescription, final Object strSubjectId, final boolean isOptionalSubject) throws AkuraAppException { int subjectId = Integer.parseInt(strSubjectId + String.valueOf(EMPTY)); Subject optionalSubject = commonService.findSubject(subjectId); List<ExamSubject> updateExamSubjectList = commonService.findExamSubjectByDes(examDescription, optionalSubject.getDescription()); ExamSubject updateExamSubject = updateExamSubjectList.get(0); boolean isExist = commonService.isExistExamMarks(updateExamSubject.getExamSubjectId()); if (!isExist) { if (updateExamSubjectList.size() > 0) { updateExamSubject.setOptionalSubject(isOptionalSubject); commonService.updateExamSubject(updateExamSubject); } } } /** * Manage remove added exam subjects. * * @param examDescription - the exam description * @param allSubjectIds - the all subject keys * @param oldAllSubjectIds - the old all subject keys * @throws AkuraAppException - The exception details that occurred when processing. */ private void manageRemoveAddedExamSubjects(String examDescription, String[] allSubjectIds, String[] oldAllSubjectIds) throws AkuraAppException { List<?> toBeRemoved = ListUtils.subtract(Arrays.asList(oldAllSubjectIds), Arrays.asList(allSubjectIds)); if (!toBeRemoved.isEmpty()) { for (Object strSubjectId : toBeRemoved) { int subjectId = Integer.parseInt(strSubjectId + String.valueOf(EMPTY)); Subject subject = commonService.findSubject(subjectId); List<ExamSubject> deleteExamSubject = commonService.findExamSubjectByDes(examDescription, subject.getDescription()); commonService.deleteExamSubjectList(deleteExamSubject); } } } /** * Manage add more exam subjects. * * @param examSubject - an instance of ExamSubject. * @param allSubjectIds - an list of primary keys of subjects for a given examSubject. * @param optionalSubjectIds - an list of primary keys of optional subjects for a given examSubject * @param oldAllSubjectIds - an list of primary keys of old subjects for a given examSubject * @param model - a hash map containing the exam subject related data. * @param request - an instance of HttpServletRequest * @throws AkuraAppException - The exception details that occurred when processing. */ private void manageAddMoreExamSubjects(final ExamSubject examSubject, String[] allSubjectIds, String[] optionalSubjectIds, String[] oldAllSubjectIds, ModelMap model, final HttpServletRequest request) throws AkuraAppException { List<?> toBeAdded = ListUtils.subtract(Arrays.asList(allSubjectIds), Arrays.asList(oldAllSubjectIds)); if (!toBeAdded.isEmpty()) { for (Object strSubjectId : toBeAdded) { handleSaveExamSubject(examSubject, optionalSubjectIds, strSubjectId + String.valueOf(EMPTY), model, request); } } } /** * Saves examSubject objects if not already exists. * * @param examSubject - an object of examSubject. * @param optionalSubjectIds - a list of primary keys of optional subjects. * @param strSubjectId - the primary key of the subject. * @param model - a hash map containing the exam subject related data. * @param request - an instance of HttpServletRequest. * @throws AkuraAppException - The exception details that occurred when processing. */ private void handleSaveExamSubject(final ExamSubject examSubject, String[] optionalSubjectIds, final String strSubjectId, final ModelMap model, HttpServletRequest request) throws AkuraAppException { boolean isOptionalSubject = false; if (optionalSubjectIds != null && Arrays.asList(optionalSubjectIds).contains(strSubjectId)) { isOptionalSubject = true; } examSubject.setOptionalSubject(isOptionalSubject); int subjectId = Integer.parseInt(strSubjectId); Subject subject = commonService.findSubject(subjectId); examSubject.setSubject(subject); commonService.addExamSubject(examSubject); } /** * Checks if there are exists exam-subjects. * * @param model - a HashMap that contains information of the examSubject. */ private void checkExistsExamSubject(final ModelMap model) { String message = new ErrorMsgLoader().getErrorMessage(ERROR_MESSAGE_EXAM_SUBJECT_EXIST); ExamSubject newExamSubject = new ExamSubject(); model.addAttribute(MODEL_ATT_EXAM_SUBJECT, newExamSubject); model.addAttribute(VAR_MESSAGE, message); } /** * Deletes the relevant examSubject object. * * @param request - an instance of request scope * @param model - a HashMap that contains information of the examSubject * @return - name of the view which is redirected to * @throws AkuraAppException - The exception details that occurred when deleting a examSubject instance. */ @RequestMapping(REQ_MAP_DELETE_EXAM_SUBJECT) public String deleteExamSubject(HttpServletRequest request, ModelMap model) throws AkuraAppException { String redirectURL = VIEW_POST_MANAGE_EXAM_SUBJECT; try { Exam exam = commonService.getExamByExamName(String.valueOf(request.getParameter(EXAM_DESCRIPTION))); List<ExamSubject> examSubjectIdList = commonService.getExamSubjectIdListByExam(exam.getExamId()); commonService.deleteExamSubjectList(examSubjectIdList); } catch (AkuraAppException e) { if (e.getCause() instanceof DataIntegrityViolationException) { String message = new ErrorMsgLoader().getErrorMessage(ERROR_MESSAGE_SUBJECT_EXAM_DELETE); ExamSubject newExamSubject = new ExamSubject(); model.addAttribute(MODEL_ATT_EXAM_SUBJECT, newExamSubject); model.addAttribute(VAR_MESSAGE, message); redirectURL = VIEW_GET_MANAGE_EXAM_SUBJECT; } else { throw e; } } return redirectURL; } }