Java tutorial
/** * villemos solutions [space^] ( * Probe. Send. Act. Emergent solution. * Copyright 2011 Gert Villemos * All Rights Reserved. * * Released under the Apache license, version 2.0 (do what ever * you want, just dont claim ownership). * * NOTICE: All information contained herein is, and remains * the property of villemos solutions, and its suppliers * if any. The intellectual and technical concepts contained * herein are proprietary to villemos solutions * and its suppliers and may be covered by European and Foreign Patents, * patents in process, and are protected by trade secret or copyright law. * * Dissemination of this information or reproduction of this material * is strictly forbidden unless prior written permission is obtained * from villemos solutions. * * And it wouldn't be nice either. * */ package com.villemos.ispace.ktree; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.TreeMap; import org.apache.camel.CamelContext; import org.apache.camel.Endpoint; import org.apache.camel.Exchange; import org.apache.camel.impl.DefaultExchange; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.http.HttpResponse; import org.apache.http.client.ClientProtocolException; import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpGet; import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpUriRequest; import com.thoughtworks.xstream.XStream; import com.villemos.ispace.httpcrawler.HttpAccessor; import com.villemos.ispace.httpcrawler.HttpClientConfigurer; import com.villemos.ispace.httpcrawler.HttpCrawlerConsumer; import com.villemos.ispace.ktree.folder.Folder; import com.villemos.ispace.ktree.folder.Item; import com.villemos.ispace.ktree.folder.Items; import com.villemos.ispace.ktree.folder.Result; import com.villemos.ispace.ktree.metadata.MetadataField; import com.villemos.ispace.ktree.metadata.MetadataItem; import com.villemos.ispace.ktree.session.Session; /** * Specialized crawler for crawling the ktree website. * * The crawler will access a initial folder, thereafter iterate through all found folders * collecting folder and document information as it goes. * * The end result is a Map, containing a set of lists describing the found data. * */ public class KtreeAccessor extends HttpAccessor { private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(KtreeAccessor.class); /** Collection of folders crawled / to be crawled. Will dynamically change as the * crawler runs. */ protected Map<String, String> uncrawledFolders = new HashMap<String, String>(); protected List<String> crawledFolders = new ArrayList<String>(); /** The data to be forwarded in the route. The documents is a list of all * documents found. The components is a list of all folders found ending with * 'Components'. Releases is a list of all folers found ending with 'Release [ID]'. */ protected List<Item> documents = new ArrayList<Item>(); protected List<Folder> folders = new ArrayList<Folder>(); /** Statistics*/ protected long entriesProcessed = 0; //protected KtreeCrawlerEndpoint endpoint = null; protected XStream xstream = new XStream(); { xstream.processAnnotations(Session.class); xstream.processAnnotations(Folder.class); xstream.processAnnotations(Result.class); xstream.processAnnotations(Items.class); xstream.processAnnotations(Item.class); xstream.processAnnotations(MetadataField.class); xstream.processAnnotations(MetadataItem.class); } protected Session session = null; protected String baseRestUrl = ""; protected CamelContext camelContext = null; public class StringComperatorIgnoreCase implements Comparator<String> { public int compare(String o1, String o2) { return o1.compareToIgnoreCase(o2); } } public KtreeAccessor(Endpoint endpoint, Object object, CamelContext camelContext) { super(endpoint); this.camelContext = camelContext; } public KtreeAccessor(Endpoint endpoint, HttpCrawlerConsumer consumer) { super(endpoint, consumer); } public void doPoll() throws Exception { sendStatusMessage("Starting crawl of Ktree."); /** Initialize. */ if (((KtreeCrawlerEndpoint) endpoint).isAppendMode() == false) {"Append mode DISABLED. Clearing previous crawled data."); uncrawledFolders = new HashMap<String, String>(); crawledFolders = new ArrayList<String>(); documents = new ArrayList<Item>(); entriesProcessed = 0; } else {"Append mode ENABLED. Will add new data to results of previous crawl."); } this.poll(); sendStatusMessage("Crawl of Ktree completed."); } /** Setup the initial login form request. This method is called by * the main method in the iSpace http crawler, to create the form * login. The framework will thereafter call 'processSite'. * * The authentication is managed by the iSpace framework. * */ @Override protected HttpUriRequest createInitialRequest(URI uri) { baseRestUrl = uri + "/ktwebservice/KTWebService.php?"; sendStatusMessage("Accessing Ktree site '" + uri + "'."); return new HttpGet(baseRestUrl + "method=login&password=" + ((KtreeCrawlerEndpoint) endpoint).getPassword() + "&username=" + ((KtreeCrawlerEndpoint) endpoint).getUser()); } /** Method called by the iSpace httpcrawler when the initial request has * been performed and succeeded. The page corresponds to the first * page AFTER the login. */ @Override protected void processSite(URI uri, HttpResponse response) throws IOException { /** read the complete page. */ String page = HttpClientConfigurer.readFully(response.getEntity().getContent()); /** Iteratively crawl the site. */ processPage(page); } protected KtreeCrawlerEndpoint getKtreeEndpoint() { return ((KtreeCrawlerEndpoint) getEndpoint()); } public Map<String, List> getResults() { TreeMap<String, List> results = new TreeMap<String, List>(new StringComperatorIgnoreCase()); if (getKtreeEndpoint().isDocuments()) { results.put(getKtreeEndpoint().getDocumentTabName(), documents); } if (getKtreeEndpoint().isFolders()) { results.put(getKtreeEndpoint().getFolderTabName(), folders); } return results; } /** * Method to iteratively crawl the ktree site. * * The method will first go to the root folder, then in a loop * collect and process all founds subfolders (URLs). * * @param firstPage */ protected void processPage(String firstPage) { /** Get the session ID. */ session = new Session(); xstream.fromXML(firstPage, session); /** Entry is the dashboard. Get the relevant folder. */ try { /** Add root folders to the list of uncrawled folders. */ for (String folder : getKtreeEndpoint().getInitialFolders()) {"Querying root folder '" + folder + "' for processing."); uncrawledFolders.put(folder, "/"); } /** Iteratively process all URLs */ while (uncrawledFolders.size() > 0 && (documents.size() < getKtreeEndpoint().getMaxNumberOfDocuments() || getKtreeEndpoint().getMaxNumberOfDocuments() == -1)) { Iterator<Entry<String, String>> it = uncrawledFolders.entrySet().iterator(); Entry<String, String> entry =; String folderId = entry.getKey(); String path = entry.getValue(); it.remove(); LOG.debug("Processing folder '" + folderId + "' with path '" + path + "'."); /** Register this URL as crawled. We do this before we crawl, as no matter whether we succeed or not in * the crawl of the page, we should not crawl the page again. */ crawledFolders.add(folderId); processFolder(folderId, path); sendStatusMessage("Folders crawled: " + crawledFolders.size() + ", Folders pending: " + uncrawledFolders.size() + ", Found documents: " + processed);"Folders crawled: " + crawledFolders.size() + ", Folders pending: " + uncrawledFolders.size() + ", Processed documents: " + processed + ". Processing folder ID '" + folderId + "'."); entriesProcessed++; }"Crawled '" + crawledFolders.size() + "' folders."); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * Process the page of a folder. * * @param url * @param path * @throws ClientProtocolException * @throws IOException */ public void processFolder(String folderId, String path) throws ClientProtocolException, IOException { /** Get the page. */ HttpGet get = new HttpGet(baseRestUrl + "method=get_folder_contents&session_id=" + session.results + "&folder_id=" + folderId); HttpResponse response = client.execute(get); String page = HttpClientConfigurer.readFully(response.getEntity().getContent()); /** Detect URLs */ detectUrls(folderId, page, path); } protected void detectUrls(String url, String page, String path) { /** Read the folder. */ Folder folder = new Folder(); try { xstream.fromXML(page.replaceAll("&", "&"), folder); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } folders.add(folder); String ignorePattern = getKtreeEndpoint().getIgnorePattern(); /** Iterate through the items and find all folders. */ if (folder.results != null && folder.results.items != null && folder.results.items.items != null) { for (Item item : folder.results.items.items) { if (folder.results.full_path.equals("/")) { item.absoluteFilename = folder.results.full_path + item.filename; } else { item.absoluteFilename = "/" + folder.results.full_path + "/" + item.filename; } /** If this is a folder... */ if (item.item_type.equals("F")) { /** Check if we should ignore the folder. */ if (ignorePattern != null) { if (item.absoluteFilename.matches(ignorePattern) == true) {"Ignoring folder '" + item.absoluteFilename); continue; } } if (crawledFolders.contains( == false) { uncrawledFolders.put(, item.absoluteFilename + "/"); LOG.debug("Querying detected subfolder '" + + "' in path '" + item.absoluteFilename + "' for processing."); } else { LOG.warn("Duplicate folder ID '" + path + "/" + + "'."); } } else if (getKtreeEndpoint().isDocuments() == true) { /** Get the metadata for this entry. */ MetadataItem metadata = new MetadataItem(); try { HttpGet get = new HttpGet(baseRestUrl + "method=get_document_metadata&session_id=" + session.results + "&document_id=" +; HttpResponse response = client.execute(get); String page2 = HttpClientConfigurer.readFully(response.getEntity().getContent()); /** TODO Do this properly. XStream cant handle the usage of 'item' two * places in the response XML schema. Therefore we have to manually extract one. */ int startIndex = page2.indexOf("<fields>"); int endIndex = page2.indexOf("</fields>"); if (startIndex != -1) { String substring = "<response>" + page2.substring(startIndex, endIndex + 9) + "</response>"; xstream.fromXML(substring.replaceAll("&", "&"), metadata); } else { LOG.warn("Failed to retrieve metadata for document '" + + "'."); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } /** Set additional item information. */ item.inPath = folder.results.full_path; item.inParentFolderId = folder.results.folder_id; item.inParentFolder = folder.results.folder_name; /** Set the metadata. */ item.metadata = new HashMap<String, Object>(); for (MetadataField field : metadata.fields) { item.metadata.put(, field.value); } /** Add the document item to the documents found. */ documents.add(item); sendStatusMessage("Added document '" + item.absoluteFilename + "'.");"Added document '" + item.absoluteFilename + "'."); processed++; } } } } protected void sendStatusMessage(String message) { if (camelContext != null && ((KtreeCrawlerEndpoint) endpoint).isSendStatus() == true) { Exchange exchange = new DefaultExchange(camelContext); exchange.getIn().setBody(message); camelContext.createProducerTemplate().send("direct:status", exchange); } } }