Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2010 Viettel Telecom. All rights reserved. * VIETTEL PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms. */ package com.viettel.vsaadmin.database.DAOHibernate; import com.viettel.common.util.Constants; import com.viettel.common.util.LogUtil; import com.viettel.common.util.StringUtils; //import com.viettel.hqmc.FORM.RegisterForm; import com.viettel.voffice.database.DAO.GridResult; import com.viettel.voffice.database.DAOHibernate.GenericDAOHibernate; import com.viettel.vsaadmin.client.form.DepartmentForm; import com.viettel.vsaadmin.database.BO.Department; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.hibernate.Query; import org.hibernate.criterion.Criterion; import org.hibernate.criterion.Restrictions; import com.viettel.vsaadmin.database.BO.DeptType; import com.viettel.vsaadmin.database.BO.VDepartment; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import net.sf.json.JSONArray; import net.sf.json.JSONObject; /** * DepartmentDAOHibernate * * @author * @since Apr 6, 2011 * @version 1.0 */ public class DepartmentDAOHE extends GenericDAOHibernate<Department, Long> { /** * log tool. */ private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(DepartmentDAOHE.class); private static volatile HashMap<Long, List> lstFactory = new HashMap(); public static void removeCache() { if (lstFactory == null) { return; } lstFactory.clear(); } /** * . */ private final int maxResult = 10; /** * . */ private final int batchSize = 1000; private List keyList = new ArrayList(); private List valueList = new ArrayList(); public List getKeyList() { return keyList; } public void setKeyList(List keyList) { this.keyList = keyList; } public List getValueList() { return valueList; } public void setValueList(List valueList) { this.valueList = valueList; } public DepartmentDAOHE() { super(Department.class); } private Department headerDept = new Department(); public String convertToJSONArray(List<DepartmentForm> array) { JSONArray jsonArray = new JSONArray(); String id = "deptId"; String searchAttr1 = "deptName"; String searchAttr2 = "deptCode"; try { for (DepartmentForm o : array) { Class cls = o.getClass(); String getMethodName; Method getMethod; JSONObject jsonObj = new JSONObject(); getMethodName = "get" + UpcaseFirst(id); getMethod = cls.getMethod(getMethodName); String idValue = getMethod.invoke(o).toString(); jsonObj.put("id", idValue); getMethodName = "get" + UpcaseFirst(searchAttr1); getMethod = cls.getMethod(getMethodName); String search1 = getMethod.invoke(o).toString(); jsonObj.put("search1", search1); getMethodName = "get" + UpcaseFirst(searchAttr2); getMethod = cls.getMethod(getMethodName); if (getMethod.invoke(o) != null) { String search2 = getMethod.invoke(o).toString(); jsonObj.put("search2", search2); } jsonArray.add(jsonObj); } } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 // System.out.print(e.getMessage()); } return jsonArray.toString(); } /** * * @return */ public Department getHeaderDeptSelect() { headerDept = new Department(); headerDept.setDeptId(Constants.COMBOBOX_HEADER_VALUE); headerDept.setDeptName(Constants.COMBOBOX_HEADER_TEXT_SELECT); return headerDept; } /** * * @return */ public Department getHeaderDeptSearch() { headerDept = new Department(); headerDept.setDeptId(Constants.COMBOBOX_HEADER_VALUE); headerDept.setDeptName(Constants.COMBOBOX_HEADER_TEXT); return headerDept; } /** * find all user * * @param firstResult firstResult * @param maxResult maxResult * @return list<Users> */ public Boolean checkNameExisted(String officerNumber) { keyList.add("deptName"); valueList.add(officerNumber); return this.checkEntityExistedForInsert("deptName", officerNumber); } /** * find all user * * @param firstResult firstResult * @param maxResult maxResult * @return list<Users> */ public Boolean checkCodeExisted(String officerNumber) { keyList.add("deptCode"); valueList.add(officerNumber); return this.checkEntityExistedForInsert("deptCode", officerNumber); } /** * tao moi bo * * @param departmentForm * @param bo * @param isUpdate * @return * @throws Exception */ public Department createBO(DepartmentForm departmentForm, Department bo, Boolean isUpdate) throws Exception { Department temp = bo; try { temp.setAddress(departmentForm.getAddress()); temp.setDeptCode(departmentForm.getDeptCode()); temp.setContactName(departmentForm.getContactName()); temp.setContactTitle(departmentForm.getContactTitle()); if (!isUpdate.booleanValue()) { temp.setCreateDate(getSysdate()); } temp.setDeptName(departmentForm.getDeptName()); temp.setDescription(departmentForm.getDescription()); temp.setEmail(departmentForm.getEmail()); temp.setFax(departmentForm.getFax()); temp.setTel(departmentForm.getTel()); temp.setTelephone(departmentForm.getTelephone()); temp.setTin(departmentForm.getTin()); temp.setProvinceId(departmentForm.getProvinceId()); temp.setProvinceName(departmentForm.getProvinceName()); if ((departmentForm.getStatus() != null) && (!"".equals(departmentForm.getStatus())) && (!"ALL".equals(departmentForm.getStatus()))) { temp.setStatus(new Long(departmentForm.getStatus())); } if ((departmentForm.getDeptTypeId() != null) && (!"".equals(departmentForm.getDeptTypeId()))) { temp.setDeptTypeId(new Long(departmentForm.getDeptTypeId())); } if ((departmentForm.getParentId() != null) && (!"".equals(departmentForm.getParentId())) && (!departmentForm.getParentId().equals(departmentForm.getDeptId()))) { temp.setParentId(new Long(departmentForm.getParentId())); } else if (isUpdate.booleanValue()) { temp.setParentId(null); } } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 throw ex; } return temp; } /** * find all * * @param firstResult firstResult * @param maxResult maxResult * @return list<Users> */ public List<Department> findAll(int firstResult, int maxResult) { return this.findByCriteria(firstResult, maxResult); } /** * check ton tai trong db * * @param deptCode * @return */ public Boolean checkDeptExisted(String deptCode) { keyList.add("deptCode"); valueList.add(deptCode); return this.isExistIDInDb(keyList, valueList); } /** * check ton tai trong db cho truong hop update * * @param deptCode * @param deptId * @return */ public Boolean checkDeptExistedForUpdate(String deptCode, Long deptId) { return this.checkEntityExistedForUpdate("deptId", "deptCode", deptCode, deptId); } /** * check ton tai trong db cho truong hop update * * @param deptCode * @param deptId * @return */ public Boolean checkDeptNameExistedForUpdate(String name, Long deptId) { return this.checkEntityExistedForUpdate("deptId", "deptName", name, deptId); } /** * tim kiem * * @param departmentForm * @return List<Department> */ public GridResult searchGrid(DepartmentForm departmentForm, int start, int count) { List listParam = new ArrayList(); GridResult result = new GridResult(); try { String countHQL = "select count(a) "; String searchHQL = "Select a "; String hql = " from Department a where 1=1 "; if ((departmentForm.getAddress() != null) && (!"".equals(departmentForm.getAddress()))) { hql = hql + " and lower(address) like ?"; listParam.add("%" + departmentForm.getAddress().toLowerCase() + "%"); } if ((departmentForm.getDeptCode() != null) && (!"".equals(departmentForm.getDeptCode()))) { hql = hql + " and lower(code) like ?"; listParam.add("%" + departmentForm.getDeptCode().toLowerCase() + "%"); } if ((departmentForm.getDeptName() != null) && (!"".equals(departmentForm.getDeptName()))) { hql = hql + " and lower(deptName) like ?"; listParam.add("%" + departmentForm.getDeptName().toLowerCase() + "%"); } if ((departmentForm.getStatus() != null) && (!"".equals(departmentForm.getStatus())) && (!"ALL".equals(departmentForm.getStatus()))) { hql = hql + " and status = ?"; listParam.add(new Long(departmentForm.getStatus())); } if ((departmentForm.getTelephone() != null) && (!"".equals(departmentForm.getTelephone()))) { hql = hql + " and lower(telephone) like ?"; listParam.add("%" + departmentForm.getTelephone().toLowerCase() + "%"); } if ((departmentForm.getDeptTypeId() != null) && (!"".equals(departmentForm.getDeptTypeId()))) { Long type = new Long(departmentForm.getDeptTypeId()); if (type.longValue() != 0L) { hql = hql + " and deptTypeId = ?"; listParam.add(type); } } searchHQL = searchHQL + hql; countHQL = countHQL + hql; Query searchQuery = getSession().createQuery(searchHQL); Query countQuery = getSession().createQuery(countHQL); for (int i = 0; i < listParam.size(); i++) { searchQuery.setParameter(i, listParam.get(i)); countQuery.setParameter(i, listParam.get(i)); } Long total = (Long) countQuery.uniqueResult(); searchQuery.setFirstResult(start); searchQuery.setMaxResults(count); List lst = searchQuery.list(); result = new GridResult(total, lst); } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 // log.error(ex.getMessage()); } return result; } public GridResult searchGrid(Long deptId, int start, int count) { List listParam = new ArrayList(); GridResult result = new GridResult(); try { String countHQL = "select count(a) "; String searchHQL = "Select a "; String hql = " from Department a where a.parentId = ? and a.status = 1 " + " order by nlssort(lower(a.deptName),'nls_sort = Vietnamese') "; listParam.add(deptId); searchHQL = searchHQL + hql; countHQL = countHQL + hql; Query searchQuery = getSession().createQuery(searchHQL); Query countQuery = getSession().createQuery(countHQL); for (int i = 0; i < listParam.size(); i++) { searchQuery.setParameter(i, listParam.get(i)); countQuery.setParameter(i, listParam.get(i)); } Long total = (Long) countQuery.uniqueResult(); searchQuery.setFirstResult(start); searchQuery.setMaxResults(count); List lst = searchQuery.list(); result = new GridResult(total, lst); } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 // log.error(ex.getMessage()); } return result; } public List<DepartmentForm> search(DepartmentForm departmentForm) { List listParam = new ArrayList(); List<Department> lst = null; List<DepartmentForm> result = new ArrayList<DepartmentForm>(); try { String searchHQL = "Select a "; String hql = " from Department a where 1=1 "; if ((departmentForm.getAddress() != null) && (!"".equals(departmentForm.getAddress()))) { hql = hql + " and lower(address) like ?"; listParam.add("%" + departmentForm.getAddress().toLowerCase() + "%"); } if ((departmentForm.getDeptCode() != null) && (!"".equals(departmentForm.getDeptCode()))) { hql = hql + " and lower(code) like ?"; listParam.add("%" + departmentForm.getDeptCode().toLowerCase() + "%"); } if ((departmentForm.getDeptName() != null) && (!"".equals(departmentForm.getDeptName()))) { hql = hql + " and lower(deptName) like ?"; listParam.add("%" + departmentForm.getDeptName().toLowerCase() + "%"); } if ((departmentForm.getStatus() != null) && (!"".equals(departmentForm.getStatus())) && (!"ALL".equals(departmentForm.getStatus()))) { hql = hql + " and status = ?"; listParam.add(new Long(departmentForm.getStatus())); } if ((departmentForm.getTelephone() != null) && (!"".equals(departmentForm.getTelephone()))) { hql = hql + " and lower(telephone) like ?"; listParam.add("%" + departmentForm.getTelephone().toLowerCase() + "%"); } if ((departmentForm.getDeptTypeId() != null) && (!"".equals(departmentForm.getDeptTypeId()))) { Long type = new Long(departmentForm.getDeptTypeId()); if (type.longValue() != 0L) { hql = hql + " and deptTypeId = ?"; listParam.add(type); } } hql = hql + " order by nlssort(lower(deptName),'nls_sort = Vietnamese') "; searchHQL = searchHQL + hql; Query searchQuery = getSession().createQuery(searchHQL); for (int i = 0; i < listParam.size(); i++) { searchQuery.setParameter(i, listParam.get(i)); } lst = searchQuery.list(); //escapeHTML if (lst != null && lst.size() > 0) { for (Department dept : lst) { DepartmentForm deptForm = new DepartmentForm(dept); result.add(deptForm); } } for (int i = 0; i < result.size(); i++) { for (int j = 0; j < result.size(); j++) { if (i != j && result.get(j).getDeptName() != null && result.get(j).getDeptName().equals(result.get(i).getDeptName())) { if (result.get(j).getParentId() != null) { String deptName = getNameWithParentName(result.get(j).getDeptId()); result.get(j).setDeptName(deptName); } } } } // if (result != null && result.size() > 0) { // for (int i = 0; i < result.size(); i++) { // String deptName = result.get(i).getDeptName(); // deptName = StringUtils.escapeHtml(deptName); // if (deptName.length() > 300) { // deptName = deptName.substring(0, 299); // } // result.get(i).setDeptName(deptName); // } // } } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 return null; } return result; } public List<DepartmentForm> searchDeptByIds(String ids) { String[] idLst = ids.split(";"); List<Long> idLstLong = new ArrayList<Long>(); for (int i = 0; i < idLst.length; i++) { if (idLst[i] != null && !"".equals(idLst[i])) { idLstLong.add(Long.valueOf(idLst[i])); } } String hql = "select d from Department d where d.deptId in (:deptListId)"; Query query = getSession().createQuery(hql); query.setParameterList("deptListId", idLstLong); List<Department> lst; List<DepartmentForm> result = new ArrayList<DepartmentForm>(); lst = query.list(); //escapeHTML if (lst != null && lst.size() > 0) { for (Department dept : lst) { DepartmentForm deptForm = new DepartmentForm(dept); result.add(deptForm); } } return result; } // tim kiem don vi con cua don vi public List<DepartmentForm> search(Long deptId) { List listParam = new ArrayList(); List<Department> lst = null; List<DepartmentForm> result = new ArrayList<DepartmentForm>(); try { String searchHQL = "Select a "; String hql = " from Department a where a.parentId = ?" // + " order by a.deptTypeId, nlssort(lower(ltrim(a.deptName)),'nls_sort = Vietnamese') "; + " order by nlssort(lower(ltrim(a.deptName)),'nls_sort = Vietnamese') "; listParam.add(deptId); searchHQL = searchHQL + hql; Query searchQuery = getSession().createQuery(searchHQL); for (int i = 0; i < listParam.size(); i++) { searchQuery.setParameter(i, listParam.get(i)); } //escapeHTML lst = searchQuery.list(); if (lst != null && lst.size() > 0) { for (Department dept : lst) { DepartmentForm deptForm = new DepartmentForm(dept); result.add(deptForm); } } // for (int i = 0; i < result.size(); i++) { // for (int j = 0; j < result.size(); j++) { // if (i != j && result.get(j).getDeptName() != null // && result.get(j).getDeptName().equals(result.get(i).getDeptName())) { // if (result.get(j).getParentId() != null) { // String deptName = getNameWithParentName(result.get(j).getDeptId()); // result.get(j).setDeptName(deptName); // } // } // } // } if (result != null && result.size() > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < result.size(); i++) { String deptName = result.get(i).getDeptName(); deptName = StringUtils.escapeHtml(deptName); if (deptName.length() > 300) { deptName = deptName.substring(0, 299); } result.get(i).setDeptName(deptName); } } } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 // log.error(ex.getMessage()); return null; } return result; } // tim kiem don vi con cua don vi public List<DepartmentForm> searchCATTP(Long deptId) { List listParam = new ArrayList(); List<Department> lst = null; List<DepartmentForm> result = new ArrayList<DepartmentForm>(); try { String searchHQL = "Select a "; String hql = " from Department a where (a.parentId = ? and a.deptTypeId not in (Select dt.deptTypeId from DeptType dt where lower(dt.description) like ?)) " + "or (a.parentId in (select c.deptId from Department c where c.deptTypeId in (Select dt.deptTypeId from DeptType dt where lower(dt.description) like ?) and c.parentId = ?))" + " order by nlssort(lower(ltrim(a.deptName)),'nls_sort = Vietnamese')"; listParam.add(deptId); listParam.add("%virtual%"); listParam.add("%virtual%"); listParam.add(deptId); searchHQL = searchHQL + hql; Query searchQuery = getSession().createQuery(searchHQL); for (int i = 0; i < listParam.size(); i++) { searchQuery.setParameter(i, listParam.get(i)); } // lst = searchQuery.list(); //escapeHTML lst = searchQuery.list(); if (lst != null && lst.size() > 0) { for (Department dept : lst) { DepartmentForm deptForm = new DepartmentForm(dept); result.add(deptForm); } } // if (result != null && result.size() > 0) { // for (int i = 0; i < result.size(); i++) { // String deptName = result.get(i).getDeptName(); // deptName = StringUtils.escapeHtml(deptName); // if (deptName.length() > 300) { // deptName = deptName.substring(0, 299); // } // result.get(i).setDeptName(deptName); // } // } } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 // log.error(ex.getMessage()); return null; } return result; } /** * * @return */ public List<Department> getParentDeptForTree(Boolean isCheckStatus) { Criterion[] criterion = new Criterion[3]; criterion[0] = Restrictions.isNull("parentId"); if (isCheckStatus) { criterion[1] = Restrictions.eq("status", 1L); } else { criterion[1] = Restrictions.isNotNull("deptId"); } criterion[2] = Restrictions .sqlRestriction(" 1 = 1 order by nlssort(lower({alias}.DEPT_NAME),'nls_sort = Vietnamese') "); return this.findByCriteria(0, -1, criterion); } /** * * @return */ public List<Department> getParentDeptForTree(List<Long> listDeptId, String... type) { Criterion[] criterion = new Criterion[4]; criterion[0] = Restrictions.isNull("parentId"); criterion[1] ="deptId", listDeptId); criterion[2] = Restrictions.eq("status", (short) 1); criterion[3] = Restrictions .sqlRestriction(" 1 = 1 order by nlssort(lower({alias}.DEPT_NAME),'nls_sort = Vietnamese') "); return this.findByCriteria(0, -1, criterion); } public List<Department> getAllFalculty() { String[] deptCodes = { "K" }; List<Long> listDeptTypeId = getDeptTypeIds(deptCodes); Criterion[] criterion = new Criterion[2]; criterion[0] ="deptTypeId", listDeptTypeId); criterion[1] = Restrictions.eq("status", (short) 1); return this.findByCriteria(0, -1, criterion); } public List<Department> getAllSubjectOfFalculty(long parentId) { String[] deptCodes = { "B", "K" }; List<Long> listDeptTypeId = getDeptTypeIds(deptCodes); Criterion[] criterion = new Criterion[3]; criterion[0] = Restrictions.eq("parentId", parentId); criterion[1] ="deptTypeId", listDeptTypeId); criterion[2] = Restrictions.eq("status", (short) 1); return this.findByCriteria(0, -1, criterion); } /** * * @return */ public List<Department> getDeptListByParentId(Long parentId, Boolean isCheckStatus) { Criterion[] criterion = new Criterion[3]; criterion[0] = Restrictions.eq("parentId", parentId); if (isCheckStatus) { criterion[1] = Restrictions.eq("status", 1L); } else { criterion[1] = Restrictions.isNotNull("deptId"); } // criterion[1] =, entityId); //criteria.addOrder(Order.asc("name")); criterion[2] = Restrictions .sqlRestriction(" 1 = 1 order by nlssort(lower({alias}.DEPT_NAME),'nls_sort = Vietnamese') "); return this.findByCriteria(0, -1, criterion); } /** * public List<Department> getDeptListByParentId(Long parentId, Long * deptTypeId, Boolean isCheckStatus) { * * DeptType deptType = findDeptTypeBOByDeptTypeId(deptTypeId); String hql = * "select d from Department d where d.status = 1 and d.parentId =" + * parentId; if (deptType != null && "B".equals(deptType.getCode())) { * String searchHql = "select d from DeptType d where d.code ='K'"; Query * searchKQuery = getSession().createQuery(searchHql); List lstDeptType = * searchKQuery.list(); if (lstDeptType == null || lstDeptType.size() == 0) * { hql += "and true = false"; } else { DeptType fType = (DeptType) * lstDeptType.get(0); searchHql = "select v.path from VDepartment v where * v.deptTypeId = " + fType.getDeptTypeId(); Query searchQuery = * getSession().createQuery(searchHql); List lstPath = searchQuery.list(); * String path = ""; if (lstPath != null && lstPath.size() > 0) { for (int i * = 0; i < lstPath.size(); i++) { String deptPath = (String) * lstPath.get(i); path += deptPath; } } path = path.replace('/', ','); path * = path.replace(",,", ","); if (!path.equals("")) { path = "(" + path + * ")"; path = path.replace("(,", "("); path = path.replace(",)", ")"); hql * += " and d.deptId in " + path; } else { hql += " and true = false"; } } } * else { } Query query = getSession().createQuery(hql); List lstResult = * query.list(); return lstResult; // criterion[1] = *, entityId); } * */ /** * cho treepicker * * @param parentId * @param isCheckStatus * @param deptTypeId * @return */ /* * public List<Department> getDeptListByParentId(Long parentId, Long * deptTypeId) { Criterion[] criterion = new Criterion[3]; criterion[0] = * Restrictions.eq("parentId", parentId); criterion[1] = * Restrictions.eq("status", (short) 1); DeptType deptType = * findDeptTypeBOByDeptTypeId(deptTypeId); if (deptType != null) { String * code = deptType.getCode(); if ("B".equals(code)) { criterion[2] = * Restrictions.eq("deptTypeId", * findDeptTypeBOByDeptTypeCode("K").getDeptTypeId()); } else { criterion[2] * = Restrictions.isNotNull("deptId"); } } return this.findByCriteria(0, -1, * criterion); } */ /** * tree picker * * @return */ /* * public List<Department> getParentDeptForTree(Long deptTypeId) { DeptType * deptType = findDeptTypeBOByDeptTypeId(deptTypeId); String hql = "select d * from Department d where d.status = 1 and d.parentId is null "; List * lstResult = null; if (deptType != null && "B".equals(deptType.getCode())) * { String searchHql = "select d from DeptType d where d.code ='K'"; Query * searchKQuery = getSession().createQuery(searchHql); List lstDeptType = * searchKQuery.list(); if (lstDeptType == null || lstDeptType.size() == 0) * { hql += "and true = false"; } else { searchHql = "select v.path from * VDepartment v where v.deptTypeId = " + deptType.getDeptTypeId(); Query * searchQuery = getSession().createQuery(searchHql); List lstPath = * searchQuery.list(); String path = ""; if (lstPath != null && * lstPath.size() > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < lstPath.size(); i++) { String * deptPath = (String) lstPath.get(i); path += deptPath; } } path = * path.replace('/', ','); path = path.replace(",,", ","); if * (!path.equals("")) { path = "(" + path + ")"; path = path.replace("(,", * "("); path = path.replace(",)", ")"); hql += " and d.deptId in " + path; * } else { hql += " and true = false"; } } } Query query = * getSession().createQuery(hql); lstResult = query.list(); return * lstResult; } */ /** * * @return */ public List<Department> getDeptListByParentId(Long parentId, List<Long> listDeptId, List<Long> deptTypeIds) { StringBuilder strBuilder = new StringBuilder(); strBuilder.append(" SELECT d FROM Department d"); strBuilder.append(" WHERE d.status =:ACTIVE"); if (parentId != null) { strBuilder.append(" AND d.parentId =:parentId"); } else { strBuilder.append(" AND d.parentId IS NULL"); } if (listDeptId != null && listDeptId.size() > 0) { strBuilder.append(" AND d.deptId IN (:deptIds)"); } if (deptTypeIds != null && deptTypeIds.size() > 0) { strBuilder.append(" AND d.deptTypeId IN (:deptTypeIds)"); } strBuilder.append(" order by nlssort(lower(d.deptName),'nls_sort = Vietnamese')"); Query query = getSession().createQuery(strBuilder.toString()); query.setParameter("ACTIVE", Constants.Status.ACTIVE); if (parentId != null) { query.setParameter("parentId", parentId); } if (listDeptId != null && listDeptId.size() > 0) { query.setParameterList("deptIds", listDeptId); } if (deptTypeIds != null && deptTypeIds.size() > 0) { query.setParameterList("deptTypeIds", deptTypeIds); } // criterion[1] =, entityId); return query.list(); } /** * linhdx Lay ra danh sach he de chon co them tat ca * * @return */ public List<Department> findFullListDepartment() { Query query = getSession().createQuery("select a from Department a , DeptType b " + "where a.deptTypeId = b.deptTypeId and lower(b.code) like 'h' " + " order nlssort(lower(a.deptName),'nls_sort = Vietnamese')"); List<Department> lstDepartment = query.list(); Department a = new Department(); a.setDeptId(Constants.COMBOBOX_HEADER_VALUE); a.setDeptName(Constants.COMBOBOX_HEADER_TEXT); List<Department> lstDepartment2 = new ArrayList(); lstDepartment2.add(a); lstDepartment2.addAll(lstDepartment); return lstDepartment2; } /** * linhdx Lay ra danh sach he de chon co them tat ca * * @return */ public List<Department> findListDepartment() { Query query = getSession().createQuery("select a from Department a , DeptType b " + " where a.deptTypeId = b.deptTypeId and lower(b.code) like 'h'"); List<Department> lstDepartment = query.list(); return lstDepartment; } /** * linhdx Lay ra danh sach khoa de chon co them tat ca * * @return */ public List<Department> findFullListFaculty() { Query query = getSession().createQuery("select a from Department a , DeptType b " + "where a.deptTypeId = b.deptTypeId and lower(b.code) like 'k'"); List<Department> lstDepartment = query.list(); Department a = new Department(); a.setDeptId(Constants.COMBOBOX_HEADER_VALUE); a.setDeptName(Constants.COMBOBOX_HEADER_TEXT); List<Department> lstDepartment2 = new ArrayList(); lstDepartment2.add(a); lstDepartment2.addAll(lstDepartment); return lstDepartment2; } /** * linhdx Lay ra danh sach khoa de chon co them tat ca * * @return List<Department> */ public List<Department> findListFaculty() { Query query = getSession().createQuery("select a from Department a , DeptType b " + "where a.deptTypeId = b.deptTypeId and lower(b.code) like 'k'"); List<Department> lstDepartment = query.list(); return lstDepartment; } /** * Lay ra danh sach bo mon theo khoa * * @param facultyId * @return List<Long> */ public List<Department> findListMajorByFacultyId(Long facultyId) { Query query = getSession() .createQuery("select a from Department a , DeptType b " + "where a.deptTypeId = b.deptTypeId and lower(b.code) like 'b' and a.parentId =? ") .setParameter(0, facultyId); List<Department> lstDepartment = query.list(); return lstDepartment; } /** * trungnq Lay ra danh sach khoa de chon co them tat ca * * @return List<Department> */ public List<Department> findListMajor() { Query query = getSession().createQuery("select a from Department a , DeptType b " + "where a.deptTypeId = b.deptTypeId and lower(b.code) like 'b'"); List<Department> lstDepartment = query.list(); return lstDepartment; } /** * Lay ra danh sach bo mon theo khoa * * @param facultyId * @return List<Long> */ public List<Long> findListMajorIdByFaculty(Long facultyId) { Query query = getSession() .createQuery("select a.deptId from Department a , DeptType b " + "where a.deptTypeId = b.deptTypeId and lower(b.code) like 'b' and a.parentId =? ") .setParameter(0, facultyId); List<Long> lstDepartment = query.list(); return lstDepartment; } /** * Get all child id by parent id * * @param parentId parentId * @return List<Long> */ public List<Long> getListDeptIdByParentId(Long parentId) { StringBuilder strBuilder = new StringBuilder(); strBuilder.append(" SELECT d.deptId"); strBuilder.append(" FROM Department d"); if (parentId != null && parentId > 0) { strBuilder.append(" WHERE d.parentId =:parentId "); } else { strBuilder.append(" WHERE d.parentId IS NULL "); } Query query = getSession().createQuery(strBuilder.toString()); if (parentId != null && parentId > 0) { query.setParameter("parentId", parentId); } return query.list(); } /** * Get all child id and sub child by parent id * * @param parentId parentId * @return List<Long> */ public List<Department> getAllChildIdByParentId(Long parentId) { try { StringBuilder strBuilder = new StringBuilder(); List<Department> lst; strBuilder.append(" SELECT d FROM Department d"); if (parentId != null && parentId > 0) { strBuilder.append(" WHERE d.status = :status and d.parentId =:parentId "); } else { strBuilder.append(" WHERE d.status = :status and d.parentId IS NULL "); } strBuilder.append(" order by nlssort(lower(d.deptName),'nls_sort = Vietnamese') "); Query query = getSession().createQuery(strBuilder.toString()); query.setParameter("status", Constants.Status.ACTIVE); if (parentId != null && parentId > 0) { query.setParameter("parentId", parentId); } lst = query.list(); if (lst != null && !lst.isEmpty()) { return lst; } else { return new ArrayList<Department>(); } } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 // System.out.print(e.getMessage()); return new ArrayList<Department>(); } } public Department findByName(String name) { // Build sql List listParam = new ArrayList(); String sqlBuilder = "SELECT p FROM Department p WHERE p.status = 1 and lower(p.deptName) like ? escape'!'"; listParam.add("%" + convertToLikeString(name) + "%"); Query query = session.createQuery(sqlBuilder); for (int i = 0; i < listParam.size(); i++) { query.setParameter(i, listParam.get(i)); } List<Department> lsObject = query.list(); Department returnObject = null; if (lsObject != null && lsObject.size() > 0) { returnObject = lsObject.get(0); // // Kiem tra xem co cai nao giong het khong // for (int i = 0; i < lsObject.size(); i++) { if (name.toLowerCase().equals(lsObject.get(i).getDeptName())) { returnObject = lsObject.get(i); break; } } } return returnObject; } public Department findBOById(Long deptId) { // Build sql //11/11/2014 viethd //String sqlBuilder = "SELECT p FROM Department p WHERE p.status = 1 and p.deptId = '" + deptId + "'"; String sqlBuilder = "SELECT p FROM Department p WHERE p.status = 1 and p.deptId =:deptId"; Query query = session.createQuery(sqlBuilder); query.setParameter("deptId", deptId); List<Department> lsObject = query.list(); if (lsObject != null && lsObject.size() > 0) { return lsObject.get(0); } return null; } public Department findOfAllDept(Long deptId) { // Build sql // 11/11/2014 viethd //String sqlBuilder = "SELECT p FROM Department p WHERE p.deptId = '" + deptId + "'"; String sqlBuilder = "SELECT p FROM Department p WHERE p.deptId =:deptId"; Query query = session.createQuery(sqlBuilder); query.setParameter("deptId", deptId); List<Department> lsObject = query.list(); if (lsObject != null && lsObject.size() > 0) { return lsObject.get(0); } return null; } public Department getDeptByUserId(Long userId) { Department result = null; // 11/11/2014 viethd //String hql = "SELECT d From Department d where d.deptId in (select u.deptId From Users u where u.userId =" + userId + ") "; String hql = "SELECT d From Department d where d.deptId in (select u.deptId From Users u where u.userId =:userId) "; Query query = getSession().createQuery(hql); query.setParameter("userId", userId); List<Department> lstResult = query.list(); if (lstResult != null && lstResult.size() > 0) { result = lstResult.get(0); } return result; } public Department getDeptRepresentByUserId(Long userId) { Department result = null; //String hql = "SELECT d From Department d where d.deptId in (select u.deptRepresentId From Users u where u.userId =" + userId + ") "; String hql = "SELECT d From Department d where d.deptId in (select u.deptRepresentId From Users u where u.userId =:userId) "; Query query = getSession().createQuery(hql); query.setParameter("userId", userId); List<Department> lstResult = query.list(); if (lstResult != null && lstResult.size() > 0) { result = lstResult.get(0); } return result; } /** * * @param deptTypeId * @return */ public DeptType findDeptTypeBOByDeptTypeId(Long deptTypeId) { // Build sql String sqlBuilder = "SELECT p FROM DeptType p WHERE p.deptTypeId = ?"; Query query = session.createQuery(sqlBuilder); query.setParameter(0, deptTypeId); List<DeptType> lsObject = query.list(); if (lsObject != null && lsObject.size() > 0) { return lsObject.get(0); } return null; } /** * * @param deptTypeCode * @return */ public DeptType findDeptTypeBOByDeptTypeCode(String deptTypeCode) { // Build sql String sqlBuilder = "SELECT p FROM DeptType p WHERE p.code = ?"; Query query = session.createQuery(sqlBuilder); query.setParameter(0, deptTypeCode); List<DeptType> lsObject = query.list(); if (lsObject != null && lsObject.size() > 0) { return lsObject.get(0); } return null; } /** * Get all child id and sub child by parent id * * @param parentId parentId * @return List<Long> */ public List<Long> getAllParentIdByChildId(Long childId, Long... deptTypeIds) { List<Long> listAllParentId = new ArrayList<Long>(); Department entity = read(childId); Long parentId = entity.getParentId(); boolean hasCode = false; if (deptTypeIds != null && deptTypeIds.length > 0) { hasCode = true; } while (parentId != null && parentId > 0) { if (hasCode) { boolean valid = false; for (Long deptTypeId : deptTypeIds) { if (deptTypeId.equals(entity.getDeptTypeId())) { valid = true; break; } } if (valid) { listAllParentId.add(parentId); } } else { listAllParentId.add(parentId); } entity = read(parentId); parentId = entity.getParentId(); } return listAllParentId; } public List<Long> getDeptTypeIds(String... deptTypeCodes) { StringBuilder strBuilder = new StringBuilder(); strBuilder.append(" SELECT dt.deptTypeId"); strBuilder.append(" FROM DeptType dt"); if (deptTypeCodes != null && deptTypeCodes.length > 0) { strBuilder.append(" WHERE dt.code IN(:deptTypeCodes) "); } Query query = getSession().createQuery(strBuilder.toString()); if (deptTypeCodes != null && deptTypeCodes.length > 0) { query.setParameterList("deptTypeCodes", deptTypeCodes); } return (List<Long>) query.list(); } //HanPTT /** * Tim kiem tat ca Department * * @return List<Department> */ public List<Department> searchAllDepartment() { try { String sql = " from Department v where v.status = ? " + " order by nlssort(lower(v.deptName),'nls_sort = Vietnamese')"; Query q = getSession().createQuery(sql); q.setParameter(0, Constants.Status.ACTIVE); List<Department> result = q.list(); Department v = new Department(); v.setDeptId(Constants.COMBOBOX_HEADER_VALUE); v.setDeptName(Constants.COMBOBOX_HEADER_TEXT_SELECT); List<Department> lst = new ArrayList(); lst.add(v); lst.addAll(result); return lst; } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 // String msg = ex.getMessage(); return null; } } public List<DepartmentForm> searchAllDepartmentNotHeader() { try { List<DepartmentForm> deptList = new ArrayList<DepartmentForm>(); String sql = " from Department v where v.status = ? " + " order by nlssort(lower(v.deptName),'nls_sort = Vietnamese')"; Query q = getSession().createQuery(sql); q.setParameter(0, Constants.Status.ACTIVE); List<Department> result = q.list(); if (result.size() > 0) { for (Department deptBo : result) { DepartmentForm deptForm = new DepartmentForm(); boToForm(deptBo, deptForm); String deptName = getNameWithParentName(deptBo.getDeptId()); deptForm.setDeptName(deptName); deptList.add(deptForm); } } return deptList; } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 // String msg = ex.getMessage(); return null; } } public List<DepartmentForm> searchAllDepartmentNotHeader2() { try { List<DepartmentForm> deptList = new ArrayList<DepartmentForm>(); String sql = " Select d1.deptId , d1.deptName , d2.deptName " + " from Department d1, Department d2 " + " where d1.parentId = d2.deptId " + " and d1.status = 1 " + " order by nlssort(lower(d1.deptName),'nls_sort = Vietnamese')"; Query q = getSession().createQuery(sql); Iterator lstObject = q.list().iterator(); while (lstObject.hasNext()) { Object[] row = (Object[]); DepartmentForm form = new DepartmentForm(); Long id = (Long) row[0]; String deptName = (String) row[1]; String parentName = (String) row[2]; if (parentName != null && !"".equals(parentName)) { deptName = deptName + " - " + parentName; } form.setDeptId(id); form.setDeptName(deptName); deptList.add(form); } return deptList; } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 // String msg = ex.getMessage(); return null; } } public List<DepartmentForm> getPublishdeptOfCQ_BTP(Long parentId) { try { if (parentId != null && parentId != 0L) { List<DepartmentForm> deptList = new ArrayList<DepartmentForm>(); String sql = " Select d " + " from Department d" + " where d.status = 1 and (d.parentId = ? or d.deptId = ? or lower(d.deptName) like ? or lower(d.deptName) like ? or lower(d.deptName) like ? )" // + " order by d.deptTypeId, nlssort(d.deptName,'nls_sort = Vietnamese') "; -- sap xep theo loai truoc + " order by nlssort(d.deptName,'nls_sort = Vietnamese') "; Query q = getSession().createQuery(sql); q.setParameter(0, parentId); q.setParameter(1, parentId); q.setParameter(2, "%chi cc thads%"); q.setParameter(3, "%cc thi hnh n%"); q.setParameter(4, "%trung tm ng k giao dch, ti sn%"); List<Department> lstObject = q.list(); if (lstObject != null && lstObject.size() > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < lstObject.size(); i++) { DepartmentForm form = new DepartmentForm(lstObject.get(i)); deptList.add(form); } } return deptList; } } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 // String msg = ex.getMessage(); } return null; } public List<DepartmentForm> getPublishdeptOfCQ_BTP2(Long parentId) { // if (lstFactory == null) { // lstFactory = new HashMap(); // } if (lstFactory.containsKey(parentId)) { return lstFactory.get(parentId); } try { if (parentId != null && parentId != 0L) { List<DepartmentForm> deptList = new ArrayList<DepartmentForm>(); String sql = " Select d " + " from Department d" + " where d.status = 1 and d.parentId = ? " //(d.parentId = ? or d.deptId = ?) // + " order by d.deptTypeId, nlssort(d.deptName,'nls_sort = Vietnamese') "; -- sap xep theo loai truoc + " order by nlssort(d.deptName,'nls_sort = Vietnamese') "; Query q = getSession().createQuery(sql); q.setParameter(0, parentId); // q.setParameter(1, parentId); List<Department> lstObject = q.list(); if (lstObject != null && lstObject.size() > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < lstObject.size(); i++) { DepartmentForm form = new DepartmentForm(lstObject.get(i)); deptList.add(form); } } if (lstFactory.size() < 10) { lstFactory.put(parentId, deptList); } return deptList; } } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 // String msg = ex.getMessage(); } return null; } public List<DepartmentForm> getPublishdeptOfDV_BTP(Long parentId) { // if (lstFactory == null) { // lstFactory = new HashMap(); // } if (lstFactory.containsKey(parentId)) { return lstFactory.get(parentId); } try { if (parentId != null && parentId != 0L) { List<DepartmentForm> deptList = new ArrayList<DepartmentForm>(); String sql = " Select d " + " from Department d" + " where d.status = 1 and (" + " d.parentId = ? or d.deptId = ? " + " or ((lower(d.deptName) like ? or lower(d.deptName) like ? or lower(d.deptName) like ?) and d.deptId in (select v.deptId from VDepartment v where v.deptPath like ? )) )" // + " order by d.deptTypeId, nlssort(d.deptName,'nls_sort = Vietnamese') "; + " order by nlssort(d.deptName,'nls_sort = Vietnamese') "; Query q = getSession().createQuery(sql); q.setParameter(0, parentId); q.setParameter(1, parentId); q.setParameter(2, "%chi cc thads%"); q.setParameter(3, "%cc thi hnh n%"); q.setParameter(4, "%trung tm ng k giao dch, ti sn%"); q.setParameter(5, "%/" + parentId.toString() + "/%"); List<Department> lstObject = q.list(); if (lstObject != null && lstObject.size() > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < lstObject.size(); i++) { DepartmentForm form = new DepartmentForm(lstObject.get(i)); deptList.add(form); } } if (lstFactory.size() < 10) { lstFactory.put(parentId, deptList); } return deptList; } } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 // String msg = ex.getMessage(); } return null; } public List<DepartmentForm> boToFormWithParentName(Long parentId) { try { if (parentId != null && parentId != 0L) { VDepartmentDAOHE vdeptDaoHe = new VDepartmentDAOHE(); VDepartment vdept = vdeptDaoHe.getById("deptId", parentId); Long virtualDeptTypeId = getDeptTypeIdByDescription("virtual"); List<DepartmentForm> deptList = new ArrayList<DepartmentForm>(); String sql = " Select d1.deptId , d1.deptName , d2.deptName, d2.deptTypeId " + " from Department d1, Department d2 " + " where d1.status = 1 and d1.parentId = d2.deptId and d1.deptId in " + "(Select v.deptId from VDepartment v where v.deptPath like ? and v.deptLevel > ?) " + " and (d1.deptTypeId != ?) " + " order by nlssort(d1.deptName,'nls_sort = Vietnamese') "; Query q = getSession().createQuery(sql); q.setParameter(0, "%/" + parentId.toString() + "/%"); q.setParameter(1, vdept.getDeptLevel()); q.setParameter(2, virtualDeptTypeId); // q.setParameterList("lstDept", departmentList); Iterator lstObject = q.list().iterator(); while (lstObject.hasNext()) { Object[] row = (Object[]); DepartmentForm form = new DepartmentForm(); Long id = (Long) row[0]; String deptName = (String) row[1]; String parentName = (String) row[2]; Long parentDeptTypeId = (Long) row[3]; if (parentName != null && !"".equals(parentName) && parentDeptTypeId != null && !parentDeptTypeId.equals(virtualDeptTypeId)) { deptName = deptName + " - " + parentName; } form.setDeptId(id); form.setDeptName(deptName); deptList.add(form); } return deptList; } } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 // String msg = ex.getMessage(); } return null; } public List<DepartmentForm> boToFormNotParentName(Long parentId) { try { if (parentId != null && parentId != 0L) { VDepartmentDAOHE vdeptDaoHe = new VDepartmentDAOHE(); VDepartment vdept = vdeptDaoHe.getById("deptId", parentId); Long virtualDeptTypeId = getDeptTypeIdByDescription("virtual"); List<DepartmentForm> deptList = new ArrayList<DepartmentForm>(); String sql = " Select d1.deptId , d1.deptName from Department d1 " + " where d1.status = 1 and d1.deptId in " + "(Select v.deptId from VDepartment v where v.deptPath like ? and v.deptLevel >= ?) " + " and (d1.deptTypeId != ? ) " + " order by nlssort(lower(d1.deptName),'nls_sort = Vietnamese') "; Query q = getSession().createQuery(sql); q.setParameter(0, "%/" + parentId.toString() + "/%"); q.setParameter(1, vdept.getDeptLevel()); q.setParameter(2, virtualDeptTypeId); // q.setParameterList("lstDept", departmentList); Iterator lstObject = q.list().iterator(); while (lstObject.hasNext()) { Object[] row = (Object[]); DepartmentForm form = new DepartmentForm(); Long id = (Long) row[0]; String deptName = (String) row[1]; // String parentName = (String) row[2]; // if (parentName != null && !"".equals(parentName)) { // deptName = deptName + " - " + parentName; // } form.setDeptId(id); form.setDeptName(deptName); deptList.add(form); } return deptList; } } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 // String msg = ex.getMessage(); } return null; } public List<Department> searchAllChildOfBTP() { List<Department> deptList = new ArrayList<Department>(); try { String sql = "Select a from Department a where a.parentId = 52 and a.status = ? " //+ " order by a.deptTypeId, nlssort(lower(a.deptName),'nls_sort = Vietnamese') "; + " order by nlssort(lower(a.deptName),'nls_sort = Vietnamese') "; Query q = getSession().createQuery(sql); q.setParameter(0, Constants.Status.ACTIVE); deptList = q.list(); return deptList; } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 // String msg = ex.getMessage(); return deptList; } } //HanPTT /** * Tim kiem Department theo id * * @return Department */ public String getNameById(Long deptId) { Department department = new Department(); try { Query query = getSession().createQuery("Select a from Department a where a.status = ? and deptId=?"); query.setParameter(0, Constants.Status.ACTIVE); query.setParameter(1, deptId); department = (Department) query.uniqueResult(); if (department != null) { return department.getDeptName(); } } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 // log.error(ex.getMessage()); } return ""; } //SyTV /* * danh sach phong ban cua mot don vi */ public List<Department> findDeptChildren(Long deptId) { try { Query query = getSession().createQuery("SELECT de FROM Department de" + " WHERE de.status =1 " // + " AND (de.deptId IN (SELECT d.deptId FROM Department d, DeptType b " // + " WHERE d.deptTypeId=b.deptTypeId " // + " AND lower(b.typeName) like ? escape '!' AND d.parentId = ? )" + " AND de.parentId IN (SELECT d.deptId FROM Department d, DeptType b " + " WHERE d.deptTypeId=b.deptTypeId " + " AND lower(b.typeName) like ? escape '!' AND d.parentId = ? )" + " order by nlssort(lower(de.deptName),'nls_sort = Vietnamese') "); query.setParameter(0, convertToLikeString(Constants.DEPARTMENT.DEPT_TYPE_CODE_PHONG).toLowerCase()); query.setParameter(1, deptId); // query.setParameter(2, convertToLikeString(Constants.DEPARTMENT.DEPT_TYPE_CODE_PHONG).toLowerCase()); // query.setParameter(3, deptId); List<Department> lstDepartment = query.list(); return lstDepartment; } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 // log.error(ex.getMessage()); } return null; } public Department getDeptById(Long id) { Department ret = null; try { String hql = "select d from Department d where d.deptId = ?"; Query query = getSession().createQuery(hql); query.setParameter(0, id); List lst = query.list(); if (lst != null && lst.size() >= 1) { ret = (Department) lst.get(0); } } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 ret = null; } return ret; } public List<Department> findOffices(Department dept) { List<Department> lstDept = new ArrayList<Department>(); List<Department> lstChildDept; if (dept != null) { Department parentDept = this.getOriginalParent(dept.getDeptId()); lstDept.add(parentDept); lstChildDept = this.getAllChildOfOffice(parentDept.getDeptId()); if (lstChildDept != null && !lstChildDept.isEmpty()) { lstDept.addAll(lstChildDept); } } return lstDept; } public List<DepartmentForm> findOfficeForm(Department dept) { List<Department> lstDept = new ArrayList<Department>(); List<DepartmentForm> result = new ArrayList<DepartmentForm>(); List<Department> lstChildDept; if (dept != null) { Department parentDept = this.getOriginalParent(dept.getDeptId()); lstDept.add(parentDept); lstChildDept = this.getAllChildOfOffice(parentDept.getDeptId()); if (lstChildDept != null && !lstChildDept.isEmpty()) { lstDept.addAll(lstChildDept); } } if (lstDept != null && lstDept.size() > 0) { for (Department bo : lstDept) { DepartmentForm deptForm = new DepartmentForm(bo); deptForm.setDeptName(getNameWithParentName(deptForm.getDeptId())); result.add(deptForm); } } // // for (int i = 0; i < result.size(); i++) { // for (int j = 0; j < result.size(); j++) { // if (i!=j && result.get(j).getDeptName() != null // && result.get(j).getDeptName().equals(result.get(i).getDeptName())) { // if (result.get(j).getParentId() != null) { // String deptName = getNameWithParentName(result.get(j).getDeptId()); // result.get(j).setDeptName(deptName); // } // } // } // } return result; } /** * */ public List<Department> findDepartmentStore(Department dept) { List<Department> lstDept = new ArrayList<Department>(); List<Department> lstDeptLevel; if (dept != null && dept.getParentId() != null && dept.getParentId() != 0L) { Department parentDept = this.findById(dept.getParentId()); lstDept.add(parentDept); //get dept cung cap lstDeptLevel = this.getAllChildIdByParentId(dept.getParentId()); if (lstDeptLevel != null && !lstDeptLevel.isEmpty()) { lstDept.addAll(lstDeptLevel); } } else if (dept != null && dept.getParentId() == null) { lstDeptLevel = this.getAllChildIdByParentId(null); if (lstDeptLevel != null && !lstDeptLevel.isEmpty()) { lstDept.addAll(lstDeptLevel); } } return lstDept; } /* * Tk list dept cha + dep ngang cap + dep con cua 1 don vi * ko lay dept ngang cap nua (4/9/2012) */ public List<Department> findDepartment(Department dept) { List<Department> lstDeptLevel; List<Department> lstChildDept; /*if (dept != null && dept.getParentId() != null && dept.getParentId() != 0L) { Department parentDept = this.findById(dept.getParentId()); lstDept.add(parentDept); //get dept cung cap lstDeptLevel = this.getAllChildIdByParentId(dept.getParentId()); if (lstDeptLevel != null && !lstDeptLevel.isEmpty()) { lstDept.addAll(lstDeptLevel); } } else if (dept != null && dept.getParentId() == null) { lstDeptLevel = this.getAllChildIdByParentId(null); if (lstDeptLevel != null && !lstDeptLevel.isEmpty()) { lstDept.addAll(lstDeptLevel); } } lstChildDept = this.getAllChildIdByParentId(dept.getDeptId()); if (lstChildDept != null && !lstChildDept.isEmpty()) { lstDept.addAll(lstChildDept); } */ //Lay dept cha: if (dept != null) { Department parentDept = this.getOriginalParent(dept.getDeptId()); List<Department> lstDept = new ArrayList<Department>(); lstDept.add(parentDept); List<Department> listDept = this.getSingleTreeDept(parentDept.getDeptId(), dept.getDeptId()); lstDept.addAll(listDept); //Lay dept con lstChildDept = this.getAllChildIdByParentId(dept.getDeptId()); if (lstChildDept != null && !lstChildDept.isEmpty()) { lstDept.addAll(lstChildDept); } //get dept cung cap lstDeptLevel = this.getAllChildIdByParentId(dept.getParentId()); if (lstDeptLevel != null && !lstDeptLevel.isEmpty()) { lstDept.addAll(lstDeptLevel); } return lstDept; } return null; } public List<Department> findInsideDept(Department dept) { List<Department> lstDept = new ArrayList<Department>(); //Lay dept cha: if (dept != null) { // Department parentDept = this.getOriginalParent(dept.getDeptId()); // lstDept.add(parentDept); Long virtualDeptTypeId = getDeptTypeIdByDescription("virtual"); try { StringBuilder strBuilder = new StringBuilder(); // List<Department> lst = new ArrayList<Department>(); strBuilder.append(" SELECT d FROM Department d WHERE d.status = 1 "); if (dept.getDeptId() != null && dept.getDeptId() > 0) { strBuilder.append(" and ((d.parentId = :deptId and d.deptTypeId != :virtualDeptTypeId) " + "or (d.parentId in (select d2.deptId from Department d2 where d2.deptTypeId =:virtualDeptTypeId and d2.parentId = :deptId))"); if (dept.getParentId() != null && dept.getParentId() > 0) { strBuilder.append(" OR d.parentId =:parentId "); } else { strBuilder.append(" OR d.parentId IS NULL "); } } else { strBuilder.append(" and (d.parentId IS NULL "); } //Lay danh sch cc dept thuc cy n v d?c. (c trong deptPath) /* List<Long> deptLst = new ArrayList<Long>(); VDepartment vDepartment = (new VDepartmentDAOHE()).findById(dept.getDeptId(), false); if (vDepartment != null && vDepartment.getDeptPath() != null) { String[] pathStr = vDepartment.getDeptPath().split("/"); if (pathStr.length != 0) { for (String a : pathStr) { if (a != null && !"".equals(a)) { deptLst.add(Long.valueOf(a)); } } } } strBuilder.append(" OR (d.parentId =:parentId1 and d.deptId IN(:deptLst)) "); */ strBuilder.append(") "); strBuilder.append(" order by nlssort(lower(d.deptName),'nls_sort = Vietnamese') "); Query query = getSession().createQuery(strBuilder.toString()); if (dept.getDeptId() != null && dept.getDeptId() > 0) { query.setParameter("deptId", dept.getDeptId()); query.setParameter("virtualDeptTypeId", virtualDeptTypeId); if (dept.getParentId() != null && dept.getParentId() > 0) { query.setParameter("parentId", dept.getParentId()); } } // query.setParameter("parentId1", parentDept.getDeptId()); // query.setParameterList("deptLst", deptLst); List<Department> lstDepartment = query.list(); lstDept.addAll(lstDepartment); } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 // log.error(ex.getMessage()); } // //Lay dept con // lstChildDept = this.getAllChildIdByParentId(dept.getDeptId()); // if (lstChildDept != null && !lstChildDept.isEmpty()) { // lstDept.addAll(lstChildDept); // } //get dept cung cap // lstDeptLevel = this.getAllChildIdByParentId(dept.getParentId()); // if (lstDeptLevel != null && !lstDeptLevel.isEmpty()) { // lstDept.addAll(lstDeptLevel); // } } return lstDept; } //Get don vi gui VB noi bo (VB di), luon lay cac dvi con cua BTP public List<Department> findInsideDeptBTP(Department dept) { List<Department> lstDept = new ArrayList<Department>(); //Lay dept cha: if (dept != null) { try { StringBuilder strBuilder = new StringBuilder(); // List<Department> lst = new ArrayList<Department>(); strBuilder.append(" SELECT d FROM Department d WHERE d.status = 1 " + " and d.deptId in (select v.deptId from VDepartment v where v.deptLevel = 2 ) ");//Lay tca con cua BTP (fix) strBuilder.append(" order by nlssort(lower(d.deptName),'nls_sort = Vietnamese') "); Query query = getSession().createQuery(strBuilder.toString()); // if (dept.getDeptId() != null && dept.getDeptId() > 0) { // query.setParameter("deptId", dept.getDeptId()); // if (dept.getParentId() != null && dept.getParentId() > 0) { // query.setParameter("parentId", dept.getParentId()); // } // } // query.setParameter("parentId1", parentDept.getDeptId()); // query.setParameterList("deptLst", deptLst); List<Department> lstDepartment = query.list(); lstDept.addAll(lstDepartment); } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 // log.error(ex.getMessage()); } } return lstDept; } //Get don vi gui VB noi bo (VB di), luon lay cac dvi con cua BTP public GridResult findInsideDeptBTP(Department dept, int start, int count) { // List<Department> lstDept = new ArrayList<Department>(); GridResult gridResult = new GridResult(); //Lay dept cha: if (dept != null) { try { String countHQL = "select count(d) "; String searchHQL = "Select d "; // List<Department> lst = new ArrayList<Department>(); String appendSql = " FROM Department d WHERE d.status = 1 " + " and d.deptId in (select v.deptId from VDepartment v where v.deptLevel = 2 ) "//Lay tca con cua BTP (fix) + " order by nlssort(lower(d.deptName),'nls_sort = Vietnamese') "; Query countQuery = getSession().createQuery(countHQL + appendSql); Query query = getSession().createQuery(searchHQL + appendSql); Long total = (Long) countQuery.uniqueResult(); query.setFirstResult(start); query.setMaxResults(count); List<Department> lstDepartment = query.list(); gridResult = new GridResult(total, lstDepartment); } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 // log.error(ex.getMessage()); } } return gridResult; } // dept con va dept cung cap public List<Department> findOfficesCoordinate(Department dept) { List<Department> lstDept = new ArrayList<Department>(); List<Department> lstDeptLevel; List<Department> lstChildDept; if (dept != null && dept.getParentId() != null && dept.getParentId() != 0L) { //get dept cung cap lstDeptLevel = this.getAllChildIdByParentId(dept.getParentId()); if (lstDeptLevel != null && !lstDeptLevel.isEmpty()) { lstDept.addAll(lstDeptLevel); } } else if (dept != null && dept.getParentId() == null) { // lstDeptLevel = this.getAllChildIdByParentId(null); // if (lstDeptLevel != null && !lstDeptLevel.isEmpty()) { lstDept.add(dept); // } } lstChildDept = this.getAllChildIdByParentId(dept.getDeptId()); if (lstChildDept != null && !lstChildDept.isEmpty()) { lstDept.addAll(lstChildDept); } //Lay dept cha: if (dept != null) { Department parentDept = this.getOriginalParent(dept.getDeptId()); //lstDept.add(parentDept); List<Department> listDept = this.getSingleTreeDept(parentDept.getDeptId(), dept.getDeptId()); lstDept.addAll(listDept); //Lay dept con lstChildDept = this.getAllChildIdByParentId(dept.getDeptId()); if (lstChildDept != null && !lstChildDept.isEmpty()) { lstDept.addAll(lstChildDept); } } return lstDept; } public Department getOriginalParent(Long deptId) { Department dept = this.findBOById(deptId); if (dept != null && dept.getParentId() == null) { return dept; } else if (dept != null && dept.getParentId() != null) { return this.getOriginalParent(dept.getParentId()); } return null; } /* * Tim tca cac dept con cua 1 cay dvi n (n v cp d?c t cp cao nht n phng ban hin ti) */ public List<Department> getSingleTreeDept(Long parentId, Long deptId) { try { //Lay danh sch cc dept thuc cy n v d?c. (c trong deptPath) List<Long> deptLst = new ArrayList<Long>(); VDepartment vDepartment = (new VDepartmentDAOHE()).findById(deptId, false); if (vDepartment != null && vDepartment.getDeptPath() != null) { String[] pathStr = vDepartment.getDeptPath().split("/"); if (pathStr.length != 0) { for (String a : pathStr) { if (a != null && !"".equals(a)) { deptLst.add(Long.valueOf(a)); } } } } Query query = getSession().createQuery( " Select de FROM Department de where de.status =1 AND de.parentId =:parentId and de.deptId IN(:deptLst) " + " order by nlssort(lower(de.deptName),'nls_sort = Vietnamese') "); query.setParameter("parentId", parentId); query.setParameterList("deptLst", deptLst); List<Department> lstDepartment = query.list(); return lstDepartment; } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 // log.error(ex.getMessage()); } return null; } //Get list dept cua don vi cha public List<Department> getListDept(String deptId) { if (deptId != null && !"".equals(deptId)) { List<Department> deptLst = new ArrayList<Department>(); Query searchQuery = getSession().createQuery("Select v from VDepartment v where 1=1 "); List<VDepartment> vDeptList = searchQuery.list(); if (vDeptList != null && !vDeptList.isEmpty()) { for (int ind = 0; ind < vDeptList.size(); ind++) { String[] deptPathLst = vDeptList.get(ind).getDeptPath().split("/"); if (deptId.equals(deptPathLst[1])) { Department deptResult = getById("deptId", vDeptList.get(ind).getDeptId()); deptLst.add(deptResult); } } return deptLst; } } return null; } //Get list dept cua don vi cha (for tree) public List<Department> getListChildDeptAndParent(Long deptId) { if (deptId != null && deptId != 0L) { List<Department> deptLst = new ArrayList<Department>(); deptLst.add(getById("deptId", deptId)); List<Department> lstChildDept = this.getAllChildIdByParentId(deptId); if (lstChildDept != null && !lstChildDept.isEmpty()) { deptLst.addAll(lstChildDept); for (Department childDept : lstChildDept) { deptLst.addAll(this.getAllChildIdByParentId(childDept.getDeptId())); } } return deptLst; } return null; } //Get list dept cua don vi cha public List<Department> getListDept(Long deptId) { if (deptId != null && deptId != 0L) { List<Department> deptLst = new ArrayList<Department>(); Department a = new Department(); a.setDeptId(Constants.COMBOBOX_HEADER_VALUE); a.setDeptName(Constants.COMBOBOX_HEADER_TEXT); deptLst.add(a); deptLst.add(getById("deptId", deptId)); List<Department> lstChildDept = this.getAllChildIdByParentId(deptId); if (lstChildDept != null && !lstChildDept.isEmpty()) { deptLst.addAll(lstChildDept); for (Department childDept : lstChildDept) { deptLst.addAll(this.getAllChildIdByParentId(childDept.getDeptId())); } } return deptLst; } return null; } //Get tat ca con va chu cht cht cht cua don vi cha public List<Department> getAllChildOfParent(Long parentId) { VDepartmentDAOHE vdeptDaoHe = new VDepartmentDAOHE(); try { if (parentId != null && parentId != 0L) { List<Department> deptLst = new ArrayList<Department>(); // Department a = new Department(); // a.setDeptId(Constants.COMBOBOX_HEADER_VALUE); // a.setDeptName(Constants.COMBOBOX_HEADER_TEXT); // deptLst.add(a); VDepartment vdept = vdeptDaoHe.getById("deptId", parentId); Long virtualDeptTypeId = getDeptTypeIdByDescription("virtual"); Query searchQuery = getSession().createQuery( " Select d from Department d where d.status = 1 and d.deptId in (Select v.deptId from VDepartment v where deptPath like ? and deptLevel > ?) " + " and d.deptTypeId != ? " // + " order by d.deptTypeId, nlssort(lower(d.deptName),'nls_sort = Vietnamese') "); + " order by nlssort(lower(d.deptName),'nls_sort = Vietnamese') "); searchQuery.setParameter(0, "%/" + parentId.toString() + "/%"); searchQuery.setParameter(1, vdept.getDeptLevel()); searchQuery.setParameter(2, virtualDeptTypeId); List<Department> vDeptList = searchQuery.list(); if (vDeptList != null && !vDeptList.isEmpty()) { deptLst.addAll(vDeptList); } return deptLst; } } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 // System.out.print(ex.getMessage()); } return null; } public List<Long> getAllChildOfParent1(Long parentId) { VDepartmentDAOHE vdeptDaoHe = new VDepartmentDAOHE(); try { if (parentId != null && parentId != 0L) { Long virtualDeptTypeId = getDeptTypeIdByDescription("virtual"); VDepartment vdept = vdeptDaoHe.getById("deptId", parentId); Query searchQuery = getSession().createQuery( " Select d.deptId from Department d where d.status = 1 and d.deptId in (Select v.deptId from VDepartment v where deptPath like ? and deptLevel > ?) " + " and (d.deptTypeId != ?) " + " order by nlssort(lower(d.deptName),'nls_sort = Vietnamese') "); searchQuery.setParameter(0, "%/" + parentId.toString() + "/%"); searchQuery.setParameter(1, vdept.getDeptLevel()); searchQuery.setParameter(2, virtualDeptTypeId); List<Long> vDeptList = searchQuery.list(); if (vDeptList != null && !vDeptList.isEmpty()) { return vDeptList; } return new ArrayList<Long>(); } } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 // System.out.print(ex.getMessage()); } return null; } // Get don vi con public List<Department> getChildDept(Long deptId) { try { Query query = getSession().createQuery("SELECT de FROM Department de" + " WHERE de.status =1 " + " AND de.parentId = ?" + " order by nlssort(lower(de.deptName),'nls_sort = Vietnamese') "); query.setParameter(0, deptId); List<Department> lstDepartment = query.list(); return lstDepartment; } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 // log.error(ex.getMessage()); } return null; } /* * Tim tca cac don vi cha cua don vi */ public List<Department> getParentOfDept(Long deptId) { List<Department> lstDepartment = new ArrayList<Department>(); try { //Lay danh sch cc dept thuc cy n v d?c. (c trong deptPath) List<Long> deptLst = new ArrayList<Long>(); VDepartment vDepartment = (new VDepartmentDAOHE()).findById(deptId, false); if (vDepartment != null && vDepartment.getDeptPath() != null) { String[] pathStr = vDepartment.getDeptPath().split("/"); if (pathStr.length != 0) { for (String a : pathStr) { if (a != null && !"".equals(a)) { deptLst.add(Long.valueOf(a)); } } } } if (deptLst.size() > 0) { for (int i = deptLst.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { Department dept = findById(deptLst.get(i)); lstDepartment.add(dept); } } } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 // log.error(ex.getMessage()); } return lstDepartment; } // Lay danh sach tat ca cac don vi con chau cua mot don vi public List<Department> getAllChildOfOffice(Long deptId) { VDepartmentDAOHE vdeptDaoHe = new VDepartmentDAOHE(); if (deptId != null && deptId != 0L) { VDepartment vdept = vdeptDaoHe.getById("deptId", deptId); Query searchQuery = getSession().createQuery( "Select d from Department d where d.status = 1 and d.deptId in (Select v.deptId from VDepartment v where v.deptPath like ? and v.deptLevel >= ?) and d.deptId != ? " + " order by nlssort(lower(d.deptName),'nls_sort = Vietnamese') "); searchQuery.setParameter(0, "%/" + deptId.toString() + "/%"); searchQuery.setParameter(1, vdept.getDeptLevel()); searchQuery.setParameter(2, deptId); List<Department> vDeptList = searchQuery.list(); return vDeptList; } return null; } public List<Department> getAllChildrentDept(Long deptId) { try { Query query = getSession().createQuery("SELECT de FROM Department de" + " WHERE de.status =1 " + " AND de.parentId = ?" + " order by nlssort(lower(de.deptName),'nls_sort = Vietnamese') "); query.setParameter(0, deptId); List<Department> lstDepartment = query.list(); return lstDepartment; } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 // log.error(ex.getMessage()); } return null; } public List<Department> getChildrentOfDept(Long deptId) { try { Query query = getSession().createQuery("SELECT de FROM Department de" + " WHERE de.status =1 " + " AND (de.parentId = ? or de.deptId = ? )" + " order by nlssort(lower(de.deptName),'nls_sort = Vietnamese') "); query.setParameter(0, deptId); query.setParameter(1, deptId); List<Department> lstDepartment = query.list(); return lstDepartment; } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 // log.error(ex.getMessage()); } return null; } //Check 1 don vi co phai la co quan ko public boolean checkDeptCQ(Long deptId) { try { Query query = getSession().createQuery("select count(d) from Department d where d.deptId = ?" + "and d.deptTypeId in (select dt.deptTypeId from DeptType dt where dt.description like 'CQ') "); query.setParameter(0, deptId); Long count = (Long) query.list().get(0); if (count != 0L) { return true; } else { return false; } } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 // log.error(ex.getMessage()); return false; } } public boolean isDepartmentCQ(Long deptId) { try { String sql = " from Department d where d.deptId = ? and d.status = 1 and d.parentId is null" + " and d.deptTypeId in (select dt.deptTypeId from DeptType dt where dt.description like 'CQ') "; Query query = getSession().createQuery("select count(d) " + sql); query.setParameter(0, deptId); Long count = (Long) query.list().get(0); if (count != 0L) { return true; } else { return false; } } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 // log.error(ex.getMessage()); return false; } } //Check don vi la Tong cuc public boolean isDepartmentTC(Long deptId) { try { String sql = " from Department d where d.deptId = ? and d.status = 1 " + " and d.deptTypeId in (select dt.deptTypeId from DeptType dt where lower(dt.description) like 'tong cuc' or lower(typeName) like 'tng cc') "; Query query = getSession().createQuery("select count(d) " + sql); query.setParameter(0, deptId); Long count = (Long) query.list().get(0); if (count != 0L) { return true; } else { return false; } } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 // log.error(ex.getMessage()); return false; } } public DepartmentForm boToForm(Department dept, DepartmentForm form) { if (form == null) { form = new DepartmentForm(); } if (dept != null) { form.setDeptId(dept.getDeptId()); form.setTelephone(dept.getTelephone()); form.setDeptName(dept.getDeptName()); form.setAddress(dept.getAddress()); form.setDescription(dept.getDescription()); form.setDeptCode(dept.getDeptCode()); if (dept.getCreateDate() != null) { form.setCreateDate(dept.getCreateDate().toString()); } form.setTin(dept.getTin()); form.setEmail(dept.getEmail()); form.setContactName(dept.getContactName()); form.setFax(dept.getFax()); form.setTel(dept.getTel()); if (dept.getLocationId() != null) { form.setLocationId(dept.getLocationId().toString()); } form.setParentId(dept.getParentId()); form.setDeptTypeId(dept.getDeptTypeId()); } return form; } public String getNameWithParentName(Long deptId) { String name = ""; String parentName = ""; try { Department dept = findById(deptId); if (dept != null) { Long parentId = dept.getParentId(); if (parentId != null && parentId != -1L) { parentName = getNameById(parentId); } if (parentName != null && !"".equals(parentName)) { name = dept.getDeptName() + " - " + parentName; } else { name = dept.getDeptName(); } } } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 // log.error(e); return null; } return name; } public Long getDeptTypeIdByDescription(String description) { String sql = " from DeptType d where lower(ltrim(d.description)) = ? "; Query query = getSession().createQuery(sql); query.setParameter(0, description); Long id = 0L; List<DeptType> deptTypeList = query.list(); if (deptTypeList != null && !deptTypeList.isEmpty()) { id = deptTypeList.get(0).getDeptTypeId(); } return id; } //Tim don vi cha gan nhat ko phai la don vi ao public Department getParentDeptNotVirtual(Long parentId) { Long virtualDeptTypeId = getDeptTypeIdByDescription("virtual"); if (parentId != null) { Department deptParent = getById("deptId", parentId); if (deptParent != null && !virtualDeptTypeId.equals(deptParent.getDeptTypeId())) {//khac don vi ao return deptParent; } else if (deptParent != null && virtualDeptTypeId.equals(deptParent.getDeptTypeId())) { return getParentDeptNotVirtual(deptParent.getParentId()); } } return null; } // public boolean isExistDeptInDept(DepartmentForm form) { if (form == null) { return false; } List lstParam = new ArrayList(); String hql = "select count(d) from Department d where 1 = 1 "; if (form.getDeptId() != null && form.getDeptId() > 0) { hql += " and d.deptId <> ? and d.parentId = ? "; lstParam.add(form.getDeptId()); lstParam.add(form.getDeptId()); } Query query = getSession().createQuery(hql); for (int i = 0; i < lstParam.size(); i++) { query.setParameter(i, lstParam.get(i)); } Long count = Long.parseLong(query.uniqueResult().toString()); boolean bReturn = false; if (count >= 1l) { bReturn = true; } return bReturn; } public boolean isExistUsersInDept(DepartmentForm form) { if (form == null) { return false; } List lstParam = new ArrayList(); String hql = "select count(u) from Users u where 1 = 1 "; if (form.getDeptId() != null && form.getDeptId() > 0) { hql += " and u.deptId = ? "; lstParam.add(form.getDeptId()); } Query query = getSession().createQuery(hql); for (int i = 0; i < lstParam.size(); i++) { query.setParameter(i, lstParam.get(i)); } Long count = Long.parseLong(query.uniqueResult().toString()); boolean bReturn = false; if (count >= 1l) { bReturn = true; } return bReturn; } public Department findByDeptCode(String deptCode) { // Build sql String sqlBuilder = "SELECT p FROM Department p WHERE p.deptCode = ?"; Query query = session.createQuery(sqlBuilder); query.setParameter(0, deptCode); List<Department> lsObject = query.list(); if (lsObject != null && lsObject.size() > 0) { return lsObject.get(0); } return null; } public List<Department> getAllDept() { try { Query query = getSession().createQuery("SELECT de FROM Department de" + " WHERE de.status =1 " + " order by nlssort(lower(de.deptName)," + "'nls_sort = Vietnamese') "); List<Department> lstDepartment = query.list(); return lstDepartment; } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 // log.error(ex.getMessage()); } return null; } }