Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2011 Viettel Telecom. All rights reserved. * VIETTEL PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms. */ package com.viettel.vsaadmin.database.DAO; import com.viettel.common.util.Constants; import com.viettel.common.util.DateTimeUtils; import com.viettel.common.util.LogUtil; import com.viettel.common.util.StringUtils; import com.viettel.dojoTag.DojoJSON; import com.viettel.hqmc.BO.Business; import com.viettel.hqmc.BO.BusinessAlert; import com.viettel.hqmc.DAOHE.BusinessAlertDAOHE; import com.viettel.hqmc.DAOHE.BusinessDAOHE; import com.viettel.hqmc.FORM.BusinessForm; import com.viettel.voffice.database.BO.Category; import com.viettel.voffice.database.BO.VoAttachs; import com.viettel.voffice.database.DAO.BaseDAO; import com.viettel.voffice.database.DAO.GridResult; import com.viettel.voffice.database.DAOHibernate.CategoryDAOHE; import com.viettel.voffice.database.DAOHibernate.RolesDAOHE; import com.viettel.vsaadmin.ConstraintUtils; import com.viettel.vsaadmin.client.form.DepartmentForm; import com.viettel.vsaadmin.client.form.DepartmentGridForm; import com.viettel.vsaadmin.client.form.RoleGridForm; import com.viettel.vsaadmin.client.form.UserGridForm; import com.viettel.vsaadmin.client.form.UserRoleForm; import com.viettel.vsaadmin.client.form.UsersForm; import com.viettel.vsaadmin.common.util.PasswordService; import com.viettel.vsaadmin.database.BO.Department; import com.viettel.vsaadmin.database.BO.Position; import com.viettel.vsaadmin.database.BO.RoleUser; import com.viettel.vsaadmin.database.BO.RoleUserDept; import com.viettel.vsaadmin.database.BO.RoleUserPK; import com.viettel.vsaadmin.database.BO.Roles; import com.viettel.vsaadmin.database.BO.Users; import com.viettel.vsaadmin.database.DAOHibernate.DepartmentDAOHE; import com.viettel.vsaadmin.database.DAOHibernate.PositionDAOHE; import com.viettel.vsaadmin.database.DAOHibernate.UsersDAOHE; import; import; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import java.util.Random; import java.util.ResourceBundle; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession; import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFCell; import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFRow; import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFSheet; import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFWorkbook; import org.hibernate.Criteria; import org.hibernate.Query; import org.hibernate.Session; import org.hibernate.criterion.Restrictions; import org.hibernate.exception.ConstraintViolationException; import viettel.passport.client.UserToken; /** * * @author gpdn_havm2 */ public class UsersDAO extends BaseDAO { private UsersForm usersForm; private BusinessForm businessForm; private UsersForm userPasswordForm; private UsersForm resetPassForm; private UsersForm usersFormSearch; private UserRoleForm userRoleFormOnDialog; private UserGridForm listUserGridForm; private RoleGridForm unassignedRoleFormOnDialog; private RoleGridForm userRoleForm; private DepartmentForm departmentForm; private DepartmentGridForm userDeptFormOnDialog; private DepartmentGridForm userDeptForm; private String forwardPage = "prepare"; private String forwardPageUserOfDept = "prepareUserOfDept"; private String passwordPage = "passwordPage"; public DojoJSON json = new DojoJSON(); protected DojoJSON staffsList = new DojoJSON(); private List childrenData = new ArrayList(); private static Random random = new Random(); private UsersDAOHE usersDAOHE = new UsersDAOHE(); public static final Long USER_TYPE_STAFF = 1L; public static final Long USER_TYPE_STUDENT = 2L; private static final org.apache.log4j.Logger log = org.apache.log4j.Logger.getLogger(UsersDAO.class); /** * Vao trang quan ly user, khoi tao du lieu hien thi * * @return */ public String prepare() { try { // DocumentDirectionWS ws ; // ws = new DocumentDirectionWS_Service().getDocumentDirectionWSPort(); // ws.getDocumentDirection(15); // List lstDoc = ws.getDocumentDirection(getUserId()); // UserToken vsaUserToken = (UserToken) getRequest().getSession().getAttribute("userToken"); Long currentUserId = getUserId(); PositionDAOHE posDHE = new PositionDAOHE(); List<Position> lst = posDHE.findAllActive(); if (lst != null) { Position empty = new Position(-1L); empty.setPosName("--- Ch?n ---"); lst.add(0, empty); } BusinessDAOHE bdhe = new BusinessDAOHE(); List<Business> lstBusiness = bdhe.getAllBusiness(); if (lst != null) { Business empty = new Business(-1L); empty.setBusinessName("--- Ch?n ---"); lstBusiness.add(0, empty); } getRequest().setAttribute("currentUserId", currentUserId); getRequest().setAttribute("lstPosition", lst); getRequest().setAttribute("lstBusiness", lstBusiness); } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 // System.out.print(ex.getMessage()); } return this.forwardPage; } public String loadPasswordChange() { UserToken vsaUserToken = (UserToken) getRequest().getSession().getAttribute("userToken"); Long currentUserId = vsaUserToken.getUserID(); PositionDAOHE posDHE = new PositionDAOHE(); List<Position> lst = posDHE.findAllActive(); if (lst != null) { Position empty = new Position(-1L); empty.setPosName("--- Ch?n ---"); lst.add(0, empty); } getRequest().setAttribute("currentUserId", currentUserId); getRequest().setAttribute("lstPosition", lst); CategoryDAOHE cdhe = new CategoryDAOHE(); List lstProvince = cdhe.findAllCategory("PROVINCE"); List lstCategory = new ArrayList(); lstCategory.addAll(lstProvince); lstCategory.add(0, new Category(0l, "--- Ch?n ---")); getRequest().setAttribute("lstProvince", lstCategory); List lstBusinessType = cdhe.findAllCategory("BUSTYPE"); List lstCategory1 = new ArrayList(); lstCategory1.addAll(lstBusinessType); lstCategory1.add(0, new Category(0l, "--- Ch?n ---")); getRequest().setAttribute("lstBusinessType", lstCategory1); List result = new ArrayList(); Long userId = getUserId(); Users user = usersDAOHE.getById("userId", userId); result.add(user); userPasswordForm = new UsersForm(); if (user != null) { if (user.getBusinessId() != null && user.getBusinessId() > 0) { BusinessDAOHE busdaohe = new BusinessDAOHE(); Business bus = busdaohe.findById(user.getBusinessId()); if (bus != null) { result.add(bus); userPasswordForm.setBusinessForm(new BusinessForm(bus)); } } } userPasswordForm = usersDAOHE.boToForm(user, userPasswordForm); return passwordPage; } /** * Prepare trang quan ly nguoi dung cua don vi Vao trang quan ly user, khoi * tao du lieu hien thi */ public String prepareUserOfDept() { try { // UserToken vsaUserToken = (UserToken) getRequest().getSession().getAttribute("userToken"); Long currentUserId = getUserId(); PositionDAOHE posDHE = new PositionDAOHE(); List<Position> lst = posDHE.findAllActive(); if (lst != null) { Position empty = new Position(-1L); empty.setPosName("--- Ch?n ---"); lst.add(0, empty); } BusinessDAOHE bdhe = new BusinessDAOHE(); List<Business> lstBusiness = bdhe.getAllBusiness(); if (lst != null) { Business empty = new Business(-1L); empty.setBusinessName("--- Ch?n ---"); lstBusiness.add(0, empty); } getRequest().setAttribute("currentUserId", currentUserId); getRequest().setAttribute("lstPosition", lst); getRequest().setAttribute("lstBusiness", lstBusiness); } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 //ex.printStackTrace(); } return this.forwardPageUserOfDept; } /** * Khoi tao du lieu tim kiem * * @return */ public String onInit() { try { Session session = getSession(); Criteria cri = session.createCriteria(Users.class); cri.add("status", Long.valueOf(-1L))); List lst = cri.list(); this.jsonDataGrid.setItems(lst); } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 // log.error(ex.getMessage()); } return "gridData"; } /** * Tim kiem user * * @return */ public String onSearch() { try { getGridInfo(); String searchType = getRequest().getParameter("searchType"); Session session = getSession(); List listParam = new ArrayList(); String hql = " from Users a where 1 = 1 "; if (usersForm != null) { if ((this.usersForm.getFullName() != null) && (!"".equals(this.usersForm.getFullName()))) { hql = hql + " and lower(a.fullName) like ? ESCAPE '/' "; listParam.add(StringUtils.toLikeString(this.usersForm.getFullName())); } if ((this.usersForm.getStatus() != null) && (!"".equals(this.usersForm.getStatus())) && (!"ALL".equals(this.usersForm.getStatus()))) { hql = hql + " and a.status = ?"; listParam.add(new Long(this.usersForm.getStatus())); } if ((this.usersForm.getCellphone() != null) && (!"".equals(this.usersForm.getCellphone()))) { hql = hql + " and a.cellphone like ? ESCAPE '/' "; listParam.add(StringUtils.toLikeString(this.usersForm.getCellphone())); } if ((this.usersForm.getUserTypeId() != null) && (!"".equals(this.usersForm.getUserTypeId().toString())) && (this.usersForm.getUserTypeId() > 0)) { hql = hql + " and a.userTypeId = ?"; listParam.add(new Long(this.usersForm.getUserTypeId())); } if ((this.usersForm.getUserName() != null) && (!"".equals(this.usersForm.getUserName()))) { hql = hql + " and lower(a.userName) like ? ESCAPE '/' "; listParam.add(StringUtils.toLikeString(usersForm.getUserName())); } if (this.usersForm.getDeptId() != null) { hql = hql + " and a.deptId in (select v.deptId from VDepartment v where v.deptPath like ?) "; // listParam.add(new Long(this.usersForm.getDeptId())); listParam.add("%/" + this.usersForm.getDeptId() + "/%"); } if (this.usersForm.getUserType() != -1) { if (this.usersForm.getUserType() == 1) { hql = hql + " and a.businessId <> null and a.deptId = null"; } if (this.usersForm.getUserType() == 0) { hql = hql + " and a.businessId = null and a.deptId <> null "; } } } DepartmentDAOHE deptDaoHe = new DepartmentDAOHE(); if ("local".equals(searchType)) { if (getDepartmentId() != null) { Department dept = deptDaoHe.getOriginalParent(getDepartmentId()); hql = hql + " and (a.deptId in (select v.deptId from VDepartment v where v.deptPath like ?))"; listParam.add("%/" + dept.getDeptId() + "/%"); } } hql = hql + " order by nlssort(lower(a.userName),'nls_sort = Vietnamese')"; Query searchQuery = session.createQuery(hql); Query countQuery = session.createQuery("SELECT count(a) " + hql); for (int i = 0; i < listParam.size(); i++) { searchQuery.setParameter(i, listParam.get(i)); countQuery.setParameter(i, listParam.get(i)); } searchQuery.setFirstResult(start); searchQuery.setMaxResults(count); Long total = (Long) countQuery.uniqueResult(); List<Users> lst = (List<Users>) searchQuery.list(); List<UsersForm> lstForm = new ArrayList<UsersForm>(); for (int i = 0; i < lst.size(); i++) { Users u = lst.get(i); UsersForm form = new UsersForm(); lstForm.add(usersDAOHE.boToForm(u, form)); } this.jsonDataGrid.setItems(lstForm); this.jsonDataGrid.setNumRows(lst.size()); this.jsonDataGrid.setTotalRows(total.intValue()); } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 // System.out.print(ex.getMessage()); } return "gridData"; } /* * TK user cua dvi */ public String onSearchUserOfDept() { try { getGridInfo(); Session session = getSession(); // Long deptId = getDepartmentId(); List listParam = new ArrayList(); String hql = " from Users a where 1 = 1 "; if (usersForm != null) { if ((this.usersForm.getFullName() != null) && (!"".equals(this.usersForm.getFullName()))) { hql = hql + " and lower(a.fullName) like ? ESCAPE '/' "; listParam.add(StringUtils.toLikeString(this.usersForm.getFullName())); } if ((this.usersForm.getStatus() != null) && (!"".equals(this.usersForm.getStatus())) && (!"ALL".equals(this.usersForm.getStatus()))) { hql = hql + " and a.status = ?"; listParam.add(new Long(this.usersForm.getStatus())); } if ((this.usersForm.getCellphone() != null) && (!"".equals(this.usersForm.getCellphone()))) { hql = hql + " and a.cellphone like ? ESCAPE '/' "; listParam.add(StringUtils.toLikeString(this.usersForm.getCellphone())); } if ((this.usersForm.getUserTypeId() != null) && (!"".equals(this.usersForm.getUserTypeId().toString())) && (this.usersForm.getUserTypeId() > 0)) { hql = hql + " and a.userTypeId = ?"; listParam.add(new Long(this.usersForm.getUserTypeId())); } if ((this.usersForm.getUserName() != null) && (!"".equals(this.usersForm.getUserName()))) { hql = hql + " and lower(a.userName) like ? ESCAPE '/' "; listParam.add(StringUtils.toLikeString(usersForm.getUserName())); } if (this.usersForm.getDeptId() != null) { hql = hql + " and (a.deptId in (select v.deptId from VDepartment v where v.deptPath like ?))"; listParam.add("%/" + this.usersForm.getDeptId() + "/%"); } else { hql = hql + " and (a.deptId in (select v.deptId from VDepartment v where v.deptPath like ?))"; listParam.add("%/" + getDeptRepresentId() + "/%"); } } else { hql = hql + " and (a.deptId in (select v.deptId from VDepartment v where v.deptPath like ?))"; listParam.add("%/" + getDeptRepresentId() + "/%"); } hql = hql + " order by nlssort(lower(a.userName),'nls_sort = Vietnamese')"; // if (deptId != null) { // hql = hql + " and (a.deptId = ? or a.deptId in (select v.deptId from VDepartment v where v.deptPath like ?))"; // listParam.add(deptId); // listParam.add("%/" + deptId + "/%"); // } Query searchQuery = session.createQuery(hql); Query countQuery = session.createQuery("SELECT count(a) " + hql); for (int i = 0; i < listParam.size(); i++) { searchQuery.setParameter(i, listParam.get(i)); countQuery.setParameter(i, listParam.get(i)); } searchQuery.setFirstResult(start); searchQuery.setMaxResults(count); Long total = (Long) countQuery.uniqueResult(); List<Users> lst = (List<Users>) searchQuery.list(); List<UsersForm> lstForm = new ArrayList<UsersForm>(); for (Users u : lst) { UsersForm form = new UsersForm(); lstForm.add(usersDAOHE.boToForm(u, form)); } this.jsonDataGrid.setItems(lstForm); this.jsonDataGrid.setNumRows(lst.size()); this.jsonDataGrid.setTotalRows(total.intValue()); } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 // System.out.print(ex.getMessage()); } return "gridData"; } /** * Them moi mot user * * @return */ public String onInsert() { List msgError = new ArrayList(); try { Session session = getSession(); UsersDAOHE.removeCache(); Boolean userExisted = checkUserExisted(this.usersForm.getUserName(), Long.valueOf(0L)); if (!userExisted.booleanValue()) { Users bo = new Users(); Users temp = createBO(bo, Boolean.valueOf(false)); temp.setUserId(getSequence("USERS_SEQ"));; session.flush(); msgError.add("insertOk"); this.jsonDataGrid.setCustomInfo(msgError); List items = new ArrayList(); items.add(bo); jsonDataGrid.setItems(items); //LogUtil.createUser(session, getRequest(), user, temp.getUserName(), "CREATE_USER"); } else { msgError.add("insertErr"); this.jsonDataGrid.setCustomInfo(msgError); } } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 // log.error(ex.getMessage()); msgError.add("insertErr"); this.jsonDataGrid.setCustomInfo(msgError); return "gridData"; } return "gridData"; } /** * Tim userTypeId cua user * * @param userId * @return */ public Long getUserTypeId(Long userId) { String hql = "select u.userTypeId from Users u where u.userId = ?"; Query query = getSession().createQuery(hql); query.setParameter(0, userId); List lstResult = query.list(); if (lstResult == null || (lstResult != null && lstResult.isEmpty())) { return 0l; } else { return (Long) lstResult.get(0); } } /** * Tim department cua user * * @param userId * @return */ public Long getUserDeptId(Long userId) { Long userTypeId = getUserTypeId(userId); Long deptId = 0l; if (USER_TYPE_STAFF.equals(userTypeId)) { // 11/11/2014 viethd // String hql = "select s.departmentId from Staff s " // + "where s.staffId in (select u.staffId from Users u where u.userId =" + userId + ")"; String hql = "select s.departmentId from Staff s " + "where s.staffId in (select u.staffId from Users u where u.userId =:userId)"; Query query = getSession().createQuery(hql); query.setParameter("userId", userId); List lstResult = query.list(); if (lstResult == null || lstResult.size() == 0) { deptId = 0l; } else { deptId = (Long) lstResult.get(0); } } return deptId; } /** * Update User * * @return */ public String onUpdate() { List msgError = new ArrayList(); try { UsersDAOHE.removeCache(); Session session = getSession(); if ((this.usersForm.getUserId() != null) && (!"".equals(this.usersForm.getUserId()))) { Long userId = new Long(this.usersForm.getUserId()); Boolean userExisted = checkUserExisted(this.usersForm.getUserName(), userId); if (!userExisted.booleanValue()) { Users bo = getUserById(userId); Boolean isUpdate = Boolean.valueOf(true); Users temp = createBO(bo, isUpdate); session.saveOrUpdate(temp); msgError.add("updateOk"); this.jsonDataGrid.setCustomInfo(msgError); } else { msgError.add("updateErr"); this.jsonDataGrid.setCustomInfo(msgError); } } } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 // log.error(ex.getMessage()); msgError.add("updateErr"); this.jsonDataGrid.setCustomInfo(msgError); } return "gridData"; } /** * Check code * * @return struts result */ public String checkIdentityCard() { // HttpServletRequest req = getRequest(); //String userIdStr = req.getParameter("userId"); List<Users> lsUser = usersDAOHE.getListUserByIdentityCard(usersForm.getIdentityCard()); boolean exist = false; for (Users user : lsUser) { if (!user.getUserId().toString().equals(usersForm.getUserId())) { exist = true; break; } } if (exist) { jsonDataGrid.setCustomInfo("exist"); } return "gridData"; } /** * Check code * * @return struts result */ public String checkRight() { HttpServletRequest req = getRequest(); String userIdStr = req.getParameter("userId"); HttpSession session = getRequest().getSession(); Long userId = StringUtils.toLong(userIdStr); UserToken vsaUserToken = (UserToken) session.getAttribute("userToken"); Long currentUserId = vsaUserToken.getUserID(); Users user =; user.getUserName(); if (userId != null && userId > 0) { if (userId.equals(currentUserId)) { jsonDataGrid.setCustomInfo("currentUser"); } else if ("admin".equalsIgnoreCase(user.getUserName().trim())) { jsonDataGrid.setCustomInfo("admin"); } } return "gridData"; } /** * Tim kiem user theo id * * @param userId * @return * @throws Exception */ private Users getUserById(Long userId) throws Exception { Users temp = null; String hql = "from Users where userId = ?"; Query q = getSession().createQuery(hql); q.setParameter(0, userId); List lst = q.list(); if (lst.size() > 0) { temp = (Users) lst.get(0); } return temp; } /** * Action xu ly xoa user * * @return */ public String onDelete() { try { UsersDAOHE.removeCache(); int countSuccess = 0; int countError = 0; Session session = getSession(); HttpServletRequest req = getRequest(); String strUsers = req.getParameter("userId"); ConstraintUtils constraintUtils = new ConstraintUtils(); List<String> listIdNotDel = new ArrayList(); if (strUsers == null || "".equals(strUsers.trim())) { throw new Exception("Khng c bn ghi no xa"); } List<Long> listId = StringUtils.convertStringToListLong(strUsers, StringUtils.COMMA_SEPARATOR); for (Long id : listId) { if (!constraintUtils.checkExistConstraint("USERS", id)) { try { // 11/11/2014 viethd //String hql = " delete from Users a where a.userId = " + id + ""; String hql = " delete from Users a where a.userId =:userId"; Query q = session.createQuery(hql); q.setParameter("userId", id); q.executeUpdate(); countSuccess++; } catch (ConstraintViolationException ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 // log.error(ex.getMessage()); listIdNotDel.add(id.toString()); countError++; } } else { listIdNotDel.add(id.toString()); countError++; } } jsonDataGrid = createMsgDelete(countSuccess, countError, listIdNotDel); } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 // log.error(ex.getMessage()); jsonDataGrid = createMsgUpdate(0, 2); } return "gridData"; } /** * action xu ly reset pass * * @return */ public String onResetPass() { List msg = new ArrayList(); try { Session session = getSession(); Long userId = new Long(this.resetPassForm.getUserId()); String password = this.resetPassForm.getPassword(); if (password == null) { throw new Exception("password null"); } if ("".equals(password.trim())) { throw new Exception("password is empty"); } if (password == null) { throw new Exception("password null"); } if ("".equals(password.trim())) { throw new Exception("password is empty"); } String iChars = "!@#$%^&*-"; int countTmp = 0; for (int i = 0; i < password.length(); i++) { for (int j = 0; j < iChars.length(); j++) { if (password.charAt(i) == iChars.charAt(j)) { countTmp++; } } } if (countTmp == 0) { throw new Exception("password must has one or more special characters"); } countTmp = 0; for (int i = 0; i < password.length(); i++) { if (Character.isLetter(password.charAt(i))) { countTmp++; } } if (countTmp == 0) { throw new Exception("password must has one or more anphabet characters"); } countTmp = 0; for (int i = 0; i < password.length(); i++) { if (Character.isDigit(password.charAt(i))) { countTmp++; } } if (countTmp == 0) { throw new Exception("password must has one or more number characters"); } Users bo = getUserById(userId); String passwordEncrypt = PasswordService.getInstance() .encrypt(bo.getUserName().toLowerCase() + password); bo.setPassword(passwordEncrypt); bo.setLastResetPassword(new Date()); bo.setPasswordchanged(1L); session.saveOrUpdate(bo); msg.add("resetSuccess"); this.jsonDataGrid.setCustomInfo(msg); } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 // log.error(ex.getMessage()); msg.add("resetFail"); this.jsonDataGrid.setCustomInfo(msg); return "gridData"; } return "gridData"; } /** * action xu ly khoa nguoi dung * * @return */ public String onLock() { // try { // UsersDAOHE.removeCache(); // Session session = getSession(); // HttpServletRequest req = getRequest(); // String strUsers = req.getParameter("userId"); // String ignore = req.getParameter("ignore"); // int succ = 0; // if (StringUtils.validString(strUsers)) { // String hql = " update Users a set a.status = 0 where a.userId in (" + strUsers + ")"; // Query q = session.createQuery(hql); // succ = q.executeUpdate(); // } // jsonDataGrid = createMsgUpdateStatus(succ, Integer.parseInt(ignore), new String[]{"Kha", "kha"}); // } catch (Exception ex) { // System.out.println(ex.getMessage()); // jsonDataGrid = createMsgUpdate(0, 2); // } //140123 binhnt update try { UsersDAOHE.removeCache(); Session session = getSession(); HttpServletRequest req = getRequest(); String strUsers = req.getParameter("userId"); String[] arrUsers = strUsers.split(","); List<Long> lstUsers = new ArrayList<Long>(); if (arrUsers.length > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < arrUsers.length; i++) { try { Long l = Long.parseLong(arrUsers[i]); lstUsers.add(l); } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 } } } String ignore = req.getParameter("ignore"); int succ = 0; if (StringUtils.validString(strUsers)) { String hql = " update Users a set a.status = 0 where a.userId in (:lstUsers)"; Query q = session.createQuery(hql); q.setParameterList("lstUsers", lstUsers); succ = q.executeUpdate(); } jsonDataGrid = createMsgUpdateStatus(succ, Integer.parseInt(ignore), new String[] { "Kha", "kha" }); } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 // log.error(ex.getMessage()); jsonDataGrid = createMsgUpdate(0, 2); } //!binhnt return "gridData"; } /** * Action xu ly mo khoa nguoi dung * * @return */ public String onUnLock() { // try { // UsersDAOHE.removeCache(); // Session session = getSession(); // HttpServletRequest req = getRequest(); // String strUsers = req.getParameter("userId"); // String ignore = req.getParameter("ignore"); // int succ = 0; // if (StringUtils.validString(strUsers)) { // String hql = " update Users a set a.status = 1 where a.userId in (" + strUsers + ")"; // Query q = session.createQuery(hql); // succ = q.executeUpdate(); // } // jsonDataGrid = createMsgUpdateStatusUnlock(succ, Integer.parseInt(ignore), new String[]{"M kha", "hot ng"}); // } catch (Exception ex) { // log.error(ex.getMessage()); // jsonDataGrid = createMsgUpdate(0, 2); // } try { UsersDAOHE.removeCache(); Session session = getSession(); HttpServletRequest req = getRequest(); String strUsers = req.getParameter("userId"); String[] arrUsers = strUsers.split(","); List<Long> lstUsers = new ArrayList<Long>(); if (arrUsers.length > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < arrUsers.length; i++) { try { Long l = Long.parseLong(arrUsers[i]); lstUsers.add(l); } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 } } } String ignore = req.getParameter("ignore"); int succ = 0; if (StringUtils.validString(strUsers)) { String hql = " update Users a set a.status = 1 where a.userId in (:lstUsers)"; Query q = session.createQuery(hql); q.setParameterList("lstUsers", lstUsers); succ = q.executeUpdate(); } jsonDataGrid = createMsgUpdateStatusUnlock(succ, Integer.parseInt(ignore), new String[] { "M kha", "hot ng" }); } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 // log.error(ex.getMessage()); jsonDataGrid = createMsgUpdate(0, 2); } return "gridData"; } /** * Tao mot Users moi * * @param bo * @param isUpdate * @return * @throws Exception */ private Users createBO(Users bo, Boolean isUpdate) throws Exception { Users temp = bo; DepartmentDAOHE dhe = new DepartmentDAOHE(); try { if (!isUpdate) { temp.setUserName(this.usersForm.getUserName()); } temp.setFullName(this.usersForm.getFullName()); temp.setCellphone(this.usersForm.getCellphone().trim()); temp.setDeptId(usersForm.getDeptId()); temp.setDeptRepresentId(usersForm.getDeptRepresentId()); if (temp.getDeptRepresentId() != null && temp.getDeptRepresentId() > 0L) { Department dept = dhe.findBOById(temp.getDeptRepresentId()); if (dept != null) { temp.setDeptRepresentName(dept.getDeptName()); } } else { temp.setDeptRepresentName(null); } if (temp.getDeptId() != null && temp.getDeptId() > 0l) { Department dept = dhe.findBOById(temp.getDeptId()); if (dept != null) { temp.setDeptName(dept.getDeptName()); } } else { temp.setDeptName(null); } if ((this.usersForm.getDateOfBirth() != null) && (!"".equals(this.usersForm.getDateOfBirth()))) { temp.setDateOfBirth( DateTimeUtils.convertStringToTime(this.usersForm.getDateOfBirth(), "yyyy-MM-dd")); } else { temp.setDateOfBirth(null); } temp.setDescription(this.usersForm.getDescription()); temp.setEmail(this.usersForm.getEmail()); temp.setFax(this.usersForm.getFax()); temp.setBusinessId(usersForm.getBusinessId()); temp.setBusinessName(usersForm.getBusinessName()); temp.setPosId(this.usersForm.getPosId()); if ((this.usersForm.getGender() != null) && (this.usersForm.getGender().length() != 0)) { temp.setGender(new Long(this.usersForm.getGender())); } else { temp.setGender(null); } /* * if ((this.usersForm.getProfileId() != null) && * (this.usersForm.getProfileId().length() != 0) && * (!"0".equals(this.usersForm.getProfileId()))) { * temp.setProfileId(new Long(this.usersForm.getProfileId())); } */ temp.setProfileId(Constants.default_profile_id); temp.setIdentityCard(this.usersForm.getIdentityCard()); if ((this.usersForm.getIssueDateIdent() != null) && (!"".equals(this.usersForm.getIssueDateIdent()))) { temp.setIssueDateIdent( DateTimeUtils.convertStringToTime(this.usersForm.getIssueDateIdent(), "yyyy-MM-dd")); } else { temp.setIssueDateIdent(null); } if ((this.usersForm.getIssueDatePassport() != null) && (!"".equals(this.usersForm.getIssueDatePassport()))) { temp.setIssueDatePassport( DateTimeUtils.convertStringToTime(this.usersForm.getIssueDatePassport(), "yyyy-MM-dd")); } else { temp.setIssueDatePassport(null); } temp.setIssuePlaceIdent(this.usersForm.getIssuePlaceIdent()); temp.setIssuePlacePassport(this.usersForm.getIssuePlacePassport()); // if (StringUtils.validString(this.usersForm.getPosId())) { // temp.setPosId(Long.valueOf(this.usersForm.getPosId())); // } if ((this.usersForm.getLocationId() != null) && (!"".equals(this.usersForm.getLocationId()))) { temp.setLocationId(new Long(this.usersForm.getLocationId())); } else { temp.setLocationId(null); } temp.setPassportNumber(this.usersForm.getPassportNumber()); temp.setStaffCode(this.usersForm.getStaffCode()); if ((this.usersForm.getStatus() != null) && (!"".equals(this.usersForm.getStatus()))) { temp.setStatus(new Long(this.usersForm.getStatus())); } temp.setTelephone(this.usersForm.getTelephone()); /* if ((this.usersForm.getUserTypeId() != null) && (!this.usersForm.getUserTypeId().toString().equals(""))) { temp.setUserTypeId(new Long(this.usersForm.getUserTypeId())); } * */ temp.setAliasName(this.usersForm.getAliasName()); temp.setBirthPlace(this.usersForm.getBirthPlace()); if (usersForm.getPassword() != null && !"".equals(usersForm.getPassword().trim())) { temp.setPassword(usersForm.getPassword()); String encryptedPass = PasswordService.getInstance() .encrypt(temp.getUserName().toLowerCase() + temp.getPassword()); temp.setPassword(encryptedPass); Date now = new Date(); if (!isUpdate.booleanValue()) { //sonar // int val = Math.abs(random.nextInt()); // if (val < 100000) { // val += 100000; // } temp.setCreateDate(now); temp.setPasswordchanged(0L); temp.setUserRight(Long.valueOf(0L)); temp.setLastResetPassword(now); } else { temp.setLastResetPassword(now); } } } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 throw ex; } return temp; } /** * Kiem tra xem nguoi dung da ton tai chua * * @param userName * @param email * @param cellphone * @param userId * @return * @throws Exception */ private Boolean checkUserExisted(String userName, Long userId) throws Exception { Boolean isExisted = Boolean.valueOf(false); Session session = getSession(); String hql = "from Users where userId != ? and status != ? and ( upper(userName) = ?)"; try { Query q = session.createQuery(hql); q.setParameter(0, userId); q.setParameter(1, Long.valueOf(-1L)); q.setParameter(2, userName.trim().toUpperCase()); if ((q.list() != null) && (!q.list().isEmpty()) && (q.list().size() > 0)) { isExisted = Boolean.valueOf(true); } return isExisted; } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 // log.error(ex.getMessage()); throw ex; } } /** * 150119 binhnt53 * * @param fullName * @param userId * @return * @throws Exception */ public Boolean checkUserExist(String fullName, Long userId) throws Exception { Boolean isExisted = Boolean.valueOf(false); Session session = getSession(); if (fullName == null || userId == null || "".equals(fullName)) { return true; } String hql = "from Users where userId = ? " + "and status != ? " + "and fullName = ?)"; try { Query q = session.createQuery(hql); q.setParameter(0, userId); q.setParameter(1, Long.valueOf(-1L)); q.setParameter(2, fullName); if ((q.list() != null) && (!q.list().isEmpty()) && (q.list().size() > 0)) { isExisted = Boolean.valueOf(true); } return isExisted; } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 // log.error(ex.getMessage()); throw ex; } } /** * Tim kiem vai tro cua nguoi dung * * @return */ public String searchRole() { try { getGridInfo(); Session session = getSession(); List listParam = new ArrayList(); String countHQL = "select count(a) "; // String searchHQL = "select a "; String hql = " from Roles a where 1 = 1 "; if ((this.userRoleFormOnDialog.getRoleName() != null) && (!"".equals(this.userRoleFormOnDialog.getRoleName()))) { hql = hql + " and lower(roleName) like ? ESCAPE '/' "; listParam.add(StringUtils.toLikeString(this.userRoleFormOnDialog.getRoleName())); } if ((this.userRoleFormOnDialog.getStatus() != null) && (!"".equals(this.userRoleFormOnDialog.getStatus())) && (!"ALL".equals(this.userRoleFormOnDialog.getStatus()))) { hql = hql + " and status = ?"; listParam.add(new Long(this.userRoleFormOnDialog.getStatus())); } if ((this.userRoleFormOnDialog.getCode() != null) && (!"".equals(this.userRoleFormOnDialog.getCode()))) { hql = hql + " and lower(roleCode) like ? ESCAPE '/' "; listParam.add(StringUtils.toLikeString(this.userRoleFormOnDialog.getCode())); } if ((this.userRoleFormOnDialog.getUserId() != null) && (!"".equals(this.userRoleFormOnDialog.getUserId()))) { Long userId = Long.parseLong(this.userRoleFormOnDialog.getUserId()); hql = hql + " and a.roleId not in( select b.roleId from RoleUser b where b.userId = ?)"; listParam.add(userId); } Query searchQuery = session.createQuery(hql); Query countQuery = session.createQuery(countHQL + hql); for (int i = 0; i < listParam.size(); i++) { searchQuery.setParameter(i, listParam.get(i)); countQuery.setParameter(i, listParam.get(i)); } Long total = (Long) countQuery.uniqueResult(); searchQuery.setFirstResult(start); searchQuery.setMaxResults(count); List lst = searchQuery.list(); this.jsonDataGrid.setItems(lst); this.jsonDataGrid.setTotalRows(total.intValue()); } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 } return "gridData"; } /* * TK role cua nguoi dung don vi(vai tro quan tri don vi) */ public String searchRoleOfUserDept() { try { getGridInfo(); Session session = getSession(); List listParam = new ArrayList(); String countHQL = "select count(a) "; // String searchHQL = "select a "; String hql = " from Roles a where 1 = 1 "; if ((this.userRoleFormOnDialog.getRoleName() != null) && (!"".equals(this.userRoleFormOnDialog.getRoleName()))) { hql = hql + " and lower(roleName) like ? ESCAPE '/' "; listParam.add(StringUtils.toLikeString(this.userRoleFormOnDialog.getRoleName())); } if ((this.userRoleFormOnDialog.getStatus() != null) && (!"".equals(this.userRoleFormOnDialog.getStatus())) && (!"ALL".equals(this.userRoleFormOnDialog.getStatus()))) { hql = hql + " and status = ?"; listParam.add(new Long(this.userRoleFormOnDialog.getStatus())); } if ((this.userRoleFormOnDialog.getCode() != null) && (!"".equals(this.userRoleFormOnDialog.getCode()))) { hql = hql + " and lower(roleCode) like ? ESCAPE '/' "; listParam.add(StringUtils.toLikeString(this.userRoleFormOnDialog.getCode())); } String qtVofficeRole = "voffice_qt"; // ko cho phep thay role quan tri voffice hql = hql + " and lower(roleCode) != ? "; listParam.add(qtVofficeRole); if ((this.userRoleFormOnDialog.getUserId() != null) && (!"".equals(this.userRoleFormOnDialog.getUserId()))) { Long userId = Long.parseLong(this.userRoleFormOnDialog.getUserId()); hql = hql + " and a.roleId not in( select b.roleId from RoleUser b where b.userId = ?)"; listParam.add(userId); } Query searchQuery = session.createQuery(hql); Query countQuery = session.createQuery(countHQL + hql); for (int i = 0; i < listParam.size(); i++) { searchQuery.setParameter(i, listParam.get(i)); countQuery.setParameter(i, listParam.get(i)); } Long total = (Long) countQuery.uniqueResult(); searchQuery.setFirstResult(start); searchQuery.setMaxResults(count); List lst = searchQuery.list(); this.jsonDataGrid.setItems(lst); this.jsonDataGrid.setTotalRows(total.intValue()); } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 // System.out.print(ex.getMessage()); } return "gridData"; } /** * action xu ly gan vai tro cho nguoi dung * * @return */ public String assignRole() { //String actor = (String) getRequest().getSession().getAttribute("user"); HttpServletRequest req = getRequest(); String roleIds = req.getParameter("roleId"); String[] lstRoleId = roleIds.split(","); Long userId = 0l; try { userId = Long.parseLong(req.getParameter("userId")); } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 // System.out.print(en.getMessage()); userId = 0l; } Users user = null; try { user = getUserById(userId); } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 // System.out.print(en.getMessage()); } // Long departmentId = 0L; if (user != null) { user.getDeptId(); } try { Session session = getSession(); for (int i = 0; i < lstRoleId.length; i++) { Long roleId = new Long((String) lstRoleId[i]); RoleUser bo = new RoleUser(); RoleUserPK pk = new RoleUserPK(roleId, userId); bo.setRoleUserPK(pk); bo.setIsAdmin(Long.valueOf(0L)); bo.setIsActive(Long.valueOf(1L));; } GridResult result = getRoleUserDept(userId); this.jsonDataGrid.setItems(result.getLstResult()); this.jsonDataGrid.setTotalRows(result.getnCount().intValue()); } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 } return "gridData"; } public String updateUserRoleDept() { String userStr = getRequest().getParameter("userId"); String roleStr = getRequest().getParameter("roleId"); String deptStr = getRequest().getParameter("deptId"); String roleUserDeptStr = getRequest().getParameter("roleUserDeptId"); Long userId = 0l; Long roleId = 0l; Long deptId = 0l; Long roleUserDeptId = 0l; List lstItems = new ArrayList<String>(); try { userId = Long.parseLong(userStr); roleId = Long.parseLong(roleStr); deptId = Long.parseLong(deptStr); roleUserDeptId = Long.parseLong(roleUserDeptStr); } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 } try { String hql = "select rud From RoleUserDept rud where rud.deptId = ? and rud.roleId=? and rud.userId = ? and rud.isActive=1"; Query query = getSession().createQuery(hql); query.setParameter(0, deptId); query.setParameter(1, roleId); query.setParameter(2, userId); List<RoleUserDept> lst = query.list(); if (lst == null || lst.isEmpty()) { DepartmentDAOHE ddhe = new DepartmentDAOHE(); Department dd = ddhe.getDeptById(deptId); Roles role = getRoleById(roleId); RoleUserDept rud = new RoleUserDept(); rud.setUserId(userId); rud.setDeptId(deptId); rud.setDeptName(dd.getDeptName()); rud.setRoleId(roleId); rud.setRoleName(role.getRoleName()); rud.setRoleUserDeptId(roleUserDeptId); rud.setIsActive(1L); if (roleUserDeptId > 0) { getSession().update(rud); } else { getSession().save(rud); } lstItems.add("1"); lstItems.add("Cp nht thnh cng"); } else { lstItems.add("0"); lstItems.add("? tn ti"); } } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 lstItems.add("0"); lstItems.add("C li xy ra"); } jsonDataGrid.setItems(lstItems); return GRID_DATA; } /** * Action xu ly xoa bo vai tro cua nguoi dung * * @return */ public String removeRole() { try { HttpServletRequest req = getRequest(); Session session = getSession(); String strRoleId = req.getParameter("roleId"); String strRoleUserDeptId = req.getParameter("roleUserDeptId"); Long userId = 0l; try { userId = Long.parseLong(req.getParameter("userId")); } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 // System.out.print(en.getMessage()); userId = 0l; } Users user = null; try { user = getUserById(userId); } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 // log.error(ex.getMessage()); } // Long departmentId = 0L; if (user != null) { user.getDeptId(); } if (userId != null && userId > 0 && strRoleId != null && (!"".equals(strRoleId))) { String[] roleUserDeptIdStr = strRoleUserDeptId.split(","); List<Long> lstRoleUserDeptIds = new ArrayList<Long>(); if (roleUserDeptIdStr.length > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < roleUserDeptIdStr.length; i++) { try { Long l = Long.parseLong(roleUserDeptIdStr[i]); lstRoleUserDeptIds.add(l); } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 } } } String hql = " delete from RoleUserDept a where a.userId = :userId and a.roleUserDeptId in (:lstRoleUserDept)"; Query q = session.createQuery(hql); q.setParameter("userId", userId); q.setParameterList("lstRoleUserDept", lstRoleUserDeptIds); q.executeUpdate(); getSession().flush(); hql = " delete from RoleUser a where a.userId = :userId and a.roleId in (:lstRole) and a.roleId not in (select rud.roleId from RoleUserDept rud where rud.isActive = 1 and rud.userId =:userIdOfRUD)"; String[] roleIdStr = strRoleId.split(","); List<Long> lstRoleIds = new ArrayList<Long>(); if (roleIdStr.length > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < roleIdStr.length; i++) { try { Long l = Long.parseLong(roleIdStr[i]); lstRoleIds.add(l); } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 } } } q = session.createQuery(hql); q.setParameter("userId", userId); q.setParameterList("lstRole", lstRoleIds); q.setParameter("userIdOfRUD", userId); q.executeUpdate(); GridResult result = getRoleUserDept(userId); this.jsonDataGrid.setItems(result.getLstResult()); this.jsonDataGrid.setTotalRows(result.getnCount().intValue()); } } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 // log.error(ex.getMessage()); } return "gridData"; } /** * Tim kiem role cua user * * @return */ public String searchRoleOfUsers() { try { getGridInfo(); HttpServletRequest req = getRequest(); Long userId = Long.parseLong(req.getParameter("userId")); if (userId != null && userId > 0) { GridResult result = getRoleUserDept(userId); this.jsonDataGrid.setItems(result.getLstResult()); this.jsonDataGrid.setTotalRows(result.getnCount().intValue()); } } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 } return "gridData"; } /** * Action xu ly khoa role cua nguoi dung * * @return */ public String lockRole() { try { HttpServletRequest req = getRequest(); Session session = getSession(); String strRoleId = req.getParameter("roleId"); String strRoleUserDeptId = req.getParameter("roleUserDeptId"); String ignore = req.getParameter("ignore"); int succ = 0; Long userId = Long.parseLong(req.getParameter("userId")); if (userId != null && userId > 0 && StringUtils.validString(strRoleId)) { String[] roleIdStr = strRoleId.split(","); List<Long> lstRoleIds = new ArrayList<Long>(); if (roleIdStr.length > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < roleIdStr.length; i++) { try { Long l = Long.parseLong(roleIdStr[i]); lstRoleIds.add(l); } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 } } } String[] roleUserDeptIdStr = strRoleUserDeptId.split(","); List<Long> lstRoleUserDeptIds = new ArrayList<Long>(); if (roleUserDeptIdStr.length > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < roleUserDeptIdStr.length; i++) { try { Long l = Long.parseLong(roleUserDeptIdStr[i]); lstRoleUserDeptIds.add(l); } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 } } } String hql = " update RoleUserDept a set a.isActive = 0 where a.userId = :userId and a.roleUserDeptId in (:lstRoleUserDept)"; Query q = session.createQuery(hql); q.setParameter("userId", userId); q.setParameterList("lstRoleUserDept", lstRoleUserDeptIds); q.executeUpdate(); getSession().flush(); // // Lock cac role // hql = " update RoleUser a set a.isActive = 0 where a.userId = :userId and a.roleId in (:lstRole) and a.roleId not in (select rud.roleId from RoleUserDept rud where rud.isActive = 1 and rud.userId =:userIdOfRUD)"; q = session.createQuery(hql); q.setParameter("userId", userId); q.setParameterList("lstRole", lstRoleIds); q.setParameter("userIdOfRUD", userId); q.executeUpdate(); // // end of lock role // GridResult result = getRoleUserDept(userId); this.jsonDataGrid.setItems(result.getLstResult()); this.jsonDataGrid.setTotalRows(result.getnCount().intValue()); } jsonDataGrid = createMsgUpdateStatus(succ, Integer.parseInt(ignore), new String[] { "Kha", "kha" }); } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 // log.error(ex.getMessage()); jsonDataGrid = createMsgUpdate(0, 2); } return "gridData"; } /** * aciton xu ly mo khoa vai tro cua nguoi dung * * @return */ public String unLockRole() { try { HttpServletRequest req = getRequest(); Session session = getSession(); String strRoleId = req.getParameter("roleId"); String strRoleUserDeptId = req.getParameter("roleUserDeptId"); String ignore = req.getParameter("ignore"); int succ = 0; Long userId = Long.parseLong(req.getParameter("userId")); if (userId != null && userId > 0 && StringUtils.validString(strRoleId)) { String[] roleUserDeptIdStr = strRoleUserDeptId.split(","); List<Long> lstRoleUserDeptIds = new ArrayList<Long>(); if (roleUserDeptIdStr.length > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < roleUserDeptIdStr.length; i++) { try { Long l = Long.parseLong(roleUserDeptIdStr[i]); lstRoleUserDeptIds.add(l); } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 } } } String hql = " update RoleUserDept a set a.isActive = 1 where a.userId = :userId and a.roleUserDeptId in (:lstRoleUserDept)"; Query q = session.createQuery(hql); q.setParameter("userId", userId); q.setParameterList("lstRoleUserDept", lstRoleUserDeptIds); q.executeUpdate(); getSession().flush(); hql = " update RoleUser a set a.isActive = 1 where a.userId = :userId and a.roleId in (:lstRole)"; String[] roleIdStr = strRoleId.split(","); List<Long> lstRoleIds = new ArrayList<Long>(); if (roleIdStr.length > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < roleIdStr.length; i++) { try { Long l = Long.parseLong(roleIdStr[i]); lstRoleIds.add(l); } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 } } } q = session.createQuery(hql); q.setParameter("userId", userId); q.setParameterList("lstRole", lstRoleIds); q.executeUpdate(); GridResult result = getRoleUserDept(userId); this.jsonDataGrid.setItems(result.getLstResult()); this.jsonDataGrid.setTotalRows(result.getnCount().intValue()); } jsonDataGrid = createMsgUpdateStatusUnlock(succ, Integer.parseInt(ignore), new String[] { "M kha", "hot ng" }); } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 // log.error(ex.getMessage()); jsonDataGrid = createMsgUpdate(0, 2); } return "gridData"; } /** * tim kiem danh sach role theo userId * * @param userId * @return * @throws Exception */ private GridResult getListCommonRole(Long userId) throws Exception { List lstParam = new ArrayList(); String countHQL = "select count(a.roleId) "; String searchHQL = "select new com.viettel.vsaadmin.database.BO.Roles(a.roleId, a.roleName, a.roleCode ,a.description, b.isActive) "; String hql = " from Roles a,RoleUser b where a.roleId = b.roleId "; Long isActive = null; if (userId != null && userId > 0) { hql = hql + " and b.userId = ?"; lstParam.add(userId); } countHQL = countHQL + hql; searchHQL = searchHQL + hql; Query countQuery = getSession().createQuery(countHQL); Query searchQuery = getSession().createQuery(searchHQL); for (int j = 0; j < lstParam.size(); j++) { countQuery.setParameter(j, lstParam.get(j)); searchQuery.setParameter(j, lstParam.get(j)); } Long total = (Long) countQuery.uniqueResult(); searchQuery.setFirstResult(start); searchQuery.setMaxResults(count); List lst = searchQuery.list(); if (isActive != null) { for (int i = 0; i < lst.size(); i++) { Roles bo = (Roles) lst.get(i); bo.setStatus(isActive); } } GridResult result = new GridResult(total, lst); return result; } private GridResult getRoleUserDept(Long userId) throws Exception { List lstParam = new ArrayList(); String countHQL = "select count(a.roleId) "; String searchHQL = "select new com.viettel.vsaadmin.database.BO.Roles(a.roleId, a.roleName, a.roleCode ,a.description, b.isActive) "; String hql = " from Roles a,RoleUser b where a.roleId = b.roleId "; if (userId != null && userId > 0) { hql = hql + " and b.userId = ?"; lstParam.add(userId); } countHQL = countHQL + hql; searchHQL = searchHQL + hql; Query countQuery = getSession().createQuery(countHQL); Query searchQuery = getSession().createQuery(searchHQL); for (int j = 0; j < lstParam.size(); j++) { countQuery.setParameter(j, lstParam.get(j)); searchQuery.setParameter(j, lstParam.get(j)); } Long total = (Long) countQuery.uniqueResult(); searchQuery.setFirstResult(start); searchQuery.setMaxResults(count); List<Roles> lst = searchQuery.list(); hql = "select r from RoleUserDept r where r.userId=?"; searchQuery = getSession().createQuery(hql); searchQuery.setParameter(0, userId); List<RoleUserDept> lstRoleUserDept = searchQuery.list(); List<RoleUserDept> lstResult = new ArrayList<RoleUserDept>(); if (lst != null && lst.size() > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < lst.size(); i++) { boolean bHasDept = false; RoleUserDept entity; if (lstRoleUserDept != null && lstRoleUserDept.size() > 0) { for (int j = 0; j < lstRoleUserDept.size(); j++) { if (lstRoleUserDept.get(j).getRoleId().equals(lst.get(i).getRoleId())) { bHasDept = true; entity = lstRoleUserDept.get(j); lstResult.add(entity); } } } if (!bHasDept) { entity = new RoleUserDept(); entity.setUserId(userId); entity.setRoleId(lst.get(i).getRoleId()); entity.setRoleName(lst.get(i).getRoleName()); entity.setDeptId(null); entity.setDeptName(null); entity.setRoleUserDeptId(null); entity.setIsActive(lst.get(i).getStatus()); lstResult.add(entity); } } } GridResult result = new GridResult(total, lstResult); return result; } public String getShortName(String nameFull) { if (nameFull == null) { return ""; } nameFull = nameFull.trim().toLowerCase(); nameFull = removeVietnameseChar(nameFull); String shortName; String[] arrName = nameFull.split(" "); if (arrName == null || arrName.length <= 1) { shortName = nameFull; } else { arrName[arrName.length - 1] = arrName[arrName.length - 1].trim(); shortName = arrName[arrName.length - 1]; for (int i = 0; i < arrName.length - 1; i++) { arrName[i] = arrName[i].trim(); if (arrName[i].length() == 0) { } else if (arrName[i].charAt(0) != ' ') { shortName = shortName + arrName[i].charAt(0); } } } return shortName; } /* action lay danh sach lanh dao de xin y kien * Add: sytv * @param * @result */ public String searchLeader() { getGridInfo(); // AtomicInteger countAI = new AtomicInteger(count); // Department dept = getDepartment(); // Long deptId = dept.getDeptId(); // List<Users> lstUserses = usersDAOHE.getUsersOfDept(deptId, start, countAI, sortField); // jsonDataGrid.setItems(lstUserses); // jsonDataGrid.setTotalRows(countAI.intValue()); return GRID_DATA; } public String removeVietnameseChar(String name) { char[] vnChar = {'', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '?', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '?', '?', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '?', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''}; char[] engChar = {'a', 'a', 'a', 'a', 'a', 'a', 'a', 'a', 'a', 'a', 'a', 'a', 'a', 'a', 'd', 'e', 'e', 'e', 'e', 'e', 'e', 'e', 'e', 'e', 'i', 'i', 'i', 'i', 'o', 'o', 'o', 'o', 'o', 'o', 'o', 'o', 'o', 'o', 'o', 'o', 'o', 'o', 'u', 'u', 'u', 'u', 'u', 'u', 'u', 'u', 'u', 'y', 'y', 'y', 'y'}; for (int i = 0; i < name.length(); i++) { for (int j = 0; j < vnChar.length; j++) { if (name.charAt(i) == vnChar[j]) { name = name.replace(vnChar[j], engChar[j]); } } } return name; } public Roles getRoleById(Long roleId) throws Exception { Roles temp = null; String hql = "from Roles where roleId = ?"; Query q = getSession().createQuery(hql); q.setParameter(0, roleId); List lst = q.list(); if (lst.size() > 0) { temp = (Roles) lst.get(0); } return temp; } private void createDataForm() { String userName = getRequest().getParameter("userName"); String fullName = getRequest().getParameter("fullName"); Long type = Long.parseLong(getRequest().getParameter("type")); String cellphone = getRequest().getParameter("cellphone"); String status = getRequest().getParameter("status"); String deptIdStr = getRequest().getParameter("deptId"); Long deptId = null; try { deptId = Long.parseLong(deptIdStr); } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 } if (this.usersForm == null) { this.usersForm = new UsersForm(); } if (userName != null) { this.usersForm.setUserName(userName); } if (fullName != null) { this.usersForm.setFullName(fullName); } if (type != null) { this.usersForm.setUserTypeId(type); } if (cellphone != null) { this.usersForm.setCellphone(cellphone); } if (status != null) { this.usersForm.setStatus(status); } if (deptIdStr != null) { this.usersForm.setDeptId(deptId); } } public String onExcel() { createDataForm(); return "excel"; } /* * Lay danh sach nhan vien theo don vi. */ public String getStaffsOfDept() { String deptIdStr = getRequest().getParameter("deptId"); try { Long deptId = Long.valueOf(deptIdStr); if (deptId.equals(-1L)) { deptId = getDeptRepresentId(); } List<Users> users; users = usersDAOHE.getUsersOfDept(deptId, getUserId()); Users selectUser = new Users(); selectUser.setUserId(Constants.COMBOBOX_HEADER_VALUE); selectUser.setFullName(Constants.COMBOBOX_HEADER_TEXT_SELECT); List<Users> listUsers = new ArrayList<Users>(); listUsers.add(selectUser); listUsers.addAll(users); staffsList.setLabel("fullName"); staffsList.setIdentifier("userId"); staffsList.setItems(listUsers); } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 // log.error(ex.getMessage()); } return "staffsList"; } // Lay danh sach nhan vien cua cac don vi public String getStaffsOfDepts() { List result = new ArrayList(); String deptIds = getRequest().getParameter("deptIds"); try { List<Users> users; users = usersDAOHE.getUsersOfDept(deptIds, getUserId()); String usersList = new UsersDAOHE().convertToJSONArray(users, "userId", "fullName", "userName"); result.add(usersList); } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 // log.error(ex.getMessage()); } jsonDataGrid.setItems(result); return GRID_DATA; } public String getUsersCoordinate() { String coordinateStaffs = getRequest().getParameter("staffs"); getGridInfo(); UsersDAOHE daohe = new UsersDAOHE(); GridResult result = daohe.getCoordinateStaffs(coordinateStaffs, start, count); jsonDataGrid.setItems(result.getLstResult()); jsonDataGrid.setTotalRows(result.getnCount().intValue()); return GRID_DATA; } public String gotoProfilePage() { UserToken vsaUserToken = (UserToken) getRequest().getSession().getAttribute("userToken"); Long currentUserId = vsaUserToken.getUserID(); PositionDAOHE posDHE = new PositionDAOHE(); List<Position> lst = posDHE.findAllActive(); if (lst != null) { Position empty = new Position(-1L); empty.setPosName("--- Ch?n ---"); lst.add(0, empty); } getRequest().setAttribute("currentUserId", currentUserId); getRequest().setAttribute("lstPosition", lst); List result = new ArrayList(); Long userId = getUserId(); Users user = usersDAOHE.findById(userId); result.add(user); usersForm = new UsersForm(); usersForm = usersDAOHE.boToForm(user, usersForm); return "userDialogStaff"; } /*import users by file excel*/ public String importStaffFromExcel() throws Exception { List customInfo = new ArrayList();//lst users Long attachId = Long.parseLong(getRequest().getParameter("attachId"));//get attactId VoAttachs att = (VoAttachs) getSession().get("com.viettel.voffice.database.BO.VoAttachs", attachId);//Attachs BO if (att == null) {// if att null return error users customInfo.add("error"); } else { ResourceBundle rb = ResourceBundle.getBundle("config");//get link tuong doi String dir = rb.getString("directory"); String linkFile = att.getAttachPath(); linkFile = dir + linkFile; InputStream myxls = new FileInputStream(linkFile);//get file excel //Get the workbook instance for XLS file HSSFWorkbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook(myxls); HSSFSheet sheet = wb.getSheetAt(0); HSSFRow row; // HSSFRow firstRow = sheet.getRow(1); int rowNums = sheet.getLastRowNum(); // UsersDAOHE sdhe = new UsersDAOHE(); SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("dd/mm/yyyy"); String userError = ""; for (int i = 1; i <= rowNums; i++) { try { row = sheet.getRow(i); if (row != null) { Users entity = new Users(); HSSFCell cellUserName = row.getCell((short) 0); HSSFCell cellFullName = row.getCell((short) 1); HSSFCell cellEmail = row.getCell((short) 2); HSSFCell cellCellPhone = row.getCell((short) 3); HSSFCell cellDeptName = row.getCell((short) 4); HSSFCell cellBusiness = row.getCell((short) 5); HSSFCell cellPosition = row.getCell((short) 6); HSSFCell cellGender = row.getCell((short) 7); HSSFCell cellTelephone = row.getCell((short) 8); HSSFCell cellFax = row.getCell((short) 9); HSSFCell cellDateOfBirth = row.getCell((short) 10); HSSFCell cellBirthPlace = row.getCell((short) 11); HSSFCell cellStaffCode = row.getCell((short) 12); HSSFCell cellIdentityCard = row.getCell((short) 13); HSSFCell cellIssueDateIdent = row.getCell((short) 14); HSSFCell cellIssuePlaceIdent = row.getCell((short) 15); HSSFCell cellDescription = row.getCell((short) 16); //validate input if (cellUserName != null) { entity.setUserName(cellUserName.toString()); } else { userError += i + " li Ti khon,"; customInfo.add(userError); } if (cellFullName != null) { entity.setFullName(cellFullName.toString()); } else { userError += i + " li Tn y ,"; customInfo.add(userError); } if (cellEmail.toString() != null && cellEmail.toString().length() > 0) { entity.setEmail(cellEmail.toString()); } if (cellCellPhone.toString() != null && cellCellPhone.toString().length() > 0) { entity.setCellphone(cellCellPhone.toString()); } //get dept DepartmentDAOHE deptdhe = new DepartmentDAOHE(); Department deptBo = deptdhe.findByName(cellDeptName.toString()); if (deptBo != null) { entity.setDeptName(deptBo.getDeptName()); entity.setDeptId(deptBo.getDeptId()); } //get business BusinessDAOHE busdhe = new BusinessDAOHE(); Business busbo = busdhe.findByName(cellBusiness.toString()); if (busbo != null) { entity.setBusinessId(busbo.getBusinessId()); entity.setBusinessName(busbo.getBusinessName()); } //get posId PositionDAOHE posdhe = new PositionDAOHE(); Position pos = posdhe.findByName(cellPosition.toString()); if (pos != null) { entity.setPosId(pos.getPosId()); } else { userError += i + " li Chc v,"; customInfo.add(userError); } if (cellTelephone != null) { entity.setTelephone(cellTelephone.toString()); } if (cellFax != null) { entity.setFax(cellFax.toString()); } if (cellBirthPlace != null) { entity.setBirthPlace(cellBirthPlace.toString()); } if (cellStaffCode != null) { entity.setStaffCode(cellStaffCode.toString()); } if (cellIdentityCard != null) { entity.setIdentityCard(cellIdentityCard.toString()); } if (cellIssuePlaceIdent != null) { entity.setIssuePlaceIdent(cellIssuePlaceIdent.toString()); } if (cellIssueDateIdent != null && cellIssueDateIdent.toString().length() > 0) { entity.setIssueDateIdent(formatter.parse(cellIssueDateIdent.toString())); } if (cellDateOfBirth != null) { entity.setDateOfBirth(formatter.parse(cellDateOfBirth.toString())); } if (cellDescription != null) { entity.setDescription(cellDescription.toString()); } // end validate input String passwordEncrypt = PasswordService.getInstance().encrypt("Attp@123"); entity.setPassword(passwordEncrypt); entity.setPasswordchanged(0L); entity.setStatus(1L); // entity.setDeptId(Long.parseLong(cellDeptId.toString())); // entity.setPosId(Long.parseLong(cellPosId.toString())); // entity.setStatus(Long.parseLong(cellStatus.toString())); // entity.setGender(Long.parseLong(cellGender.toString())); String gender; if (cellGender == null) { userError += i + " li Gii tnh,"; customInfo.add(userError); } else { gender = cellGender.toString().trim().toLowerCase(); if (gender.contains("Nam") || gender.contains("man") || gender.contains("male")) { entity.setGender(0L); } else { entity.setGender(1L); } } if (entity != null) { getSession().saveOrUpdate(entity); RoleUser roleUser = new RoleUser(); roleUser.setIsActive(1L); roleUser.setIsAdmin(0L); roleUser.setUserId(entity.getUserId()); roleUser.setRoleId(323L); roleUser.setRoleUserPK(new RoleUserPK(322, entity.getUserId())); getSession().saveOrUpdate(roleUser); customInfo.add("success"); } else { userError += i + ","; customInfo.add(userError); } } // end if row != null } // end if att != null catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 userError += i + ","; customInfo.add(userError); // jsonDataGrid.setCustomInfo(customInfo); // return "gridData"; } } // end loop } this.jsonDataGrid.setCustomInfo(customInfo); return "gridData"; } public String checkPassIsChanged() { List resultMessage = new ArrayList(); try { UserToken vsaUserToken = (UserToken) getRequest().getSession().getAttribute("userToken"); Long currentUserId = vsaUserToken.getUserID(); UsersDAOHE daohe = new UsersDAOHE(); Users entity = daohe.findById(currentUserId); if (entity != null) { if (entity.getPasswordchanged().equals(1L)) { resultMessage.add("1"); resultMessage.add("OK"); } else { resultMessage.add("0"); resultMessage.add( "Mt khu ca bn hin ti l mt khu mc nh, Vui lng cp nht mt khu mi"); } //lay ngay doi mat khau so sanh voi ngay hien tai co lech khong if (entity.getLastChangePassword() != null) { Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); cal.setTime(entity.getLastChangePassword()); cal.add(Calendar.MONTH, 3); Date datePlus = cal.getTime(); Date sysdate = getSysdate(); if (datePlus.before(sysdate)) { resultMessage.set(0, "0"); resultMessage.set(1, "Mt khu ca bn qu hn! Vui lng thay i bng mt mt khu khc v khng ging mt khu hin ti!"); } } else { resultMessage.set(0, "0"); resultMessage.set(1, "Mt khu ca bn qu hn! Vui lng thay i bng mt mt khu khc v khng ging mt khu hin ti!"); } } List<Long> lst = daohe.getListRoleIdsByUser(currentUserId); if (lst.size() > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < lst.size(); i++) { RolesDAOHE rdhe = new RolesDAOHE(); Roles r = rdhe.findById(lst.get(i)); if (r != null) { if (r.getRoleCode() != null && "DN".equals(r.getRoleCode())) { resultMessage.add("1"); BusinessDAOHE busdaohe = new BusinessDAOHE(); //150206 binhnt53 update check null if (entity != null) { Business busbo = busdaohe.findById(entity.getBusinessId()); if (busbo != null) { resultMessage.add(busbo.getBusinessName()); } else if (entity.getBusinessName() != null) { resultMessage.add(entity.getBusinessName()); } else { resultMessage.add(""); } } else { resultMessage.add(""); } break; //!150206 binhnt53 update check null } } } } } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 // log.error(ex.getMessage()); } jsonDataGrid.setItems(resultMessage); return GRID_DATA; } //push businessAlert add by binhnt public String pushBusinessAlert() { List resultMessage = new ArrayList(); try { UserToken vsaUserToken = (UserToken) getRequest().getSession().getAttribute("userToken"); Long currentUserId = vsaUserToken.getUserID(); UsersDAOHE daohe = new UsersDAOHE(); Users entity = daohe.findById(currentUserId); if (entity != null) { if (entity.getBusinessId() != null) { BusinessAlertDAOHE busalert = new BusinessAlertDAOHE(); List<BusinessAlert> lstBusinessAlert = busalert.findByBusinessAlertId(entity.getBusinessId()); if (lstBusinessAlert != null && lstBusinessAlert.size() > 0) { resultMessage.add(1); resultMessage.add(entity.getBusinessId()); } else { resultMessage.add(0); resultMessage.add(null); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 // log.error(ex.getMessage()); } jsonDataGrid.setItems(resultMessage); return GRID_DATA; } public UsersForm getResetPassForm() { return resetPassForm; } public void setResetPassForm(UsersForm resetPassForm) { this.resetPassForm = resetPassForm; } public UsersForm getUsersForm() { return this.usersForm; } public void setUsersForm(UsersForm usersForm) { this.usersForm = usersForm; } public UserRoleForm getUserRoleFormOnDialog() { return this.userRoleFormOnDialog; } public void setUserRoleFormOnDialog(UserRoleForm userRoleFormOnDialog) { this.userRoleFormOnDialog = userRoleFormOnDialog; } public UsersForm getUsersFormSearch() { return this.usersFormSearch; } public void setUsersFormSearch(UsersForm usersFormSearch) { this.usersFormSearch = usersFormSearch; } public DepartmentGridForm getUserDeptForm() { return this.userDeptForm; } public void setUserDeptForm(DepartmentGridForm userDeptForm) { this.userDeptForm = userDeptForm; } public DepartmentGridForm getUserDeptFormOnDialog() { return this.userDeptFormOnDialog; } public void setUserDeptFormOnDialog(DepartmentGridForm userDeptFormOnDialog) { this.userDeptFormOnDialog = userDeptFormOnDialog; } public DepartmentForm getDepartmentForm() { return this.departmentForm; } public void setDepartmentForm(DepartmentForm departmentForm) { this.departmentForm = departmentForm; } public RoleGridForm getUserRoleForm() { return this.userRoleForm; } public void setUserRoleForm(RoleGridForm userRoleForm) { this.userRoleForm = userRoleForm; } public UserGridForm getListUserGridForm() { return this.listUserGridForm; } public void setListUserGridForm(UserGridForm listUserGridForm) { this.listUserGridForm = listUserGridForm; } public RoleGridForm getUnassignedRoleFormOnDialog() { return this.unassignedRoleFormOnDialog; } public void setUnassignedRoleFormOnDialog(RoleGridForm unassignedRoleFormOnDialog) { this.unassignedRoleFormOnDialog = unassignedRoleFormOnDialog; } public List getChildrenData() { return this.childrenData; } public void setChildrenData(List childrenData) { this.childrenData = childrenData; } public DojoJSON getJson() { return this.json; } public void setJson(DojoJSON json) { this.json = json; } public DojoJSON getStaffsList() { return staffsList; } public void setStaffsList(DojoJSON staffsList) { this.staffsList = staffsList; } public UsersForm getUserPasswordForm() { return userPasswordForm; } public void setUserPasswordForm(UsersForm userPasswordForm) { this.userPasswordForm = userPasswordForm; } public BusinessForm getBusinessForm() { return businessForm; } public void setBusinessForm(BusinessForm businessForm) { this.businessForm = businessForm; } }