Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2011 Viettel Telecom. All rights reserved. * VIETTEL PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms. */ package com.viettel.logistic.wms.dao; import com.viettel.logistic.wms.dto.CellsDTO; import com.viettel.logistic.wms.model.Goods; import com.viettel.vfw5.base.dao.BaseFWDAOImpl; import com.viettel.logistic.wms.model.Cells; import com.viettel.logistic.wms.model.GoodsPacking; import com.viettel.vfw5.base.dao.HibernateSessionFactoryImpl; import com.viettel.vfw5.base.dto.ResultDTO; import com.viettel.vfw5.base.pojo.ConditionBean; import com.viettel.vfw5.base.utils.Constants; import com.viettel.vfw5.base.utils.ParamUtils; import com.viettel.vfw5.base.utils.StringUtils; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.hibernate.HibernateException; import org.hibernate.Query; import org.hibernate.Session; import org.hibernate.Transaction; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.stereotype.Repository; /** * @author ngocnd6 * @version 1.0 * @since 08-Apr-15 9:36 AM */ @Repository("cellsDAO") public class CellsDAO extends BaseFWDAOImpl<Cells, Long> { @Autowired HibernateSessionFactoryImpl sessionFactory; public CellsDAO() { this.model = new Cells(); } public CellsDAO(Session session) { this.session = session; } public List<Cells> getListCells(Goods goods, Long stockId, Long goodsPackingId) { List<Cells> lstCells = new ArrayList(); GoodsPacking goodsPacking = new GoodsPacking(); // StringBuffer sql = new StringBuffer(); List lstParams = new ArrayList(); //Danh sach cell trong sql.append(" FROM Cells c WHERE 1=1 "); sql.append(" AND c.stockId = ? "); lstParams.add(stockId); //Mat hang kho co serial sql.append(" AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 "); sql.append(" FROM StockGoods "); sql.append(" WHERE cellCode = c.code AND amount > 0) "); //Mat hang co serial theo dai sql.append(" AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 "); sql.append(" FROM StockGoodsSerialStrip "); sql.append(" WHERE cellCode = c.code AND status != '3') "); //Mat hang serial don le sql.append(" AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 "); sql.append(" FROM StockGoodsSerial "); sql.append(" WHERE cellCode = c.code AND status != '3') "); // sql.append(" ORDER BY c.code "); // Query query = getSession().createQuery(sql.toString()); for (int i = 0; i < lstParams.size(); i++) { query.setParameter(i, lstParams.get(i)); } lstCells = query.list(); //Lay so luong Cell theo mat hang // sql = new StringBuffer(); // sql.append(" FROM GoodsPacking gp WHERE id =?"); // query = getSession().createQuery(sql.toString()); // query.setParameter(0, goodsPackingId); // List<GoodsPacking> lstGoodsPacking = query.list(); // if (lstGoodsPacking != null && lstGoodsPacking.size() > 0) { // goodsPacking = lstGoodsPacking.get(0); // } // // // Long packingNumber = goodsPacking.getPackingNumber(); // // return lstCells; } /** * NgocND6 insert list cell using import excel * @param lstCell * @param stockID * @return */ public ResultDTO insertListCells(List<Cells> lstCell, String stockID) { Session openSession; openSession = sessionFactory.openSession(); Transaction tx = openSession.beginTransaction(); ResultDTO result = new ResultDTO(); Cells cells = null; String lstCellsId = ""; try { for (int i = 0; i < lstCell.size(); i++) { cells = lstCell.get(i); lstCellsId = lstCellsId + "," + cells.getCode();; if (i % 50 == 0) { // Same as the JDBC batch size //flush a batch of inserts and release memory: openSession.flush(); openSession.clear(); lstCellsId = ""; } } tx.commit(); result.setMessage(ParamUtils.SUCCESS); } catch (HibernateException ex) { if (ex.getCause() != null && ex.getCause() instanceof SQLException) { SQLException se = (SQLException) ex.getCause(); if (se.getErrorCode() == 1) { openSession.clear(); ConditionBean condition = new ConditionBean("code", ParamUtils.OP_IN, lstCellsId.replaceFirst(",", ""), ParamUtils.TYPE_STRING); ConditionBean condition1 = new ConditionBean("stockId", ParamUtils.OP_EQUAL, String.valueOf(stockID), ParamUtils.TYPE_NUMBER); List<ConditionBean> lstConditionBeans = new ArrayList<>(); lstConditionBeans.add(condition); lstConditionBeans.add(condition1); List<Cells> lstCellsViolated = findSession("Cells", lstConditionBeans, "code", 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE, null, getSession()); if (lstCellsViolated != null && !lstCellsViolated.isEmpty()) { String id = ""; for (Cells item : lstCellsViolated) { id = id + "," + item.getCode(); } result.setKey(id.replaceFirst(",", "")); } } } tx.rollback(); result.setMessage(ParamUtils.FAIL); } finally { openSession.close(); } return result; } }