Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2014 The WebRTC Project Authors. All rights reserved. * * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license * that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source * tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found * in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may * be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree. */ package com.viettel.ipcclib; import; import; import com.viettel.ipcclib.constants.ConversationId; import com.viettel.ipcclib.constants.GsonWrapper; import com.viettel.ipcclib.constants.MessageType; import com.viettel.ipcclib.model.AppConfig; import com.viettel.ipcclib.model.CandidateJ; import com.viettel.ipcclib.model.Message; import com.viettel.ipcclib.model.MessageData; import com.viettel.ipcclib.model.Service; import com.viettel.ipcclib.util.LooperExecutor; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import org.webrtc.IceCandidate; import org.webrtc.PeerConnection; import org.webrtc.SessionDescription; import android.text.TextUtils; import android.util.Log; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import static com.viettel.ipcclib.constants.ConversationId.endVideoCall; import static com.viettel.ipcclib.constants.ConversationId.existingParticipants; import static com.viettel.ipcclib.constants.ConversationId.iceCandidate; import static com.viettel.ipcclib.constants.ConversationId.joinRoom; import static com.viettel.ipcclib.constants.ConversationId.newParticipantArrived; import static com.viettel.ipcclib.constants.ConversationId.receiveVideoAnswer; import static com.viettel.ipcclib.constants.ConversationId.receiveVideoFrom; import static com.viettel.ipcclib.constants.ConversationId.requestVideoCall; import static com.viettel.ipcclib.constants.GsonWrapper.getGson; import static com.viettel.ipcclib.constants.MessageType.CUSTOMER_LOGIN; import static com.viettel.ipcclib.constants.MessageType.CUSTOMER_RESUMING_REQUEST; import static com.viettel.ipcclib.constants.MessageType.LEAVE_CONVERSATION; import static com.viettel.ipcclib.constants.MessageType.MESSAGE; import static com.viettel.ipcclib.constants.MessageType.PING; import static com.viettel.ipcclib.constants.MessageType.SEND_IS_CHAT_TYPING; import static com.viettel.ipcclib.constants.MessageType.VIDEO_CALL; /** * Negotiates signaling for chatting with "rooms". * * <p>To use: create an instance of this object (registering a message handler) and * call connectToWebsocket(). Once room connection is established * onConnectedToRoom() callback with room parameters is invoked. * Messages to other party (with local Ice candidates and answer SDP) can * be sent after WebSocket connection is established. */ public class WebSocketRTCClient implements AppRTCClient, WebSocketChannelClient.WebSocketChannelEvents { private static final String TAG = "WebSocketRTCClient"; public WebSocketRTCClient setDomain(String domain) { this.domain = domain; return this; } public enum VideoState { WAITING, JOINED, LIVE, ERROR, END } ; // private enum MessageType { // MESSAGE, LEAVE // } ; private final LooperExecutor executor; private boolean initiator; private ConversationId mVideoState = endVideoCall; private WebSocketChannelClient wsClient; private WebSocketChannelClient.WebSocketConnectionState socketState; private RoomConnectionParameters connectionParameters; private SignalingEvents signalingEvents; private int userId; private int userId2; private String userName; private int conversationId = -1; private String domain; private int serviceId; private MessageData agentData; public WebSocketRTCClient(SignalingEvents events, LooperExecutor executor) { this.executor = executor; this.socketState = WebSocketChannelClient.WebSocketConnectionState.NEW; this.signalingEvents = events; executor.requestStart(); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // WebSocketChannelEvents interface implementation. // All events are called by WebSocketChannelClient on a local looper thread // (passed to WebSocket client constructor). @Override public void onWebSocketMessage(final String msg) { // try { Message message = getGson().fromJson(msg, Message.class); // JSONObject json = new JSONObject(msg); AppConfig params = message.getParams(); if (params != null) { Log.i(TAG, "Got appConfig" + msg + " parsing into roomParameters"); //this.roomParametersFetcher.parseAppConfig(msg); Log.i(TAG, "app config: " + msg); try { // JSONObject appConfig = new JSONObject(msg); String result = message.getResult(); Log.i(TAG, "client debug "); if (!result.equals("SUCCESS")) { return; } // String params = appConfig.getString("params"); // appConfig = new JSONObject(params); LinkedList<PeerConnection.IceServer> iceServers = iceServersFromPCConfigJSON(params.getPcConfig()); AppRTCClient.SignalingParameters signalingParameters = new SignalingParameters(iceServers); wsClient.register(connectionParameters.from); } catch (JSONException e) { signalingEvents.onChannelError("app config JSON parsing error: " + e.toString()); } return; } // if (socketState != WebSocketConnectionState.REGISTERED && socketState != WebSocketConnectionState.CONNECTED){ // Log.e(TAG, "websocket still in non registered state."); // return; // } JsonElement typeJson = message.getType(); if (typeJson == null || message.getData() == null || !TextUtils.isDigitsOnly(typeJson.getAsString())) { return; } String id = ""; String response = ""; MessageData data = message.getData(); MessageType type = MessageType.getValue(typeJson.getAsInt()); switch (type) { case CUSTOMER_LOGIN: //user register // JSONObject userT = json.getJSONObject("data"); userId = data.getUserId(); // userId = userT.getInt("userId"); // userName = userT.getString("name"); userName = data.getName().getAsString(); //make call; socketState = WebSocketChannelClient.WebSocketConnectionState.REGISTERED; signalingEvents.onConnected(); // todo use video // makeCall(); break; case AGENT_INFO_CUSTOMER: agentData = message.getData(); signalingEvents.onAgentJoinConversation(agentData.getFullName()); break; case HAVE_MESSAGE: signalingEvents.onMessageCome(data); break; case MESSAGE: conversationId = message.getData().getConversationId(); signalingEvents.onConversationReady(); break; case SEND_IS_CHAT_TYPING: signalingEvents.onAgentTyping(data.getFullName(), data.isTyping()); break; case RESPONSE_AGENT_MISS_CHAT_TO_CUSTOMER: signalingEvents.onAgentMissedChat(); break; case VIDEO_CALL: //video call processing // JSONObject dataO = json.getJSONObject("data"); processVideoCall(message); break; case AGENT_END_CONVERSATION_CUSTOMER: conversationId = -1; signalingEvents.onAgentEndConversation(data.getFullName()); break; case RESPONSE_SERVICE_LIST: if (data.getServices().isJsonArray()) { List<Service> services = GsonWrapper.getGson().fromJson(data.getServices(), new TypeToken<List<Service>>() { }.getType()); signalingEvents.onServiceListResponse(services); } break; } /* if(json.has("id")) id = json.getString("id"); if(id.equals("registerResponse")){ response = json.getString("response"); //TODO if not accepted what todo? String message = json.getString("message"); if(response.equals("accepted")) { socketState = WebSocketConnectionState.REGISTERED; } else if(response.equals("rejected")) { signalingEvents.onChannelError("register rejected: " + message); } else if(response.equals("skipped")) { signalingEvents.onChannelError("register rejected: " + message); // Log.e(TAG, "registration was skipped because: "+message); } } if(id.equals("registeredUsers")){ response = json.getString("response"); signalingEvents.onUserListUpdate(response); } if(id.equals("callResponse")){ response = json.getString("response"); if(response.startsWith("rejected")) { Log.d(TAG, "call got rejected: "+response); signalingEvents.onChannelClose(); }else{ Log.d(TAG, "sending sdpAnswer: "+response); SessionDescription sdp = new SessionDescription( SessionDescription.Type.ANSWER,json.getString("sdpAnswer")); signalingEvents.onRemoteDescription(sdp); } } if(id.equals("callScreenResponse")){ response = json.getString("response"); if(response.startsWith("rejected")) { Log.d(TAG, "call got rejected: "+response); signalingEvents.onChannelScreenClose(); }else{ Log.d(TAG, "sending sdpAnswer: "+response); SessionDescription sdp = new SessionDescription( SessionDescription.Type.ANSWER,json.getString("sdpAnswer")); signalingEvents.onRemoteScreenDescription(sdp); } } if(id.equals("incomingCall")){ Log.d(TAG, "incomingCall "+json.toString()); signalingEvents.onIncomingCall(json.getString("from")); } if(id.equals("incomingScreenCall")){ Log.d(TAG, "incomingScreenCall "+json.toString()); signalingEvents.onIncomingScreenCall(json); } if(id.equals("startCommunication")){ Log.d(TAG, "startCommunication "+json.toString()); SessionDescription sdp = new SessionDescription(SessionDescription.Type.ANSWER,json.getString("sdpAnswer")); signalingEvents.onStartCommunication(sdp); } if(id.equals("startScreenCommunication")){ Log.d(TAG, "startScreenCommunication "+json.toString()); SessionDescription sdp = new SessionDescription(SessionDescription.Type.ANSWER,json.getString("sdpAnswer")); // signalingEvents.onStartScreenCommunication(sdp); //remove if not needed! signalingEvents.onStartScreenCommunication(sdp); } if(id.equals("stopCommunication")){ Log.d(TAG, "stopCommunication "+json.toString()); signalingEvents.onChannelClose(); } if(id.equals("stopScreenCommunication")){ Log.d(TAG, "stopCommunication "+json.toString()); signalingEvents.onChannelScreenClose(); } if(id.equals("iceCandidateScreen")){ JSONObject candidateJson = json.getJSONObject("candidate"); IceCandidate candidate = new IceCandidate( candidateJson.getString("sdpMid"), candidateJson.getInt("sdpMLineIndex"), candidateJson.getString("candidate")); signalingEvents.onRemoteScreenIceCandidate(candidate); } if(id.equals("iceCandidate")){ Log.d(TAG, "iceCandidate "+json.toString()); JSONObject candidateJson = json.getJSONObject("candidate"); IceCandidate candidate = new IceCandidate( candidateJson.getString("sdpMid"), candidateJson.getInt("sdpMLineIndex"), candidateJson.getString("candidate")); signalingEvents.onRemoteIceCandidate(candidate); } if (id.equals("stop")) { signalingEvents.onChannelClose(); } if (id.equals("stopScreen")) { signalingEvents.onChannelScreenClose(); } */ // } catch (JSONException e) { // reportError("WebSocket message JSON parsing error: " + e.toString()); // } } private void processVideoCall(Message message) { MessageData dataO = message.getData(); if (dataO == null) { return; } ConversationId idM = dataO.getId(); if (idM == null) { return; } switch (idM) { case endVideoCall: mVideoState = endVideoCall; if (socketState == WebSocketChannelClient.WebSocketConnectionState.NEW) { signalingEvents.onNoAgentResponse(); } else { signalingEvents.endVideoCall(); } break; case joinRoom: mVideoState = joinRoom; conversationId = dataO.getConversationId(); joinRoom(); break; case existingParticipants: mVideoState = existingParticipants; signalingEvents.onReciveCall(); break; case iceCandidate: mVideoState = iceCandidate; //Log.d(TAG, "iceCandidate "+dataO.toString()); int name = dataO.getName().getAsInt(); // int nameX = dataO.getInt("name"); // String candidateJ = dataO.getString("candidate"); // String candidateJ = dataO.getCandidate(); String candidateString = dataO.getCandidate(); CandidateJ candidateJ = GsonWrapper.getGson().fromJson(candidateString, CandidateJ.class); // JSONObject candidateJson = new JSONObject(candidateJ); String sdpMid = candidateJ.getSdpMid(); int sdpMLineIndex = candidateJ.getSdpMLineIndex(); String candidateStr = candidateJ.getCandidate(); // String sdpMid = candidateJson.getString("sdpMid"); // int sdpMLineIndex = candidateJson.getInt("sdpMLineIndex"); // String candidateStr = candidateJson.getString("candidate"); IceCandidate candidate = new IceCandidate(sdpMid, sdpMLineIndex, candidateStr); if (name == userId) { signalingEvents.onRemoteIceCandidate(candidate); } else { signalingEvents.onRemoteScreenIceCandidate(candidate); } break; case receiveVideoAnswer: mVideoState = receiveVideoAnswer; int nameX = dataO.getName().getAsInt(); // Log.d(TAG, "sending sdpAnswer: " + dataO.getString("sdpAnswer")); SessionDescription sdp = new SessionDescription( // SessionDescription.Type.ANSWER, dataO.getString("sdpAnswer")); SessionDescription.Type.ANSWER, dataO.getSdpAnswer()); if (nameX == userId) { signalingEvents.onRemoteDescription(sdp); } else { signalingEvents.onRemoteScreenDescription(sdp); } break; case newParticipantArrived: mVideoState = newParticipantArrived; userId2 = dataO.getName().getAsInt(); signalingEvents.onIncomingScreenCall(message); // userId2 = dataO.getInt("name"); // signalingEvents.onIncomingScreenCall(json); break; } } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // AppRTCClient interface implementation. // Asynchronously connect to an AppRTC room URL using supplied connection // parameters, retrieves room parameters and connect to WebSocket server. @Override public void connectToWebsocket(RoomConnectionParameters connectionParameters) { this.connectionParameters = connectionParameters; executor.execute(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { try { connectToWebsocketInternal(); } catch (Exception e) { reportError("WebSocketerror: " + e.toString()); } } }); } public void setServiceId(int serviceId) { this.serviceId = serviceId; } public void sendStopToPeer() { executor.execute(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { try { // JSONObject jsonMessage = new JSONObject(); // jsonPut(jsonMessage, "id", "stop"); Message message = new Message().setId("stop"); wsClient.send(message); } catch (Exception e) { reportError("WebSocketerror: " + e.toString()); } } }); } @Override public void sendDisconnectToPeer() { executor.execute(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { disconnectFromRoomInternal(); } }); } @Override public void reconnect() { executor.execute(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { disconnectFromRoomInternal(); try { connectToWebsocketInternal(); } catch (Exception e) { reportError("WebSocketerror: " + e.toString()); } } }); } @Override public void register() { executor.execute(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { MessageData data = new MessageData().setVisitorName("").setServiceId("").setConversationId(-1) .setDomain(domain); Message message = new Message().setData(data).setService(CUSTOMER_RESUMING_REQUEST); wsClient.send(message); } }); } @Override public void login() { // executor.execute(new Runnable() { // @Override // public void run() { // MessageData data = new MessageData() // .setVisitorName("") // .setServiceId("-1") // .setHost("") // .setConversationId(-1) // .setDomain(domain); // // Message message = new Message() // .setData(data) // .setService(CUSTOMER_LOGIN); // // wsClient.send(message); // } // }); } @Override public void initUser() { //get info executor.execute(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { // JSONObject data = new JSONObject(); // WebSocketRTCClient.jsonPut(data, "visitorId", -1); // WebSocketRTCClient.jsonPut(data, "visitorName", ""); // WebSocketRTCClient.jsonPut(data, "ip_address", ""); // WebSocketRTCClient.jsonPut(data, "host", ""); // WebSocketRTCClient.jsonPut(data, "os", ""); // WebSocketRTCClient.jsonPut(data, "browser", ""); // WebSocketRTCClient.jsonPut(data, "device_type", ""); // WebSocketRTCClient.jsonPut(data, "domain", "LANT_TEST1"); // WebSocketRTCClient.jsonPut(data, "country_name", ""); // JSONObject json = new JSONObject(); // // WebSocketRTCClient.jsonPut(json, "service", 37); // WebSocketRTCClient.jsonPut(json, "data", data); // Todo question MessageData data = new MessageData().setVisitorId(-1).setVisitorName("") .setIpAddress("").setHost("").setOs("").setBrowser("") .setDeviceType("").setConversationId(-1).setDomain(domain).setCountryName(""); Message message = new Message().setData(data).setService(CUSTOMER_LOGIN); wsClient.send(message); } }); } @Override public void makeCall() { executor.execute(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { MessageData data = new MessageData().setServiceId(serviceId + "").setConversationId(conversationId) .setMessage("").setDomain(domain).setId(requestVideoCall); Message message = new Message().setData(data).setService(VIDEO_CALL); // JSONObject data = new JSONObject(); // WebSocketRTCClient.jsonPut(data, "service_id", serviceId); // WebSocketRTCClient.jsonPut(data, "conversationId", -1); // WebSocketRTCClient.jsonPut(data, "message", ""); // WebSocketRTCClient.jsonPut(data, "domain", 14); // WebSocketRTCClient.jsonPut(data, "id", "requestVideoCall"); // JSONObject json = new JSONObject(); // WebSocketRTCClient.jsonPut(json, "data", data); // WebSocketRTCClient.jsonPut(json, "service", 113); // wsClient.send(json.toString()); if (wsClient != null) wsClient.send(message); } }); } @Override public void joinRoom() { executor.execute(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { // JSONObject data = new JSONObject(); // WebSocketRTCClient.jsonPut(data, "service_id", serviceId); // WebSocketRTCClient.jsonPut(data, "conversationId", conversationId); // WebSocketRTCClient.jsonPut(data, "message", ""); // WebSocketRTCClient.jsonPut(data, "domain", 14); // WebSocketRTCClient.jsonPut(data, "id", "joinRoom"); // JSONObject json = new JSONObject(); // WebSocketRTCClient.jsonPut(json, "data", data); // WebSocketRTCClient.jsonPut(json, "service", 113); // todo question MessageData data = new MessageData().setServiceId(serviceId + "").setConversationId(conversationId) .setMessage("").setDomain(domain).setId(joinRoom); Message message = new Message().setData(data).setService(VIDEO_CALL); wsClient.send(message); } }); } // Connects to websocket - function runs on a local looper thread. private void connectToWebsocketInternal() { String connectionUrl = getConnectionUrl(connectionParameters); socketState = WebSocketChannelClient.WebSocketConnectionState.NEW; wsClient = new WebSocketChannelClient(executor, this); wsClient.connect(connectionUrl); socketState = WebSocketChannelClient.WebSocketConnectionState.CONNECTED; Log.d(TAG, "wsClient connect " + connectionUrl); } // Disconnect from room and send bye messages - runs on a local looper thread. private void disconnectFromRoomInternal() { Log.d(TAG, "Disconnect. Room state: " + socketState); // if (socketState == WebSocketConnectionState.CONNECTED // || socketState == WebSocketConnectionState.NEW // || socketState == WebSocketConnectionState.REGISTERED) { Log.d(TAG, "Closing room."); // JSONObject data = new JSONObject(); // WebSocketRTCClient.jsonPut(data, "service_id", serviceId); // WebSocketRTCClient.jsonPut(data, "conversationId", conversationId); // WebSocketRTCClient.jsonPut(data, "domain", 14); // WebSocketRTCClient.jsonPut(data, "id", "endVideoCall"); // JSONObject json = new JSONObject(); // WebSocketRTCClient.jsonPut(json, "data", data); // WebSocketRTCClient.jsonPut(json, "service", 113); // todo MessageData data = new MessageData().setServiceId(serviceId + "").setConversationId(conversationId) .setDomain(domain).setId(endVideoCall); Message message = new Message().setData(data).setService(VIDEO_CALL); wsClient.send(message); //wsClient.disconnect(true); } } // Helper functions to get connection, sendSocketMessage message and leave message URLs private String getConnectionUrl(RoomConnectionParameters connectionParameters) { return connectionParameters.roomUrl + "/websocket"; } // Return the list of ICE servers described by a WebRTCPeerConnection // configuration string. public static LinkedList<PeerConnection.IceServer> iceServersFromPCConfigJSON(String pcConfig) throws JSONException { JSONObject json = new JSONObject(pcConfig); Log.d(TAG, "current pcConfig: " + pcConfig); LinkedList<PeerConnection.IceServer> iceServers = new LinkedList<PeerConnection.IceServer>(); JSONArray iceServersArray = json.getJSONArray("iceServers"); for (int i = 0; i < iceServersArray.length(); i++) { JSONObject iceJson = iceServersArray.getJSONObject(i); String username = iceJson.getString("username"); String password = iceJson.getString("password"); JSONArray iceUris = iceJson.getJSONArray("urls"); for (int j = 0; j < iceUris.length(); j++) { String uri = iceUris.getString(j); Log.d(TAG, "adding ice server: " + uri + " username:" + username + " password:" + password); iceServers.add(new PeerConnection.IceServer(uri, username, password)); } } return iceServers; } public void call(final SessionDescription sdp) { executor.execute(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { // if (socketState != WebSocketConnectionState.REGISTERED) { // reportError("Sending offer SDP in non registered state."); // return; // } // JSONObject json = new JSONObject(); // JSONObject dataJ = new JSONObject(); // jsonPut(dataJ, "service_id", serviceId); // jsonPut(dataJ, "conversationId", conversationId); // jsonPut(dataJ, "domain", 14); // jsonPut(dataJ, "id", "receiveVideoFrom"); // jsonPut(dataJ, "sender", userId); // jsonPut(dataJ, "sdpOffer", sdp.description); // jsonPut(json, "service", 113); // jsonPut(json, "data", dataJ); MessageData data = new MessageData().setServiceId("" + serviceId).setConversationId(conversationId) .setDomain(domain).setId(receiveVideoFrom).setSender(userId + "") .setSdpOffer(sdp.description); // todo Message message = new Message().setData(data).setService(VIDEO_CALL); wsClient.send(message); } }); } // Send local answer SDP to the other participant. @Override public void sendOfferSdp(final SessionDescription sdp, final boolean isScreenSharing) { // if (mVideoState == endVideoCall || mVideoState == cancelVideoCall ) { // return; // } executor.execute(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { // JSONObject json = new JSONObject(); // JSONObject dataJ = new JSONObject(); // jsonPut(dataJ, "service_id", serviceId); // jsonPut(dataJ, "conversationId", conversationId); // jsonPut(dataJ, "domain", 14); // jsonPut(dataJ, "id", "receiveVideoFrom"); // if (isScreenSharing) // jsonPut(dataJ, "sender", userId2); // else { // jsonPut(dataJ, "sender", userId); // } // jsonPut(dataJ, "sdpOffer", sdp.description); // jsonPut(json, "service", 113); // jsonPut(json, "data", dataJ); MessageData data = new MessageData().setServiceId(serviceId + "").setConversationId(conversationId) .setDomain(domain).setId(receiveVideoFrom).setSdpOffer(sdp.description); if (isScreenSharing) { data.setSender(userId2 + ""); } else { data.setSender(userId + ""); } Message message = new Message().setService(VIDEO_CALL).setData(data); wsClient.send(message); } }); } // Send Ice candidate to the other participant. @Override public void sendLocalIceCandidate(final IceCandidate candidate, final boolean isScreenSharing) { // if (mVideoState == endVideoCall || mVideoState == existingParticipants || mVideoState == cancelVideoCall) { // return; // } executor.execute(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { JSONObject json = new JSONObject(); JSONObject data = new JSONObject(); JSONObject candidateJ = new JSONObject(); jsonPut(candidateJ, "candidate", candidate.sdp); jsonPut(candidateJ, "sdpMid", candidate.sdpMid); jsonPut(candidateJ, "sdpMLineIndex", candidate.sdpMLineIndex); jsonPut(data, "id", "onIceCandidate"); if (!isScreenSharing) jsonPut(data, "name", userId); else jsonPut(data, "name", userId2); jsonPut(data, "service_id", serviceId); jsonPut(data, "conversationId", conversationId); jsonPut(data, "domain", domain); jsonPut(data, "candidate", candidateJ); jsonPut(json, "service", 113); jsonPut(json, "data", data); // CandidateJ candidateJ = new CandidateJ() // .setCandidate(candidate.sdp) // .setSdpMid(candidate.sdpMid) // .setSdpMLineIndex(candidate.sdpMLineIndex); // // JsonObject candidateJson = new JsonObject(); // candidateJson.addProperty("candidate", candidate.sdp); // candidateJson.addProperty("sdpMid", candidate.sdpMid); // candidateJson.addProperty("sdpMLineIndex", candidate.sdpMLineIndex); // // MessageData data = new MessageData() // .setId(onIceCandidate) // .setServiceId(serviceId + "") // .setConversationId(conversationId) // .setDomain(domain) // .setCandidate(getGson().toJson(candidateJson)) // ; // if (!isScreenSharing) { // data.setName(getGson().toJsonTree(userId)); // } else { // data.setName(getGson().toJsonTree(userId2)); // } // Message message = new Message() // .setService(VIDEO_CALL) // .setData(data); // Call receiver sends ice candidates to websocket server. wsClient.send(json.toString()); } }); } @Override public void onWebSocketClose() { signalingEvents.onChannelClose(); } @Override public void onWebSocketError(String description) { reportError("WebSocket error: " + description); } @Override public void onWebSocketConnected() { connectToUser(0); } public void disconnect() { if (wsClient != null) { wsClient.disconnect(); } } private void connectToUser(int runTimeMs) { initTurnServer(); initUser(); // login(); String to = "112"; // roomConnectionParameters.initiator = true; // = to; } private void initTurnServer() { String dataJsonTurn = "{\n" + " \"params\": {\n" + " \"pc_config\": {\n" + " \"iceServers\": [\n" + " {\n" + " \"username\": \"\",\n" + " \"password\": \"\",\n" + " \"urls\": [\n" + " \"stun:\",\n" + " \"stun:\",\n" + " \"\",\n" + " \"\",\n" + " \"\",\n" + " \"\",\n" + " \"\",\n" + " \"\",\n" + " \"\",\n" + " \"\",\n" + " \"\",\n" + " \"\",\n" + " \"\",\n" + " \"\",\n" + " \"\"\n" + " ]\n" + " },\n" + " {\n" + " \"username\": \"viettel\",\n" + " \"password\": \"123456aA\",\n" + " \"urls\": [\n" + " \"turn:\"\n" + " ]\n" + " }\n" + " ]\n" + " }\n" + " },\n" + " \"result\": \"SUCCESS\"\n" + "}\n"; JSONObject appConfig = null; try { appConfig = new JSONObject(dataJsonTurn); String result = appConfig.getString("result"); Log.i(TAG, "client debug "); if (!result.equals("SUCCESS")) { return; } String params = appConfig.getString("params"); appConfig = new JSONObject(params); LinkedList<PeerConnection.IceServer> iceServers = WebSocketRTCClient .iceServersFromPCConfigJSON(appConfig.getString("pc_config")); AppRTCClient.SignalingParameters signalingParameters = new AppRTCClient.SignalingParameters(iceServers); } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // Helper functions. private void reportError(final String errorMessage) { Log.e(TAG, errorMessage); executor.execute(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { if (socketState != WebSocketChannelClient.WebSocketConnectionState.ERROR) { socketState = WebSocketChannelClient.WebSocketConnectionState.ERROR; signalingEvents.onChannelError(errorMessage); } } }); } @Override public void sendTextMessage(final String messageText) { executor.execute(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { MessageData data = new MessageData().setServiceId(serviceId + "").setConversationId(conversationId) .setMessage(messageText).setUserId(userId).setVisitorId(userId).setDomain(domain) .setHost("messageText"); Message message = new Message().setService(MESSAGE).setData(data); // Call receiver sends ice candidates to websocket server. wsClient.send(message); } }); } public void sendTypingStatus(final boolean typing) { executor.execute(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { MessageData data = new MessageData().setServiceId(serviceId + "").setConversationId(conversationId) .setUserId(userId).setUserName(userName).setTyping(typing).setType(MessageType.PING) .setDomain(domain); Message message = new Message().setService(SEND_IS_CHAT_TYPING).setData(data); // Call receiver sends ice candidates to websocket server. wsClient.send(message); } }); } @Override public void leaveConversation() { executor.execute(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { MessageData data = new MessageData().setVisitorId(userId).setServiceId("-1") .setConversationId(conversationId); Message message = new Message().setService(LEAVE_CONVERSATION).setData(data); // Call receiver sends ice candidates to websocket server. wsClient.send(message); } }); } @Override public void updateUserInfo(final String username, String email) { // todo executor.execute(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { MessageData data = new MessageData().setUserId(userId).setUserName(username).setType(PING) .setTyping(false).setServiceId("" + serviceId).setConversationId(conversationId); Message message = new Message().setService(LEAVE_CONVERSATION).setData(data); // Call receiver sends ice candidates to websocket server. wsClient.send(message); } }); } // Put a |key|->|value| mapping in |json|. public static void jsonPut(JSONObject json, String key, Object value) { try { json.put(key, value); } catch (JSONException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } }