Java tutorial
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // This file is part of the Kasper framework. // // The Kasper framework is free software: you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as // published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the // License, or (at your option) any later version. // // Kasper framework is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License // along with the framework Kasper. // If not, see <>. // -- // Ce fichier fait partie du framework logiciel Kasper // // Ce programme est un logiciel libre ; vous pouvez le redistribuer ou le // modifier suivant les termes de la GNU Lesser General Public License telle // que publie par la Free Software Foundation ; soit la version 3 de la // licence, soit ( votre gr) toute version ultrieure. // // Ce programme est distribu dans l'espoir qu'il sera utile, mais SANS // AUCUNE GARANTIE ; sans mme la garantie tacite de QUALIT MARCHANDE ou // d'ADQUATION UN BUT PARTICULIER. Consultez la GNU Lesser General Public // License pour plus de dtails. // // Vous devez avoir reu une copie de la GNU Lesser General Public License en // mme temps que ce programme ; si ce n'est pas le cas, consultez // <> // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ============================================================================ // KASPER - Kasper is the treasure keeper // - - - // // Viadeo Framework for effective CQRS/DDD architecture // ============================================================================ package com.viadeo.kasper.common.exposition.query; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.thoughtworks.paranamer.*; import com.viadeo.kasper.api.component.query.Query; import com.viadeo.kasper.common.exposition.Feature; import com.viadeo.kasper.common.exposition.FeatureConfiguration; import com.viadeo.kasper.common.exposition.TypeAdapter; import com.viadeo.kasper.common.exposition.adapters.NullSafeTypeAdapter; import com.viadeo.kasper.common.exposition.adapters.TypeAdapterFactory; import com.viadeo.kasper.common.exposition.exception.KasperQueryAdapterException; import java.lang.annotation.Annotation; import java.lang.reflect.Constructor; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.lang.reflect.Type; import java.util.*; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap; import static; /** * This class is responsible of locating and doing all the wiring between * TypeAdapters. You can use it in your custom {@link com.viadeo.kasper.common.exposition.adapters.TypeAdapterFactory} in * order to delegate the "serialization" to existing mechanism. * * @see com.viadeo.kasper.common.exposition.TypeAdapter * @see com.viadeo.kasper.common.exposition.adapters.TypeAdapterFactory */ public class DefaultQueryFactory implements QueryFactory { private static final String PREFIX_METHOD_IS = "is"; private static final int PREFIX_METHOD_IS_LEN = 2; private static final String PREFIX_METHOD_GET = "get"; private static final int PREFIX_METHOD_GET_LEN = 3; private static final String PREFIX_METHOD_SET = "set"; private static final int PREFIX_METHOD_SET_LEN = 3; private static final Comparator<Constructor> LEAST_PARAM_COUNT_CTR_COMPARATOR = new Comparator<Constructor>() { @Override public int compare(final Constructor o1, final Constructor o2) { return o1.getParameterTypes().length - o2.getParameterTypes().length; } }; private final ConcurrentMap<Type, TypeAdapter> adapters; private final Map<Type, BeanAdapter> beanAdapters; private final List<TypeAdapterFactory> factories; private final FeatureConfiguration features; private final VisibilityFilter visibilityFilter; private final Paranamer paranamer = new CachingParanamer( new AdaptiveParanamer(new AnnotationParanamer(new DefaultParanamer()), new BytecodeReadingParanamer())); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ public DefaultQueryFactory(final FeatureConfiguration features, final Map<Type, TypeAdapter> adapters, final Map<Type, BeanAdapter> beanAdapters, final List<? extends TypeAdapterFactory> factories, final VisibilityFilter visibilityFilter) { this.features = checkNotNull(features); this.visibilityFilter = checkNotNull(visibilityFilter); this.factories = Lists.newArrayList(checkNotNull(factories)); this.beanAdapters = Maps.newHashMap(checkNotNull(beanAdapters)); this.adapters = Maps.newConcurrentMap(); this.adapters.putAll(checkNotNull(adapters)); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") // Safe: the library is providing type-safety // through TypeToken and reflection @Override public <T> TypeAdapter<T> create(final TypeToken<T> typeToken) { // - first lets check if a TypeAdapter is available for that class TypeAdapter<T> adapter = (TypeAdapter<T>) adapters.get(typeToken.getType()); if (null == adapter) { for (final TypeAdapterFactory candidateFactory : factories) { if (TypeToken.of(candidateFactory.getClass()) .resolveType(TypeAdapterFactory.class.getTypeParameters()[0]).isAssignableFrom(typeToken)) { final TypeAdapterFactory<T> factory = (TypeAdapterFactory<T>) candidateFactory; final Optional<TypeAdapter<T>> adapterOpt = factory.create(typeToken, this); if (adapterOpt.isPresent()) { adapter = adapterOpt.get(); break; } } } if (null == adapter) { if (!Query.class.isAssignableFrom(typeToken.getRawType())) { throw new KasperQueryAdapterException( "Could not find any valid TypeAdapter for type " + typeToken.getRawType()); } adapter = (TypeAdapter<T>) provideBeanQueryMapper((TypeToken<Class<? extends Query>>) typeToken); } checkNotNull(adapter); adapter = new NullSafeTypeAdapter<T>(adapter); adapters.putIfAbsent(typeToken.getType(), adapter); } return adapter; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ private TypeAdapter<? extends Query> provideBeanQueryMapper(final TypeToken<Class<? extends Query>> typeToken) { final Set<PropertyAdapter> retAdapters = Sets.newHashSet(); final Map<String, Method> accessors = new HashMap<String, Method>(); final Map<String, Method> mutators = new HashMap<String, Method>(); // no need to look at interfaces as we are interested only in // implementations Class superClass = typeToken.getRawType(); while ((null != superClass) && (!superClass.equals(Object.class))) { collectAccessors(superClass, accessors); collectMutators(superClass, mutators); superClass = superClass.getSuperclass(); } final BeanConstructor creator = resolveBeanConstructor(typeToken.getRawType()); // now we need to create the PropertyAdapters /* * !!! We must handle the case of properties that have an accessor but * have no mutator or ctr argument. Lets throw an exception if all * properties with a mutator are not covered by an accessor or a ctr * param (consider only selected ctr, the others don't matter as we will * not use them)!!! */ for (final Map.Entry<String, Method> accessorEntry : accessors.entrySet()) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") final TypeToken<Object> accessorType = (TypeToken<Object>) typeToken .resolveType(accessorEntry.getValue().getGenericReturnType()); final Method mutator = mutators.get(accessorEntry.getKey()); final BeanConstructorProperty ctrProperty = creator.parameters().get(accessorEntry.getKey()); PropertyAdapter propertyAdapter; // we have a ctr with args, this property will be set using the ctr // => do not use the mutator if (null != ctrProperty) { final TypeToken ctrTypeToken = typeToken.resolveType(ctrProperty.type()); // FIXME do we want to check it or be more permissive? if (!accessorType.equals(ctrTypeToken)) { throw new KasperQueryAdapterException(String.format( "Parameter[%s] of type[%s] and accessor[%s] of type[%s] in %s does not match",, ctrTypeToken.getRawType().getSimpleName(), accessorEntry.getValue().getName(), accessorType.getRawType().getSimpleName(), typeToken.getRawType().getSimpleName())); } propertyAdapter = createPropertyAdapter(mutator, accessorEntry.getValue(),, accessorType); if (!retAdapters.contains(propertyAdapter)) { retAdapters.add(propertyAdapter); } } else { if (null != mutator) { final TypeToken mutatorTypeToken = typeToken.resolveType(mutator.getGenericParameterTypes()[0]); // FIXME do we want to check it or be more permissive? if (!accessorType.equals(mutatorTypeToken)) { throw new KasperQueryAdapterException(String.format( "Mutator[%s] of type[%s] and accessor[%s] of type[%s] in %s does not match", mutator.getName(), mutatorTypeToken.getRawType().getSimpleName(), accessorEntry.getValue().getName(), accessorType.getRawType().getSimpleName(), typeToken.getRawType().getSimpleName())); } propertyAdapter = createPropertyAdapter(mutator, accessorEntry.getValue(), accessorEntry.getKey(), accessorType); if (!retAdapters.contains(propertyAdapter)) { retAdapters.add(propertyAdapter); } } /* else -- * for the moment just lets ignore silently methods that have a * set method and no get, and the inverse */ } } if (features.has(Feature.FAIL_ON_EMPTY_BEANS) && retAdapters.isEmpty()) { throw new KasperQueryAdapterException( "No property has been discovered for query " + typeToken.getRawType()); } return new BeanQueryMapper(creator, retAdapters); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private PropertyAdapter createPropertyAdapter(final Method mutator, final Method accessor, final String name, final TypeToken<Object> propertyType) { // for the moment lets mix accessor and mutator annotations as things // must be symetric, latter if we need to // support more complex cases we will change things final Annotation[] propertyAnnotations; // Need to check for null if the property does not have a mutator but // uses the ctr. // We could do it differently but its fine like that for the moment // I prefer avoiding to add more and more classes until we really need // it // deleting code is harder than writing! if (null == mutator) { propertyAnnotations = accessor.getAnnotations(); } else { propertyAnnotations = ObjectArrays.concat(mutator.getAnnotations(), accessor.getAnnotations(), Annotation.class); } final BeanProperty property = new BeanProperty(name, accessor.getDeclaringClass(), propertyAnnotations, propertyType); final boolean handleName; final TypeAdapter<Object> delegateAdapter; @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") // type safety guaranteed by the lib BeanAdapter<Object> beanAdapter = (BeanAdapter<Object>) beanAdapters.get(property.getTypeToken().getType()); // If didn't found an exact match, looking for a bean adapter of a super type. if (null == beanAdapter) { final TypeToken propertyTypeToken = property.getTypeToken(); for (final Type knownType : beanAdapters.keySet()) { if (TypeToken.of(knownType).isAssignableFrom(propertyTypeToken)) { beanAdapter = beanAdapters.get(knownType); beanAdapters.put(propertyTypeToken.getType(), beanAdapter); break; } } } if (null == beanAdapter) { handleName = true; delegateAdapter = create(propertyType); } else { handleName = false; delegateAdapter = new NullSafeTypeAdapter<Object>( new DecoratedBeanAdapter<Object>(property, beanAdapter)); } if (null != delegateAdapter) { return new PropertyAdapter(property, accessor, mutator, delegateAdapter, handleName); } else { throw new KasperQueryAdapterException("Complex Queries are not supported! " + "Please flatten your Pojo in order to contain only java literal " + "properties or register custom a TypeAdapter."); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ private BeanConstructor resolveBeanConstructor(final Class forClass) { final Constructor[] ctrs = forClass.getDeclaredConstructors(); /* * we want the no arg ctr on top */ Arrays.sort(ctrs, LEAST_PARAM_COUNT_CTR_COMPARATOR); /* * we choose the first one, because it is crazy to try to guess which is * better to use so the rule is choose the ctr with the less number of * params */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") final Constructor<Object> ctr = (Constructor<Object>) ctrs[0]; /* * we now must resolve the parameter names */ final String[] names = paranamer.lookupParameterNames(ctr); if (names.length != ctr.getParameterTypes().length) { throw new KasperQueryAdapterException( String.format("Could not resolve constructor[%s] parameter names", ctr)); } final Map<String, BeanConstructorProperty> parameters = new HashMap<String, BeanConstructorProperty>(); for (int i = 0; i < names.length; i++) { parameters.put(names[i], new BeanConstructorProperty(i, ctr.getParameterAnnotations()[i], names[i], ctr.getGenericParameterTypes()[i])); } return new BeanConstructor(ctr, parameters); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ private void collectAccessors(final Class fromClass, final Map<String, Method> accessors) { final Method[] methods = fromClass.getDeclaredMethods(); for (final Method m : methods) { if (visibilityFilter.isVisible(m) && isAccessor(m)) { final String name = resolveName(m); if (!accessors.containsKey(name)) { accessors.put(name, m); } } } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ private void collectMutators(final Class fromClass, final Map<String, Method> mutators) { final Method[] methods = fromClass.getDeclaredMethods(); for (final Method m : methods) { if (visibilityFilter.isVisible(m) && isMutator(m)) { final String name = resolveName(m); if (!mutators.containsKey(name)) { mutators.put(name, m); } } } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ private String resolveName(final Method method) { final String methodName = method.getName(); if (methodName.startsWith(PREFIX_METHOD_IS)) { return firstCharToLowerCase(methodName.substring(PREFIX_METHOD_IS_LEN)); } if (methodName.startsWith(PREFIX_METHOD_GET)) { return firstCharToLowerCase(methodName.substring(PREFIX_METHOD_GET_LEN)); } if (methodName.startsWith(PREFIX_METHOD_SET)) { return firstCharToLowerCase(methodName.substring(PREFIX_METHOD_SET_LEN)); } throw new IllegalStateException("Method must respect Java Bean conventions and start with is, get or set."); } // -- private String firstCharToLowerCase(final String str) { final String newStr = str.substring(0, 1).toLowerCase(); if (str.length() > 1) { return newStr + str.substring(1); } else { return newStr; } } // -- private boolean isAccessor(final Method method) { final boolean getMethod = method.getName().startsWith(PREFIX_METHOD_GET) && (method.getName().length() > PREFIX_METHOD_GET_LEN); final boolean isMethod = (!getMethod) && method.getName().startsWith(PREFIX_METHOD_IS) && method.getName().length() > PREFIX_METHOD_IS_LEN; final boolean hasNoParameters = method.getParameterTypes().length == 0; return (getMethod || isMethod) && hasNoParameters; } // -- private boolean isMutator(final Method method) { return method.getName().startsWith(PREFIX_METHOD_SET) && (method.getName().length() > PREFIX_METHOD_SET_LEN) && (method.getParameterTypes().length == 1); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // in fact it is a beanadapter adapted to TypeAdapter, but naming it // AdaptedBeanAdapter // would sound lolish...(a la spring) :p, this class allows us benefit from // what has been done for TypeAdapters static class DecoratedBeanAdapter<T> implements TypeAdapter<T> { private final BeanProperty property; private final BeanAdapter<T> adapter; public DecoratedBeanAdapter(final BeanProperty property, final BeanAdapter<T> adapter) { = property; this.adapter = adapter; } @Override public void adapt(final T value, final QueryBuilder builder) throws Exception { adapter.adapt(value, builder, property); } @Override public T adapt(final QueryParser parser) throws Exception { return adapter.adapt(parser, property); } } }