Source code

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Copyright (c) 2005 - 2012 Vertica, an HP company -*- Java -*-
Copyright 2013, Twitter, Inc.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
package com.vertica.hivestoragehandler;

import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.DriverManager;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.*;

import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.Job;
import org.apache.hadoop.util.StringUtils;

 * A container for configuration property names for jobs with Vertica
 * input/output.
 * The job can be configured using the static methods in this class,
 * {@link VerticaInputFormat}, and {@link VerticaOutputFormat}. Alternatively,
 * the properties can be set in the configuration with proper values.
 * @see VerticaConfiguration#configureVertica(Configuration, String[], String,
 *      String, String, String username, String password)
 * @see VerticaConfiguration#configureVertica(Configuration, String[], String,
 *      String, String, String, String, String[], String, String, String, String, String)
 * @see VerticaInputFormat#setInput(Job, String)
 * @see VerticaInputFormat#setInput(Job, String, Collection<List<Object>>)
 * @see VerticaInputFormat#setInput(Job, String, String)
 * @see VerticaInputFormat#setInput(Job, String, String...)
 * @see VerticaOutputFormat#setOutput(Job, String)
 * @see VerticaOutputFormat#setOutput(Job, String, Collection<VerticaTable>)
 * @see VerticaOutputFormat#setOutput(Job, String, boolean)
 * @see VerticaOutputFormat#setOutput(Job, String, boolean, String...)
public class VerticaConfiguration {
    private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog("com.vertica.hadoop");

    /** JDBC logging level default */
    public static final String LOG_LEVEL_PROP_DEFAULT = "0";

    /** Class name for Vertica JDBC Driver */
    public static final String VERTICA_DRIVER_CLASS = "com.vertica.jdbc.Driver";
    public static final String VERTICA_DRIVER_CLASS_41 = "com.vertica.Driver";

    /** Host names to connect to, selected from at random */
    public static final String HOSTNAMES_PROP = "mapred.vertica.hostnames";

    /** Name of database to connect to */
    public static final String DATABASE_PROP = "mapred.vertica.database";

    /** User name for Vertica */
    public static final String USERNAME_PROP = "mapred.vertica.username";

    /** Password for Vertica */
    public static final String PASSWORD_PROP = "mapred.vertica.password";

    /** Port for Vertica */
    public static final String PORT_PROP = "mapred.vertica.port";

    /** JDBC logging level */
    public static final String LOG_LEVEL_PROP = "mapred.vertica.log.level";

    /**Batch Size for JDBC batch size */
    public static final String BATCH_SIZE_PROP = "mapred.vertica.batchsize";

    /** Host names to connect to, selected from at random */
    public static final String OUTPUT_HOSTNAMES_PROP = "mapred.vertica.hostnames.output";

    /** Name of database to connect to */
    public static final String OUTPUT_DATABASE_PROP = "mapred.vertica.database.output";

    /** User name for Vertica */
    public static final String OUTPUT_USERNAME_PROP = "mapred.vertica.username.output";

    /** Password for Vertica */
    public static final String OUTPUT_PASSWORD_PROP = "mapred.vertica.password.output";

    /** Password for Vertica */
    public static final String OUTPUT_PORT_PROP = "mapred.vertica.port.output";

    /** Query to run for input */
    public static final String QUERY_PROP = "mapred.vertica.input.query";

    /** Query to run to retrieve parameters */
    public static final String QUERY_PARAM_PROP = "mapred.vertica.input.query.paramquery";

    /** Static parameters for query */
    public static final String QUERY_PARAMS_PROP = "mapred.vertica.input.query.params";

    /** Optional input delimiter for streaming */
    public static final String INPUT_DELIMITER_PROP = "mapred.vertica.input.delimiter";

    /** Optional input terminator for streaming */
    public static final String INPUT_TERMINATOR_PROP = "mapred.vertica.input.terminator";

    /** Output table name */
    public static final String OUTPUT_TABLE_NAME_PROP = "";

    /** Hive Input table name */
    public static final String HIVE_VERTICA_TABLE_NAME_PROP = "mapred.vertica.verticatable";

    /** Hive Output table name */
    public static final String HIVE_HIVE_TABLE_NAME_PROP = "mapred.vertica.hivetable";

    /** Definition of output table types */
    public static final String OUTPUT_TABLE_DEF_PROP = "mapred.vertica.output.table.def";

    /** Whether to drop tables */
    public static final String OUTPUT_TABLE_DROP = "mapred.vertica.output.table.drop";

    /** Optional output format delimiter */
    public static final String OUTPUT_DELIMITER_PROP = "mapred.vertica.output.delimiter";

    /** Optional output format terminator */
    public static final String OUTPUT_TERMINATOR_PROP = "mapred.vertica.output.terminator";

    /** Optional log path, defaults to working directory */
    public static final String LOG_PATH_PROP = "mapred.vertica.log.path";

    /** Optional override of the default OutputCommitter implementation */
    public static final String OUTPUT_COMMITTER_CLASS_PARAM = "mapred.vertica.output.committer";

    public static final String DEFAULT_OUTPUT_COMMITTER = VerticaTaskOutputCommitter.class.getCanonicalName();

     * Override the sleep timer for optimize to poll when new projections have
     * refreshed
    public static final String OPTIMIZE_POLL_TIMER_PROP = "mapred.vertica.optimize.poll";

     * Property for speculative execution of MAP tasks
    public static final String MAP_SPECULATIVE_EXEC = "";

     * Property for speculative execution of MAP tasks
    public static final String REDUCE_SPECULATIVE_EXEC = "mapred.reduce.tasks.speculative.execution";

      * Sets the Vertica database connection information in the (@link
      * Configuration)
      * @param conf
      *          the configuration
      * @param hostnames
      *          one or more hosts in the Vertica cluster
      * @param database
      *          the name of the Vertica database
      * @param username
      *          Vertica database username
      * @param password
      *          Vertica database password
      * @param port
      *          Vertica database port         
    public static void configureVertica(Configuration conf, String[] hostnames, String database, String port,
            String username, String password) {
        conf.setBoolean(MAP_SPECULATIVE_EXEC, false);
        conf.setBoolean(REDUCE_SPECULATIVE_EXEC, false);

        conf.setStrings(HOSTNAMES_PROP, hostnames);
        conf.set(DATABASE_PROP, database);
        conf.set(USERNAME_PROP, username);
        conf.set(PASSWORD_PROP, password);
        conf.set(PORT_PROP, port);

      * Sets the Vertica database connection information in the (@link
      * Configuration)
      * @param conf
      *          the configuration
      * @param hostnames
      *          one or more hosts in the Vertica cluster
      * @param database
      *          the name of the Vertica database
      * @param username
      *          Vertica database username
      * @param password
      *          Vertica database password
      * @param port
      *          Vertica database port
      * @param level
      *          JDBC logging level
    public static void configureVertica(Configuration conf, String[] hostnames, String database, String port,
            String username, String password, String level) {
        configureVertica(conf, hostnames, database, port, username, password, level);
        conf.set(LOG_LEVEL_PROP, level);

      * Sets the Vertica database connection information in the (@link
      * Configuration)
      * @param conf
      *          the configuration
      * @param hostnames
      *          one or more hosts in the Vertica cluster
      * @param database
      *          the name of the Vertica database
      * @param username
      *          Vertica database username
      * @param password
      *          Vertica database password
      * @param port
      *          Vertica database port
      * @param level
      *          JDBC logging level
      * @param logpath
      *        JDBC log path - location of logs to be written, default is current directory
    public static void configureVertica(Configuration conf, String[] hostnames, String database, String port,
            String username, String password, String level, String logpath) {
        configureVertica(conf, hostnames, database, port, username, password, level, logpath);
        conf.set(LOG_PATH_PROP, logpath);

      * Sets the Vertica database connection information in the (@link
      * Configuration)
      * @param conf
      *          the configuration
      * @param hostnames
      *          one or more hosts in the source Cluster
      * @param database
      *          the name of the source Vertica database
      * @param username
      *          for the source Vertica database
      * @param password
      *          for the source Vertica database
      * @param port
      *          for the source Vertica database
      * @param level
      *          JDBC logging level        
      * @param logpath
      *          JDBC deug logging  - location of logs to be written, default is current directory          
      * @param output_hostnames
      *          one or more hosts in the output Cluster
      * @param output_database
      *          the name of the output VerticaDatabase
      * @param output_username
      *          for the target Vertica database
      * @param output_password
      *          for the target Vertica database
      * @param output_port
      *          for the target Vertica database         
    public static void configureVertica(Configuration conf, String[] hostnames, String database, String port,
            String username, String password, String level, String logpath, String[] output_hostnames,
            String output_database, String output_port, String output_username, String output_password) {
        configureVertica(conf, hostnames, database, port, username, password, level, logpath);
        conf.setStrings(OUTPUT_HOSTNAMES_PROP, output_hostnames);
        conf.set(OUTPUT_DATABASE_PROP, output_database);
        conf.set(OUTPUT_PORT_PROP, output_port);
        conf.set(OUTPUT_USERNAME_PROP, output_username);
        conf.set(OUTPUT_PASSWORD_PROP, output_password);

    private Configuration conf;

    // default record terminator for writing output to Vertica
    public static final String RECORD_TERMINATOR = "\u0008";

    // default delimiter for writing output to Vertica
    public static final String DELIMITER = "\u0007";

    // defulat optimize poll timeout
    public static final int OPTIMIZE_POLL_TIMER = 1000;

    public static final int defaultBatchSize = 10000;

    public VerticaConfiguration(Configuration conf) {"VerticaConfiguration: " + conf);
        //for (String confKey : conf.)
        Iterator t = conf.iterator();
        while (t.hasNext()) {
        this.conf = conf;

    public Configuration getConfiguration() {
        return conf;

      * Returns a connection to a random host in the Vertica cluster
      * @param output
      *          true if the connection is for writing
      * @throws IOException
      * @throws ClassNotFoundException
      * @throws SQLException
    public Connection getConnection(boolean output) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException, SQLException {
        try {
        } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
            try {
            } catch (ClassNotFoundException e2) {
                throw new RuntimeException(e);

        String[] hosts = conf.getStrings(HOSTNAMES_PROP);
        String user = conf.get(USERNAME_PROP);
        String pass = conf.get(PASSWORD_PROP);
        String database = conf.get(DATABASE_PROP);
        String port = conf.get(PORT_PROP);
        String level = conf.get(LOG_LEVEL_PROP);
        String logpath = conf.get(LOG_PATH_PROP);

        if ((level == null) || (level == "")) {
            level = LOG_LEVEL_PROP_DEFAULT;

        if (output) {
            hosts = conf.getStrings(OUTPUT_HOSTNAMES_PROP, hosts);
            user = conf.get(OUTPUT_USERNAME_PROP, user);
            pass = conf.get(OUTPUT_PASSWORD_PROP, pass);
            database = conf.get(OUTPUT_DATABASE_PROP, database);
            port = conf.get(OUTPUT_PORT_PROP, port);

        if (hosts == null)
            throw new IOException("Vertica requies a hostname defined by " + HOSTNAMES_PROP);
        if (hosts.length == 0)
            throw new IOException("Vertica requies a hostname defined by " + HOSTNAMES_PROP);
        if (database == null)
            throw new IOException("Vertica requies a database name defined by " + DATABASE_PROP);

        Random r = new Random();
        if (user == null)
            throw new IOException("Vertica requires a username defined by " + USERNAME_PROP);

        if (port == null)
            throw new IOException("Vertica requires a port defined by " + PORT_PROP);
        Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:vertica://" + hosts[r.nextInt(hosts.length)] + ":"
                + port + "/" + database + "?loglevel=" + level, user, pass);

        // if output is being written auto-commit must be disabled to prevent individual batches within
        // a task from being committed. Instead we want all the batches in a task to be committed or
        // rolled back upon task success or failure
        if (output) {

        return connection;

    public String getInputQuery() {
        return conf.get(QUERY_PROP);

     * get Run this query and give the results to mappers.
     * @param inputQuery
    public void setInputQuery(String inputQuery) {
        inputQuery = inputQuery.trim();
        if (inputQuery.endsWith(";")) {
            inputQuery = inputQuery.substring(0, inputQuery.length() - 1);
        conf.set(QUERY_PROP, inputQuery);

     * Return the query used to retrieve parameters for the input query (if set)
     * @return Returns the query for input parameters
    public String getParamsQuery() {
        return conf.get(QUERY_PARAM_PROP);

     * Query used to retrieve parameters for the input query. The result set must
     * match the input query parameters precisely.
     * @param segmentParamsQuery
    public void setParamsQuery(String segmentParamsQuery) {
        conf.set(QUERY_PARAM_PROP, segmentParamsQuery);

     * Return static input parameters if set
     * @return Collection of list of objects representing input parameters
     * @throws IOException
    public Collection<List<Object>> getInputParameters() throws IOException {
        Collection<List<Object>> values = null;
        String[] query_params = conf.getStrings(QUERY_PARAMS_PROP);
        if (query_params != null) {
            values = new ArrayList<List<Object>>();
            for (String str_params : query_params) {
                DataInputBuffer in = new DataInputBuffer();
                in.reset(StringUtils.hexStringToByte(str_params), str_params.length());
                int sz = in.readInt();
                ArrayList<Object> params = new ArrayList<Object>();
                for (int count = 0; count < sz; count++) {
                    int type = in.readInt();
                    params.add(VerticaRecord.readField(type, in));
        return values;

     * Sets a collection of lists. Each list is passed to an input split and used
     * as arguments to the input query.
     * @param segment_params
     * @throws IOException
    public void setInputParams(Collection<List<Object>> segment_params) throws IOException {
        String[] values = new String[segment_params.size()];
        int i = 0;
        for (List<Object> params : segment_params) {
            DataOutputBuffer out = new DataOutputBuffer();
            for (Object obj : params) {
                int type = VerticaRecord.getType(obj);
                VerticaRecord.write(obj, type, out);
            values[i++] = StringUtils.byteToHexString(out.getData());
        conf.setStrings(QUERY_PARAMS_PROP, values);

     * For streaming return the delimiter to separate values to the mapper
     * @return Returns delimiter used to format streaming input data
    public String getInputDelimiter() {
        return conf.get(INPUT_DELIMITER_PROP, DELIMITER);

     * @deprecated  As of release 1.5, this function is not called from the Java API.
     * For streaming set the delimiter to separate values to the mapper
    public void setInputDelimiter(String delimiter) {
        conf.set(INPUT_DELIMITER_PROP, delimiter);

     * For streaming return the record terminator to separate values to the mapper
     * @return Returns recorder terminator for input data
    public String getInputRecordTerminator() {

     * @deprecated  As of release 1.5, this function is not called from the Java API.
     * For streaming set the record terminator to separate values to the mapper
    public void setInputRecordTerminator(String terminator) {
        conf.set(INPUT_TERMINATOR_PROP, terminator);

     * Get the table that is the target of output
     * @return Returns table name for output
    public String getOutputTableName() {
        return conf.get(OUTPUT_TABLE_NAME_PROP);

     * Set table that is being loaded as output
     * @param tableName
    public void setOutputTableName(String tableName) {
        conf.set(OUTPUT_TABLE_NAME_PROP, tableName);

     * Return definition of columns for output table
     * @return Returns table definition for output table
    public String[] getOutputTableDef() {
        return conf.getStrings(OUTPUT_TABLE_DEF_PROP);

     * Set the definition of a table for output if it needs to be created
     * @param args
    public void setOutputTableDef(String... args) {
        if (args == null || args.length == 0 || Arrays.asList(args).contains(null))
        conf.setStrings(OUTPUT_TABLE_DEF_PROP, args);

     * Return the batch size for batch insert
     * @return Returns the batch size for batch insert
    public long getBatchSize() {
        return conf.getLong(BATCH_SIZE_PROP, defaultBatchSize);

     * Return whether output table is truncated before loading
     * @return Returns true if output table should be dropped before loading
    public boolean getDropTable() {
        return conf.getBoolean(OUTPUT_TABLE_DROP, false);

     * Set whether to truncate the output table before loading
     * @param drop_table
    public void setDropTable(boolean drop_table) {
        conf.setBoolean(OUTPUT_TABLE_DROP, drop_table);

     * For streaming return the delimiter used by the reducer
     * @return Returns delimiter to use for output data
    public String getOutputDelimiter() {
        return conf.get(OUTPUT_DELIMITER_PROP, DELIMITER);

     * @deprecated  As of release 1.5, this function is not called from the Java API.
     * For streaming set the delimiter used by the reducer
     * @param delimiter
    public void setOutputDelimiter(String delimiter) {
        conf.set(OUTPUT_DELIMITER_PROP, delimiter);

     * For streaming return the record terminator used by the reducer
     * @return Returns the record terminator for output data
    public String getOutputRecordTerminator() {

     * Return the output committer that the job should use. Note that the class specified and its
     * dependencies must be in the classpath of both the submitted job and the tasks on the cluster.
     * @return the output committer class to use
     * @throws ClassNotFoundException if the output committer can't be found
    public Class getOutputCommitterClass() throws ClassNotFoundException {

     * @deprecated  As of release 1.5, this function is not called from the Java API.
     * For streaming set the record terminator used by the reducer
     * @param terminator
    public void setOutputRecordTerminator(String terminator) {
        conf.set(OUTPUT_TERMINATOR_PROP, terminator);

     * @deprecated  As of release 1.5, this function is not called from the Java API.
     * Returns poll timer for optimize loop
     * @return Returns poll timer for optimize loop
    public Long getOptimizePollTimeout() {

     * @deprecated  As of release 1.5, this function is not called from the Java API.
     * Set the timour for the optimize poll loop
     * @param timeout
    public void setOptimizePollTimeout(Long timeout) {
        conf.setLong(OPTIMIZE_POLL_TIMER_PROP, timeout);