Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 Copyright (C) 2004 VeriSign, Inc.
 This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
 version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 Lesser General Public License for more details.
 You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
 Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA

import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.apache.xerces.dom.DocumentImpl;
import org.w3c.dom.*;

import javax.xml.bind.DatatypeConverter;
import javax.xml.transform.OutputKeys;
import javax.xml.transform.Transformer;
import javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory;
import javax.xml.transform.dom.DOMSource;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.text.DecimalFormat;
import java.text.DecimalFormatSymbols;
import java.text.ParsePosition;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.*;

 * Provides a set of utility static methods for use by the EPP Codec classes.
public class EPPUtil {
    /** Default format used for the XML Schema <code>dateTime</code> data type */
    public static final String DEFAULT_TIME_INSTANT_FORMAT = "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH':'mm':'ss'.'SSS'Z'";

     * Format used for the XML Schema <code>dateTime</code> data type in the
     * {@link #encodeTimeInstant(Date) and #encodeTimeInstant(Document, Element,
     * Date, String, String)} methods supported by the {@link SimpleDateFormat}.
    private static String timeInstantFormat = DEFAULT_TIME_INSTANT_FORMAT;

    /** Format used for the XML Schema date data type. */
    public static final String DATE_FORMAT = "yyyy-MM-dd";

    /** Log4j category for logging */
    private static Logger cat = Logger.getLogger(EPPUtil.class.getName(), EPPCatFactory.getInstance().getFactory());

     * Used to format decimal values according to the US locale to remove locale
     * specific impacts when encoding decimal values.
    private static DecimalFormatSymbols decimalFormatSymbols = new DecimalFormatSymbols(Locale.US);

     * Gets the XML Schema <code>timeDate</code> format used 
     * in {@link #encodeTimeInstant(Date) and #encodeTimeInstant(Document, Element,
    * Date, String, String)}.  The defauLt format is defined by the constant 
    * {@link #DEFAULT_TIME_INSTANT_FORMAT} and it can be overridden using 
    * the {@link #setTimeInstantFormat(String)} method.  
     * @return XML Schema <code>timeDate</code> format used 
     * in {@link #encodeTimeInstant(Date) and #encodeTimeInstant(Document, Element,
    * Date, String, String)}.
    public static String getTimeInstantFormat() {
        return timeInstantFormat;

     * Sets the XML Schema <code>timeDate</code> format used 
      * in {@link #encodeTimeInstant(Date) and #encodeTimeInstant(Document, Element,
     * Date, String, String)}.  The format must follow the format 
     * supported by {@link SimpleDateFormat}.    
     * @param aTimeInstantFormat XML Schema <code>timeDate</code> format 
     * supported by {@link SimpleDateFormat}. 
    public static void setTimeInstantFormat(String aTimeInstantFormat) {
        timeInstantFormat = aTimeInstantFormat;

     * Appends the children Nodes of <code>aSource</code> as children nodes of
     * <code>aDest</code>.
     * @param aSource
     *            Source Element tree to get children from
     * @param aDest
     *            Destination Element to append <code>aSource</code> children.
    public static void appendChildren(Element aSource, Element aDest) {
        NodeList children = aSource.getChildNodes();

        for (int i = 0; i < children.getLength(); i++) {

    // End EPPUtil.encodeDate(Date)

     * Decode <code>BigDecimal</code>, by XML namespace and tag name, from an
     * XML Element. The children elements of <code>aElement</code> will be
     * searched for the specified <code>aNS</code> namespace URI and the
     * specified <code>aTagName</code>. The first XML element found will be
     * decoded and returned. If no element is found, <code>null</code> is
     * returned.
     * @param aElement
     *            XML Element to scan. For example, the element could be
     *            &ltdomain:create&gt
     * @param aNS
     *            XML namespace of the elements. For example, for domain element
     *            this is "urn:iana:xmlns:domain".
     * @param aTagName
     *            Tag name of the element including an optional namespace
     *            prefix. For example, the tag name for the domain name is
     *            "domain:name".
     * @return <code>BigDecimal</code> value if found; <code>null</code>
     *         otherwise.
     * @exception EPPDecodeException
     *                Error decoding <code>aElement</code>.
    public static BigDecimal decodeBigDecimal(Element aElement, String aNS, String aTagName)
            throws EPPDecodeException {

        Element theElm = EPPUtil.getElementByTagNameNS(aElement, aNS, aTagName);

        BigDecimal retBigDecimal = null;
        if (theElm != null) {
            Node textNode = theElm.getFirstChild();

            // Element does have a text node?
            if (textNode != null) {

                String doubleValStr = textNode.getNodeValue();
                try {

                    Double tempDouble = Double.valueOf(doubleValStr);
                    retBigDecimal = new BigDecimal(tempDouble.doubleValue());
                    retBigDecimal = retBigDecimal.setScale(2, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP);
                } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
                    throw new EPPDecodeException("Can't convert value to Double: " + doubleValStr + e);
            } else {
                throw new EPPDecodeException("Can't decode numeric value from non-existant text node");
        return retBigDecimal;

    // End EPPUtil.decodeDate(String)

     * Decode <code>Boolean</code>, by XML namespace and tag name, from an XML
     * Element. The children elements of <code>aElement</code> will be searched
     * for the specified <code>aNS</code> namespace URI and the specified
     * <code>aTagName</code>. The first XML element found will be decoded and
     * returned. If no element is found, <code>null</code> is returned.
     * @param aElement
     *            XML Element to scan. For example, the element could be
     *            &ltdomain:create&gt
     * @param aNS
     *            XML namespace of the elements. For example, for domain element
     *            this is "urn:iana:xmlns:domain".
     * @param aTagName
     *            Tag name of the element including an optional namespace
     *            prefix. For example, the tag name for the domain name is
     *            "domain:name".
     * @return <code>Boolean</code> value if found; <code>null</code> otherwise.
     * @exception EPPDecodeException
     *                Error decoding <code>aElement</code>.
    public static Boolean decodeBoolean(Element aElement, String aNS, String aTagName) throws EPPDecodeException {
        Boolean retVal = null;
        String theVal = null;

        Element theElm = EPPUtil.getElementByTagNameNS(aElement, aNS, aTagName);

        if (theElm != null) {
            Node textNode = theElm.getFirstChild();

            // Element does have a text node?
            if (textNode != null) {
                theVal = textNode.getNodeValue();

                if (theVal.equalsIgnoreCase("true") || theVal.equals("1")) {
                    retVal = new Boolean(true);
                } else {
                    retVal = new Boolean(false);
            } else {
                retVal = null;

        return retVal;

    // End EPPUtil.encodeTimeInstant(Date)

     * Decodes a boolean attribute value given the <code>Element</code> and
     * attribute name.
     * @param aElement
     *            Element with the attribute to look for
     * @param aAttr
     *            Attribute name
     * @return Decoded boolean value
     * @exception EPPDecodeException
     *                Cound not find attribute or the attribute value is not a
     *                valid boolean value
    public static boolean decodeBooleanAttr(Element aElement, String aAttr) throws EPPDecodeException {
        boolean theRet = false;

        String theAttrVal = aElement.getAttribute(aAttr);

        if (theAttrVal == null) {
            throw new EPPDecodeException("EPPUtil.decodeBooleanAttr: Could not find attr " + aAttr);

        if (theAttrVal.equals("1") || theAttrVal.equals("true")) {
            theRet = true;
        } else if (theAttrVal.equals("0") || theAttrVal.equals("false")) {
            theRet = false;
        } else {
            throw new EPPDecodeException(
                    "EPPUtil.decodeBooleanAttr: Invalid boolean attr " + aAttr + " value of " + theAttrVal);

        return theRet;

    // End EPPUtil.decodeTimeInstant(String)

     * Decode a <code>EPPCodecComponent</code>, by XML namespace and tag name,
     * from an XML Element. The children elements of <code>aElement</code> will
     * be searched for the specified <code>aNS</code> namespace URI and the
     * specified <code>aTagName</code>. There first XML element found will be
     * used to initial and instance of <code>aClass</code>.
     * @param aElement
     *            XML Element to scan. For example, the element could be
     *            &ltdomain:update&gt
     * @param aNS
     *            XML namespace of the elements. For example, for domain element
     *            this is "urn:iana:xmlns:domain".
     * @param aTagName
     *            Tag name of the element including an optional namespace
     *            prefix. For example, the tag name for the domain name servers
     *            is "domain:server".
     * @param aClass
     *            Class to instantiate for a found XML element. This must be a
     *            class that implements <code>EPPCodecComponent</code>
     * @return Instance of <code>aClass</code> that represents the found XML
     *         elements if found; <code>null</code> otherwise.
     * @exception EPPDecodeException
     *                Error decoding <code>aElement</code>.
    public static EPPCodecComponent decodeComp(Element aElement, String aNS, String aTagName, Class aClass)
            throws EPPDecodeException {
        EPPCodecComponent retVal = null;

        try {
            Element theElm = EPPUtil.getElementByTagNameNS(aElement, aNS, aTagName);

            if (theElm != null) {
                retVal = (EPPCodecComponent) aClass.newInstance();

        } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
            throw new EPPDecodeException("EPPUtil.decodeComp(), IllegalAccessException: " + e);
        } catch (InstantiationException e) {
            throw new EPPDecodeException("EPPUtil.decodeComp(), InstantiationException: " + e);

        return retVal;

     * Decode a <code>List</code> of <code>EPPCodecComponent</code>'s, by XML
     * namespace and tag name, from an XML Element. The children elements of
     * <code>aElement</code> will be searched for the specified <code>aNS</code>
     * namespace URI and the specified <code>aTagName</code>. Each XML element
     * found will result in the instantiation of <code>aClass</code>, which will
     * decode the associated XML element and added to the returned
     * <code>List</code>.
     * @param aElement
     *            XML Element to scan. For example, the element could be
     *            &ltdomain:add&gt
     * @param aNS
     *            XML namespace of the elements. For example, for domain element
     *            this is "urn:iana:xmlns:domain".
     * @param aTagName
     *            Tag name of the element including an optional namespace
     *            prefix. For example, the tag name for the contact elements of
     *            &gtdomain:add&gt is "domain:contact".
     * @param aClass
     *            Class to instantiate for each found XML element. This must be
     *            a class that implements <code>EPPCodecComponent</code>
     * @return <code>List</code> of <code>EPPCodecComponent</code> elements
     *         representing the found XML elements.
     * @exception EPPDecodeException
     *                Error decoding <code>aElement</code>.
    public static List decodeCompList(Element aElement, String aNS, String aTagName, Class aClass)
            throws EPPDecodeException {
        List retVal = new ArrayList();

        try {
            Vector theChildren = EPPUtil.getElementsByTagNameNS(aElement, aNS, aTagName);

            // For each element
            for (int i = 0; i < theChildren.size(); i++) {
                EPPCodecComponent currComp = (EPPCodecComponent) aClass.newInstance();

                currComp.decode((Element) theChildren.elementAt(i));


            // end for each element
        } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
            throw new EPPDecodeException("EPPUtil.decodeCompList(), IllegalAccessException: " + e);
        } catch (InstantiationException e) {
            throw new EPPDecodeException("EPPUtil.decodeCompList(), InstantiationException: " + e);

        return retVal;

     * Decode a <code>Vector</code> of <code>EPPCodecComponent</code>'s, by XML
     * namespace and tag name, from an XML Element. The children elements of
     * <code>aElement</code> will be searched for the specified <code>aNS</code>
     * namespace URI and the specified <code>aTagName</code>. Each XML element
     * found will result in the instantiation of <code>aClass</code>, which will
     * decode the associated XML element and added to the returned
     * <code>Vector</code>.
     * @param aElement
     *            XML Element to scan. For example, the element could be
     *            &ltdomain:add&gt
     * @param aNS
     *            XML namespace of the elements. For example, for domain element
     *            this is "urn:iana:xmlns:domain".
     * @param aTagName
     *            Tag name of the element including an optional namespace
     *            prefix. For example, the tag name for the contact elements of
     *            &gtdomain:add&gt is "domain:contact".
     * @param aClass
     *            Class to instantiate for each found XML element. This must be
     *            a class that implements <code>EPPCodecComponent</code>
     * @return <code>Vector</code> of <code>EPPCodecComponent</code> elements
     *         representing the found XML elements.
     * @exception EPPDecodeException
     *                Error decoding <code>aElement</code>.
    public static Vector decodeCompVector(Element aElement, String aNS, String aTagName, Class aClass)
            throws EPPDecodeException {
        Vector retVal = new Vector();

        try {
            Vector theChildren = EPPUtil.getElementsByTagNameNS(aElement, aNS, aTagName);

            // For each element
            for (int i = 0; i < theChildren.size(); i++) {
                EPPCodecComponent currComp = (EPPCodecComponent) aClass.newInstance();

                currComp.decode((Element) theChildren.elementAt(i));


            // end for each element
        } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
            throw new EPPDecodeException("EPPUtil.decodeCompVector(), IllegalAccessException: " + e);
        } catch (InstantiationException e) {
            throw new EPPDecodeException("EPPUtil.decodeCompVector(), InstantiationException: " + e);

        return retVal;

     * Decode <code>Date</code>, by XML namespace and tag name, from an XML
     * Element. The children elements of <code>aElement</code> will be searched
     * for the specified <code>aNS</code> namespace URI and the specified
     * <code>aTagName</code>. The first XML element found will be decoded and
     * returned. If no element is found, <code>null</code> is returned. The
     * format used for decoding the date is defined by the constant
     * <code>EPPUtil.DATE_FORMAT</code>.
     * @param aElement
     *            XML Element to scan. For example, the element could be
     *            &lttrans-id&gt
     * @param aNS
     *            XML namespace of the elements. For example, for domain element
     *            this is "urn:iana:xmlns:epp".
     * @param aTagName
     *            Tag name of the element including an optional namespace
     *            prefix. For example, the tag name for the transaction Id date
     *            is "date".
     * @return <code>Date</code> value if found; <code>null</code> otherwise.
     * @exception EPPDecodeException
     *                Error decoding <code>aElement</code>.
    public static Date decodeDate(Element aElement, String aNS, String aTagName) throws EPPDecodeException {
        Date retVal = null;

        Element theElm = EPPUtil.getElementByTagNameNS(aElement, aNS, aTagName);

        if (theElm != null) {
            retVal = EPPUtil.decodeDate(theElm.getFirstChild().getNodeValue());

        return retVal;

     * Decode an XML Schema date data type (YYYY-MM-DD) to a Java Date object.
     * @param aDateValue
     *            XML Schema date data type string (YYYY-MM-DD).
     * @return Java Date object.
    public static Date decodeDate(String aDateValue) {

        SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat(DATE_FORMAT);

        // Set to UTC with no time element
        Calendar theCal = Calendar.getInstance(TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC"));
        theCal.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 0);
        theCal.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 0);
        theCal.set(Calendar.SECOND, 0);
        theCal.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 0);

        Date theDate = formatter.parse(aDateValue, new ParsePosition(0));

        return theDate;

     * Decode <code>Integer</code>, by XML namespace and tag name, from an XML
     * Element. The children elements of <code>aElement</code> will be searched
     * for the specified <code>aNS</code> namespace URI and the specified
     * <code>aTagName</code>. The first XML element found will be decoded and
     * returned. If no element is found, <code>null</code> is returned.
     * @param aElement
     *            XML Element to scan. For example, the element could be
     *            &ltdomain:create&gt
     * @param aNS
     *            XML namespace of the elements. For example, for domain element
     *            this is "urn:iana:xmlns:domain".
     * @param aTagName
     *            Tag name of the element including an optional namespace
     *            prefix. For example, the tag name for the domain name is
     *            "domain:name".
     * @return <code>Integer</code> value if found; <code>null</code> otherwise.
     * @exception EPPDecodeException
     *                Error decoding <code>aElement</code>.
    public static Integer decodeInteger(Element aElement, String aNS, String aTagName) throws EPPDecodeException {

        Element theElm = EPPUtil.getElementByTagNameNS(aElement, aNS, aTagName);

        Integer retInteger = null;
        if (theElm != null) {
            Node textNode = theElm.getFirstChild();

            // Element does have a text node?
            if (textNode != null) {

                String intValStr = textNode.getNodeValue();
                try {
                    retInteger = Integer.valueOf(intValStr);
                } catch (NumberFormatException e) {

                    throw new EPPDecodeException("Can't convert value to Integer: " + intValStr + e);
            } else {
                throw new EPPDecodeException("Can't decode numeric value from non-existant text node");
        return retInteger;

     * Decode a <code>List</code> of <code>String</code>'s by XML namespace and
     * tag name, from an XML Element. The children elements of
     * <code>aElement</code> will be searched for the specified <code>aNS</code>
     * namespace URI and the specified <code>aTagName</code>. Each XML element
     * found will be decoded and added to the returned <code>List</code>. Empty
     * child elements, will result in empty string ("") return <code>List</code>
     * elements.
     * @param aElement
     *            XML Element to scan. For example, the element could be
     *            &ltdomain:update&gt
     * @param aNS
     *            XML namespace of the elements. For example, for domain element
     *            this is "urn:iana:xmlns:domain".
     * @param aTagName
     *            Tag name of the element including an optional namespace
     *            prefix. For example, the tag name for the domain name servers
     *            is "domain:server".
     * @return <code>List</code> of <code>String</code> elements representing
     *         the text nodes of the found XML elements.
     * @exception EPPDecodeException
     *                Error decoding <code>aElement</code>.
    public static List decodeList(Element aElement, String aNS, String aTagName) throws EPPDecodeException {
        List retVal = new ArrayList();

        Vector theChildren = EPPUtil.getElementsByTagNameNS(aElement, aNS, aTagName);

        for (int i = 0; i < theChildren.size(); i++) {
            Element currChild = (Element) theChildren.elementAt(i);

            Text currVal = (Text) currChild.getFirstChild();

            // Element has text?
            if (currVal != null) {
            } else { // No text in element.

        return retVal;
    } // End EPPUtil.decodeList(Element, String, String)

     * Decode <code>String</code>, by XML namespace and tag name, from an XML
     * Element. The children elements of <code>aElement</code> will be searched
     * for the specified <code>aNS</code> namespace URI and the specified
     * <code>aTagName</code>. The first XML element found will be decoded and
     * returned. If no element is found, <code>null</code> is returned.
     * @param aElement
     *            XML Element to scan. For example, the element could be
     *            &ltdomain:create&gt
     * @param aNS
     *            XML namespace of the elements. For example, for domain element
     *            this is "urn:iana:xmlns:domain".
     * @param aTagName
     *            Tag name of the element including an optional namespace
     *            prefix. For example, the tag name for the domain name is
     *            "domain:name".
     * @return <code>String</code> value if found; <code>null</code> otherwise.
     * @exception EPPDecodeException
     *                Error decoding <code>aElement</code>.
    public static String decodeString(Element aElement, String aNS, String aTagName) throws EPPDecodeException {
        String retVal = null;

        Element theElm = EPPUtil.getElementByTagNameNS(aElement, aNS, aTagName);

        if (theElm != null) {
            Node textNode = theElm.getFirstChild();

            // Element does have a text node?
            if (textNode != null) {
                retVal = textNode.getNodeValue();
            } else {
                retVal = "";

        // end if (currElm != null)
        return retVal;

     * Decode <code>Date</code>, as date and time, by XML namespace and tag
     * name, from an XML Element. The children elements of <code>aElement</code>
     * will be searched for the specified <code>aNS</code> namespace URI and the
     * specified <code>aTagName</code>. The first XML element found will be
     * decoded and returned. If no element is found, <code>null</code> is
     * returned. The format used for decoding the date is defined by the
     * constant <code>EPPUtil.TIME_INSTANT_FORMAT</code>.
     * @param aElement
     *            XML Element to scan. For example, the element could be
     *            &lttrans-id&gt
     * @param aNS
     *            XML namespace of the elements. For example, for domain element
     *            this is "urn:iana:xmlns:epp".
     * @param aTagName
     *            Tag name of the element including an optional namespace
     *            prefix. For example, the tag name for the transaction Id date
     *            is "date".
     * @return <code>Date</code> value as date and time if found;
     *         <code>null</code> otherwise.
     * @exception EPPDecodeException
     *                Error decoding <code>aElement</code>.
    public static Date decodeTimeInstant(Element aElement, String aNS, String aTagName) throws EPPDecodeException {
        Date retVal = null;

        Element theElm = EPPUtil.getElementByTagNameNS(aElement, aNS, aTagName);

        if (theElm != null) {
            retVal = EPPUtil.decodeTimeInstant(theElm.getFirstChild().getNodeValue());

        return retVal;

     * Decode an XML Schema timeInstant data type to a Java Date object. 
     * @param aTimeInstant
     *            XML Schema timeInstant data type string.
     * @return Java Date object if <code>aTimeInstant</code> format is valid;
     *         <code>null</code> otherwise
    public static Date decodeTimeInstant(String aTimeInstant) {
        Date theDate = null;

        try {
            theDate = DatatypeConverter.parseDateTime(aTimeInstant).getTime();
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
            cat.error("Exception decoding dataTime: " + ex);
            theDate = null;

        return theDate;

     * Decode a <code>Vector</code> of <code>String</code>'s by XML namespace
     * and tag name, from an XML Element. The children elements of
     * <code>aElement</code> will be searched for the specified <code>aNS</code>
     * namespace URI and the specified <code>aTagName</code>. Each XML element
     * found will be decoded and added to the returned <code>Vector</code>.
     * Empty child elements, will result in empty string ("") return
     * <code>Vector</code> elements.
     * @param aElement
     *            XML Element to scan. For example, the element could be
     *            &ltdomain:update&gt
     * @param aNS
     *            XML namespace of the elements. For example, for domain element
     *            this is "urn:iana:xmlns:domain".
     * @param aTagName
     *            Tag name of the element including an optional namespace
     *            prefix. For example, the tag name for the domain name servers
     *            is "domain:server".
     * @return <code>Vector</code> of <code>String</code> elements representing
     *         the text nodes of the found XML elements.
     * @exception EPPDecodeException
     *                Error decoding <code>aElement</code>.
    public static <X> Vector<X> decodeVector(Element aElement, String aNS, String aTagName)
            throws EPPDecodeException {
        Vector retVal = new Vector();

        Vector theChildren = EPPUtil.getElementsByTagNameNS(aElement, aNS, aTagName);

        for (int i = 0; i < theChildren.size(); i++) {
            Element currChild = (Element) theChildren.elementAt(i);

            Text currVal = (Text) currChild.getFirstChild();

            // Element has text?
            if (currVal != null) {
            } else { // No text in element.

        return retVal;
    } // End EPPUtil.decodeVector(Element, String, String)

     * Encode a <code>Double</code> in XML with a given XML namespace and tag
     * name. Takes an optional argument for the format of the Double, if not
     * provided then it uses #0.00 which formats the double to 2 decimal places.
     * @param aDocument
     *            DOM Document of <code>aRoot</code>. This parameter also acts
     *            as a factory for XML elements.
     * @param aRoot
     *            XML Element to add children nodes to. For example, the root
     *            node could be &ltdomain:update&gt
     * @param aBigDecimal
     *            <code>Double</code> to add.
     * @param aNS
     *            XML namespace of the element. For example, for domain element
     *            this is "urn:iana:xmlns:domain".
     * @param aTagName
     *            Tag name of the element including an optional namespace
     *            prefix. For example, the tag name for the domain name is
     *            "domain:name".
     * @exception EPPEncodeException
     *                Error encoding the <code>Double</code>.
    public static void encodeBigDecimal(Document aDocument, Element aRoot, BigDecimal aBigDecimal, String aNS,
            String aTagName, String aFormat) throws EPPEncodeException {

        if (aBigDecimal != null) {

            String format = aFormat != null ? aFormat : "#0.00";
            DecimalFormat decFormat = new DecimalFormat(format, decimalFormatSymbols);

            String numberStr = decFormat.format(aBigDecimal);
            EPPUtil.encodeString(aDocument, aRoot, numberStr, aNS, aTagName);

     * Encode a <code>Boolean</code> in XML with a given XML namespace and tag
     * name. If aBoolean is <code>null</code> an element is not added.
     * @param aDocument
     *            DOM Document of <code>aRoot</code>. This parameter also acts
     *            as a factory for XML elements.
     * @param aRoot
     *            XML Element to add children nodes to. For example, the root
     *            node could be &ltdomain:update&gt
     * @param aBoolean
     *            <code>Boolean</code> to add.
     * @param aNS
     *            XML namespace of the element. For example, for domain element
     *            this is "urn:iana:xmlns:domain".
     * @param aTagName
     *            Tag name of the element including an optional namespace
     *            prefix. For example, the tag name for the domain name is
     *            "domain:name".
     * @exception EPPEncodeException
     *                Error encoding the <code>Boolean</code>.
    public static void encodeBoolean(Document aDocument, Element aRoot, Boolean aBoolean, String aNS,
            String aTagName) throws EPPEncodeException {
        if (aBoolean != null) {
            Element currElm = aDocument.createElementNS(aNS, aTagName);

            String xmlValue;

            if (aBoolean.booleanValue()) {
                xmlValue = "1";
            } else {
                xmlValue = "0";

            Text currVal = aDocument.createTextNode(xmlValue);


     * Encodes a boolean <code>Element</code> attribute value. The attribute is
     * set to &quot;1&quot; with a value of <code>true</code> and is set to
     * &quot;0&quot; with a value of <code>false</code>.
     * @param aElement
     *            Element to add attribute to
     * @param aAttr
     *            Attribute name
     * @param aVal
     *            Attribute boolean value
    public static void encodeBooleanAttr(Element aElement, String aAttr, boolean aVal) {
        if (aVal) {
            aElement.setAttribute(aAttr, "1");
        } else {
            aElement.setAttribute(aAttr, "0");

    // End EPPUtil.encodeComp(Document, Element, EPPCodecComponent)

     * Encode a <code>EPPCodecComponent</code> instance in XML. The component is
     * first checked for not being <code>null</code>, than it will be appended
     * as a child of <code>aRoot</code>.
     * @param aDocument
     *            DOM Document of <code>aRoot</code>. This parameter also acts
     *            as a factory for XML elements.
     * @param aRoot
     *            XML Element to add to. For example, the root node could be
     *            &ltdomain:update&gt
     * @param aComp
     *            <code>EPPCodecComponent's</code> to add.
     * @exception EPPEncodeException
     *                Error encoding <code>EPPCodecComponent</code>.
    public static void encodeComp(Document aDocument, Element aRoot, EPPCodecComponent aComp)
            throws EPPEncodeException {
        if (aComp != null) {

    // End EPPUtil.decodeComp(Element, String, String, Class)

     * Encode a <code>List</code> of <code>EPPCodecComponent</code>'s in XML.
     * Each <code>aList</code> element will be encoded and added to
     * <code>aRoot</code>.
     * @param aDocument
     *            DOM Document of <code>aRoot</code>. This parameter also acts
     *            as a factory for XML elements.
     * @param aRoot
     *            XML Element to add children nodes to. For example, the root
     *            node could be &ltdomain:update&gt
     * @param aList
     *            <code>List</code> of <code>EPPCodecComponent's</code> to add.
     * @exception EPPEncodeException
     *                Error encoding the <code>List</code> of
     *                <code>EPPCodecComponent</code>'s.
    public static void encodeCompList(Document aDocument, Element aRoot, List aList) throws EPPEncodeException {
        if (aList != null) {
            Iterator elms = aList.iterator();

            while (elms.hasNext()) {
                EPPCodecComponent currComp = (EPPCodecComponent);


            // End while (elms.hasMoreElements())
    } // End EPPUtil.encodeCompList(Document,Element, List)

    // End EPPUtil.encodeString(Document, Element, String, String, String)

     * Encode a <code>Vector</code> of <code>EPPCodecComponent</code>'s in XML.
     * Each <code>aVector</code> element will be encoded and added to
     * <code>aRoot</code>.
     * @param aDocument
     *            DOM Document of <code>aRoot</code>. This parameter also acts
     *            as a factory for XML elements.
     * @param aRoot
     *            XML Element to add children nodes to. For example, the root
     *            node could be &ltdomain:update&gt
     * @param aVector
     *            <code>Vector</code> of <code>EPPCodecComponent's</code> to add.
     * @exception EPPEncodeException
     *                Error encoding the <code>Vector</code> of
     *                <code>EPPCodecComponent</code>'s.
    public static void encodeCompVector(Document aDocument, Element aRoot, Vector aVector)
            throws EPPEncodeException {
        if (aVector != null) {
            Enumeration elms = aVector.elements();

            while (elms.hasMoreElements()) {
                EPPCodecComponent currComp = (EPPCodecComponent) elms.nextElement();


            // End while (elms.hasMoreElements())
    } // End EPPUtil.encodeVector(Document,Element, Vector)

    // End EPPUtil.decodeString(Element, String, String)

     * Encode a Java Date into an XML Schema date data type string.
     * @param aDate
     *            Java Date to encode into a XML Schema date data type string.
     * @return Encoded XML Schema date data type string.
    public static String encodeDate(Date aDate) {
        TimeZone utcTimeZone = TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC");
        SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat(DATE_FORMAT);

        return formatter.format(aDate);

    // End EPPUtil.encodeBoolean(Document, Element, Boolean, String, String)

     * Encode a <code>Date</code> in XML with a given XML namespace and tag
     * name. The format used for encoding the date is defined by the constant
     * <code>EPPUtil.DATE_FORMAT</code>.
     * @param aDocument
     *            DOM Document of <code>aRoot</code>. This parameter also acts
     *            as a factory for XML elements.
     * @param aRoot
     *            XML Element to add children nodes to. For example, the root
     *            node could be &ltdomain:update&gt
     * @param aDate
     *            <code>Date</code> to add.
     * @param aNS
     *            XML namespace of the element. For example, for domain element
     *            this is "urn:iana:xmlns:domain".
     * @param aTagName
     *            Tag name of the element including an optional namespace
     *            prefix. For example, the tag name for the domain name is
     *            "domain:name".
     * @exception EPPEncodeException
     *                Error encoding <code>Date</code>.
    public static void encodeDate(Document aDocument, Element aRoot, Date aDate, String aNS, String aTagName)
            throws EPPEncodeException {
        if (aDate != null) {
            encodeString(aDocument, aRoot, EPPUtil.encodeDate(aDate), aNS, aTagName);

    // End EPPUtil.decodeBoolean(Element, String, String)

     * Encode a <code>List</code> of <code>String</code>'s in XML with a given
     * XML namespace and tag name.
     * @param aDocument
     *            DOM Document of <code>aRoot</code>. This parameter also acts
     *            as a factory for XML elements.
     * @param aRoot
     *            XML Element to add children nodes to. For example, the root
     *            node could be &ltdomain:update&gt
     * @param aList
     *            <code>List</code> of <code>String's</code> to add.
     * @param aNS
     *            XML namespace of the elements. For example, for domain element
     *            this is "urn:iana:xmlns:domain".
     * @param aTagName
     *            Tag name of the element including an optional namespace
     *            prefix. For example, the tag name for the domain name servers
     *            is "domain:server".
     * @exception EPPEncodeException
     *                Error encoding the <code>List</code> of
     *                <code>String</code>'s.
    public static void encodeList(Document aDocument, Element aRoot, List aList, String aNS, String aTagName)
            throws EPPEncodeException {
        Element currElm;
        Text currVal;

        if (aList != null) {
            Iterator elms = aList.iterator();

            while (elms.hasNext()) {
                currElm = aDocument.createElementNS(aNS, aTagName);
                currVal = aDocument.createTextNode(;


            // end while (elms.hasMoreElements())

        // end if (aList != null)
    } // End EPPUtil.encodeList(Document,Element, List, String, String)

     * @param aDocument
     *            DOCUMENT ME!
     * @param aRoot
     *            DOCUMENT ME!
     * @param aNS
     *            DOCUMENT ME!
     * @param aTagName
     *            DOCUMENT ME!
     * @throws EPPEncodeException
     *             DOCUMENT ME!
    public static void encodeNill(Document aDocument, Element aRoot, String aNS, String aTagName)
            throws EPPEncodeException {
        Element localElement = aDocument.createElementNS(aNS, aTagName);

        localElement.setAttribute("xsi:nil", "true");

     * Encode a <code>String</code> in XML with a given XML namespace and tag
     * name.
     * @param aDocument
     *            DOM Document of <code>aRoot</code>. This parameter also acts
     *            as a factory for XML elements.
     * @param aRoot
     *            XML Element to add children nodes to. For example, the root
     *            node could be &ltdomain:update&gt
     * @param aString
     *            <code>String</code> to add.
     * @param aNS
     *            XML namespace of the element. For example, for domain element
     *            this is "urn:iana:xmlns:domain".
     * @param aTagName
     *            Tag name of the element including an optional namespace
     *            prefix. For example, the tag name for the domain name is
     *            "domain:name".
     * @exception EPPEncodeException
     *                Error encoding the <code>String</code>.
    public static void encodeString(Document aDocument, Element aRoot, String aString, String aNS, String aTagName)
            throws EPPEncodeException {
        if (aString != null) {
            Element currElm = aDocument.createElementNS(aNS, aTagName);
            Text currVal = aDocument.createTextNode(aString);


    // End EPPUtil.encodeDate(Document, Element, Date, String, String)

    public static void encodeStringList(Document aDocument, Element aRoot, List aList, String aNS,
            String aTagName) {
        String aString;
        Element aElement;
        Text aValue;

        if (aList != null) {
            Iterator elms = aList.iterator();

            while (elms.hasNext()) {
                aString = (String);
                aElement = aDocument.createElementNS(aNS, aTagName);
                aValue = aDocument.createTextNode(aString);

    // End EPPUtil.decodeDate(Element, String, String)

     * Encode a Java Date into an XML Schema timeInstant data type string. The
     * XML Schema timeInstant data type string has the following format:
     * CCYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.ssss can be followed by a Z to indicate Coordinated
     * Universal Time
     * @param aDate
     *            Java Date to encode into a XML Schema timeInstant data type
     *            string.
     * @return Encoded XML Schema timeInstant data type string.
    public static String encodeTimeInstant(Date aDate) {
        TimeZone utcTimeZone = TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC");
        SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat(timeInstantFormat);

        return formatter.format(aDate);

    // End EPPUtil.encodeTimeInstance(Document, Element, Date, String, String)

     * Encode a <code>Date</code>, as date and time, in XML with a given XML
     * namespace and tag name. The format used for encoding the date is defined
     * by the constant <code>EPPUtil.TIME_INSTANT_FORMAT</code>.
     * @param aDocument
     *            DOM Document of <code>aRoot</code>. This parameter also acts
     *            as a factory for XML elements.
     * @param aRoot
     *            XML Element to add children nodes to. For example, the root
     *            node could be &ltdomain:expire-data&gt
     * @param aDate
     *            <code>Date</code> as date and time to add.
     * @param aNS
     *            XML namespace of the element. For example, for domain element
     *            this is "urn:iana:xmlns:domain".
     * @param aTagName
     *            Tag name of the element including an optional namespace
     *            prefix. For example, the tag name for the domain expiration
     *            date and time is "domain:expiration-date".
     * @exception EPPEncodeException
     *                Error encoding <code>Date</code>.
    public static void encodeTimeInstant(Document aDocument, Element aRoot, Date aDate, String aNS, String aTagName)
            throws EPPEncodeException {
        if (aDate != null) {
            encodeString(aDocument, aRoot, EPPUtil.encodeTimeInstant(aDate), aNS, aTagName);

     * Encode a <code>Vector</code> of <code>String</code>'s in XML with a given
     * XML namespace and tag name.
     * @param aDocument
     *            DOM Document of <code>aRoot</code>. This parameter also acts
     *            as a factory for XML elements.
     * @param aRoot
     *            XML Element to add children nodes to. For example, the root
     *            node could be &ltdomain:update&gt
     * @param aVector
     *            <code>Vector</code> of <code>String's</code> to add.
     * @param aNS
     *            XML namespace of the elements. For example, for domain element
     *            this is "urn:iana:xmlns:domain".
     * @param aTagName
     *            Tag name of the element including an optional namespace
     *            prefix. For example, the tag name for the domain name servers
     *            is "domain:server".
     * @exception EPPEncodeException
     *                Error encoding the <code>Vector</code> of
     *                <code>String</code>'s.
    public static void encodeVector(Document aDocument, Element aRoot, Vector aVector, String aNS, String aTagName)
            throws EPPEncodeException {
        Element currElm;
        Text currVal;

        if (aVector != null) {
            Enumeration elms = aVector.elements();

            while (elms.hasMoreElements()) {
                currElm = aDocument.createElementNS(aNS, aTagName);
                currVal = aDocument.createTextNode(elms.nextElement().toString());


            // end while (elms.hasMoreElements())

        // end if (aVector != null)
    } // End EPPUtil.encodeVector(Document,Element, Vector, String, String)

    // End EPPUtil.decodeTimeInstance(Element, String, String)

     * compares two <code>List</code> instances. The Java 1.1 <code>List</code>
     * class does not implement the <code>equals</code> methods, so
     * <code>equalLists</code> was written to implement <code>equals</code> of
     * two <code>Lists</code> (aV1 and aV2). This method is not need for Java 2.
     * @param aV1
     *            First List instance to compare.
     * @param aV2
     *            Second List instance to compare.
     * @return <code>true</code> if List's are equal; <code>false</code>
     *         otherwise.
    public static boolean equalLists(List aV1, List aV2) {
        if ((aV1 == null) && (aV2 == null)) {
            return true;

        else if ((aV1 != null) && (aV2 != null)) {
            if (aV1.size() != aV2.size()) {
                return false;

            Iterator v1Iter = aV1.iterator();
            Iterator v2Iter = aV2.iterator();

            for (int i = 0; i < aV1.size(); i++) {
                Object elm1 =;
                Object elm2 =;

                if (!((elm1 == null) ? (elm2 == null) : elm1.equals(elm2))) {
                    return false;

            return true;
        } else {
            return false;
    } // End EPPUtil.equalLists(List, List)

    // End EPPUtil.getFirstElementChild(Element)

     * compares two <code>Vector</code> instances. The Java 1.1
     * <code>Vector</code> class does not implement the <code>equals</code>
     * methods, so <code>equalVectors</code> was written to implement
     * <code>equals</code> of two <code>Vectors</code> (aV1 and aV2). This
     * method is not need for Java 2.
     * @param aV1
     *            First Vector instance to compare.
     * @param aV2
     *            Second Vector instance to compare.
     * @return <code>true</code> if Vector's are equal; <code>false</code>
     *         otherwise.
    public static boolean equalVectors(Vector aV1, Vector aV2) {
        if ((aV1 == null) && (aV2 == null)) {
            return true;

        else if ((aV1 != null) && (aV2 != null)) {
            if (aV1.size() != aV2.size()) {
                return false;

            for (int i = 0; i < aV1.size(); i++) {
                Object elm1 = aV1.elementAt(i);
                Object elm2 = aV2.elementAt(i);

                if (!((elm1 == null) ? (elm2 == null) : elm1.equals(elm2))) {
                    return false;

            return true;
        } else {
            return false;
    } // End EPPUtil.equalVectors(Vector, Vector)

    // End EPPUtil.getNextElementSibling(Element)

     * Gets the first direct child element with a given tag name and XML
     * namespace.
     * @param aNS
     *            XML namespace of the elements. For example, for domain element
     *            this is "urn:iana:xmlns:domain".
     * @param aTagName
     *            Tag name to scan for.
     * @return Matching <code>Element</code> if found; <code>null</code>
     *         otherwise.
    public static Element getElementByTagNameNS(Element aElement, String aNS, String aTagName) {

        Element retElm = null;

        aTagName = EPPUtil.getLocalName(aTagName);

        NodeList theNodes = aElement.getChildNodes();

        // Found matching nodes?
        if (theNodes != null) {

            for (int i = 0; (i < theNodes.getLength()) && retElm == null; i++) {
                if (theNodes.item(i).getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
                    Element currElm = (Element) theNodes.item(i);

                    if (currElm.getNamespaceURI().equals(aNS) && currElm.getLocalName().equals(aTagName)) {
                        retElm = currElm;

        return retElm;

     * Gets all of the direct child element with a given tag name and XML
     * namespace.
     * @param aNS
     *            XML namespace of the elements. For example, for domain element
     *            this is "urn:iana:xmlns:domain".
     * @param aTagName
     *            Tag name to scan for.
     * @return <code>Vector</code> of <code>Node</code> instances that are
     *         elements and have the specified tag name and XML namespace.
    public static Vector getElementsByTagNameNS(Element aElement, String aNS, String aTagName) {
        Vector retVal = new Vector();

        aTagName = EPPUtil.getLocalName(aTagName);

        NodeList theNodes = aElement.getChildNodes();

        if (theNodes != null) {
            for (int i = 0; i < theNodes.getLength(); i++) {
                if (theNodes.item(i).getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
                    Element currElm = (Element) theNodes.item(i);

                    if (currElm.getNamespaceURI().equals(aNS) && currElm.getLocalName().equals(aTagName)) {

        return retVal;

     * Gets the local name given the qualified element name. If the local name
     * is passed, it will be simply returned back.R
     * @param aQualifiedName
     *            Qualified name of the element like <code>domain:name</code>. A
     *            localhost like <code>name</code> can be passed without error.
     * @return Localname of the qualified name
    public static String getLocalName(String aQualifiedName) {
        if (aQualifiedName.indexOf(':') != -1) {
            aQualifiedName = aQualifiedName.substring(aQualifiedName.indexOf(':') + 1);

        return aQualifiedName;

     * Gets the namespace prefix given a qualified name. If no prefix is found,
     * empty string is returned.
     * @param aQualifiedName
     *            Qualified name of the element like <code>domain:name</code>.
     * @return Namespace prefix of the qualified name if found; empty string
     *         ("") if not found.
    public static String getPrefix(String aQualifiedName) {
        String prefix = "";

        if (aQualifiedName.indexOf(':') != -1) {
            prefix = aQualifiedName.substring(0, aQualifiedName.indexOf(':'));

        return prefix;

     * Gets the first DOM Element Node of the <code>aElement</code> DOM Element.
     * @param aElement
     *            Element to scan for the first element.
     * @return Found DOM Element Node if found; <code>null</code> otherwise.
    public static Element getFirstElementChild(Element aElement) {
        NodeList children = aElement.getChildNodes();

        for (int i = 0; i < children.getLength(); i++) {
            if (children.item(i).getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
                return (Element) children.item(i);

        return null;

     * Gets the next sibling Element of a provided Element.
     * @param aElement
     *            Element to start scan for the next Element.
     * @return Found DOM Element Node if found; <code>null</code> otherwise.
    public static Element getNextElementSibling(Element aElement) {
        Element theSibling = null;
        Node theCurrNode = aElement;

        while ((theCurrNode != null) && (theSibling == null)) {
            theCurrNode = theCurrNode.getNextSibling();

            if ((theCurrNode != null) && (theCurrNode.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE)) {
                theSibling = (Element) theCurrNode;

        return theSibling;

     * A pass-thru to the getTextContent() method using a default value of false
     * for the required flag.
    static public String getTextContent(Node node) throws EPPDecodeException {
        return getTextContent(node, false);

     * Return the text data within an XML tag.<br>
     * <id>12345</id> yields the String "12345"<br>
     * If the node==null, child==null, value==null, or value=="" => Exception<br>
     * UNLESS allowEmpty, in which case return ""
     * <p>
     * For reference:<br>
     * &lt;tag&gt;&lt;/tag&gt; => child is null<br>
     * &lt;tag/&gt; => child is null<br>
     * &lt;tag&gt; &lt;/tag&gt; => value is empty
    static public String getTextContent(Node node, boolean allowEmpty) throws EPPDecodeException {
        if (node != null) {
            Node child = node.getFirstChild();
            if (child != null) {
                String value = child.getNodeValue();
                if (value != null) {
                    value = value.trim();
                    if (value.length() > 0) {
                        return value;
        if (allowEmpty)
            return "";
        throw new EPPDecodeException("Empty tag encountered during decode");

     * Determines if one <code>List</code> is a subset of another
     * <code>List</code>. If every element in <code>aV1</code> is in
     * <code>aV2</code> return <code>true</code>; otherwise return
     * <code>false</code>.
     * @param aV1
     *            Subset <code>List</code> to compare against <code>aV2</code>
     * @param aV2
     *            Superset <code>List</code> to compare against <code>aV1</code>
     * @return <code>true</code> if <code>aV1</code> is a subset of
     *         <code>aV2</code>; <code>false</code> otherwise.
    public static boolean listSubset(List aV1, List aV2) {
        Iterator v1Iter = aV1.iterator();

        while (v1Iter.hasNext()) {
            if (!aV2.contains( {
                return false;

        return true;
    } // End EPPUtil.listSubset(List, List)

     * Converts an <code>EPPCodecComponent</code> to a <code>String</code> for
     * printing. Each <code>EPPCodecComponent</code> can use this utility method
     * to implement <code>Object.toString()</code>.
     * @param aComponent
     *            a concrete <code>EPPCodecComponent</code> instance
     * @return <code>String</code> representation of
     *         <code>EPPCodecComponent</code> if successful; "ERROR"
     *         <code>String</code> otherwise.
    public static String toString(EPPCodecComponent aComponent) {
        String ret = "ERROR";

        try {
            Document document = new DocumentImpl();
            Element elm = aComponent.encode(document);

            ret = toString(elm);
        } catch (Exception ex) {

        return ret;

     * Converts an <code>aElement</code> to a <code>String</code> for printing.
     * @param aElement
     *            <code>Element</code> to print
     * @return <code>String</code> representation of <code>Element</code> if
     *         successful; "ERROR" <code>String</code> otherwise.
    public static String toString(Element aElement) {
        String ret = "ERROR";
        ByteArrayOutputStream theBuffer = new ByteArrayOutputStream();

        // Serialize DOM Document to stream
        try {
            TransformerFactory transFac = TransformerFactory.newInstance();
            Transformer trans = transFac.newTransformer();
            trans.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.INDENT, "yes");
            trans.setOutputProperty("{}indent-amount", "2");
            trans.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.OMIT_XML_DECLARATION, "yes");
            trans.transform(new DOMSource(aElement), new StreamResult(theBuffer));
            ret = new String(theBuffer.toByteArray());
        } catch (Exception ex) {

        return ret;

     * Converts an <code>aElement</code> to a <code>String</code> for printing 
     * without pretty printing.
     * @param aElement
     *            <code>Element</code> to print
     * @return <code>String</code> representation of <code>Element</code> if
     *         successful; "ERROR" <code>String</code> otherwise.
    public static String toStringNoIndent(Element aElement) {
        String ret = "ERROR";
        ByteArrayOutputStream theBuffer = new ByteArrayOutputStream();

        // Serialize DOM Document to stream
        try {
            TransformerFactory transFac = TransformerFactory.newInstance();
            Transformer trans = transFac.newTransformer();
            trans.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.OMIT_XML_DECLARATION, "yes");
            trans.transform(new DOMSource(aElement), new StreamResult(theBuffer));
            ret = new String(theBuffer.toByteArray());
        } catch (Exception ex) {

        return ret;

     * Determines if one <code>Vector</code> is a subset of another
     * <code>Vector</code>. If every element in <code>aV1</code> is in
     * <code>aV2</code> return <code>true</code>; otherwise return
     * <code>false</code>.
     * @param aV1
     *            Subset <code>Vector</code> to compare against <code>aV2</code>
     * @param aV2
     *            Superset <code>Vector</code> to compare against
     *            <code>aV1</code>
     * @return <code>true</code> if <code>aV1</code> is a subset of
     *         <code>aV2</code>; <code>false</code> otherwise.
    public static boolean vectorSubset(Vector aV1, Vector aV2) {
        Enumeration v1Enum = aV1.elements();

        while (v1Enum.hasMoreElements()) {
            if (!aV2.contains(v1Enum.nextElement())) {
                return false;

        return true;
    } // End EPPUtil.vectorSubset(Vector, Vector)

     * Decode a <code>List</code> of <code>Integer</code>'s by XML namespace and
     * tag name, from an XML Element. The children elements of
     * <code>aElement</code> will be searched for the specified <code>aNS</code>
     * namespace URI and the specified <code>aTagName</code>. Each XML element
     * found will be decoded and added to the returned <code>List</code>. Empty
     * child elements, will result in an <code>EPPDecodeException</code>.
     * @param aElement
     *            XML Element to scan. For example, the element could be
     *            &ltdomain:update&gt
     * @param aNS
     *            XML namespace of the elements. For example, for domain element
     *            this is "urn:iana:xmlns:domain".
     * @param aTagName
     *            Tag name of the element including an optional namespace
     *            prefix. For example, the tag name for the domain name servers
     *            is "domain:server".
     * @return <code>List</code> of <code>Integer</code> elements representing
     *         the text nodes of the found XML elements.
     * @exception EPPDecodeException
     *                Error decoding <code>aElement</code>.
    public static List decodeIntegerList(Element aElement, String aNS, String aTagName) throws EPPDecodeException {

        List retVal = new ArrayList();

        Vector theChildren = EPPUtil.getElementsByTagNameNS(aElement, aNS, aTagName);

        for (int i = 0; i < theChildren.size(); i++) {
            Element currChild = (Element) theChildren.elementAt(i);

            Integer retInteger = null;

            Node textNode = currChild.getFirstChild();

            // Element does have a text node?
            if (textNode != null) {

                String intValStr = textNode.getNodeValue();
                try {
                    retInteger = Integer.valueOf(intValStr);
                } catch (NumberFormatException e) {

                    throw new EPPDecodeException(
                            "EPPUtil.decodeIntegerList Can't convert value to Integer: " + intValStr + e);
            } else {
                throw new EPPDecodeException(
                        "EPPUtil.decodeIntegerList Can't decode numeric value from non-existant text node");


        return retVal;
    } // End EPPUtil.decodeIntegerList(Element, String, String)

     * Encode a <code>List</code> of <code>Integer</code>'s in XML with a given
     * XML namespace and tag name.
     * @param aDocument
     *            DOM Document of <code>aRoot</code>. This parameter also acts
     *            as a factory for XML elements.
     * @param aRoot
     *            XML Element to add children nodes to. For example, the root
     *            node could be &ltdomain:update&gt
     * @param aList
     *            <code>List</code> of <code>Integer</code>'s to add.
     * @param aNS
     *            XML namespace of the elements. For example, for domain element
     *            this is "urn:iana:xmlns:domain".
     * @param aTagName
     *            Tag name of the element including an optional namespace
     *            prefix. For example, the tag name for the domain name servers
     *            is "domain:server".
     * @exception EPPEncodeException
     *                Error encoding the <code>List</code> of
     *                <code>Integer</code>'s.
    public static void encodeIntegerList(Document aDocument, Element aRoot, List aList, String aNS, String aTagName)
            throws EPPEncodeException {
        Element currElm;
        Text currVal;

        if (aList != null) {
            Iterator elms = aList.iterator();

            while (elms.hasNext()) {
                currElm = aDocument.createElementNS(aNS, aTagName);
                currVal = aDocument.createTextNode(;

            } // end while (elms.hasNext())

        } // end if (aList != null)

    } // End EPPUtil.encodeIntegerList(Document,Element, List, String, String)

     * Collapse Whitespace, which means that all leading and trailing whitespace
     * will be stripped, and all internal whitespace collapsed to single space
     * characters. Intended to emulate XML Schema whitespace (collapse)
     * constraining facet:
     * @param inString
     *            <code>String</code> to be collapsed
     * @return <code>String</code> with whitespace collapsed, or null when
     *         result is empty
    public static String collapseWhitespace(String inString) {

        if (inString == null) {
            return null;

        String s = inString.trim(); // remove leading and trailing whitespace
        StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();

        int len = s.length();
        boolean prevWhitespace = true;
        for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
            char c = s.charAt(i);
            if (Character.isWhitespace(c) == false) {
                sb.append(c); // maintain all non-whitespace characters
                prevWhitespace = false;
            } else {
                if (prevWhitespace == false) {
                    sb.append(' '); // replace each sequence of whitespace with
                    // a single space
                    prevWhitespace = true;

        if (sb.length() == 0) {
            return null; // return null string when result is empty
        } else {
            return sb.toString(); // return collapsed string


     * Remove Whitespace, which means that all whitespace will be stripped.
     * @param inString
     *            <code>String</code> from which to remove whitespace
     * @return <code>String</code> with whitespace removed, or null when result
     *         is empty
    public static String removeWhitespace(String inString) {

        if (inString == null) {
            return null;

        StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();

        int len = inString.length();
        for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
            char c = inString.charAt(i);
            if (Character.isWhitespace(c) == false) {
                sb.append(c); // maintain all non-whitespace characters

        if (sb.length() == 0) {
            return null; // return null string when result is empty
        } else {
            return sb.toString(); // return result string


     * Base64 encode the XML <code>Element</code> tree.
     * @param aElement Root element to encode in Base64
     * @return Base64 encoded value of the XML <code>Element</code> tree.
     * @throws Exception Error encoding the <code>Element</code>
    public static String encodeBase64(Element aElement) throws Exception {
        ByteArrayOutputStream ostream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();

        TransformerFactory transFac = TransformerFactory.newInstance();
        Transformer trans = transFac.newTransformer();
        trans.transform(new DOMSource(aElement), new StreamResult(ostream));

        return (new String(Base64.encodeBase64(ostream.toByteArray(), true)));
