Source code

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 * Copyright 2011 Vecna Technologies, Inc.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you
 * may not use this file except in compliance with the License.  You may
 * obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * implied.  See the License for the specific language governing
 * permissions and limitations under the License.

package com.vecna.dbDiff.hibernate;

import java.sql.Types;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;

import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration;
import org.hibernate.dialect.Dialect;
import org.hibernate.engine.spi.Mapping;
import org.hibernate.mapping.Constraint;
import org.hibernate.mapping.Index;
import org.hibernate.mapping.UniqueKey;

import com.vecna.dbDiff.model.CatalogSchema;
import com.vecna.dbDiff.model.ColumnType;
import com.vecna.dbDiff.model.db.Column;
import com.vecna.dbDiff.model.db.ForeignKey;
import com.vecna.dbDiff.model.relationalDb.RelationalDatabase;
import com.vecna.dbDiff.model.relationalDb.RelationalIndex;
import com.vecna.dbDiff.model.relationalDb.RelationalTable;

 * Creates DbDiff relational database model from Hibernate mappings
 * @author
public class HibernateMappingsConverter {
    private static final int DEFAULT_KEY_SEQ = 1;
    private static final List<DbSpecificMappingInfo> DB_MAPPING = Arrays.asList(
            new DbSpecificMappingInfo("PostgreSQL", new DbNameTruncateInfo(63, 63), new PostgreSqlTypeMapper()));

    private static final ImmutableSet<Integer> NUMERIC_TYPES = ImmutableSet.of(Types.BIGINT, Types.BOOLEAN,
            Types.BIT, Types.DECIMAL, Types.TINYINT, Types.SMALLINT, Types.INTEGER, Types.FLOAT, Types.DOUBLE,
            Types.NUMERIC, Types.REAL);

    private final CatalogSchema m_catalogSchema;
    private final Configuration m_configuration;
    private final Mapping m_mapping;
    private final Dialect m_dialect;
    private final DbSpecificMappingInfo m_dbSpecificMappingInfo;

     * Extract the name of the table as it would appear in the database.
     * @param table hibernate table model.
     * @return the name of the table as it would appear in the database.
    private String getTableName(org.hibernate.mapping.Table table) {
        return m_dbSpecificMappingInfo.getTruncateInfo().truncateTableName(table.getName().toLowerCase());

     * Extract the name of the column as it would appear in the database.
     * @param column hibernate column model.
     * @return the name of the column as it would appear in the database.
    private String getColumnName(org.hibernate.mapping.Column column) {
        return m_dbSpecificMappingInfo.getTruncateInfo().truncateColumnName(column.getName().toLowerCase());

     * Create a new converter instance
     * @param catalogSchema default catalog/schema information
     * @param configuration hibernate configuration
     * @param mapping hibernate mapping
    public HibernateMappingsConverter(CatalogSchema catalogSchema, Configuration configuration, Mapping mapping) {
        m_catalogSchema = catalogSchema;
        m_configuration = configuration;
        m_mapping = mapping;

        m_dialect = getDialect(m_configuration);
        m_dbSpecificMappingInfo = getDbSpecificMappingInfo(m_dialect);

     * Create a new converted instance
     * @param catalogSchema default catalog/schema information
     * @param configuration hibernate configuration (the mapping will be built from the configuration)
    public HibernateMappingsConverter(CatalogSchema catalogSchema, Configuration configuration) {
        this(catalogSchema, configuration, configuration.buildMapping());

     * Extract the dialect from a hibernate configuration.
     * @param hibernateConfiguration hibernate configuration.
     * @return the dialect object.
    private Dialect getDialect(Configuration hibernateConfiguration) {
        String dialectClassName = hibernateConfiguration.getProperty("hibernate.dialect");
        if (dialectClassName == null) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("dialect is not set");
        Class<?> dialectClass;

        try {
            dialectClass = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().loadClass(dialectClassName);
        } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("can't load dialect class", e);

        try {
            return (Dialect) dialectClass.newInstance();
        } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("can't create dialect", e);
        } catch (InstantiationException e) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("can't create dialect", e);

     * Get an instance of {@link DbSpecificMappingInfo} for the target DB based on the dialect used.
     * @param dialect the dialect to infer a {@link DbSpecificMappingInfo} from
     * @return an instance of {@link DbSpecificMappingInfo} that suits the target DB
    private DbSpecificMappingInfo getDbSpecificMappingInfo(Dialect dialect) {
        String simpleName = dialect.getClass().getSimpleName();

        for (DbSpecificMappingInfo info : DB_MAPPING) {
            if (simpleName.startsWith(info.getShortDialectName())) {
                return info;

        return new DbSpecificMappingInfo("", DbNameTruncateInfo.noTruncate(), new NoopSqlTypeMapper());

     * Convert Hibernate mappings to DbDiff RelationalDatabase
     * @return a RelationalDatabase representation of the hibernate mappings
    public RelationalDatabase convert() {
        List<RelationalTable> tables = new ArrayList<>();
        Iterator<org.hibernate.mapping.Table> mappedTables = m_configuration.getTableMappings();

        while (mappedTables.hasNext()) {

        return new RelationalDatabase(tables);

     * Convert a Hibernate table model to the DbDiff table model.
     * @param mappedTable hibernate table.
     * @return DbDiff table.
    private RelationalTable convertTable(org.hibernate.mapping.Table mappedTable) {
        RelationalTable table = new RelationalTable(m_catalogSchema, getTableName(mappedTable));

        List<Column> columns = new ArrayList<>();
        List<RelationalIndex> indices = new ArrayList<>();

        Iterator<org.hibernate.mapping.Column> mappedColumns = mappedTable.getColumnIterator();
        int idx = 1;
        while (mappedColumns.hasNext()) {
            org.hibernate.mapping.Column mappedColumn =;
            Column column = convertColumn(mappedColumn, mappedTable, idx++);
            if (mappedColumn.isUnique()) {
                indices.add(getUniqueIndex(table, column));


        Set<ForeignKey> fkeys = new HashSet<>();
        Iterator<org.hibernate.mapping.ForeignKey> mappedKeys = mappedTable.getForeignKeyIterator();
        while (mappedKeys.hasNext()) {
            convertForeignKey(, fkeys);


        Iterator<Index> mappedIndices = mappedTable.getIndexIterator();

        while (mappedIndices.hasNext()) {
            indices.add(convertIndex(, table));

        Iterator<UniqueKey> mappedUniqueKeys = mappedTable.getUniqueKeyIterator();
        while (mappedUniqueKeys.hasNext()) {
            indices.add(convertIndex(, table));

        if (mappedTable.getPrimaryKey() != null) {
            indices.add(convertIndex(mappedTable.getPrimaryKey(), table));
            List<String> pkColumnNames = new ArrayList<>();
            Iterator<org.hibernate.mapping.Column> pkColumns = mappedTable.getPrimaryKey().getColumnIterator();
            while (pkColumns.hasNext()) {


        return table;

     * Create a {@link RelationalIndex} representation of a column's unique constraint.
     * @param table the table that contains the column.
     * @param column the column with a unique constraint.
     * @return a {@link RelationalIndex} representation of the constraint.
    private RelationalIndex getUniqueIndex(RelationalTable table, Column column) {
        RelationalIndex index = new RelationalIndex(table.getCatalogSchema(), null);
        return index;

     * Convert a Hibernate constraint (unique key, primary key) representation to a {@link RelationalIndex}.
     * @param mappedConstraint hibernate constraint.
     * @param table the table the constraint applies to.
     * @return a {@link RelationalIndex} representation of the same constraint
    private RelationalIndex convertIndex(Constraint mappedConstraint, RelationalTable table) {
        Iterator<org.hibernate.mapping.Column> mappedColumns = mappedConstraint.getColumnIterator();
        return convertIndex(null, mappedColumns, table);

     * Convert a Hibernate index representation to a {@link RelationalIndex}.
     * @param mappedIndex hibernate index.
     * @param table the table the index applies to.
     * @return a {@link RelationalIndex} representation of the index.
    private RelationalIndex convertIndex(Index mappedIndex, RelationalTable table) {
        Iterator<org.hibernate.mapping.Column> mappedColumns = mappedIndex.getColumnIterator();
        return convertIndex(StringUtils.lowerCase(mappedIndex.getName()), mappedColumns, table);

     * Convert a Hibernate index model to a {@link RelationalIndex}.
     * @param name index name.
     * @param mappedColumns columns spanned by the index.
     * @param table the table that the index belongs to.
     * @return a {@link RelationalIndex} representation of the index.
    private RelationalIndex convertIndex(String name, Iterator<org.hibernate.mapping.Column> mappedColumns,
            RelationalTable table) {
        List<Column> columns = new ArrayList<>();

        while (mappedColumns.hasNext()) {
        RelationalIndex index = new RelationalIndex(m_catalogSchema, name);
        return index;

     * Convert a Hibernate foreign key object to a {@link ForeignKey}, then add to the foreign key (fk) set.
     * For composite fk each column is converted to a {@link ForeignKey} with a unique sequence number.
     * @param mappedKey hibernate foreign key.
     * @param fkeys a {@link ForeignKey} Set.
    private void convertForeignKey(org.hibernate.mapping.ForeignKey mappedKey, Set<ForeignKey> fkeys) {
        for (int i = 0; i < mappedKey.getColumns().size(); i++) {
            ForeignKey fkey = convertForeignKey(mappedKey, i);
            if (fkey != null) {

     * Convert a Hibernate foreign key object to a {@link ForeignKey}
     * @param mappedKey hibernate foreign key.
     * @param columnIndex 0-based index of the column in a foreign key.
     * @return a {@link ForeignKey} representation of the same foreign key.
    private ForeignKey convertForeignKey(org.hibernate.mapping.ForeignKey mappedKey, int columnIndex) {
        org.hibernate.mapping.Column column = mappedKey.getColumn(columnIndex);
        org.hibernate.mapping.Table table = mappedKey.getTable();

        org.hibernate.mapping.Table referencedTable = mappedKey.getReferencedTable();
        org.hibernate.mapping.Column referencedColumn;

        if (mappedKey.getReferencedColumns().size() == 0) {
            referencedColumn = referencedTable.getPrimaryKey().getColumn(columnIndex);
        } else {
            referencedColumn = (org.hibernate.mapping.Column) mappedKey.getReferencedColumns().get(columnIndex);

        ForeignKey fkey = new ForeignKey();


        fkey.setKeySeq(String.valueOf(DEFAULT_KEY_SEQ + columnIndex));


        return fkey;

     * Convert a Hibernate column representation to a {@link Column} object.
     * @param mappedColumn the Hibernate column.
     * @param owner the table that contains the column.
     * @param ordinal column's ordinal in the table.
     * @return a {@link Column} representation of the same column.
    private Column convertColumn(org.hibernate.mapping.Column mappedColumn, org.hibernate.mapping.Table owner,
            int ordinal) {
        Column column = new Column(m_catalogSchema, getColumnName(mappedColumn), getTableName(owner));
        ColumnType type = new ColumnType(mappedColumn.getSqlTypeCode(m_mapping),
                mappedColumn.getSqlType(m_dialect, m_mapping));


        if (NUMERIC_TYPES.contains(column.getType())) {
            if (mappedColumn.getPrecision() != org.hibernate.mapping.Column.DEFAULT_PRECISION) {
        } else if ("character".equals(mappedColumn.getValue().getType().getName())) {
        } else if (!"binary".equals(mappedColumn.getValue().getType().getName())
                && mappedColumn.getLength() != org.hibernate.mapping.Column.DEFAULT_LENGTH) {


        boolean notNull = !mappedColumn.isNullable()
                || (owner.getPrimaryKey() != null && owner.getPrimaryKey().getColumns().contains(mappedColumn));



        return column;