Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2013 Fabien Vauchelles (fabien_AT_vauchelles_DOT_com). * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 3, 29 June 2007, of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, * MA 02110-1301 USA */ package com.vaushell.shaarlijavaapi; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.TreeSet; import org.apache.commons.configuration.ConfigurationException; import org.apache.commons.configuration.HierarchicalConfiguration; import org.apache.commons.configuration.XMLConfiguration; import org.joda.time.DateTime; import static org.testng.AssertJUnit.*; import org.testng.annotations.BeforeClass; import org.testng.annotations.BeforeMethod; import org.testng.annotations.Test; /** * Unit test. * * @see ShaarliClient * @author Fabien Vauchelles (fabien_AT_vauchelles_DOT_com) */ public class ShaarliClientTest { // PUBLIC public ShaarliClientTest() { // Nothing } /** * Initialize the test. * * @throws ConfigurationException */ @BeforeClass public void setUp() throws ConfigurationException { // My config String conf = System.getProperty("conf"); if (conf == null) { conf = "conf-local/configuration.xml"; } final XMLConfiguration config = new XMLConfiguration(conf); // New format final ShaarliTemplates templates = new ShaarliTemplates(); final List<HierarchicalConfiguration> cTemplates = config.configurationsAt("shaarli.templates.template"); if (cTemplates != null) { for (final HierarchicalConfiguration cTemplate : cTemplates) { templates.add(cTemplate.getString("[@key]"), cTemplate.getString("[@csspath]"), cTemplate.getString("[@attribut]"), cTemplate.getString("[@regex]")); } } clientUnauth = new ShaarliClient(templates, config.getString("shaarli.endpoint")); clientAuth = new ShaarliClient(templates, config.getString("shaarli.endpoint")); clientAuth.login(config.getString("shaarli.login"), config.getString("shaarli.password")); } /** * Remove all links before each test. */ @BeforeMethod public void cleanAndCheck() { clientAuth.deleteAll(); assertEquals("Delete all should remove all links", 0, clientAuth.getLinksCount()); } /** * Test CRUD. */ @Test public void testCRUD() { // Create final TreeSet<String> tags = new TreeSet<>(); tags.add("java"); tags.add("coding"); final String ID = clientAuth.createLink("", "Blog de Fabien Vauchelles n", "Du coooodde rahhh::!!!!! #", tags, false); // Create check assertTrue("ID should be assigned", ID != null && !ID.isEmpty()); List<ShaarliLink> links = clientUnauth.searchAll(1); assertEquals("Only 1 links should be created", 1, links.size()); ShaarliLink link = links.get(0); assertEquals("IDs must be the same", ID, link.getID()); assertEquals("URLs must be the same", "", link.getUrl()); assertEquals("Titles must be the same", "Blog de Fabien Vauchelles n", link.getTitle()); assertEquals("Descriptions must be the same", "Du coooodde rahhh::!!!!! #", link.getDescription()); assertFalse("Link must not be restricted", link.isRestricted()); assertArrayEquals("Tags must be the same", tags.toArray(), link.getTags().toArray()); // Modify final TreeSet<String> tags2 = new TreeSet<>(); tags2.add("codding"); tags2.add("blogging"); clientAuth.createOrUpdateLink(ID, "", "Nouveau titre", "Nouvelle description", tags2, true); // Modify check links = clientUnauth.searchAll(1); assertEquals("Link must have disappear from public view", 0, links.size()); links = clientAuth.searchAll(1); assertEquals("A modification shouldn't create another link", 1, links.size()); link = links.get(0); assertEquals("IDs must be the same", ID, link.getID()); assertEquals("URIs must be the same", "", link.getUrl()); assertEquals("Titles must be the same", "Nouveau titre", link.getTitle()); assertEquals("Descriptions must be the same", "Nouvelle description", link.getDescription()); assertTrue("Link must be private", link.isRestricted()); assertArrayEquals("Tags must be the same", tags2.toArray(), link.getTags().toArray()); // Delete clientAuth.delete(ID); assertEquals("Link shouldn't exist here", 0, clientAuth.getLinksCount()); } /** * Test a link creation for a unlogged user. */ @Test public void testCreateUnlogged() { final TreeSet<String> tags = new TreeSet<>(); tags.add("java"); tags.add("coding"); clientUnauth.createLink("", "Blog de Fabien Vauchelles n1", "Du coooodde rahhh::!!!!! #", tags, false); assertEquals("Unlogged user can't create links", 0, clientUnauth.getLinksCount()); } /** * Test if burst mecanism protects from the same ID generation. */ @Test public void testBurstMecanism() { final TreeSet<String> tags = new TreeSet<>(); tags.add("java"); tags.add("coding"); clientAuth.createLink("", "Blog de Fabien Vauchelles n1", "Du coooodde rahhh::!!!!! #", tags, false); final TreeSet<String> tags2 = new TreeSet<>(); tags2.add("java"); tags2.add("coding"); clientAuth.createLink("", "Blog de Fabien Vauchelles n2", "Du code, du vrai", tags2, false); assertEquals("2 quick creations can't have the same id (one creation per second)", 2, clientAuth.getLinksCount()); } /** * Test search all. */ @Test public void testSearchAll() { // Create DateTime t = new DateTime(); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { final TreeSet<String> tags = new TreeSet<>(); tags.add("tagfix"); tags.add("tag" + i); clientAuth.createOrUpdateLink(t, "" + i, "Blog de Fabien Vauchelles n" + i, "du java quoi! #" + i, tags, false); t = t.plusSeconds(1); } // Check assertEquals("10 links should have been created", 10, clientAuth.getLinksCount()); clientUnauth.setLinksByPage(3); int num = 9; final Iterator<ShaarliLink> it = clientUnauth.searchAllIterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { final ShaarliLink link =; assertEquals("URLs must be the same", "" + num, link.getUrl()); assertEquals("Titles must be the same", "Blog de Fabien Vauchelles n" + num, link.getTitle()); assertEquals("Descriptions must be the same", "du java quoi! #" + num, link.getDescription()); assertFalse("Link must be public", link.isRestricted()); final TreeSet<String> tags = new TreeSet<>(); tags.add("tagfix"); tags.add("tag" + num); assertArrayEquals("Tags must be the same", tags.toArray(), link.getTags().toArray()); --num; } } /** * Test search all reverse. */ @Test public void testSearchAllReverse() { // Create DateTime t = new DateTime(); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { final TreeSet<String> tags = new TreeSet<>(); tags.add("tagfix"); tags.add("tag" + i); clientAuth.createOrUpdateLink(t, "" + i, "Blog de Fabien Vauchelles n" + i, "du java quoi! #" + i, tags, false); t = t.plusSeconds(1); } // Check assertEquals("10 links should have been created", 10, clientAuth.getLinksCount()); clientUnauth.setLinksByPage(3); int num = 0; final Iterator<ShaarliLink> it = clientUnauth.searchAllReverseIterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { final ShaarliLink link =; assertEquals("URLs must be the same", "" + num, link.getUrl()); assertEquals("Titles must be the same", "Blog de Fabien Vauchelles n" + num, link.getTitle()); assertEquals("Descriptions must be the same", "du java quoi! #" + num, link.getDescription()); assertFalse("Link must be public", link.isRestricted()); final TreeSet<String> tags = new TreeSet<>(); tags.add("tagfix"); tags.add("tag" + num); assertArrayEquals("Tags must be the same", tags.toArray(), link.getTags().toArray()); ++num; } } /** * Test search term. */ @Test public void testSearchTerm() { final TreeSet<String> tags = new TreeSet<>(); tags.add("java"); tags.add("coding"); DateTime t = new DateTime(); clientAuth.createOrUpdateLink(t, "", "Blog de Fabien Vauchelles n1", "Du coooodde rahhh::!!!!! #", tags, false); t = t.plusSeconds(1); final TreeSet<String> tags2 = new TreeSet<>(); tags2.add("java"); tags2.add("coding"); clientAuth.createOrUpdateLink(t, "", "Blog de Fabien Vauchelles n2", "Du code, du vrai", tags2, false); assertEquals("2 links should have been created", 2, clientAuth.getLinksCount()); final Iterator<ShaarliLink> it = clientAuth.searchTermIterator("code"); assertTrue("Search should work", it.hasNext()); final ShaarliLink link =; assertEquals("Search should find the good result", "Blog de Fabien Vauchelles n2", link.getTitle()); } /** * Test search tag. */ @Test public void testSearchTag() { final TreeSet<String> tags = new TreeSet<>(); tags.add("java"); tags.add("coding"); DateTime t = new DateTime(); clientAuth.createOrUpdateLink(t, "", "Blog de Fabien Vauchelles n1", "Du coooodde rahhh::!!!!! #", tags, false); t = t.plusSeconds(1); final TreeSet<String> tags2 = new TreeSet<>(); tags2.add("coding"); tags2.add("blogging"); clientAuth.createOrUpdateLink(t, "", "Blog de Fabien Vauchelles n2", "Du code, du vrai", tags2, false); assertEquals("2 links should have been created", 2, clientAuth.getLinksCount()); final Iterator<ShaarliLink> it = clientAuth.searchTagsIterator("java"); assertTrue("Search should work", it.hasNext()); final ShaarliLink link =; assertEquals("Search should find the good result", "Blog de Fabien Vauchelles n1", link.getTitle()); } /** * Test tags creation. */ @Test public void testTags() { // Create link 1 final TreeSet<String> tags = new TreeSet<>(); tags.add("java"); tags.add("coding"); final String ID = clientAuth.createLink("", "Blog de Fabien Vauchelles n", "Du coooodde rahhh::!!!!! #", tags, false); assertTrue("ID should be assigned", ID != null && !ID.isEmpty()); // Create link 2 final TreeSet<String> tags2 = new TreeSet<>(); tags2.add("java"); tags2.add("blogging"); final String ID2 = clientAuth.createLink("", "Site Vauchelles n", "Stout", tags2, false); assertTrue("ID should be assigned", ID2 != null && !ID2.isEmpty()); final Map<String, Integer> atags = clientAuth.getTags(); assertEquals("Tags count must be 3", 3, atags.size()); assertEquals("Keyword 'blogging' must exists 1 time", 1, (int) atags.get("blogging")); assertEquals("Keyword 'coding' must exists 1 time", 1, (int) atags.get("coding")); assertEquals("Keyword 'java' must exists 2 times", 2, (int) atags.get("java")); } /** * Test setLinksByPage. */ @Test public void testSetLinksByPage() { // Create DateTime t = new DateTime(); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { final TreeSet<String> tags = new TreeSet<>(); tags.add("tagfix"); tags.add("tag" + i); clientAuth.createOrUpdateLink(t, "" + i, "Blog de Fabien Vauchelles n" + i, "du java quoi! #" + i, tags, false); t = t.plusSeconds(1); } for (int i = 1; i <= 10; i++) { clientAuth.setLinksByPage(i); final List<ShaarliLink> links = clientAuth.searchAll(1); assertEquals("Links set and count must match", i, links.size()); } } // PRIVATE private ShaarliClient clientUnauth; private ShaarliClient clientAuth; }